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Andrei Nikolayevich Savelyev: biography. Andrei Savelyev: biography, personal life, political activities Andrei Savelyev leading

Chairman of the Unregistered Party "Great Russia"

Chairman of the Unregistered Party "Great Russia". From 2006 to December 2011, one of the leaders of the Public Organization "Motherland - Congress of Russian Communities". He was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation from the electoral association "Motherland" (People's Patriotic Union), a former member of the faction "Fair Russia -" Rodina "(People's Patriotic Union)" (until January 2007 - the Fraction "Motherland"). Member of movement against illegal emigration. Active promoter of the Russian national idea.

Andrei Nikolaevich Savelyev was born on August 8, 1962 in the city of Free Amur Region. In 1979 he graduated from school, in 1985 - Moscow Physics and Technology,. From 1985 to 1990, he worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics and Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics. In 1990 he graduated from graduate school, having received a scientific degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (specialty "Chemical physics"). In the same year, he became a deputy of the Mossoveta (he worked in commissions in the consumer market and on affairs of public organizations, then became the director of the Mosovet Public Center). He worked there before eliminating the Mossovet in 1993.

In 1992, Saveliev became interested in political scientists. In 1993 he graduated from two courses of the Moscow Legal Institute, in 1994 - Courses of the Fund Market Specialists. In 1995-1998, he worked in a number of analytical centers, in the Russian socio-political center. In 1998 he went to work in the International Congress of Russian Communities. In 1999, he became an adviser to the State Duma Deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin, who was then the post of Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and the Special Representative of the President of Kaliningrad. He remained in this position until 2003.

In 2000, Saveliev defended his doctoral dissertation on political sciences (specialty "Political institutions and processes") ,. In November 2002 - April 2003 he worked in Kaliningrad as an analyst "Rogozinsky Bureau" (held the position of head of the office of the Bureau).

In December 2003, Saveliev was elected to the State Duma from the merger of the "Motherland" (People's Patriotic Union). This union, which included a batch of Russian regions, a socialist single party and a batch of national revival "People's Volia", was created on September 14, 2003 to participate in the elections. In the State Duma Savelyev entered the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction, later he was elected deputy chairman of the Committee. It was included in the counting committee of the Duma.

On January 21, 2005, Saveliev joined the hunger strike, announced by the representatives of the Motherland faction. This hunger strike was announced after the deputies learned that the State Duma's agenda did not include the consideration of an alternative statement "On the negative social consequences of replacement of monetary payments". Together with Saveliev, the Chairman of the Party of Dmitry Rogozin was going to starve, as well as deputies Oleg Denisov, Ivan Kharchenko and Mikhail Markelov. Markelov promised to journalists that the hunger strike will be broadcast around the clock on the party site, "so that there were no provocations and reproaches."

A week after the start of the hunger strike, Saveliev was hospitalized with a diagnosis of low blood sugar content. The rest of the deputies stopped the hunger strike in the first days of February 2005. Their requirements (resignation of the Minister of Health, Mikhail Zurabova, Minister of Finance, Alexei Kudrin and Minister of Economic Development and Trade of German Gref; Introduction of a moratorium on the law on monetization of benefits; Creating an emergency commission for finding ways to exit the established crisis) and have not been fulfilled,.

At the end of March 2005, the name of Savelyev appeared in the media in connection with the fight in the State Duma. It was reported that Savelyev began with the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovsky told reporters that he filed a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia demanding to initiate criminal cases against Savelyev and the head of the "Rodina" Frame of Rogozin. In response, the deputies from the Communist Party and Motherland began to collect signatures for feeding Zhirinovsky from the post of vice-speaker. They also offered colleagues to deprive the Zhirinovsky deputy inviolability and announced a boycott, but this proposal was not accepted, and in April 2005 Saveliev still had to testify in the Prosecutor General's Office in connection with the fight.

In June 2005, soon after the mass disconnection of electricity in Moscow and the region, Saveliev proposed deputies to request data on the amount of wages of members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia, as well as heads of regional energy enterprises, which are held in Holding. The State Duma approved his proposal. On June 16, Saveliev took part in the promotion of representatives of the Moscow branch of the Motherland party, during which the inflatable scarecrow of the head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais was launched into the sky. As Savelyev explained, thus his comrades in the party averaged Chubais "retirement" ahead of schedule and can hold a similar campaign on the occasion of the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In early October 2005, Rogozin, Savelyev and their associate in the party Alexander Babakov entered the State Duma amendment to the law on the situation of foreigners in Russia. Deputies offered to ban foreigners to trade in the markets, referring to the need to protect the Russian manufacturer. Experts of the Center for Political Technologies, the Carnegie Center and Levada Center considered that on the eve of the election in the Moscow City Duma, the Motherland party tried to play xenophobic sentiments, hoping to ensure that Muscovites support would support themselves.

After in the summer of 2006, it became known about the coming merger of "Motherland" and the Russian party of life of the Speaker of the Council of the Federation Sergey Mironov, Saveliev made a sharp criticism of what was happening. When the union of the "Motherland", RLPG and who acceded to them, the Russian batch of pensioners led to the creation of a new party "Fair Russia", politician said: "They (" fair Russia ") have dragged legal authority with us. Moreover, 150 thousand of our supporters There was a status - a member of the Motherland party, which they have now stolen. " He also added that he has every reason for filing a lawsuit, but no consequences have had this statement. Savelyev remained a member of the "Motherland" faction, who replaced its name in January 2007 to "Fair Russia -" Rodina "(People's Patriotic Union)."

At the end of September 2006, Saveliev entered into the ranks of the "movement against illegal immigration" (DPNI). He became the first parliamentarian who joined the movement known to his xenophobic slogans. As explained by journalists a deputy, studying in the State Duma the problem of migration, he found that the position of the DPNI was very close to him. Savelyev denied the accusations of extremism, repeatedly sounded to the movement. According to him, the Kremlin specifically deployed a campaign against movement, because it fears for his own future and is trying to blame all responsibility for inter-ethnic conflicts in the country on DPNI.

In October 2006, the media reported that Savelyev became part of the Public Council for the preparation of the nationalist "Russian march" - the shares that the DPNNI organized for the first time in 2005. Then the action was called the "right march", and several people who were at the event with Nazi and fascist symbolism took part in it. After that, the marchs in Russia spoke about the fascism raising head. The prefecture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow banned the DPNI to conduct a march in 2006, referring to "big construction work on meat", which can interfere with the passage of the columns of demonstrators. DPNI continued to achieve permission - already from the Moscow City Hall - to carry out the event, however, on October 31, the head of the city administration, Yuri Luzhkov, announced his decision to ban "Russian March".

In December 2006, at the rehabilitation congress of the Congress of the Russian communities, Saveliev was elected a member of the Presidium of the Motherland. Cro.

In May 2007, the Constituent Congress of the New Political Party "Great Russia" took place. Despite the fact that its founders were Cro Rogozin and headed by Belov DPNNI, both policies were not party leaders: Saveliev was elected for a period of four years. At the congress, representatives in the party governing bodies were also elected, its charter was adopted and the party symbol was approved - the Ussuri tiger in the jump ,. A few days later, Saveliev was summoned to the Basmann Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, where he was interrogated by the investigator for more than two hours. According to the policies, his challenge to the investigator was associated with the request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on the person supported by the "United Kingdom" faction of the LDPR with a request to check what funds are created by the Great Russia and does not finance this batch of the Entrepreneur Boris Berezovsky. "I hope that I completely satisfy the curiosity of the investigator, since there were no illegal actions by the organizers of the party," Saveliev said.

In July 2007, the Federal Registration Service (Rosregister) refused to register "Great Russia" as a party. Among the reasons for the refusal were called "problems in the Charter", as well as the insufficient number of members of the party (according to the law they should be at least 50 thousand people). Experts who spent comments on what happened, found a refusal to register "Great Russia" by a political solution. Nevertheless, Saveliev declared its intention to challenge the decision of the Roshegistracy in court (according to him, the charter of the "Great Russia" "letter to the letter" coincides with the charter of the Fair Russia party, headed by SP Sergey Mironov's speaker) ,.

At the end of August 2007, Saveliev reported that all changes required, according to him, for successful registration were made to the statutory documents of "Great Russia". On August 23, the party re-submitted documents to Rosregister, and on September 24, 2007, it was re-re-re-denied.

In September 2007, Saveliev left the faction "Fair Russia - Motherland" (People's Patriotic Union) "in the State Duma. His identity acts connected with the transition to "polletes" of one of the leaders of the LDPR Alexey Mitrofanov. However, Saveliev himself said that "it's just a reason," and the reason for his care is that "Wed is the direct opposite of the party" Motherland ",.

On September 13, 2007, Rogozin, Saveliev, as well as the leader of the Party of "Patriots of Russia" Gennady Semigin and the head of the Renaissance of Russia, Gennady Seleznev signed an agreement on the establishment of the electoral coalition "Motherland - Patriots of Russia". Thus, the predictions of analysts were justified that Rogozin and Savelyev, in case their party, will not be registered, can enter the pre-election list of "patriots" (did not deny this and seven himself). On September 24, 2007, the first three of the federal list of "Patriots of Russia" was published on parliamentary elections. Her, as expected, was headed by Semigin. Savelyev also ranked first in the electoral list of the party in the Moscow region ,. As a result of the parliamentary elections held in December 2007, the Patriots of Russia did not fall into the State Duma, typing 0.89 percent of the votes of voters.

In 2008, Savelyev became a member of the Russian Imperial Union-Order, despite that back in 2005 he publicly jumped into loyalty to the head of the Russian Imperial House of the Grand Prince Maria Vladimirovna.

In May 2011, the CRO was officially registered by the Ministry of Justice as an international union of public associations of assistance to compatriots. Savelyev at that time was a member of the Cro Organizing Committee. In August of the same year, the Ministry of Justice registered the All-Russian Public Organization "Motherland - Congress of Russian communities" ,.

On December 14, 2011, Saveliev announced his exit from the "Motherland-Cro", explaining his decision to disagree with Rogozin's politics, which in the day before it entered the 2012 election headquarters in the 2012 presidential election, and previously became an authorized "United Russia" on parliamentary elections of 2011 ,, Saveliev said that "any cooperation with Putin is a stigma for the rest of his life," and called on all like-minded people to follow their example.

Saveliev is the author of more than 300 scientific and publicistic articles, author of the books "Nomenclature Mount" (1995), "Ideology of the absurd" (1995), "Chechen trap" (1997), "Multi and Magic Magic" (1999), "Political Mythology "(2003)," Nation and State "(2005)," Time of the Russian Nation "(2007)," image of the enemy. Rasology and political anthropology "(2007, 2nd Edition - 2010)," Putin's Epoch "(2011 ), "Real Sparta" (2011). Many of these books he wrote under the pseudonym "A.Colov". Editor and degree of scientific collections "The inevitability of the Empire" (1996), "Russian Story" (1997), "racial meaning of the Russian idea" (1999, 2000, 2002).

Savelyev is married, he has two sons. The circle of his interests includes a Russian national idea, conservative ideology, political mythology, ethnopolyting, state theory. Savelyev is fond of oriental martial arts.

Used materials

Statement by A.N. Savelyev about the exit from the All-Russian Public Organization "Motherland-Kro". - Andrei Savelyev's blog (, 14.12.2011

Putin's election headquarters held the first meeting. - RIA News, 13.12.2011

The CEC of Russia registered Rogozin authorized representative of the EP. - RIA News, 25.11.2011

Rogozin announced the registration of the new political project "Motherland - Congress of Russian communities." -, 19.08.2011

Recently, an increase in the media is noted to the activist of the Russian national idea, a fighter with illegal migration to Andrei Savelyev, who heads the "Great Russia" - a party that has no registration in the Russian Ministry of Justice.

From biography Politics

Citizen of the Russian Federation Savelyev Andrei Nikolaevich is a native of the Amur region. Born 8.08.1962

In 1979, he became a student, enrolling in the Moscow Fiztechin Institute, in which he studied until 1985.

Then, for five years, he was an employee at the Institute of Chemical Physics and at the Institute for Energy Procedure of Himphysics.

At the end of graduate school in 1990, he became a candidate of Fizmatnoek. PhD defended in chemical physics.

Since the same year, Andrei Savelyev worked as a deputy in the Mossovet. At first he was in the Commission-held by the Consumer Market, then entered the Commission, the Affairs of Public Organizations.

At the time of disbanding the Mossoveta in 1993 Savelyev, Andrei Nikolaevich, held the post of director in the Social Center of Mossoveta.

Passion for political science

Since 1992, Savelyev has emerged a new passion - political science. By next year, he was trained in two courses at the Moscow Law Institute, in 1994 he was a listener at the courses of specialists in the stock market.

From 1995 to 1998, Andrei Savelyev worked in various analytical centers, including the place of his work was the Russian socio-political center.

Since 1998, he began active activities in the International Congress of Russian Communities.

Since 1999, Andrei Saveliev began to fulfill the functions of the adviser to the State Duma of the FS of Russia Dmitry Rogozin, who was the chairman at the Duma Committee on International Affairs and was a special representative of the president in Kaliningrad. Rogozin held this position until the fall of 2003.

2000 I remember Savelyev's fact that he became a doctor of political sciences, the topic of the thesis concerned and processes.

From the fall of 2002 and until April 2003, the political scientist Andrei Savelyev was engaged in analytical work in the Rogozinsky Bureau, was the head of the Kaliningrad apparatus.

Deputy activity

In December 2003, Savelyev was elected to the State Duma deputies. He represented the union of the "Motherland", in which, besides the Party of Russian Regions, included the Socialist Unified Party and the National Renaissance Party called "Folk Free".

In the Duma Savelyev introduced a committee engaged in constitutional legislation and government agency. In the future, he received the post of deputy chairman of this committee. In addition, he entered the Duma Accounts Commission.

01/21/2005 Andrei Savelyev decided to join the hunger strike promotion, which was declared the "Motherland" faction.

This action was carried out in protest against the refusal to include the State Duma on the agenda of the proposal for the consideration of an alternative version of the draft law on social problems that could occur after the benefits will be replaced with cash payments.

In addition to the Chairman of the Party of Dmitry Rogozin, several deputies were also involved in this action, several deputies: Markelov M., Kharchenko I., Denisov O.

Mikhail Markelov was given a promise that, in order to avoid various kinds of provocative actions, the entire hunger strike procedure will be exhibited on the site of the Motherland party.

After the week of hunger strike, Savelyev diagnosed "understated content of sugars in the blood," which was the cause of its hospitalization.

The action was discontinued in early February 2005, a positive result of the protesters did not succeed.

The participants in the hunger strike demanded the resignation of a number of ministers, such as Zurabov Mikhail (Healthcare), Kudrin Alexey (Finance), Gref Herman (Economic Development and Trade). They also offered to create an emergency commission to find the optimal way out of the current crisis.

Conflict with Zhirinovsky

In March 2005, the media reported that a fight occurred in the walls of the State Duma, whose participants were the nationalist Andrei Savelyev and the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In the Press Speech, Zhirinovsky was stated that it was submitted to the General Prosecutor's Office, which states the need to initiate criminal cases towards Saveliev and the Chairman of the "Motherland" Dmitry Rogozin.

In response to this deputies of the Fractions "Motherland" and the Communist Party, the collection of signatures for the offer of the review of Zhirinovsky with the Vice-Speaker Post was initiated.

In addition, it was proposed to deprive the leader of the LDPR deputy inviolability and declare a boycott.

These offers did not find support in the deputy corps.

Savelyev had to testify to the employees of the Prosecutor General's Office about the fight in the Duma with Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Fighting with abuses in RAO "UES"

In the summer of 2005, mass turns off electricity took place in the capital and Moscow region.

These circumstances prompted Savelyev to offer colleagues deputies to make a request to the government in order to find out the size of the wages of the leadership of RAO UES of Russia and managers in the regions.

Deputy Corps This idea was approved.

06/16/2005 Savelyev took part in the shares conducted by representatives of the metropolitan department of "Motherland", where they were symbolically sent by Chubais "on a well-deserved rest." A similar campaign was planned to be held to the Presidential Day, but it was subsequently refused.

On the position of migrant workers

In the autumn of 2005, Rogozin, Saveliev and Babakov, the State Duma was proposed to change the situation with the position of foreigners in our country.
In particular, it was proposed to introduce a ban on trade in agricultural products to foreigners in order to protect local producers.

Experts of Carnegi and Levada Centers were assumed that the eve of the election campaign to the Moscow City Duma, the representatives of the "Motherland", playing by the Xenophobic idea, are trying to gain support for metropolitan inhabitants.

Since March 2006, information has appeared that Savelyev is included in the reference book "Ultra-right Russian radicals", which was issued by human rights and anti-fascist organizations.

In addition to him, such famous odious individuals were included in the list of ideologues, such as Alexander Barkashov ("Russian National Unity"), Alexander Ivanov-Sukharevsky ("People's National Party"), Alexander Demushkin (Slavic Union) and Alexander Prokhanov (Glavred newspapers "Tomorrow").

The ideologue of nationalism was also named Vladimir Kvachkov, who was previously colonel of the Main Intelligence Department, against which the accusation of an attempt was to organize an attempt on Anatoly Chubais in March 2005.

Merging political structures

Having learned about the upcoming merger of the "Rodina" party with the Mironovsky "Russian party of life", Saveliev sharply criticized this idea.

After the creation of "Fair Russia", which united the "Rodin", the "Russian Life Party" and "Russian Party of Pensioners" Saveliev was made a statement that "fair Russia" was stolen by legal powers and the status of membership in the "Motherland" party.

In his opinion, there was enough reason to appeal to the court with the appropriate claim, but no consequences did not occur after this statement.

The politician remained in the "Motherland" faction, which from January 2007 entered the People's Patriotic Union and was renamed "Fair Russia - the Motherland."


In the fall of 2006, Saveliev joined the "movement against illegal immigration", known under the abbreviation of the DPNNI.

He was the first of the deputies included in this structure, glorifying his xenophobic spirit. The politician argued that this movement is not an extremist.

In his statements for media correspondents, Andrei Savelyev about Putin, the following: Kremlin, specially unfolded campaign of opposition to movement, as the head of state is afraid of his own future and tries to make the DPNI in Russia in Russia in the activation of inter-ethnic conflicts.

Party "Great Russia"

In the spring of 2007, the newly created Political Parliament "Great Russia" conducted its constituent congress. The initiators of the congress were the Rogozinsky Congress of Russian communities and the DPNI, which was headed by Belov, but Savelyev Andrei was chosen by the Chairman of the party. "Great Russia" found its leader for a four-year term.

The congress, except for the election of the governing core of the political structure, adopted the appropriate charter and approved the symbol: Ussuri tiger in the jump.

After some time after the congress, A. Saveliev was invited to the investigator of the Basmann Prosecutor's Office of the city of Moscow, where he was interrogated for almost two hours.

According to Savelyev, the cause of the challenge to the investigator was a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, initiated by the LDPR faction, where it was proposed to find out: where the funds were taken to create the "Great Russia" and does not accept the participation in its financing of the Opt Businessman Berezovsky.

According to Savelyev, prosecutor's employees were satisfied with the testimony obtained from him, since nothing anti-invincible founders of the party did not.

Books Savelyeva Andrey

Savelyev is written over three hundred articles of journalistic and scientific character. When publishing books, he sometimes used the pseudonym A. Kolev.

The 2003th was marked by the release of "political mythology", the 2005th - "nation and state".

Much wrote Andrei Savelyev about the monarchy.

He is the editor of the Russian Building, the "inevitability of the Empire" and other collections.

The Savelyeva family is a wife and two sons. Hobbies - oriental martial arts.

Savelyev Andrey Nikolaevich - Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Great Russia party leader.
According to the convictions Andrei Nikolaevich: Monarchist, imperialist, Russian nationalist, Militarist, Orthodox Fundamentalist, National Conservative, Patriot of Russia.
Born on August 8, 1962 in the city of Free Amur Region.
-When the principle of "Russian - Help Russian" will enter our lives, it will change exactly how we would like. When the Russians begin to help each other, they will achieve those who understand the Russian soul to Russia, Russian interests, serves the Russian spirit and Russian tradition.
- No such nationality - "Sibiryak". There are residents of Siberia, as well as residents of Ryazan or Nizhny Novgorod province. Everywhere there is its own place (territorial) patriotism, which is inherent, including sibigars. But "Sibiryak" is not a nationality, but a territorial sign, earthland. Of course, they have their own local features, as well as residents of the Far East and Central Russia. But there was no peculiar "Siberian culture" and "Siberian self-consciousness" in Russia. Ethnically, Siberians do not differ from those who exist in other places of our huge country.
-Golsheviki not only collided the Russians among themselves in the Civil War, not only destroyed the color of the nation - leading class, but also embarrassed by the Russian self-consciousness by internationalism. As a result, the country was repacked by ethnic borders, for which it was dissected in 1991. The Russian idea is deeply contraished by any internationalism. Russia acquires his universe service as a distinctive country and a unique state - an empire connecting many nations under the leadership of Russians.
-The appropriate is invariably: socialism is, among other things, the diagnosis is also diagnosed. If a person is for socialism, then he is full and already an incorrigible idiot that knows nothing, he does not hear anything, it is not able to understand anything in principle. I propose a completely final definition: "Socialism is idiocy."
-Libers are disgusting. But with them we have long stopped communicating. But the "pagans" just climb and climb. And this is just a nauseous public. Nothing but hate to the Russian people in this "belief" in their mental and spiritual vices is simply not. Full identity to liberas. Those hate Russia, and these too. This is the same hand, as well as forever liberty. Although they can be both Russian with her mother, but their minds are broken, and the Spirit faded with vast fiction about Russia and Russians. They hate the whole Russian history. Exactly as liberas. They do not want to know what "Russians" is. And they spit into the graves of our ancestors. There is nothing but hate in them. There is nothing at all from historical paganism in them - they don't know anything at all. Russian movement from such a meaningless public alone alone alone. They are always and all spoil, whatever they touch. Even if part of the consciousness is not killed yet, it is still sooner or later they strike in Russian, if they begin to take them in the buddies, associates, comrades. These are natural traitors. And betrayal in their madness is formed from wild fantasies about "paganism" and wild slander in Orthodoxy and Orthodox people. If a person has a man clogged with him, nothing to do with it. Drunk breaks off, and the half-door in a samented condition will never go.

Savelyev Andrei Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Party "Great Russia", Doctor of Political Sciences.

Born on August 8, 1962 in the free Amur region. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Physics, graduate school.

He worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics and Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1991, specialty "Chemical physics"). In 1990 he became a deputy Mossovet. He worked in commissions in the consumer market and on public organizations, then - Director of the Mossovet's Public Center.

After the illegal elimination of the Moscow Council worked in a number of analytical centers, in the Russian socio-political center. After a series of denunciations from the "Democratic Public" quit and moved to work at the International Congress of Russian Communities.

In December 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma on the list of the Block "Motherland". In the Duma, he worked as Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS and Relations with Compatriots, then the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction. In 2004-2006, he consisted in the "Motherland" party, was a member of the Bureau Presidium. After replacing the leader, ideology and the names of the party (the transformation into "Fair Russia"), it was out of its composition.

At the constituent congress of the political party "Great Russia" on May 5, 2007, he was elected his chairman.

Since 1992 he was engaged in political science, defended his doctoral dissertation on political sciences. Author of more than 300 scientific and journalistic articles, author of the book "Mount of Nomenclature", "Ideology of the absurd", "Chechen trap", "Mortality of the Mass and Magic of the Chiefs", "Political Mythology", "The Time of the Russian Nation", "The Enemy's Image".

Circle of scientific interests: Russian national idea, conservative ideology, political mythology, ethnopolitics, state theory, political anthropology.

Hobbies: Oriental martial arts.

Books (1)

How to killed the USSR

How to killed the USSR. Who became a billionaire. The fatal 90s, the destruction of the Soviet Union, the birth of the oligarchy.

Twenty years ago, as a result of the state coup committed by Yeltsin, his supporters, with the support of foreign enemies of our country, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was destroyed.

Those who remember what happened to our country 20 years ago, to watch Mikhail Gorbachev, the initiator of the country's dismemberment, which had all the management tools in the hands to suppress Kramol and bring the country to the main route of its development, laid down in tradition.

In the short interval of 1991-1995. In Russia there were tremendous capital, the power of money acquired hypertrophied forms. During this period, political power in the country acquired support in the new oligarchs.

An understanding of the transformation that happened to Russia is one of the steps to go on the way to get rid of the oligarchy and the approval of fair power, living the execution of socially useful tasks. What is the author and sees his civil and professional debt.

Party leader "Great Russia", doctor of political sciences, monarchist, imperialist, Russian nationalist, Militarist, Orthodox fundamentalist, National conservative.

Born on August 8, 1962 in the city of Free Amur Region. In 1979 he graduated from school, in 1985 - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. From 1985 to 1990, he worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics and Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics. In 1990 he graduated from graduate school, having received a scientific degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (specialty "Chemical Physics").
In the same year, he became a deputy of the Mossoveta (he worked in commissions in the consumer market and on affairs of public organizations, then became the director of the Mosovet Public Center). He worked there until its liquidation.
Since 1992 he has been engaged in political scientists.
In 1998 he went to work in the International Congress of Russian Communities.
In 2000, Saveliev defended his doctoral dissertation on political sciences (specialty "Political institutions and processes")

In December 2003, Andrei Nikolaevich was elected a deputy of the State Duma from the merger of "Motherland". The State Duma entered the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction, later he was elected deputy chairman of the Committee. It was included in the counting committee of the Duma.

On January 21, 2005, Saveliev joined the hunger strike in the walls of the parliament by the representatives of the "Motherland" faction. This hunger strike was announced after the deputies learned that the State Duma's agenda did not include the consideration of an alternative statement "On the negative social consequences of replacement of monetary payments".

A week after the start of the hunger strike, Saveliev was hospitalized with a diagnosis of "reduced blood sugar content." The rest of the deputies stopped the hunger strike in the first days of February 2005. Their requirements (resignation of the Minister of Health Mikhail Zurabov, Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin and Minister of Economic Development and Trade German Grefa; Introduction of the moratorium on the law on the monetization of benefits; Creating an emergency commission to find ways to exit the established crisis) and have not been fulfilled.

At the end of March 2005, the name of Savelyev appeared in the media in connection with the fight in the State Duma. It was reported that Savelyev began with the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovsky told reporters that he filed a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia demanding to initiate criminal cases against Savelyev and the head of the Rogozin Fractions. In response, the deputies from the Communist Party and Motherland began to collect signatures for feeding Zhirinovsky from the post of vice-speaker. They also offered colleagues to deprive the Zhirinovsky deputy inviolability and announced a boycott, but this proposal was not accepted, and in April 2005 Saveliev still had to testify in the Prosecutor General's Office in connection with the fight.

In June 2005, soon after the mass disconnection of electricity in Moscow and the region, Saveliev proposed deputies to request data on the amount of wages of members of the Board of Directors and Management Board of RAO UES of Russia, as well as heads of regional energy enterprises that are held in the holding. The State Duma approved his proposal. On June 16, Saveliev took part in the action of representatives of the Moscow branch of the Motherland party, during which the inflatable scarecrow of the head of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais, was launched into the sky. As Savelyev explained, thus his comrades in the party ahead of schedule sent Chubais "to a pension" and can hold a similar campaign on the occasion of the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In early October 2005, Rogozin, Savelyev and their associate in the party Alexander Babakov entered the State Duma amendment to the law on the situation of foreigners in Russia. Deputies offered to ban foreigners to trade in the markets, referring to the need to protect the Russian manufacturer. The liberal media more than once tried to blame the party "Motherland" in xenophobia.

After in the summer of 2006, it became known about the upcoming merger of "Motherland" and the Russian party of life Speaker of the Council of the Federation Sergey Mironova, Savelyev made a sharp criticism of what was happening. When the union of the "Motherland", RLPG and who acceded to them, the Russian Party of Pensioners led to the creation of a new party "Fair Russia", politician stated: "They (" fair Russia ") have dragged legal authority with us. Moreover, 150 thousand of our supporters had the status - a member of the Motherland party, which they have now stole. "