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Ritual with poppy seeds. Will there be a payback? Claims on the poppy for work

Folk Names: Field poppy, fiery flower.
Planet: Moon
Element: water
Divine:Gins, Ceres, Morfe, Demeter (Ceres), Persephone, Venus
Used parts of the plant: Seeds, dry boxes with seeds, ground part of the plant
Magic properties:childbearing ability, welfare, prophetic dreams, protection against witchcraft and dead
Magical use:wild Mac Seeds used in rustic magic as protective equipment from the sorcerer and the dead. It was believed that the sprinkled poppy seeds in the house would protect him from the sorcerer, they will protect animals from the evil eye and damage, and the graves will not give the graves to the dead. Young wives generously sprinkled with Poppy Mac, as the eating him brought a healthy and easy pregnancy into the house.

Amulet for prophetic dreams:Remove the seeds from the dried poppy seed box, put a yellow piece of paper with a question exciting you. Leave the box at the night of the headboard. At night, the prophetic dreams will be posted.

Amulet for wealth: Wear a dried box with seeds, so that the seeds would not be confused to wrap the box in a yellow piece of paper.

Amulet for wealth in the house: Seeds with 7 boxes are placed in a purple box (box, envelope) and place houses in the south-east or in the left corner from the entrance to the apartment.

Mac - symbol of fertility, fertility, oblivion, idleness. Blooming red poppy - symbol of beauty and temporary happiness, death and sleep.

In China, poppy personifies care from affairs, rest, beauty and success. There is a second side of the poppy - narcotic, therefore poppy is also a symbol of dreams, decay and evil.

In Christianity, the narcotic component of poppy was also not bypassed, so he symbolizes sleep, ignorance and indifference. A red poppy flower also personifies suffering and death.

Mac grows in all nine worlds (measurements), it fully explains its properties. Poppy seeds can be perfectly memorized and transferring information to any kind, so they are used in white and in black magic. Fight at the poppy to remove it difficult, because hard to "unpack" negative program - Mac "remembers" her on the ether. For understanding: Holy water is a sphere of religion, Mac - the sphere of magic. They intersect on makovy - poppy, consecrated in this holiday in the church, is able to save protective properties for a whole year.

Magical application

Mac, like all wildflowers, is endowed with extraordinary abilities. After all, as you know, spirits will be seized in the field colors.
Spirits of colors are special entities. They may be kind, and not very. They can sang and mislead. Flowers can help in many endeavors. Therefore, when you walk in the meadow, on which the wildflowers grow, try not to forget about what is not available to the usual gaze.

Use Mac in magic is very careful, since the results may not always be as you expect them.

In love magic apply Poppy seeds.

Poppy seeds should be collected in front of the evening, on the night of a growing moon. Poppy seeds must be collected in the palm of his right hand. For a ritual, you can not collect poppy seeds to assemble in any dishes or crook. In the same evening, bring the seeds home and divide them into three parts. Check ordinary yeast dough. Make three muffins with poppies. Bake buns and leave them until the morning. It is desirable that Mac Buns are close to the head of your bed. The next day go to your chosen one with buns. Eat one bun yourself, the second should eat your friend. And divide the third bun, and eat in half. All actions you must do with a kind heart.

To attract love, we carry several seeds in your pocket.

Mac is a faith from various unclean power:

From a walking dead man: He was put in the coffin, the deceased suspected of his signs, poured him into the grave and around the grave of the suicide, Hangman, the sorcerer, saying: "Then you will enter the house when this poppy will gather (recalculate, eat)" (Ukraine, Poland) .
. Makom - Magnamy, lying on the Christmas Table, showered the whole house, walking through the sun to prevent vampire visits. During the funeral procession, they threw it after the coffin, sowed him on the road from home to the cemetery.
. He also has the ability to counteract unclean power: While the demon will not collect a lot of scattered poppy seeds, he, by believing, cannot move further and harm.
They showered the angle, where the fever was lying with the newborn (Czechs, Slovaks).

In the wedding rituals they poured him into the stocking of the bride (Voronezh Territory), gave a newlywedheld with her a poppy head to protect against sorcerers and a bad eyes.

Pachali poured in Klelev and around the chlev with the verdict: "Who is this statek (the White Mac) will gather, he will take a dispute from my cow"; After the calves, cow trembled and calf with the same words (Polesie, Transcarpathia, Slovakia, Croatia).

The horn was drilled by Horn, the sanctified poppy was poured there and scored as an aspen peg; The cow tied a nodule with incense and poppy to the right horn of the cow. (Ukraine).
On Christmas Eve, the hosts went with Christmas bread, honey and poppy courtyard and thickly sprinkled against them around the barn, "Schob Vіdi, yogo visible, could not start thin." (Ukraine)
According to beliefs, it is worth a poppy to the house - and all the tricks witches will be invalid. Only it should be consecrated for this. Macovia, that is, on the day of Martyrs Maccabeev, August 1.

Mac also defended people and cattle from the snake: on the eve of the annual holidays, they were evaporated, they were filled with Mac Hatu, put it on the window so that the snakes were filled into the house; They shook a cow so that she did not bite the snake. In the Czech Republic, it was used on Christmas Eve - fed the chickens to get so many eggs from them, how many grains of poppies chicken.

With the help of Mac, people tried to look into the future, for example:

Take a dry box with seeds, do a small hole and remove seeds, write a question on a small piece of paper yellow color. Folded piece of paper Put in the box and put near the bed. At the dawn, you will learn the answer to the question from a prophetic sleep.
. If at midnight for Christmas to become at the crossroads of two roads with a mortar, in which to pour poppy, and hit the pestle into it three times, then in the distinguished deaf sounds you can learn about the events of the upcoming year (Germany).

Highly strong Obereg You read on your birthday: I-bone baptized, my place is sanctified, cross with me, cross in front of me, goes an angel with me. Dawn the Sun feeds, the star meets the month. Mine my enemies gave birth, blinding my enemies gathered. The eyes closed them, to open them forgot. As the Life of the Sand River breaks, how she worms steep, so different, muttering the mind of my enemies. In now, on forever, it is infinite. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! This is for baptized, and for not baptized, take so much poppy in your hand as it can fit in the palm of your hand. Speak the poppy from one hand to the other and speak like this: as it is true that the Christian poppy does not believe that the stars are clear from the sky, so that the fate is mine, happiness does not lose and no black power stolen. My word is hard, my thing is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, Amen, Amen ***

In order for someone else's magic impact

You can talk to a black poppy conspiracy at a burning candle, in front of a round mirror, so that the poppy reflects in the mirror: "As a mirror reflects the poppy, reflects and does not accept, so the poppy properties of its properties will absorb, and from now reflects, all the victims, passion, conspira , all the bad and sketch, unclean and malicious, will reflect and send back, and what will not send it to himself and takes it to take it, protects and protect. " After how they sentenced, put in the bag on the chest or in your pocket. After some time, after wearing, this poppy burned, along with all the negative, which he absorbed and speak fresh. This method can be applied to protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, magical impact, from envy and negative from those who do something against you.

Walked on a trading.

Put in front of you on a black canvas trifle, salt, poppy. Conspiration read 7 times. Before the beginning of the conspiracy, make a cross sign and full of earthly bow. "As the introduction of the Virgin Mary to the temple, spores entered and easily, even though the temple has high, so my trading goes aroused and soon, easily and high. Money for money goes out, the profit in the wider will start as in God's temple It goes like a simple, merchant and prince, and in my trading house there is a simple, merchant and prince, there is a person with a half-one, with a ruble, with a crowd, with a thousandth, with Altya. People go crowd, money flows the river. As a day of introduction, full of people, the temple of God, and are full of my trading. As a monastic wall is tightly, my shopping is so firmly done in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "A canvas with trifle, salt and poppy collapse. Store in the workplace.

Cash plot above the ground

Take a pinch of the Earth from my own trace, mix it with salt and poppy, cross and read the conspiracy over all this: stands the mountain strong, stands the Mountain of the Lord. Through that mountain, the elder was walking, on that mountain, the cross set. And who is the cross to the cross, he does not know the century. And I, the slave of God (name), to the cross, I am carrying all myself, I apologize to the cross, I'm silent the cross, I will change the cross. Give me, the Cross of the Lord, all kind, and Zlata, and Silver. And how to you, the cross of the Lord, people go, so that the money went to me, continuously, infinitely, from the end of the earth, from the edge of God's world. I do not ask yourself, I ask for good, for good peoplefor beggars of orphans. God will resurrect, and the guise of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. How the smoke disappears, yes will disappear, as the wax falls on the face of the fire, so that the demons died on the face of the loving gentlemen, and the banned cross signs, and worshiping the honest and life-giving cross, and in the fun of the verbolors: about the pretensible and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help us with the sacred mistress, the girl of the Virgin Tseu and all the saints. Amen ". Earth This wrap in a small kulek and put in the wallet. Between the world and the village, so my selection of son
Would be honest and magnifies between pans and pits,
Between the world and the village.
I'm going on Gadine, it chases it, and the Speza himself.
Panov and the judges full of the courtyard of pigs,
And I spend those pigs.
Court - the court, century - century!
All the judges will disarm, and they sit that they eat me.
I will not eat me, I have a bear mouth,
Wolf lips, pork teeth.
Court - the court, century - century!
Who my poppy will pick up
That will be the court to give me.
I will hide my poppy in the iron rode,
I'll throw a question in the ocean-sea.
The ocean-sea does not dry
Kadi my no one takes out,
And nobody picks my poppy.
Court - the court, century - century!
Short teeth and lips evil hearts,
And the keys throw in the ocean-sea,
In your iron.
When the sea dry, when poppy from the cadi go,
Then I will not.
Court - the court, century - century!

Maku always attributed to those or other magic properties. It was often used in various rituals and sacraments. For their conduct, various parts of this plant were taken, but the most effective element for achieving the goals of the rite was considered magic grains. Mages were believed that by conducting conspiracies on the poppy, it is possible to use all the energy that contains. The maximum magical force possessed the poppy, grown on his own land and consecrated to the Slavic holiday Macs, which is celebrated on August 14.

With the help of such a ritual as a conspiracy on the poppy, you can attract money to the house, to become lucky, to establish a personal life, solve problems in the family and even eliminate a personal enemy or rival. Next, we suggest strong conscriptions on the poppy.

For ritual will need to be displayed round table Green tablecloth. On top of the tablecloth draw soap oval and fall asleep the poppy seeds into it. Next you need to draw out of seeds inside the soap circle, the image of the cross and proceed to reading the conspiracy. Must be with accuracy to say such words:

"In the sea, there is one island in the ocean. There are land on the island. There God, Mother of God and I. I go closer to them, I bow to them below. Mother of God, you lived, I took bread in my hands, I paid money for him, put money in the wallet. No money without any money, do not sew clothes, not to buy candles in the church. Give, Lord, exactly so much money in the wallet, how much poppy on the scarf. And let it be so! "

After the words are pronounced, you need to take some poppy seeds from the circle and throw them into your wallet. Then you need to fill the bath with warm water, fall asleep the remaining seeds in the form of a cross into the water and plunge into it 7 times, repeating the conspiracy every time. Then you need to lie down into the water and lie there for some time, imagining your careless in my head and rich life. This is a conspiracy for money with Mac.

Hidden ill-wishers have each, and the goats of these people are able to seriously spoil our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nastiness, intrigue and leadership. Saving will help conspiracy from enemies - a magic ritual, invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for conspiracy of Vangu, Slavic or Islamic rites - all this for protection against negative. Get rid of enemies hard, but we will help them figure it out. To punish the enemy, protect yourself from trouble to you will be helped by fairly simple spells. Get ready to record.

Enemies and envious in everyday life grabs. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, forcing them to suffer and suffer. There is a proven plot that eliminates you from uncertainty and makes the enemies behind. Read the text you need three times:

"If a bad person (called a name) on God's slave (your name) or a cow, a dog, my horse will wake up, then it is forever to unlose. I collect sand from the sea, I pick up malice. Trees do not recount and all the water sea do not drink, so this person does not overcome me. Let him be romit from the evil man joints, like the root of God's power in the forest breaks. Let back the trouble leave. Let the arrows of conspiracies and prayers of the supports amaze. Amen".

Magic neutralization of the opponent

Some especially powerful rites Aim is to ensure that the offender was afraid of you. Such conspiracies from the nonsense are read, with right handLove on the heart. So, if there are people who interfere with your life, mentally say spell:

"I'm not tormented, and you. From the evil thoughts, the Lord, I'm charging, black things are away. Elektrices are empty, bones - wax. From the goose and unnecessary evil prayer my strong. Forever, Supostat, from my way to go. Victory will be behind me. Adonai.

Get rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may take a conspiracy from enemies at work, decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of the enviousness and worships interfering career promotion, get their photos. In order for the spell from ill-wishers to work efficient, the snapshot should be individual. You would not want to black magic Made bad things with innocent people.

It happens that 10-12 people depicted in the picture, one of which is your sworn enemy. To spend a magic rite, take the scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of the group of detractors, you can work with their collective image.

Conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wound it rising on the released photo. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. The procedure for performing actions:

  1. Read the spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie a thread as hard as possible (three knots you will have enough).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - yes will be so."
  4. After reading the plot of the enemy, go to the street and burn it there.

It is not necessary to complete the combination of rites. Conspuses from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Single sleepy sleeves are read on food spells, others - on three candles. Here full text "Worker" spell:

"Will I am aiming my word, I ascertain my word, so that many supports of the undertaking in a dead end came. Let (mention of the name of either names), the hands are removed from me, do not reach their task. I wish the black thread with a black thread. Let him suffer (the name of the enemy) from the envy, but can't pick up my strength. Always plowing from me to lag behind me. Amen".

The strongest conspiracies

Powerful plot from enemies you will protect even on a large distance. Magic works both in the Slavs and representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential opponent. Having waited for the sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

"Ilya Saint Provice to remove from me to attack and trouble. Heavenly rhe, terrestrial and water strength, tell me how to get rid of the enviousness. Guardian angel for battle leads all his power making evil spoost. Help, heavenly military, with an unpleasant person to cope. Who is miserable is unkind - stop who get rid of me - warn. Evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Conspiracy on a scarf.

To strong plot From the enemies brought the desired effect, you can use magic artifacts. Clawk could put the enemy to a dead braid, prevent its aggressive action. This is a strong protection against enemies, but you need to create a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of moments:

  • we speak the scarf whisper;
  • optimal time for the ritual - before shipment to work;
  • wiped face with a conspiracted handkerchief, hide the resulting charm in his pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • spell can return health, take damage and create good conditions for business.

Scarf will create a bunch of obstacles not good man. One who read a similar population will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the best, but serious enough. Here is the text:

"Serafima and Heavenly Angels. I did a feast for honest friends, the Lord servants and sudden guests. Determine me from the eye of the bad the evil damage Divide from home. What nulipped, the shawl will go. "

Machine Rite

The poppy conspiracy is considered preventive ritual - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of man and the degree of its proximity to you do not play roles. That's what you need to do:

  1. Remove the poppies of the poppies.
  2. Personal poppy into the clay container.
  3. Crosspat food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Take up a conspiracy poppy anyone who cross the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to pour the grain on the hair - enough to throw grains in a pocket of a jacket or shirt. You can do it when the guest wants to go to the toilet. Everything will be fine with the benevoler, and the potential enemy will begin the problems. Conspire text:

"Seaming grains, no evil enemies to the house will not allow. Who has a bad idea was born, immediately returned to the enemia. Let the enemies live and suffer, my health and health do not encroach. If that the enemy decides, the features of his take. "

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. The spell on the candle will become a strong protection against all sacuost. For the ritual you will need a glass with water and three candles. Crosspolt and drink water, lit candles and proceed to reading prayers:

"Lord, remove me from goats and networks, insidious people and evil ideas, swords and poisons. Let me not hit me the Muslim blade, prison, bribing and enemy will. Hot words, false promises, a wave drowning, wild beast and fire, go away. With me Jesus and twelve apostles, from early death, Khvory and an inverted Cross will be fenced. Chur me. Amen".

Returnal conspiracy

There are conspira referred to as "boomerangami". The spell below is read mentally in the face of the enemy swearing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Mentally say the conspiracy.
  3. Seeing fright in the eyes of the opponent, add: "You will come back."

Picky return acts quickly. The enemy leaves, not having time to hurt you. Spell is:

"My will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts - your teles. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a charm of enemies

The experienced signs recommend conspiracies so that the enemies were afraid to combine with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Remove the bulk gray poppy and proceed to the rite on Thursday. Important moment: The delivery in the store when buying a poppy is not taken. The Crested poppy itself is crumbling at the threshold and passively protects your housing from ill-wishers. Conspire text:

A universal means that is used in magic and can establish many areas of life, is a conspiracy on the poppy. To do this, use the usual poppy, which is sold in the departments with spices. Not only mighty sorcerers are capable of reading such conspiracies, but also people who believe in magic. The main thing is to follow all the rules.


Since ancient times, McAli used signs and sorcerers. It is a symbol of beauty and death. IN Ancient Greece It was used for predictions. Shamans used them to enter the transcendent and call images.

Most conspiractions with the use of these seeds are confined to the Macob's holiday, which is celebrated on August 14. On this day, the plant matures and has a maximum level of energy, so the effect of the rite will be the maximum. And also contributes to increasing magic Power The sprinkling of his holy water in the temple.

Seeds are able to maintain their power in centuries. They should be respected with respect, and if you need to get rid of them, they are cheered into the land with the words of gratitude.


In the modern world, he found a use in the following directions:

  • love magic;
  • removing curses and protection against damage;
  • creating faces;
  • communication with the dead man;
  • attracting good luck;
  • improve trade;
  • remove the enemy, rival;
  • attract customers.

Principle of impact

Special magical knowledge, for rituals with these seeds, will not be required. It is important to read the rules carefully, to choose a strong conspiracy problem, prepare the necessary items, to spend the ritual, following the description. It is important to believe the conspiracy strength. This is one of the principles of magic. Seeds are saturated with energy at the moment of pronouncing a conspiracy, then can affect both the energy level and physical.


It is necessary to treat magic with respect. Jokes are fraught with such negative consequences. Not every professional wants to correct the situation you created, so you should know the rules of safe magic:

  • strictly adhere to the description of the ritual, which will ensure minimize negative consequences;
  • ingredients must strictly comply with what are described in the instructions;
  • it is important to realize which poppy use if its exact color is not registered, buy a mixture;
  • conspiracy read only permitted days;
  • it is forbidden to eat poppy, which was used in magical purposes.


Focusing on the situation, from a variety of conspiracy available, the most corresponding to its solution is chosen. To speak can everyone, having prepared and familiarize with the instructions.

Attract customers

On Thursday, there is a conspiracy on a growing moon. To do this, you need to buy a small towel and a glass of seeds. Put the thought of thought and tune in to the ritual. On the counter in the outlet, for which the ritual is carried out, spread the towel. Pass on it seeds. You can talk like these words:

"How will someone come to the aggravated poppy, so right away it will be my goods to buy. Amen".

Way to remove rival

Cool a husband and remove his desire to meet with the other will help this magical rite. Buy seeds and a dense layer scatter them on the threshold, pronouncing words:

"As poultry flying past this house, the whole poppy flush, so let that be the slave of God (name) fascinated, will leave his thoughts. Amen".

Return a loved one

Hold a rite to the growing moon, in the evening. In the prepared white bag, the poppy slept, putting it on the palm, substitute the moon under the light. While the poppy is charged with energy, words are pronounced:

"Mac manits birds, and I am Krasno Girl, I attract men. As the birds would eat alone alone, and my beloved was only with me alone. As poultry tasted the taste of poppy and they are looking for only him, so the desired one will always search for me. From now on forever. Amen"

Pour it in your pockets to your beloved. This ritual will remove his interest in other girls.

From enemies and negative impact

Strong ritual providing good defense from envy of enemies. Read words, standing in front of a mirror with a burning candle, holding seeds so that they reflected in the mirror. Read:

"How surrounding Reflects and does not accept and the poppy from this second, the entire human envy, passions and attack drives out, and that it will not reflect the absorption and protect. "

Fold in the bag and wear with you, after burning, it will destroy the accumulated negative energy.

Conspiracy for luck

To the new moon to light a candle, become under the moon light and, holding a poppy poppy, pronounce:

"Like the light of the moon poppy lights, so luck to me arrive. Amen".

Repeat 12 times with a whisper. Fold in the bag and wear with you. After a month, repeat.

If the troubles are worried and sank hands, there is always the opportunity to spend a magical ritual and speak Mac. He will serve as an overlap, and as an assistant in difficult life situations.

Mac has long been used in various magic rites, of different focus. People believed that the poppy had amazing properties. In rituals, all parts of the plant were used, but the most sought-after magical attributes are poppy seeds. In addition, it is believed that the most effective in magic will be a plant grown in its own area.

Magic offers a huge variety of rites, which use a conspiracy on poppy. With the help of magical influences, it is possible to improve material well-being, attract good luck, restore family relationships Or improve health.

A distinctive feature of all matc rituals can be considered that such rituals are characterized by simplicity. Effective ritual Can conduct any person at home, if he sincerely believes in magic.

Conspiracy to reconciliation with chosen

If you felt that your relationship with your beloved man or spouse was slightly upset, then a special rite with Poppy should be held. Initially, it is necessary to pour a small amount of poppy seeds under the insoles in the shoes of the man.

And then nine times to pronounce magic words:

"Like the Mother's Earth misses Yaril, like a small baby that hurts his mother, as a starving man dreams of bread, so I, the servant of God (his name), the servant of God (the name of the man) will never become a fear, and always cute and welcome . The words of those tested to anyone are not given to change. Amen".

This rite came to the modern world from pagan times, so it can be argued that its effectiveness was proved by time.

To soften the wrath of the head

Very popular rite, directed to the head. This ritual is held in the event that you feel that they made misses at work, and, consequently, disassembly with the boss cannot be avoided. To soften the anger of your manager should use magic. Also this rite It allows you to cope with the boss, which, despite the fact that you are in full and in a timely manner perform all tasks at a highly professional level, constantly cling to you in trifles.

To talk, the attribute used, follows these words:

"In the distant dala high mountain, Green pine is growing there, the table is gilded under it, and the throne stands near it beautiful finish. It sits a couple of people. No one can please, any business does not fit them. I ask for a request to you, the Holy Mother of God, to pacify them, let them give a tongue, but they are not thrown on people. As in the water, the fish swims and silent, does not flute and the anger does not show him, so let my boss, as a fish. Red flower drops the petal not alone, but all after him. Retacked the red poppy and everything went to the way. The things were bad, and the pleasure of work came. I calmly in my soul and joyful. Amen".

Need to find a moment and plunder several poppies on workplace Chief. After that, your relationship with the manager will be applied, and you can safely work.

We remove the rival

If you suspect that your opponent has appeared, you should not arrange a scene of jealousy, because it will not lead to anything good, but rather will push your chosen one from you. It is better to hold a special magic rite in such a situation.

The ritual is carried out in one of the evenings during the growing moon. In the rite can be used by the poppy of any color, but it is necessary to pour it into a white tissue bag of natural fabric. The bag with poppy needs to put on the palm and substitute under the moonlight.

Then, looking at the moon, you need to speak such words:

"Poppy delicious and always tasty for birds, and I am a young maiden, state and cheerful for all guys attractive. As a poppy bird love and only ate him, so my beloved will be only with me and will never look overward. After I tried the poppy bird - all the time they are looking for, and my beloved will always look for me. From this moment, and forever my beloved, I will holy and cherish me. Amen".

The conspiracy poppy should be added into the pockets of the clothes of the beloved and in his shoes. After that you can be sure that your man will not be interested in other women.

Mac is also often used in rites aimed at the awakening of passion from a loved one.

In this case, he speaks such magical words:

"Duram-grass, I ask you, Krasno Maiden ( given name), inxicacy good well done (Men's name). Make him passionately to love me, so that he wanted me as a thirsty water in a hot day. Let him not stand his root to another woman, but only at me. Amen!"

A conspiracy poppy should be used for baking, which you need to treat your beloved person. But be careful that the treat does not get anyone other than your chosen one.