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Gypsy damage - how to protect against angry magic? Gypsy damage to remove and make it very not just

Conspiracies of the Ural Healer against the damage and the evil eye of Bazhenova Maria

Gypsy Schalz

Gypsy Schalz

With Gypsies, you need to be careful, Roma - the people of the witchcraft and touchy. Say something wrong, do not thank or do not give money, can and jinx. Gypsy evil eye can be inherited. This evil eye for children is especially dangerous: no wonder the Gypsies are scared.

If the Gypsy stands to you on the street or in the bazaar, give her rubles ten, but do not pay attention better attention, and most importantly, do not look into the eyes, then it will not be able to jiggle you; After all, to guide the witchcraft, this is a prerequisite. If you go to the hook, and you will hide everything money, or hours, or a ring - do not blunt the gypsy. Nothing will be worse. If you feel that after communication with the gypsy on you, the evil eye (about his signs I said at the beginning), then the only way to remove him is to pay off. Give any brewing gypsy as much money so that it thanks you as follows. (Gypsies are very generous on gratitude.) After that, the evil eye disappears by itself.

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Gypsy hypnosis you probably had to deal with the street with a gypsy, offering "for a coin" to pay and tell you about your hard fate. If such a gypsy managed to hook you seriously, the conversation with her ended the loss of not coin, but

How dangerous is the damage of Gypsy magic
Removing the Gypsy damage

Gypsy magic and damage is allowed for use only against people who caused a strong evil family, because a simple person is quite difficult to cause such anger an ancient people.

In addition, contrary to the opinion of the majority of people, the gypsies are well known the effects of damage for the artist, because they are rarely taken for the guidance of the negative order.

Their strongest weapon - a scam, Gypsy easily deceived by the sake of profit, but never will be dangerous for money for money. That is why modern professional magicians with great respect belong to the Gypsy customs prohibiting the negative programs on the first whim.
Removing the Gypsy damage

There are many varieties of damage in Gypsy, one of the most common is called "loop". Under the action of this negative program, a person turns out to be completely energetically tied to a certain place, an individual or object. This ritual can be used as an inherent, originating his victim.

Most negative gypsy programs act on target as strong subject spanking. Such rituals are used against people who have greatly hurt the whole Gypsy family or someone from his representatives.

As with any negative program, with the effects of damage from the Gypsy, you can fight, but it is better not to accomplish actions that can cause anger of this ancient people. Also, remember that Gypsies can harm you only if you have any personal thing.

If a gypsy is on the street, just do not pay attention to it. Whatever words do not kill you, remember that she will not be able to harm you. Do not give her money, even a coin can be used to harm you.
Water is always the first and most effective way to get rid of the negative impact of absolutely any magic.

Remember also that if you have given a gypsy money on your own accord, you don't need to regret them and, especially, in no case, do not require them back, do not shout, do not threaten. You could be mistaken and lose finances, you should not exacerbate the situation, because you can be very easy to run into a practitioner wondering, whose strength and experience will be quite enough to spoil your life.

Own health and well-being of your descendants are more expensive than any money. Do not regret the lost, and better, let's not give anything to the gypsies and do not take anything.

If you called the negative with something and heard unpleasant words from Gypsy, for example, "so that you've kicked", "the disappearance of you to the Promotion" or Other, then simple, but effective measures to quickly resist negative.

As soon as you come home, immediately go to the shower, wait a longer under the jet of warm water and focus on the thoughts that the water is washes off with you all negative energy. In addition, in the evening he burn the church candle and read any prayer known to you several times.

For many centuries, this ancient people have enjoyed rites that are transmitted from generation to generation, and reached our days with almost unchanged. Russian People's Solve endowed all the Gypsies with magical abilities, but in reality it is not. Tsygan is not so much for truly strong practitioners.

For hundreds of years, Roma Zygans regret their occult knowledge from other peoples. With the help of such knowledge, they can seriously affect the person himself, and the world around him. Gypsy practices allow you to introduce a person to a psychological stupor, create strong bindings, inspire certain thoughts to other people and much more. Secret rituals should never go beyond the limits of one kind, and this condition is respected by all representatives of this ancient people.
How dangerous is the damage of Gypsy magic

You should not be afraid of the Gypsy damage, more common are fraud for the sake of profit.

Gypsies have knowledge of magical rituals with colossal destructive power, however, not everyone can use such rites. Even the strongest Gypsy magicians are not solved to apply some rites of their people, fearing the consequences.

1. Gypsy magic is considered one of the strongest in the world, the skill of their magicians can reach high levels. They are carriers of ways of exposure to a person with the help of psychology and magic. Most often, Gypsies predict the future, suggest and remove damage. To bring damage, the Gypsy should have a huge magical force, such witches are very small, besides, so that they agreed to this, their family should be a big offense.

2. Remove the damage of Gypsies often, but in most cases it is just a trick that are used to receive money. But, if the Gypsy sorceress is really strong, and she saw a curse, she could remove him with the help of special rituals. Many of them are unknown, as Gypsies keep them secret, but the most common familiar to all sorcerers.

3. Before the Gypsies remove damage, they determine how she was posing, and what thing, perhaps it was a drink or food or a lining, which the victim took his hands or even was next to him. If he is still with a man, then the Gypsy will tell you what it is for the thing and how to get rid of it.

4. The rite that will cleanse from damage to spend enough simply, it will not be difficult for Roma. To do this, you will need a broom, matches and conspiracy. The broom is bought only on Monday, in a secluded place where no one hurts, a conspiracy read over it, after which it burns. When the broom is defeated, you need to go away and in no case look out. Conspiracy words can be found in Gypsy or ask her to take part in the rite. You can also find out how to guess the gypsies.

5. Another way to use Gypsies is spoiled on the grave. To do this, a person who has a damage is needed with Gypsy to go on an abandoned cemetery, it is important that there is no fresh grave. It is necessary to find the grave without a name, dates of death and birth, that is, Unnamed. To whom the curse is removed, you need to become a hill in my feet, and the Gypsy will read the conspiracy. After that, it is believed that a person got rid of the curse.

6. If a gypsy damage is invisible, it can be removed only in one way: to go wash 12 in a row to the river, while reading a special conspiracy. It is important to remember that it is possible to start a ritual only in the phase of the moon decreasing.

edited news Katrisse - 18-07-2013, 14:50

The ancient traditions and rites of the Tsygan people are preserved almost primarily for many generations. In Russian folk art, you can find a large number of messages and believes about the mystical abilities of his representatives. The right is considered one of the strongest in the world. But fortunately, severe practitioners are not so much.

Occult knowledge of Gypsies are taboo for representatives of other peoples and jealously stored in secret. With the help of their knowledge devoted to the magicians able to influence the body and the mind of a person, as well as the surrounding items. With the help of various manipulations, Gypsy magic, you can enter a person to the state of prostration, inspire various phobias, to control the mind and complete obedience.

Danger of gypsy witchcraft

Damage, as one of the manifestations of witchcraft is rarely used by Gypsy sorcerers. Most often in the course there are various manipulations on the consciousness, in order to obtain material benefits.

Although classified rituals and have a destructive high-level power, they are allowed only in very rare cases. Gypsy magicians using this kind of spell risk negative consequences. The ritual for the guidance of a strong damage can only be applied against a person carrying a serious danger for the kind. An ordinary person can be a victim of only low-level magic.

Contrary to popular belief, Roma is well aware of the negative energy impact of damage on the sorcerer, its leading. It is hard to find a magician, ready to implement such a ritual for remuneration.

How the Gypsy damage works

Arsenal of Gypsy Pulls is very diverse. One of the most common rituals is called "loop." Under the action of this installation, a person falls into a closed circle, from which there is no exit. The victim becomes energetically associated with a certain place, a person or subject and forced to return to him once. Thus, the affected person is exhausted, and his psychological health is under a serious threat.

Most of the Gypsy Witchcraft rituals are subject, and are directed against one particular victim. To subjected to such an impact, a person must make serious misconduct, directed against a large number of Gypsy representatives.

As with any magical practice, the gypsy spool can also be struggling. Naturally, it is best not to become the object of the magic ritual and not to attract the attention of the magician. In the event that it has already happened, the sorcerer should be required for the rite of damage to the sorcerer. It is impossible to allow him to succeed and can get it.

How to protect against Gypsy magic and damage

Gypsy's victims are most often looking for on the street among passersby, unmistakably identifying people with a weak will. The man to whom the Tsyganka sticks out on the street should simply not pay attention to it and not lead to provocative words. What kind of convincing arguments a woman either use, she is nothing able to harm. But, if she succeeds in to get at least one coin from the hands of the victim, it can easily use it in a magic ritual for the creation of witchcraft.

We should not forget: if the money is already given, moreover, at your own desire, it's too late to wave your hands, scream and threaten. If the fraud is insignificant, the situation is better to perceive as a life lesson and no longer come across a trick, quickly breaking all connections with a challenge. In case of resentment, the magical experience of gypsies may be quite enough to spoil the life of his victim.

Those who appreciate their health and well-being of their loved ones, do not forget that it is not bought for money. You do not need to regret the lost. When repetition, it is impossible to give anything and take a gypsy, as well as suspicious and unfamiliar people.

If the conflict still failed to avoid and an embittered woman said the word curse like "so that you are dead," "Propash the Promotion," - should take simple measures to remove the effect. As you know, water is a powerful protective agent from magic. Having come home, you need to take a shower as soon as possible, and throw a stupid quarrel from my head. The result obtained can be fixed: Before beding, light the candle and read the prayer. After that, if the Gypsy will want to harm with the help of magic, she will have to seek a direct clash face to face.

Each cultural community has developed its own magic systems. Their foundations and methods are not similar to those using other nations. Some rely on the gods, others are looking for forces in themselves, the third attracts inhabitants of other worlds. Gypsy also has its secrets. This people managed to save the connection with the oldest egregor. Those give them the opportunity to apply the methods of psychological impact in rites. About the Gypsy hypnosis everyone heard. This is not just suggestion. Business deeper.

Gypsy deterioration methods are based on the ability to communicate directly with the soul. Surely readers themselves faced or heard a story about such a trick. Gypsy stops the passing assurances in the fact that it is amazed by a terrible spool and is about to die. One who became interested (caught on her trick), she asks to tie a few nodules on ordinary thread. While a person is distracted by the fortune teller lay out several facts from his biography. Then he pins a thread with nodules in a fist, blowing on it. Reveals the palm - the nodules from the thread disappear.

Similar tricks can be seen in the streets of cities. As a rule, it is just a small deception. Thread, naturally, replace. But it is based on a real rite, conducted for regular customers. The ritual is extremely powerful, although it looks simple. Whether a person will be able to repeat it with another blood - doubtful. See for yourself.

Gypsy damage removal method

Look in the eyes of yourself in the mirror. Are they dull and stamped? So, boldly take the rite. You will need black thread (ordinary, coil), candle from the church. To increase the power of the concentration, you can still cook the knob. The meaning of the rite is: you need to hold a brainstorming and calculate enemies. Probably not everyone can recognize them personally. It's not obligatory. This refers to the definition of the sphere of life to which a negative program is sent. Write down all your suspicions in order on the leaves or remember.

Now take thread. Imagine that you tie the problem with this rope. So do with each. The power of the rite in the imagination. You need to think very strong and powerful. That is, literally feel that you knit on the "hands and legs" of the one who brought damage, smoothed, while holding the problem in mind. How finished, burn the thread in the flame of the candle. For loyalty, read three times the 120th Psalm. Immediately sleep. In the morning the result should manifest itself.

How to find out what has worked

The condition varies almost instantly, if they did everything right. It is important to hold a rite before bedtime. In the first couple of hours, there may be relapse:

  1. The black program will try to stay in Aure.
  2. The sacrifice the head is spinning, tears pours, an unreasonable malice arises.
  3. It is better to survive all this in a dream. And preferably in complete loneliness.

And in the morning, wake up in a good mood. On this day, something very pleasant to happen. Do not wait for the dream of dreams. But the sign will come with a smile, a gift, inadvertent luck and so on.

If this does not turn out to be, it means that the rite was carried out incorrectly either forces of the magician not enough to combat energy evil. It is recommended to learn that the damage is made in more detail. Realizing the mechanism of its impact, realizing that it is, spend the rite again.

Gypsy secret

The ancient people magical abilities and opportunities perceives naturally. Have them as easy and just how to breathe. No doubt about the reality of mystical witchcraft worlds in these people does not arise. Therefore, the ancient power obeys them as the mother of his adorable came. Apply in practice this knowledge. No enemies will be able to cope with you.

You know, in our world a lot of evil. Not people with unkind intentions, but black energy. Pass the read information to friends and acquaintances. The more people will be able to cleanse from negative, the lighter will be the planet. So we defeat! Good luck!