Repair Design Furniture

How wells are made under water. How to drill a well under water using a small-sized drilling rig. Drilling a well for water - step by step instructions

Water in a summer cottage or in a private house is a necessary resource, which is impossible to do without. However, the organization of a common water supply is often impractical. Due to the remoteness of land holdings from each other, centralized water supply is an expensive pleasure. An individual source of water is easier and cheaper to use. However, first you need to organize it. Own well will provide its owner with confidence that the economic needs of the site and housing will be satisfied. At the same time, the owners do not have to pay for water supply, counting each cubic meter of water spent. It is difficult and expensive to dig a well, but drilling a well on your own is realistic if you are familiar with the drilling technology and the type of well device.

Types of wells and their features

Before drilling, the territory of the site must be investigated, determining the level of groundwater. The amount of work that will need to be done in order for the well to become water-bearing will depend on this parameter. The type of well is chosen, precisely taking into account the depth of the water-containing formation.

If water occurs at a depth of 3-12 m, choose the type "". At a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well is used, and an artesian one, if the water lies in the ground at least 200 m. Almost every summer resident can manually perform the first two types, but an artesian well will require a drilling rig and professional drillers.

Drilling a sand well by hand

This type of source involves pumping water from a depth of up to 50 m. A sand well is so called because it "produces water" from a water-containing sandy layer of soil, which is usually just fifty meters deep. This depth does not guarantee the purity of the water, so it is recommended to periodically check the contents of the well in the sanitation station for the presence of organic and chemical compounds.

For the organization of a sand well is used classical scheme with a pump. And to purify water from suspensions and debris, they use a filter installed at a depth. The filter needs to be cleaned regularly. The service life of a sand well is about 15 years.

Organization of the well "Abyssinian well"

This is the simplest well-needle in execution. It is shallow, so you need to take care of carefully choosing a place for it.

Nearby there should be no septic tanks, garbage heaps, cesspools and sewage pits. Due to the small depth, harmful substances can seep into the source, polluting it.

If there are no pebbles and other hard rocks in the soil, well drilling can be carried out in the area around the house or right in the basement of the house. The well in the basement is convenient to use even in cold weather. A home well is equipped with a hand column and a pump so that water can be used, regardless of the availability of electricity.

Drilling an artesian well

Provided that on neighboring plots already there are wells of this type, there is a high probability of occurrence of water in the limestone layer in the area. In other cases, drillers are ordered an experimental well to determine the depth of water. An artesian well can provide water to several sites at once. Often drilling is ordered in a pool to save money and get the desired result.

The choice of the type of well depends on the type of soil and the planned amount of water consumed. An Abyssinian well and a sand well will provide a good low flow. And if the flow rate is from 10 cubic meters per hour, you will need to arrange an artesian well. It is better to drill any well away from potential pollutants and close to home so that there are no problems with laying water pipes.

Drilling equipment and tools

When drilling artesian wells, drilling rigs are used by professionals. For smaller wells, a conventional tripod with a winch is suitable. It will lower and raise the drilling tool, consisting of a core barrel, drill rods, a core for drilling, a drill.

Special equipment, without which it is problematic to make a well, is a drilling tool that will help you go deeper into the ground (auger), a tripod and a winch. To drill a well with your own hands, you will need a metal auger. An ice drill, which is used during winter fishing, can act as an auger. The main thing is that the drill should be made of high-strength steel. This is the most cheap option well drilling. In addition to a tripod, you will need pipes different diameter(water pipes, hoses, casing pipe), valves, caisson, filters, well pump.

Drilling work: stages

1. First you need to dig a hole or a pit, the dimensions of which are 150 by 150 cm. In order for the recess not to crumble, its walls are lined with plywood, boards, pieces of chipboard. Another option is to dig a trunk with a diameter of 15-20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This is done so that the pipe is more stable in a vertical position.

2. A strong metal or wooden tripod is placed directly above the recess (it is called a drilling rig), fixing a winch at the junction of its supports. Log towers are more common. A drill column with one and a half meter (with self-drilling) rods hangs on a tripod. The rods are threaded into one pipe, fixed with a clamp. This design is used for lifting and lowering equipment.

The pump is selected in advance in order to determine the diameter of the future well and core barrel. The pump must pass freely into the pipe. That is why the difference between the pump diameter and inside diameter pipes should be at least 5 mm.

Descent-ascent of drilling equipment - and there is drilling a well. The bar is rotated while hitting it from above with a chisel. It is much more convenient to do this together: the first turns with a gas wrench, and the second hits the bar from above, breaking through the rock. Using a winch simplifies the process: it is much easier to lift and lower equipment into the well with it. The rod is marked during drilling. Marks are required for orientation. The markings help you determine when it's time to pull out the rod and clean the drill. It is usually recommended to do this approximately every half a meter.

3. To make it easier to overcome different layers of soil, special drills are used.

  • spiral drill (otherwise, coil) - for clay soils;
  • drill bit for loosening hard soils;
  • drill spoons for sandy soil;
  • bailer helps to raise the soil to the surface.

4. sand layer it is easier to pass with a drill spoon, adding water during drilling. If the ground is hard, use a chisel. Drill bits are cross and flat. In any case, their purpose is to help loosen hard rocks. Quicksands are overcome by impact.

With clay soil, you will need a coil, bailer and drill spoon. Serpentine or spiral drills pass clay soils well, because they have a design similar to a spiral, and the pitch of the spiral is equal to the diameter of the drill. The size of the lower base of the drill is from 45 to 85 mm, the blade is from 258-290 mm. Pebble beds containing gravel are punched, alternating bailer and chisel, with casing pipes. Sometimes you can not do without pouring water into the hole. This can significantly simplify the task of drilling a well. The option of drilling a well with a pump also deserves consideration.

Soil drilling process

5. If the rock brought to the surface has become important, then the aquifer is already close. It takes a little more depth to cross the aquifer. Drilling will become noticeably easier, but you can not stop. You need to find a waterproof layer with a drill.

Well construction and buildup

After the desired depth is reached, the next stage begins - arrangement. A filter column is lowered into the finished well, consisting of a pipe, a sump and a filter. You can make it yourself from a filtration mesh, perforation and casing, or use a ready-made, store-bought sand filter for a submersible pump.

To strengthen the pipe, the space behind it is covered with crushed stone of a 5 mm fraction or coarse sand. The backfill must be above the level of the filter. The filter is the most important element of any well. The main function of the filter is to protect against sand and large impurities. In parallel with backfilling, water is pumped into a pipe with a sealed upper end. This manipulation helps to flush the annulus and the filter. After washing, a natural barrier for large impurities is formed. Gelation of the well with a nozzle-bailer or screw pump means that water is pumped out of a fresh well until the water is clean and clear. This stage is called buildup. For her, most often use electric centrifugal pump. The advantage of this mechanism is that it can pump high-density liquid media. Usual household pump also acceptable, but it will require more effort and time. In case of problems with the power supply, it is possible to use a hand pump.

After pumping on a safety cable, the pump is lowered to a depth (see the picture above). They connect to it water pipe or hose, diameter 25 or 50 mm. The choice of diameter depends on the capabilities of the well - the amount of water that can be pumped out of the well in a certain period of time.

If a metal pipe is used, the pump is not fixed. Instead, a waterproof cable is attached to the pipe from the pump.

Well pump. Peculiarities

To select a pump of the correct power, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as:

  1. well debit, indicators of its depth;
  2. casing diameter;
  3. remoteness of the well from the house.

The required pump power directly depends on these parameters. At a shallow depth (up to 9 m), a self-priming surface pump will do, in other cases a submersible borehole pump will serve well.

After the pump is immersed, a pipe is brought out into the wellhead equipped with a caisson, welded to its head. A valve is installed on it, which will open the way for water up and regulate the flow. With an excessive water intake rate, an unproductive well will quickly dry up, and the pump, working idle, will fail. Pipes are connected in the caisson, which will be the conduit to the room. For them, it is required to provide waterproofed and insulated trenches. You can read about how to choose a pump for a well, but about how to choose a pump for a well -.

Well operation

Wells of all types need timely cleaning. Signs that an aquifer needs service can be: jerks in the water outlet, the presence of air locks, impurities (silt, sand). If maintenance is missed, well productivity may no longer recover. To restore normal functions, the well is purged with water or air compressor. More radical cleaning methods - acid or electricity. However, these methods are risky and are best left to professionals.

Tips for those who make a well on their own

Before starting work, it would be good to ask your neighbors about the level of water in your area. If there are wells nearby, look there.

The water level above 5 m is good news, because the only tools needed for drilling are a garden drill.

A small-sized drilling rig or a mechanical drilling device - "handbrake" can be rented. This way you will be able to use convenient equipment and don't pay a lot of money for it.

Do not lower the water pipe into the well to the very bottom. It should not reach the deepest point of about half a meter. This way the water will flow better.

The pipe leading to the well must have ventilation holes on the surface, otherwise, without air, the water will quickly become stale. It is convenient to equip a hinged cover on the pipe so that there is constant access to the well.

The most convenient for well equipment is a one-piece plastic pipe.

After the well has earned, be sure to give your water for examination. Water is recognized as drinking water if its transparency is at least 30 cm, nitrate content is not more than 10 mg/l, less than 10 Escherichia coli per 1 liter, and the maximum odor and taste score is 3 points.

Disadvantages and advantages of manual well drilling

Advantages: low cost; no need to drive to the site of bulky special equipment; due to the relatively small depth, home-made wells are pumped faster, less dragged out; if there is no electricity, water can be obtained with a manual suction pump.

The main disadvantage of self-drilling is the limited depth, the lack of specialists who can help with maintenance homemade well. Thus, after reading this article, we hope that you will have no questions about how to drill a well with your own hands.

In the country house, water is constantly used, therefore it will not be possible to do without it. It happens that organizing a common water supply is quite difficult. Centralized water supply can be expensive due to the remoteness of summer cottages from each other.

The easiest way is to use your own water source. However, the first step is to make it. Own well can help the owner of the site to meet household needs. In this case, the owner will not need to pay for the water supply, considering how many cubic meters of water have been spent. Digging wells is costly in terms of money and time, so many owners of summer cottages are interested in knowing how to drill a well manually. Do this design it’s quite simple on your own if you know the manufacturing technology and the principle of the well device.

Before manufacturing, you will need to explore the site to determine the level of groundwater. The amount of work that needs to be done so that there is water in the well will depend on this parameter. The type of well is selected based on the depth of the soil, which contains water.

If the water is at a depth of 4-10 m, then you can make " abyssinian well". If water is available at a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well should be used. If the water is in the ground at a depth of up to 200 m, then you will need to make an artesian well. The first two types can be done independently by almost every owner suburban area, but for the manufacture of an artesian well, a drilling device and experienced drillers will be needed.

Features of the work

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This type of spring involves pumping water from a depth of 50 m. A sand well has this name because the water from it will come from a layer of sand that lies at a depth of 50 m.

This one will not be able to provide clean water, so after a while it will be necessary to check the contents of the well in the sanitation station.

To organize a sand well, you should use a scheme with a pump. Water will be cleaned of suspensions and debris thanks to a filter that is mounted at an appropriate depth. The filter must be cleaned regularly. The service life of a sand well is approximately 15 years.

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"Abyssinian well"

This well is quite easy to make. It has a shallow depth, so you need to take care of choosing a suitable place for it. There should be no septic tanks, various debris and pits near the well.

The well will be of shallow depth, and therefore harmful substances can enter it, resulting in water pollution.

If there is no gravel or any hard rock in the soil, the well can be drilled in basement at home or near it. A similar source of water in the basement can be used even in cold weather. A well of this type in a private house can be equipped with a manual column and a pump so that it is possible to use water even without electricity.

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Artesian well

If there are already similar wells in the areas that are located in the neighborhood, then there is a high probability that water lies in the limestone layer in this area. If there are no such sites nearby, then drillers need to order an experimental source of water in order to be able to determine the depth of groundwater. Artesian wells are able to provide water to several summer cottages at the same time. In some cases, several site owners drill one well in order to save some money.

The choice of the type of well will depend not only on the type of soil, but also on how much water is planned to be used. A sand well and an Abyssinian well can easily provide a small flow. If you need more than 10 m³ / hour of water, you will have to make an artesian well. Any design is recommended to be drilled away from various pollutants and closer to a private or country house so that it is possible to lay a water pipe without problems.

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Specialists for the manufacture of artesian wells use drilling rigs. To make shallow wells, you can use an ordinary tripod with a winch. She will be able to lower and raise tools for making a well, which consist of special pipes, rods, columns and a drill.

Of the special equipment, you will need a drilling tool, with which it is possible to go deep into the ground, as well as a tripod and a winch. In order to drill a well yourself, you need to use a metal auger. In this case, an ice drill, which is used in winter fishing, may come up. The drill must be made exclusively from high strength steel. Using these tools, you can make a well with minimal cost Money. In addition to the tripod, you will need:

  1. Pipes of various diameters.
  2. Valves.
  3. filter elements.
  4. Caisson.
  5. Special pump.

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First of all, you will need to dig a hole measuring 150x150 cm. So that the recess does not begin to crumble, its walls will need to be lined plywood sheets, boards or pieces of chipboard. To fix the structure, you can also dig a hole with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This must be done so that the pipe is securely fixed in a vertical position.

Above the recess, you need to install a solid tripod made of metal or wood, securing a winch at the location of its supports. In most cases, wooden tripods are installed. On the tower you need to hang a drilling column with 1.5 m rods. The rods are threaded into a pipe, after which they are fixed with a clamp. This device can be used to lower and raise tools.

The pump should be selected in advance so that it is possible to determine the diameter of the well being produced and the column pipe. The pump should fit easily into the pipe.

The drilling of such a source of water consists in lowering and raising the equipment.

The bar rotates and is immediately hit from above with a chisel. This work it is most convenient for two people to perform: one person will turn the gas wrench, and the second will hit the bar from above to break through the rock. Using a winch can simplify the process because it makes it much easier to get the equipment up and down the hole. The rod during drilling must be marked. Marks will be needed in order to be able to freely navigate. With the help of markings, you can determine when it will be necessary to extend the rod and clean the drill. Most often, this should be done every 0.5 m.

With the help of a chisel, it is necessary to loosen the hard layers of soil.

To be able to easily overcome the existing soil layers, you need to use the following drills:

  1. Coil. It is recommended to use for clay layer.
  2. Bit. It is used to loosen hard soils.
  3. Sand spoons.
  4. Bailer. This device will help raise the soil to the surface.

A layer of sand is best passed with a spoon, adding the right amount of water. If the ground is hard, a chisel should be used. This tool can be cross or flat. Sands-quicksands can be overcome by the shock method.

In case of clay soil you will need to use a coil and bailer. The serpentine is able to easily pass through soils with clay, because its design is similar to a spiral. Pebble beds containing gravel can be broken with a bailer and a chisel. In some cases, you will need to pour water into the hole. Thus, it will be possible to simplify the process of drilling a well.

If the rock that is brought to the surface is wet, then this means that the aquifer is nearby. In this case, it will be necessary to go a little deeper to overcome the aquifer. Drilling will be much easier, but you can not stop. With the help of a drill, it will be necessary to find a waterproof layer.

Drilling a well under water may be required for owners of sites where there is no running water or a well, or the water in them is undrinkable.

The owners have to choose between an uncomfortable life without water and drilling a well. How to drill a well yourself and extract drinking water you will learn from this article.

Drilling technology

A water well is a serious hydraulic engineering facility, the efficiency and service life of which depend on the design and compliance with the technology.

The first thing to do when drilling a hole in the ground under water is to determine the location of the future source of water. Drilling begins after the layout of the site.

A place is needed not only for the well itself, but also for the drilling rig and additional mechanisms, so there must be an entrance to the future well. It is necessary to provide a place for draining technical water.

Approximately for drilling a shaft under water, a flat area of ​​​​40 - 50 square meters in size will be required.

In order for water-carrying equipment and a drilling rig to enter it, the width of the entrance gate must be at least 3 meters. Above the drilling site should not pass electrical wires.

According to building codes:

  • the trunk cannot be drilled closer than 3 meters from the house;
  • nothing can be built over it;
  • There should be access for vehicles.

The technology of drilling a well under water involves three types of work.

Destruction of rocks - most often used destruction by various mechanisms.

In industry, the rock is destroyed mechanically, thermally or explosively, but when drilling wells under water in individual areas, the last two technologies are not used.

Excavation - mechanical and hydraulic methods can be used for this work.

At hydraulic way the soil from the well to the surface is lifted with a liquid under pressure: water or a water-clay solution. At mechanical way use special equipment: drills, augers, bailers.

Strengthening the walls - it is not enough to drill a hole in the ground. So that its walls do not crumble, it will be necessary to equip the trunk.

To fix the walls, a metal casing made of black steel, electric-welded or solid, is inserted into the hole.

Pipe sections can be connected threaded connection or by welding. If it is assumed that the water from the well will be drunk, then a galvanized pipe cannot be used.

The ideal option for pipes through which artesian water will pass is stainless steel, but this material is too expensive.

Now most often they use the arrangement of wells for water using double casing technology, when in the main metal column insert an insert from a plastic pipe made of HDPE or PVC.

This allows you to significantly increase the life of the well.

Four ways to self-drill a well under water

The choice of drilling method depends on the technical and financial capabilities, as well as on the desired specifications future hydrotechnical facility.

The auger method is suitable when you need to drill a small well in the area. Drilling is carried out with an auger, the blades of which simultaneously destroy the soil and carry it up.

Auger - a device resembling a corkscrew in shape and mechanism of action. Its blades can be welded at a right angle - in this case, they enter the soil also at a right angle and crush it before being fed to the surface.

In this case, part of the soil may fall to the bottom and require additional extraction to the surface.

A more advanced way of drilling is when the blades are welded to the axis obliquely. Such an auger enters the soil and removes it without crushing and spilling.

Core method - for drilling, a special tool is used in the form of a tube with a nozzle at the end, which is a core column with hard metal cutters.

The method is suitable if you have to drill hard rocky rocks. In this case, the soil is first broken with a chisel, and then raised to the surface with a crown.

The tube rotates, sludge is clogged into it and brought to the surface. A completely clogged pipe is removed and cleaned of rock by hitting with a heavy sledgehammer.

In the process of drilling a well using a core method, water with a suspension of clay must be supplied to the hole - this protects the walls of the well from shedding.

The shock-rope method consists in the fact that the soil is first broken with a heavy tool, and then removed using a cutting and gripping device located at the end of the pipe.

This device is called a bailer. A two-meter-high tripod is placed above the site of the future well. A block is equipped on it, through which a cable with a bailer fixed on it is passed.

If it is planned to equip a well with a length of less than 10 meters, then the construction of a tripod is optional.

But in any case, if the well is pierced with your own hands, then this device will facilitate the process, since when working with a tripod, you do not need to apply a lot of physical strength.

Percussion-rotary - in this case, drilling is accelerated due to the fact that the installation makes both percussion and reverse advancement.

The method is considered the most productive method of drilling channels under water in rocky soil.

Drilling a well under water with an ice drill

If you need to drill a shallow well under water with your own hands on a site with soft soil at minimal cost, then you can take an ordinary ice drill.

In the process of drilling, the tool is built up with homemade rods. Ice drill knives replace the auger, and rods can be handcrafted from steel tubes with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters.

An ice drill is used to drill through ice and frozen ground during winter fishing or mountaineering. A fishing ice drill is suitable for drilling the earth.

Ice drill - a light tool with sharp knives. Him correct angle attacks, thanks to which the knives easily bite into the ground.

It is quite possible for them to dig a shallow well under water or a hole for poles in the area. The ice drill takes dry soil well, but gets stuck in wet soil. It is unsuitable for clay drilling.

To speed up work, cutters need to be welded to the edge of the ice screw blades. In addition to the ice drill and rods, casing pipes will be required to secure the hole, a shovel and a trolley for loading and removing soil from the site.

How to drill a hole in the ground with an ice drill with your own hands?

The work consists of the following stages:

  • dig a hole 40-50 centimeters deep with a shovel;
  • a drill is placed in the pit and, rotating, it is introduced into the ground according to the rule of tightening the screws;
  • having made 3-4 turns, the tool is pulled out and manually cleared of the ground;
  • after driving the first meter, you need to start forming a channel for water, for this, a casing pipe is lowered into the hole.

Tip: it is correct when the diameter of the pipe is slightly larger than the ice screw. When arranging a well with your own hands, it is better to use light plastic pipes connected to each other by means of a threaded connection.

When the tool is completely underground, stop drilling and attach an extension cord to the drill (using thread, soldering or a steel rod pin).

You need to drill until the top 10 centimeters of the casing pipe remains on the surface. The next segment is fixed on it.

Making the arrangement of the walls, periodically check their verticality, leveling with pieces of wood. The wedges are driven into the gap between the ground and the outer wall of the pipe.

Drilling continues until water appears in the well. After that, the work is stopped, the tool is removed and the filter is installed.

Tip: the gap in the ground near the pipe must be filled with rubble.

Pipes can be inserted into the hole not during, but after drilling, but in this case the well will have to be freed again from the soil that has spilled down.

Then the pipes are alternately lowered into the shaft and connected to each other after the next section of the pipe goes down.

Final works

You drilled a well under water with your own hands, but this is only the first stage. Now you need to carry out the arrangement of your hydraulic structure.

The arrangement includes:

  • installation of a caisson;
  • pump start;
  • installation of electrical equipment;
  • laying pipes for water.

Arrangement of an artesian well is carried out in without fail, but if there are not enough funds, then this can be done a little later.

Arrangement is not necessary if it is decided to drill a small well on the site solely for watering the garden and other non-domestic needs.

Arrangement begins with the installation of the caisson. For the caisson they make a cap, that is, around top edge casing pipe, soil is removed and the caisson is lowered to a depth of about two meters.

Thus, the hole from which water will flow will be in the center of the caisson. The pipe is hermetically connected to the inner edges of the caisson.

The installation of a caisson is needed to prevent flooding of the well with groundwater. Without a caisson, the water at the mouth of the hole can freeze in winter.

What is a caisson device? The caisson can be made with your own hands from a piece of an ordinary pipe, the diameter of which is approximately one meter.

The wall thickness of the caisson should be about 4 millimeters. From the inside, the caisson is coated with an anti-corrosion compound, it is isolated from water from the outside, and it must be closed with a lid from above.

The pipe, through which water rises, leaves the caisson - its upper end is below the freezing of the soil.

The pump for the well must supply water under sufficient pressure. A waterproof cable is mounted to the pump and a metal cable is attached for insurance.

The end of the cable is fixed on the head of the casing string.

If desired, you can install automatic controls with your own hands so as not to turn on the pump manually.

The pump control panel allows the device to automatically turn on and off depending on the pressure of the accumulator.

Hydraulic accumulator ( membrane tank) protects the pump motor from running dry and from power surges.

Practice shows that drilling a hydrowell with your own hands is quite labor-intensive, but possible.

If there are no funds to hire drilling equipment and you have to do everything yourself, then you need to approach the matter responsibly - choose the right drilling option depending on the soil on the site, read the instructions.

But as a result, you will get high-quality water from a do-it-yourself hydraulic facility.

The construction of any building involves the mandatory arrangement of a water supply system, without which living and any activity is unthinkable. But sometimes even the owners of those plots that are connected or can be connected to the central highway are looking for alternative options.

One of them is the construction of a well under water. An autonomous source of moisture allows you to solve many problems associated with water quality, the constancy of its pressure, and the like. But before proceeding to installation work, you should find water for the well. There is an opinion that only professionals can do this, although, knowing some tricks, you can find a place to drill a well on your own. Let's consider the simplest of them.

Method for finding water for a well

First of all, you should know that there are several subsoil layers. They are located at different depths (at "horizons", levels) and have a complex configuration, sometimes approaching the surface, sometimes moving away from it. Taking drinking water from the top layer is not recommended; often it can only be used for economic purposes.

In any case, control drilling of a well under water is first done. It may turn out that this place is not suitable for many reasons. First, the static water level in the well is determined, by which it can be judged whether it will meet the needs for its consumption. After that, a sample is taken from it and submitted to the SES for analysis in order to determine suitability for use.

After all, it is on this horizon that liquids enter, which are absorbed into the soil, including after cleaning in a septic tank. Therefore, before drilling a well under water, it is necessary to understand what it is for and what its consumption is required. Theoretically, the cleanest is from the lower layers, although their occurrence depth can reach up to 40 - 50 m. In addition, the upper horizon is less "voluminous", so there is no guarantee that the construction of a well under water with a fence from it will provide uninterrupted supply all year round, although the latter is not particularly important for giving.

1. A good guide can be well in a neighboring area. If there is a difference in depth, it is not so significant. Naturally, you need to look for a place where the water comes closest to the surface. Plants are clues. There are special tables that indicate the dependence of the depth of water formations on their type. For example, for yellow alfalfa - from 1 to 3.5 m, for sandy wormwood - from 3 to 5 m.

In addition, pets will also “tell” where to make a well under water. Above the near underground horizon, the cat rests with pleasure, but the dog will never lie down. The abundance of midges in this place is also a clue. But the ants (red) will definitely not be there.

2. With a frame. 2 wires (copper, aluminum) are taken about half a meter long. The ends of both (10 - 15 cm each) are bent and inserted into wood tubes (for example, elderberry with a previously removed core). The wires are taken in outstretched hands, and the search for water for the well begins. You need to slowly go around the site and watch where the "antennae" cross. In this place, a well should be drilled under water. You can also use one frame. In the “right” place, it will change its position, and with a small depth of occurrence, it will even begin to rotate.

In addition to the above, quite simple, there are other ways to find water for a well. To check the correctness of the result, you can leave this place empty. glass jar by placing it upside down. After a while, its walls will fog up. And if you pour salt, it will soon get wet.

Work methodology

Drilling a well under water

There are several ways, but for a summer cottage it is advisable to use "manual" ones that do not require large financial investments. Water will be taken from the upper layer, if it is suitable for its characteristics. In this case, its consumption can be provided up to 1.5 "cubes".

How to make a drill for a water well

This "tool", depending on the characteristics of the soil, can go up to 25 - 30 m. Water intake can be carried out already from 7 - 10 m, if the aquifer is not deep. Such a well under water is called "sandy".

The drill resembles the one that the fishermen in winter time make holes in the ice. The difference is that the tool consists of a straight rod with a screw end (steel strip welded in a spiral). A segment is welded on the other end metal pipe. The "shoulder" of the lever is selected based on the convenience of work.

When determining how to drill a well for water, you need to focus on its desired depth. Therefore, you should prepare "knees" - extensions for a rod no longer than 1.2 - 1.5 m (for convenience) each. Their number depends on the depth of penetration. They are also made from pieces of pipe. suitable diameter. The connection between them is made by the method "one to another".

The knees are fastened hand drill for the well with metal fingers, for which radial holes are first drilled at the ends, if they coincide (after docking), a “stopper” is placed in them.

Each of the fingers should sit firmly. Therefore, they are also fixed in place with the help of bolts (which are screwed into pre-prepared - threaded - holes at their ends) or powerful studs.

Video - How to independently drill a well in the country

How to drill a well

The tool is placed strictly vertically, and the first 3 - 5 turns are made, after which it is removed from the pit along with the soil and cleaned. As it goes deeper into the soil, the bar lengthens with the help of knees.

It so happens that hand drill for the well it doesn’t go further, but turns in place (“ idling"). Perhaps there is a large stone in the way. In this case, you should start over, moving slightly to the side. You can't go through this section manually.

Arrangement of a well under water

After the hole is made, a casing pipe is inserted into it so that the soil does not pour into the well. Next, a caisson is arranged. This is the place where the pump and other equipment will be located. Soil is excavated around the casing pipe so that a hole of approximately 1.5 x 1.5 and the same depth is obtained. Its bottom and walls are compacted and strengthened ( brickwork, blind area, concreting).

A caisson for a well under water also prevents debris from entering it. Therefore, it must have a lid. When using a well in winter, it is insulated.

  • First, submersible type mechanisms are used.
  • Secondly, power selection is carried out based on the depth of the wellbore. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the static water level in the well. Each pump has its own characteristics for pumping water.
  • Thirdly, pumped head.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to focus on the conditions of its application. Various Models capable of working only with liquids, either pure or with an acceptable level of impurities.

When determining how to make a well for water, you need to consider that the point of its intake should be lower than the source of pollution(drainage well, cesspool etc). If the features of the soil do not allow this, then the distance between the sewage treatment element and the pit should be maximum. Even better is to drill an artesian, although such a do-it-yourself water well requires high costs time and effort.

It is necessary to pay attention to the method of mounting the filter, which is installed in the well under water in front of the pump. It should be easy enough to remove for periodic cleaning during operation.

Professional drilling of wells is a very expensive pleasure. Depending on the method of penetration, the cost of services of specialized companies ranges from 15-50 USD. e. for each meter of depth. Note that the task is really not easy, and therefore most of the owners of cottages and estates turn to specialists for its solution. Hence the purpose of this material is to consider options for how you can drill a well on a site with your own hands without the use of expensive equipment. We will describe the available methods so that you can evaluate the complexity and amount of work, and then start moving along the chosen path.

How deep is drinking water

This main question, which the homeowner puts when organizing the water supply of the dwelling. An exact answer to it can only be given by geological exploration of a summer cottage, carried out in last years. To be convinced of this, it is worth studying the layout of aquifers in the thickness of the earth.

As you can see, the water is located on different horizons, between which impermeable rocks lie - dense loam, limestone and clay. To determine the appropriate layer, we propose to slightly decipher the presented scheme:

  1. Closest to the surface are waters that enter the ground due to precipitation - the so-called perched water. In some places, it starts from a depth of 0.4-0.8 m and continues up to 20 m. As a rule, this is dirty and poorly filtered water containing harmful impurities.
  2. At depths up to 30 m, there are cleaner ground water, whose stock is also fed by precipitation. Most home wells break out to this horizon (its upper limit can be at a distance of 5-8 m from the surface). This water must be filtered before drinking.
  3. Underground water accumulations located in the sandy layer have undergone good natural filtration and are suitable for drinking water supply. If you want to make a well with your own hands, then you will need to reach this horizon.
  4. Most pure water is located in limestone voids at a depth of 80-100 m, which is unattainable using artisanal drilling methods. Since artesian water is under pressure, after punching a well, the flow independently rises to ground level, or even splashes out.

Note. The boundaries of the occurrence of perched water and groundwater are indicated very conditionally, their depth may vary depending on the terrain and other factors.

Location of the source of autonomous water supply

When we figured out between which layers there is a suitable horizon, we need to determine the place for the future source of water supply. We will not talk about dubious options like dowsing with a frame or a slingshot from a vine, but we will give a number of simple tips:

  • learn all about neighboring wells and wells: their depth, water quality and location;
  • retreat as far as possible from the sources of pollution - septic tanks, outdoor toilets and barnyard;
  • note: wells are not drilled on a hill, for this it is better to choose a lowland.

In any case, you need to be patient. It is likely that you will not be able to get drinking water the first time and you will need to make several attempts.

About drilling technologies

Before we talk about the methods of drilling, we list the types of wells:

  • to the water;
  • on the sand;
  • on limestone (artesian).

A shallow well for water is made in order to reach the upper horizons and organize the supply using a pump. This also includes the Abyssinian well from a pipe of small diameter. Accordingly, drilling into sand and into limestone means deepening to the lower layers, as shown in the diagram above.

This is what auger drilling looks like

There are several technologies for punching narrow vertical channels in the earth:

  1. With the help of a drill made in the form of an auger. To reach the desired depth, the drill builds up with new sections as it dives.
  2. Core drilling. In this case, the main tool is a hollow pipe with a sharp end, where welded carbide teeth. In the process of deepening, the glass is filled with rock, which is periodically cleaned out.
  3. Hydraulic method (direct or reverse flushing). The bottom line is that the drill is lowered into the channel along with the casing, and the soil from working area constantly washed out by the pressure of the water supplied by the drainage pump.
  4. The shock-rope method involves driving the same glass and periodically excavating the soil to the surface. It uses the impact force from the free fall of the tool placed inside the casing. Typically, the operator manually raises the glass, tied to the coil with a cable, and then releases it into free flight to the bottom of the well.

Reference. For the passage of loose layers or intermediate water carriers, when the auger or glass enters the slurry, a special device is used - a bailer or a drill-spoon. This is a piece of pipe check valve in the form of a petal or a ball, filled with liquid rock with each dive. Then the bailer is lifted and cleaned.

The design of a homemade bailer

In addition to the above methods, water well drilling is carried out using the Abyssinian well technology. In short, a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm with a cone at the end is immersed to the level of groundwater, which is subsequently pumped out of the well by a surface pump.

In order to drill at the well site with your own hands and not use specialized equipment, only 2 technologies can be implemented: shock-rope and Abyssinian well. We will tell about them further.

How to punch punch

This is the most inexpensive technology, but rather laborious. For work you will need the following devices:

  • a tripod made of rolled metal with a hook and a block on top;
  • winch with a cable, equipped with a handle;
  • driving tool - a glass and a bailer;
  • welding machine;
  • manual drill.

Ground punching cup

Advice. In the presence of welding inverter and the skills to work with it, you can weld these simple devices in your garage. But the manufacture homemade devices justified when you need to break through not one well, but 10 or 20. It's easier to rent a tripod with a coil.

Before drilling the soil to the required depth, prepare casing pipes. Their diameter should be such that the working tool passes freely inside, but with a minimum clearance, and the length should correspond to the height of the tripod. One condition: impact technology is not applicable on rocks or in soils with stone inclusions. To penetrate such horizons, you will need a carbide-tipped drill.

Independent drilling of a well for water is carried out in the following order:

  1. From the first section of the casing, make a filter by drilling holes Ø8-10 mm in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 7-8 cm on a pipe section 1 meter long. From above, close the holes with a stainless steel mesh fixed with rivets.
  2. Make a leader hole with a hand drill to a depth of 0.5-1 m. Here it is important to correctly set the tool at an angle of 90 ° to the surface so that the channel is strictly vertical.
  3. Insert the first section of casing into the hole, correct the vertical and insert the impact tool inside.
  4. Leaving a helper to maintain the casing, raise and lower the glass using the spool. When filling, take it out and clean out the rock. As the soil is removed, the pipe will take its place and gradually sink into the ground. To speed up the process, attach a couple of heavy weights to it.
  5. When the edge of the first section drops to the ground, weld the second section to it, strictly controlling the vertical level. Continue in the same way until you reach the water layer.

Welding the next section in level

An important point. Passing the top water, you will surely come across the slurry that falls out of the iron glass. A mixture of clay and water must be selected from the well using the bailer method, installing it instead of a conventional tool.

When the end of the pipe drops 40-50 cm below the groundwater level, stop punching the channel and proceed to “rocking” the source. To do this, lower the pipe connected to the surface pump to the bottom of the HDPE and pour 2-3 buckets of water into the shaft. Then turn on the unit and let it run for 2 hours, controlling the cleanliness and water pressure. Last step- arrangement of the well and connecting it to the water supply of the house, as described in. For more details on the drilling process, see the video:

Abyssinian well

Unlike traditional underground channels, the Abyssinian well has a small diameter (no more than 50 mm) and water is pumped out of it by a surface pump, not a submersible one. There is an opinion that due to the rarefaction created, such a well does not silt, and over time, its debit only grows due to the forced washing out of soil capillaries. In fact, such assertions have no serious grounds.

Before making an Abyssinian well, prepare the required number of casing pipes with a length of 2-2.5 m. Since penetration below 15 m is not expected, it is enough to have 6-7 ready-made segments Ø50 mm on hand, plus the first section with a steel cone at the end - a needle. She will play the role of a drilling tool.

Finished Needle with Mesh

The technology looks like this:

  1. Make the first section of the casing pipe - the so-called needle. Weld a metal cone to its end, and make holes on the sides and place the mesh, as described in the previous section.
  2. Dig a small leader hole, insert a needle into it and start driving, keeping to the vertical. To do this, you can use the same tripod with a suspended weight or another device.
  3. As you sink, weld in new sections and continue to drive in the casing. When approaching the estimated depth, check the appearance of water with a weight on a string.
  4. Having passed the aquifer, lower the polymer pipeline connected to the well into the well. manual column. Fill it with water and pump the source for 30-60 minutes until clear water comes out. Then proceed to the installation of an autonomous water supply.

Abyssinian well device

Advice. When you start ordering the manufacture of a steel cone, keep in mind that its "skirt" should be 3-5 mm wider than the casing pipe, so that when driving, the mesh does not peel off the walls of the shaft. To facilitate labor, make the end of the needle as sharp as possible.

At Abyssinian well there is one significant drawback: before drilling it, you need to know for sure that there is groundwater in this place. Otherwise, you run the risk of burying all the pipes in the ground, since it is not always possible to extract them back. The advantages of the source are simplicity in execution and minimum flow materials. If you wish, you can punch such a well right in the house, as a team of workers demonstrates in the video:


Method impact drilling really suitable in a situation where you need to make a well in the country on your own. Yes, and the Abyssinian well is arranged according to the same technology. To use other methods - auger, core and hydraulic - it is necessary special equipment- drilling machine, drainage pump etc. But it is impossible to completely abandon these options, despite the high prices, because the composition of the soil and the depth of the water carriers can be different. You can’t break through the rock manually and you won’t go to the horizon over 50 m.