Repair Design Furniture

Clogging a pipe under water. Abyssinian driven well - independently. How to make a filter well

How to drill a well with your own hands? Overview of three drilling methods

If you have made a deliberate decision to provide your suburban area with water, then it is best to use wells. Wells can be drilled on your own and if you intend to do this, then this article will come in handy. But better installation water supply systems should be entrusted to specialists, because it requires considerable experience and knowledge.

Choosing a location for a well

To begin with, we must choose the right place for the future well, as well as so that it is as efficient as possible. We need to determine if the site has a shallow aquifer, for which there are certain signs.

Signs of a shallow aquifer present on the site

  1. A lot of plants have accumulated in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, preferring high humidity.
  2. In the evening, fog and dew accumulate in areas with an increased amount of vegetation, and in winter time thawed patches form in the snow.
  3. going to a large number of mosquitoes and other insects. It is also believed that cats prefer to rest in places located above deep waters.

If at least one of these signs has been noticed, then you can safely proceed to drilling the well. These are all, of course, signs of more folk, more effective way revealing deep waters is a geological study.

Folk "method of detecting deep waters

Tools that will be required during the drilling process

We’ll make a reservation right away that not all tools can be made with your own hands, some of them will have to be bought. If we manage to make, for example, a drill, then its quality will be doubtful, because standard factory drills are made of high-strength hardened steel.

At work we will need:

  • Derrick;
  • Drilling column, to which couplings for connection are attached;
  • Drill head;
  • boards;
  • Rope;
  • Filter.

The drilling rig is a kind of tripod that you can assemble with your own hands from thick logs Ø15 centimeters. Between two of them we attach a winch, to which we hang the drill column with a rope. The column is a structure of rods interconnected by couplings and threads. There should be 6 rods in total, their length is from 1.5 to 3 meters.

The boards will be useful to us so that the walls of the pit do not crumble (we will talk later what it is). Drill heads are various kinds and are applied depending on the type of soil. Much depends on this type, up to the method of drilling a well.

Types of drill heads

Drill heads are of the following types:

  1. a chisel used to split hard rocks;
  2. bailer - it removes the soil left after the operation of the bit (you can also drill loose soil with the bailer);
  3. a spoon that is used for sand and clay;
  4. a coil will be needed if gravel is present in the soil;
  5. spoon with serpentine.

We have selected the tools, we proceed directly to drilling.

Rope drilling technology

The percussion-rope method of drilling consists of the following stages.

Stage 1. Pre-instruction. Before starting work, we must understand that the optimal depth of the well is 7-10 meters. You can drill no more than 20 meters on your own, if the groundwater is at a greater depth, then specialists must definitely do the drilling.

Important! It is impossible to drill a well on your own in any case, since at least two assistants will be needed for this.

Stage 2. Align the pit (rectangular "box") in the place where the well will be located. The dimensions of the pit should be 2x1.5x1.5 m, and it is needed so that unstable upper layers of soil do not crumble. We take the boards and make the lining of the walls of the pit.

Stage 3. We mount the tripod at the drilling site. We securely fasten it, then we place the drill column in the hole and turn the rod. The drilling process has begun. Every 60-70 centimeters we clean the column from adhering earth.

Stage 4. When we reach the aquifer, the drill column should be pulled out, and the filter should be lowered instead. We will definitely use the filter, otherwise the water pump will quickly become unusable. The voids formed between the walls of the well and the filter are covered with sand. Then we install pipes through which water will rise, and dismantle the walls of the pit. We fill up the well.

Stage 5. We install a water pump, which will be the "core" of the entire well. Outwardly, it will not look very attractive, so it is advisable to decorate it with some kind of decorative element, for example, a canopy.

In this way, we can drill a well up to 20 meters. Water located at such a depth has repeatedly passed through natural filtration, it will be clean and soft.

Well pipes and filter

The well filter is the same important detail like a pump. There are the following types of filters:

  • gravel;
  • Wire;
  • Reticulate.

During operation, it is desirable to fill the filter with gravel, which will prevent dirt from entering the pipeline. When choosing a filter, we must pay attention to the following parameters:

Options for arranging pipes for water lifting

  1. If water is planned to be consumed as food, then plastic should be used, which does not corrode. If finances allow, you can buy more expensive enameled steel pipes.
  2. If the well is intended for economic purposes, then we can use socket, thin-walled or threaded pipes.

Drilling a well using a pump

This method is perfect if the depth ground water does not exceed 10 meters. It is no less effective than the previous one.

Stage 1. We dig a hole 1.5 meters deep in order to remove loose and unstable upper layers of soil. The area of ​​such a pit should be approximately 1 square meter. We upholster its walls with boards so that it is convenient to work.

Stage 2. We take steel pipe and cut one end of it with teeth, like on a hacksaw. We unbend the teeth in different sides. At the other end, we make a thread for connecting to pipes. Next, using clamps, we equip the pipe with handles so that you can hold it vertically. On the remaining pipes, we also make threads, but on both sides. Each pipe should be approximately 3 meters long.

Stage 3. We take a pre-prepared container of at least two hundred liters filled with water, a medium power water pump, as well as a hose that will reach the bottom of the pit. All pipes should have Ø12 cm, more if possible.

Important! This procedure is also not overpowered, you must have at least one assistant.

Stage 4. We insert the pipe into the pit to the maximum possible depth. We turn on the pump. The pressure of the water will erode the soil under the pipe, and it will gradually sink. It is desirable to constantly rotate the pipe at the same time.

Stage 5. The water will overflow from the pipe, but it can be reused by straining through a sieve. When the pipe is completely deep, we attach the next one to it and continue to work until the aquifer is reached. Then we remove the boards and bury the hole, and attach a cover to the end of the pipe, which will prevent debris from entering the system.

This is the easiest way to drill a well, but there are others.

A shallow well for economic purposes

If water is needed, for example, for watering a garden, then a well for this can be made using a conventional hand drill. The only condition is that the upper water table must be a maximum of three meters from the surface. If the length of the hand drill is not enough, then we build it up with reinforcing bars or small metal pipes. How to install f , you can read in our article.

We pass through the hardest layers of the earth with an additional load that clings to the handle of the drill. So the load on the hands will be less.

Important! The water extracted from such wells is not suitable for drinking, since it did not pass natural filtration!

If branches or roots come across during drilling, then we cut them down with an ax, previously attached to a long iron bar. After about two meters, wet sand will start to come across, so every 10 centimeters the drill will have to be pulled out for cleaning, otherwise we may break the device.

When the sand takes on a bluish tint, it will mean that we are almost there. When the first water appears, the drill can no longer be used, because it will no longer give anything - the liquid soil will not hold on to the blades. We just have to insert the casing pipe - a shallow well is ready!

To lift the water, we will use a conventional electric pump.

As a conclusion

Production drills are striking in their scale, which is why the very idea of ​​drilling a well with our own hands seems stupid and impracticable to us. But those of you who have read the article already know that this is, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. All we need is a drilling tool, Additional materials, a bit of skill and, of course, patience.

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Water on the site on their own

The driven well is quite common today. Since there are fewer and fewer wells, and water is a vital product, it is better for private houses to have their own well or two. One well is usually arranged inside the house, and the other - outside it, it is possible on the street near the bathhouse. Wells will provide constant water inside the house and for everything personal plot and backup water supply. For such work, knowledge will be required on how to hammer a pipe for a well correctly.

Before hammering a pipe for a well, it is advisable to find out from neighbors nearby the depth of the water mirror, take a closer look and get acquainted with nearby wells.

A driven well is quite convenient, if only because its construction is carried out in almost one day, of course, if all the components necessary for it are available. The cost of construction work is not very high, and the process itself is quite simple, so if the aquifer is good enough, then this is the most the best way water supply of a residential building. Before the main work, you can start preparatory work already with winter period. Before clogging a pipe for a well, it is advisable to find out from neighbors nearby the depth of the water mirror, take a closer look and get acquainted with nearby wells.

What is needed for a well

  • first you need to purchase pipes that would have about 15 m in length. The most important part of a tubular well is considered to be an intake - a filter, which is made of the same material. as the components of the whole structure;

The length of the intake is determined by the aquifer. If the vein for getting water is good, then the intake can have a length of 0.5 m, and its largest length can be 1.5 m.

  • the intake cone is made by a turner. It is either welded to the intake, or put on a thread. Numerous holes must be drilled along the entire length of the pipe, the diameter of which should be about 80-100 mm;
  • holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern. Then such a pipe is wrapped with a mesh and soldered along the edge with tin solder. The intake mesh is a completely different matter. A good mesh can hold a small puddle of water on it and still keep it from flowing freely and easily. Non-ferrous metal mesh is not suitable, as it is most likely to corrode;
  • Today, more and more often construction work they use stainless self-tapping screws with large caps, which are even very suitable for attaching the mesh to self-tapping screws. For fastening, you need to drill holes of a couple of millimeters along the entire length of the intake pipe.

Extension pipes are cut into pieces 0.5 and 1.5 m long, depending on the type of soil.

When the winding is carried out with a mesh, it must be pressed with a stainless steel tape with self-tapping screws along the entire length of the pipe, using a screwdriver for this, and then cut off. Wrapping the mesh with wire will not bring any sense, because, if the intake is hooked in the ground for something strong and resistant, the wire will not help and the mesh will still break.

  • extension pipes are cut into pieces 0.5 and 1.5 m long, depending on the type of soil. If the soil is not very hard, but plastic and the pipes enter the ground easily, you can make them a little longer. Couplings for connection are made only of steel, so that they hold tightly and do not burst during operation, they are made into half of the coupling. Couplings are most often installed on linen with paint.

We start drilling a well

  • Earth drilling is carried out with an ordinary fishing drill, in which the handle is only remade in such a way that it is possible to attach extension knees to it and replace the brace with a T-shaped handle.

Drilling a well will require two people, since it will be necessary to remove the drill from the ground, and this work is quite difficult for one person.

Land drilling is carried out with an ordinary fishing drill.

If, as a result of drilling, quicksands are found, then work is stopped. A pre-prepared pipe with an intake is lowered into the well and a mallet is taken.

The beater looks like an ordinary chock, which on both sides has clogged metal brackets in a vertical position. Clogging of the pipe can be carried out by one person, or it can be done by two. If the pipe is too high, then we will hammer it using a stepladder.

The intake into the aquifer must be hammered with uniform blows on the pipe. Water is tested by pouring liquid into the well. If it does not linger, but immediately leaves, you can get water at the drilling site.

Pump connection and water analysis

A hand pump for pumping water is attached to the intake using rubber hose with clamps.

  • Further, with the help of a rubber hose with clamps, a hand pump is attached and the water is pumped out. Via hand pump raising water from a well is quite easy and simple. If the water appears clean and tasty, without the formation of a film and precipitation, then. it is of good quality.

It is possible to determine the quality and quality factor of water by analyzing it in a special laboratory. If you do not like the quality, you can continue to clog the pipe for great depth, checking from time to time to see if there is an aquifer. It is possible to hammer the well to the stop no deeper than 15 meters.

If the water table is at a level below 9 m, then it cannot be pumped out. Of course, you can lower the pump a few meters, first dig a pit, or simply make a well and install a water pumping station.

If water is not found or it is of poor quality, then the pipes are removed. If you have difficulty lifting them, use a jack.

Well preparation for operation

If the well is used only in the summer, it is advisable to remove the valve for the winter - then the water column will fall to the usual level and no freezing will occur.

If as a result you find good water, you can begin to prepare the well for operation. The height of the pipe is leveled above ground level for easy connection. Sometimes they change the last knee to another of the required length, or simply saw off the excess part and cut a thread on it. The thread is necessary to be able to install the valve and further connect the hose.

The valve is a rather complex device, so it can often break or fail. To prevent this from happening, the valve is installed at the top in front of the pump. With it, the pole is supported, and in which case it can be easily replaced. If the well is used only in the summer, it is advisable to remove the valve for the winter - then the water column will fall to the usual level and no freezing will occur. In the spring, the valve is put in its original place and the water is raised.

If the well is used in winter, then the valve can also be removed, and put on during use, only then you need to make sure that no water is left in the pump. Next, you need to connect a water pumping station or an electric pump through a pipe or hose. To do this, use a hose high pressure, since there is a vacuum in this place and it can be flattened. Sometimes a driven well is made on the street, a pipe is attached to it, and it, in turn, is led into the basement of the house where the water pumping station is installed.

Water pumping stations operate with a steady column and when the entire system is filled with water. Therefore, at first, to raise the water, they use manual vacuum pump. It is connected separately through a special valve, which is located in front of the water pumping station. When the water rises to required level and the receiver is filled, the system will start automatically. There will always be a column of liquid in the pipe.

Well and pipe cleaning

You can also clean the well with the help of a special device called a bailer.

Often, during long-term operation of a driven well, the flow of water slows down significantly. This happens as a result of clogging and clogging of the collection grid. Then it is necessary to pull the pipes out of the well and clean or replace them with new ones, you can simply change the grid of the collector or the collector as a whole.

There are times when the water in the well disappears completely. This happens sometimes for natural reasons, and sometimes for man-made. Then it is necessary to carry out deeper drilling and arrange a well with a casing pipe.

New driven well technologies

Today, quite interesting driven wells have appeared, such as disposable ones. For their arrangement, a metal-plastic pipe is used. To drive it into the ground, a composite rod is required, which is reusable.

The intake, like in conventional driven wells, only inside it is made a recess of a conical shape, which is designed to support the driving rod. Attached to the intake through a coupling from metal-plastic pipe knee and lowered into the drilled well.

Inside the pipe there is a driving rod, which strongly abuts against the recesses of the conical intake. An anvil is wound onto a steel rod and an intake is hammered through this rod. Having reached the aquifer, the rod is removed from the pipe, and the pipe is connected to the pump.

You decide to build a well on your own site to provide for your home and family enough pure water? However, were you shocked by the amount that it would cost to drill it? Agree that this event, although quite expensive, is extremely necessary.

The high cost naturally forces us to look for an alternative to the services of drillers. We will tell you how to drill a well with your own hands. We will help you deal with the peculiarities of driving and arranging a water source - this is quite a feasible task for those who are not afraid of hard work.

The article discusses different ways well construction. After reviewing them, you will understand whether you can perform all the necessary operations. For better assimilation of the above information, the article is equipped with step by step photos and videos showing the process of drilling and making drilling tools at home.

Before starting drilling, you should study the composition of the soil at the site in order to at least roughly imagine your future well.

Depending on the characteristics of the aquifer, there are three types of wells:

The Abyssinian well (or well-needle) can be arranged almost everywhere. They punch it where the aquifer lies relatively close to the surface and is confined to the sands.

For its drilling, driving technology is used, which is not suitable for the construction of other types of wells. All work can usually be completed within one business day.

This scheme allows you to study the features of the device of various wells in order to better understand the technology of their drilling and choose the appropriate method (click to enlarge)

But the flow rate of such wells is small. To provide the house and the plot with enough water, it sometimes makes sense to make two such wells on the site. The compact dimensions of the equipment make it possible to arrange such a well right in the basement without any problems.

Filter wells, which are also called "sand" wells, are created on soils where the aquifer lies relatively shallow - up to 35 meters.

Usually these are sandy soils that lend themselves well to drilling. The depth of the filter well usually varies between 20-30 meters.

When drilling an Abyssinian well, a narrow auger drill is first used to go through hard ground and reach a quicksand

The hose is not lowered into such a well, its role is played by the narrow pipe itself. The pump is installed directly on the top of the Abyssinian well.

The casing pipe, which at the same time is the shaft of the mine, is extended in sections of 1-3 meters, and the threaded connections are carefully sealed by winding and silicone sealant. Compact dimensions make it possible to arrange such a well even in the basement of a private house, so as not to take up space on the site.

The Abyssinian well is also called a needle well, since the casing with a filter tip really resembles a needle. Threaded connections of such a pipe should be carefully sealed

To make a needle well filter, a series of holes about 10 mm in diameter are made on the bottom of the pipe. The perforated section is covered from the outside with a layer of a special metal mesh of galloon weaving. Such a filter will reliably prevent fine sand from entering the well.

When figuring out how to drill or drill a needle well on your own, the method of driving a string of narrow casing pipes should be given close attention. This operation can be performed using a rod or headstock. A long metal rod is used as a rod, which is gradually increased as it is lowered along with the casing.

The blows of the rod during operation fall on the tip. At the same time, the pipe connections also experience additional stress and can be deformed. Sometimes, with strong impacts, the coupling connection can simply break during clogging, and this is unacceptable. Grandma is a load with a hole.

A special head is put on the upper end of the casing pipe, on which they are struck to hammer the pipe to the desired depth. With this method of clogging, the load is distributed more evenly, but the integrity of the joints is still at risk. Therefore, only high-quality materials should be used to drill the Abyssinian well.

In this case, it is only relevant threaded connection, which is coaxial with the center of the pipe. Correctly perform such a thread can only be on lathe. A torn pipe will cause a lot of trouble for the master, since it is almost impossible to pull out a piece of a column stuck in the ground.

Work will have to start over, and costs will rise markedly. But if for some reason it was not possible to drill an Abyssinian well, almost all materials can be reused.

Production of drilling tools

As mentioned earlier, drilling tools can be made on your own, borrowed from friends, or purchased commercially.

Sometimes a drilling rig can be rented. However, the goal of self-drilling is usually to keep costs as low as possible. The easiest way to drill cheaply is to do.

The diagram shows the arrangement of various drilling tools. With the help of a chisel, especially hard soil can be loosened, and then it is removed with a drill, bailer or other device.

Option # 1 - spiral and spoon drill

Manual drilling can be done with a spiral or spoon drill. For the manufacture of a spiral model, a thick pointed rod is taken, to which knives are welded. They can be made from a steel disk cut in half. The edge of the disk is sharpened, and then the knives are welded to the base at a distance of about 200 mm from its edge.

A self-made auger drill can be different designs. Its obligatory elements are knives with pointed edges and a chisel installed at the bottom.

Knives should be located at an angle to the horizontal. An angle of about 20 degrees is considered optimal. Both knives are placed opposite each other. Of course, the diameter of the drill should not exceed the diameter of the casing. Usually a disc with a diameter of about 100 mm is suitable. The knives of the finished drill should be sharpened sharply, this will facilitate and speed up drilling.

Another version of the spiral drill can be made from a rod and a strip of tool steel. The width of the strip can vary between 100-150 mm.

Steel should be heated and rolled into a spiral, hardened, and then welded to the base. In this case, the distance between the turns of the spiral should be equal to the width of the strip from which it is made. The edge of the spiral is carefully sharpened. It is worth noting that it is not easy to make such a drill at home.

A spiral auger for drilling can be made from a pipe and a steel strip, however, it is not always easy to roll the tape into a spiral, weld and harden the tool at home

To make a spoon drill, you need a metal cylinder. In conditions self-manufacturing the easiest way is to use a pipe suitable diameter, for example, a 108 mm steel pipe.

The length of the product should be about 70 cm, it will be difficult to work with a longer device. On this case, a long and narrow slot should be made, vertical or spiral.

A homemade spoon drill is easiest to make from a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter. The lower edge is folded and sharpened, and a hole is made along the body for cleaning the drill

Two spoon-shaped knives are mounted in the lower part of the body, the cutting edge of which is sharpened. As a result, the soil is destroyed by both horizontal and vertical edges of the drill.

The loosened rock enters the cavity of the drill. Then it is taken out and cleaned through the slot. In addition to knives, a drill is welded along the axis of the device in the lower part of the drill. The diameter of the hole made by such a drill will be slightly larger than the device itself.

The first thing an owner should do suburban area, whether it is a rural courtyard or just a garden, to provide water supply. It is good if a centralized water supply was built, but, alas, it is not present in every locality. In such a situation, one thing remains - to extract water from underground. Contrary to popular belief, this event is not always extremely costly, because the technology of drilling a well under water can well be mastered by a self-taught person who is used to doing everything on his own.

12 to 50 m

The middle depths are the realm of water-bearing sand. The water here is quite clean, but getting to it with just a shovel or a pointed pipe will not work. Nevertheless, the desire to build a well on the sand on your own is quite feasible. You will need special equipment and deeper knowledge of the technology of drilling water wells with your own hands. It is about sand wells that will be discussed further.

About drilling methods

Before you drill a water well with your own hands, you must select the type of drilling rig (there are three of them).

Shock rope

A heavy load, called a cartridge, as well as a special tool - a bailer - is suspended from the frame with a cable. From below, several strong triangular teeth are welded onto a cartridge weighing about 80 kg. Raising it and dropping it, loosen the soil, which is then removed with a bailer.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make a shallow well with a garden drill. The cartridge can also be lifted manually, but it is better to use a rotary motor for this.

Applies this way when working on light or clay soil.


The working body of such an installation is similar to a garden drill, only very powerful. It is made from a 100 mm pipe, on which a couple of turns of a screw with a diameter of 200 mm are welded. For the manufacture of one turn use a round sheet blank with a hole cut in its center with a diameter of just over 100 mm. A cut is made along the workpiece radius, then the edges in the place of this cut are parted in two opposite directions perpendicular to the workpiece plane.

As the drill sinks, the bar on which it is fixed increases. The tool is rotated manually using a long handle made from a pipe. Every 50 - 70 cm, the drill will have to be removed, and since as it deepens it will have everything more weight, for this it will be necessary to install a tripod with a winch.


For all its complexity this option is the most efficient and versatile. Soil development is carried out by means of a drill bit fixed on a constantly growing pipe - a drill rod or a column. Drill bits may have different design, the choice of which depends on the type of this moment soil.

At rotary drilling combine rotational and percussive impact on the rock. In addition, the design of the drill column allows you to pump water or mud into the well, which erode the soil and significantly speed up the advancement of the tool.

Where to drill

Before starting any work, the hydrogeological situation should be clarified. The best source information - owners of surrounding areas, especially if they already have wells or have once tried to build them.

The second way is how to make a well for water, or rather, choose a place for it - search for hydrogeological maps in your area, which may be kept by design organizations or relevant departments.

If it was not possible to obtain a clear idea of ​​the presence and nature of aquifers, you will have to take the most costly step - to order exploration drilling. However, before that, you can try one of folk methods , for example, dowsing (dowsing), which, according to some evidence, can indicate the presence or absence of water underground with acceptable accuracy.

When choosing a place for a well, you should beware of the neighborhood in the form of septic tanks, cesspools, landfills or livestock complexes. If they are still nearby, then they should be at a distance of no closer than 30 m. Of course, the well should be located closer to the house. Optimal Distance is 3 m.


To drill a well on the site with your own hands, you need to prepare the following elements:

Read about what characteristics and advantages it has in our separate article.

Comparison of wells and wells is a site. All for and against these sources of water intake.

Let's start drilling

Let's bring general instruction regarding how to equip a well in the country with your own hands:

  1. A square excavation is made in the ground with dimensions in terms of 1.5x1.5 m and a depth of 1 to 2 m - the so-called pit. It is necessary in order to prevent shedding of loose surface soil into the well. Inside, the pit is sheathed with plywood or boards, and on top of it for ease of carrying out installation work boardwalk is laid.
  2. After installation of the installation, two coaxial holes are cut out in the upper and lower floors of the pit, after which drilling is started.
  3. The drill rod is rotated by means of a gear motor or manually. At the same time, a bodice is put on the bar, on which one of the workers strikes with a hammer. Alternative option: the drill is winched up and dropped in the same way as it is done with percussion drilling. If necessary, water or drilling fluid is supplied to the rod.
  4. In parallel with drilling, a casing pipe with a special shoe installed from below is installed in the well. Like a drill rod, it builds up gradually.
  5. After quicksand (soil with high humidity) drilling speeds up (aquifer starts) and then slows down again. This means that a water-resistant layer has been reached and drilling can be stopped.
  6. A filter column is lowered into the well, after which it is washed with a strong pressure of water.
  7. Down into the well submersible pump, which begin to pump out water until it becomes absolutely clean

On the final stage do-it-yourself well equipment in the country, all cavities are covered with a sand-gravel mixture, and a pipeline is laid to the house in a trench.

Common Mistakes

The lack of experience of self-taught drillers most often manifests itself in the following:

  1. The drill is lowered too deep, as a result of which the casing pipe crosses the aquifer. Solution: raise the casing or insert a new, shorter one into it, after which the earlier installed pipe should be removed.
  2. The casing pipe did not reach the required depth, as a result of which the soil below collapsed and the well productivity dropped sharply. Solution: remove the soil with a bailer, then immerse the pipe to the required depth.
  3. The pump was set too low, causing the well to become clogged with sand.

In the latter case, remove the pump and, having selected the sand with a bailer, install it correctly. The correct position is determined as follows: the operating pump is gradually lowered until sand is found in the pumped water. After that, the pump is slightly raised until the water supplied by it becomes clean. (usually correct position pump - 1-2 m from the bottom).

How to drill a well under water with your own hands and what equipment you can use to watch the video.

Equipped well for water is an autonomous and reliable source water supply of a summer house or a private house.

The organization of individual water supply is not always caused by the lack of a centralized water supply, the reason may be the poor quality of water in the main, interruptions in supply, deterioration of the water canal network, high cost of water, its shortage, and other factors.

Almost all owners of dachas or country cottages have an autonomous source of water.
Another thing is that their choice may differ. Someone prefers the well
someone likes a well.

By the way, it will be useful to know comparative characteristics- which is better, a well or a well for water supply to a private house.

This article is for those who opted for a well.

It should be noted that wells are divided into two types depending on the depth of drilling.

Since do-it-yourself drilling is supposed, consider
in more detail the device of wells for sand, as the most accessible in terms of
independent implementation.

Drilling a well for water - step by step instructions

1. Depth determination

  • shallow (up to 3 m) well breaks in the case
    if the aquifer is close to the ground surface, and the water
    intended to be used only for technical needs or irrigation. For drilling
    such a well is sufficient with a drill, a casing pipe and a hand pump;
  • medium deep (up to 7 m) well will enable you to get
    water fit for human consumption. To drill on my own
    well, in addition to the drill, you will need a shovel and time to build a pit. Pit (pit)
    with dimensions of 1.5x1.5x1.5 is designed to facilitate drilling to a large
    depth. For convenience, it can be reinforced with plywood or boards. After
    completion of work, the pit falls asleep. Water is supplied by a pump;
  • deep (more than 7 m) well, will completely close
    the need for water of all residents of a private house or cottage. At the same time, water
    will be sufficient not only for individual consumption, but also for
    technical needs, sanitary requirements, irrigation, maintenance of a pool or pond

In general, the choice of the type of water intake is determined after
geological survey of the location of the organization of the well. We propose to consider
the last option is a do-it-yourself deep well device, as the most
the most complex one presented.

A detailed description of the principles of organizing the water supply of a private house from a well

2. Well drilling methods

The listed types of wells (to artesian or wells "on
lime” does not apply) can be drilled using the following methods (technologies):

Auger drilling of a well for water Auger drilling using an auger drill.

Core drilling of a well for water Core drilling (an annular drill is used).
Percussion drilling of a well for water Percussion drilling. In this case, a drill bit is used, which is driven into the soil without excavation. The soil is simply compacted away from the axis of the bit. The chisel is hammered using a tripod with
Rotary percussion water well drilling Percussion rotary drilling. The work of the drill is supplemented by washing out the soil with water. The method is laborious for individual use.
Rotary water well drilling Rotary drilling (provided by a mobile drilling rig).

The photo shows a small-sized drilling rig MGB50P-02S with a movable hydraulic rotator manufactured by Horizontal.

3. Water well drilling project

If the exact depth is known
aquifer can be drilled directly with the size of the casing drill
pipe. If not, you will first need to find out at what depth lies

Thus, any well is an individual project,
which is affected by the following parameters:

  • geological structure of the soil;
  • selected drilling method;
  • requirements that are put forward to the quantity and quality of water;
  • the requirement to maintain the necessary distances to the places of pollution (arrangement of the "sanitary zone");
  • depth of the aquifer. Moreover, this does not mean the first vein to which the drill has reached, but the one that will meet the conditions of use in terms of ensuring the debit of the well.

4. Water well drilling tools

Since the shock-rope method is described manual drilling, then its advantages should be noted:

  • preservation of most of the useful soil layer in the original
    condition. Those. heavy equipment will not damage the plantings on the site;
  • no restrictions on the place of drilling. You can use a hand drill
    drilling in almost any part of the site;
  • simplicity of equipment and minimum requirements for the qualification of the driller.

For work you will need:

  • shovel;
  • drill with reinforced cutting part. Tip: you can strengthen the drill
    by welding cutters onto the screw, the role of which can be played by file elements
    or a metal bar. In addition, cutters can be sharpened using a grinder;
  • trolley for the removal of excavated soil;
  • pump type "baby" with a hose;
  • container with water.

Suitable for furnishing:

  • crushed stone or gravel for a pillow;
  • steel wire for the filter;
  • pipes;
  • wire for arranging a bottom filter.

5. Choice of location and arrangement of the pit

With the help of hired specialists or folk methods
(dowsing, barometric method, using silica gel, by quantity
rossy, exploration drilling etc.) determine the place where the aquifer
is closest to the surface.

Digging a hole for a water well Next, we dig a hole. This is the development of soil of a certain depth, the purpose of which is to facilitate the process of drilling a well.

Pit arrangement milestone for two reasons.

Firstly, the depth of drilling with a drill is reduced.

Secondly, the possibility of soil collapse around the well is excluded.

Pit dimensions are determined by the driller, but are usually
1.5x1.5 and 1.5-2.5m. in depth. To prevent the soil from crumbling, the pit is strengthened
plywood, boards or metal.

6. First method: tripod - drilling rig

Water well drilling rig A tripod is a percussion-cable mechanism for drilling water wells. The support structure will be needed in order to facilitate the drilling process through the use of a drill glass.

Diagram of a tripod device for drilling The tripod can be made of wood (knots are excluded) or metal pipe(or profile). The length of the beam or pipe should be 4-5 m. How to make a tripod for drilling can be seen in the diagram.
Drilling glass for drilling Further, a mechanical winch with a cable is attached to the tripod, on which the drill glass is fixed.

Such a drilling rig is compact, and has a significant
margin of safety. The principle of operation of the installation is simple: a glass falling into the ground absorbs
ground yourself. Depending on the composition of the soil in one stroke, you can choose from 20
see up to 1 m. of soil. To facilitate the work, you can fill the drilling site with water. Time
from time to time, the drill glass must be cleaned of the soil stuffed into it.

Attention: The cable on which the drill is attached must be longer
well depth. Otherwise, it will break off, and the drill will remain at the bottom.

The casing pipe can be installed at the same time as
advancing to the depth or after all the work has been completed.

7. The second method - casing and drill

During the drilling process, you can immediately install the casing.
Then its diameter must be greater than the diameter of the drill, so that the drill can freely
move in the pipe.

When performing work, you need to constantly monitor the moisture content of the soil being removed so as not to miss the aquifer (otherwise it can be closed with a pipe). The main features are below.

Material prepared for site

pumping out dirty water After an aquifer is discovered, dirty water must be pumped out in order to understand whether there are enough water reserves in this vein. For this, a submersible or hand pump is used.

If after pumping out 2-3 buckets muddy water, the net still has not appeared should continue drilling until
more capacious layer.

Important: the pump is not designed for such operating conditions, therefore
after cleaning the water, it may break. It is recommended to use only
quality pump.

8. Well casing

For casing, steel or plastic pipes can be used.
(service life up to 50 years). But the use of galvanized pipes is not recommended,
due to the risk of water contamination with zinc impurities.

The meaning of the upset is as follows:

  • prevention of shedding of the walls of the well;
  • prevention of well silting;
  • elimination of the possibility of perched water getting into the well
    (water upper layers, melt or rain water);
  • eliminating the risk of clogging the well.

The installation of the casing pipe is carried out immediately after
completion of work or directly in the process of drilling.

Tip: if the pipes go "creaking" you need to attach to them

9. Flushing the well with water after drilling

The installation of a casing pipe does not end there. Now
the well needs to be flushed out. To do this, a pipe is lowered into it, through which under
water is supplied under pressure. Due to the pressure of water from the well, a layer of clay will be washed out
and sand to be pumped out. After the appearance of clean water, it must be handed over to
analysis. Requirements for the quality of water from a well are regulated by SanPiN (Russia) or
DSanPіN 2.2.4-171-10 (Ukraine). If the water quality is satisfactory,
continue work.

10. Bottom filter for sand well

The purpose of the filter is to protect the pipe from silting.

Well filter - notches How to make a filter for a well?

You can make a slotted filter with your own hands, for this you need to make notches (cuts) with a grinder at the end of the pipe.

Tip: for notches, you need to use a thin disk (0.8mm). Pay attention - many notches will weaken the pipe.

Well filter - drilling holes Alternatively, you can drill holes in the pipe. Next, the place of notches / drilling must be wrapped with wire or mesh. Lay the filter obtained in this way on a crushed stone pillow, backfilling of which will not allow the filter to
silt up.
Tip: the diameter of the filter pipe must be smaller than the diameter of the main pipes in order to be able to plunge into the well without problems.

by the most simple option there will be a purchase of a ready-made filter.

Important: without a filter, the well will not work for long. Its absence is justified only in deep water wells (more than 40 m)

11. Well debit for water

To get a complete picture of the capacity of the well at
sand must be waited a day, and then check the level of incoming water. If
the incoming water is sufficient for the needs of users can fill up the distance
between soil and casing. The pit is also buried.

12. The buildup of a well for water after drilling

This is a required step. To perform the buildup or simply
the final cleaning of the well needs to be installed centrifugal pump big
power and periodically pump out water for 1.5-2 weeks.

Tip: you should decide in advance where you will be redirected
pumped water.

13. Drilling a water well with your own hands - video

Manual technology using the shock-rope method of hole punching.

14. Installing a pump for a well for water

Please note surface type pumps are not intended
for installation in a well. Due to the depth limitation of 8 m. For these purposes
only a submersible pump is suitable - centrifugal or vibration. Each of
subspecies has its own merits, and the final choice can be made
analyzing the influence of such factors as:

  • well depth;
  • water level in the well;
  • casing diameter;
  • well debit;
  • water pressure in the well;
  • well pump cost.

15. Putting the well into operation

If drilling a well under water was not carried out independently,
and with the involvement of a third-party organization, then before accepting a job you need
require the following documents:

  • hydrogeological conclusion on the possibility of implementing a water well project;
  • well passport;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station (checks the quality of water and the compliance of the sanitary zone with the requirements);
  • certificate of completion.

If all the work will be done independently, then the main thing is not to rush, but to withstand the technology and comply with all key points well drilling process
water. However, do not forget that only the use quality materials(in particular, pipes and a pump) will be the key to the long-term functioning of the well.

Tags: Well Water Supply