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What matches do? Hunting matches: Reliable source of fire during rain and wind from what hunting matches consist

Matches are made of woody sticks (straws) with a head that is flammified by friction about the namazuka (grater). This cooler is applied on the side sides of the match box.

As raw materials for making match straws are used aspen, less often - lips. To do this, the tape is removed with a round churbach's round spiral knife - veneer, which is then placed with layers and shakes on the matching straw.

When combustion, matches are needed, firstly, get a sticking corner from straw, and secondly, to keep the slag slag from the burnt head on it to protect the consumer from the shipment of clothing, if a hot slag falls on it. In addition, the smoldering corner of the straw, naturally, is a fire danger. To exclude straw and fix the slag from the head on it, the straw is impregnated with substances forming on its surface when burning the film. Thanks to this film, the combustion of coal stops. The same film fastens the slag from the head. Phosphoric acid and its salt - diammonium phosphate (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 are used as antiterous substances.

To ensure the transition of the flame from the head to the straw, the latter near the head is impregnated with molten paraffin. Matches with non-steaphinated straws are exhausted almost immediately after combustion of the head. Paraffin is easily flammable when burning the head and gives a bright flame.

When that, hunting matches were the necessary element of the equipment of the hunter, tourist and a fisherman, and helped them divorce the fire in extreme conditions.

Today, in view of the fact that there was a huge selection of funds for the ignition of the campfire, from lighters before, it would seem special need to drag these matches in an extreme journey.

We decided to figure it out if it really is so or not. Let's deal with.

Consider the main ways than you can ignite the fire in the field, with the exception of exotic ways of type friction and metal wool.

Gas and gasoline lighters

The advantage of lighters is obvious

  • burns almost in all conditions,
  • she is not afraid of wetting,
  • she has a gas reserve, which is enough for a long time,
  • the minuses are difficult to set fire to a heavy frost, you will have to heat it, and after wetting it is necessary to dry a lighter somewhere, namely the flint.

Gasoline lighters having similar characteristics and in something exceeding gas lighters, for example

  • perfectly burn in the wind
  • trouble-free work in a strong frost,
  • the main minus must be dragging gasoline,
  • minus high price for high-quality copies, due to non-tightness of the design, gasoline is constantly evaporated from it.


Excellent alternative to other ways to breed fire,
  • requires skill and dry extracts,
  • it strongly depends on the humidity of the environment and the strength of the wind.
  • not afraid of wetting, it is enough to wipe and dry a little and you can knock out a spark.
  • minus - you need to solve problems with the cloud, you need skill.

Ordinary matches

Just and cheap, work in any frost.

  • when wetting become not suitable for use,
  • need chinach,
  • the complexity of the use of a strong wind,
  • limited quantity,
  • may crumble on pockets or backpack.

As it turns out the methods for inciting the fire in the field, a lot is quite a lot, the easiest and most convenient to take an ordinary lighter, and is better somewhat, spreading them on the pockets of clothes and a backpack and in most situations the problem with the fire will be solved.

This is true, but until a certain point. Let's go to hunting matches.

Hunting matches

In essence, these are ordinary matches, but in contrast to the usual, they are covered with a solution of bertolen salt, due to which they can burn in all conditions, even under water or in a strong storm. The combustion time of these matches is about 10 seconds.

The main purpose of these matches is the possibility of using them in non-standard situations or extreme conditions, for example, turned over on the kayak or fell under the ice hitting in cold water.

Unfortunately, if it was lucky to get to the shore a danger to life does not disappear, the problem remains how not to die from hypothermia or hypothermia, because the equipment will most likely be swept away or it will become wet and quickly disintegrate.

Hands will tremble from the cold and toggle the fire with ordinary matches, a lighter or fire will most likely be simply impossible, and in the additives to this by the law of admission, a strong ice wind will be raised.

Actually, in such situations, hunting matches will help save your life, but under one condition, if they were hidden in the equipment that will remain on you in this situation.

So, the question is needed by hunting matches or not, unambiguously needed, but they should enter the emergency equipment and is kept constantly with a person, otherwise it will not be any sense.

In ordinary situations, it is enough to use the usual lighter, ordinary matches or for lovers.

How to make hunting matches

In view of low prices (from 30 rubles) on hunting matches to make them independently not advisable and it is not possible, as it is impossible to make full-fledged matches that can burn in water, under water and in the wind at home is impossible, everything that is possible to protect it Ordinary matches wax or paraffin from moisture exposure and increase the burning time, but it is easier to buy a gas lighter and use it.

What hunting matches to buy

The only thing before you take them with you to check their quality:

  • whether they burn under water or after wetting,
  • have a strong wind withstand.

Unfortunately, a lot of low-quality matches are sold on sale.

It should also be remembered that hunting matches have a shelf life, and during long-term storage may lose their functions.

Example and review in video from YouTube channel tushich.

How and where to store hunting matches

In view of the fact that the hunting matches are a necessary element of survival, and may be needed in an emergency, then they need to be stored on the body in the emergency set.

The basic requirements for the emergency set of its miniature and imperiency, so a hermetic container hanging on her neck or fastened to trousers is perfectly suitable, or lying in his pants. Alternatively, you can use either ready-made matches already packaged in hermetic packaging, for example as in the photo:

Either order, for example

In today's article we will talk about how to quickly make hunting matches for the ignition of fire in extreme conditions.

How to make hunting matches

When we are going to hunt, fishing, or just in a tourist campaign, we are certainly obliged to stock the need for essentially, including for the ignition of fire in the open territory and even in extreme conditions. Yes, you say that I have a lighter or a box of matches for this incident. You probably happened when the lighter comes out of the ranks worst, freezing or simply flew flew, and your matches were dumbfounded.

Just at such a case it is necessary to have means for ignition. These funds must adequately withstand the tests for humidity, a gusty wind and, that is not very important, a sufficient amount of time was burning for calm ignition in the open area. To such means can be attributed to all familiar hunting matches.

Properties of hunting matches

The difference between hunting and simple matches is that the hunting has an additional so-called coating. It allows you to be matches moisture-resistant, long burning, and they have a big and roast flame. Such matches can support fire up to 20 seconds. You can catch up in raw and windy weather, as they are not afraid of humidity. Hunting matches can be used in a wide range of areas of our activity: on hunting, fishing, hiking and just on vacation, where many unpleasant situations can occur, and such matches always come to the rescue.

How to make hunting matches video

So how do you actually make hunting matches with your own hands? This is clearly visiting in the following video:

Perhaps you will be interested.

Matches hunting Suitable for use even in the worst climatic conditions. The combustion time of one match on average 20 seconds, during which time you will calmly be able to ignite the bonfire even with raw small twigs. Matches are not afraid of no wind, nor moisture. Buy Hunting matches and give an opportunity for yourself not to be nervous from the fact that matches are constantly wound from the wind. We offer matches of the famous Cedar Company Plus, many are already familiar with their products and enjoy only these matches.


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