Repair Design Furniture

Houseplants. Fatshedera: species and varieties, care and reproduction Indoor plants in the office

By choosing office flowers in Feng Shui, it is very important to consider the interior design. Decorative foliage should look organically with decorative blooming ones.

Too much a large number of flowering plants can create the image of a frivolous organization. Small plants will look best on a windowsill, desktop, or on a special flower stand. Large office flowers, such as a palm tree, will look organic in a conference room or in a manager's office.
Plants arranged according to Feng Shui affect the following important aspects:

  • Raising prestige. As the saying goes: "We are greeted by our clothes!" If your clients or partners, when they visit you, will see in addition stylish design, luxurious furniture, and also chic landscaping of the office - they will definitely have a positive impression. After all, the presence of plants indicates that the company is doing well, the financial condition is above average, and as a result, the confidence of customers and partners increases.
  • Improving the efficiency of employees. Office work involves hours of interaction with a computer. Doctors strongly recommend that you periodically give your eyes a rest, and look away from the monitor. Fresh flowers for the office perfectly solve this problem. The natural color of flowers and leaves has a beneficial effect not only on the eyes, but also on nervous system... Communication with a piece of nature helps to deal with stress.
  • Improving the microclimate. Even from school, we know that all plants emit oxygen, without which there was no life on Earth. But that's not all beneficial features our green friends. So, for example, cacti protect from the radiation of electrical appliances, sheffler and chlorophytum absorb unpleasant odors and harmful toxic substances, aloe absorbs all negative fumes ...

How to order flowers for the office?

We can buy flowers for the office both in transport pots, for example, to replace existing ones that have lost their decorative effect or dead plants, as well as flowers in permanent decorative pots selected for your office.

How to order flowers for the office
1. Application for office landscaping from you by phone.
2. On the same or the next day, free check-out specialist, to get acquainted with the architectural and planning solution of the interior, clarify the places of arrangement of plants, identify microclimatic factors (illumination, humidity, temperature regime, drafts). You will be presented with a catalog of plants and pots, and photographs taken to create a free visualization of the project.
3. Within 2 - 3 days we is free we will prepare you offer, including visualizations, a list of plants, pots and an estimate for the landscaping project.
4. Coordination (adjustment if necessary), conclusion of an agreement and 100% advance payment.
5. Delivery and placement of plants.

What you need to know when choosing indoor plants for the office

To keep the acquired plants as beautiful long years, you need to provide them with proper care and the right location.

  • Sufficient lighting - important aspect correct growth, development and preservation decorative look plants. All variegated and decorative flowering species require a lot of light. It is best to place them on the south, southwest or southeast side. The lack of light can be compensated for with fluorescent lamps. Slight shading is carried out by: Hovea palm, Elastica Robusta ficus, Benjamin Daniel's ficus, sansevieria (species with monochromatic green foliage), zamioculcas, dracaena with green monophonic leaves.
  • Temperature conditions. Flowers should not be placed near heating appliances. Negative influence a cold stream of air from an air conditioner also has an effect. In general, the office room temperature is suitable for most types.
  • Watering. It is very important to carry it out in a timely manner and enough... Plants are living things that are 80% water. Lack of liquid leads to wilting of leaves and depletion of the root system, and as a result to a loss of decorativeness and even death. Withstand short-term drought, without negative consequences, only cacti, succulents and Madagascar zamioculcas are capable. They store water in fleshy reduced shoots, leaves, and, in the case of zamiokulkas, in thick underground tubers. Excessive long-term waterlogging is also detrimental to plants. To cope with watering without hassle, the smart planter with the Lechuza automatic watering system will help. You will only need to monitor the level when it drops down to the “min” mark - add water to the tank (not exceeding the “max” mark).
  • The size of the pot (pots) directly affects the development of the root system. If the pot is small and the roots are cramped, this will adversely affect the growth and development of the flower. Some types of plants, such as palms, do not like replanting at all. For them, it is better to immediately choose a pots with a margin, so as not to disturb the transplant once again.
  • Top dressing. All plant nutrients are obtained from the soil, but their supply in the soil substrate is not infinite! Therefore, it is necessary to regularly replenish the balance with top dressing. It is most convenient to use a liquid complex mineral fertilizer, which is diluted in water prepared for irrigation. Fertilizer is applied every two weeks from March to October and once a month from November to February.

What if the office has no windows?

For good growth and development, our green friends need light, water, moisture and nutrients. But what if you need to plant greenery in an office without windows? Really, only artificial plants will come to the rescue when you so want natural greenery! Not at all. After all public buildings illuminated by fluorescent lamps that make up for natural daylight. This will be enough for many species, the only exceptions are very light-loving, able to comfortably exist only on the southern windows.

Can't find plants for your office? Use a ready-made solution!

The selection of plants for the office begins with a free visit of a phyto designer. On the spot, he finds out the level of illumination, photographs future places of arrangement of plants, gets acquainted with the stylistic solution of the interior. Then, within a few days, the selection of plants and pots is carried out, visualization is done and an estimate is made. This is followed by the approval, payment and implementation of the project. All this takes several days, and if not all the plants are available, then we bring them from Holland within 10 days. But if you do not have time to wait and you want to urgently plant greenery, then you can choose ready-made solutions compiled by our designers.

Well-chosen landscaping of a room can significantly expand the boundaries of your workspace and give it a sense of coziness. Don't believe me? And you try to put on your desktop a couple of typical office dwellers - ivy with lush foliage. And let them weave on the wall, for example, if the table is against the wall, or on some other support. You will instantly notice that the atmosphere of your workplace has changed. Natural and natural greens have a calming effect on a person and uplifting.

Want more facts? Most indoor crops, which are usually grown in workrooms, purify the air very well, removing harmful substances from furniture, linoleum, paint or plastic from it. In addition, they produce oxygen and saturate the air with moisture and various phytoncides.

Teaching conducted research on the role of green spaces in work spaces. And the result of these studies was simply amazing: if there is natural greenery in the office, then the work efficiency of employees increases by almost 20%.

Just think: for the price of two or three cups of coffee (or even less), you can get yourself an amazing long-lasting remedy (unlike the same coffee) that will provide you with vigor and good mood, increase your productivity and soothe tense nerves.

In this article, we have collected some very easy-to-care and completely unpretentious crops that can become great neighbors in the workplace.

One of the most unpretentious potted crops. Outwardly represents herbaceous plant without a pronounced stem, the leaves are collected in a voluminous basal rosette. The leaf plates are colored saturated green tint with a white and yellow line in the center.

The plant can grow in any conditions, unpretentious to the quality and composition of the soil. Chlorophytum develops both in the shade and on sunny windowsills. Flower long time dispenses with watering, dies only in rare cases. Effectively cleans the air from toxins and impurities.


A well-known pot plant of the Aroid family. This is an ornamental vine that can grow up to several meters in height. The leaves have a beautiful variegated color, heart-shaped.

The color of the vegetative parts may differ depending on the variety and species. For growing in indoor conditions the following types of epipremnum are used:

  • golden;
  • forest;
  • pinnate.

The plant is shade-tolerant, it can develop in any soil. It can tolerate occasional watering, but does not react well to frost. Epipremnum grows rapidly, embracing everything in its path. It is known for cleansing the air of formaldehyde compounds.

Zamioculcas, or dollar tree

This is an unpretentious succulent, in wild-growing native to Africa. At home, it reaches up to 100 cm in height, but develops rather slowly. Fleshy leaves are colored in rich green color, covered with a beautiful glossy coating.

Differs in unpretentious maintenance, can do without watering for a long time and sunlight... When growing, it is important to transplant the plant on time, since the tuberous root system strongly expressed, grows faster than leaves.

Indoor flowering is rare. During care, it should be borne in mind that plant sap is poisonous to humans and animals, care should be taken.

Ficus Benjamin

A popular tree plant used in home and office landscaping. It can grow up to 1 m in height, remarkably flexible branches, on which there are small glossy leaves of a green or variegated shade.

The plant is very tenacious, but maintenance is quite demanding on conditions. Prefers well-lit areas with extended, diffused light.

For harmonious growth, it is enough to water the ficus on time and not move it from one place to another. If the care requirements are not followed, it may ask for leaves, which are quickly replaced with new ones.

Aloe, or agave

A succulent plant that can be found in almost every home. Often used for planting in the office, as it has unpretentiousness and endurance.

It is represented by a small tree with an erect stem, on which there are fleshy elongated leaves with pronounced needles. External signs aloe is largely dependent on its species. Popular plant varieties:

  • tree-like;
  • folded;
  • spinous;
  • motley;
  • Barbadian.

The plant prefers well-lit window sills, undemanding to watering and feeding. The plant sap of the leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. All vegetative parts have ways to absorb harmful toxins, such as nitrogen compounds and formaldehyde.

Crassula, or money tree

The plant is popularly known under the name "bastard", since the leaves have a characteristic rounded shape with a pronounced thickening. Outwardly, it is a small tree, the height of which depends on the variety and type.

Refers to succulents, has all the typical features of this group - unpretentiousness, the ability to do without watering for a long time.

Waterlogging can destroy Crassula, so the dryness of the earth should be maintained. Prefers a well-lit place and a light substrate. The plant develops rapidly, so it is necessary to transplant in a timely manner.


Unpretentious ampel plant genus Kommelinovye. About 70 varieties are known, differing in leaf color, bush shape. The most famous of them:

  • riverside;
  • white-flowered;
  • purple;
  • small-leaved;
  • virginian.

The flower has a unique vitality, can grow and develop in almost any conditions. It can be grown both in a bright room and in a fairly dark office.

Tradescantia is undemanding to temperature conditions, for comfortable growth, moderate watering is enough. Since the flower grows quickly, pruning should be carried out every 3-4 months, removing all weak and damaged parts, and it is also advisable to pinch the upper part of the shoots.


A large liana, known for its large dissected leaves up to 45 cm long. It grows and develops rapidly, with proper care can reach 5m in height, occupies an area of ​​more than 2m 2, so large space is required for cultivation.

The plant belongs to tropical crops, prefers abundant watering, during the heating season, additional spraying of the leaves should be carried out. Long-term diffused lighting is required.

Monstera blooms at home extremely rarely, and to maintain decoratively, it is recommended to cut off damaged and dry leaves. It is necessary to install a support so that the vine grows comfortably upward, in its absence it can fall under the gravity of the leaves.

When choosing a plant for the office, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of growing a particular species, the growth rate and dimensions of the flower in adulthood. It is advisable to purchase only unpretentious and tenacious varieties of potted crops that require a minimum of maintenance.

Every day, millions of people go to work to their computers. Flickering of the monitor, motionless posture, monotonous movements - all lead to rapid fatigue. Add intense electromagnetic radiation, and get a significant decrease in the productivity of human labor. How to mitigate these negative impacts, on what to rest a tired look? Greening an office can significantly alleviate the problem and ultimately increase work intensity. It has long been established that the color of green plants soothes and relaxes the eye muscles, and this color cannot be replaced, say, with green walls or tables: living colors change shades in a special way, shine with glare of light and create a unique effect. An island of wildlife in an office full of electronics, it is also an opportunity to breathe high-quality air, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity.

So, decorating an office with flowers is not a whim of decoration, but a vital necessity. Not every plant will take root in an office space. It is necessary to take into account the humidity, and the amount of light, and the availability of free space, and other factors. Questions arise:

  • Which species to choose - ampelous, large-sized or succulents?
  • Are flowering plants, and what?
  • Which plants are the most tolerant to external conditions?
  • How to arrange them indoors so that they do not interfere with your work and feel good?

All this is known by the floristic specialists of the Lucky Day company. They make your office a place to breathe and be productive.

The place where visitors are received is also called an office. Each firm seeks to show itself to potential or actual clients with the best side... The interior is thought out so that visitors will be comfortable if they have to wait. A comfortable environment is created not only by soft armchairs, tables with magazines to pass the time. Office decoration with flowers plays an important role in image creation. The atmosphere you want to create in the reception area depends on how it will be decorated with live plants.

If your goal is strict efficiency, lush, large flowers with a strong aroma are unlikely to be appropriate. If you want your customers to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of comfort and emotional peace, your green assistants will be the best way to contribute to its creation. Landscaping of the office will accentuate the lines of the interior even when it is made in an exotic or antique style.

It is not enough just to hang pots on the walls, arrange floor vases with large plants or flower pots on all surfaces. Of course, this is the business of specialists. They know how to combine certain types of plants with the environment, so that a stylish office does not come out of, say, a village hut.

Office decoration with flowers is also relevant for executive offices. This part of the company should not only have stylistic unity, but also reflect the individual traits of the person working here. Strenuous work requires at least a minute of rest, switching your attention to something pleasant and spiritual. Sometimes it is simply necessary to look at the green twig, breathe in a delicate aroma in order to gain new strength and gain inner balance. It is no coincidence that the Japanese, whose tradition includes admiring nature, are distinguished by the highest achievements in modern technologies... Greening the executive's office should also work to impress people who come for business negotiations or other issues. It is important, although not easy, to achieve harmony between the formal setting of a respectable office and living plants.

To make a competent landscaping of an office, you need to find specimens in the sea of ​​indoor plants that are suitable for each individual office in style, to create a collection that meets specific tasks. Their location in the room, taking into account the type and brightness of lighting, humidity, temperature, interior features - all this is the area of ​​application of floristry. The aesthetic impression is also of great importance. The combination of shades of green in various varieties and species is inexhaustible. Shading the dark with light, large leaves with small and airy lace, placing accents in the form of bright flowers is a whole art. Florists know which plants to place next to them not only for visual reasons. As in all living nature, there are antagonists and "friendly" species among them. We must not forget about the health effects of plants. Some of them give off unsafe substances.

If you hand over the landscaping of the office to the professionals from the Lucky Day company, you will not have to wonder why your plantings or yourself do not feel very well. Everything will be done scientifically accurately, as well as stylishly and beautifully.

The office is often thought of as a dull, colorless room with monotonous walls, desks, computers, and stacks of documents. Due to stress and an abundance of other harmful factors, many feel like they are in a cage in the workplace.

Green "pets" will help you to cheer yourself up, revive the atmosphere and feel the comfort in the office.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of indoor plants in the workroom. Indeed, in addition to satisfying emotional needs, they also help in a practical sense. For example:

With the obvious benefits of flowers in the office, it is important to understand that not every representative of the room flora will be able to survive the office routine.

Requirements for the choice of colors

When choosing a flower for your workplace, it is important to consider several rules:

  • Unpretentiousness... In the office, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create special conditions of detention, and there is not much time for complex care, spraying, fertilizing, maintaining the necessary air humidity at work. In addition, capricious pets may simply not survive a long weekend or vacation.
  • Beautiful appearance- it is optimal if the plant looks presentable and impressive, it should not have obvious defects - spots on the leaves, bare stems, dried flowers.
  • Odorless and hypoallergenic- Plants in the office affect both workers and visitors. They must be absolutely safe and not irritate anyone, since even the slight smell of flowers can cause allergies in someone.

The best indoor plants for the office

  • , or "mother-in-law's tongue" - has a beautiful appearance, sometimes with variegated leaves. Some species are large and placed on the floor, others are small for window sills. Tolerates drafts and drought, temperature changes. It can grow for a long time without a transplant, more about caring for it;
  • - has an excellent appearance, in addition, it grows easily in the shade and is not particularly demanding for watering. It tolerates well, and even prefers cool;
  • Is a popular office plant. Her spectacular big leaves will decorate any room. In addition, she easily tolerates low humidity air. Can grow with artificial lighting how to take care of her - look;
  • - perfectly cleans the air in the room. It blooms for a long period with beautiful white boat-like flowers. Shade-tolerant, tolerates dry air. Requires regular;
  • - a very hardy flower that perfectly cleans the air. Attractive rosettes of light green leaves release "mustache" with babies at the ends. It looks especially impressive as an ampelous plant in hanging pots. It can grow in the shade, tolerates irregular watering and lives for a long time in one pot without transplanting, in more detail;
  • - a beautiful decorative leafy ampelous plant. Looks great on a shelf or closet. Not capricious, can grow under artificial light. Tolerates dry air and irregular watering, plant care can be viewed;
  • unpretentious flower which tolerates the lack of light and low air humidity well. It grows slowly. There are large species that will decorate a large office with their variegated foliage, you can see the care of the aglaonema;
  • - a beautiful large plant with bright colorful leaves... It is important to know that he needs enough light and heat, in more detail;
  • care, while always looking good.
  • Bamboo - grows in a vase with stones and water. It looks very original and impressive. Unpretentious. The only thing that is required is not to forget to top up the water.

When choosing and placing indoor plants in the office, it is important to remember that they need at least minimal maintenance.

A little attention and care - and green "pets" will thank you with a magnificent appearance, give strength and give a lot positive emotions! What flowers grow in your office?

Photo gallery

Flowers that are suitable for office space from the list above. Detailed galleries can be viewed in separate color sections.