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Workshop for teachers "Modern technologies as a tool for management of education quality"

In the modern world it is important to be able to conduct seminars. This is an interactive form of knowledge transfer, information mined in research, etc. Moreover, the audience is given a chance to turn on to the topic, asking questions or commenting. In this article we will tell you how to spend a seminar. There are also services for holding a seminar - good companywhich can organize high-level work.

The following list presents offers and recommendations for the preparation of your seminar:

  • Choose an interesting topic.

Although the choice of your topic may seem the usual task, it is very important factor In determining the success of your presentation. Themes that are too wide will have so much information that it will be impossible to have time to tell everything, for example for a 40-minute conversation. On the other hand, it will be very difficult to collect enough information to fill 40 minutes if your topic is very specific. It is best to carry out a preliminary study to determine the amount of available information before starting work.

  • Collect information on the selected topic.

You can start with google searchBut keep in mind that most of the information you find on the Internet will be unsuitable or unnecessary to your seminar. In most cases, you should not use the information that appears only on the Website for your presentation. Internet scientific journals are an exception to this rule. You can find websites that show which researchers work in your area of \u200b\u200binterests, and may even have copies of some of our scientific articles. You can also find informal research reports, but they should be used only as initial points for a detailed study already in the library. When you have a general overview of the topic, it's time to focus on the primary scientific literature. Primary literature belongs to articles that were carefully studied by other scientists before their publication.

Most of your research in the library can be performed using a computer. There are several excellent databases in which you can ride, and in many cases you can find full text Articles on the Internet. If the article you want is not available on the Internet, it can be available in print in your library or you may need to request it from another library. It is very likely that you will have to request several articles from other libraries, so you have to start the search before.

It is important to keep the full entry for each of your sources of information. For each source, you must record the following: author, date of publication, publication name, publisher and page numbers. For websites there is also a web address (URL) and the date you viewed (since the site may vary with time). This information must be represented as a bibliography when you submit your seminar.

Workshop Workshop How to do?

Remember that if the view of your workshop workshop, then your event should be directed to juniors. You may assume that your audience will have a basic work experience in the area that you want to tell, for example, biology (if, everything went through the course), but you cannot assume that everyone knows something about biochemistry, development biology, immunology or the ecology of plankton. Therefore, the introduction of your seminar should include a section in which you imagine reference materialnecessary to understand your conversations. This information is usually found in secondary sources, such as textbooks, review articles and general periodicals. Most of the remainder of your seminar must be focused on the primary literature, such as articles in journals, conference materials, etc. Your information should be as relevant as possible, preferably in the last 5 years.

How many links need? It will vary from topic to the topic, but you must choose the topic in which you can find at least 10 articles in the main literature.

How to organize a seminar?

The information collected must be inserted into the following sections:


  1. Brief description of your topic, indicating why it is an important and interesting topic
  2. The story of your topic leading to information that will be presented in your conversation.

Main part:

  • Use the information you've gathered to tell about the main issues and problems that surrounded your topic. Then, tell me about the studies that were conducted in order to find answers to these questions.
  • For most, there are still discussions among scientists about how and why certain things are taking place. You must submit the opinions of all sides, and then provide your own interpretation and assessment of this situation or problem.
  1. Load the results
  2. Discuss additional questions to which your theme needs is more understandable.

Now you know how to organize a seminar.

He must be scientific and based on primary references (original studies published in referee journals). Not just to report the results of research of people, but to indicate how science was performed. Data, experimental methods and statistics should be an important part of your seminar. How to spend a seminar? To do this, your seminar must try to answer the following questions:

  • What is the mechanism?
  • How do we know?
  • What are the evidence?
  • Audiovisual means.

Use illustrations, diagrams and tables to illustrate your conversations and clarify the highlights. To do this, use the Power Point program. Do not forget to specify the source of your video and audio so that you can find and see something from your topic.

  • Length.

Your seminar must last as much time as you have been given. But the materials should be for a while, 2 times more than the established. This is the case if some technical problems are found, and instead of displaying audio and video will have to tell more about the topic.

How to spend a seminar interesting

Many ask how to make a seminar memorable. In addition to an interesting topic, your personal qualities will need for this. Such as: a sense of humor (especially at the beginning you can somehow joke), oratory skills (the audience is tired of monotonous speech), and even clothing. Do not forget to include an audience, asking them questions. And at the end you can remove the group photo with all seminar participants. This will accurately make your event memorable.


We told you how to organize a seminar or training from scratch.

Now, in order to consolidate the knowledge gained, we suggest you choose the topic of interest to you, to conduct a library study on this topic and present the results of your investigation by your classmates or classmates.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Workshop workshop
Rubric (thematic category) Ecology


Question 2. Forms methodical work With a pedagogical team

Direction: Study, generalization and distribution of best practices.

Advanced experience Only such an experience can be considered, which, being the result of creative search, opens up new pedagogical opportunities for the education of children, contributes to the improvement of adopted forms, methods, methods of educational and educational work.

Stage 1 - Detection of existing experience.

2 stage - Generalization of accumulated experience.

3 stages - the introduction and distribution of best practices

Every year, a seminar and workshop of workshop remaining the most effective form of professional development of educators are planned in annual work.

· Determines the topic and amounts to detailed plan a seminar that includes several classes

· Determines the schedule and place of work of the seminar. An important question is the place of the seminar. It should be a methodical cabinet d / y, group room Ecological room D / U section, Square, etc.

· Appoints the head of the seminar. The seminar manager is the head, deputy. Head, experienced teacher or inviting specialist.

· Determines the contingent of teachers participating in the workshop. At the work of the seminar, educators and other employees of D / U are participating. It is important to think through the ways to inclusion in the seminar in the discussion of the topic

At the first lesson, it is possible to suppose this plan with specific issues to which educators would like to receive an answer.

The seminar consists of several classes, on which issues of theory, practitioners, new literature and best practices are discussed.

For example, the topic of the seminar''ecological education of preschool workers'''''''''''

Topics Seminar:

2. Creation of environmental education conditions in the preschool institution.

3. Observation is the basis of the sensual knowledge of nature.

4. Calendar of nature as a means of ecological education.

5. Labor in nature: Environmental approach to his organization.

6. Use of the game in the environmental education of preschoolers. Etc.

The work of the seminar ends with the development of recommendations on the possibility of using the studied problem or the development of a study plan specific questions This topic.

Workshop workshops are distinguished by the fact that they include practical tasks, observing the work of colleagues with the subsequent discussion.

At the beginning of the school year, the head of d / y

· Determines the topic and makes up a detailed work plan for workshop workshop

· Determines the schedule and place of work workshop workshop.

· Appoints the head of the workshop workshop. The seminar manager can experienced teacher or inviting specialist.

· Determines the contingent of teachers participating in the workshop workshop.

For instance, in Iquiban Teachers under the guidance of a specialist learn the art of compiling a bouquet. This ability is subsequently applied in the decoration of the group room and in working with children

At workshop for the manufacture of calendars of nature the developments are mastering the content of work on creating, conducting calendars of nature in different age groups, the system of organization of various fascinating activities with children.

To workshop 'Ospace organization and monitoring of observations in nature in summer'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Teachers are offered in advance questions for discussion:

How often do you spend observations of nature objects in classes, walks, in repulsive life?

What do you think the main thing in the methodology of organizing and conducting observations?

What difficulties do you meet?

What techniques use to develop the interest of children to nature and educate observation?

What observations in nature were conducted on the initiative of children?

What influence on the behavior of children has their communication with nature?

Workshop workshop - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Workshop" 2017, 2018.

Name: Consultation and workshop workshop as an effective form of methodical work in a preschool institution
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodical development, Reports, pedshes, seminars ..., pedagogical composition

Position: Senior Educator
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten combined type number 3
Location: Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Kushchevsky district, Art. Kushchevskaya, Per. Kutsva, 58.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution Kindergarten combined type number 3 Consultation for teachers on the topic:

"Consultation and workshop workshop as an effective form of methodical work in a preschool institution."
Consultation for teachers "Consultation and workshop workshop as an effective form of methodical work in a preschool institution."

Objective: Increasing the competence of teachers in understanding the importance and methods of conducting such forms of methodical work as a consultation and workshop.

Preparation of any methodical event begins with the definition of the goal. It is important to answer questions "What do we want to achieve, organizing this event?", "What should be the result?", "What to change in the activities of teachers?" If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to activities, causes his activity.

Answering the question "What is pedagogical experience?", K.D. Ushinsky explained: "more or fewer facts of education, but, of course, if these facts remain only facts, they do not expire. They should impress the careman's mind, qualify in it in their characteristic features, to generalize, become thought. And this thought, and not the very fact, will be made in proper educational activities. "

I would like to start your speech with clarification, what is the consultation.

Consultation (Latin. Consultatio - Meeting) - Discussion of some special issue with a specialist; Meeting of specialists.

Consultations are episodic, unscheduled and in advance planned. Explain-free consultations arise at the initiative of both parties: both teachers and specialists responsible for the methodological work. Consultations are subdivided: individual and collective, informational and problematic.

Main consultations are planning for a year, and as needed to plan changes and additions. When drawing up an annual plan, each task is solved through consultation, through active methods of teaching teachers, through thematic inspection and pedagogical council. Consultation is the first form of work in holistic system Methodical support for dow teachers, which helps to eliminate the disadvantages identified as a result of control, prepare educators to open events. The consultation is characterized by a monologue form of information.

Each consultation needs to be carefully prepared. The quality of filing material can only provide a professional competent specialist. Therefore, I believe that information advice for teachers must meet the following requirements:

  1. The content should be scientifically reliably, in accordance with the achievements of modern pedagogy, psychology and pedagogical practice.
  2. The material must be logical and consistent, clearly exposed.
    To do this, in preparation for the consultation, it is necessary to draw up a pre-plan outline of the material. It is advisable to formulate the problems that will be considered during the consultation.
  3. Provide a differentiated approach in the presentation of the material, taking into account the experience of teachers, age group Children, type of group.
    Plan separately consultations for educators of groups of different age and orientation: early age, speech therapy groups, Complete and short-term groups.
  4. In the process of consultation, it is necessary to specify the advice and recommendations that should be actually carried out, to provide synchronization of the study of theoretical and practical aspects of each issue.
  5. Thunderstand the use of forms of active inclusion of teachers in the course of consultation.
    Active forms and methods of work should motivate the teacher to study the theme and ensuring consulting and reproducing the content of the consultation.
  6. Pick up methodological literature On the problem with which, subsequently, teachers may get acquainted.

Each method and form of consultation are not universal. They are purely individual for each topic and the staff of the Dow.

The final result of any methodological event, including consulting, will be high and the return is effective if a variety of methods for the inclusion of each teacher in active work were used in preparation and conduct.

Consultation methods

Changes in state policy in the field of education change priorities, appeal to the personality of the teacher, to his work, an active start, made their own adjustments to the working conditions of the educator, in particular the methodology for consultation.

Today are used various methods Consultation.

  1. Problem statement of material.The educator puts the problem and decides it himself, through the disclosure of the evidence system, comparing the points of view, various approaches, thereby showing the course of thought in the process of knowledge. The listeners are following the logic of the presentation, absorbing the stages of solving holistic problems. At the same time, they not only perceive, realize and remember ready-made knowledge, conclusions, but also follow the logic of evidence, for the movement of the thought of speaking or replacing his funds (cinema, television, books, etc.). And although the listeners are not participants in this method of counseling, but only observers of the course of reflection, they learn to resolve cognitive difficulties. Appointment of this method is to show samples scientific knowledge, scientific solving problems.
  2. Search method. When using a search method, the educators actively take part in the hypotheses extending, drawing up an action plan, search for ways to solve the problem. Most often, when consulting uses the explanation method. It has a whole number of positive qualities by the reliability, economical selection of concrete facts, the scientist of the interpretation of the considered phenomena and others. To stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, at the beginning of the consultation it is useful to formulate questions, appeal to educators, they help comprehend their experience, express their Considerations, formulate conclusions. Thus, the essence of the learning method is reduced to the fact that:

- Not all knowledge of listeners are offered in finished video, they are partially needed to extract themselves;

- The activity of the speaker is to promptly manage the process of solving problem problems.

The thinking process acquires a productive nature, but at the same time it is gradually directed and controlled by a teacher or listeners themselves based on work on programs.

  1. When exchanging experiences between educators, the method of the heuristic conversation is advisable. During the conversation, it is disclosed in more detail. separate provisions The studied methodical literature is given explanations on issues that are more interested in teachers, errors are detected in judgments, degree of understanding and assimilation of new information. However, the effectiveness of the heuristic conversation will be achieved when compliance certain conditions. The subject of the conversation is better to electively meaningful actual questionwhich requires comprehensive consideration. The one who prepares consultation in the form of a heuristic conversation must compile a reasonable conversation plan, allowing you to clearly imagine what knowledge gainers will receive and what conclusions will come. By organizing an heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and beginner educators. The heuristic conversation conducted to transfer knowledge requires serious training.
  2. Discussion method. In the form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also suggests a choice of an important topic that requires comprehensive discussion, preparation of issues for educators, introductory and final words. But unlike conversation, there is a struggle of opinions in the discussion, arising from controversial issues. During the discussion, it is necessary to ask many other additional questions, the amount and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. The leading discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate in the situation, catch the course of the thoughts and mood of participants, create an atmosphere of confidence.
  3. Business game. She brings the audience to real Terms Professional activities, clearly shows behavioral or tactical errors committed in a particular situation, produces the best approaches to solving various pedagogical and organizational problems. Direct development of business game materials includes the following steps:

- creating a business game project;

- description of the sequence of actions;

- Description of the organization of the game Compilation of tasks for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

Psychologist specialists have noticed that the Consultant Experimentator, doubting the truth of the data obtained, can not be a good lecturer-popularizer. His thinking must be focused on accuracy, credibility of data. Of course, much depends on the personality of the consultant, from his self-confidence, and by virtue of this and in their achievements.

When organizing counseling, issues of establishing adequate relationships between the consultant and consultant arise. Several professionally necessary qualities of contact with counseling can be distinguished:

  • Sociability;
  • Contact;
  • Dynamic;
  • Behavior flexibility;
  • Tolerance relative to others;
  • Professional tact;
  • Delicacy skill to the end to build and withstand your behavior line
  • The ability to analyze with the consultant situation of difficulties.

The basis of effective pedagogical activities is the continuous process of educational education.

Seminar (from lat. seminarium. - agencies, greenhouse) - a form of educational and practical exercises in which students (students, highways) discuss reports, reports and abstracts performed by them on the results of educational or scientific research Under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher (leading seminar) in this case is the coordinator of the discussion of the topic of the seminar, the preparation for which is mandatory. During seminars, the speaker gives the audience lecture material. At the same time, words can be illustrated by films and slides. In the future, the discussion begins, during which all participants can express their opinion or ask a question, as well as try to apply the information received in practice. If you consider such features, then answering the question that such a workshop can be said with confidence that this is an interactive form of learning that allows to achieve high efficiency.

Workshop workshop - one of the effective forms of methodological work in kindergarten, because Allows more deeply and systematically examine the problem under consideration, to reinforce the theoretical material by examples from the practice, showing individual receptions and methods of work.

The main tasks of workshops are:

- Improving the professional skill of teachers in a certain form of activities;

- development of creativity and fantasy teachers;

- discussion of different points of view, discussion;

- Creation problem situationsthat allow you to develop a single position in solving the problem;

You can allocate a universal structure of this form of methodical work:

  1. Preparatory work(thematic exhibitions, views of open classes, mutual aperture, etc.) - the goal is to identify the problem;
  2. Theoretical part (Speech by the organizer of the workshop workshop, a member of the creative group, multimedia presentation, "Questions-Answers", etc._ - The goal is theoretical substantiation of the discussed;
  3. Practical work (frontal, in groups) - the purpose of this stage the distribution of pedagogical experience, acquiring educators of new skills;
  4. Summing up the event - the result of the work may be visual materials (booklets, memo, didactic games Etc.), made by the hands of educators, recommendations for their use that all teachers can take advantage.

The workshop is characterized in that it includes practical tasks, observations of the work of colleagues with the subsequent discussion. Teachers have the opportunity not only to master the techniques of work, but also develop a system for organizing activities with children under certain conditions.

In addition, during the workshops, the possibility of discussing various points of view, discussion, the creation of problem situations, which, as a result, allow us to develop a single position on the issue under consideration.

An important condition for the organization of this form of work is the inclusion of all participants in the seminar in the discussion of the topic. To do this, the opposite points of view are considered, methods of game modeling and others are applied. Following the seminar, you can make an exhibition of teachers.

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Seminars, Methodical Associations, Round Tables

Davydova Kristina Viktorovna prepared, Deputy Head of Educational and Educational Work MBDOU №122

One of the main functions of the Deputy Head of OIA - assisting educators and specialists kindergarten In the organisation pedagogical process, training, familiarization with new forms and methods of working with children.

We all know that the methodological work is part of the system of continuous education of Pedagogues Dow. The objectives of the methodical work are the development of the most rational methods and techniques of education and teaching children; improving the methodological preparedness of teachers to the organization of the process of education and training of preschoolers; Exchange of experience between members of the pedagogical team, identification and promotion of current pedagogical experience. Methodical work is focused on achieving and maintaining high Quality educational and educational work in kindergarten.

Methodical work in kindergarten is constantly updated: great importance is attached to the provision of various assistance to educators, attracting attention to their experience, new technologies of methodological work are being introduced in a preschool institution.

One of the most effective includes the technology of organizing workshops. Seminars - Workshops are aimed at raising the level of not only theoretical, but first practical training educators, improving the practical skills necessary in working with children. The theme of seminars - workshops is based on the requests of educators and is associated with the tasks of the annual plan. In the practice of our work Dow Workshop Workshops Not only the deputy head of OIA, but also teachers are specialists who speak well-needed skills.

But the main share of responsibility for organizing and conducting a workshop-workshop, of course, falls on the Deputy Head of OIA.

The first question to which the deputy head of the workshop should be answered - a workshop: What should be guided when choosing the topic of seminars? To the above (questionnaire and annual tasks), add the interests of educators and their problems. In May, I usually spend the survey of all teachers to determine the circle of methodological problems and tasks, which are to be in the next academic year. Some topics suggest observations of the pedprocess over the past school year and analysis different species Control, analysis of calendar-promising plans.

We are preparing to the workshop in advance: the selection of methodological literature, preparation of the seminar venue, the preparation of the exhibitions of attributes, benefits, etc. According to the stated topic, the provision of methodological assistance to the seminar and much more.

The purpose of the workshop workshop is always focused on a practical result. With its wording, I use such expressions as "to train teachers ...", "to form skills ...", "improve the efficiency of use ...", "introduce teachers with new ones ...", etc.

In my practice of organizing workshops, I use different forms: a seminar in one occupation, a seminar in several occupations combined by a common topic.

Workshop workshops I spend in different forms: in the form of a business game ("informative-speech development of children"), in form " round Table."(" Formation of connected speech and logical thinking in children preschool age"). Regularly studying the methodological literature, I found confirmation of this: workshops workshops need to be carried out in different forms. It may be classes with lecture elements, consultations, discussions, briefing, "round table", the relay of pedagogical skills. It is important that each of the ones presented at the seminar, the organization's form responded with a common topic and, complementing each other, contributed to its full disclosure.

Julia Pavlovna Grebookays

Scenario seminar - Workshop

"How successfully hold parent meeting»

1 part - theoretical.

Hello, dear Colleagues, I am very glad to see you, but before you voice the topic of our event, let's play:

1. Exercise "Icebreaker""Make a proverb" (Proverbs about the family are divided into two parts, it is necessary to compile a whole)

As you already understood, today we will talk about the family

2. Topics message:

The central place in the formation of the child's personality is occupied by the family. According to the researchers, it is from her 70% depends on what a person will grow, and what traits of nature form his nature.

In the family, the child receive primary skills in the perception of reality, teaching themselves to realize themselves with a full representative of society. The new philosophy of work with the family is built on the understanding of the fact that the education and development of children are responsible parentsAnd all other social institutions (including pre-school institution must help this.

It is not easy to break stereotypes, including when organizing the work of DW with parents. Unfortunately, many teachers come from thatwhat exactly they should "Clarify" parentshow to raise your chad, for an hour, choosing a mentor tone of morals and, as a rule, to get no less coarse reward: "You pedagogues, you educate ". Why is this happening? Because for many years, a derogatory attitude towards family education was developed, under the influence of which pedagogues The conviction was developed pedagogical incompetence of parents, their reluctance to overcome it. Parents were allowed to dowhen they needed their help (Nr, in the improvement of the premises, they were invited for holidays, collection. On the other days of the doors of the kindergarten were closed for them. Teachers sincerely barethat their mission is to teach a family to point to her mistakes and disadvantages. As a result, very lively methods and forms of work with family with a monologue dominance pedagogue(no struggle messages on collection, consultation, stands) This caused errors in communication parent teacher: impersonal treatment, hurry in the child's assessment, with an emphasis on the negative, disregard for the interlocutor, ignoring his mood, state, life experience. The consequence of this was the position parents, example, we give earlier.

In order to change the relation parents to the questions of responsibility for the education of their own children, it is necessary, first of all, pedagogues Rebuild your attitude to this problem and find such forms of interaction that would allow to make family and pre-partners in the education of children.

Choice of interaction technology with parents Determined by the tasks that solve the DOW, organizing interaction with the family.

And now I suggest you play a little. Now I will speak approval, and you perform certain actions, if, of course, agree with this statement.

If you think that the richest resource for learning parents are experience, praise in your hands;

If you think. What for parents more important practical information than theoretical, sweep your feet;

If you think that desire parents study, to get any knowledge depends on their needs and interests with hand;

If you think that parents are more successfulmaking something, stand up;

If you think that in the process of learning, emotions are not so important, tap the tip of the nose;

If you think that parents More benefit will bring a scientific lecture, nodding your head;

If you think that parents It is easier to perceive the information in the game or confidence conversation, nod your head.

So, what conclusion can be done by analyzing our game:

Indeed, more benefit parents It will bring that information that is interesting and meaning personally for them, which is presented in an interesting and understandable form for them and is focused on their own experience.

Interaction parents effectively only in the event when:

It meets current needs. parents and deeply motivated;

Associated with their past and present experience;

Participants are actively involved in the learning process and manage themselves;

Created an atmosphere of mutual respect, positive emotional background.

It is very good that we understand the main thing - the tactics of cooperation with the family. And now let's deal with what forms of work with parents There are and how to choose the most efficient to solve this or that task.

The form (Lat. - Forma) - device, structure of something, system organization of something.

All forms S. parents are divided by

Collective (mass, individual and visual information;

Traditional and non-traditional.

Collective (mass) Forms imply work with all or large parents Dou(groups). These are joint events teachers and parents. Some of them imply participation and children.

Individual forms are intended for differentiated work with parents pupils. (Individual consultations, conversations ....)

Vividly informational - play the role of indirect communication between teachers and parents. (information corners in the group, appeal to parents through the site dow ....)

Forms of S. parents There are many, but today we will dwell on one of them, the most difficult, requiring thorough preparation from pedagogue and professional skills. This form - parent-teacher meeting, or as it is customary to call it - parental meeting.

4. Express - Diagnostics: Signal Cards.

What is parent-teacher meeting?

Parent-teacher meeting(a meeting) This is a form of organized familiarization. parents with tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family (Problems of the Group's livelihoods are discussed).

When preparing K. parental Assembly You should follow the following rules:

collection must be targeted;

Answer inquiries and interests parents;

Have a clearly designated practical character;


On the collection Do not give the publicity of the failure of children, miscalculations parents in Education.

Agenda meetings may be diverse, taking into account the wishes parents. Traditionally, it includes reading a report, although this should be leaving, it is better to conduct a dialogue using the activation methods. parents. According to the lecturers, "Reading on a piece of paper causes a dream with open eyes". It is not recommended to apply in working with parents of casual words like"report", "Events", "agenda", "Appears Strictly Mandatory". If a teacher reads textwithout breaking, it seems that he is noncompeatient in the issued issues. The message is important to present the features of the life of the group and every child. To performing on meetings Specialists of kindergartens can be connected (doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, etc., as well as specialists among parentswho relate to preschool childhood (pediatrician, lawyer, librarian, etc.).

Collection is preparing in advance, Announcement is postponed for 3-5 days. In the ad can be placed small tasks for parents, for example, to observe the behavior of children formed skills, pay attention to children's questions, etc. The tasks are due to the topic of the upcoming collection. As experience shows, parents Actrence react to individual invitations, especially if children participated in their preparation.

And now I suggest you practice in the manufacture of posters - invitations to parent meeting. After all, this is one of the important conditions. successful parental meeting. On what form it will be composed, which content is filled, will depend on whether they will want parents come to meethow informed will be on the topic and so on ... everything is in front of you necessary materials. Start ....

Manufacture of posters for collection, her presentation

2 part - workshop - Role-playing game « Parent-teacher meeting»

And now I suggest you turn into parents and visit Mini - Parental Assembly, and I will be your educator ... And so times, turn two, in parents Wrap ...

(Teachers act as parents)

Hello Dear parents, today we gathered with youTo talk about toys in which our children play, how to choose them and how to play with them.

At the beginning, let's play with you a little. Release into a circle.

1. Exercise "Icebreaker"

All of us in childhood was the most favorite toy. Let's remember her, imagine how she looked like we played it ... and let's call her in turn, passing the ball.

2. Exercise "Dive":

- "Favorite toy of my childhood (the ball is transmitted in a circle that he has in his hands calls his beloved toy, the answers are fixed on the sheet of Watman)

3. Results of interviewing children "My favourite toy" (The next Watman Leaf opens)

5. Role play "Score".

"Score" - This is a rack with toys. Participants practiced "Buy" What a toy, then explain what they guided by making your choice.

4. Joint Development Rules for the acquisition of toys.

Wonderful. Now we know how to choose toy toys for children.

Allowances, dear parents, To new meetings!

Once, two - turn, in pedagogues wander!

3 part. Summing up total:

And now let's remember the stages of our parent meeting and discussWhat are the rules successful Parent Meeting ...