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Google search application stopped what to do. What to do if the playing market does not work - twelve ways to solve the problem

Market) often work is quite unstable, which causes the appearance of a set of failures. As a result, the system notifies the user that an error occurred in the Google Play Services application. Now it will be considered why such malfunctions arise and how to deal with them, especially since they all have almost one nature (the error of paid services associated with the purchase or download of applications is not considered).

Causes of appearance

If you look at Google's services, presented in the standard set of any version of Android, the case is not limited to the "Play Market". Surely every owner of such a device saw that, in addition to the "Market", there is still a couple of services on a smartphone or tablet.

First of all, it is a service like Google+, "Play Books", "Play Press", "Play movies", etc. Their standard set depends on the system itself or the installed firmware. Nevertheless, the most common failure is the Google Play service error. How to fix it will be considered a little later, but while we consider the root causes.

The fact is that in most cases the user deals with violations in the work of the service itself, the incorrect update of the relevant services, the inclusion of the application cache, the inability to identify the user incoming to the system, etc. The most critical is a failure in the functioning of removable information carrier in the form of SD cards due to the effects of viruses or physical damage.

Google Play services: An error occurred. What to do?

As for the appearance of failures of any type, it is necessary to note: it is not necessary to panic. Possible problems, although they can have different root causes of manifestations, are eliminated quite easily.

The simplest thing that can be taken in such a situation is to use the usual reboot of a smartphone or tablet. Now it is implied that the error arises either at the time of downloading the application, or when updating the programs and the service itself, or when identifying the user when entering the appropriate service. We assume that there are no problems with communication with communication (connected to the Internet or private virtual network of VPN).

Wrongs of Google Play Errors

So, the smartphone or tablet gives the message "Google Play services: an error occurred due to such and such a failure. This code is ".

In principle, few people pay attention to failures, and it is correct. Regardless of them, in principle, everything is reduced only to one: a violation of the service. As a rule, the system issues notifications about the errors of the following varieties - 20, 400, 500 and 900.

True, it is worth making an exception for errors with codes 921 and 905. The first is an unknown failure. The second is the consequence of the "root" update of the Google Play service. However, it can be struggling with all the generally accepted methods.

Google Play services: An error occurred. How to fix it with the simplest way?

Well, really, maybe another thing happened in the system, in no way connected with the service fail. It is necessary to pay direct attention to the completion of all active processes related to file processing, downloading data or updating programs and services. If you turn off the device during the operation of some kind of active service, it will not lead to anything good. Naturally, when hanging a system or process, this method can be used as one of the outputs. The data at the same time, by the way, may be lost.

Solving problems with cache application and browser

One of the main reasons, as a result of which the Google Play Services application error occurs, is the overflow of the cached data folder, and simply speaking, everything is stored on the internal or external drive to work with some services (for example, a visit to the Internet pages) , offline mode.

To restore the normal operation of the service, you should simply log in in the main settings menu, select Google Play, and use the Cache Cleaner button (so far without deleting data). As a rule, after such an operation, Google Play service error will no longer appear. But it helps not in all known cases. The problem is how to identify the crash itself, because if there are different error codes in the appearing message, it is very difficult to guess what the problem is connected, and the system does not give any explanations about this.

You can still try to clean the browser cache, especially if the default is Google Chrome Mobile version. It is possible that there is a relationship between the service and the browser, and the data is simply duplicated, even if it is not specified in the user settings (most often the user does not know what does not know, but not even guess).

Delete data

Now - another side of the situation when the Google Play error occurred. How to fix it with another way? There is nothing easier than delete data (there is an appropriate button in the cache cleaning menu).

Note: the deletion of data is in no way connected with the cache and the logins used and passwords (unless, of course, do not specify and remove them). What is interesting: it is recommended to carry out such an operation with cache cleaning, although it is not always useful. In some cases, the Google Play service error can be repeated regardless of the actions produced. Why? Now will be explained.

Play Market update problems

Let's look at the same side on Google Play services. An error has occurred. What to do from the point of view of service failures? Yes, simply delete or incorrectly installed, or the "coronal" updates (about this, by the way, they say the developers themselves).

We estimate the situation when the Google Play service error occurs. What to do in this case? Log in through the settings menu to the service itself, as described above, and use the deyl storage button of the last update.

Nothing wrong with that. The fact is that after the recommended to restart the device with activated access to the Internet, the system independently, automatically update to the latest version. That is, the installation of the update that caused the failure is absolutely excluded. This is recognized by Google's developers themselves. In theory, in some cases, the Google Play service error is eliminated in this way.

Account management

Here is another method that allows you to correct most of the errors, not only in Google Play, but also in services like Google+. Often, incorrect user identification is present not only in the main service. When a situation occurs when an error has occurred in the Google Play Services application, it is worth staying on the "account".

It may very well be that the login entered and password are simply incorrect. But most often, the failures happen precisely with the right registration records. Roughly speaking, until a certain point it worked, and then "flew out."

Here you will have to first take advantage of the possibility of deleting registration data. This is done from the settings menu with the subsequent transition to the accounts where Google is selected. Note immediately: after confirming the email address Gmail, the deletion will touch all Google services installed on the device.

However, it is not necessary to despair. When the system is re-loading, after switching off, an attempt will be made. There are two options here: either create a new recording, or enter under the already existing one. Select the second option and enter your data. As practice shows, this method works almost always.

Reset to factory settings and Hard Reset

If nothing helps at all, and the Google Play service error appears again and again with enviable constancy (it also happens, especially when experimenting with informal firmware), will have to apply drastic measures.

First of all, you can reset the device parameters to the factory through the main menu. It goes without saying, some important data may be lost, in particular, installed programs and applications. But what to do? Sometimes it can be sacrificed, especially since the "account" is not a restoration of their problem. It is clear that user files will be destroyed, so it is initially a backup (backup).

If it does not help, and again pops up the error of Google Play services, how to fix it, it is worth thinking. Most likely, you have to make a complete rigid reboot, called the term Hard Reset, which can even format the file system sections. But this, as they say, in the extreme case.

Instead of the result

As we see, the nature of the error itself is not particularly critical for the system. In most cases, such malfunctions arise only as a result of failures in the work of the service itself or the wrong settings of the mobile gadget. It is not excluded, of course, the emergence of more serious plan errors, however, the above-mentioned problem is in a sense of classical, since almost all service errors and Google services have the same nature.

But if you approach the question, in general, it seems that any owner of a smartphone or tablet can solve such problems at the global level (in the sense - directly on the device without resorting to the help of third-party computer programs with the connection of the device to the terminal, which, in general Yes, and not required). It is enough to use standard methods, but the method of solving the problem may be cumulative (fulfillment of all the simplest actions).

The Android operating system is a pleasant and high-quality platform for sensory smartphones and tablets. And it is worth paying proper to Google Corporation, with each major update, Android becomes more convenient and clearer users. However, there are a number of problems that are often found on mobile devices, regardless of the model and version of the system. We will tell how to solve the problem with the error "Google Applied".

Problem with Google Play Services

Google Play services are required and necessary element for the correct operation of the Google Play Apps and all applications installed on your smartphone or tablet. If your version of the services is outdated, or you accidentally deleted or damaged system files, it can lead to a stop of the application with an error "Google Application". The solution is simple - just go to the official application store from your gadget and Google Play services. In most cases, it solves the problem.

Clearing cache and application data

If you have not updated some kind of program for a long time and then we decided to upgrade to the new version (several intermediate versions were missed), then you may have an error. To solve the problem, go to the settings, open a list of all installed applications, open the settings of the program you want and clean the cache and delete the data. It is worth considering that after deleting data, all your saving in the game or the program settings will also be deleted. If it did not help, then try simply delete the program and set it again.

Restoration of Android factory settings

If the two previous methods did not solve your problem, then it is necessary to start more radical methods. Go to the settings, the "Restore and Reset" section and recover the Android factory settings. It is worth considering that all user data available in the system will be deleted. In more detail on how to reset, you can read in ours.

Galaxy S3, S4, S5 and S6 Many users began to face the message "App Contacts stopped." This error manifests itself during the addition of a new contact in the telephone book and absolutely does not show itself in other situations. Incidentally, to notice the problem some users may not immediately. What if you still encountered a similar problem, we will tell in this material.

Where does the error come from?

The exact reason for the appearance of such an error is not known, but many users noticed that it began to appear immediately after installing the new version of Android software. Since to roll back the version to the previous one is troublesome and not everyone will decide on it, we tried to find another effective solution. The two ways to eliminate the error "App Contacts stopped" are described, try them alternately to find out which one will be useful in your case.

How to fix the error?

The first and simplest thing that we recommend to do is clear the cache application contacts and delete temporary data. This is necessary in order to return the contacts to the original state and eliminate a variety of errors that may arise due to the accumulation of a large amount of temporary files and data. Please note that the phone book entries themselves will not be affected!

  • Open the settings and select the application category.
  • Find the contacts application and open the properties page.
  • Alternately, press the Clear Cache buttons and erase the data.
  • Restart the device and try to preserve the new contact.

If the error is displayed again at the time of saving information, go to the next step.

Since the contacts are stored in the memory of the device as individual files, it is possible to appear errors associated with the process of saving files in the memory of the smartphone. Some errors can be associated with the wrong date in the settings of the smartphone or the date format conflict.

  • Open the settings of your smartphone and select More.
  • Find the date and time item.
  • Depending on the default format, change it to an alternative - 12 hours or 24 hours.
  • Restart the device and try to preserve the new contact. As a rule, after these procedures, the application error Contacts will no longer disturb you.

Probably the most common mistake of Android users is a failure in applications from Google. Today we will tell about one of them: "Play Market is stopped." This notification constantly pops up when trying to download or update any application. You will learn what should be done first with this error and what options will be useful to you.

What is this mistake?

Application store failure can appear for a variety of reasons: an outdated version of on the phone, scored data cache, synchronization errors with a connected account on the phone. In rare cases, all the fault of third-party programs and even viruses that can block some system options.

An error in android - Play Market is stopped

How to fix the error in Samsung devices

This problem is very common on SAMSUNG smartphones and tablets (Galaxy Tab, Grand Prime, etc.), which have their own branded version of OS Android. Next, we describe a list of priority instructions, which, by the way, will suit the rest of the Android devices. I will not write about standard - restart the device, wait a little, write in support, etc.

Check availability

System updates are definitely important part of the stability of your android. They contain corrections and improvements of many functions. Be sure to check their relevance on your device.

Dumping all Google services

The second step will be reset and erasing all temporary data in "Play" and "Play Market". This is done standard:

Do not forget to perform a complex cleaning of the device. For example, Samsung has a SMART Manager system cliner. With it, you can optimize battery consumption, freeing up memory, RAM and check security settings. Also mono use third-party utilities, such as Master Cleaner.

Account synchronization

After all cleaning, you need to check whether there is no failure in synchronization of Google Account and reconnect the account itself. Go along the way "Settings" - "Accounts " - "Google". Click on active account, after that you will fall in the sync menu. At the top there will be three points (menu), there is a deletion account. Entries. Erase all data, after rebooting, activate the account in the smartphone again. Such a re-connection will help to carry out complete synchronization with cloud data. Try to use the store.

Use analogs

If you have nothing and the error "Plaque Market is stopped" will remain, the last option will be a "reset of settings", which will erase everything from the device. The extreme case will be a new firmware. If you have once to do this in this moment, then you can safely use similar shops.

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Samsung seemingly a serious giant specializing in recently on smartphones, offers its customers ideal devices! Oh, no! If you read this article, it means not everything is in order. Quite often, users of this brand are faced with a problem when the interface begins to glare a bit, as a result of which an error of this format appears: "Touchwiz screen is stopped." What to do in this case? Flash the phone Carry to workshop? Draw a guarantee if it still acts?

The problem can be solved on your own, and not the fact that it appeared due to the wrong operation of the user itself. Most likely, this is the bug of the shell itself installed in your Samsung. In this article, we will tell you about several ways to solve this problem.

Reset the error to turn off the phone

We will act from simpler methods to difficult, so you recommend that they fulfill them in the same order. If your error has appeared for the first time, then it is likely to remove it by removing the battery.

Here is what we do:

  1. Without turning off the device, you extract the battery from it;
  2. Next, click on the power button (power), click approximately 30 seconds;
  3. Put the battery back, close the lid, try to turn on the smartphone.

Why is it done, you ask? In this method, we completely exhaust capacitors until complete discharge. After that, the phone's memory is already rebooted without any problems and interference.

After this procedure, we need to include your Samsung in safe mode (this temporary procedure). Do not know how to do it?

For Samsung devices, the following operation:

  1. Press the POWER button so that our device starts to turn on.
  2. Next, click and hold the MENU key, waiting until the machine is loaded in safe mode.

Did not work? Then we try another method.

  1. We click at the same time three keys - Home, Power and Menu, waiting until our device turns on in the appropriate mode. Note that in this case the operating system will not load third-party programs. You can easily remove unnecessary and problem applications.

If, after the actions described, the problem still remains and notification appears with the text "App Screen Touchwiz screen", go to the next item.

Turn on the shown applications

Perhaps, in your smartphone, standard programs and systems that are needed for the correct operation of the device are disabled. To do this, we do the following operations:

  1. Go to "Settings" of your Samsung and go to the tab "Application Manager";
  2. At the top of the screen, click on the "Disabled" item so that the system brought the list of disabled programs;
  3. Now alternately restore each and check if another error appears or not.

We recommend to restore the performance of all at once to save your time. In most cases, the problem disappears after the implementation of these actions. If you still have nothing happened, go to the next item.

Clean the cache and data

  1. Come in the "Settings" of your device, select the tab "Application Manager";
  2. Choose the "All" parameter there, find the item "Contacts";
  3. Come in this tab, clean the cache;
  4. Next, return to the previous menu, choose the phone settings there;
  5. Press the button "Clear cache and data".

Note that after clicking this tab, all previously created settings will be deleted.

Clean the cache Touchwiz

As a rule, the reason can act and any widget located on your screen. Try them first to remove everything and restart your smartphone. If it does not help, then click "Settings" and go to application settings. In the general list, find "Details" and click on the TouchWiz screen. It remains only to clean the cache and restart your phone again.

If this method did not help, then you will have to make a complete resetting settings to factory, so that all user data will be completely removed from the phone. We also recommend checking your version of OS for new versions.

Samsung has long been aware of this problem, and for most versions and shells have already released fixes that fully solve the problem. Just be sure to create copies, because all information from the phone will be deleted, that is, you fully lose all the contacts stored in the phone. In some cases, the full firmware of the phone may be required, for example, if your Android version has stopped supported by the developer.

If you have a given error, you cannot go to another menu item or the "Back" button does not work, and the phone seems to be hung, you can use the quick menu by making the swipe down and selecting the "Settings" in the list. Users often forget about it very often, although in many cases this method saves.

If we speak as a whole on the user situation, the problem most often occurs because of the appointment of applications, as a result of which the notification appears. And sometimes the user himself is to blame, because He could not disable them, and additional programs that were installed from third-party services or different utilities to speed up the system, cleaning programs, such as the same Clean Master.