Repairs Design Furniture

How to make glue for wallpaper from flour and starch with your own hands. Features of the preparation of various types of adhesives at home

When the repair is inhabit, first of all, we carefully select qualitative materials for construction. However, it often happens that building materials are low-quality or simply not suitable for repair. Once in this situation - you should not despair, because for each question, there is an answer. In this article we will tell about the manufacture of glue for wallpaper at home.

IN lately Repair and all that is required for it is accounted for in very large sums. This is due to the fact that the prices for building materials are raised sharply, and the quality of materials becomes only worse. Therefore, very many prefer to do what you can do at home. Glue for wallpaper is not so hard if you know right order Actions and ingredients from which he is preparing. Glue for wallpaper is made from different components. All these ways we describe in detail in this article.

Glue from flour (starch)

The first way to prepare glue for wallpaper is a hubber from flour. Especially occurring such cases when, for example, the amount of glue and repair is not correctly calculated on the spot. Fast I. suitable option Will be the manufacture of flour glue. Pleaster from flour is glue, in which there are certainly no chemical additives and at the same time, it is environmentally friendly. It is done very simply, you will need it for cooking:

  • capacity for the preparation of glue;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 tablespoons of flour.

Method of cooking Melts:

In the same way there is glue from starch. It is simply replaced by flour on starch. And the algorithm of actions and the ingredients remain all the same. As practice shows, homemade ceases are stronger and adhesive compared to the purchased adhesives. Therefore, home glue should be done not so much of the goals of savings as for the strength and durability of your repair.

PVA glue at home

Also for the liner of the wallpaper you can use PVA glue, which is easy and simply can be prepared at home. PVA glue is considered one of the most common, because such glue needs to be in every home. He is an assistant in small repair workah, as well as, widely used in everywhere construction.

PVA glue is so widely used that it can be safe chopper - corrupt in any situations. So, to prepare PVA glue, you will need:

  • 5 grams of photographic gelatin (you can buy it in specialized photo seals or stores specializing in photo accessories);
  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • 100 grams of wheat flour;
  • 20 mm ethyl alcohol;
  • 4 grams of medical glycerol.

The method of preparation of PVA glue does not both be easily done in several stages:

PVA glue is ready, it remains only to cool it and you can safely begin to use it.

Carbon black

Another good glue can be prepared at home - it is a joiner. As a rule, it is used for mounting wooden materialsNaturally, he glues paper into two accounts, because this glue can also be used for wallpaper. But before it decides to cook joinery glue, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the application:

  • it is not stored for a long time and it should be used quickly;
  • it has a very sharp and unpleasant smell.

For the preparation of liquid joinery glue, you will need:

  1. Normal carpentry adhesive (in a rigid).
  2. Vodka (1 liter).
  3. Cooking capacity.
  4. Water (1 liter).

Cooking method:

  • to begin with, you will need to take carpentry glue, chop it is not small parts and place the resulting pieces into water to swell the glue;
  • after it is scattered and a bit of the brown, the resulting mixture should be moved to the prepared container, put on fire and cook until it is completely melted.

Important! At this stage, cooking should not be separated from the process, constantly stirring the mixture (if the mixture is fed up - the jetty glue will lose its adhesive properties).

Universal Clayster

Recently, most people choosing wallpapers prefer to take wallpaper from vinyl, phlizelin and other similar components. Such walls are unlikely to be glued to an ordinary celaser such as PVA, glue from starch or flour. And in stores, Cleasters for such types of wallpapers are very expensive. Especially for you there good decision And a very simple recipe for universal, moisture-resistant glue, which can be prepared at home. The cooking method is as simple as possible. To do this, you will need to do the following actions algorithm:

Repair is very expensive. As a rule, whatever amounts we expect, you usually have to buy some building materials. But sometimes what we lack for repair - we can make from the remedies yourself, without leaving home. So you can save not only your time and strength, but also your budget. Glue from the primary means is a very popular and convenient way for those who do not like to translate money simply and overpay is too much. After all, it is better to spend money on what really requires.

How to make the glue for wallpaper with your own hands is shown in the following video:

PVA glue is considered universal means and excellent assistant. Moreover, this applies not only to the stationery. It helps not only grind various materials, but also helps to create unusual and useful things. What crafts can be made using this glue, consider in this article.

Characteristics of glue plow

PVA glue is a universal composition, most commonly used in everyday life. Thanks to its composition you can bore diverse materials: Skin, paper, wood, cloth and many others. Glue has several varieties, depending on which area it is used.

The composition has a number of positive characteristics:

  • excellent adhesive ability;
  • resistance to variable temperatures;
  • economy in the expenditure and elasticity of the seam;
  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to high humidity.

In addition, PVA glue has a relatively low cost, while actively applied both in domestic and for production purposes.

Details varieties

Often creative people wonder what crafts can be made of glue? In fact, the choice of options is quite extensive. Thanks to mine positive characteristics With this glue, you can create a huge number of diverse crafts. Consider the best interesting ideas and instructions how to make a crawler with your own hands at home.

The simplest thing that can be done is to apply a papier-mache technique, presented in the photo of the crafts from Glue Glue. The technology implies the use of ordinary paper to create a bulk style of any shape and sizes.


To those, for example, the "bun" belongs. To create an inflatable ball, paper chopped with small pieces, and PVA glue. The creation process is paramount to apply adhesive (abundant layer) to the ball, after which the paper is superimposed on it.

The number of layers should be at least ten. Before the start of applying each subsequent layer, the previous one must carefully dry. The final layer is recommended to do from clean white paper so that after drying it it was possible to decorate.

No less beautiful is the manufacture of lampshar. This is one of original crafts Of the glue for the decor of the room with a different stylistic solution.

The technique involves the use of thread instead of paper, and the technique is largely similar to the previous option, since instead of paper, threads are superimposed on the ball.

Acrylic paints

PVA glue perfect for cooking acrylic paints. Buy ready option Sometimes the pocket is far from everyone, so you can use a more budget option.

For preparation, a combination of PVA and Gaisha glue is needed. The mixture is perfect for drawing on different surfaces, as well as for painting a variety of crafts.

Due to the fact that the glue includes, the gouache acquires strength and evenly falls on working surfaceAt the same time retains its durability for a long period of time. Mix the ingredients is necessary on the palette in a ratio of 1 to 1, it is allowed 1 to 2, it all depends on the volume.

New Year's balls

One more original idea It became a manufacture christmas decorations From a bowl, thread and glue PVA. How to make it beautiful craft do it yourself?

In order for the craft to be neat and beautiful, you should stick to technology, how to make a craft from glue:

  • the ball is inflated with a volume of no more than 10 cm;
  • the thread is in the needle and pushes a bottle with glue through, so that the fiber is thoroughly impregnated with glue (needle it is better to use such that it is a little thicker thread);
  • the ball is wounded by threads in different areas so that there are no lumen, even the most minor;
  • the tip of the thread is fixed by refueling it under the layers already existing on the ball.

After completing the main stage of creating crafts, it must be left on for a long timeso that it is trimming well. After the threads are fully dried, the ball can be burst and unleash neat movements.

As a result, you will have an excellent frame of one thread. At the final stage, you will only need to tie a ribbon and place a decoration on the New Year's beauty.

This technique you can create toys not only round shapeBut also in the form of animals or a snowman. For the manufacture of the latter, a small amount of wool will need. Which need to pour into pieces and wind into three balls of different sizes.

Thereafter, glue in water in the 2nd: 1 ratio. You can, if desired, add sparkle to this mixture. Squeeze each ball and secure with each other. Then the case will remain for small, only supplement the figure, making her nose from wool and toothpick, eyes from buttons or beads and handles from pre-harvested twigs.

The technology of creating crafts from PVA glue is quite simple. It does not require large financial costs, and in the process of manufacture you will need some patience and flight of fantasy.

Photo crafts from glue pva

  • Glue for foam
  • Glue for needlewoman

As often it happens that the glue purchased in the store turns out to be very low quality.

Therefore, many seek to find an alternative solution and try to create an adhesive substance yourself. A person who is accustomed to something to instress something, experiment, will be very useful advice on how to make glue at home.

Traditional Claysteer Recipe Flour

In some cases, it is resorted to when an urgent need arises to perform any work associated with the use of glue. For example, if the amount of adhesive substance is incorrectly calculated, and it ended in the midst of work on updating wallpaper. In order not to throw the work started and not to rush to the store, you can make home glue, the quality of which will be much higher than purchased. In addition, using it can be completely confident that it does not contain substances harmful to humans. Prepare it is easy, and the material always finds in the house. This is wheat flour. Glue from flour is prepared at the rate of 1 liter on two or three rolls of wallpaper.

For its preparation, it will be necessary:

  • capacity, the volume of which depends on the required amount of glue,
  • flour - 6 tbsp. spoons on a liter of water,
  • water is 1 liter.

Cooking method:

  • Heat to boil water.
  • In a separate dish, in a small amount of cold water, the calculated amount of flour is made up to the formation of a homogeneous mixture (without lumps), liquid thickness is sour cream.
  • Pour the resulting mixture in thin-rod boiling water, with constant stirring.
  • To bring to boil to boil and leave cool.

IN finished video It must have a consistency of thick jiele. Similarly, it is possible to make glue from starch, which in quality is no different from the flour coolness. According to the effectiveness of gluing and flour, and the starchy celays, in some cases even exceed ready-made industrial adhesives. Wallpapers, glued them, are perfectly held on any wall surface. They can glue all kinds of paper and cardboard.

The most common glue that is popular not only when performing repair work at home, but also in large-scale construction, PVA glue. This is a great glue for wallpaper, it is successfully used in the preparation of solutions for cladding with tiles, as well as primer surfaces, before the final finish. The scope of its use is so wide that it is safe to say that Polyvinyl acetate is a kind of wand-cutting of the maternity owner who can prepare PVA glue with their own hands.

For this, he needs to have:

  • One liter of distilled water,
  • 5 g of photographic gelatin (sold in "Photothovars" stores),
  • 4 g pharmaceutical glycerin,
  • 100 g of wheat flour,
  • 20 mm ethyl alcohol (you can buy in a pharmacy).

Glue preparation takes place in two stages:

  • preparatory, during which, in a glass of water, the gelatin is soaked for a day;
  • main.

After the gelatin of swelling in water, you can proceed directly to the preparation of PVA glue:

  • The container with distilled water is placed on a water bath. It adds prepared gelatin and stirred with a small amount of water (so that there are no lumps) flour.
  • The whole mixture is brought to a boil (* not boiling!). It should become like a thick sour cream. So that the mixture was homogeneous, it is necessary to stir it all the time.
  • Add glycerin and alcohol. To obtain a thick mass of homogeneous composition, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. This may take from five to ten minutes (depending on the amount of glue prepared). For complete readiness for use, glue must be cooled.

It - best glue For wood. It effectively glues paper, cardboard and other materials. But he has several features:

  • it cannot be stored for a long time in a liquid form, as it is very quick to deteriorate (covered with mold and gently),
  • he has a disgusting, sharp smell.

Therefore, it is pre-boiled and prepared by a chattering mass having more long term Sucidity. If necessary, slices are cut down the pieces of the desired value and dissolve, heating on slow heat. There are several ways to be prepared at home high-quality carpentry glue. The following are the following.

Method number 1. Take ordinary carpentry glue. Grind and soak it in a tank with water until full swelling. He must be a soft, resembling a jelly. This jelly is placed in the melting container, which is called glued. It can be done by their usual canning can. The adhesive glue is placed on a water bath and put on very weak fire. Mass must be constantly mixed with a tree with a wand. If it is nourished, the glue will acquire a yellow color and will lose part of its adhesive properties. After the student mass goes into a liquid state, it is diluted with vodka in the ratio: at 720 g of glue - 950 g of vodka. And add to every hundred grams of glue - twelve grams of powder alum. The joinery glue, obtained by this method, provides high strength to the glued surfaces and water-repellent properties.

Method number 2. In Kleyanka, boil the joinery with water in the 1: 1 ratio. After boiling, when it starts to thicken slightly, pour the mass into the mortar from the porcelain and the pestle to be confused before the formation of a shapeless mass. After that, put this mass on a special plate, cool and cut into pieces. If necessary, 720 g of the obtained billet is dissolved in a solution consisting of 720 g of water and 360 g of vodka. Mixture to bring to a boil.

Method number 3. Water bath boil in a liter of water 1 kg of joinery glue and 1 l 9% table vinegarTo its complete dissolution, then a liter of vodka is added with constant stirring.

Method number 4.Doodler glue breed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Heat in a water bath until full thickening. Then add one weight of the glycerol equal to the originally taken weight of the glue. Heat to full evaporation of water. Stay in forms and dry. For use to dilute with water (1: 1).

Glue for foam

Currently, plates of foam and polypenostyrole are often used for insulation and sound insulation of residential premises. They are placed on carrying wall. Choosing glue for foam, it is necessary to take into account that solvents, such as acetone, can melt it. Therefore, the ideal option for it is the above joinery glue.

But, at home you can make another waterproof adhesive for foam - from cottage cheese:

  • To do this, in equal proportions, mix the lime (hated) with cottage cheese to obtain a homogeneous mass. Use such glue is preferably immediately after cooking, as it quickly solidifies.

Casein glue for leather, tree and even puzzles

A good option for gluing wooden and leather products, as well as other materials, is casein glue. It can be successfully used in surface processing for puzzles.

Stage 1: Isolation of casein from cottage cheese

To prepare it at home, cottage cheese must pass the degreasing process. For this, it must be soaked in soda solution (per liter of water -1-2 tbsp. Spoons of drinking soda) for 15-20 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed with running water, pressed and dried to hardness. Next of it prepares powder. This is dry casein.

Stage 2: Cooking dry casein glue

dry Casin

To prepare glue from casein, you need to pour powder into any dishes (preferably flat) and, pour water with a thin weaving, constantly stirring. On one part of the casein powder two parts of the water are taken. Must get a thick mass. The most responsible moment in the preparation of casein glue is its further mixing before receiving a homogeneous state. The better the mass is mixed, the higher the quality of the glue. This procedure will take at least 30 minutes. But the process can be accelerated if you use a regular mixer. This is a great glue for wood. It perfectly glues the skin and is well suited for repairing shoes. The disadvantage of such adhesion is that it must be used within two to three hours, after which it solidifies and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Glue for needlewoman

Today, needlework is one of the most common female hobbies. Women are increasingly keen on the manufacture of colors using various types of fabrics for this. Flowers whose petals are glued to each other are most effectively and elegantly. To do this, use special adhesive for fabric, which can be prepared in several ways.

Fashion first


  • 3 tbsp. Wheat flour spoons
  • one glass of water.


  • Flour to dilute in a small amount of cold water and pour a thin flower into a glass of boiling water. Boil.

Method of the second


  • one art. Wheat flour spoon
  • one art. spoon of potato starch
  • one art. Spoon of sugar sand.
  • one glass of water.


  • All components thoroughly mix so that there are no lumps, and bring to a boil.

Method Third


  • gelatin bag
  • 2 tbsp. flour spoons
  • sugar sand is one art. the spoon,
  • water is one glass.


  • Soak at night gelatin, bay water (1/3 cup). In the morning, in the remaining water (2/3 of the glass), stir swallowed gelatin, flour and sugar. Boil.

The adhesive for fabric should be stored in the refrigerator, in hermetically closed container.

Excellent paper-based glue based on dextrin

For origami, quilling, paper appliqué, perfectly suitable paper for paper from dextrin, which can be cooked at home. And for this, it is not necessary to seek dextrin in stores. It is easily prepared from starch. You need to take it in the required quantity. In the heat-resistant dishes send to a slightly heated oven. After which, gradually increase the temperature to 160? C and to withstand in it temperature mode Approximately one and a half hours. Under the influence of hot air, starch cleavage occurs, and it goes into dextrin. Now you can proceed to the preparation of glue.


  • dry dextrin - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


  • Dextrin powder mix with water. Heart heat up to the complete dissolution of the dry matter, without ceasing to stir. Then add glycerin.

Turbo glue from acetone and old linoleum

There are still many different techniques in which tips are contained how to make glue at home. Among them there is quite available way Preparations of universal glue without special costs - from acetone and old, who has already served his linoleum.

How to do it:

  • Linoleum is cut into small pieces that put in dishes with hermetically closed lid.
  • Pour acetone. At the same time, acetone should be greater than Linoleum twice.
  • Capacity close the tight lid and put for 12 hours in a dark place.
  • Glue is ready for use when linoleum pieces completely dissolve.

Such glue is great for gluing metal, porcelain, wooden products, skin, etc.

Moisture-resistant universal glue

Another recipe for universal glue, which can be glued absolutely everything. The main advantage of its use is moisture resistance. He is preparing like this:

  • ordinary carpentry glue in water until full swelling,
  • then dissolve to the state of the student mass in the container with flaxseed oil.

Bonus from builders for cooks: Food glue

Now many are fond of homemade pastries and decoration by sweet figures, various colors from edible mastic. But that, all this beauty retained the shape and kept on the surface of the cake, special food glue is required. Of course, it can be bought in the store, but before going to search, try to make glue at home. For this there are several recipes.

Recipe number 1: Based on Stachmal


  • starch - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • water is 1 cup.


  • Prepare thick starch kenel and leave it for several hours in warmth, place. It should turn into a tight mass.

Recipe No. 2: Sugar Glue


  • 250 g of sugar sand
  • Glass of water.


  • Prepare a little unsolved caramel-pull. It should remain in the form of a stretching fluid.

It's interesting: how to replace glue for wallpaper?

How to make super-glue at home? - This question is often asked by homemade masters who do not want to spend money on professional solutions or simply incorrectly calculated the desired volume to work, but it is necessary to increase it. In order not to throw the case and not run the head into the store, you can make home glue, which will be better purchased in quality. We offer you in this article a few proven in the practice of recipes different species glue.

Traditional recipe for making flour wallpaper

The glue that is made of flour is prepared in proportion - 1 l on 2-3 rolls of wallpaper.

In order to cook it, you will need:

  • any capacity whose volume will be sufficient for the required amount of glue;
  • wheat flour - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Heat water to a hot state.
  2. In a separate container in a small amount of cool water, divert required amount Flour until the formation of a homogeneous mixture that will not contain lumps.
  3. Pour a thin jet the resulting mixture in boiled water, while stirring constantly.
  4. Take a boil once again and leave cool.

Important! In the ready-made form, such glue must have a consistency of a sufficiently thick jel. Similarly, you can make glue from the starch, which in terms of its quality will not differ from the flour glue.

According to the effectiveness of gluing and starch, and flour, the Cleasters, in special cases even exceed ready-made industrial adhesives. Wallpapers that are glued with them are perfectly held on any surface. With it, you can glue all types of paper.

Preparing PVA glue from girlfriend

The most common glue, which is widely used not only during the repair work of the house, but also in large-scale buildings, is PVA glue. This is right super-glue, with their own hands that is very easy to do, and the range of applications is so universal that any tasks with such a solution can be solved:

  1. It is considered excellent wallpaper glue.
  2. It can also be used to be successfully used during the preparation of solutions for tile cladding, in the role of primer surfaces, before entering the final finish.
  3. It is used for bonding various elements Furniture, interior items.

Important! It is possible to say with full confidence that the polyvinyl acetate is a kind of chopping-cut of any owner, which can independently prepare PVA glue.

In order to prepare PVA glue, you will need:

  • 1 l of distilled water;
  • 5 g gelatin, which is intended for photos;
  • 4-5 g pharmaceutical glycerol;
  • wheat flour 100 g.;
  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol, acquired which is possible in the pharmacy.

The preparation of glue occurs in 2 stages:

As soon as the gelatin is already swollen in water, you can start cooking your homemade glue PVA:

  1. Capacity along with distilled water placed on a water bath.
  2. Add prepared gelatin into it, stirring with a small amount of ordinary water in order for no lumps.
  3. Bring the whole mixture to boil, but in no case boil. It must be like a thick sour cream.
  4. In order for the mixture to be homogeneous, stirring it constantly.
  5. Add glycerin, as well as alcohol. To obtain the sour cream mass thoroughly mix this solution. This may take 5-10 minutes - it all depends on the amount of the harvested solution.
  6. For its complete readiness to use glue, you will definitely cool down.

Carpentry glue at home

This is the best glue for bonding a tree. It effectively glues cardboard, paper and other materials. But this glue has several own features:

  • it can not be stored for a long time in liquid form, because it spoils very quickly, it is covered with mold, as well as he gently;
  • he has a sharp and disgusting smell.

Therefore, before making a super glue of this type with your own hands, immediately prepare a place with a front of work. There is a small number of ways for which it is possible to prepare high-quality carpentry glue, including long-term storage. The following methods are considered the most accessible.

Method first:

  1. Take ordinary carpentry glue.
  2. Grind and soak it in the container along with water until its full swelling.
  3. He must become a soft, reminiscent of the chore.
  4. This solution is placed in a special tank for melting, which is called the glued glass. It can be made independently from an ordinary canning can.
  5. Place the prepared glued together with the prepared mass on the water bath, and then put on a very slow fire.
  6. Mass are constantly mixed with a stick, which is made of wood.
  7. In the event that it is nourished, your glue will acquire a yellow color and will lose weighty part of its adhesive functions.
  8. After this mass proceeds to the desired state, dilute it with vodka in the proportion of 720 g of glue at 950 g of vodka.
  9. Then, for every 100 g of glue, add 12 g of powder quasans.

Important! The joinery obtained by this method provides sufficiently high strength to the glued surfaces, and also has sufficiently good water repellent functions.

The method of the second:

  1. In Kleyanka, boil the joinery glue together with water in the proportion of 1: 1.
  2. Wait until he starts thickening.
  3. Pour the mass into the container from the porcelain and with the help of the pestle, scroll until this solution be reminiscent of the masses.
  4. After that, lay a mixture on a special plate, cool and cut into pieces.

Important! If there is such a need, 720 g of the obtained glue dissolve in a mixture, which consists of 720 g of water, as well as 360 g of vodka. Bring this mixture to a boil.

Glue for foam

In order to insulate and soundly insulated residential premises, quite often use plates of foam, as well as polypenostrol. They glue them, as a rule, on the carrier wall. During the choice of glue for foam, consider that solvents like acetone can melt it.

That's why, the ideal option For him there will be the above joinery glue. But at home you can cook another waterproof hubber for foam, which consists of cottage cheese:

  1. In equal proportions, mix the lime hazed together with cottage cheese until the formation of a homogeneous mass.
  2. Use this glue immediately after completed its preparation, because it quickly solidifies it.

Casein glue for wood, leather and puzzles

A fairly good option for gluing leather, as well as wooden products and other materials, is casein glue. This glue can be successfully used during surface treatment for puzzles. How to make super glue of this type at home?

First stage: Casino isolation directly from cottage cheese

In order to cook at home, the cottage cheese must necessarily have a degreasing process. To do this:

This powder is casein, and a solution based on it is an excellent option to make glue for shoes at home.

Despite the fact that the selection of adhesive mixes in the stores is impressive, many builders prefer to make the compositions independently from the primary materials. For different types Surfaces prepare their solutions. Consider in detail how it can be done in yourself.

Homemade flour glue

This is the most common composition used at wobbly. In terms of its properties, it is not inferior to many shop analogues, but at the same time environmental and safe to use.

For the preparation of glue, we will need:

  • 6 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 liter of oxa.
  • capacity for mixing components.

1 liter such a mixture is enough to stick 2-3 rolls of wallpaper.

How to make glue from flour? ¾ Water volume heated to boiling. In the remaining ¼ cold water, we stir the flour so that no lumps are left. Then pour the mixture of flour and water in boiling water in a tricky, constantly stirring. After boiling the glue retissure to cool.

Instead of flour, you can use starch. The resulting solution will have similar properties.

Homemade glue plow

To date, this is one of the most sought-after teams. In everyday life he is something universal. How to make PVA glue?

To do this, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water (preferably distilled)
  • 5 grams of photographic gelatin
  • 150 grams of flour
  • 4 grams of pharmacy glycerin
  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol

Gelatin should be soaked for a day in 1 glat of water. Then you can start cooking PVA glue. We put distilled water onto the water bath and add gelatin and flour into it stirred in cold water. All thoroughly mix, warning the formation of lumps. The resulting mixture should reach the consistency of sour cream and gain white color. The next step is the addition of glycerol and alcohol. The time of finding a mixture in a water bath should be approximately 10 minutes. At the same time, the composition should be constantly stirred. Next, glue should be cooled and you can start using it.

How to cook joiner glue?

This solution is used to work with wooden surfaces Paper, cardboard, plastic. However, he has weak spots - glue has sharp unpleasant odoris not intended for long-term storage in liquid form.

It is possible to solve the problem if you make a chattering mass, pre-scolding joinery glue. At the right moment you can cut off a piece and heat on slow heat.

Preparation options:

  • Take joinery glue, grinding in water and wait for a complete swelling. We put it in a canned Baku (Kleyanka) and put on a water bath. As soon as the composition became liquid, diluted with vodka (at the rate of 720 grams of joinery glue - 950 grams of vodka) and add alums (per 100 grams of the mixture - 12 g of powder alum). The obtained carpentry glue will have a high degree of adhesion and moisture resistance.
  • In the glue mix the water and the joinery mixture in the 1: 1 ratio. After boiling and thickening, overflow the composition into a ceramic mortar and rub it until a homogeneous pupil mass is formed. Then lay the glue on the board and cut into pieces.
  • In the water bath, heat the mixture at the rate of 1 l of water, 1 kg of joinery glue, 1 L-9% percentage centers. Stirring the solution, gradually pour 1 l of vodka, cool and use.
  • We dilute carbon black with water 1: 1 and heated in a water bath until the thickness of the thickening is added, then add glycerol in the volume equal to the glue volume. Creames a mixture on a small fire to a complete evaporation of water. Split in forms and cool.

Linoleum and acetone

To prepare the composition in home Conditions, take old linoleum And cut it into small pieces, then place in the container and pour acetone in proportions 1: 2 (1 part of the linoleum to 2 parts of acetone). Sealantly close the container and put in a dark place for 12 hours. After this period, the mixture can be used.

How to make universal moisture-proof glue?

To prepare a universal moisture-resistant composition, it is enough to take a joinery mixture and soak it into the water to full swelling. Next, the solution should be brought to a centered state, heated on slow heat and periodically pouring linseed oil At the rate of 1: 4 (1 part of the oil to 4 pieces of glue).