Repairs Design Furniture

Lemon Tsery at home. Home lemon: Citarus care and harvest time. Why the lemon does not bloom and does not be fruit

Lemon tree is an evergreen perennial heat-loving plantwell tolerate low temperatures. It is a hybrid plant species of the genus citrus, refers to the rut family. Initially, the lemon tree was grown as decorative plant in China.

Lemon tree - description.

The height of the lemon tree can reach three meters. Plant leaves dark green with glitter. Lemon tree flower It has white inflorescences that are located with brushes in the sinuses of old leaves or on the tips of old and new shoots.

Formation of flower kidney occurs throughout the year, but more in the spring period. After the appearance of the bud, the lemon tree flower develops another month and only then dissolves. Flowers lemon over several days. The fragrance of the blossomed buds is thin and sweetish, a little resembles the smell of acacia or jasmine. With a sharp air temperature difference in the room, the lemon tree reacts immediately. It is for this reason that the lemon tree falls out of leaves, unacceptable buds and flowers. The optimal temperature of the room in which the plant is located is +16 + 18 ° C, the humidity must be at least 60%.

The color gamut of the octopled lemon can be from light yellow to red or green. Lemon peel is dense from orange to bright yellow. It contains glands with essential oils that give it a specific fragrance. The weight of fruits is small, on average 65 grams. Lemon length from 6 to 9 centimeters, diameter - from 4 to 6 centimeters. The inner part in the context has several nests with seeds. The fruits of the lemon tree can be located as one by one and clusters. In form, they differ depending on the variety or type of hybrid.

Types of lemon trees.

According to the presence of an adjustment, it is possible to determine that the lemon tree in the pot is hybrid. Such varieties include lemon jubilee, lemon Meyer, Lemon Pondenza. Pavlovsky Lemon, Novogruzinsky Lemon, Genoa, Lisbon, Ural Lemon, Kursk Lemon, Maykop Limon, Jubilee Lemon, Eureka, Lunario, and other species.

Some types of homemade lemons during flowering are reddish - lilac color flowers. Rooms or decorative species Lemon trees are unpretentious, relatively low and well fruit (some varieties up to four times a year). They differ only to taste the fetus, the size of the plant and the frequency of the appearance and ripening of fruits. Flowering and fruiting them begin on the third year of life.

Where does the lemon tree grow?

Motherland of Limona is considered China, India and Tropical Pacific Islands. The wilderness of the lemon is unknown, most likely it is a hybrid that originated in the process of evolution. As agricultural culture, lemon is grown in the CIS countries: in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Lemon growing leaders are India, Mexico, Italy, Turkey.

Care of lemon tree.

In order for this plant to please you with its aroma and frequent harvest, you should know the rules for the care of the lemon tree. Before boarding, it is important to explore how to fertilize how to cut and how to water a lemon tree.

Primarily, watering lemon tree They produce only accumulated (at least a day) water. The flow of water needs to be directed as close as possible to the ground to avoid the blurring of the roots. The pot is filled with water until it appears in the bottom of the pallet.

Soil when landing and during growth should be loose and nutritious. Fertilizer makes once a week together with watering lemon. In winter, if the air temperature is not higher than 15 ° C, the lemon goes into the "sleep mode" and does not require strong lighting. The pot with a lemon tree put as close as possible to the window, but better if the lemon will not fall straight sun rays. If the lemon tree is premature bloom, such buds are necessarily removed, otherwise the plant may die.

Special care require leaves. It is necessary to ensure that pests do not appear on the surface of the leaves, at least once a week sprinkle them with water. If pests were discovered, a soap solution or a tobacco tincture should be prepared, which each leaf is treated. You can also purchase special insecticides. The most dangerous and common pests of home lemon are Cherver, shield, nematodes and garden sly.

Nematode is a small transparent worm that scans the roots of the lemon, settles in them and sucks juice. With this tree begins to richly lose the leaves. To discover the pest, you need to dig roots, they will have small swollen areas or growths, in them there is a pest.

An interesting fact: if you move the plant from the usual place on which it was constantly, and just unfold the pot with lemon, the plant can slow down and fertilize badly.

Lemon tree is an unpretentious indoor plant, easily adapting to the household conditions. For its active growth and development, it will be necessary to create suitable conditions, as well as perform uncomplicated manipulations for care and pest protection. This article will help to deal with all the imprints of the cultivation of lemon with their own hands, and will also tell about the rules of landing and methods of breeding a tree.

Lemon Tree Planting Material

For planting a tree at home, use:

  • fruit bones;
  • cuttings.

Choosing fruits

When buying lemons in the store or on the market, it is necessary to choose only ripe fruits, of which the landing material will be removed. Citrus should be bright yellow with a characteristic odor.

Select only ripe fruits for billet

  • sluggish
  • green;
  • rotten.

Lemon trees from stones grow and develop much faster than plants from cuttings. They better adapt to room conditions (the level of humidity, temperature and lighting) and are less subjected to various diseases.

Landing Cherenkov

The cuttings are also actively used for growing at home. They can be purchased in a flower shop, or take a picture of a familiar flower.

Important! The lemon tree from the process has the genetic material of its "parents".

Method disadvantages:

Lemon tree sprout

  • sprouts are poorly adapted to the new environment;
  • crown plants are not so magnificent (unlike a citrus grown out of the bone).

Preparing the soil for lemon bones

Before starting landing in the ground, it is necessary to prepare pots and land. For active germination, the grains is ideal as a special soil for citrus plants, it is sold in flower stores and soil home cooking. If the purchase land is ready for use, then homemade soil It is necessary to pay a little time and attention. It should consist of:

Council. Vases for landing It is necessary to take roomy and deep to the root system so that the root system takes place for its growth and development.

Planting a grain into the ground:

  1. The bottom of the vase is placed clamzit, pieces of wood coal or foam (this material will serve as drainage).
  2. The pot is filled with prepared or purchased soil.
  3. The ground is moistened with rain or purified water.
  4. Several grains are improving the container, immerse them to a depth of 0.5-1 cm.
  5. The vase is covered with a film to create a greenhouse.

For proper landing, sprouts appear quite quickly

After 2-2.5 weeks on the surface of the soil, the first sprouts will appear, the strongest of them transplanted into another container for further germination.

  • Lemon, like a southern plant, loves heat very much (the perfect temperature for lemon - 17-27 degrees). Vases with processions need to be put in a bright room, but not under the right rays of the sun.
  • The tree needs a moderate watering (2-3 times a week), since the overaffect of moisture leads to the root of the root, and its disadvantage - to the death of the plant.
  • For irrigation, it is necessary to use only resistant, rain or purified water.
  • Flowers recommended 2-3 times a week to spray the crown of the tree (especially in winter) And rubbing his leaves from dust.

Soil fertilizer and lemon feeding

Lemon, like any other plant, needs fertilizers and feeding. They significantly accelerate the growth and development of wood, fill it with all the necessary useful substances. Experts recommend to feed the lemon tree once every three months.

Lemon tree needs feeding several times a year

For feeding and fertilizer room citrus Plant Use:

  • sodium salter (13 g per 1 l of rainwater);
  • ammonium nitrate (5 g per 1 liter of water);
  • bird litter (it is mixed with water (ratio - 1: 1), insist 2-3 weeks, bred with large quantity water (1:20), poured under the root);
  • other ready-made feeders sold in specialized stores.

Important! The number of fertilizers should be moderate, as they are able to accumulate in the plant and its fruits.

Methods of breeding

At home, lemons multiply:

  • seeds;
  • removal;
  • cuttings.

Shining lemon tree

Reproduction by seeds is a fairly common method, it is simple and understandable. Fruits on such plants appear only 10-12 years after landing.


  1. This is another way of reproduction of lemon wood, it is used in spring or summer. Reproduction technology:
  2. A sharp knife or the secateur is cut off a twig with 3-4 green leaves (the lower edge of the escape must have a pointed edge).
  3. Immerse it in a specialized liquid (growth activator) for 10-12 hours.
  4. The processed escape is planted in a prepared sandy ground.
  5. It is plentifully sprayed with water, covered with a film (such water procedures are repeated daily).
  6. When young sprouts appear, the film is removed from the cutter, they care in accordance with all the requirements and recommendations of specialists.

Reproduction of vaccination

Grafs in split actively multiply room lemons. This method is quite effective, but not everyone can work. Technology:

Pest of indoor citrus

  • fungus;
  • various malicious bacteria;
  • viruses.

Important! Diseases can be seen by the appearance of spots and flaws on foliage, reduce its size, the occurrence of various growths and raids.

Common Citrus Tree Diseases:

  • gommind;
  • scab;

Lemon Disease - Parsha

  • root rot;
  • sage fungus;
  • the stickiness sheets (sign of the appearance of the shield).

Gommind is one of the most severe diseases. It appears at the bottom of the tree, gradually extends to the upper part of it (tubercles with dark brown liquid are formed on the trunk, "burns" and cracks on affected branches). Homum is very difficult to treat. In this situation, only the processing of copper vitriol and stripping branches can help.

Manifestation of gommosis

The sage fungus is also quite often disturbing citrus. He manifests itself in the form dark spots On the foliage, they poorly affect the growth and development of lemon. You can fight with the help of warm water, it is washed off the resulting stains, thereby freeing the leaves from the plaque.

Sticky leaves - the result of the appearance of the shield. You can fight her ready toolswhich are sold in specialized stores, as well as with the help of folk remedies.

How to grow lemon at home: video

Growing Lemon Bone: Photo

Citrus growing agricultural equipment in the room is complex. You should start with lemon, growing and care at home is easier for it than for other non-wellheads. Young bush can be bought, but you can grow, ranging from sowing a seed or rooting of the cutting. At all favorable conditions From the plant from the crop bone, you can get in 20 years, from the cutting of 7-8. But the lemon from the bone at home will be more adapted, healthy, beautiful with his dark shiny foliage. It is possible to edge from the fruitless lemon, which will speed up blossom. Choice for a lover.

What care requires room lemon at home

Lemon is a tree, in room conditions He also seeks to grow. There are several varieties that breeders taught to room content. But they rebellious if the care is incorrect. Before planting seeds, you need to know that only indoor varieties Can share a housing with a person. These include:

  • Pavlovsky;
  • Anniversary;
  • Mayer.

These varieties are characterized by rapid entry into fruction and high productivity when lemon care at home. When buying a ready-made varietal seedling, blooms need to wait in two or three years.

Room lemon as good care Lives up to 30 years. Lemon after tying is poured for 9 months, but after it continues to increase in size, but becomes tasteless and fat.

It is important to prevent the flower attenuation and clog buds until there are 20 leaves on the bush. Scientists believe that every fetus feed 9-10 leaves of mature age. Depending on the number of leaves, you need to leave a crop. For the same reason, you need to protect the leaves from shuffling, which the plant protests when it is uncomfortable. At the same time, the trimming of top of the branches is obligatory to form new shoots, it means that increase the number of leaves. Therefore, plant care is underway on the verge of knowledge and intuition.

Optimal conditions in lemon care

Only if you have a spacious bright room can be counted on the creation of a citrus garden. Even being on permanent place, the tree does not like him to move. And for uniform development, it turns into several degrees in 10 days, so that the year turned out to be full:

  1. From the stand to the ceiling must be at least two meters.
  2. Dry air lemon does not endure. Optimally 70% humidity. This means that the plant is to keep away from the heating battery, have a moisturizer or aquarium, equip the moisture zone in any available way and often spray the leaves with a small spray.
  3. In summer, lemon is useful to be 2 hours under sunlight, but not longer. Therefore, the morning sun on the eastern window for it is just right. In winter, a highlighting of 5-6 hours should be organized in winter when growing lemon and leaving at home.
  4. The temperature of the content for lemon should be from 14 to 27 degrees. During the flowering period, Lemon needs coolness.
  5. The graph of watering in the summer is very tense. The pot is watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, biting the earth completely. Due to the good plum of stagnation of water does not occur. At the bottom there should be a pallet for collecting water. For irrigation, soft stretched water is used.

Temperature should not change dramatically. If the plant is credited with a cold veranda in warm room, It will reset the foliage. Earth in a bench is cold, and the leaves are warm! In winter, you need to find lemon the coldest corner in the dwelling. Without a full-fledged period, bloom will later be scarce.

Of great importance in lemon care is to form it, keeping in growth with systematic trimming and chipquarten of a green cone. The deepest trimming is carried out in spring. The branches leave 5-6 living leaves, the rest are removed, the material for the reproduction of lemon with cuttings is also obtained.

Diseases and pests lemon

When lemon caring at home, and its cultivation needs to know signs of diseases to quickly correct the mistakes. Often the plant needs moisture that you can determine:

  • from above, the earth is gray, in the hands of a lump falls on;
  • a pot when patting is published by a ringing sound;
  • the leaves curled the tube, and the vertex drooped.

As a consequence, after a while the dedication of the leaves, flowers and uncess will begin.

If the plant does not get feeding, the leaves become light, the flowering stops, the wounds begin to be down. But the same signs and with unnecessary fertilizer. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the recommended doses and instructions, how to care for lemon at home

If the plant has not been transplanted for a long time and did not change the earth, it may not save a helpful watering. The Earth compressed, the watering water did in the thicker and merges, without wasting completely.

As a result of errors in care, a weakened plant populate insect pests or manifests fungal and bactericidal diseases.

Various citrus diseases specific, they are called:

  • xylopusosis and tristher - viral incurable;
  • hommind - infectious when the trunk of the tree is affected;
  • malseco - infectious, begins with redness of the leaves, the tree is dying;
  • root rot - fungal diseaseIt is required to remove damaged parts and transplant to the new soil.

The cause of any disease is the wrong leaving of the plant. And even if the tree does not be fruit, he has the same disease.

How to grow lemon at home

The selection of a container and substrate container is of great importance. Capacity should have good drainage holes. Root system in lemon compact, to the annual transplant The young plant relates well, so creating conditions for soiling in big Gord. Do not. For the older plants, the land is changed less often, but annually updates the upper fertile layer.

The composition of the Earth:

  • deficuous humus - 2 parts;
  • humid from cattle - 1 part;
  • sand River washed - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 0.25 parts.

At the bottom, laying a layer of charcoal ahead with the ceramzite, add vermiculite to the substrate for looser. The transplantation of plants to conduct after the grew the roots of the lemon will turn the earth to the transshipment.

When trimming the lemon tree there is a lot of planting material, twigs. Of these, it turns out a cutlery if you reserved a couple of leaves below and put a green twig into the water. Further, the cutting is rooted in a substrate in a small amount. How to care for lemon derived from a cutter? After the stalk gave a pigstore, it contains, as adult plant. With a height of 25 cm, the plant pinch the top, limiting growth. The central and side shoots formed in the amount of 4 pieces are left, the rest cut off on the ring.

Side shoots grow by 25 cm and pinch again, repeating operations, as for the first time. Twice the bush form, as a result, there are enough leaves on the round tree, and flower kidneys are laid on the branches. Lemon is ready for fruiting, he scored enough forces to feed the fractures.

The reproduction of lemon seeds is a long process. The resulting seedman needs to be vaccinated to get a fruiting tree. The dick will develop for a long time, blossom and the quality of the resulting lemons will be bad. Therefore, a grudge plant must be embedded with an eyepiece or split to get a cultural tree.

Sedane without vaccination will become an excellent decorative tree with good resistance to disease. It is necessary to form a crown so that the bush is neat and not stretched by branches, occupying a large space.

Oct 23, 2016 Sergey

Evergreen perennial room lemon Refers to the rut family, the genus of citrus. His homeland is considered India, the foot of the Himalayas. At home on the windowsill to raise him is not difficult and very exciting. With competent care, the bush can be fruitful, its fruits are also tasty, as well as grown under the southern sun.

Views of indoor lemons

Domesticated citrus attracts brilliant emerald leaves and bright yellow fruits. Room Lemon - Description:

  • the plant is considered short, the oldest copies can reach a height of 1.5 m;
  • shrub has prickly branches;
  • leather leather, elongated, oval, gear, contain essential oil;
  • several times a year, the plant forms small white sockets (4-5 cm in diameter) with a plurality of stamens and a gentle aroma, which cleans the room from unpleasant odors;
  • bud develops 5 weeks, 50 days blooms;
  • fruit is a homely citrus from one to four times a year, depending on the variety, the period of fruit development - 200-230 days;
  • the fruit has light yellow and tangible lemon smell, meal juicy and sour;
  • with normal development, culture is fruits round year - On the bush at the same time, the wounds, buds, flowers and fruits can develop.

Room lemons - varieties:

Growing room lemon

Grow room lemon is easier from the bone. To accommodate the bush, it is better to choose southern or oriental window sills with good lighting. Lemon - a thermo-loving room plant, optimal temperature For him + 15-22 ° C. The landing is carried out in a depth of 1-2 cm with a distance of 5 cm in a small pot with drainage from clay or wood coal. Contain sowing in a bright place, he grows after 2 weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, they choose strong, covered with a can. After a pair of real leaves, the instance is planted in a 10-centimeter pot.

Soil for room lemon

Fertile soil for indoor lemons should be a weakness or neutral (6-7 pH), aerated. For self-preparation you need to make a mixture of meadow turf, sheet land, large sand, humoring in the ratio (2: 2: 1: 1). You can use a soil for citrus from the store, mixing it in equal shares with peat. Then the composition will be easy and breathable.

Reproduction of indoor lemons

For room lemon, the drawing is a popular way of reproduction. For sprouts in the spring, the proceeds of 10 cm in size with 3-4 kidneys and 2-3 leaves are taken. The twig is treated with a stimulant for the development of roots and placed in water for 3 days. For cultivation, it is suitable soil from humoring, coarse sand and flower land in equal shares. The cuttings are drawn by 3 cm, moisturize daily leaves, the substrate should not have water stoles. The rooting occurs after 30-45 days, then the cuttings can be placed in another pot.

Room lemon - care at home

Caring for room lemon is troublesome. He loves good lighting, compliance with the temperature and irrigation regime. To grow the leaves, it needs at least + 17 ° C, during the development of fruits, the temperature should be increased to + 22 ° C. Room lemon care suggests the organization good lighting. Straight sunlight should fall on a bush 2 hours a day. In order for the tree not to develop one-sided, every 10 days it must be rotated 10 ° around its axis. In winter, with a short lighting day - to organize highlighting with the help of lamps.

Trimming indoor lemons

  • in the first year of life, the plant gives 30 cm;
  • in the second season in the spring, the secret must be cropped, leaving a height of 20 cm, while the tree will begin to produce side kidneys;
  • the lower shoots must be cut off, leaving 3 upper - they will quote the skeleton of culture;
  • the next year they do the same with the side branches - they are shortened to stimulate the development of subsidiaries, then several upper sprouts are left;
  • room lemon acquires beautiful view in the presence of trunks up to 5-6 branch levels;
  • in the future, there is enough pinching of fast-growing shoots or removing them.

What to get a room lemon?

The citrus at home needs feeding. Signing the tree start when they reach 2-3 years of age. For fertilizer used complex mineral formulations In the spring and summer period twice a month. From the middle of autumn, the feeder is carried out every 6 weeks. For two hours before making fertilizers, the substrate in the pot is important to pour clean water.

From the organic lemon trees prefers extract wood ash, infusion of birch (half a breaker of the leaves is poured with water and withstand 2-3 days), diluted at 5-6 times fresh manure. Organic fertilizer For room lemon, it is brought with the same periodicity as the mineral feeding. If there is an intense growth of green mass to the detriment of the fruits, it is necessary to remove the nitrogen from the nitrogen feeding and add phosphate component;

Watering room lemon

Before looking at the room conditions behind Lemon, it is important to explore the rules for its moisture. From May to September, home citrus needs moderate watering every other day, in winter it is reduced to once a week. The tree is moisturized by non-cool water, estimated for 5 hours. Pour it all over the surface of the pot. The plant loves spraying heated boiled waterEspecially in winter, if the heating systems work around. For citrus, the "wet" air around the crown is more important than excess moisture in the soil.

Limon diseases in room conditions

Why yellow leaves in room lemon?

Often, irregular care leads to the disease of indoor lemons, the leaves turn yellow. There are several reasons:

  1. Disadvantage nutrients. Calcium is responsible for root systemPhosphorus helps in the formation of delicious fruits, nitrogen affects a healthy color of foliage, and potassium contributes to its normal absorption. Timely fertilization with such elements will help prevent the yellowing of foliage.
  2. Lack of lighting. Room lemon needs a 12-hour day, if it is shorter - will help the backlight using a fluorescent lamp.
  3. Excess light, straight sun rays cause burns on the leaves. The tree must be moved to the shaded place.
  4. Lack of humidity leads to the fact that the tips of the leaves turn yellow. You need to carry out a daily spraying of the plant using a spray gun. It is useful next to the pot to keep water to evaporate in a flat bang. Summer times a week, the plant is advised to rinse under the shower.
  5. Sharp drops of temperature, drafts, proximity heating devices Also can lead to yellowing foliage. Then you need to get rid of such adverse factors.

Why fall leaves from room lemon?

The adverse conditions of the content of the bush lead to the fact that it begins to reset the leaves. Often this happens in the autumn-winter period. The larger on the tree of healthy leaves, the better it grows and fruits, by their number and judge the condition of the bush. In some cases, the plant is restored independently, but it is important to eliminate the cause of an unpleasant phenomenon. If the room lemon dropped the leaves what to do:

  • with a lack of moisture, it should often spray the plant and not allow the soil to displace;
  • if there is little light plants - apply additional lamps;
  • eliminate the hyproofing of the roots, water the bush is only warm water;
  • if you have a close pot - a bush should be transplanted into a capacity of larger size (by 2-4 cm);
  • control so that in the soil did not arise the excess of moisture, leading to the root rotting;
  • inspect the tree for pests if they are detected - conduct treatment.

Room Lemon Diseases - Sticky Leaves

In some cases, foliage on shoots becomes sticky - as if it was sprayed with syrup, crystals can even form. The disease causes a shield that settled on the tree. When untreated treatment in sticky liquid, a sage fungus is started, which manifests itself on branches, barrels and leaves with dark spots, without treatment, the plant dies.

To eliminate plaque, the folia is wiping with a solution of transformer oil (6 ml per 1 liter of water). After 5-7 days, the processing is repeated. The solution removes sticky raid and kills the young shield. You can use another method of treating lemon - room plant care in the form of spraying by carbocket or tobacco solution also helps well. Processing is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Pest of indoor lemon

Citrus can be damaged and typical pests. To grow a room lemon, you need to know how to get to fight:

  1. If they are presented, the leaves are falling, the branches dry, the plant is dying. The pests are cleaned with a brush, the leaves are washed with a soap emulsion (2 st. L of liquid agent per 1 liter of water), garlic water (7-8 crowded heads of day insist in water bucket).
  2. Located in the bottom of the sheet, gradually envelops the entire culture. When damaged, it is necessary to spire a tree with a solution of "Actress", repeat 3 times with a period of 10 days.
  3. It feeds with greens, leads to drying of the leaves and cracking the fruit. The plant must be inspected and manually get rid of its larvae.
  4. Aphid.Eats the tops of the shoots. The plant is necessary three times (every 10 days) to make a solution of "ACTELEC". Nearby you can put a geranium pot. Help and spray garlic water.
  5. TRIPS. They look like small black dots, they can fly, spread viruses. To destroy the bush wash under the shower, processed by soap emulsion.
  6. Bellenkles. The larvae are located at the bottom of the leaves. The bush spray at least 5 times every three days.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees have long been already the inalienable attribute of the Spring meeting in the country ascending sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful shrubs, who can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender is growing well in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Solding once such an invaluable product, like a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stay from finding all the new recipes for its feeding to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its sharpness and spice, has a fresh and gentle taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and give it to launch at least 15 minutes. I have a nutmeg pumpkin very juicy and sweet, so it is not necessary to mive it. If the pumpkin of another variety, then you can smash it with your hands so that it will slightly let juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landing Most dachensons usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. IN lately The desire of K. healthy nutrition and big choice Greens in supermarkets force gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

Mixtai is best prepared in the form of casserole, separating fillets from the skin and bones. Fish pieces are mixed with a motley vegetable set, poured with cheese sauce, sour cream and eggs. Such a fish casserole has presentable view, and her taste is a fancy mixture of thin nuances. Vegetables and fillets are impregnated with sour cream, cheese will freeze the ruddy crust, the eggs will connect all the ingredients. Pieces of fish are plenty of Italian herbs, and Mintai acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you truly feel the awakening of nature only with the advent flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

Quickly smashed and turning into wild thickets, Borschevik violates the established ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oilsThe fruits and leaves of Borshevik are caused by severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more complicated to fight him than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today there was a means capable of short term Get rid of your plot from most weeds, including from Borshevik.

Carrots are of different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and lycopene prevail, yellow color is due to the presence of xanthofilles (lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. We will tell about the best early, middle and late grades in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy cake recipe with a delicate chicken and potato filling. An open cake with chicken and potatoes is an excellent diet dish that is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it out on wooden surfacehaving previously released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

Long-awaited spring for many indoor plants It is a period of start of active vegetation, and for most - and returning their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Densitive conditions and universal, all indoor cultures are faced with much more bright lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature modes.

Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake the cake can not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. The cake in a frying pan will not be so high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.

He is also interested in the fact that his fruits (Thaivin) are used in food with young, not matured (radiant). So, it is not necessary to wait for the crop ripening, and from the end of spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables in the menu. On her beds, it is better to grow grade and hybrids of zucchini, resistant to diseases and to changes in weather conditions. It eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest with any weather. It is about such zashchka varieties and will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is a time when the first bloom of plants in gardens and parks begins. Unchanging solts that have entered into their human rights - bulbous primroses. But amonges decorative shrubs You can meet such that will delight fragrant colors, animating the still inconspicuous garden. The main rue of beautiful decorative decorative shrubs is per month May, most of them, as a rule blooms in mid-May.