Repairs Design Furniture

How to make vibrating plates to seal the soil with your own hands. Homemade vibratinglitis and vibrorek how to make a pen for vibrating plates

With landscape design, it becomes necessary to produce soil seal. Otherwise, after laying the coating on the soil with an inhomogeneous density, pits and failures will occur. A loose pillow can easily be blurred with underground waters, or simply after a strong shower.

The loose soil does not distribute the load well, and on the road with a weak seal of the substrate will quickly arise a gauze.

On the basis of construction of roads, the problem is solved by staples and groundwater rollers, and how to be in places with limited accessibility for heavy machinery? If you organize the pad under the laying of the tile in your yard, the scrapper do not drive there.

It remains to be trambed manually. However, at the site of 1-2 weaves, such work will take a lot of time and take away the strength.

The output is - the ground of the soil of vibrating

The flat surface with the installed vibrating engineering, the layer behind the layer compacts the soil or laid paving slabs. The work on which the years is naturally used (under the influence of the severity of cars or a person) - is performed using the device in a matter of hours.

Moreover, the seal occurs evenly and with high quality. Sometimes on Earth treated in this way, traces of car tires do not at all.

Especially relevant seal with bulk soil. If you leave the loose foundation, then at any time the mound may fail, destroying the design installed on it.

We all have seen how on a swapped and asphalted trench, with time a deepening arises. This is because when replacing the pipe, the plumbers simply threw the earth, without the use of the vibrator, and the road builders are asphalt on an unstable base.

Therefore, with any earthworks - it is necessary to compact the surface before continuing processing. Well, if you only need to pave a garden track, or compact the ground under the construction of the pool.

You can take a vibrator for renting on the weekend, and perform the work yourself. And if you fully plan a plot of 10-12 acres? Self-made vibrating plates will help.

The principle of action of any vibration mechanism is based on the unbalancement of a rotating element. For some units, this leads to catastrophic destructions, for others it is a working element of construction.

Eccentric for the vibrating plates makes the entire design in a certain rhythm. The operator needs only to move the mechanism on the site, ensuring uniformity of processing. If you leave a fixedly included vibrator - it will deepen in the ground relative to the rest of the area.

Sophisticated and very fast seem to be the action of cars on a large construction site. Yesterday, a huge bucket braised into the ground, and today there is already the first level of the future building. This is on large-scale construction sites. But even if you need to put a country house, the principles are the same: the preparation of the soil is needed first, its traam. Buying expensive mechanisms for non-breaking use is inappropriate. Vibratinglitis with your own hands is a real and affordable solution.

Vibroplitis is an aggregate, the main function of which is a traam. It is used in various fields: to seal the soil during construction, landscape planning, for tamping bulk materials (sand, pebbles, gravel), when laying asphalt, paving slabs, paving slabs.

The machine has a small size, so maneuveran. Its applying it can be used as in the open area (when the land plot, parking, road surface, flooring in large industrial premises, etc.) and in a limited space (in dutches, trenches, near buildings, near borders, wells, hatches etc.).

Vibratinglitis for sealing of soil and other bulk materials is recommended for use in areas not exceeding 1000 m² on significant areas for these purposes, large-size and more powerful techniques are applied.

Each model of vibrating plates has its own performance, which determine the features of its use and scope. So, when choosing the vibroplitis, it is worth paying attention to the following specifications:

  • dimensions of the support plate, mm;
  • frequency of vibration, Hz;

  • depth of compaction, mm;
  • amplitude of vibration, mm;
  • power, kWt;
  • mass of the unit, kg;
  • electricity or fuel consumption, kW / h or l / h;
  • maximum performance, m.kv. / h;
  • dimensions of the device as a whole, mm.

Types of vibrating: Main differences, dignity and disadvantages

Vibrating plates are divided into several indicators. The first of them is the type of engine. Depending on which engine is installed on the unit, the plates are:

  • petrol;
  • diesel;
  • electric.

Electric vibrating plates 220 V is the cheapest and affordable option. According to technical criteria, it is somewhat inferior to two other species, as it has a low weight and low degree of rambling. Most of all this model is suitable for use in a private plot, in agriculture, in landscape work. The disadvantage of it is the mandatory presence of a power source and a limitation of the radius of the length of the cord.

In the absence of a source of electricity or the impossibility of connecting to the power grid, it is worth buying a vibropilet gasoline. It is more expensive than electric, but does not have restrictions on operating conditions. It is easy to transport and move. Diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline, but the engine itself is more expensive. Diesel units are the most powerful, they are more often used in construction sites. The disadvantage of diesel vibrating plates is a significant level of noise during operation and high cost.

Helpful advice! Engine power directly affects the movement of the plate. At high indicators, the unit moves itself. If the power is low, the plate can be buried. This drawback is aggravated if the layer of fine-grained material is trambed.

Vibrating plates are divided into purposes: for tamping asphalt and soil sealing. The first is distinguished by the presence of a water irrigation device in their design. It is necessary for wetting, the wet surface eliminates sticking to the base. The surface of such a vibration plate is smooth, rounded edges.

The unit for the dumping of the soil is heavier, the texture of the surface of the plate is embossed.

There are cars with translational motion and reversed. Progressive moves in one direction and have one debase. In the second type of vibrating plates a reciprocating direction of movement. There are two debases in them, so they can move in different directions. The vibrating plates are manually controlled or remotely. The last option is convenient and safe, but the price of it is much higher.

Classification of vibration masses by weight

Along with the power, an important technical indicator is the mass. It is for her that you need to pay attention when choosing a device model or when creating a tamper with your own hands. According to this parameter, the vibroplites are divided into four types:

Vibrating Type Weight Features and scope

Low degree of seal applied in agriculture, with landscape planning


High-frequency with low amplitude, used for thin layers of small-cemetery fraction and asphalt coatings


Used for thick layers of ground coarse fraction

More than 500 kg

Have a high amplitude of oscillations, are used if it is necessary to high degree of rambling

Helpful advice! When choosing vibrating plates, it should be borne in mind that a heavy device is less maneuverable, but more efficiently. If the mass does not correspond to the soil thickness and it will be less recommended, it will take a lot of time on the seal and an additional amount of fuel or electricity will be spent.

Device vibrating plates: main nodes and connection methods

To buy vibrating plates, it is recommended to choose the price by viewing the characteristics of the aggregates and the prices of any trading organization. But it is possible to use the machine to use it and, even more so, make the car with your own hands only subject to the knowledge of its device.

The design of the vibrating plates consists of the following main components:

  • engine;
  • vibrator;
  • plates;
  • centrifugal coupling;
  • motor frame;
  • control knobs;
  • protective housings.

A vibrator is installed on a heavy platform, the basis of which is a balanced shaft placed in bearing supports and a cylindrical case. The design is fixed by clamps, the plate is fastened with bolts. An important detail in the device of vibrating plates, which also joins the platform, is a motor frame. It is attached with shock absorbers.

Above the vibration excavator is the engine. The engine and the vibrator connects the coupling and clinorem. In the process of operation, the engine creates rotational movements that are transmitted to the vibrator transforming them into oscillatory. These movements are communicated to the stove, and then the surface layer that is compacted.

If the functions of the vibroplitis include a sidewalk or paving slab, the model must be equipped with a mitigating plastic nozzle or a special support surface made of polyurethane.

Principle of operation

Working mechanisms have a shock effect on the surface of the plate, which produces a certain number of movements when contact with the soil, is the basis of the principle of operation of this device. The kinetic energy during impact is converted to other types of energy. Instantly increases the pressure on the surface, and then occurs the same instant decline. Consequently, in addition to the strength of the blow, the speed and frequency are effective. As a result of this action, small particles fill empties, as a result of which a very dense smooth coating is obtained.

For the manufacture of plates, two types of material are used: cast iron and steel.

Helpful advice! Choosing an assembly with a cast-iron stove, be sure to pay attention to the brand of metal. Low-quality cast iron stove can be covered with cracks with long-term use by gravel.

The size of the plate is also important during operation: the smaller its area, the better its tamping qualities. Vibration indicators determine how qualitatively the surface will be compacted. If the plates have the same mass, but different vibration efforts, the unit with higher indicators will be rapid better.

For non-scale work it is recommended to buy electrical vibrating plants. It is not important, has a folding handle, which allows you to move and transport it to the desired object. The unit has an adjustable frequency converter that allows you to change the vibration frequency, limit starting currents, save electricity, set the optimal operating conditions for these conditions. Buy electric vibrating plates, the price of which is several times less than species with fuel engines, can be used by any manufacturer, where such products are presented.

The most claimed, and therefore, vibrating plates with gasoline engines are widely represented. The aggregates of the Swiss company Ammann are very popular, whose plants have long been working throughout Europe and have already come out of its limits. The range of aggregates includes almost all types (from ultralight to the most heavy) diesel vibration.

Article on the topic:

Features of the assembly of the device and select the electric motor. What materials are needed for the frame. Manufacturing instructions.

AMMANN vibrating plates distinguishes a high level of comfortable conditions necessary for operator operation. The guide handle is maximally isolated from the engine to reduce vibration. Additional vibrating a guide, which can be used as an additional option, also patented. Engines are economical. There are models working both on gasoline and diesel fuel.

Among domestic producers, the Russian Group of Industrial Companies Splinstone is supplied among domestic producers. Vibration units have good specifications and a low price. Especially it is worth highlighting the Vibroplite Splitstone VS-244. This is the most demanded vibrancet with a balanced combination of performance characteristics, performance and cost. With a weight of 74 kg, it tram the layer is 100 mm. Vibroplitis VS-244 provides a sealing of bulk materials, diverse soils and asphalt on small areas, on limited spaces.

Vibratinglitis CHAMPION RS9045F - products of American development and high-quality Chinese assembly. This model can be used both for personal purposes and on construction sites. Powerful, depth of seal 300 mm. The noise level is permissible. Cooling air, cumbersome tank with water. The disadvantage of the unit can be considered the lack of reverse.

Wacker Neuson gasoline vibrating plates are German products. The company of the same name (Wacker Neuson) operates in Germany since 2007 and specializes in lightweight building equipment. Products are distinguished by high quality and considerable price. Wacker Neuson MP15 vibratinglitis in the model range represents the optimal compliance with the available price and good technical characteristics. Small dimensions allow you to use the vibrationovenant even in narrowly limited places. The device has a water-roof system, which allows the use of hot mixtures. Foldable guide and comfortable lifting handles provide simple transportation. Wear-resistant bearings prolong the service life. Aggregate Spectric, it somewhat limits its capabilities.

Special demand in the construction equipment market uses vibrating plates with Honda engines. These mechanisms are distinguished by small size, efficiency and long service life. Honda's gasoline vibratinglites have different characteristics. They are presented in significant quantities both in light models and in moderate.

Helpful advice! To profitably buy gasoline vibrating plates, prices must be viewed at least in 3-5 price. Sometimes the difference in their cost is 15-20%.

What is better: hire vibrating plates or buying used?

If the means are limited or inappropriate to buy an aggregate for one-time work on a small area, you can rent vibrating plants. The main advantages of such an operation are a significant reduction in the financial costs and the absence of the need for prophylactic work. The process of registration of lease of gasoline vibratinglitis (however, as electrical or diesel) should include a number of mandatory moments:

  • drawing up a contract in which the timing of the use of the equipment and the obligations of the parties are negotiated;
  • compiling acts of acceptance of the unit;

  • conducting instruction on safe use.

Rental price Vibroplitis ranges from 700 to 5000 rubles. per day. It depends mostly on the weight of the machine and the timing of use. Heavy aggregates are more expensive. Long term rental suggests discounts. When renting gasoline vibrating plants, the fuel is not included in payment. The unit is refilled at the expense of the tenant.

In order to save money if you need to rub the soil and other surfaces, you can buy used vibrating plates. But in such a situation you need to be prepared for the fact that only verbal guarantees will be. The term of the further service machine cannot be determined. The degree of wear is to install only the relative, visual assessment, the date of release, it is not determined. There is always a risk of buying an aggregate, from which it is disposable for any technical reasons. Most often, the return of the seller of the mechanism used to operate is impossible.

Helpful advice! Deciding for the purchase of used vibrating plates, be sure to check the engine operation. If there are problems, they will respectively manifest themselves to the inconspicuous noise, launch delay or other deviations from the norm.

How to make a vibrating place with your own hands: required spare parts and sequence of assembly

Of course, you can buy a vibrating plate with electric 220 V, and you can do no inferior mechanism with your own hands. Advantages of such an option is enough:

  • significant savings (at least 50%);
  • confidence as an assembly;
  • creating a mechanism with the desired characteristics;
  • moral satisfaction.

Electric vibratinglitis 220 in your own hands does not require drawings, as the structure is not characterized by complexity and spend time on the calculations in paper form is inappropriate. As an engine, as an option, you can use a platform vibrator for Vibroplitis IV-98E, operating on the network 220 V. If a gasoline option is selected, then a three-stroke engine with one cylinder is suitable, desirable Honda model.

The base for the site can serve as a sheet metal with a thickness of 8 mm and the size of 45x80 mm. There are also 2 channels, 2 elastic pillows for fixing the handle, M10 bolts for an electric motor or M12 for gasoline, 2 plastic wheels, pipe segment, a hollow tube with a length of 1.2 m.

Sequence of assembly of vibrating plates with the electric motor with their own hands:

  • the cover is removed from the electric motor to be able to adjust the power of vibration;
  • on a metal sheet, two nurses are made at a distance of 10 cm from the edge, a depth of 5 cm. The edges of the cuts are bent with a hammer. It is necessary that the stove does not break into the ground;
  • with the help of channels to the stove attached a vibrator. The edges should not be for the work surface. Method of fastening - welding;
  • m10 bolts to metal join the vibrator. Holes on the chapellers are drilled at the same distance as the motor mounting holes;
  • a handle is made from the pipe and the pillows are attached to the base. Pillows are quenched vibration;
  • then the segment of the pipe is welded, the wheels are attached to it - for transportation.

Helpful advice! Homemade vibrating plates should be tested on a small plot of soft bulk surface, pressing the minimum load. It will reduce the risk of injury in case of violations in the mechanism.

Electric vibratinglitis collected by its own hands is a reliable mechanism that will not yield to factory for use. An only low aesthetics of the self-made device can be considered an insignificant disadvantage. Although if desired and this deficiency is easy to eliminate, stepping the items in bright colors.

Vibrotrambovka created by its own hands will be the subject of self-esteem and will ensure uninterrupted work, if you adhere to certain rules of operation:

  • before turning on the unit, check the strength of the fasteners and the presence of damage identified by the disadvantages to eliminate to use;
  • after switching on, give the engine to warm 2-3 minutes;
  • use vibrating plates only on bulk surfaces;
  • in a timely manner to replace air filters and oils in gasoline models (every 100 hours of operation);
  • prevent engine overheat;
  • contain a device clean and conduct preventive maintenance;

  • if a polyurethane rug is used, it must be cleaned after each application.

Helpful advice! If you need to seal multiple layers, each layer should be tamped separately. This will provide quality and extend the durability of the mechanism.

To reduce vibration when working, you need to make a hinge handle from a thick rope and hold onto them. In this case, the impact on the brush and the upper limbs is significantly reduced. If you need to water the surface, you should attach the tank with water and the hose from which the water will be supplied and sequentially irrigate the necessary sections. It is necessary to ensure that the moisture does not enter the engine.

If after one passing the surface was not enough, it is recommended to repeat the action until the desired result is achieved. Most often it is necessary to make the tamping of one section by passing 5-6 times.

The appearance of vibroplite accelerated the process of sealing surfaces hundreds of times. A variety of modifications allows you to choose the necessary mechanism for high-quality and comfortable work. The possibility of making self-made vibrating plates made an affordable use of an aggregate with various material possibilities.

Recently, the high cost of building equipment encourages the owners of country sites and houses to make it independently.

Having certain technical skills, hard work and perseverance, craftsmen easily cope with such a task.

Why do you need vibratinglitis?

The usual vibration is designed for sealing sand, rubble and other bulk materials.

Due to the effect of vibration, the soil does not seek under the influence of loads. This is especially important for achieving the maximum adhesion of paving slabs, a concrete mixture or paving slabs with the ground surface.

At home purposes, such a type of rambling serves as an indispensable means when carrying out work on a small area, when the use of special equipment is impossible.

Improvement of household territories, including the extraction of tracks and previously broken areas, is carried out exclusively using vibratinglitis.

The construction equipment market granted a huge selection of vibration plates. They differ in weight, power, work surface area and other parameters.

However, the prices for the technique are quite high, and it encourages many to make the vibroplite with their own hands.

Advantages of independently assembled vibroplites

  • Fast assembly. If you wish, you can make vibrating plates in five hours. The work turns on the alteration of the vibration.
  • Safety of work. The owner itself isolates vibration, which allows him to be confident in proper plate.
  • Easy operation. The device makes the tamper independently, you only need to determine the direction of movement.
  • Ability to establish uninterrupted food. With the help of a fan, removed from the unnecessary server, the stove is equipped with a source of continuous energy.

What is the vibrating plate

Before proceeding with the manufacture of vibrating plates with their own hands, it is necessary to draw up its drawing. To do this, you need to know from which parts the technique consists.

Any modern vibrating plate consists of several elements:

  1. Workstop.
  2. Frame.
  3. Vibrosezel.
  4. Engine.
  5. Transmission.
  6. Suspension system.
  7. Control mechanism.

Workstop It is manufactured mainly from the cast iron, and its characteristics are determined by the quality of this material.

Low quality cast iron can be covered with cracks when working with sandy and gravel mixtures.

These types of soil contain small stones, which in the course of the rambling point point to the surface of the slab.

The size of the working surface is also important. When the stove has the right geometry, its playground is capable of self-cleaning, without leaving the remnants of the soil.

The smaller the surface of the working plate, the better the soil will be seal.

Therefore, in the manufacture of vibrating plates, it is better to do the surface of a smaller area, if it does not reduce the vibration properties.

Vibrozel It is attached to the stove, so all connections and attachment nodes must be collected particularly carefully.

All items must be made of high quality and durable materials. High vibration indicator and a certain mass of the product set the level of exposure to the ground.

Stuffing box The vibration node should prevent the flow of lubricating fluid, prevent dust and dirt falling, as well as withstand long loads.

Vibrouzla drive It is carried out by transferring energy from the electric motor.

For better work in vibration machines, an internal combustion engine is used, which has a maximum power and carries out a tamping in any conditions.

What homemade vibroplite will suit you

Three types of vibrating plates - gasoline, diesel and electric - Different with the type of engine used. Each of them creates vibrations of different power and is applied in many spheres.

However, the greatest popularity of gasoline vibrating plates made by their own hands.

The diesel stove is a powerful device with a large working resource. It is used mainly for large-scale road works and is most often not suitable for the arrangement of household and country sites.

The use of electric vibrating plates has a limited radius. It connects to the power source, and therefore directly depends on its location, as well as from the length of the cord.

Therefore, such equipment is used to work in closed rooms. In this regard, the manufacture of electric vibrating plates is not always justified.

Reverse and straight rambling

Vibrating plates differ by where and how they are sent during the work.

The vibrational traam has two strokes:

  • straight;
  • reversal.

Plates with direct progress can only move in one direction, that is, almost play the role of a conventional rink.

If the soil failed to the first time, a systematic repetition of work is necessary, which significantly increases time costs.

Reversable vibratinglitis can move in any directions, which increases the efficiency of vibration and reduces the cost of time. The reversing method is used for heavy slabs weighing over 100 kg.

Expand such a plate for re-tamping is quite difficult, especially if the working surface has limited sizes.


Before making homemade vibrating plates, it is necessary to analyze the estimated surface of the tamper. If the device will perform work on color surfaces, an increased frequency of vibrations will be required.

Sand, gravel and rubble most effectively trambed exactly such a stove.

If the working surface consists mainly of ground sediments, then the slab with a high amplitude of oscillations will help to facilitate the operation of the operator.

The higher the amplitude, the better and easier is the dumping of the soil. But in this homemade plate there is a significant drawback - the need to install the shock absorption system.

Attention to vibratory strengthening

The degree of sealing of the soil directly depends on the vibration enhancement of technology. The light machine is not intended for sealing asphalt if its weight ranges from 60 to 80 kg.

The vibrating strengthening of the self-made vibrating plates below does not exceed 18-20 kN, which means it is ideal for sealing tiles, rubble, sand and gravel.

Manufacturing homemade vibroplite

Any vibrating plate cannot work without the engine. For small work in the country and the residential area, a conventional area vibrator with a capacity of 220 V.

Ideally, the IV-98 engine should be used: it copes perfectly with the average load, has a vibration-adjustable operator and can work for several hours in a row.

Its value begins from 7000 rubles. But there is always the opportunity to remove the old engine from unused systems.

In order to create a base, a metal sheet is suitable, which can be purchased in any company selling rolled metal.

The thickness of the sheet should be at least 8 mm, and its length and width - do not exceed 80 and 45 cm, respectively.

The surface of the base of the vibroplite should be smooth, weighing at least 50 kg.

A metal plate will also need, which will play the role of the sole. It is fixed on the working base from the bottom.

Do not take too thick soles, - 5 mm is quite enough.

Vibratinglitis should not be buried into the trambly soil, so the edges need to be bent. To do this, with the help of a Bulgarian for 10 cm from the edge, cuts of a depth of no more than 5 mm are made.

The edges of the hammer are rejected, in the inner side about 25-30 degrees. To harden the design of the sections of the sections are strengthened with the welding machine.

Now the engine is attached to the base. To do this, mark the surface of the working plate, selecting suitable places for fastening the bolts.

The holes are drilled, the thread is performed and the studs are screwed. Challier are installed. And only if the engine is installed using a level.

To move and regulate the position of self-made vibrating plates, a handle is needed. It is fixed on the basis of the working plate with two welded bolts. The handle is put on the bolts and strengthen nuts.

To repay the vibration of the handle from the working apparatus, use the usual silent blocks for the car.

For high-quality grinding, two tubes are welded to the base. A tank with water is attached to one of them above the stove, and the hose arrives to the sole. This allows you to make the sole before the start of the traam process.

However, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not spill on the engine, it may be closed otherwise.

Homemade vibrating plates. With it, you can seal the ground to a depth of up to 10 cm and work without a break to three hours.

The use of self-made vibroplites

After assembly, it is necessary to check whether the stove is functioning normally. For this, the device is inspected for damage and chipping, fasteners and all elements are checked.

If there is no visible symptoms of deformation, the device connects to the network and a tribe of the soil is performed.

The vibroplite made with its own hands allows you to save a fairly decent amount: the factory option costs about 20,000 rubles, while the costs of the tool collected independently do not exceed 10,000 rubles.

However, you have to put up with small disadvantages, such as permanent adjustment, setup and maintenance.

The cleanliness of the plate plays an important role. Dirty surface and soil scored sections will contribute to the unwanted heating of the engine.

Therefore, careful and timely cleaning is the key to the fact that the homemade vibration plate will perform a qualitatively work and serves you for a long time.

We bring to your attention a video from which you can find out how with the help of homemade vibrating plates without much effort to seal the soil:

The vibrating plates do it yourself - it is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance

According to numerous requests, the public process of manufacturing the vibrating plates with their own hands.

The need for this device arose with the arrangement of paths from paving slabs on the household plot.

In 2010, I did not find where to take the vibrating place for rent in my city, and it was obliged to buy 100 square meters of paving slabs for laying 100 square meters, so I decided to make it my own.

Video how the vibroplite is done with your own hands.

The engine (Pluggy IV-98E vibrator (220V)) bought in a local company selling different engines, at a price of about 7,000 rubles. Removing the covers from the vibrator, you can adjust the power of vibration.

For the metal for the platform went to the metal base. Bought a sheet metal with a thickness of 8mm and the size of 80cm to 45 cm. The site cost about 800 rubles. (I do not remember exactly)

On both sides, made an incision in metal with a grinder at a distance of 10 cm from the edge to a depth of about 5 mm and with the help of the hammer, the degrees were drowned at 20-30 so that the vibrating plates were injected into the tramblable material.

Then he took the electric welded and brewed the place of the feet to fix the position of the ends of the vibroplitis.

Welder from me Nikudny, but most importantly keeps! By the way, all attempts to bend the metal without cuts were not crowned with success, so it's better to immediately take a grinder and cut.

After that, cut off two channels for fastening the vibrator to the stove.

At this stage, inability to weld qualitatively, the project did not spit much. While I spent one after another, the electrodes on obtaining high-quality welded seam, the heating site was slightly arched diagonally. Those. If you now put the vibrating plates on a flat surface, two diagonal angle are raised by about 2-5 mm. I think this could be avoided if there would be experience in welding, or offer your options. Maybe it was necessary to weld the chapeller not across, but along? May be.

Drills holes in chapels under the bolts for fastening the vibrator

The vibrator is screwed with M10 bolts.

The most interesting, it is experiments with the fastening of the handle to the vibroplite. The process of selection of the structure was long, costly and not always successful. I will tell only about the option on which he stopped.

They are strong enough to cope with the vibration from the engine, and not much quenching it. But only with them a handle will not hold, or rather the joints in the hands of the hands. Therefore, the search continued. In the network store "Sprocket" I found what you need. Two very soft and elastic pillows, through which and secured the knob to the vibroplite.

The stove turned out to be quite heavy (relatively of course) approximately 60-70 kg. And to carry it on himself hard, so I cut two rings from the pipe, welded them with welding to the base of self-made vibrating plates and insert two armor plastic wheels in them, bought in some store, selling all sorts of carts. And now the process of transporting the vibroplitis has become much easier.

Vibroplitis do it yourself - test your capabilities

The handle made a 120 cm long pipe from the hollow tube.

Now pro exploitation of the vibrating plates made by their own hands.

After the construction of the house there is always invariably the queue of landscaping in the country: to make garden tracks, organize a platform for a patio, etc. And whenever you come across the high-cost necessary materials and equipment, you think about whether you will not try to make them with your own hands. The participants of the forum "House and Dacha" share the experience of their creative experiments.


Many householders think that buying special equipment "TIME", and even more so, to do it yourself - the business is troublesome and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bit is easier to ask familiar or rent. As soon as RealSystem decided that the vibrostol is needed to build a pair of winding tracks through the entire plot of six acres and parking for the car 30 sq. M. He began to study information on how and building blocks.

The main reason for such a bold solution was a high price of materials. He planned the tile with a size of 40x40 or 50x50 cm and a thickness of 60-70 mm, with reinforcement. The table made without drawings, just a couple of weeks. Crimping pipes 40x20, a sheet of 2.5 mm, a pair of 10 mm plates and an old vibrator, bought for 500 rubles, with dimensions of 1050x550 cm.

The rolling part of the RealSystem table has placed on six cargo valve springs with cropping the rubber hose inside them. Springs are in glasses. Additionally around the perimeter, he secured the tie springs. After the trial switch, the first deficiency manifested: the sand was going closer to the center, shifted to the right long part and referred to the floor, because The table was not exhibited and stood on the uneven floor. The owner concluded that the side need to do.

The stands of the table were made of pipe 40x40. The first pancake comormed, because they turned out to be crying due to overheating. RealSystem tile makes from concrete with an explosion using a masonry grid.

To get a white tile, you can mix white cement (more expensive) with marble crumb.

Another members of the forum, Tarasiki, came a little easier: made a table without springs (their functions performs a tree) and a vibrator, replacing the latest engine with a washing machine with an "eccentric". Among the disadvantages of their product, the memberschanin marks the small table area, it is also necessary to fix the bed to the floor. As a makeup for the manufacture of tiles, it takes one part of the 400th Kramatorsky cement, one part of the river sand and three parts of the rubble.

Budget Tambrovka of Primary Pereg

Peter_1 regretted spending money for rental vibrating plates for the foundation. Pewing in the garage, refugee and nearby car service, he found everything necessary: \u200b\u200bdrum from a desktop woodworking machine, motor from a washing machine, a piece of metal with a thickness of 5 mm, pieces of angle 30 mm, a bunch of various rubber supports from vehicles, metal trimming 2-3 -4 mm, a piece of studs 12 mm and a couple of cylinders from under freon. There was also a piece of wire, a switch and a starting condenser for a motor. I bought only a belt and two pillows from the VAZ checkpoint for 600 rubles.

The package of electrodes, five hours of operation with a welding machine, a grinder and a drill, a few alterations of the vibration, and here is the result - vibratinglitis, which is quite acceptable trambets small layers of sand. With the help of homemade equipment, a pillow under the foundation of the garage was tamped and work began on the foundation for the house.

The design of the vibroplite is quite simple: the horizontal cylinder for weight is flooded with concrete, vertical is made for water. On the front tube - 12 holes f 1,3 mm. A drum from a planing machine was used as a vibrator. His half Peter_1 cut off with a grinder, in the second half installed two lead weights.

results: Vibration to hands does not reach the triple vibration insulation. In addition, there is a heat-insulator from refrigeration plants. Tamming, working, herself moves forward, 60-80 cm per minute, it is only necessary to direct. Because The owner found unjustified to use a double reverse-progress and two vibrating houses, the slab has to deploy so that it moves in the opposite direction.

One interesting and useful feature of the equipment was also opened: during the operation of the vibrating plate, it is slightly swinging to the right and left, especially when the tamper reaches the necessary density. This is a signal that the car must be rearranged to a new place.

After the operation of the traam, Peter_1 opened several disadvantageswhich further plans to fix. The first was the weak attachment of the ballast. The forumchanin plans to strengthen the clamps and make on the collapsible-clamp, and not on the welded connection - the slab can be moved unchanged. For this, the upper platform together with ballast and water capacity was made removable, however, the practice has shown that it was necessary to make a removable ballast directly.

The owner concluded that the ballast should be shifted closer to the middle of the plate, and not to place in front - so that the stove does not break off when turning. For the same purpose you need to raise the front "skiing" of the trimmer. It should also be better to protect the vibrate the casing, because the crushed stone of small fractions enters the mechanism and flies from there at high speed.

Another refinement should be improved engine cooling: at temperatures above +35 ° C you have to stop every 40-50 minutes of work to cool the motor. As one of the options, you can attach an axial fan or cooler from the server.

The participant of the forum TIM1313 used for the manufacture of vibrating plates materials: Platform Vibrator IV-98E, RCD to it, a cast-iron box from the Soviet drilling machine, jet thrust with silent blocks from Soviet cars and a sheet of stainless steel 6 mm, 45x70 cm.

Sequence of work: The vibrator was secured on the bed (the holes were twisted, the threads were cut, the D12 bolts were screwed), they made a handle and attached through the silent blocks. With the help of an independently created press, the base of the vibrating plates was attached. Then perpendicularly welded two plates to secure the bed with the drive to the base: they made four holes and secured the D10 bolts. Finished rambling painted.

For the irrigation of the sand, you can foresee the fastening of the canister.

Result: Speed \u200b\u200b- 6-7 m / min. During the day, 10 cubic meters of sand were tamped, layers of 10 cm. Quality of the Tamchka: Bulgin the traces when walking.

Minuses: Strong vibration, which appears, it disappears, because of this, the tops of the fingers, wrists and elbows hurt. In addition, four hours after the start of Tumbler, the purchased UzO stopped. The problem was solved using an ordinary socket, the benefit of the handle was attached to rubber silent blocks.

According to the materials of the participants of the Forum "House and Dacha"