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Caring for room lemon in a pot. Lemon: care at home. What to do if lemon drops the leaves

Some loving plants adapted to grown cytruc trees on the windowsill. Lemon enjoys specially popular. The cultivation of lemon at home does not take a lot of strength from the owner.

Lemon cultivation can be carried out at home

Motherland of lemonnife are southern countries with a warm and wet climate. Therefore, the main task of the crop is the provision of similar microclimatic conditions in the house or in the apartment.

Why are lemon grow at home?

The advantages in the breeding of lemon culture of the house are several. The main thing is the aromatic useful fruits that the plant gives annually. In addition, the placement of lemon on the windowsill can be decorating the interior.

You can raise lemon at home in a pot or a tub. The pot is more suitable for dwarf varieties of plants, the globe is useful if a large bone tree grows. With sufficient heat, moisture and light room lemon can reach one and a half meters in height and give up to 150 fruits per season. It is very difficult to achieve such results, but taking into account all the care features, it is still possible.

Another advantage of lemon growing is a beautiful appearance of a tree. He has a thick and forever green crown. During the flowering period, the plant throws beautiful flowers. Often they are covered with mighty green leaves. The exception is only Lemon Pondenza, whose branches are thin and resemble an empty bush. Despite the external weakness of the sprigs withstand up to 50 fruits. This decorative tree can be grown on the windowsill, since it does not take up much space.

Lemon bush can give up to 50 fruits

General features of lemon growing at home

Lemon - a thermo-loving tree. The lack of heat affects the fact that the plant grows poorly, sick or dies. If you decide to put a pot on the window, then you need:

  1. Choose southern or oriental side. The plant should receive a lot of sunlight.
  2. Sunny days, the tree is placed in the shadow, and cloudy - highlights daylight lamps.
  3. In the summer, take a plant on a balcony or loggia. There it receives a greater amount of oxygen and solar energy. And only by the autumn it is listed for its former place. In winter, follow the temperature indicator, which should not fall below 10 degrees.

Special attention is worth the quality of the soil and pot. The fact is that lemons have an individual nutrition system. They get water not through ordinary hairs on the roots, but through mushrooms in the soil. Communication of a home plant with mycelium mushrooms is sensitive to external factors. It is easy to disrupt the disadvantage of oxygen, irregular irrigation and sharp drops of temperature.

Before growing a lemon tree, you should take care of a suitable soil. Place lemons into loose soil types with a neutral pH. It is best to plant citrus in the finished soil bought in a specialized store. If the room lemon is located in an independently manufactured substrate, it is important to take into account the proportions of humidiation, the delicate earth and sand. Popular and soil with meadow turpentine, leaf ground, humus and sand.

Errors in care lead to the fact that the lemon tree at home dies from dryness or excess moisture, poor conditions of content or pests.

Lemon prefers the sunny side of the room

Landing lemon

For small plants, a clay pot is suitable for large, it is better to use a wooden tub, which is considered to be the best option for placing citrus. Natural material best misses oxygen to lemon roots. Before placing the planting material in a pot, it should be examined in the absence of damage. The planting process itself is simple:

  1. Root neck burst into a depth of 5 cm.
  2. Capacity is filled with ground almost to the top. Better, if there was a 1-1.5 cm space between the edge of the pot and soil.
  3. After planting, the seedling is sprayed with water and watered by a solution of manganese.

Planted tree leave on the windowsill. A young plant needs a lot of light and heat. On hot days it is better to create a half-life that will save from burns. It is not worth changing a place for a pot, Lemon does not like moving. Occasionally, you can deploy a tree with darkened leaves to the Sun for uniform heat production.

Lemon seedlings after planting sprayed with water

Growing Lemon Bone

If you decide to germinate a varietal lemon from a bone, you should know the features of its cultivation. This process is much longer in contrast to planting seedlings. To find out how long the germination germination goes, it is necessary to take into account such features:

  1. The sprout makes his way from the soil 2 weeks after landing. Sometimes time leaves more (up to one month).
  2. The embryos of citrus require greenhouse conditions, so the pot with a bone is covered with a cropped plastic bottle or tighten with a plastic film. Inside such a cap, the humidity is many times more than in the open space, and the transparency of the bottle allows the sunlight to receive ascending spons. In the homemade greenhouse can not be abused by irrigation. Soil and so gives moisture to the reserved space of the greenhouse, so it should only spray it.
  3. When a small skeleton made his way, he was involved in room conditions, removing the head of the greenhouse for 1-2 hours a day.
  4. The transplant in a large pot occurs only when 4 leaves appear on the sprout.

The cultivation of lemon in the greenhouse is also suitable for mature seedlings. With the right organization of climatic conditions, you can do without it. It is also not worth a hurry with feeding.

While the root cytruse system is not fully formed, any external additives will be taken by wood as a poison. It is best to engage in the spring or summer, but not earlier than three months from landing.

Growing lemon from a bone will take quite a long time

Watering lemon

Rast the lemon at home is a difficult lesson, often the lemon does not survive and several months. And one of the reasons for this is the wrong irrigation. Provide the right care at home is it necessary that the plant grow healthy and strong. How to put water

  1. Provide a moderate watering of stunned water 1 time per day. You can water it and once twice the day (it is necessary to monitor the state of the soil).
  2. Water lemon 2 times a week in winter.
  3. Mix the accumulated water in the pallet immediately after watering. Roots plants can bend from the excess moisture.
  4. Daily spray lemon leaves with warm water. It is especially important to do this in the winter when the air becomes overwhelmed from the work of heating systems.

Experienced rabbing advise newbies to find the balance of moisture: prevent overflows and lack of moisture. With its lack of leaves of any variety of lemon begin to shrust. If it is not possible to water, the microdistan and the plant in a timely manner. When detecting yellowed leaves, lemon should be sprayed with a weak permanganate solution.

We must not forget about the use of a warm soul. Like everything still standing in the dwelling, the lemon is covered with a layer of dust and dirt. It should be washed away, since dust interferes with the photosynthesis process. Bathing plants are carried out no more than 1 time per month.

From lemon leaves should regularly wash off dust

Fertilizer lemon

Recommendations on how to care for lemon concern and feed the plants. Citrum is sensitive to fertilizers. Preparations should constantly change, since, when using one fertilizer pH, the soil may change to the acidic or alkaline side. In such a soil, the lemon does not ripen, grows for a long time, sick and dies. To avoid this, follows:

  1. Choose for fertilizer only mineral compositions.
  2. Fertilizers from March to October with periodicity of 2-3 weeks. For young plants, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every and a half.
  3. Combine feeding with irrigated in the summer.
  4. In the spring and autumn to feed the plant only after watering. Fertilizer is made at least 2 hours after soil moisturizing.
  5. In winter, hold feeding once.

In contrast to complex mineral fertilizers, not all organic substances are suitable for lemon. The most efficient is a weak solution of water with water (1/6) and a hood of wood ash. Popular with a special infusion from birch and swan leaves.

Some citrus owners face the problem of formation of flowering. When flowers do not appear among the constructive leaves on the crown, it indicates a bad feeder. Why does the plant react so much? The fact is that Limon is not enough forces for fron. And the change of fertilizer will help him cope with this problem.

From the Swan you can cook infusion for lemon fertilizer

The importance of trimming

The need for trimming is caused by decorative and sanitary features. Its form and scheme most often depend on the purpose of growing wood. Little decorative plants do not need splashing large branches, so they are cut as much as possible by making the crown compact. For citrus, which are fruiting, the rule of balancing branches and shoots is applied. The most common method of such trimming is pinching.

It begins after lemon reached the age of one year, with preliminary trimming of the main escape. It is best to leave 30 cm length. This is necessary so that the side kidneys on the tree began to germinate.

Only after the lemon is strengthened and give new branches, they should be segged. There are 3-4 sheets on each branch. This method of trimming allows the tree to grow powerful, able to hold and give them to highly ripe.

It is important to trim the old dried branches. Lemon spends their strength on them, but to revive them will not work. Therefore, it is better to save lemon from excess load. Also prunes and those shoots that grow inside the crowns. They most often interfere with neighboring branches to develop and receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Enjoy the harsh fruit of lemon grown on its own balcony or window sill, it will be possible only with the correct molding of flowering. Weak rapid plants can already throw out a large number of flowers for the second year of life. It is impossible to leave them. The structure of the tree cannot withstand a larger load, and the lemon will die, giving the fruits all the forces. To raise a big harvest, it follows:

  1. On the second year of lemon life, leave 2 flower on the whole tree or completely remove inflorescences.
  2. During flowering, carefully monitor the health of the tree, to protect it from drafts and perform all the features of care.
  3. Know the molding rule of inflorescences - on 1 fruit should have 10 leaves. All other promises are removed.

Lemon harvest can be expected 4-5 years after landing

You should not expect high fertility of high fertility from the room plant. The tree grows and develops very slowly. Any human error can delay the appearance of flowering. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the lemon and to feed, trim and water it.

Some citrus owners receive the first good fruits after 4-5 years. Their amount rarely exceeds 5-8 pieces. Large harvest will have to wait anymore. The tree reaches its maturity only by 8-10 years, and at home the lemon lives to 40-45 years.

Features Transplant

Some citrus owners face the problem of the rapid death of the plant. If its cause depends on watering and fertilizer, then the tree suffers from incorrectly selected pot. Too much capacity becomes the cause of root rotting. It is better to use the feet of the pots of pots commensurate with the root and to pass the tree only when it becomes closely. It is best to increase the space gradually by controlling the process of the growth of the roots of the tree.

You must not forget about proper oxygen access to the roots. The pot is better installed on the pan with a gap so that the air penetrates into the ground. It should be installed under the bottom of the pot lining from stones or wood.

After the Citrus transplant is returned to the same place where he stood before. Any decimal change does not affect the health of the plant. It can hurt and even die. If you want to rotate the tree with a darkened side to the Sun, then the angle should be changed by no more than 10 degrees. Only so lemon will grow strong and healthy.

Lemon, one of the few fruiting plants, which can be at home without much difficulty. Unlike exotic and, which can also be grown at home, to germinate the bone of the eaten lemon may even have a child (than they are often amused). But it is far from growing a little lemon. To achieve full-fledged fruiting, it is necessary to make efforts and have at least a minimum of knowledge on how to care for lemon at home. Subsequently, all these efforts will pay for a hundredfold. If we lower the indisputable decorative qualities of evergreen lemon wood and the beauty of fragrant colors, and emphasized only on fruiting, then lovers of "useful" houseplants will be delighted. Room lemon gives large, full-fledged fruits, which in their taste are often superior to the purchased. Adult lemon tree at home, can be fruitful throughout the year, and the number of fruits is quite capable of allowing to forget about buying lemons.

Growing Lemon Bone

As I mentioned, the easiest way to grow lemon is from the bone. Often it is done in a passing, stuck a bone in a pot with any other indoor plant. Usually such seeds and germinate, and some time grow, but in most cases it all ends. If you want to grow a full-fledged lemon tree from the bone, then it is necessary to highlight it the individual space with the most suitable land for it. In principle, the usual mixture for room colors is suitable for the extension of lemon bones, but it is better to make it even easier, diluing with a clean peat. For the extension, the bones taken with well-rided fruits are best suitable (unripe lemons are often found on sale). The pot must be small - 7-9 centimeters in diameter (as for). The bone is plugged at about a centimeter - one and a half. Further put the pot on the bright, warm place. It is desirable how to create a grain of greenhouse conditions. To do this, it is enough to cover the pot with a regular glass jar. On this, the process of landing the bone of lemon can be considered complete. In the process of germination, make sure that the earth does not dry. A couple of weeks should appear sprout.

Care for the lemon seedlings is also simple. Support the moisture content of the Earth, do not let it strongly disperse, periodically spray. To maintain greenhouse conditions, leave it under the same jar, only periodically (once a day) for a few minutes remove it to ventilate and remove condensate from the walls of the jar. So the young lemon is contained until it grows up to about 15 centimeters. After that, it can be translated into a more spacious (10 cm. In diameter) pot, pour more nutritious land (about it below) and start care as adult lemon.

There is a nuance. Such simplicity has a significant drawback. For many years, a lemon, grown from the bone, will only have a decorative plant or some fruiting time for a long time cannot be speech. Only after 10 years it is possible to count on flowering and start of fruiting. There is a way to speed up this process, but it will accelerate its maximum for 4 to 5 years. This is not easy and I will definitely describe it separately.

Other methods of growing room lemons

A more effective is the method of vaccinating a draft of a fruiting lemon on an adult misconception tree. You can use the same lemon, grown from the bone. By the way. Any chitrus (mandarin, orange, etc.) is suitable as a flow. Lemon is given, as well as. This operation is rather complicated and not on the shoulder for most novice flower flowers, so if you decide to it, think well, whether you can spend it high quality.

Despite the fact that the fruiting of such lemon will begin incomparably earlier than when growing in other ways, it also has a number of significant drawbacks.

- First, the way is complex and requires skills.

- Secondly, it is necessary to have a well-developed (not under three years old) inhibition, and for its cultivation is also required time ...

The cultivation of lemon from cuttings is the most efficient, simple and reliable way to grow fruiting room lemon. For him, it is necessary to have only cuttings taken from an adult fructing lemon tree. How to grow lemon from the cutter I described in detail. You can read -. I can only add that although the flowering of such lemons may occur within a few months after rooting (which is the evidence of the photo below), they will begin to be fron down too. To begin with, they need to develop well. But after three or four years it is safe to count on the first harvest.

This lemmonchik was grown from a cutlery 4 months ago. A bouton appeared on his top.

How to care for indoor lemon

Lemon care at home, it is primarily a set of rules, to observe that should be strictly! These rules are notable, but ignoring at least one of them will lead if not fatal, then very unpleasant consequences.


Lemon is considered a plating a short light day. This means that he calmly postpone the lack of light. But it is also impossible to call a room lemon with a shadow-pot plant. In well lit, with a large number of windows, it will be successful to grow even in its distant corner. But if the light is not enough, Lemon immediately reaches him the appearance of chlorosis. The leaves will become faded, embossed, housing. Maybe even rearing leaves. This is especially manifested in winter when the light day becomes very short. In some cases, artificial lemoncy of lemon may be required. But this is if a very dark room, and even depends on the grade of a lemon tree. The elongation of the daylight and bright lighting on one side contributes to the growth of the home lemon, but on the other hand, it slows down the onset of flowering, and, accordingly, fruiting. As practice has shown, the lemon can develop well on the western windowsill (while it is placed there). Other window sills, including the eastern, not the best solution for its placement. Here on the table or stand in the southern or eastern window the most suitable place for it. And although some of the direct sunlight will only benefit him, from the scorch rays of the south side it should be protected.

Lemon develops cyclically. Regardless of the time of year, in the stage of active development, the room lemon comes every 3-4 months. That is, if your lemon stops and does not increase new shoots and leaves, it does not mean anything. If there are no signs of deterioration of his well-being, then it has not yet come time.

Temperature for lemon

The heat of the room lemon does not like. The most comfortable temperature for it lies within +17 - 20 degrees. Higher temperature is possible and desirable only during the aging of fruits. To form the same buds and launch, the temperature of the room lemon can be moderate and even cool (+15 - 18 degrees). If it is warm, it is quite possible to drop buds. Winter is preferably. To do this, he will need quite a cool content at the level of +12 - 15 degrees. In practice, such content is used only to young lemon trees or has not yet reached the age of fruiting. For the fruitless trees, this is the time of aging fruit, which means and the temperature is needed above.

Room lemon, this is essentially adapted to the living conditions of a lemon tree, therefore, in the summer, everything will be comfortable on the street. It should not be forgotten that the tree is southern and sharp temperature differences for it are undesirable. If a sharp cooling is expected, then bring it better to the room.

Watering lemon and air humidity for him

Equally and excessive watering, and the Power of the Earth is dangerous for room lemon. The frequency of irrigation directly depends on the temperature of the air, the size of the plant, the volume and density of the Earth in which it grows. Of course, in the warm season, the lemon should be watered much more often. It is advisable to maintain the constant humidity of the Earth in the pot, but without too much zeal, so as not to pour the plant. Until you studied all the urgent needs of your lemon, wait when the top layer of the soil gets dry, then water. In winter, in particular the content in cool conditions, watering is reduced.

For room lemon should be elevated. Especially if it is contained in the winter in winter. The heating devices during this period are strongly overwhelmed with air, which will inevitably affect the plant. Spray it as much as possible. But if the conditions are cool, then spraying are excluded! In the summer, where the lemon was not, on the street or indoors, also definitely spray it at least once a day.

Furuska Lemon.

Citrus fertilizers are available. But, alas and ah, not all of them correspond to the description and appointment. Over the years of growing lemons, I went through their great set until I found really worthy. I'm afraid you will have the same bust. After all, in your city, it may be simply no such fertilizer. But if you are lucky, then this fertilizer for citrus, the "Master - Agro" series. From March to September, feed the lemon with this (or similar) fertilizer every week. If he is with fruits, then feeding can continue after the end of this term. There are folk methods of lemon. In particular, the influence of ash (preferably birch), influence of birch leaves or Lebed leaves.

Transfer Lemon.

Note! The late and improper transplant of lemon can be reduced to no effort on its cultivation!

Displays a room lemon tree. Most of the so-called "recommendations" says that it is necessary to transplant it almost annually, and even in a pot of 5 - 6 centimeters more. It is not right! Lemon loves a close pot, and too spacious capacity is the most frequent reason that the lemon does not bloom. Moreover, in a large pot, the danger of the rise of the Earth and reinforce the roots increases. But without transfers still can not do. As the root system grows, it is necessary to increase the container. But slightly, a couple of centimeters a maximum. Let the transplant will have to be carried out more often, but this plant will develop normally. It is easy to determine the need for transplant. If lemon roots began to break through the drain holes of the pot, then this is the most visual sign. But this may not happen, and the transplant is required. Therefore, I advise once a year (in the spring) to carefully remove the lemon from the pot together with the land of the earth and inspect it. It is usually removed very easily. If the roots of the whole com, the transplant is required immediately, if only some of them makes the transplant, then the transplant is desirable, but not necessarily, if the roots are not visible at all, then return the lemon to the place, this year it has no need to replant. It is not difficult for transplanting lemon. As it is, with a lore land, place it in a larger pot and fill out the free place of fresh land. Pre-new pot prepare. Create a good drainage layer, pour on it the right amount of fresh land, so that when installing the tree on it, approximately 0.5 centimeters remains from the surface of the earth to the edge of the edge. Lemon does not like very much when the root system is disturbed. Therefore, the transshipment method is applied. Transplant with root cleaning from the ground Try to avoid and apply it only in case of extreme need. For example, if the earth is zakisla and there is a danger of dropping lemon roots.

Council. If you do not transplant lemon in the current year, just remove the top layer of the soil in the pot and replace it with fresh. This procedure is safe and very useful. It can be carried out arbitrarily often and at any time.

For room lemon should not be overly heavy. It should freely pass water and air, while at the same time sufficiently fertile. There are a lot of mixtures for citrus, but not all of them are suitable for the proper cultivation of lemons. Sometimes they have to make it easier for peat or, on the contrary, weighing and enriched by humus. When choosing land for room lemon, be sure to read its composition.

If it is possible, it is better to make an earthen mixture by itself: into two parts of the leaf land on one part of humoring and sand. You can also add a quarter of a part of wood ash or ash.

Council. Even if you bought a ready-made mixture, then add ash and into it.

Pruning lemon

Reply unambiguously to question "How to crop lemon?" One can only if you have only a decorative plant and does not be fruitless. At this time, he can (and necessary) to give the shape of a branched tree. In this, he is not much different from, or. Young lemones grown from a cutter or bone, usually at first grow in one troller, "rod". When it reaches a length of 15 - 20 centimeters, pinch the top, it stimulates the growth of side shoots. You can trim the top if the "rod" is too long. The effect will be the same. But trimming is better not to abuse. If possible, apply only pinching. This is especially true for fruiting plants. For such a lemon, each leaflet in the account! In theory, every fruit for full-fledged development is needed on average 25 leaves, therefore, the more lemons on the tree, the greater the leaves are required. At the same time, the removal of old, dried branches will not only improve the appearance of your room lemon, but also will extend his life.

Successful cultivation and abundant harvest!

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The lemon tree with bright fruits and saturated dark foliage decorate the window sill and lures sunlight into the room. Even without much care, this evergreen large plant will be covered with white flowers that exacer the fragrance, and at least one or two fruits. Lemon tree lives from 50 to 100-150 years, it means that it can be transferred as a family relic. Competent lemon care in a pot at home will give results - the tree will delight the harvest of delicious and healthy fruits.

Description of culture and best varieties

Lemon is a Mediterranean guest, but born in India. From there, the beautiful village fell into the countries of America and Africa. In the southern regions you can meet whole groves of these pictorial trees everywhere. In a wild form is not found. Citrina flesh is saturated with acids, vitamins and microelements:

  • citric acid - the main component of the citrus;
  • pectins, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils - concentrated in the peel, as well as in the pulp;
  • vitamins C, B, D, PP;
  • ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin and others;
  • microelements - iron, boron, copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese and others.

For the cultivation of the house only specially removed dwarf varieties are suitable, well-designed and abundantly fruitless. To grow on the windowsill, a real lemon tree can go three ways:

  1. Buy seedling in agrowork.
  2. Plant seed in a pot.
  3. To root a stalk from another adult plant.

It is easiest to go first, more complicated - second. But in any case, care for the grown lemon is required.

For successful agricultural engineering at home, you can choose one of the popular varieties.

Sort nameDescriptionPhoto
PavlovskyShadisy. Maximum height - up to 2 meters. Blossom - on the third year after landing in the midst of spring and in October. Gives a crop to 15 fruits with thin skin and pleasant, not sharp taste
Meyer.Height - up to 1.5 m. Cold-resistant, yield, repairing. Flowers in spring, fruits all year. Lemons are thin-bedish, orange flesh with sour
PanderozaHeight up to one and a half meters. Lemon hybrid with grapefruit and citron. Unpretentious. An adult plant has spines. Often and blooms, 2-3 times a year. Fruits large with thick peel
LunarioHeight 1-1.5 m. Flowers with small breaks all year. Fruits stretched, pointed shape, thin, taste - weakness, fragrant. Seed can not be at all. Long branches, plant needs trellis
LisbonDrought-resistant, cooling. Required to illumination. The tree is large, strongly humble. Fruit abundantly, up to 60 pieces per year. Limon shape round or slightly elongated, peel thin, smooth, rich taste, fragrant, not very sour

How to care for lemon

Caring for South Guest includes the usual set for any cultivated plant - requirements for illumination, watering, transplanting, feeding and treatment. Since lemon - a tree growing in room conditions, it is necessary to cut extra branches and form a crown.

Lighting and temperature

Lemon - the plant is south, loves brightness, but the young trees do not tolerate the straight sun. It is necessary to donate them or put on the eastern window. So that the crown is formed beautiful and harmoniously, the plant needs to turn to the light by different sides. Adult tree tolerates heat well. In the summer it is useful to put a pot with a plant on the loggia, on fresh air, and in the winter to be heated by phytolamma. The lack of illumination negatively affects the plant as a whole - the leaves lose their saturated color, and the fruits become acid.

See also:

Tulips: preparation for landing in September

The air temperature near the village must be at certain boundaries, depending on the lemon life stage:

  • in the period of active growth and flowering - 17 ° C. Upon exceeding this threshold, buds will fall. You can take a pot to the balcony;
  • with start of fruiting - 20 ° C;
  • people period - 14-17 ° C.

Drops and non-compliance with temperature regime are fraught with diseases.

Humidity and watering

The young plant does not like dry air, so it is necessary to water and spray it in a timely manner. The overwhelming is unacceptable. Winter irrigation should not be frequent, just once a week shed the soil with an estate melt or simply warm boiled water, preferably acidified. Between irrigations, the soil should dry about one centimeter, but not more, otherwise the lemon will start to dry out. For better water absorption, the soil must be carefully loosened, and so that it does not harde it, you can put a mulch from above. In the summer, it is hot and bright on the windowsill, so the land dries quickly, and the leaves are dehydrated. Since March, it takes watering up to 3 times a week, but not abundant - roots can bend. Structure of water must go around the pot perimeter, not under the root.

Growing and lemon care should occur in high humidity (60-70 ° C). To do this, you can put on the windowsill bowl with water, but it is better to buy a special moisturizer. This subtropical plant is wet air important than polished roots.

It is necessary to spray the foliage with warm water from the spray. In winter, the air in the apartments is very dry due to central heating, and the hot sun shines in the window. In order to avoid sunburn, the spraying should be carried out in the morning or in the evening so that the leaves before entering the sun in the window could dry. Very useful once a week to arrange a spa treatments under the warm shower. In order not to pour the soil, it needs to be protected by film.

What to get lemon?

Lemon can bloom and give fruit for the 2-3rd year. Room lemon care is:

  • timely watering;
  • regular spraying;
  • competent feeders.

Once a month in the soil after irrigation to make a dose of dissolved nitrogen fertilizer (urea or ammonium nitrate - 2 g per 1 liter of water). This is especially true for poor organic soil. Nitrogen gives strength to plants, for the spring and summer is formed a powerful leaf apparatus, with which the tree can safely tolerate all winter tights. It is possible to water the diluted with a weak concentration (1:30).

In no case cannot be fertilized by trace elements. Unlike other plants, lemon is missing on the roots of the hairs. Their role is played by mushrooms of mycorrosis. They seem to be squeezed to the roots of the lemon, and through them is powered by the entire plant. Mycorrhiza themselves feed on a organic, for example, by humus. They decompose it, forming valuables that feed first themselves, and then lemon are fed. Microelements kill mycarouse, so the tree is depleted and will soon die. Excessive nutrition with nitrogen is not for lemon. The tree can grow with a powerful crown to the detriment of fruiting.

See also:

What to fertilize the apple tree

Starting from the second year, except for nitrogen, it is necessary to use phosphorus and potassium. Superphosphate can be scattered over the Earth, and it is slow, but it will surely feed the plant. Phosphorus promotes abundant flowering and fruiting. Lemon tree flowering period - spring, autumn. Single buds appear throughout the year. Fruit period: After flowering, the fruit is formed, which will grow and gain strength for 9 months. It may happen at any time. After removal of the harvest in the spring it is necessary to feed the urea (or uniform) and superphosphate. If the harvest was removed in the fall, it is impossible to feed it, since the plant goes into peace and excessive food will only weaken it. Transfer feeding for February.


The first one can be made after the purchase of a young seedling in a pot, but at first he should stand on quarantine away from other plants. During this time, you make sure that the lemon is healthy and is not infected with a spider tick. I solve whether a transplant is needed, inspect the soil - whether the roots are not visible, whether the drainage opening was not treated, there is not a visual pot. If the change of transplant is resolved positively, wet soil, tilt the pot and, holding a trunks, very carefully pull out the plant with a lore land. Inspect the com - the roots should not stick out of it. If it smells like a rot, carefully free the root system over the pelvis. You can omit in warm water and clean it from the ground.

Consider the roots, remove bad, blackened, rotten. In the pot of a little larger, pour drainage, then so much to half, put the plant vertically, spread the roots and fill the earth, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the top. Pour and put in a half-day without drafts, let the plant come to themselves and get used to the new place.

The first 2-3 weeks after the transplant are kept under a polyethylene bag with "ventilation" and gradually accustom to the air. If the seedling is put, not covered, it can die. Keep it away from the sun's rays so that there is no burn. After the plant is slightly strengthened and accustomed to the air, remove the polyethylene shelter. Watering can already be combined with feeders.

During the first three years, lemon transplant annually. The size of the next pot must be 2-3 cm more in diameter and depth compared to the previous one. Then you should transplant the village to the vessel of the larger diameter once every five years.

Diseases and pests

Room lemon is susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal infections, and pests will be treated on it.

Name of the disease / pestSignsThe reasonsTreatment
GomozBrown stains on the trunk and branches, then the crust is moving. Golden adhesive liquid, frozen in airBody injuries. Plugs soil, lack of potassium and phosphorus, excess nitrogenCut all the affected places and branches, wounds to handle with a 3% copper sulfate solution, smeared with garden water
Root rotReset leaves. Visually damage is not visible. Need to get a plant and inspect the roots Remove patients with roots, put in fresh soil. Put in the sun, watering stopped for a week, only wipe the leaves with a wet sponge
Senior fungusStems and leaves darken, black spots appearThe result of the pest appearance - the shield. It highlights a sugar liquid on which black fungus is settled.Soap solution (per liter of water 2 tbsp. Liquid soap), wipe all the plant. An hour to slip. Repeat in 2 days. Garlic decoction, insecticide solution. Systematic washing of foliage with clean cold water
ScabRunning spots on young foliage, branches. Plant relieves fruitFungusPruning all affected parts. Spraying crown 1% burglar liquid
AnthracnoseYellowing, foliage falling, drying of branches. Red Fruits SpotsFungusRemoval of dead branches. Three-way spraying of the tree "phytosporin" or 1% burgundy fluid solution
TristezaFoliage foliageThe virus is striking the weak lemons, for which there is no departureNo treatment, the plant is dying
Sheet Mosaic.Dark or light stripes on the leaves. Then their deformation, stop development of lemon No treatment. You can reduce the manifestations of regular feeding
Citrus cancerBrown spots of various shapes on the leaves and fruits. Fruits are curved, the tree is dying It is impossible to cure. For Prevention: Spring Processing Fungicide Liquid Copper
Flame root and ordinaryDrying foliage, twistingPestRemoval of affected leaves. Spraying with decoction of garlic husk, insecticides. Comprehensive feeding. Transplant to a new soil
Cobed tickLeaf twisting, webDry air indoorA solution of 1% boric acid. Up to 5 spraying
MelkoFees dry, foliage falling from the ends of the branches. Dear branches painted in redLack of lighting. In winter, there was not enough light, the plant did not giveThere is no treatment, only observation. If the improvements are not visible, the plant is destroyed

Anyone who wishes to grow a lemon tree at home on the windowsill can do it without much difficulty. After all, for planting the plant, only seeds from the fresh fruit of lemon or a cutlets from an adult plant are required. Caring for the plant at home is no different ways to any complex manipulations, but has its own characteristics. And with proper care already in the seventh year after planting plants, you can achieve a stable rich harvest.

Caring for lemon wood does not represent special difficulties

Create the best conditions for growing lemon at home

Home lemon, planted in a regular pot, often achieves the size of one and a half meters (some varieties may be higher). Limon looks like a small church with oval dark green dense leaves. The lemon in the pot looks spectacularly, but a greater impression of a tree produces when the fruits look at it. To plant and grow a homemade lemon tree is easy, but that Lemon flower began to be fruit, it is necessary to observe certain conditions.

Choose a place in the room

Lemon tree is a rather unpretentious plant, but just put a pot on the balcony and forget about it will not work. It is necessary to monitor the drops of temperatures, because the lemon room is very sensitive to changes in this character. It is best to arrange a lemon on the windowsill in the room where there are no drafts. So lemon will receive a sufficient amount of natural solar lighting during the day, and the temperature will remain stable throughout the day.

If we arrange a lemon next to the heater or battery, the heat masses will conflict with the temperature in the room and the plant will feel the constant temperature drop. It negatively affects the plant and it drops the leaves, sometimes even perhaps. If the street is hot weather and sunbeams fall to lemon, then the plant will have to regularly water and take daily.

It is best to place a lemon in the erker or a room with a glass roof, in which a constant temperature is maintained without sharp drops and there is an increased humidity.

Lemon Genoa, like other varieties, does not like drafts

We select the right container

To grow a beautiful lemon at home, it is necessary to choose the right container. Material pot can be any (plastic, ceramics or metal). In diameter, the container should not exceed fifteen centimeters, and at the bottom there must be small drainage holes for the flow of excess moisture. High pots for lemon are not suitable, as his roots are small.

What a soil is needed for lemon wood

Lemon at home is easy to grow, for this you need to observe several conditions, one of them is the right soil and drainage. Earth from the garden or the soil for seedlings is not suitable. In a specialized store, it is best to purchase a soil for indoor citrus plants and drainage from clay. Drainage can be used on the basis of sand and wood ash.

If it is not possible to purchase a soil for citrus, then ordinary soil can be prepared for landing on their own. For this take forest land with humus, sand from the banks of the river and wood ash. There is a special formula for the preparation of soil for citrus, it looks like this:

  1. Three glasses of forest soil with humus.
  2. A half spoons of wood ash.
  3. Full cabin sand.
  4. Water.

All components are stirred until the mixture does not get a consistency like sour cream. After that, the mixture is poured into a container prepared for planting a plant, and lemon plant. Roots plants must be completely closed with a mixture.

Soil for lemon can be bought in the store

How to maintain a lemon tree

It is easy to care for the lemon tree, it is only necessary to observe the permanent temperature regime and prevent drafts. Then the indoor plant will delight with abundant flowering and juicy fruits. Those who are going to grow lemons at home are interested in the question whether it is possible to use lemons that have grown on the windowsill in the usual flower pot, in food. There are such lemons and useful. Therefore, the cultivation of lemons on the windowsill is not just an exciting occupation, but also contribution to their own health.

Watering and fertilizer

Lemon as the southern plant needs regular and abundant irrigation. In the summer, it is impossible to dry up the soil in a pot with lemon, otherwise his leaves will begin to turn around and fall. In winter, it is necessary to water the plant just a few times a week, as it enters the artificial stage of rest. It is necessary to monitor the leaves of the plant, it does not like the accumulation of dust. You need to wipe the leaves several times a month with a wet cloth.

Citrus roots need oxygen, so when watering it is necessary to slightly loose soil. In addition to moisture, citrus is very susceptible to fertilizers, with proper feeding lemon will bloom all year round (with a break only in winter). For fertilizer it is best to use organic fertilizers (chicken litter or manure), or mineral tools for citrus fertilizer without chlorine. In winter, citrus fruit do not need fertilizers.

Chicken litter suitable for lemons fertilizer

Pruning plants

In order for lemon to be glad to bloom, he needs a correctly formed Crown. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of new branches and correct them correctly. This is a mandatory component of the plant care, and not just his decorative part.

In the second year of life, lemon produces many shoots, who need to cut the top with the onset of winter, leaving two leafs on each branch. Over time, second-order shoots appear on the branches, on which you also need to remove the tops and leave two leafs. The operation must be repeated until the plant is formed from six to eight major branches. Such branches over time will give fourth-order shoots, on which flowers and fruits will grow. Thus, you can form and bonsai from lemon - a small flowering tree, which will give miniature fruits all year round.

When forming the crown at the base of the plant, long fat shoots appear. They are easy to determine on an elongated tweeted form and rapid growth. Soothes must be deleted, as they interrupt the process of nutrition of the upper branches and the plant will not be fruit.

Lemon trimming gives the crown of the right form

Features Transplant

All citrus fruits are poorly referred to a change in the place of residence, so there is better not to disturb the plants without necessary. You can transplant plants without colors every year without harm to it, but if there are flowers or fruits on the plant, it is better to leave it alone. If the transplantation can be done, it is performed according to a specific scheme:

  1. The plant is getting out of the old pot together with an earthy room. The roots of the plants cannot be cleaned from the ground - it can perish.
  2. About five centimeters of drainage are poured into a new pot, then a few centimeters of fresh land.
  3. The plant is placed on top along with an earthen room and sprinkle fresh ground until the roots are completely closed.
  4. Earth is abundantly watered.

It is impossible to feed the lemon within a few months after the transplantation. The plant needs time to restore fragile small roots, which were damaged during transplantation.

If the plant has long shoots, then some of them can be squatted into a small pot of sand, where they quickly root and start growing.

When transplanting lemon it is impossible to damage its roots

Best grade of room lemon for homemade cultivation

All varieties of lemon for homemade cultivation can be divided into three groups:

  1. Varieties familiar to form lemons with bright sour taste.
  2. Sweet varieties of lemons, in which the acid is completely absent (inflammatory varieties).
  3. Large varieties with a shape close to the present lemon.

If you do not divide lemons into these groups, then demarcate the plants on the thickness of the skin, the roundness of the form and the presence of seeds (seed or earmary). All types of lemons that are suitable for growing indoors tend to rapid reproduction. The cuttings of such plants are rapidly rooted and grow strongly.

When breeding room lemons it is necessary to choose those varieties that are adapted to shadow lighting and feel perfectly in the dry air of apartments.


This variety is distinguished by a small height of adult trees, they all do not reach the mark of one and a half meters. Fruits have an oval medium form, slightly pointed down the book. In the description, it is noted that Lemon Lisbon has excellent fruits to taste, there are few bones in the pulp. Skin lemon Limsbon is thin and smooth, glitters in light. The smell of Lisbon is strong and pleasant. And the branches of the trees are strong, the crown is well formed even without the relief of the upper escapes.

Care at home for this variety Simple - Lisbon easily tolerates dry air and high temperatures and needs only in constant good lighting.

Lemon Lisbon does not grow above one and a half meters

New Zealand grader

New Zealand lemon is one of the most beautiful exotic hybrid plants, which can be grown onto the windowsill. The form of the New Zealand variety of lemon is unknown by origin, but compared with other varieties has a more attractive view. New Zealand Lemon Nearest Citron's relative, so he has signs of this variety:

  1. Large beautiful flower shape.
  2. Presence of spines.
  3. Narrow winters on the leaves.
  4. Strong fresh aroma.

This is the largest variety of lemons that can be grown at home. Fruits often achieve weights in eight hundred grams, have an egg-shaped shape with a wide nipple. The skin in fruits is coarse and thick with major warms. The pulp of the New Zealand lemon juicy and moderately sour.

Limon New Zealand has a buggy thick skin


Genoa Limona variety has a beautiful crown form from nature. Jenoa Lemon is low-spirited trees with a small number of barns on shoots (sometimes there are no spines).

The fruits of this variety extended, pronounced oval shape. At the end of the fetus there is a small eligible nipple. In the description, the grade says that the skin of Genoa is though dense, but without bitterness, suitable for eating.

The plant feels perfectly at home, resistantly tolerate high temperatures and exposure to direct sunlight. The best places for plants - windows on the south side of the building.

Yugoslav's rapid grader

Lemon Yugoslavsky - a raven variety, which is very loved by gardeners. The plant has the juicy fragrant medium-sized fruits that can hang on the tree to six months. A long stay of fruits on the tree stains them in an orange color, which is for this attractive feature of Yugoslav, many are preferred. Such a plant becomes a decoration for the winter garden. And height it grows up to three meters. Yugoslav Lemon is very fruit, after seven years he is able to give more than twenty kilograms of fruits per year.

Yugoslav is unpretentious in leaving, but loves humidity and shadow. Therefore, the plant is best feeling in winter gardens or on the windows of the shadow side of the house.

Lemon Yugoslav's rarely unpretentious in cultivation and very decorative

Room lemon growing difficulties

At least most of the varieties of home lemon and unpretentiously in care, there are certain problems in its cultivation.

So that the tree does not hurt and regularly fruits, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner, feed it and observe a certain temperature in the room. An important role is played by the lighting, with its lack of a lack of a plant and recesses the leaves.

Citrus are often sick, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the tree and follow all the rules of care. And when any unpleasant changes in the appearance of the plant should carefully examine the defect and eliminate its cause.

Observe all the subtleties is difficult, so most owners advise several times to think about the acquisition of citrus. Although experienced gardeners argue that over the years you can get used to the features of citrus.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease among citrus fruits is the yellowing of the leaves. Among the causes of this disease are the following:

  1. In the air where lemon contains too little moisture.
  2. Lemon did not make a long time or bait was wrong.
  3. In winter, the plant entered the state of artificial rest, and it needs a certain temperature (from the plus of five to minus ten degrees). Increased temperature in the room during this period causes the yellowing of the leaves.
  4. The plant is infected with a web tick.

Sometimes the lemon falls out the leaves, and often this pathology is associated with a plant infection by a bypass tick or a change in the temperature regime. The main pests affecting lemon trees are: TLL and mild worms. If the plant is massively infected with pests, chemical insecticides are used to eliminate them.

The lemon tree with bright fruits and saturated dark foliage decorate the window sill and lures sunlight into the room. Even without much care, this evergreen large plant will be covered with white flowers that exacer the fragrance, and at least one or two fruits. Lemon tree lives from 50 to 100-150 years, it means that it can be transferred as a family relic. Competent lemon care in a pot at home will give results - the tree will delight the harvest of delicious and healthy fruits.

Description of culture and best varieties

Lemon is a Mediterranean guest, but born in India. From there, the beautiful village fell into the countries of America and Africa. In the southern regions you can meet whole groves of these pictorial trees everywhere. In a wild form is not found. Citrina flesh is saturated with acids, vitamins and microelements:

  • citric acid - the main component of the citrus;
  • pectins, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils - concentrated in the peel, as well as in the pulp;
  • vitamins C, B, D, PP;
  • ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin and others;
  • microelements - iron, boron, copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese and others.

For the cultivation of the house only specially removed dwarf varieties are suitable, well-designed and abundantly fruitless. To grow on the windowsill, a real lemon tree can go three ways:

  1. Buy seedling in agrowork.
  2. Plant seed in a pot.
  3. To root a stalk from another adult plant.

It is easiest to go first, more complicated - second. But in any case, care for the grown lemon is required.

For successful agricultural engineering at home, you can choose one of the popular varieties.

Sort nameDescriptionPhoto
PavlovskyShadisy. Maximum height - up to 2 meters. Blossom - on the third year after landing in the midst of spring and in October. Gives a crop to 15 fruits with thin skin and pleasant, not sharp taste
Meyer.Height - up to 1.5 m. Cold-resistant, yield, repairing. Flowers in spring, fruits all year. Lemons are thin-bedish, orange flesh with sour
PanderozaHeight up to one and a half meters. Lemon hybrid with grapefruit and citron. Unpretentious. An adult plant has spines. Often and blooms, 2-3 times a year. Fruits large with thick peel
LunarioHeight 1-1.5 m. Flowers with small breaks all year. Fruits stretched, pointed shape, thin, taste - weakness, fragrant. Seed can not be at all. Long branches, plant needs trellis
LisbonDrought-resistant, cooling. Required to illumination. The tree is large, strongly humble. Fruit abundantly, up to 60 pieces per year. Limon shape round or slightly elongated, peel thin, smooth, rich taste, fragrant, not very sour

How to care for lemon

Caring for South Guest includes the usual set for any cultivated plant - requirements for illumination, watering, transplanting, feeding and treatment. Since lemon - a tree growing in room conditions, it is necessary to cut extra branches and form a crown.

Lighting and temperature

Lemon - the plant is south, loves brightness, but the young trees do not tolerate the straight sun. It is necessary to donate them or put on the eastern window. So that the crown is formed beautiful and harmoniously, the plant needs to turn to the light by different sides. Adult tree tolerates heat well. In the summer it is useful to put a pot with a plant on the loggia, on fresh air, and in the winter to be heated by phytolamma. The lack of illumination negatively affects the plant as a whole - the leaves lose their saturated color, and the fruits become acid.

See also:

How to transplant an adult bush to another place

The air temperature near the village must be at certain boundaries, depending on the lemon life stage:

  • in the period of active growth and flowering - 17 ° C. Upon exceeding this threshold, buds will fall. You can take a pot to the balcony;
  • with start of fruiting - 20 ° C;
  • people period - 14-17 ° C.

Drops and non-compliance with temperature regime are fraught with diseases.

Humidity and watering

The young plant does not like dry air, so it is necessary to water and spray it in a timely manner. The overwhelming is unacceptable. Winter irrigation should not be frequent, just once a week shed the soil with an estate melt or simply warm boiled water, preferably acidified. Between irrigations, the soil should dry about one centimeter, but not more, otherwise the lemon will start to dry out. For better water absorption, the soil must be carefully loosened, and so that it does not harde it, you can put a mulch from above. In the summer, it is hot and bright on the windowsill, so the land dries quickly, and the leaves are dehydrated. Since March, it takes watering up to 3 times a week, but not abundant - roots can bend. Structure of water must go around the pot perimeter, not under the root.

Growing and lemon care should occur in high humidity (60-70 ° C). To do this, you can put on the windowsill bowl with water, but it is better to buy a special moisturizer. This subtropical plant is wet air important than polished roots.

It is necessary to spray the foliage with warm water from the spray. In winter, the air in the apartments is very dry due to central heating, and the hot sun shines in the window. In order to avoid sunburn, the spraying should be carried out in the morning or in the evening so that the leaves before entering the sun in the window could dry. Very useful once a week to arrange a spa treatments under the warm shower. In order not to pour the soil, it needs to be protected by film.

What to get lemon?

Lemon can bloom and give fruit for the 2-3rd year. Room lemon care is:

  • timely watering;
  • regular spraying;
  • competent feeders.

Once a month in the soil after irrigation to make a dose of dissolved nitrogen fertilizer (urea or ammonium nitrate - 2 g per 1 liter of water). This is especially true for poor organic soil. Nitrogen gives strength to plants, for the spring and summer is formed a powerful leaf apparatus, with which the tree can safely tolerate all winter tights. It is possible to water the diluted with a weak concentration (1:30).

In no case cannot be fertilized by trace elements. Unlike other plants, lemon is missing on the roots of the hairs. Their role is played by mushrooms of mycorrosis. They seem to be squeezed to the roots of the lemon, and through them is powered by the entire plant. Mycorrhiza themselves feed on a organic, for example, by humus. They decompose it, forming valuables that feed first themselves, and then lemon are fed. Microelements kill mycarouse, so the tree is depleted and will soon die. Excessive nutrition with nitrogen is not for lemon. The tree can grow with a powerful crown to the detriment of fruiting.

See also:

Gardening is always hard work

Starting from the second year, except for nitrogen, it is necessary to use phosphorus and potassium. Superphosphate can be scattered over the Earth, and it is slow, but it will surely feed the plant. Phosphorus promotes abundant flowering and fruiting. Lemon tree flowering period - spring, autumn. Single buds appear throughout the year. Fruit period: After flowering, the fruit is formed, which will grow and gain strength for 9 months. It may happen at any time. After removal of the harvest in the spring it is necessary to feed the urea (or uniform) and superphosphate. If the harvest was removed in the fall, it is impossible to feed it, since the plant goes into peace and excessive food will only weaken it. Transfer feeding for February.


The first one can be made after the purchase of a young seedling in a pot, but at first he should stand on quarantine away from other plants. During this time, you make sure that the lemon is healthy and is not infected with a spider tick. I solve whether a transplant is needed, inspect the soil - whether the roots are not visible, whether the drainage opening was not treated, there is not a visual pot. If the change of transplant is resolved positively, wet soil, tilt the pot and, holding a trunks, very carefully pull out the plant with a lore land. Inspect the com - the roots should not stick out of it. If it smells like a rot, carefully free the root system over the pelvis. You can omit in warm water and clean it from the ground.

Consider the roots, remove bad, blackened, rotten. In the pot of a little larger, pour drainage, then so much to half, put the plant vertically, spread the roots and fill the earth, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the top. Pour and put in a half-day without drafts, let the plant come to themselves and get used to the new place.

The first 2-3 weeks after the transplant are kept under a polyethylene bag with "ventilation" and gradually accustom to the air. If the seedling is put, not covered, it can die. Keep it away from the sun's rays so that there is no burn. After the plant is slightly strengthened and accustomed to the air, remove the polyethylene shelter. Watering can already be combined with feeders.

During the first three years, lemon transplant annually. The size of the next pot must be 2-3 cm more in diameter and depth compared to the previous one. Then you should transplant the village to the vessel of the larger diameter once every five years.

Diseases and pests

Room lemon is susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal infections, and pests will be treated on it.

Name of the disease / pestSignsThe reasonsTreatment
GomozBrown stains on the trunk and branches, then the crust is moving. Golden adhesive liquid, frozen in airBody injuries. Plugs soil, lack of potassium and phosphorus, excess nitrogenCut all the affected places and branches, wounds to handle with a 3% copper sulfate solution, smeared with garden water
Root rotReset leaves. Visually damage is not visible. Need to get a plant and inspect the roots Remove patients with roots, put in fresh soil. Put in the sun, watering stopped for a week, only wipe the leaves with a wet sponge
Senior fungusStems and leaves darken, black spots appearThe result of the pest appearance - the shield. It highlights a sugar liquid on which black fungus is settled.Soap solution (per liter of water 2 tbsp. Liquid soap), wipe all the plant. An hour to slip. Repeat in 2 days. Garlic decoction, insecticide solution. Systematic washing of foliage with clean cold water
ScabRunning spots on young foliage, branches. Plant relieves fruitFungusPruning all affected parts. Spraying crown 1% burglar liquid
AnthracnoseYellowing, foliage falling, drying of branches. Red Fruits SpotsFungusRemoval of dead branches. Three-way spraying of the tree "phytosporin" or 1% burgundy fluid solution
TristezaFoliage foliageThe virus is striking the weak lemons, for which there is no departureNo treatment, the plant is dying
Sheet Mosaic.Dark or light stripes on the leaves. Then their deformation, stop development of lemon No treatment. You can reduce the manifestations of regular feeding
Citrus cancerBrown spots of various shapes on the leaves and fruits. Fruits are curved, the tree is dying It is impossible to cure. For Prevention: Spring Processing Fungicide Liquid Copper
Flame root and ordinaryDrying foliage, twistingPestRemoval of affected leaves. Spraying with decoction of garlic husk, insecticides. Comprehensive feeding. Transplant to a new soil
Cobed tickLeaf twisting, webDry air indoorA solution of 1% boric acid. Up to 5 spraying
MelkoFees dry, foliage falling from the ends of the branches. Dear branches painted in redLack of lighting. In winter, there was not enough light, the plant did not giveThere is no treatment, only observation. If the improvements are not visible, the plant is destroyed