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Types of drying chambers for wood: vacuum, convectable, aerodynamic and additional equipment for them. Types of drying chambers for wood Production of drying chambers for wood

Drying chambers for lumber are indispensable equipment in the production of wood-based billets. Before sending a tree to processing, it must be dried. Otherwise, the risk of deformation is significantly increasing, deterioration finished products. Drying is performed in special chambers when certain conditions. At the same time, many collect drying chambers with their own hands for use at home.

Not everyone knows exactly, why dry the tree before processing. Therefore, let's tell some nuances of this process.

  1. For many centuries, wood acts as the main material in the manufacture of furniture.
  2. The furniture was made from the forest, which was cut several years ago.
  3. In the case of the use of raw, unpredied wood, the boards are rapidly succumbed, cracks are covered.
  4. When drying, the tree is compressed, because the structures erected from the initially raw material can over time, lose the strength, geometry.
  5. The raw tree is a great place to develop mold.
  6. At the same time, excessively overwhelmed building materials are also bad, since such material actively absorbs moisture, increases in the amount due to swelling. Because to furniture, other structures there is an effect, reverse drying.

Drying is carried out in the drying chambers. At the same time, steam or hot air is fed to the surface of the sawn timber. This process occupies for a long time And costs the manufacturer quite expensive. In many ways, due to this, the furniture made on the basis natural wood, much more expensive than MDF, chipboard, etc.

The use of drying chambers allows to obtain the following lumber properties:

  • Increased strength;
  • Protection against the probability of change of forms;
  • Preservation of primary sizes when applying;
  • Increased service life, etc.

The task of the drying cameras is to increase qualitative characteristics Lumber. Therefore, drying is a mandatory stage of wood processing.

Features of the process

Different modes can be used for sawn timber. In their own hands, the temperature increases the temperature occurs in stages, which makes it possible to gradually remove excess moisture from the material.

The mode and features of the drying process in the chambers are determined taking into account the analysis of the following parameters:

  • The breed of dried wood;
  • Sizes of materials;
  • Initial humidity rate;
  • The humidity indicator to be achieved;
  • Constructive and technological features of drying chambers used for processing;
  • The quality category of the treated lumber.

Types of drying

Drying with their own hands Wood inside the chamber is two types:

  • Low temperature;
  • High temperature.

The high-temperature processing process is performed in two stages. The transition to the second stage occurs when the moisture of the workpiece decreases to 20 percent. This technology Actual when applying wood as materials for the construction of secondary structures.

Low-temperature mode is divided into three categories.

  1. Soft drying. Here lumber retain their characteristics, properties. Therefore, the color changes or the product strength parameters is not observed.
  2. Normal drying. Color may vary, but slightly. Strength parameters are somewhat reduced.
  3. Forced drying. Performing the splitting or rocking of raw materials dried in forced mode, it can become fragile. Also changing color, wood becomes dark.

Sources of heat

Drying chambers can use different sources of heat, whose task is to achieve the desired level of lumber humidity.

The following thermal sources are distinguished:

  • Heated fertile;
  • Radiant emitters;
  • Heated racks;
  • Electricity;
  • High-frequency electromagnetic field.

The constructive chamber necessarily includes three components:

  • Ventilation and exhaust system;
  • Heat Salving Knot;
  • Moisturizing system.


Dryers differ in each other way of air traffic inside the chamber. Based on this parameter, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Systems with natural movement of air;
  • Drying systems where the forced principle of air exchange is used.

Build your own hands simply systemwhere natural air exchange is used. At the same time, its performance indicators are significantly inferior forced circulation air. For this reason, the chambers of a natural type are becoming more and less.

Dryers differ on the principle of their action. This is one of the main characteristics on which attention should be paid when choosing drying equipment or designing a drying chamber for its construction with your own hands.

  1. Convective cameras. Inside them, lumber are blown by hot air flows. Heat transmission is carried out by convection method. Such dryers are divided into chamber and tunnels. The tunnel chamber assumes the loading of wood from one end and its unloading from the other. Gradually, moving on the dryer, the material acquires the necessary characteristics and parameters of humidity. The drying cycle in tunnel chambers is 4-12 hours, applied on large sawmills. The chamber of the dryer is characterized by compactness, an uniform microclimate is maintained within them throughout the chamber volume. Similar structures allow you to achieve the desired characteristics of lumber of different types. This led to the fact that the overwhelming majority of production, which are engaged in wood work, apply exactly chamber equipment.
  2. Condensation chambers. Here moisture, which is distinguished from lumber, settles on the cooler, after which it accumulates inside a special container and is output. Similar drying devices are distinguished by an increased coefficient useful action. At the same time, the process of preparing wood takes quite a long time and impressive heat losses. The best condensation technology shows itself when preparing small batches of wood, which is characterized by increased hardness. The cost of the equipment itself and the cost of operation of condensation chambers makes it preferable compared with convective aggregates.

Choosing equipment for drying wood - the question is quite serious, requiring a detailed study technical characteristics Chambers themselves and features of the process of preparation of lumber to their further processing. Therefore, in case of questions, we recommend that you consult with experts.

Sometimes the manufacture of the dryer is preferable to buy factory equipment. But if you decide to assemble the device with your own hands, clearly adhere to the manufacturing technology. Violation of recommendations may entail unpleasant consequences For wood and invested in the manufacture of equipment equipment.

Quality lumber is the dream of many manufacturers using wood as the main raw material for construction. But buy a drying chamber for lumber costs, and find modern, high-quality drawings are almost impossible.

Manufacturers represent figurative illustrations with general designations that do not meet and full-fledged documentation on which it would be possible to make a high-quality drying unit for the production of sawn timber.

In this case, there are drawings on the following types of drying chambers:

  • Ribbon drying chambers
  • Aerodynamic dryers
  • Convective chambers with a room scheme

What are the drying chambers for sawn timber and where to find the drawings?

Many manufacturers are faced with such a question. qualitative materials From wood. And as practice shows, it is very difficult to find something useful. To get high-quality documentation, it is almost always necessary to pay and more than considerable amounts. Some manufacturers sell drawings on which you can make the offered products. There is also a device design service, upgrading and restoration of old drying chambers for wood. The device of drying chambers consists of the following structural elements:

  • Gate / Door
  • Heating elements
  • Thermal assembly
  • Vacuum node
  • Automation
  • Installation of a solid fuel boiler working on firewood, coal, etc.

If you have an old and inefficient drying chamber, or want to collect it with minimal costAt the same time with high quality drying boards and even a bar, you can contact our services.

Our company is engaged in converting chambers mainly vacuum type for high-quality wood drying. It does not matter at all, it has a convective heating method or air. In any case, after our modernization, the equipment acquires a second life, providing a customer with high-quality sawn timber as soon as possible.

Production and re-equipment of drying chambers

Designing home-made vacuum chambers is a rather time-consuming occupation that requires high competencies and experience and detailed schemes, in the absence of such experience, the quality of the camera drying often does not even reach the average indicators. The amount of marriage becomes exorbitant, while you can face PE in the enterprise. Due to the impact of the vacuum with the wrong design, the housing can simply "collapse", which may cause collective injuries.

If we summarize, then the main risks when using a homemade chamber:

  • poor quality lumber at the exit
  • big power consumption
  • high marriage
  • high cost of drying
  • long speed drying
  • firecuts and other PE in the enterprise

Our company's services allow you to implement safe methods of re-equipment using all the necessary safety systems and pressure control sensors.

Design Dryer Wood - Scheme

We not only help staff, but also to completely re-equip the camera turnkey, while the cost of the service will be less than the price of the new installation. We develop drying projects with a capacity of up to 8000 cubes. Dry wood per month. We help make your enterprise safer, more stable and more productive for a lower price. But if you want to purchase a new drying chamber, we offer a complete set with documentation and instruction manual.

Drying chamber project

Our company is developing individual projects Dryers for any volume of products. Using different sources Energy production. Our drying chambers work on firewood, hill and other production waste. Equipment is equipped with vacuum drying cameras created by modern technology using contact heating. Cameras dried sawn timber less than a day before a junior humidity. About 3 days before a joinery moisture. The drying of the bar is also carried out in 3 days evenly at the depth of the sawn timber. The timber during further operation in the design of the house does not cord and not the Republic of Rail. The deck is only about 1%. Cameras can be connected to the boiler on production or to sun panels. Secondary heat from the equipment is used in heating production premises. Which allows you to save on electricity huge amounts during the year.

See also:

Contents The features of infrared drying made with their own hands there are many ways of drying wood to obtain its necessary qualities. One of the people famous is the infrared method. It lies in the action of infrared radiation on the organic, having warmed it in the way having evaporated moisture from the structure of the tree. In essence, it is a simple IR heater, made by their thermoplastic or thermal blinds. Infrared drying [...]

Content Vacuum dryers As an alternative to the microwave camera made by its own hands today knows the mass of drying lumber, everyone has advantages and disadvantages. As an example, microwave wood drying made with your own hands. The technology is no longer new and quite productive. The microwave chambers are used for drying of hardening rocks, lumber with a large cross section, veneer, timber, logs. Mostly after drying material [...]

Those who deal with wood processes it and in any way uses, forced to face the problem of her drying. Drying wood is always relevant and pays off, because the "wet" tree is much cheaper, and the dry finished is very expensive. It is required to remove excessive moisture from the tree so that the process of uneven evaporation of water and juices does not occur, which is associated with the heterogeneity of the structure of wood on longitudinal and transverse fibers. And the wet wood is unsuitable for serious processing and especially for construction, otherwise it is deformed, cracks up, it works, "leads it." How can you make a dryer for wood with your own hands?

How to make a dryer for wood with your own hands at home or in the country

If the place allows, then everything looks like this:

  1. First we free the place in the kitchen near the furnace or electric furnace, fireplace, etc. You need to carefully calculate and measure how everything will function and look.
  2. Putting partitions from old doors and window Rams, other available materials, for tightness, you need to adjust everything and compact. The size may be, for example, 2x2 or 3x3, depending on the possibilities and needs.
  3. Need to leave, of course entrance doors and the windows, and during drying it is to keep them tightly closed so that there are no excess drafts or simply excessive air movement. Otherwise, it can lead to a less predicted drying process, to loss of control over the process and quality of wood at the output.
  4. A fenced place must be tightened with insulation, all the cracks close up, shut up, smeared, etc. That is, to sealed the space of the future dryer for the closuit of space and improving the quality of drying.
  5. Since there is a high temperature near the stove or heating electrical appliance, then, if necessary, it is better to set up bricks that will accumulate heat and give it to a closed room. In the case when the air is not actively circulating enough, the fan should be installed.
  6. If you plan to dry a lot of wood or already finished products from it, then you need to build strong metal shelves. Better to fix with anchors so that you can load a serious weight.
  7. So that the blanks do not be wound up, you need to make the edges of the material with studs. If the length of wood is large, then several steam studs are used (3-4). Of course, it is better to use the wood of one breed, thickness, size and mass, otherwise the drying will be very uneven. Mandatory material for drying should be shifted with thin straps, bars, gaskets for better ventilation. It is necessary to closely monitor the uniformity of temperature and air flow, then the drying will pass more smaster and the quality of the output material will be higher. Moreover, build several dryers is not very large size more profitable than one large in size.

Dryer for wood with your own hands, like a separate design

  1. First constructed frame from aluminum profile, he will not rust, lung and durable.
  2. Then it must also be seen by aluminum sheets, and on top consolidate thermal insulation with a thickness of 10-15 cm. This insulation must be fire resistant, strong and flexible. It is necessary to put the rubberoid on the floor, and pour sawdust on top.
  3. Next you need to ensure the tightness of the construction and close everything possible paths Output of heated air. The tightness of the structure is of great importance for high-quality drying.
  4. The boards intended for drying should be postponed with non-strokes (1-1.5 m) stacks and placed between rows and boards of gaskets from bars. And in the height, the stack can correspond to the height of the room.
  5. You can dry with, for example, fan heaters that should be installed across the movement of air. Or choose another drying tool suitable for individual needs and opportunities.

Simple effective way of cannonal infrared wood drying from 1 board

If you do not want to build a dryer yourself or you do not have the opportunity for this, you can use a ready-made solution.

There is a relatively not so long time of the wood drying method using infrared radiation. The process itself looks like this: the wood is heated by IR rays using a tubeless cassette dryer. What is the design of such a dryer? It consists of several thermoactive cassettes with a thickness of 1.5 mm. The cassettes are stacked in the wood stack prepared for drying, alternating with gasketing bars. That is, the coolant is already among the sawn timber designed for drying. Therefore, there is no need for a separate heat source, ventilation, maintaining accurate parameters, in complex electronics and automation. Drying controls the thermostat, which sets the desired temperature over the separate layers of the stack. For more optimal work Designs on drying The stack is covered with a reflective layer material so that the condensate glasses outside the stack. It is important that the process can pass as on open air (Better under a canopy, in order to avoid possible precipitation) and indoors.

Pluses of this type of drying are

  • easy service,
  • mobility equipment,
  • high rates (8% humidity can be achieved).
  • high quality finite material (no warping and internal stress),
  • speed \u200b\u200b(from 3 to 7 days),
  • variability, i.e. You can dry both separate boards or even only one and whole large stacks.

You can watch a video about this technology here:

Tumble wood dryer. Flexihite.

Drying of sawn timber in a tubeless cassette dryer

So, if you have a constant need for dry wood, you can build a dryer, it's not so difficult. Or buy ready and enjoy ready-made dry lumber, which can be used for the manufacture of different necessary and interesting items.

At the very beginning of the process, the air has a rather large humidity and low T °. The larger the initial moisture content of the tree, the more moisture should be in the air entering the chamber. This is necessary in order to prevent the material cracking. As the breed of T ° has dried, the air is gradually increased, the content of moisture in it, on the contrary, is reduced.

Between air humidity and moisture content in the material there is a strict dependence. It can be determined using a special instrument - a psychrometer that serves to determine the humidity and air temperature in the drying chambers. The latter are called dried. Exist various methods Drying wood.

The factory method involves the use of special chambers for drying. These are stead-air dried periodic effects that have reversed circulation. The resulting material, unloaded from there, two-three days are kept in the production workshop. At this time, the material is normalized, that is, its exemption from surface and internal stresses found in the drying process.

There are also drying chambers wood material. In such periodic devices, to get rid of unnecessary moisture, use special smokeless gas.

It is obtained when burning in the furnaces of raw wood waste. With the help of a high-pressure axial fan, through special gas ducts, it is served on the stack of lumber. The system design assumes the presence of a steam humidifier.

In the woodworking industry use gas vehiclesacting on natural gas. They are equipped with a firebox, the temperature in which when burning reaches 1300 ° C. But before you get into the dryer, the mixture circulates and cools, purchasing a temperature of 100 degrees to the chamber. Working mixture of smokeless. If the work of such a camera is well debugged, then the lumber dried in it remains light. Each of them can accommodate four large boards. They are also used for the usual, ordinary drying coniferous rocks Tree.

For high-speed drying building material Electric dryers are used in which high-frequency currents are used. Such a procedure lasts not long - drying time is only a few hours, and its quality is high. The tree dries uniformly: without flaws, and cracks. The amount of marriage with this method of drying is significantly less than with a gas and steam method - its indicator is less than five percent.

Features of heating dielectrics and semiconductors (and tree belongs to them) in electric field high frequency It is that the temperature of the entire material being processed is noticeably increased in a small segment of time. Wet board in three minutes you can heat up to 100 degrees throughout its thickness. The power absorbed by the current material is regulated by parameters electric field (its change by adjustment).

Hand drying wood

Besides industrial methods Wood drying exist even home.

With the help of microwave

The advantages of this method are that when used in wooden array No tiny cracks that are able to turn into marriage to marriage to one and a half centimeters of the material from each end, and in some cases it is even broken off the billet into pieces. Under the influence of microwave heating in lignin fibers, changes occur, due to which the subject dried in this way loses its sensitivity to sharp changes in humidity.

For the drying procedure, not too powerful, the budget model of the microwave without unnecessary options is suitable. The main thing is that she has mode low power. It usually corresponds to the "Defrost" mark, or "defrosting". The chamber must have dimensions sufficient to accommodate crafts or wood blanks. Often in the width of the camera has large sizes than in the depth.

Microwave Drying Wood: Technique

Separate billets are more convenient to dry the whole, some better cut. If it is already known, for them are intended, then they saw the size of the future products, with the allowance. It is allowed to dry a pre-treated blank, which should also have at least a small allowance. It should be remembered that the product during the drying process can be deformed. Round item can be done more oval.

One who often works with a tree gradually acquires experience. The masters can assume which reaction to wait from which tree of the tree, how exactly which variety is deformed, and make an appropriate allowance. If you leave the processed raw workpiece on the table, it can burst.

In the breaks in work (for example, with a thread) or before drying in the microwave, it is necessary to remove the product in a polyethylene bag.

Microwave: Drying at home

Before starting the procedure, the workpiece is weighed, the weight is written. The thing is wrapped in a plastic bag with holes made in the middle of the furnace, the minimum power is set. Treatment time depends on the size of the subject. Then the workpiece is cooled directly in the package, and hears again. Condensate from the package merges, the thing is weighed.

The entire cycle is repeated several times until the mass becomes constant, having ceased to decrease.

If in the first attempt the thing cracks up, it is necessary or even further reduced the power, or seal the ends of the workpiece. Kapaps before placing the package wrap in the newspaper. With other billets, you can also do this: it will reduce the likelihood of tree cracking.

After cooling, before the next cycle, the newspapers change to new ones. If there is in the array smolyonic pockets, the latter can, Zakipev, break it, and stain a resin oven. Here will also help wrapping into paper.

If you continue the process of heating the already dried wood, it is capable of charring and even light up.

Natural wood drying in air

This is an affordable and extremely simple way. Boards Stacking are located under a canopy so that there are no precipitation and sun rays. For them, a special equal basis should be prepared for the equipment of which you can use rails, logs, thick pipes or bars. On this base across the sawn timber.

Between the land and the lower layer of the boards should be the distance from 0.3 m. The land under the stack is better to cover the rubberoid, straw or hay. Save the forest for quite a long time: this process can take up to several years. In the warm time the process goes more actively.

Forest ends are covered with a special mixture containing lime in the composition. From the sides, the stack is hidden from the jets of oblique rain and from a strong wind. Special measures are being taken, warning rapid drying and cracking of the material. Across the boards, between the layers of the drying forest, at a distance of each other, the gaskets are stacked: the extreme of them are located in the ends of the boards in the stack.

With this method of drying wood with their own hands at the ends of the boards, mandatory cracks are formed. For this reason, the length of the blanks must be somewhat more planned products. After all, after the end of the drying, the cracked ends of the boards will have to cut. With such a drying carried out in dry and warm conditionsThe remaining in - is the largest online store selling furniture, lamps, interior decor and other goods for a beautiful and cozy home.

Drying a tree from the point of view of an ordinary ignorable person is a simple matter. But from a practical point of view, this is a high-tech and very responsible process, which includes a lot of pitfalls.

Principle of operation

Heat treatment makes it possible to improve wood quality, but to achieve them, it is necessary to maintain temperature, humidity and pressure at the specified levels. And in most cases it is required to combine these indicators, changing the values \u200b\u200bto achieve the necessary practical parameters of the material.

In order for the lumber to be qualitatively, did not change the geometry and did not crumble even under the action of a small force, the equipment must contain a lot of components and individual modules. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how the drying chambers are arranged and how they perform the heat treatment of sawn timber.

Camera designs

There are several types of cameras according to the method of drying:

  • Convective - there are powerful fans, which run the heated air through the sawn timber. The air flow is heated due to electrical heaters or liquid radiators.
  • IR drying systems - are a set thin panels The regimentation area with IR emitters. The panels are attached to the control unit, which serves voltage on them, warming up the sawn timber. The panels are placed by layers between the stack.
  • Vacuum drying chambers - the most effective method Wood processing. The installation consists of a chamber made of thick steel and equipped with a powerful door. Inside there are electrical or liquid heaters. In the dependence on the drying technology, they can be placed on the sides of the chamber or are made in the form of aluminum panels that are paved between layers of sawn timber. In the process of drying wood in the chamber, a vacuum is created using a pump, and after drying it is cooled.
  • There are also microwaves, installations with warming lamps and other systems. In them, the stack was laid on pallets, which evenly warms up under the action of any heaters.

See also:

Contents Technical parameters of steam drying chariotternative Steam drying chambers Today knows a lot of drying of sawn timber, they get high quality and a small percentage of marriage. One of these drying installations is a steam chamber. Wood drying steam - this is a fairly effective thermal processing technology. different breeds Woods and with different moisture content in the original condition. And the technique is in [...]