Repair Design Furniture

Where is the best place to start wallpapering. How to start and where it is better to glue the wallpaper (video). Wallpaper glue

Everyone gets tired of constantly being in the same atmosphere. Periodically it is necessary to redecorating. Replacing the wall covering instantly changes the mood and perception of the space. If there is no extra money to pay for the services of builders, then you should think about how to glue the wallpaper yourself. This task can be done by one person. However, if you have at least one assistant, the work will go much faster. Consider where to start gluing wallpaper in the room.

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Beginning of work

To obtain a high-quality surface, it is not enough to choose a material and glue for it. Additionally, you will need to think about how to start gluing the wallpaper in such a way that no joints and irregularities are visible. In the process it is important take into account the main recommendations experts in this field.

Starting point

At the first stage, you will need to decide where to start gluing the tapestries in the room. The first strip should be as evenly as possible. The rest of the material will move away from it around the entire perimeter. If the coating is formed unevenly, then joints will become noticeable from the side.

The tapestries were thin, so it was quite possible to glue them with an overlap. The result was a slight thickening, which was easily disguised.

Only in this case it will be possible to convey the author's idea when creating a drawing.

If professional builders decide, they are primarily guided by the features of the room. Sometimes you have to start even directly from the very center. Before starting work, it is best to consider the available options.

The most popular option for choosing the parties is still used today. Conveniently start from the window completion of all work. However, if the layer is large enough, it is quite possible to perform all manipulations from the door. The disadvantage is the need to cut the roll along.

Wallpaper in the corridor can be glued immediately in two directions from the window. But first you need to consider closing the joint with curtains. In the same way, it must be done over front door. If you start the process from the window, it is much easier to correlate the drawing. Quite often it is difficult to do this in the window sill area. You have to cut off a lot from the common piece. Such costs are not always considered justified. Difficult to glue the material also under batteries and radiators.

As a main guideline, use door. This eliminates the need to compare the first and last fragment. The method must be used if the material with a bright print is being installed. The calculation must be done in without fail, because in the end it may not converge.

Quite often, people decide to carry out pasting wallpaper from the corner. At the same time, they should be as even as possible. The method is ideal if there are no windows in the room.

Additionally, you will have to decide from which angle to start gluing the material if several colors and textures are used at once. Thanks to this, it is possible to equally paste over the opposing sides. There will be no seam at the corner, because all work is done from this area.

As a guide, choose only smooth an object. To do this, it is advisable to use special tools.

Focusing only on visual characteristics is strictly prohibited.

It is best to choose the highest level. Thanks to him, the measurement process will be much faster.

Hand-made plumb lines can also be used to form straight lines.

Builders enjoy laser level. However, such a device is unlikely to be at home for everyone. ordinary person.

Determination of vertical at uneven corners

If a person does not have the proper experience in carrying out repair work, then an unsolvable problem may become for him. dream even corners. They will only be emphasized by a bright print. However, to solve the problem, you need to resort to the following tips:

  • Work on each wall is carried out with a preliminary selection of a reference point.
  • If there is a need to make a joint in the corner, then an overlap should be additionally left at 10 centimeters.
  • Draw a straight line on the wall. However, it should not be compared with the angle.
  • Each new side begins to be glued from a special transverse strip. However, this option can be used for thin material that will not be damaged by overlaps. Tapestries made of non-woven or vinyl are attached in other ways. To match the pattern, each canvas is cut with an ordinary clerical knife.
  • The material should be cut only after the measurement has been made several times. Even a minor mistake can make a big difference appearance the entire room. For example, incorrect joints make it difficult to present the overall picture of the room. It is also imperative to take into account the location of the furniture in the future. Thanks to this, the repair will look quite harmonious.

Pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper

This material has its own characteristics. That is why you should know in advance where to start gluing non-woven wallpaper. Experienced builders advise doing this from the corner. For getting flat surface you need to perform the following manipulations:

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the corners: the formation of wrinkles in them is not allowed.

To eliminate it, it is enough to make one incision with a knife and release the air.

Description of stages

It is also important to determine in advance in what sequence to glue the wallpaper in a particular room. In some cases, it is advisable to start with the second strip. Wherein the following recommendations:

  • A new sheet is applied on top. Then it is gradually glued along the entire length of the wall.
  • It is necessary to compare the sections not only with the floor, but also with the ceiling.
  • Air can be expelled in any direction.
  • Where to start gluing wallpaper in the kitchen directly depends on the future location of the furniture. the best thing from an accent wall.
  • The area near the doors and windows is drawn up last. If it is possible to mask the covering with curtains, then it is quite possible to paste over it in pieces.
  • You can cut off a piece from the wallpaper only after careful measurement . It is best to do this several times in a row.
  • The joint must not cover the skirting board. It is best to hide it directly under it.

Even a person without the necessary experience in carrying out construction work can paste wallpaper.

It is important to be patient and first pay attention to studying all the nuances of the process. Additionally recommended

Their . In this case, a perfect surface is guaranteed.

It is necessary to determine where to start the process. The answer is not unambiguous and directly depends on the specification of the selected room.

It is necessary to analyze the presence of windows and doors. Equally important is the location of the furniture in the future. If you take into account all the nuances, then it is guaranteed that you will be able to get cozy room.

Useful video: where to start gluing wallpaper

Not everyone knows where to start gluing wallpaper, but when doing repairs with your own hands, this information can be very useful, as it will allow you to stick as smoothly, neatly and beautifully as possible. In Soviet times, wallpapering was carried out with an overlap. Such a finish looked even and neat due to the fact that a strip without a pattern and textured surface was left on one side of the wallpaper. It was on this small gap that the next canvas was glued. With this gluing, the work was necessarily carried out from the window. Starting work from this point made it possible to mask the transition points as much as possible. As a result, the transition still remained noticeable, but much less catchy than when gluing started from any other point.

Silkscreen wallpaper does not contain substances harmful to humans, resistant to impact sun rays are easy to dry and wet clean. With this type of wallpaper, you can create a sophisticated interior.

Choosing a place to start gluing

The range of modern finishing materials is rapidly expanding. Now you can choose what suits your interior the most. Manufacturers can offer you traditional paper, innovative vinyl, and original non-woven wallpaper. Of course, work with modern materials using the same technology as several decades ago is impossible. Modern technology gluing involves making seams between the canvases end-to-end. In fact, this means that you can start work from anywhere. However, most often they begin to glue paper, vinyl or non-woven wallpaper from the window. Firstly, out of habit, and secondly, the window is used as a straight vertical line, from which you can finish the walls in order to achieve evenness of the lines. The door and corners can be the same straight line.

The advantage of windows over corners is that they tend to be much smoother.

It is difficult to find an apartment in which the corners are absolutely even. Often their curvature is noticeable visually. But even if nothing is visible outwardly, this does not mean that the corners are right. You can determine if the corners are even using building level. Only if the corner is absolutely straight can it be taken as the starting point for gluing.

You can start gluing wallpaper from the door jamb. As a rule, when performing repairs in a room, for verticality interior doors monitored very carefully. Therefore, there is every chance that the verticality of the door frame will allow it to be used as a starting point, paper or vinyl wallpaper, or wall decoration in any other way. You can also check the verticality with a level.

It does not matter whether you start wallpapering from the window or from the door, maybe you were even lucky enough to carry out repairs in an apartment with perfectly even corners, and you will start working from one of them. The most important thing, what is the principle of starting gluing from one of these points, is the need to glue wallpaper from a perfectly even vertical. If you place the first canvas vertically in a straight line, then all subsequent ones can be glued evenly. Each previous canvas will serve as the vertical line that is guided when the next canvas is glued. Therefore, the room is pasted over moving in a circle from the selected starting line.

Self-pasting wallpaper is not only a test of strength nervous system and mutual understanding with a partner, but also a difficult task, the successful solution of which depends on the final appearance of the room. Besides right choice type of coverage and color solution, it is important to know where to start gluing the wallpaper and how to arrange the corners.

Figure 1. The order of wallpapering in the room.

So, the wallpaper has been purchased, improvised materials and glue are at the ready, the assistant agrees to assist, the question arises of where to start gluing so that the seams are minimally noticeable, the canvases do not overlap if this is not provided.

If the parameters of the walls in your house leave much to be desired, choose non-woven wallpaper without a noticeable pattern. A plain surface, often intended for subsequent painting, will hide the curvature of the surfaces. In addition, you can change the interior of the house quite often, and you do not have to re-paste the wallpaper.

Let's start gluing

There is an opinion that it is right to start gluing wallpaper from the window. This recommendation arose at the time of the same type paper wallpaper and rooms, distinguished by the surprising absence of right angles. Starting work from the window made it possible to mask wall defects as much as possible, in addition, a strip of paper wallpaper intended for layering canvases beautiful curtain was practically invisible. Today, these recommendations can be taken into account, but they should not be blindly followed. The fact is that modern non-woven wallpaper is glued end-to-end, they do not have a functional strip.

Glue non-woven wallpaper, as well as vinyl and mixed-type wallpapers, in the same way. The starting point is a perfect vertical line. If the first canvas is glued as evenly as possible, then all subsequent ones will be much easier to orient. How to determine this vertical, which landmark to choose?

  1. You can glue non-woven wallpaper from the window, since in typical apartments the window opening can be considered almost the only vertical line. This approach will at least visually make the location of the paintings ideal. But before choosing this particular landmark, the verticality of the window opening should be checked using the building level.
  2. Also, a doorway can act as a guide. Usually, by the time they begin to glue the wallpaper, the doors have already been changed or restored. And in the process of these works, the verticality of the lines is measured without fail. If you have changed doors and you know that the work was done with high quality, feel free to choose them as a guideline and start gluing non-woven wallpaper (Fig. 1).
  3. In addition, the landmark can be made independently. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a building level and draw a strictly vertical line at a distance from the corner equal to the width of the wallpaper canvas. From this conditional mark, you will move in an arbitrary direction. The correct calculation of the distance to the corner will allow you to qualitatively arrange this zone (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Rules for wallpapering.

Whatever landmark you choose, be sure to control the vertical position of the paintings. You can continue to glue the wallpaper in any direction, the main thing is that there is no skew, displacement, as well as gaps and overlap.

Corner wrapping

Whatever approximate vertical to start work you choose, sooner or later you will have to face the need to design corners.

Figure 3. Wallpapering the walls with the calculation of distances to the corner using a level.

This question baffles most amateurs who decide to glue the wallpaper on their own. But with the right approach, this is not difficult, especially if easy-to-use non-woven wallpaper is used. The main thing is to be guided simple recommendations specialists (Fig. 3).

  1. Always carefully coat the corners with glue. Due to geometric features, it is in this zone that non-woven wallpapers are most often peeled off. Set the roller aside and use a narrow brush.
  2. Give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgluing the corner with a solid canvas. Often this is beyond the power of even professionals, and even more so for beginners. To prevent wrinkles, bubbles and other unpleasant surprises from forming in the corner, non-woven wallpaper should be glued as follows: the canvas should go 2-3 cm onto the second wall.
  3. The next one must be tightly glued in the opposite direction, starting from the second wall. Carefully measure the distance so that the edge lies exactly in the corner. Thus, you will get a narrow and inconspicuous overlap that will not allow the canvas to peel off over time.
  4. It is important to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners, checking them with a building level. If you find a significant skew, you will have to use the cutting method. This method is as follows: after gluing the overlap, you need to cut both canvases with a clerical knife, lift them, carefully remove the trimmings and return upper layer in place. This method can also be used when fitting the canvas near the doorway or window frame, because surprises can arise in the process of work, regardless of the landmark from which they begin to glue the wallpaper.
  5. Always try to start and finish gluing in the most inconspicuous place. When entering the room, the eye first of all falls on the corner opposite the door, it is he who does not fit the role of the place from where to start gluing the coating.

How to paste wallpaper yourself?

Materials and tools for work

We glue wallpaper with our own hands

Of course, before starting repairs, you need to stock up on wallpaper and the appropriate adhesive solution. After choosing the type of trellis, you first need to calculate the number of rolls of material, and then select the finished glue in which there is an instruction where the consumption per 1m2 is prescribed. Before gluing wallpaper with a pattern, it is better to accurate calculations and purchase material more than required. In principle, this is a necessary measure for all types of tapestries, since no one is immune from flaws.

Important! For many types of tapestries, you do not need to purchase a ready-to-use solution, because glue can be made with your own hands from flour or starch. It is enough to know how to properly weld or dilute the material.

In order to carry out all activities efficiently, stock up on such a tool:

  • Rubber roller and spatula
  • Plumb line, tape measure and pencil
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Brush
  • Container for diluting the adhesive mixture

Where do we put wallpaper from?


In fact, the familiar way of gluing tapestries with an overlap has long gone out of fashion. And if we talk about thick wallpaper, then it is generally forbidden to glue them in this way! Of course, before gluing, first choose where to start gluing the wallpaper. So let's take a look at the options now:

  • From the door - when the wallpaper is glued vertically, then most often they take it as a guide door jambs or window sills. The first strip is glued vertically with a plumb line, and all subsequent strips are already adjusted to it. By the way, you can stick canvases to one person, but if you measure the length of the next canvas with the previous one, then you can’t do without help
  • From the corner - this is how you can start gluing in a small bedroom or living room, but subject to perfectly even corners
  • From a large landmark - if there are big windows, arches or passages, then pasting starts with the largest element
  • From several lines - this method indicates the presence of a large window, where the wallpaper is glued from it in different directions. You can glue it alone, but for the quality of the event, it is better to ask a friend or relative for help

As you can see, it is up to you to decide where to start pasting, both small and big room. The most important role is played by the preparation of surfaces and a well-prepared adhesive.

The choice of ready-made glue or self-made mortar

Let's consider not only the technical characteristics of the finished solution, but also the option self-manufacturing mixtures, both for gluing and for gluing wallpaper.

If we talk about the composition of CMC wallpaper glue, then you should know that the manufacture comes from wood chips. CMC is suitable for gluing sheets on concrete walls, plaster, chipboard, and indeed almost all surfaces. CMC contains grains or fibers of white or beige colour. The wallpaper solution of CMC protects surfaces from the manifestations of fungus and mold, and this is so necessary for wet rooms. Let's take a look at the benefits of CMC:

  • Environmentally friendly blend
  • Has no smell
  • No high temperature processing required
  • It is very easy to dilute the glue with your own hands
  • small consumption
  • Leaves no stains on trellises
  • low price

Having a large number of pluses and a simple composition, wallpaper CMC is also prepared at home, and in the industrial structure CMC is used not only in the textile, but also in the paper and mining industries.

But the well-known KLEO is used not only for expensive wallpapers, but also for cheaper options. Due to the composition, the glue does not leave stains on the canvases, even if you accidentally get them on the front side - this is already a big advantage among other options. The composition of the wallpaper solution includes an antiseptic that allows you to protect the walls from mold. KLEO blend is available different types, and this indicates the possibility of selection for any trellis. In addition, there is KLEO for photo wallpapers and bamboo canvases. After drying at the required temperature, KLEO becomes transparent and holds the canvas firmly. If you need to remove old wallpaper, it is enough to soak KLEO with water. With it, glue and combined wallpaper. Let's take a look at the specifications of KLEO:

Important! Dispersion adhesive is used for complex canvases. It is suitable for gluing velor trellis, glass, dense and heavy elements. The dispersion solution has increased strength and firmly holds the wallpaper on the surfaces.

Many people wonder if it is possible to glue wallpaper in the bathroom, and what mixture to choose for this. Of course, I am against such undertakings, since the influence of moisture will sooner or later affect the finish. But if you have already decided to hold events, then a solution for heavy wallpaper is suitable for textile trellises. Sellers in stores will always recommend you glue for textile fabrics based on the characteristics of the material itself. The use of bamboo fabric-based canvases is widely in demand in the modern world. Therefore, first for bamboo elements on this basis, you need to choose the right adhesive mixture. In the store, you can choose mixtures specifically for bamboo sheets.

The well-known PVA is often used for wallpapering, so let's look at its characteristics better:

  1. PVA glue is suitable for paper wallpapers and application on concrete and wooden walls
  2. Universal PVA is used for diverse materials, and it is suitable for application to plaster
  3. Due to its density, PVA cannot be evenly applied to concrete walls.
  4. The PVA film formed after drying is difficult to remove during subsequent repairs
  5. The use of PVA allows you to securely glue the canvases to the base

Due to its pricing policy, PVA to this day is widely in demand for do-it-yourself repairs.

You can do the same adhesive solution with your own hands from starch or flour. Flour and starch paste is especially popular because of its cheapness. Cooking a paste from flour will not be a problem, because you only need the presence of flour and water. However, do not forget that such a mixture of flour is afraid of moisture, so you should not use it in wet rooms. Flour paste is not suitable for glass and heavy canvases, for the rest it will be no worse than expensive materials. It is also necessary to boil a mixture of starch before starting finishing works, since long-term storage of the material is contraindicated. Let's see how to make starch paste:

  • First, the starch must be passed through a sieve and then add warm water to it and dilute to the consistency of sour cream
  • Now pour boiling water, the temperature of which is 80-90 degrees. Pour in a thin stream and mix with a whisk
  • Then we filter the solution and heat it in a water bath
  • After that, we filter and cool the starch paste, stirring it occasionally.

As you can see, making a paste at home is very simple, because you don’t have to spend a lot on the composition, and a little time will be spent on manufacturing. Specifications such material is not inferior to expensive solutions, but they are afraid of water.

We glue meter wallpaper end-to-end

Before starting repairs, first choose which wallpaper is best to glue. And many prefer meter tapestries. Let's see how to glue meter wallpaper alone. Before gluing the wallpaper end-to-end, it is necessary not only to prepare the surface, but also to make markings. The first piece is glued with a plumb line, and you can start from the very convenient place. Despite your size, you can hold repair work on one's own.

For non-woven tapestries, no glue is required on the canvas; it is enough to use a roller or brush to apply it to the walls. After that, a dry cloth is applied to the surface. To stick tapestries with a pattern or pattern that must match, it is necessary to apply wallpaper in place and cut off unnecessary pieces. Before buying such materials, make calculations required amount and buy 20% more.

We glue on plywood, fiberglass, chipboard

And you should not treat this problem with condescension - to the choice of a place for sticking the first roll of wallpaper. It is from him that the whole dance will begin: Captain Vrungel used to say - as you call the ship, so it will float. And we will say - how correctly the choice of the place will be made, from where to start gluing wallpaper on a non-woven base, this will be the result of all the work.

The price of this choice is very high, sometimes it is so high that it will even force you to redo the whole thing.

A problem that does not pass by anyone

To begin with, we will decide what needs to be considered in this choice.

What do we consider

The first is the location of all the elements of the room:

  • the position of the door relative to adjacent internal corners and the ceiling;
  • the same three points of the window, and everything is much more complicated if there are two windows or there is an exit to the balcony;
  • position of sockets and switches;
  • the position of the battery and pipes of the heating system.

The second is what is often forgotten, perhaps because it requires a more subtle calculation:

Useful advice!
Of course, everyone has their own ideas about saving, but we advise you to pay attention to this nuance.
You are going to put a closet in the room, a wall, make a wardrobe enclosure that will cover the entire wall from floor to ceiling, from the left corner of the wall to the right.
So why glue wallpaper here, and even puzzle over how it is more convenient to do it at the corners.
Isn't it easier to refuse wallpaper on this wall.
This wall, as a rule, is large, in any case not with an entrance door and a window, so the total savings in wallpaper will be at least 40%, which is very decent.

Third - . kinds of this finishing material quite a lot, but we only consider those that come in rolls.

In other words, we do not take into account:

  • liquid wallpaper is just a dry mix, and belongs to the noble wallpaper community due to its large cellulose component;
  • murals - these are often just rectangular fragments of a picture, but even if they are in rolls, then His Majesty, the drawing, dominates here, and all sorts of talk about doors, windows and sockets fade into the background.

The first step is mandatory

Before you start choosing a point or line of the first roll, be sure to align the ideal vertical and best of all mark it with a clearly visible marker.

For this:

  • we hang the cord and lower it down - we got the perfect vertical, the trace of which remains only to be applied to the wall;
  • to do this, holding the cord down (C), pull it slightly (A) and release it - it will spring itself to the wall and leave a mark (B).

Basic calculation

Having a reference point in the form of a vertical line, we begin the selection of the first vertical for the first roll.

Very useful diagram

Of course, a lot here will depend on the configuration of the room. But that is why we advise you to create a similar scheme for the vertical placement of rolls.

The initial data for it will be:

  • room configuration and
  • the width of the roll, which is usually 53 cm.

Let's try to parse the proposed option for sticking:

  • the edge of the window is selected as the start; one can even say not as a start, but the idea was adopted that the wallpaper on the left (16) and on the right (1) would go away from the window - and this must be recognized as one of the most successful choices;

  • while the pieces on top (14 and 15) and bottom (27 and 28) of the window are located exactly along the center line of the window;
  • pieces for two internal corners x on the wall, the windows are the same and glued with the capture of the corner (usually 3-4 cm)- here you have to accurately cut pieces 2 and 17;
  • on a large wall we glue already full rolls (3-8) to the next corner; what to do with the 8th piece will become clear as you work;

  • with the 9th piece we will wait for now and process the door with 10, 11 and 12 pieces in the same way as the rules for window processing- the door is in the center, 10 and 12 are close to the door (although in the example the 11th went beyond its borders, which must be recognized as a completely unjustified mistake, but with such small incidents you need to be prepared, they are difficult to avoid, they are also included in the rules of the game) ;
  • when 10 and 12 pieces are in place, the situation with both angles is finally cleared up - 9, 13 and 26;
  • further we are engaged in the principles of centering with a fireplace - 21, 20 and 23;
  • finally it becomes clear what to do with the remaining sections - 18, 19, 22, 24, 25 and 26- without a certain amount of uncertainty in this matter, it is difficult to manage to the very end.

Rescue tricks

Given the large number of various obstacles on, we advise you to pay attention to the following useful tricks from life:

  • in order not to suffer in the future with batteries, it is better to stick wallpaper immediately behind them;
  • the same applies to heating pipes going up and down to neighbors;

  • do not forget to turn off the electricity before sticking and remove the covers of all switches and sockets - then you can just stick the wallpaper on top, then carefully cut out the holes and close them with covers (here you just need to be more careful with glue, so insert paper squares inside the holes, or something);
  • do not forget that you have special openwork strips of wallpaper at your disposal, which will allow you to very carefully process the joints at the top near the ceiling (some also process the joints below according to the same principle);
  • work on outside corners- a constant problem when wallpapering; We advise you to always use plastic corners to the color of the wallpaper, they will not only eliminate inconsistencies between adjacent rolls, but also provide a very good protection the very corner;
  • on the inner corners, it would be very good to contrive in such a way as to process them with one piece of the roll - in this situation, four points of the beginning of gluing are possible - four inner corners, which will be exactly in the center of the roll; True, such an approach is possible only for sufficiently flexible non-woven wallpaper, more rigid vinyl ones lend themselves to this technique with difficulty.