Repairs Design Furniture

Ideas for spring. Spring Decor: How to make spring decorations? When rains are over

01.03.2017 07:04

40 ideas for spring interior and spring home decor do it yourself.

Yes, we missed in the spring! Spring is the time of blossoming of nature, more sunny outside the window, the first kidneys, dissolving the greenery, the singing of birds and the first colors. We are so often telling on this happy mood, especially in winter. It's time to add some really fresh strokes in the decor of our house and let the spring mood into the house.
I propose to seek inspiration to nature itself and spring paints. The charm of awakening nature and spring warm will give you a natural palette - accents of fresh greenery, yellow warm sun, a bit of gentle pastels from garden primroses and natural decor from natural materials. Inspire! Warm and ullow you spring!

In the air smells in the spring! Iva or Verba is a traditional Easter decor and an integral part orthodox holiday - Palm Sunday. But the twigs of willow or willow are great for the entire spring decor and so cute to decorate the house. Living sprigs with delicate fluffy "cats" give a truly atmosphere of spring approximation! It is enough to simply put a twig in vases, vintage cups or jugs and decorate with them a window sill, a fireplace regiment or table. A good idea - It is a combination of sprigs with homely greens, the first spring bulbies or decor from natural materials. Also, you can make interesting compositions from Willow, put sprigs in glass balls or make a wreath on the door of it, it is so spring!

Living grass in the interior - Is it not the arrival of spring in our house! You can grow fresh wheat shoots in a bucket or a glass vase, you can sow wheat in a flat bowl, and actually grown, on a spring fresh mini-garden to decorate dinner table or windowsill. Grass in pots in Decor At home is wonderful simply and inexpensive, while beautiful and organic. Look at the amazing examples below, which demonstrate how to breathe in the spring even in the cold and bad weather outside the window!

Spring Flower Terrarium is a spring mini-garden at your home! Even if the window is still raw and gray, even if panstone Snow is still lying - the small island of spring tenderness is able to decorate even the most diverse days and give the atmosphere of heat and freshness. Use moss, a yagel, bulbous primroses, sprouted wheat grains and small home flowers and greens, succulents, violet and any other home flowers, disembarking from them small sprigs for the terrarium.

Garden flowers look especially cute in the interior of the house. To decorate the house with live colors and the creation of spring mood, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils are excellent - the first spring swallows of our gardens and gardens. Hyacinths are amazing for the spring decor, especially if you grow their homes - they are so refreshing the interior and give inspiration!

Narcissus - like sunlight lights any space! They are so good for spring home decoration with flowers or creating a spring mood in another season. Narcissus is really able to bring spring and warmth to the house, raise the mood and inspire! You can put cut-off daffodils in a jug or a vase, but more originally to grow with your own hands.

Tulips are perhaps the most spring and spring-festive flowers for our perception. There are many ways to arrange elegant and cute tulips in the interior so that they decorate the house and pleased. It depends on the style you strive to get - it can be baskets, vintage cups, jugs, water canisters, glass vases, cans Or what you like. You can grow tulips in a glassware in a glassware without any soil, or maybe in a porridge and cover the ground with a moss - this is a truly spring version!

In creating the spring atmosphere of your home, you can start with the kitchen! After all, the kitchen is the most favorite space in the house for all family members. You can add to the kitchen decor to look more in spring fresh and sunny. Several spring ideas for kitchen design do it yourself - light fresh strokes and pastel floral accents are able to truly revive the usual interior.

Charming small flower compositions in the shell please the eye and enliven home decor On the eve of Easter holidays.

Ideas for the spring interior, home decoration for Easter, the ideas of spring and easter decor do it yourself:

- Decoration of home festive table
- Wood decoration with live flowers
- Women's desk decoration
- Decoration of the table on Easter
- Decoration of Easter dishes Children

- Easter decor for children
- Easter house decor
- Decoration of the table on Easter

- Simple decoration of Easter eggs
- Easter Rustic Decor
- Easter wreaths on the door
- Easter Golden Decor
- Original Easter Egg Decoration
- Easter decor in retro style
- Verba in decoration at home
- Living grass in the interior
- Terrariums for colors at home
- Branches in the decoration of the interior
- Spring wreaths on the door do it yourself
- Ideas for Topiaria do it yourself
- bottles in interior decoration

Spring Decor Home Ideas

Spring has come, and there is still a lot of snow in the yard, and so I want warmth ... Create a truly springtime mood in the house with simple bright materials. Having created a spring in the interior of your house - you will create it in your soul!

Create a spring mood at home with maintaining the appropriate color Gamma. And adding pleasant details of the decor, which will help to ask the spring tone in the interior of the house. It can be such elements as a new tablecloth on the table, a suitable photo frame, a vase or a bright flower pot, covers for chairs, interior pillows, thematic compositions, etc.

So, see below the ideas of the spring interior decor and inspire!

1. Spring colors in the interior

When thinking through the spring decor, choose suitable colorswhich should not be much enough of the 1st main and 1-3 complementary colors. Everything will depend on your preferences, it is important that new design items in color and style in harmoniously fit into the already created atmosphere at home. Traditional spring colors - nature of nature itself, such as blue (sky color), salad (color of young foliage), gentle pink, orange, yellow, lilac, peach (flower colors). Also use thematic spring ornaments and motifs - flowers, foliage, birds.

Spring color gamut. Photo

2. Thematic Spring Compositions:

It may be such compositions as a bird's nest with birds and without. Tseva, starting his bloom, etc.

3. Flowers and trees from different materials

Flowers themselves are self-sufficient material for home decoration. In early springwhen the flowers have not yet blocked and alive flowers are still imported, excellent idea will be bouquets created from different materials - fabrics, wool, paper and polymer clay. They are for a long time do not lose their appearance, not covered, and become original decor for home.

4. Spring motifs on pillows

Diversify interior decor you will be helped by interior pillows covered with "young foliage", pillows with embroidered flowers, birds, etc.

Spring motifs on pillows. Photo

5. Unusual vase

An unusual vases, pots and flower stands will be able to give a "highlight" to the decor of your home. Such vases can be made with their own hands from ordinary jars, painting them as desired, placing the cloth or lay the beads.

In the spring, our consciousness seems to awaken in the same way as nature does around. A desire to create and convert home furnishings in lighter and colorful, using simple, not too expensive, but spectacular techniques, for example, using the thematic decor.

Open rooms with a critical look and honestly admit to yourself, from what things you need to get rid of it. The cleansing of the space from the accumulated "ballast" is a very important and desirable stage on the way to improving the interior, and it will be much easier to breathe in a spacious, clean room.

How to decorate the rooms in the spring

Make repairs with the onset of the new season - the exercise is tedious and for many impossible for many reasons. Nevertheless, it is quite realistic to change the decorative situation, without investing large tools, forces and time. All that needs to be done is to make the premises to be filled with a spring - use natural light fabrics, natural colors and thematic patterns. So, hide away heavy dense bedspreads from wool, dilated carpets and paintings with winter landscapes.

Choosing a light spring decor, remember that it must cause associations with natural phenomena and be appropriate colors:

Blue, azure, turquoise: Spring Sky, Pure Creek, First Flowers.

White, yellow, lemon: Spring flowering trees, dandelions, bright sun.

Pink, coral, peach: Sunrise, tulips.

Gentle green, cream, brown: Young greens, blooming kidneys.

Singer, pearl, mint: The first thunderstorms are stolen on the snow, melt water.

Spring in the living room

Lightweight cotton capes of pastel shades or natural colors of awakening nature should be replaced by dense tissues and saturated colors.

For decorative spring decoration, the living room is recommended to choose:

Cotton, Linen or Silk Cases sofa pillows.

Covered with seats can be completely removed or replaced by satin covers.

Instead of carpets, it is better to use light wicker tracks or mats from Sizal.

Tools, consoles, dressers or fireplace decorate vases with spring flowers and, if possible, change them more often to fill the room with a sweet aroma of tulips, valley or flowering branches of fruit trees.

Remove from the windows of the lambrequins, dense curtains with a brisque and pickups, replace them with curtains from taffeta or cotton, add translucent tulle.

On the shelves and in the niches in the bathroom, lay the candles with the invigorating aroma of mint, lemon or jasmine. Buy new accessories for soap and gentle pastel shades cream. And near the shell or toilet table You can put small vases with blooming branches or compositions of artificial peonies and tulips (they do not smell, but will make a bathroom in spring light and beautiful).

Blooming bedroom

With the arrival of heat and the bright sun in the bedroom, changes should also occur so that the awakening is easy, and the departure to sleep is pleasant.

  1. Open the window opening wider, and the curtains are easier, choosing a light tone of the fabric: blue, white, cream, gentle green, light yellow, silver with green. Especially well they will look if the bedroom is located on the north side of the house.
  2. Instead of warm woolen bedspreads and fur cape on the bed now it is better to sharpen cotton stamped bedspreads. Options for the type "Petchvork" are perfect, and for more sophisticated bedrooms you can choose a one-photographic bedspread and supplement it. bed linen with a delicate floral pattern.
  3. It is not recommended to completely abandon the floor rugs, as even in the warm season, the coating can remain pretty cool. We advise you to prefer mats with low pile or woven natural materials (fine wool or cotton).
  4. The gentle aroma of the blurred infricos or plum inflorescences or plum will not be too intense for the bedroom, even if you have a sharp smell, it will not hurt to relax and sleep. You can safely decorate the room with vases with blooming branches.
  5. The lamp lamp lamp can also be replaced with a similar, only with the thematic pattern, and a set of sleeping pillows to supplement the pair of decorative cotton or silk.

Cheerful children

Meet the spring for children is much more fun, spending for a long time on the fresh airBut, returning home, they must feel the lightweight atmosphere and in their room. Therefore, the subject of thematic spring design needs to pay due attention.

For children's important order, light and paint, and therefore, it should be accessed sunny rays And air, choosing a lightweight curtain version. Breathable cotton or linen curtains are suitable, transparent tulle with a small assembly coefficient, or just Roman curtains - a functional option. Remove all carpets, leaving on the floor only convenient paths and rugs small sizewhich is easy to clean and wash.

One of several functional zones of the children's room can be isolated by unusual staining of the wall. For example, in the gaming zone, the selected area is decorated with horizontal stripes different colors Natural palette (blue, green, gray, yellow), and the wall behind the desk can be decorated with a screen pattern (silhouette of a flower or bird, openwork ornament or waves).


Do not be afraid to use bright live combinations of paints if they belong to the natural palette of colors. Thus, you can bloom the room decorative pillows bright blue, pistachio, red or orange flowers With an interesting applique or stylish stripes (in the boy's room).

For pre-painted smooth walls You can stick the thematic pattern of oracle - adhesive film, which in the printing house will apply the selected pattern. This technique in decorating children is very convenient, because it will allow you to quickly and easily change the boring walls and, if necessary, the film is removed, without leaving traces.

The atmosphere of freshness in the kitchen

Spring comes to every house and the kitchen bypass the side, of course, can not. As thematic decorative decoration This premises, nothing limits the freedom of your imagination, except the conditions that items must be mobile to be replaced with ease.


Tablecloths - cotton or polyester - bright, with a thin floral pattern, tape and towels, napkins in a delicate pastel gamma. On the windows hang bamboo rollers or light, functional curtains from polyester (suitable, also, Roman constructions from Tulle). You can sew removable covers for chairs and stools.

Even if you are an enemy using mats on the floor of the kitchen, sometimes you can make an exception and temporarily lay a woven track with ornaments or flowers in the picture.


The familiar set of plates and cups can be removed at the closet, and instead of it in the open shelves, put bright ceramics and a service from a thin porcelain with a spring pattern in a green-yellow, pink-green, white and green gamma.

The brewing kettle is always in mind and in permanent operation. Perhaps it's time to update it a brighter instance.

If you want cooking for food to be a routine process, visit the company's website where you can find a large number of Kitchen accessories and decors that will turn your kitchen to a real workshop!

Spring update from Westwing

Speaking about the ideas of the spring decor it is worth mentioning the magnificent video from the company. On the example of the most ordinary room you can see how with small objects Furniture, permutations and colorful accessories You can change the interior in a matter of minutes!

Bringing into each room a little fresh colorsYou, thereby improve the mood of households and your own, and the house becomes more cozy and more beautiful. Good spring to you and creative ideas!

Do you know what good spring is? Flower birds are understandable, but not only by this. The resurrection of nature always gives strength and decide on something more, improving their lives, to realize a long-standing dream. The entrepreneurial veil is sitting in you - the most time to give it to her, finally, to put on full. That's just here without business ideas do not do. We found those win-win options, thanks to which your spring startup will definitely give fruitful results.

Business Spring: 12 ideas of the best startups

Entrepreneurship is always a risk, but it will be justified if you choose to implement such business ideas of spring!

Children attractions

"No" flanseling in the crowded places is influenza - "yes" crowds of merry kids. Give them in the spring what they were deprived of them all winter and they will lead to you their parents again. it good business The idea that will give the restless income throughout the spring.

Worms for sale

Surely you will be surprised, but one of the leaders of the Spring startups is recognized by the cultivation of worms for sale. That's what to do in the spring business is recognized as one of the most profitable. The idea is called the megacid word "vermicultivation", but the essence here is much simpler: you grown in the spring worms for fishermen and not only, and get your blood earned for it.

Single cleaning at home

In the spring, we all try to hold general cleaning, here's the idea! Help the population be one step closer to perfect purity, offer them general cleaning of the dwelling. This seasonal business in the spring is forced to fight enough strong competition from the cleaning companies, but if you think of some kind of chip, you can easily squeeze into this business.

Sale Shawarma

Amazing, but this particular seasonal business in the spring is simply flourishing. People leave their homes in finding new impressions, emotions and, of course, they do not prevent a snack. This is where the idea for the sale of a saturated, delicious, convenient for eating Shawarma comes to help.

Growing flowers

Well, it is a purely natural spring business. The people missed the gentle flavors of nature causing freshness of floral stems. Yes, and the reasons in the spring for the gift of flowers abound. This business in the spring - the real golden lived.

Drawing images on flowers

In the subject to the previous idea, you can come up with a separate branch for business in the spring. Decorate the flower petals to apply images, which business to do in the spring! This is done using a special top-bottom film with a drawing performed on it. This business market has not yet filled, new, you can say. Osill such equipment, and the spring of 2017 will delight you stable income and creating an extensive client base.

Growing seasonal vegetables, greenery in greenhouses

Business in spring without friends of vitamin just imagined it is impossible. The sooner, give people the opportunity to enjoy young natures with products - the more spring this idea will give you earn.

Selling air balloons

Here the situation is such: people are tired of wintering, they want a holiday, and the holidays are certainly associated with balls. Yes, in the spring, any caress from the house can be accompanied by them! It has been proven that in sunny and warm days Spring balloons are praised simply instantly, and at this time there will be a lot of such days! That's what business in the spring deserves your attention.

Boats for hire

Do you live near the forest or at least some kind of broken river and do you have your own boat or boat? Excellent, here's a business ideas for spring - give them to rental, you will always have.

Organization of picnics for corporations

This option consistently enters business ideas for spring and summer. Companies need to raise corporate spirit, and best of all this is done in nature. But the cost of this business in the spring provides for serious. Improvement of the territory, snacks, drinks and entertainment - all this is obliged to take an entrepreneur.

Drain of basements

That startup in the spring will allow to get a decent income in one season. The business has its own characteristics: there will have to purchase professional equipment, chemicals, attract equipment and quickly deploy advertising company, because this is a seasonal business in the spring, everything about everything you have 2 months. And most importantly - such business ideas in the spring are worth implementing if in your area in principle there is a problem of flooding premises.

Body Art.

In winter, we all walk flattering, well, clean the lilated cabbage. But in the spring, we begin slowly to take off and the startups pass by this can not pass. You can stay on paintings by body, you can offer modifications, for the day of St. Patrick this will be relevant. Here on which business ideas of spring you have enough abilities.

Startaps for spring are so diverse that everyone can choose a suitable direction in business. But remember that a good startup will be the key to success in the spring, if you provide high-quality products and services, otherwise the price is the price to all your ideas and endeavors. Try, develop and let your business grows big and healthy.

In the spring I want to change something: put on the skirt instead of trousers, clarify the hair, start well eat ... It is not surprising that you want something new, bright, fresh. Start from the interior! Bright juicy shades spring decoration Change the usual interior of the apartment is beyond recognition.

More color.

Not necessarily to buy new furnitureTo celebrate the offensive of spring. Depending on your desires, you can arrange both the grandeur and quite modest transformation of your beloved dwelling.

The first thing that matters is colors.

Living room.

If a brown case on the sofa, dark blue covered on the bed and burgundy cushions replace on the light terracotta, turquoise, pink

Or scarlet colors - the effect will be impressive! Only here it is important that new details are combined with wallpaper and other " big forms", Not breaking the overall interior design.

Good decision - Have a winter and summer kit covered, covers, sofa pillows, curtains.


If you are not ready to update textiles in the house, remove a warm plaid of the marsh color in the closet, and the bed with a set of linen of the spring color of juicy bright pink tulips and sunny yellow daffodils.

Attractive and original looks kit bed linen From the huge green leaves of the valley lily

Gently and romantic - from the bouquets of the first spring colors.


In the kitchen, any hostess spends quite a long time, make a pleasant stay in it - you will change the napkins, tablecloth, curtains in the kitchen.

Give your windows more sunlight - Choose light fabrics for the kitchen: tulle, orzaz, lace, veil.

Spring looks rolled curtains with flower decor

Or curtains with curly chess ornaments.

Gently and fun decorate kitchen windows curtains from Citz in a small floral pattern.

Bright festive mood Create red curtains in the kitchen, decorated in the American style.

Spring mood can be created in the house and more "small" not requiring large costs ways. In the living room on the dish spread bright green apples.

A nice decorative effect give candy with bright candy, take three glass vases different sizes And put them together, falling asleep into each candy of one species, it turns out a cheerful and sweet composition.

Spring signs.

During a walk in the forest, cut the twigs from shrubs and trees - willow, birch. Arrange large bouquets on all rooms - the blurred leaves will delight the eyes and gently fiercely.

Want to add colors? Tie thin red ribbons on them and in the apartment there is a lingerie Fair Fun! The effect will increase if the aroma of your most spring spirits will turn into the room and frivolous music will sound.

Green pets.

For all rooms apartments, buy a pot with cyclamen or any other "seasonal" flowers. Usually they live longer than cut, but they are afraid of drafts and heat, and this often sin our apartments, so you take care of them more careful and then, they will set for a long time in the apartment for a long time. The pot can be decorated with ribbons or wrap in colored paper.

Spring good time Not only for buying new plants, but also for transplanting old. Perhaps your green pets have grown, and they must be seeded. Others, on the contrary, did not survive the winter and now need urgent replacement - Go to the store! Choose newbies, taking into account your experience: if you do not get along fern, try ficuses. You cannot change the climate in your apartment to please the colors, but you can find those flowers to which it is perfect. If you guess, then new flowers will live in your home for many years.

All on the balcony.

Soon it will be very warm and it will be possible to plant flowers on the balcony. If yet temperature conditions You do not allow this to do, then you can adopt experience from the Europeans - they use artificial flowers when it is obvious that living just can not stand or cold or, on the contrary, the burning sun.

Modern artificial flowers look very natural, and if you choose those that usually hold on the balconies, the illusion will be complete!

Create spring decor in the interior is not at all difficult if you make a little bright colors In the situation, making a few steps towards the fly. Prick it bright colors And then it will come earlier.