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How to protect yourself from envy of prayer. Prayer from the envy of the Lord God. Video "The strongest prayer from evil people"

The existence of mystery, incomprehensible forces has long been proven not only by psychics and sorcerers, but also by scientists. Even simple people Often experiencing the effect of negative energy. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself, all the more so that this is not so much.

Word that distilts trouble

In all centuries, it was the evil word to be terrible trouble. But with the help of a good, the pure word misfortune could not only warn, but also to prevent. Greasy white magic Weigh and envy. Such a ritual is absolutely safe for a person and does not provoke ricochets. The believer must read prayer words every day. So he will save himself from possible dangers. This is a peculiar wall, through which it is not under the power to go bellows and problems. Therefore, you need to seek God as often.

It happens that sin falls on the soul unconsciously. We can, not realizing it, smooth close man. This happens because of the resentment, discontent, lust. In this case, the correct and sincere prayer saves not only us from the evil eye, and other people from our unconscious harm.

The most popular prayers from the evil eye

If a person has become a victim of evil intentions, prayers will help to cope with misfortune. Frequent and most effective words They are "Our Father." Simple lines that almost everyone knows will be pledged happy life. Another faith will be a prayer for his angel. During such an appeal, the keeper will clean your energy.

When it comes to a large and focused damage, the best wubble from the evil eye is a prayer, directed exclusively to the removal of ATD. Such words are pronounced above the bowl with water: "Lord, the Great! Smoy your sinner! I am your servant that your truth wants to carry. So let me know your will know your will. Wait from me with darkness dark, evil filled. Close my hand is yours from the black char. Let all so bad that wish me, will go far and never grind. And the people that the word and the case against me go will save your soul in the truth of yours. Amen".

After you need to wash and trace the response of the body. If you feel fatigue and drowsiness - this is a sign that someone else's energy comes out of the body.

Power stone

Already everyone has long been known that every thing on earth has its memory and energy. No exceptions and stones. Some of them are excellent protection against envy and evil eye. Predated Magi, the priestesses and shamans owned information about magical actions of stones. Until now, only scraps of knowledge, but this is enough to choose the charm. But it is worth remembering that only natural amulets can bring the benefit, because artificial does not carry a positive charge. The main purpose is to absorb all the negative energy that you guide you.

Minerals have the greatest charge, which is transmitted to the family by tradition. But with such stones you need to be careful because together with positive setting They can transmit the life tragedies of the previous owner. You can buy in esoteric stores or just on the market. But before buying, it should be decided on what kind of mineral is suitable for you.

Universal minerals

Rodality and biofield of its owner is very important. So, for example, not every mineral will be equally useful for one or another. If, when buying an amulet, his color was bright, and the transparency is clear - this good sign. When he darkened him in your property a few days later, it was better to give it to another person. Changing the color on black suggests that this stone from the evil eye does not suit you and no help will bring. Therefore, in order not to spend in vain, it is better to buy universal stones aimed at receiving signals, and not to clean the owner.

No less important is that a man with a mineral feels more protected and even at the subconscious level repels negative energy from itself.

Stones focused on the evil eye

The stone can be not only an amulet, but also a beautiful accessory. Such, for example, is agate. This is the most popular mineral that absorbs active and passive evil spells. In one row with agitat is gagat. The basis of his work is to absorb damage. A cat's eyes with antiquity were considered to be a faith, which takes the troubles, clashed by deliberately envious on married couples. Moonstone is able to absorb small spells to a greater degree, which can skip other stones whose pole is configured to large-scale problems. But each of these minerals is good protection against envy and evil eye. By the way, if the stone went cracked or changed weight and color is the main sign that it works.

Protection tested by centuries

In each people of the world, even if thousands of kilometers were separated, the theory of protection against unclean had a similar basis. Along with prayers, there are passive actions that can be reflected evil. The amulet can be the usual sewn to the inside of the clothes so that it is not visible to be seen. In order for the guard fenced, you need to attach it head down. How to protect yourself from envy, the psychology of the body knows.

When you feel in a conversation with a detractor, that his intentions are negative, crossed hands and legs. Such a posture is a symbolic lock, which will close you from the bad. When contacting a person who can smooth you, you need to squeeze your hand in the fist. Big and index finger to join beams. A ring is formed, which works like a sieve, and filters everything that the interlocutor directs you. Intensively reflects dark energy and underwear, if it is inside out.

Helps Amulet "God's Oko" - sticks on which woolen threads are wound. The cruciform symbol can be found in magical shops. Protect amulets from bones and teeth of animals. Such talismans can be made under the keychains.

The easiest method is a red thread

If you are not a supporter of long and mystical rituals, but believe that you can attract trouble on fate with a bad look, then best defense From envy and evil eye - red thread. Her function is a twoy. She not only protects the owner, but does not allow him to bring trouble on others. Tie a thread on left wrist. It is because of this hand in the fate of a person entering the trouble. The left side takes care of the implementation own desires, while the right is designed to separate good.

Best of all, if the thread is from Jerusalem, or manufactured by the Kabbalist (representative of the course of Judaism). Thread should be woolen and red. Wrap it with her hand and tie into seven knots should a native person.

The magic that follows the charm, is that a person who bears a thread constantly remembers the dangers that can carry envious glances. Also, the thread from the evil eye requires certain duties. The person who faced the woven on the wrist should live with pure thoughts, do not envy and not be seduced by someone else's. After all, it is bad thoughts that the universe returns boomerang.

Damage enters through the door

Sometimes trouble pursue even in a cozy place in the world in the hometown. If anger, misunderstanding, grief and even indifference and cold in relations came to the house, then the reason may well be able to be intentional angry magic - reluctance to return to the family, permanent unreasonable fear, a sense of anxiety. In such cases, you need to know how to protect the house from envy. Especially much attention was paid to the faiths at home our ancestors.

It is with this that the traditions of construction and decoration are connected. The first thing you need to work are the threshold and the door, because they are the portal from which the Negative falls into the house. After the first serious signs of black spell, it is better to make a threshold and replace the doors. The evil will distill the ligaments of garlic at the entrance and also to fight with the chairs will help the horseshoe above the door. But it is not only a wubble from the evil eye, but a magnet for good luck and prosperity.

How to turn a house into the fortress

Doors - the first portal through which the mountain can go to the house. But often it penetrates the apartment together with the owner or a guest. It is necessary to be reinsured and strengthened the energy of the dwelling by additional overalls. The best of these and such that do not contradict Christian laws - samples, candles and holy water. The greatest strength Have icons that were purchased in the temple. In addition, the images with the Faces of Saints are not only protection against envy and evil eye, but a health and family life. Candles brought from the church can be lit in particularly terrible time. A few minutes a day, and unwanted guests will leave your home. For the effect you can walk around the rooms.

Saves house and prayer from the evil eye and envy. Usually its action is enhanced when it is read over the water, which is an energy conductor. Then this water sprinkles the house and its inhabitants. But with such rituals you need to be as cautious as possible. They should be carried out only in a positive mood.

Do not avoid oriental councils. So, Feng Shui does not allow to keep in the house bitua dishes. It is recommended to throw out old things and replace them with new ones. Do not avoid amulets that will be an add-on to the interior.

Complete collection and description: Prayer from envious and ill-wishers Orthodox for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Non-promoters and sublightenings are found in the life of each of us. In order to protect against the robs and sense, and also a prayer from the envy daily reads every day.

In ancient Greek mythology, you can find a description of the envy in the image of a terrible wrinkled old woman with rotten teeth and the thorough language from which the poison drips. Justifying yourself by the fact that our envy "White" we, unfortunately, are not aware that it destroys our spiritual beginning in any form. Fluids envy satisfy air and poison the peaceful existence of society.

Reading the prayer text, a person is primarily cleaned by bad thoughts, negative, frees the information field, charges positive energy. Prayer from envy helps to gain confidence, reset the energy of someone else's malice that has fallen into personal biofield. Such prayers are designed to be defense for a person and his family, keep well-being and peace of the home.

The process of reading prayer: Rules

Send a prayer from human envy standing with respect and respect for the sacrament, observing some rules.

Wanting to get rid of the negative impact on the part of others, it is necessary to analyze its thoughts and actions in relation to others. After all, envy on your part is also possible. Therefore, before starting the prayer, it is worth mentally repeating before everyone and recognize its weakness.

Any request facing the Father Heaven demands faith - all-consuming and undoubted.

Than stronger man Believes, the more effective will pass a prayer ritual. For the correct mood on unity with God, you need to get up in front of the images (at home in front of the icon), light the candles and think that you want to convey to the Almighty with its own sills.

Because prayers from envy are unnecessary, they should read them daily several times before the moment they will not feel ease in the shower and the force of all-sucking. Thus, the envy that sealed the energy shell will evaporate and the entire negative will fall.

What prayer from envy is better to choose

All appeals to the Orthodox Saints about the bad demonic feeling - envy are conventionally divided into:

  • protecting from any random envy of human;
  • aimed at envious so that those ceased to seek you and envy;
  • cleansing, eliminating the soul of praying from this badge.

The best prayer from the envy of Orthodoxy considers the text submitted to the Bible (Psalm No. 90) with the name "Live in the Assistance of the Most High". Read it follows 12 times in a row.

If there is a person from which the negative and evil comes from you, read the prayer text against the evil eye of the Most Holy Theotokos (you can mentally).

If you visited bad envious thoughts in relation to others, please contact the Lord (you can through your holy or guardian angel) with holy prayer.

In order for a person to stop justifying and glooming, it usually concerns public and highly standing persons, you can adopt a well-known sacred text from human envy. If this prayer is read with a lit candle, bypassing your home three times, then you and your family will forever closed powerful protection From the energy sendments of unfriendliers.

Remember, any bad thoughts against other people will return the storm to the one who sent them!

Other types of protecting prayers:

Prayers from envy: Comments

Comments - 3,

With my husband, everything was like in a fairy tale, rest abroad, love, he has a highly paid position, two cars, soon also the long-awaited daughter was born. And suddenly I noticed that after communicating with a friend, who asked all the details of our life suddenly everything was broken, then someone sick, then the husband has problems at work, a quarrel in the family. Then I began to read the prayer from envy and now everything seems to be settled again, and the girlfriend began to reduce communication for no.

This is how the prayer says helped, and you yourself too, the contacts to a minimum and everything has improved. As in the proverb, happiness is talking to silence, it thus brought to a minimum envy of the girlfriend and from this evil for you, stopping it to provoke it with my well-being about it intense, it is certainly terrible that people are envious, but what is the same situation Even worse, I already wrote if something is on my problem-answer

Strong prayer from envy (for public persons, high-ranking people), the prayer is excellent, I just can't understand that they and person people are jealous, why they should pray to get rid of their envy, it certainly does not hurt, but the meaning of prayer then about what? Advise an effective prayer if you do not envy at all, and you yes. Thanks in advance who will help

Prayers from envy and evil

The envy is the most common reason to guide the damage and the evil eye. Learn how to protect yourself and your family from evil with the help of Orthodox prayers.

All families have periods of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding. But usually such situations pass, even more strengthening families. If the scandals began on an empty place and not pass for a long time, small and large troubles are lying "both from the bag", and health and well-being will deteriorate, it is quite possible that damage is made from envy.

To learn about whether you have a damage or evil eye, and you can remove them yourself with the help of Orthodox prayers.

How to pray

Prayers from the envy or evil eye are very different from all other prayers, so several important rules must be observed.

Do not wish revenge. Asking about getting rid of you and your family, do not seek to take revenge on your enemy. Remember that the very fact of prayer excludes hatred and the desire to cause bad. You can start a prayer only when you sincerely forgive and regret your unfair.

It is important to stay alone. Prayer for deliverance from the evil eye is very strong, but someone alone must ask for a family. If you are sure that you or someone from your loved ones smoothed, pray in secret from home and full of loneliness. This condition is easily explained from an energy point of view.

When a person finds himself a victim of envy and gets damage or evil eye, he becomes a kind of "black funnel" for his loved ones, tightening with them the missing energy. At the same time, unlike energy vampires, it actually acts unconsciously, seeking to fill the rapid energy reserves.

If your closest influence learns about what you are going to pray for it, he is my fear, doubts or anger can in a matter of minutes stretch out of you all the energy required for prayer.

Candles help prayer. Flames of candles and fragrant incense will help you to achieve the desired mental state of peace and pacification. Before starting prayer, you can simply sit for some time looking at the candle and thinking about the desired result.

Fire is the cleaner energy, the best transmitting messages on a thin plan. Your thoughts supported by the flame energy will help to quickly come to the state necessary for prayer.

Prayers from the evil eye Nikolai Wonderworker

Nikolai The Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of the suffering and the last hope in defense against the dark forces. Prayers addressed to him have a huge force.

Saint Nicholas, patron siema and poor, traveling and painful, defender from evil and hands, witchcraft and rot! I cherish you, hear you, hear the victim of the envy of the survival, witchcraft, and a fragmented, astounding / seeking about your grace and your intercession. Do not leave me in trouble and darkness, clean my sinning / sinful from the poles, Likha, Pull, the evil eye and envy and disdain a disortion of my house. In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this prayer as many times as needed. The generally accepted number of repeating prayers from the evil is considered to be the number 7.

Prayer from the envious and evil eye of Saint Cyprian

This prayer can protect you and your family from evil and envious. It will be useful during prayer to put a bowl with holy water and after completing prayers to drink a little and give water to all the home.

Saint Cyprian, comforter, lounge and evil spells defender! I pray you, IVI will be your will, do not leave me in the death and my house. Otrin from us all the troubles, envy and black witchcraft, to live in God's laws interfering and life poisoning. Do not leave us in the attack and dying, stretch your hand and we ug us from the troubles, the evil and envy evil people. Amen.

After the end of the prayer, visit a little in silence, listening to your feelings. Mentally forgive the evil who wished you and release the thoughts about them, hoping for the best.

You can ask for help and your guardian angel or a saint patron, which is given to everyone with baptism. With a sincere heart, you can ask for help even in your own words.

In addition to the evil eye, the envious can damage or curse. There are several signs that will help to understand that your family is damned, and evil came to the house. We wish you never to be negative, to be in good relationship with all others, and do not forget to click on the\u003e and

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How to protect yourself from the evil eye, envy and damage: strong protective plots

The strongest weapon in the fight against negative influence are protective conspiracy. With their help, you can secure your life.

Strong prayers are escaped from the evil eye, damage and evil

Seeking success and wandering life victories, you can be a victim envious people. Evale and save yourself from negative.

Damage to death: signs and consequences

Let's imagine for a minute, what can you wish any of us your most evil departure? Quite.

Conspiracy from the evil eye on the needle

Needles often enjoy magic rites. It is believed that this item acts as a powerful magical amplifier.

Prayers from damage and evil

From the negative impact of ill-wishers help prayers from damage and evil eye. The strength of this method of protection against evil is the energy of the word. .

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Prayer from human envy and malice, 3 prayers

I propose to your attention the Orthodox prayers from human envy and anger, addressed to holy aspass.

What to say there, envy now hovers everywhere.

It seems to be envied, there is nothing to envy, but still there are ill-wishers.

To protect yourself from the evil envy of people, it is necessary to regularly phoned special prayers that allow you to dare someone else's energy.

Before proceeding with a zealous mission, be sure to visit orthodox church And submit a customized note about your own health.

If you know in the face of your enemies, in no case, do not order them the deceased service.

Prasse for their health and ask the Lord God to cleanse them from envious thoughts.

Prayer from the envy of the Lord God

Light 12 candles and silently look at the burning flame.

Do not build a goat to your envious, they have no more calm.

Envious people are constantly overwhelmingly vital energy on deep grief.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Smoy and donate from me the eyes of envious people. Do not let them harm me, word and thoughts. Let all envious of the paradise they will find, and from the soul they will go away. Lord, you pay me for faith, well, and the enemies are not a test. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Prayer from envy Nikolai Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nikolai, Defender and Savior. Answer from me a black envy and human dirtyness. Protect me from rudeness and thundered shortness. Do not punish me for temptation and forgive me all the deviations. Do not torment my envious to you, and do not flutter their desperate nonsense. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Prayer from the envy Matron of Moscow

In the event that you felt not only an envious look, but also someone's nasty nastiness, refer to the moles to the Blessed Matron.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moscow. Forgive me all the bad suspicions and dismiss all the human defaults. From the envy of mournful of me, protection, disease and hands away from the eyes. Let the envy I never capture me, all that I have enough to death. May it be so. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers from envy that allow you to protect yourself from bad people.

So that the Lord helps you, try and do not indulge in envious thoughts.

May God help you!

If you noticed a sharp decline in your life, explicit changes for the worse, bad mood, and all this without visible reasons And it is impossible to explain, it can say that a negative magical impact was applied in your direction, namely the evil eye or damage. If you are not a supporter of magical rituals, you can get rid of orthodox prayers from the dark spell.

Go to the temple if you feel an evil plot, it will definitely help.

Prayer can help only take off the evil eye and damage, but also to establish a mental state and the life situation. To resort to reading prayers should be not only in such radical situations. This practice can prevent the negative impact of unfriendly.

Appeal to Saint Cyprian

To remove the curse with Orthodox words, you can turn to a strong universal method: prayer from the evil eye and damage facing the Holy Cyprian must necessarily solve your problem.

Prayer from the evil eye and envy can be read at any time or day. If necessary, you can repeat it every day several times. If there is a need to read the prayer to the Holy Cyprian to help the child, then this can make a baby's parent. The main thing is to make an action directly above the head of the victim.

In addition, this strong prayer of St. Cyprian from damage can also be read over water. In this case, the liquid will attract positive fluids and then can serve as a kind of cure for witchcraft.

These psalms have the following text:

"Lord God, the mighty, king of the reigning, hear the prayer of the slave Cyprian. You have a thousand days of the fight with the forces of dark, carrying the heart of the slave of God (name), help him to pass the test everything. Protect, save and implicit this prayer. Bless, Lord, my house and living in it, to protect against any goativity and magazine. Yes, the devilish mind will be resolved and their deed. Lord, you are one and omnipotent, save the hostel of your Cyprian, surf the slave (name). I speak three times, I bow three times. Amen!"

To pronounce Prayer Cyprian from damage and the evil eye three times, making a deep bow after each repeat. Such cleaning with all prayers and conspiraces will help you get rid of the curse of sorcerers.

Ritual from diseases

If you are pursued by numerous health problems, we advise you to use such prayers from induced damage to the treatment as the psalm below. She will help to remove the evil eye from you and relieve diseases.

"Take, birds flying, a handful of land. Take the beasts and you are in hand. Eat pit yes, the move is direct to it. Help to go exactly the slave of God (name) so that the pits can get around everything. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and remove from the pit deep and save. The pit is dark, light in life. Further from the pit, closer to the sun. Chur me. The word is my hard. My strength is big. Darkness come out, help me help me. Amen!"

Prayer read daily for nine days. It is sufficient strong to remove with you even the most strong evil eye Or damage.

Church ritual

To carry out this method of getting rid of curses, you will need to visit the church on Sunday. You do not have to teach any additional psalms, since this ritual will help you withdraw the evil eye with words familiar with all the baptized Orthodox: "Our Father".

  • Going to the church, acquire a candle and burn it.
  • It is necessary to carry it in the left hand, at the same time, with a prayer.
  • It is necessary to repeat it exactly nine times, not forgetting to crossed.

After completing the rite, do not forget to consolidate the result, delivering such words twelve:

"Health, happiness, cleanliness, well-being, love, good luck. Amen!"

This sufficiently strong prayer from damage, which will certainly help you. If you see that the desired result does not occur, spend the rite for two more Sundays in a row.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

In the event that you have been imposed enough strong damage Or suffered not only you, but also your loved ones, we recommend to apply for divine help to the priest Nikolai Roman. They appeal to it when other prayers for the removal of damage do not act. This prayer from the evil eye is performed in a complex with other actions, which will help you effectively get rid of all curses, including it is effective and against envy.

At the beginning of the ritual, you need to go to orthodox church and order the organizing service for all the affected people. In the same visit, do not forget to worship the icon of the Sacred Martyr Nicholas and put three candles. At the same time, accompany the actions with such prayer words:

"The Wonderworker Nicholas, we, with a share of family damage and protect us from enemy affairs. Amen".

Cross in and can go home. Before leaving, do not forget to score holy water and purchase twelve candles and the icon of St. Nicholas.

On the same evening, sit at the table in a free room and burn all the candles bought on the eve. In front of them, place the icon and holy water. Now you can start overlapping the family damage or the evil eye:

"Wonderworker Nikolai, Defender and Savior. Not a vain in the soul of anyone, I ask only one. Help all my family members, and I have, then pick us up with us. All diseases, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer do not suffer from damage, the Venne will die from it. Let in my family there will be no breakdown, I beg you for a hundred times. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

Cross and drink some holy water. Candles should be thrown away, and remove the icon from the table. All family members should be mixed by a little holy water into any drinks. If the result is not strong enough for your problem, then you will definitely repeat the ritual again in two weeks.

Remember the following: With this prayer, it is impossible to ask for a symbol for the offender, you can only humbly wait for healing and help from St. Nicholas.

What is damage and evil eye?

People, far from this, often believe that the evil eye and damage is essentially the same. In fact, this is not at all.

The evil eye is a kind of type of energy attack, and, and absolutely optionally deliberate. Perhaps you remember the moment when you suddenly began to pierce my heart, panic and dizziness were sown. This is the first signs of a severe psycho-emotional strike from a person, perhaps who has possessed or wishing evil.

It is capable of such not everyone, only people with very strong energy And a special look (they are also called "glaze").

It is quite a personal damage. This is a definitely conceived and specially executed event, the purpose of which is to apply you or your loved ones. Pulling point is a ritual, and the more experienced and knowing man It produces it, the worse there may be consequences.

Signs of the intervention of evil power in your life:

Help saints

The concept of damage and evil eye exist not only in Orthodoxy, but also in other religions. However, for example, muslim prayers They have another effect and read it differently.

A truly believer Christian will apply for help not to the magicians or fortune telkhals, but to the Lord or Orthodox holy waters.

The Great Martyr Cyprian during his lifetime himself got rid of the influence of dark forces, and believers traditionally turn to it for protection against damage, the evil eye and envy.

Strong prayer to Saint Cyprian

Oh, holy waters, the Sacred Powder Cyprian, the fast assistant and prayer to everyone, who resorts. Acceptance from us, unworthy, the praise of our and ask for us from the Lord of God from the dismissions of salvation, from diseases healing, consolation and everything useful in our lives.

Watching your prayer to the Lord, it will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the prisoner of the devilish and any action of the spirits of unclean and relieve from offending us. Whent us a strong assistant from the enemies of all - visible and invisible.

In temptations, give us patience and at the time of the death of our IVA, we are interpreted from the tortures on our air solarms. Yes, they will reach the heavenly Jerusalem to you by you and will be advised in the sky of the kingdom with all the saints to lay and sing the municipal name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Appeal to the Matron of Moscow

Staritsa Matronushka Moskovskaya, the famous guardian of health and peace of mind, will also perfectly protect you from the effects of evil spell. Read the prayer for her after awakening, and before bedtime.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moscow. The dispensary of the enemy in Acts is evil, and I do not tell me in punishment. If I spoil on me a rocky, let the whole fate of Lhai feed. Sucked me clever in the form of faith, to learn without a vulnerable measure. Let my illness be peacefully retreating, and in the soul of brilliance comes. If there is no evil damage and the evil eye, let the other infection be retracted. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to cross from the bottom of my heart three times, and make three bodies consecrated in advance in the church of the water.

Baby protection from the evil eye

It is often happening and such - there are two friends, talk, one enthusiasm with a pretty baby else. And after a short time, something strange begins to work with the child: for inexplicable reasons, the temperature rises, the child becomes nervous, grave and excited (although sometimes, on the contrary, it becomes sluggish).

Sometimes the children go bent shout and even covered with rash. Of course, first of all show your child's doctor. But if the doctor finds it difficult to put a certain diagnosis, most likely your child has been smoothed.

It is necessarily that the dying girlfriend or a relative wanted a child's child. The energy protection of a small little man is still too weak, and any strong emotional blow from the side can break through the "hole" in it. Good and attentive parents will immediately feel changes in the behavior of the baby and take the necessary measures.

What should be done:

  1. Wear a child consecrated water. Led to church in such a state, of course, it is not worthwhile - the accumulation of people in the temple and curious views will not benefit. However pray in holy place by putting a candle God's Mother For the health of the child, of course, it is necessary. If you do not want to leave a baby in such a state, it can make a father or grandmother
  2. Pay the baby, while two or three times the obulation of it with his head. Water - an incredibly powerful substance that has the ability to heal and purify from black energy clots
  3. In the evening, putting a child in the crib, read the conspiracy over it and sprinkle with holy water slightly


I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, in a purely field. In the pure field, the oak stands, on the dryer the chest hangs, the chest that iron crows will fit. I go to the crow closer, worship down.

Raven Voronovich, as you really, you stored the chest, from the times and the thieves guarded, the unkind people did not allow, you will call you and conquer: help me, baby (child name) from the troubles and dashing people to defend, the evil eye, damage to the wing Take. Yes, it will not affect any evil, neither explicit nor secret, nor from dashing people, nor from envious friends. The word is firmly and peply. Amen.

Prayer to the Matronushka for the child

It is very effective to appeal to the Holy Matron of Moscow, the bright strength of which will protect your child and heales it from the impact of a bad eye. You can contact her, as well as another Orthodox saint, you can anywhere and at any time, but to visit the Moscow Temple of the Blessed Starians will not hurt at all.

Putting a candle in the temple for the health of the child, repeat these words:

Blessed Starith Matronushka, heals the baby (the name of the child) from the evil eye and damage, from the eye of the evil, from the person's man. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

The same conspiracy is suitable for pronouncing it over the kid. The main thing is to believe that God will protect your child, praying cordially and sincerely, and then the guardian angel will protect him in full force.

How to prevent the evil eye and damage?

The newborn child should not hold a visit to the relatives and friends. The smaller the eye it sees, the better. Going out to the street, wrap the stroller Tul, and refuse to "see" politely, but firmly.

  • Print to the stroller or child's clothes from the inside of an ordinary English pin.
  • If someone in conversation is too long and enthusiastically praises your child - do not leave, you will imperceptibly take the conversation to the side.
  • Take a red wool thread on the left wrist. The red color was considered the Ostrovem, our pagan ancestors used it to protect.
  • By the way, bright kids clothes not only look pretty, but also have practical value. Clothing of catchy tones dispels the attention of someone else's person, does not give the energies of the negative concentrate and strike.
  • Another means is the usual pocket mirror. Put it in pocket pram, outside Outward, it will "cut cry" the bad energy.

Our world - dangerous placeWhere evil, unfortunately, more than we would like. Protect yourself and your close sometimes you just need. Right rituals, firm faith in defense of the Lord and the desire to carry in this world only good will help you with this.

How holy should be treated for help

Protect itself and relatives will help prayer from the evil eye and envy facing heavenly patrons. There is also a prayer from evil people and damage, which has a powerful healing force.

Main prayer Jesus Christ

Almost every person knows the prayer of our "Father".

It is she who brings relief and a sense of communication with about the Almighty.

Prayer "Our Father"
Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes holy your nameYes, your kingdom will receive, and your will will be, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. For yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

Psalm 90.

This is the most powerful charm, unfolding the enemy arrows in it.

Psalm 90.
Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna.

It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours.

In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

Prayers from envy and evil people

Prayer of Rev. Maria Egypt
About the Great Christ, Reverend Mati Marie! I hear unworthy prayer of us, sinful (names), save us, Rev. Mati, from passions who are fighting our souls, from everyone sorrows and being attacked, from sudden death and from all slander, an hour of separation from the body of an adorment, holy apply , all sorts of evil thought and cunning demons, Yako yes, invested our souls with the world in place, Light Christ, Lord God God, Scho from Him, the cleansing of sins, and that is the salvation of our souls, Jested with every glory, honor and worship, with Father and Holy Spirit , now and confessed and forever.

Prayer Sacred Cypriana
Oh, the holy waters of God, the Sacred Cyprian, the speedy assistant and prayer about everyone who resorts to you. We accept our unworthy praise from us, and we succeed in the Lord God in the dismpse, in the disease healing, in the cookie comfort and all the whole useful in our lives. Ascending to the Lord a bobbed prayer, and we will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the prisoner of Dolvolskago and all the actions of the spirits are unclean and relieve from offensive us. We wake a strong advocate for all enemies visible and invisible. In the temptations, I will pass patience and at the time of the end of the death of our people, we are interpreted from the tortures on our air nuclearities. Yes, having gone to you reach the Minion of Jerusalem and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints of Slaviti and the municipal name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer with melted rates

Oh, the great Christians and the Wonderworkers: Holy Forerun and the Baptist of Christ John, the Holy All-Walled Apostle and Interstate Christ, St. Nicholas, Harlampie, the Great Martyr Georgy Victorious, Fodorore, prophesy to God or the Saint Nikita, Martyr Oganne Varvaro , Velikomarter Ekaterino, Rev. Father Antonia! Hear us, you are praying, the slave of God (names). You will explore our grief and ailments, hear the rehabille of the set to you driving. Something for you to Yako fast assistants and warm prayerbooks to our call: Do not leave us (names) your god by the petition. We disintegrate from the path of salvation, led us, merciful mentor.

We are disgraces of the ESMA in faith, approve us, lawworm teachers. We are the bearer with the coexist of good deeds, enrich us, the treasure fighters. We are confused by the enemy of visible and invisible and ozobleymii, climb us, the bad intercession. The anger is righteous, driven by our lawlessness, turn away from us by your petition from the throne of the proud of God, you are prestone in the sky, the Saints of Righteous. Let me hear the molims of you, the magazine of Christ, you call you with faith and ask your prayers from your father in heaven to all of us the forgiveness of our sins and from the misfortune. You boat assistants, intercession and prayer, and about you, the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Rules of reading prayer

When pronouncing prayers should be:

  • to be in complete solitude:
  • mental state should be calm;
  • discard any thoughts about the mating offenders;
  • do not be distracted by outsided sounds, thoughts;
  • each word is consciously deliberate into each proclaimed phrase.

What is the similarity of envy, damage and evil eye

When a person constantly overtakes failures, things are not treated, minor problems are replaced by large and they are becoming more and more, many people consider it a slogony or damage. After all, even without the use of a witch ritual, a person who is in a strong burst of envy and malice, can send a negative to another person.

Schalz is an unintended impact on man. For example, someone accidentally said to the interlocutor and thus smoothed him, without suspecting. But if someone wished to damage, it is a deliberate effect using auxiliary items, conspiracies and rituals.

And what have envy?

Enjoying, a man scrolls negative thoughts in his head. For example, he wants to possess something that his buddy has, thereby wanting to lose their benefits and destroying the happiness and success of man.

The main signs of the evil eye and damage

  1. frequent bouts of headaches;
  2. constant weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  3. loss of interest in life;
  4. outbreaks of anger, irritation, anger;
  5. inner concern;
  6. trouble in all spheres of life;
  7. hearing vote in the head, often indicating that when and how to do;
  8. feeling of peace in black and gray tones;
  9. thrust for alcohol, drugs, fornication;
  10. sudden depression;
  11. blood pressure drops;
  12. the occurrence of severe diseases;
  13. unpleasant sensations in solar plexus.

Good advice to solve the problem and its "prevention" give practitioners psychologists:

  • outside its own dwelling, household successes can be praised and their own achievements;
  • in case of feeling behind the back of the ill-wishing views of the enviousness or if it is also known that you are talking about a lot about you - thank the Most High because your life is better than others;
  • limit the maximum communication with ill-wishers;
  • take yourself by samotering: Every day you need to make it install that your surroundings (colleagues, friends, neighbors) are the best and benevolent people.

The magazine flourishes the impact of centuries, pulling human strength. Recently, an increased interest in the Wizard ritual is noted in connection with the availability of magical literature on the counters of bookstores. Also growing the number of burning, fortune-tales, soremen who promise to establish the life of sufferers.

The prayer, in turn, is not dangerous for a person. Aimed at the destruction of the evil eye, damage and envy, it strengthens spiritual world man.

Fill the spiritual world with good and positive, pray for the enemies, and then evil envious ourselves "fly away" from your life.

Signs of damage and evil

People tend to believe that damage and evil eye is almost the same thing. However, everything is completely different. The evil eye is an energy attack, most often unintentional. A man with a difficult look can often smooth even himself. The evil eye is expressed great envy and the desire of evil. But the damage is much more dangerous and worse. It is focused purposefully, reinforcing the desire to completely destroy your life. This magic ritual is able to harm not only to you, but also your loved ones.

Any otherworldly intervention can be identified with certain signs:

  • obsessive thoughts, disturbing feelings, feeling of weakness and lack of air;
  • a native cross can cause discomfort, right up to choking and bodily burns;
  • intolerance of their own view and reflections in the mirrors;
  • inexplicable health problems;
  • fear of church attributes.

Saint Cyprian's prayer from bad influence

Prayer Sacred Cyprian will protect you from damage, evil eye and witchcraft. The holy waters of the Lord will not allow the magical effects to destroy your life, eradicating the first signs of alien influence. Read the sacred text next icon:

"Holy Range of God, Cyprian, the intercessor of each soul. Hear our unworthy prayers and the mind of the Lord about the deliverance and consolation. Let the prayer facing you reach God and illuminates the life of our strong faith, deliverance from the captivity of the devilish, enemies and offenders. In all the temptations of the worldly giving humility. Become our intercession for life and on mortal apparel, do not let us go without attention and help to get to the kingdom of heaven. They sing your name and father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Matron Moscow from the evil eye and damage

Matrona is famous for his intercession in front of people. She eradicates the ailments, the torment of the soul and black witchcraft. Words addressed to the Great Martyr will protect you from the evil eye, damage and evil intent. Text should be read several times a day:
"On the Velikomi Matrona. The exposure of a person in the deeds of sinful and help me to resist the damage and danger of fatal. Let your loss in the form of participation of yours will decline to my life and teach loyalty and tolerance. Do so that all the evil sent to me from a person who brought himself as an punisher retreated. Relive my soul from the influence of the bad, destroying everything is kind in life. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Orthodox prayer from damage and evil

People draw this prayer to the Most High. After reading the words saving from black magic, the evil eye, damage and anger, you should thank the creator. Prayer "Living Aid" has been translated from Church Slavonic to Russian. This sacred text is read several times before inner calm:

"Live to the help of the Most High, the Lord settles. My intercession and shelter in a difficult hour, you are my God, for whom I impose all my hopes. Make me from the networks of devilish and verbal attacks of ill-wishers. Selling the slave of their (name) True faith, to protect against the fear of the night, from things coming under the cover of the night, from Beshsurance and the evil of human. Only you, Lord God, Hope is mine, only in you I am looking for support and help. Evil goes away with the side, and the wounds are not scary to you. So let me continue your holy presence that will save from any misfortune. Hear my prayer and save in an unkind hour. I glorify your name and in grief, and in joy forever. Amen".

Any magical impact will bypass you if you strengthen your defense of Orthodox prayers. A truly believer person does not suffer damage, the evil eye and curses, because there is nothing stronger in the world. Let your faith be strong. We wish you happiness, success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Who is allowed to read such petitions?

To read this appeal to the highest forces there are no restrictions. The main thing is the presence of faith. Appeal to the Most High helps all people. It does not matter how old you are, who are you by profession or what is your social status. All this is not important. For the saints, we are all equal.

Can I read prayers for pregnant women?

Uniquely you can, even need.

  • After all, it can benefit not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the future child.
  • She can't harm.
  • In any case, the lens of prayers from damage in the church cannot be dragging the negative from the mother to the child or to another to harm the child.

Teenagers and even children also concern. You can contact God since any age. In many cases, when the child was touched by a curse or dark witchcraft, Mom prays for him. But this is not necessarily. It will be much more efficient if the child tries to remove damage himself, praying to the Almighty.

How and when to read prayer against the evil eye and damage?

Before contacting the Almighty, you always need to prepare well:

  1. Need to tune in to the petition;
  2. During her, do not think about something outsiders;
  3. Focus on your words;
  4. Praying is recommended in complete silence. In any case, it is better to turn off the TV and radio, as well as other items that can distract;
  5. Feel that you stayed with God alone;
  6. Believe in it. Faith must be real.

Try to completely handle in your words. Yes, for beginners it is not easy. After all, prayers are already thousands of years. But still, these are the very words about help, intercession or gratefulness.

Many clergymen recommend to light a candle in Molub, which can strengthen your request. The candle acquired in the church is especially valuable. But this is not a binding rule, because when contacting the Almighty, no rules, in fact, no.

Strong prayers from damage and witchcraft

In this case, you can contact God, even with the most popular prayer "Our Father", which every believer knows. It is best to read it before bedtime and in the morning, when only woke up. In addition, you can simply read it during the day in order to remove the entire negative or get divine protection.

You can also pray to the Holy Trinity, if there are suspicions that your bad well-being or any problems are caused by evil forces, envy or curse. Here is this text:

"The Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake. Lord, Homes, Lord, Homes, Lord, Homes. Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen".

There is even a special text of appeal to the Lord, which is useful to every mother. These texts pray for their children. Basically, he is read by little kids in the cradle or before bedtime above the head. For children in adolescence, it can only be used in the absence of a child. This text read for children of any age:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. You, Lihochimens, Lyharikha, Haldey Okoyanny, Povers, Headers, Thieves, Forty, Burners, Luisteners, Selfiece and Own, Light People, Dark People, All Founders, All Solicitelle Practiers, Barniters, Widdle From My Son, Slave God (Name) , do not scold him, the servant of God (name), do not marry him, the servant of God (name), do not torment him, the slave of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen.

This text shows the appeal to the Most High for the Son, but you can safely change the appeal for the daughter. If you have, for example, there is a son and daughter, then you can read so - "... away from my son and my daughter, the slaves of God (names) ..."

In general, any prayer against the evil eye and damage can help you, the main thing is to believe and pronounce it sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. The power of these words is concluded in the spiritual component, and not in verbal, as, for example, in conspiracies.

Prayer Saint Cyprian from damage

This appeal to the saint against witchcraft, the evil eye and damage is considered the strongest and most effective. It is worth considering that the blessing of the Orthodox Church is needed to read this appeal.

The history of the life of Cyprian.

Cyprian lived in the III century. From the smallest age and up to 30 years old, he tirelessly trained and studied witchcraft and dark magic. In places it was training there were Babylon, Argos, Egypt, Olympus. In adulthood, he was dedicated to the priests. He possessed an incredible force, with the help of which he could cause evil spirits and talk to the prince of darkness.

  • But returned to the homeland, he fell in love with the monk of Justina.
  • But the girl refused him.
  • Then Cyprian will use all his power to be perhaps the girl, but he does not work.
  • After all, it is guarded by the Lord himself, to whom the girl is tirelessly served.

The priest decided to find out what this faith and threw all his witchcraft. And the books of black magic gave a burner. He was painted, and soon he became a famous bishop. But soon the persecution of Christians began. Cyprian grabbed and executed. So the former magician became a Christian martyr, and people who addressed him for help can overcome dark forces. Since that time, prayer Cyprian from damage and the evil eye helps people.

How to pray to Cyprian and Ustni

  1. This rite must be adult. If you read for a child, it is better to let the mother leads the rite;
  2. Read prayer is needed daily;
  3. In order for the effect to be harder to give a child to the child, over which the appeal to Cyprian was read. We can wash the remnants of the child.

Prayer Cyprian and Ustnyi from damage:

"On the holy waters of God, the holy fellow Cyprian, the fast assistant and prayer about everyone who resorts to you. We accept from us unworthy praise our and we succeed in the Lord God in the dismpse, in the disease healing, in the cooking comfort and everything is useful in our lives. Watching your prayer to the Lord, let us protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the captivity of the Diavaluskago and all the actions of the spirits are unclean, and will relieve from offending us.

We wake a strong advocate for all enemies visible and invisible, in temptation to give us patience and in the hour of the death of our people to us a intercession from the tortures on our air solarms, and there is a passing to you, reach the Minusalem, and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the Saint Slaviti and Heavenly The name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever in the eyelids. Amen".

God bless you!

The envy is the most common reason to guide the damage and the evil eye. Learn how to protect yourself and your family from evil with the help of Orthodox prayers.

All families have periods of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding. But usually such situations pass, even more strengthening families. If the scandals began on an empty place and not pass for a long time, small and large troubles are lying "both from the bag", and health and well-being will deteriorate, it is quite possible that damage is made from envy.

You can learn about whether you can remove them yourself with the help of Orthodox prayers.

How to pray

Prayers from the envy or evil eye are very different from all other prayers, so several important rules must be observed.

Do not wish revenge. Asking about getting rid of you and your family, do not seek to take revenge on your enemy. Remember that the very fact of prayer excludes hatred and the desire to cause bad. You can start a prayer only when you sincerely forgive and regret your unfair.

It is important to stay alone. Prayer for deliverance from the evil eye is very strong, but someone alone must ask for a family. If you are sure that you or someone from your loved ones smoothed, pray in secret from home and full of loneliness. This condition is easily explained from an energy point of view.

When a person finds himself a victim of envy and gets damage or evil eye, he becomes a kind of "black funnel" for his loved ones, tightening with them the missing energy. At the same time, unlike energy vampires, it actually acts unconsciously, seeking to fill the rapid energy reserves.

If your closest influence learns about what you are going to pray for it, he is my fear, doubts or anger can in a matter of minutes stretch out of you all the energy required for prayer.

Candles help prayer. Flames of candles and fragrant incense will help you to achieve the desired mental state of peace and pacification. Before starting prayer, you can simply sit for some time looking at the candle and thinking about the desired result.

Fire is the cleaner energy, the best transmitting messages on a thin plan. Your thoughts supported by the flame energy will help to quickly come to the state necessary for prayer.

Prayers from the evil eye Nikolai Wonderworker

Nikolai The Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of the suffering and the last hope in defense against the dark forces. Prayers addressed to him have a huge force.

Saint Nicholas, patron siema and poor, traveling and painful, defender from evil and hands, witchcraft and rot! I cherish you, hear you, hear the victim of the envy of the survival, witchcraft, and a fragmented, astounding / seeking about your grace and your intercession. Do not leave me in trouble and darkness, clean my sinning / sinful from the poles, Likha, Pull, the evil eye and envy and disdain a disortion of my house. In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this prayer as many times as needed. The generally accepted number of repeating prayers from the evil is considered to be the number 7.

Prayer from the envious and evil eye of Saint Cyprian

This prayer can protect you and your family from evil and envious. It will be useful during prayer to put a bowl with holy water and after completing prayers to drink a little and give water to all the home.

Saint Cyprian, comforter, lounge and evil spells defender! I pray you, IVI will be your will, do not leave me in the death and my house. Otrin from us all the troubles, envy and black witchcraft, to live in God's laws interfering and life poisoning. Do not leave us in the attack and dying, stretch your hand and ugly us from the troubles, the evil and the envy of evil people. Amen.

After the end of the prayer, visit a little in silence, listening to your feelings. Mentally forgive the evil who wished you and release the thoughts about them, hoping for the best.

You can ask for help and your guardian angel or a saint patron, which is given to everyone with baptism. With a sincere heart, you can ask for help even in your own words.

In addition to the evil eye, the envious can damage or curse. There are several signs that will help to understand that your family is damned, and evil came to the house. We wish you never to be negative, to be in good relationships with all others, and do not forget to press buttons (FB_Like)) and

Envy is peculiar to all people, but it manifests itself in different ways - someone has a fleeing regret for achievements, and someone has a terrible, destroying feeling when the news of other people's successes literally destroy nervous system And lead to depression. Extreme degree of envy is anger and desire to with successful person something happened. The ancient Greek philosophers equate envy to hatred, as the envious feels annoyance at the sight of someone else's happiness, and, on the contrary, happy from someone else's trouble. If you think your life cannot serve as an envy, you are deeply mistaken. There will always be people who will find something to envy. Christian prayer Protection against someone else's envy and the evil eye will save you and your family from the negative emotions of other people.

Strong prayer of the elder Panix Afonoviya from human envy and malice

Envy is a social sense, and probably so brightly as in the working team is not manifested anywhere. Men tend to envy - the mind and talents of colleagues, a higher salary. Women does not hide the promotion of colleagues at work, but the successful marriage of colleagues can be the subject of constant envy. You may have to envy that your work is less than a colleague, or, on the contrary, the fact that you have more orders and, accordingly, the salary is also more, the subject of the envy can be even the good location of your desk in the office. Envy colleagues at work provokes intrigues and meanness in your direction. Therefore, going to work, read the prayer of Athon Panixfia from the envy of evil people, meanness and malice.

Orthodox prayer from envy to her neighbor

The ancient Greeks represented the envy of the ugly old woman with rotten teeth and the dried language from which the poison flows. This poison is a poison not only for the obvious object - it poisoned and corps the life of the one who envies. They say that there is a "white" envy, - when you envy it in kind, and there is a "black", - when you hate and wish evil, but by big account And that, and the other carry the destruction for us. Therefore, at the very first signs of this feeling of the Orthodox prayer from the envy, the ugly old woman is away from herself.

Listen to Orthodox prayers from envy of enemies

The text of the Orthodox prayer from the envy of the elder Panix Afonovi from the envy

Strength of this prayer in concealing from hearing and the gaze of human, in Tyutomovyovyania.

Merosity Lord, you once are the mouth of the minister of Moses, Jesus Navina, delayed the whole day the movement of the sun and the moon, the people of Israel revenge on the enemies. The prayer Elisha of the Prophet once struck Syrian, delaying them, and again healed them. You once broadcast the prophet Isaiah: here, I will return to ten steps of the solar shadow, which went through the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned to ten steps along the steps that it went. You once had the mouth of the Prophet Ezekiel gave the abyss, stopped the river, detained the water. And you once the post and the prayer of the Prophet of your Daniel screamed the mouth of Lviv in the rock. And now all the plans around the standing about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile, are delayed and slowed to parlegalization. So now, destroy evil wants and the demands of all condemning me, the magnitude of the mouth and the heart of all slandering, ineffining and growing on me, and all the hula and degrading. So now, in front of the spiritual blindness to the eyes of all the enemies of my enemies. Weren't you dodged the apostle Paul: Speak and do not silent, for I am with you, and no one will make you evil. Soften the hearts of all opposing good and the dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, do not smell my mouth to indemnify the wicked and glorification of the righteous and all the wonderful affairs of yours. And yes, all the benefit of our and desires will be fulfilled. To you, the righteousness and prayer of God, our dazened conventions, once the power of their prayers restraining the invasion of the innings, the approach of hated, destroyed evil intentions of people who laughed Lviv's mouths, now I appeal to my prayer, with my past. And you, the Reverend Great Eli Egyptian, once-fenced in the circle with a congestion, the place of the settlement of his student, commanded him armed with the name of the Lord and not be afraid from now on demonstration temptations. My house fences, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery mental, thievesky attack and any evil and insurance. And you, the Rev. Father's Penalty of Syrian, once independently the prayer for ten days of the demon who kept still and cannot go any night; Nowadays the depths of my and at home (mine) of this will hold for the fence in his entire resistance of the strength and all the hung name of God and despise me. And you, the reverend virgin PR, once the power of prayers who stopped the movement of the semisses to destroy the inhabitants of the village, where he lived, now stopping all the ideas of my enemies, whoever, to be expelled from the city of this and take a ruin: do not allow them to come close to the house, stop their prayer strength His: "Lord, Judge of the Universe, you who are disagreeable every thing that will take a prayer for you, let the Holy Strength stop them at the place where they will comprehend them." And you, the Blessed Lavrentine Kaluga, the moths of God about me, as having a keenness before the Lord to preserve about those who suffer from the goat Diavolsky. The moths of God about me, and he will protect him from the goat Satanian. And you, Reverend Vasily Pechersky, make their prayers for prohibiting the strikers on me and the discharge of all the Diavolian goats from me. And you, WSI of the Union of the Earth of the Russian, Waving the power of the prayers of her about me all the demonic spells, all the Diavolian plans and the goats are to annoy me and destroy me and my heritage. And you, the Great and Terrible Guard, ArchRetern Mikhail, in a fiery sword attend all the wants of the enemy of the human and all the minions of his, whoever, taking a ruin. Stone is indispensable on the guard of the house of this, all the wealth in it and all the treasures of it. And you, Vladychitsa, not vainly referred to as the "unreal wall", Budy for all those who are warring against me and plotting dirty us, really worn by a certain obstacle and a naked wall that enlightens me from any evil and serious circumstances.