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Bahamas. Location, recreation and tourism in the bugs. Bahamas on the world map. Where are there

In the Atlantic Ocean, the famous archipelago is the Bahamas, which are between Florida and Cuba. This archipelago consists of 700 islands and 2500 reefs. Only thirty islands are considered inhabited. The Bahamas is washed with warm waters of Golf Stream. Already a long holiday on the Bahamas is called a luxurious pastime. Also, the Bahamas called the major offshore center, which is considered the richest state of this region. Over 400 banks and casinos work on the islands. It is worth remembering about countless kilometers of snow-white beaches, transparent coastal waters and coral reefs, from which diving lovers are delighted. And his sights, look here.

Not just so the Bahamas call the present earthly paradise. This archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean. The main attractions of the baggs are azure waves, white sand and palm trees. It is thanks to the tourism of the island receive 60 percent of gross income. Subtropical and tropical climate, warm weather, a small amount of precipitation allow you to perfectly relax on the baugas, and also to do an active holiday and fishing. Guests of the Commonwealth come here to play golf or visit the casino. Look at .

Features of the Bahamas Islands

The most popular resorts of the Bahamas are located on the islands such as: Eleuthera, Andros, New Providence, Big Bahamas, Mayaguana, Big Abaco, Long Island. Everywhere you can see luxury tourist complexes that offer tourists cosmetic services, clean isolated beaches, entertainment program and various options Water sports. Travelers call Bahamas with the second Switzerland. After all, economic life is boiling on this territory. New Providence is called the center of business activities, on this island life is boiling around the clock. As a rule, tourists here come here for the sake of shopping, as there are a lot of Duty Free stores, and the bars, discos and restaurants work around the clock. By the way, the casino here is particularly popular with Americans. What looks like. Look at here.

The best attractions of the Bahamas are worth attributed to the amazing underwater world and coral reefs. It gives resting to try different kinds Strengthening, for example, sailing, diving, surfing, kiting, dive safari and recreational diving. Skibamy ships deserve special attention to the bugs.

The nature of the Bahamas is calmly competes with the beauty of the underwater world. This proof is: Rand-Render Park Reserve Memorial, the famous preacher Cave and Garden-Ze-Stevz Garden. And on a real large coral island, an underwater observatory was built. Of course, Nassau is the most popular resort of the Bahamas, it is also the largest city. Especially for tourists built a large underwater aquarium and a water tower. Bay Street Shopping Street allows you to better get acquainted with the capital, because the residence of the government is located next to it. You can also go and see the fortress of the 18th century.

From Russia, direct flight to get to the baggs is impossible - it will be necessary to transfer in London. The duration of the flight is about thirteen hours. In addition, there is a flight option through the United States. Just at the same time it is necessary to take care of an American transit visa. It is noteworthy that Russians in the Bahamas can live 90 days without a visa.

Resorts of the Bahamas Islands

Big Abaco is famous among the yachtsmen of the world. In the spring begins the sailing season, which continues until autumn. There are many fish on extensive coastal waters. In addition, here tourists are offered to do any type of water sports, catch fish, walking shopping. Marsh Harbor is considered the biggest city on the island. Tourists almost do not attend Long Island Island. Only this is in vain, because it is the most picturesque island Among all the Bahamas. It has a beautiful flora and many untouched civilization places.

In the north of the island there is Cape Santa Maria, which is famous for the long snow-white beach. By the way, this is one of the most beautiful islands from the west. The main city of the island is Stella Maris, although it is small, it is quite a modern settlement. From here, fishing and dive expeditions are sent. The island ridge of EXUM consists of more than 360 small islands, although there are two major islands in the south - a small and large exum. Here is the entire local civilization. Yachtsmen call this archipelago to heam for them, because these places refer to beautiful places on the planet. Coastal shames constantly change their depth, fed and tides occur regularly, all this makes the sea particularly beautiful. According to the full program, the adepts of diving are resting here.

Security of tourists

Almost all famous tourist areas are safe for tourists. Sometimes minor crimes occur in the hotel rooms, like theft. Frames for this region Pocket thefts. In the dark, tourists are better to refrain from single walks, especially for women. It should be noted that underwater hunting with different devices, like underwater guns, is prohibited in the Bahamas Islands. You can engage in sports fishing, only you need to pay for the exit to the sea, one exit is worth twenty dollars. In addition, on sunken ships is forbidden to conduct independent archaeological works. In violation of these rules, the tourist will oblige a solid penalty or deported from the country.

In the Bahamas, very strict laws regarding drug trafficking. Here you can get a long prison sentence or use of narcotic drugs. On the territory of the islands there are no restrictions on the export and import of foreign currency. It is only limited to the removal of the local currency, for this it is necessary to obtain permission from the local Central Bank. Duty free is allowed to bring two hundred cigarettes or fifty cigars, about one liter of wine and other strong alcoholic beverages.

Memo for a tourist

On the Bahamas, a large number of varied hotels, among them are large high-altitude complexes, as well as small cozy accommodation. It is noteworthy that on the territory of the Caribbean, the Bahamas system "All Inclusive" is considered the best. Therefore, only the tourist is the choice of a suitable hotel. Some locals surrender their homes on the sea coast, which can be very convenient for family travel.

Arriving on the Bahamas, it is necessary to see the famous coral reefs, swim in the Cote d'Azur and to warm up on golden sand. And in the evenings to plunge into the fun atmosphere of nightlife. Countless stores allow without difficulties to buy a large number of souvenirs for their loved ones. In addition, all day you need to highlight to enjoy the natural beauties of the Bahamas.

Photo of the Bahamas


Bahamas is a word that causes every person only a pleasant sensation. What could be better than resting on the islands, where it is always warm, and the gentle sea invites you to be frozen and forget about all the sorrow? Meanwhile, Bahamas are a whole archipelago that includes about seven hundreds of islands and thousands of reefs. Some of them are inhabited, others are unsuitable for life. The most popular tourists are considered to be the Islands of New Providence, Abaco, Grand Bagham, Andros, Long Island and Eleuther.

The archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean of the Eastern Coast of North America. 90 km from it is the coast of Florida, and in the southwest there is Cuba. The archipelago itself occupies a territory of about 250 thousand kilometers, and its length is almost a thousand kilometers. The capital of bugs is the city of Nassau, which is located on the island of New Providence.

The weather in the Bahamas varies depending on their location. In the north, it is due to the tropical trade in the climate. In the summer, the air atmosphere is held within + 26- + 32 ° C. In winter - in the area + 18- + 22 ° C, even on the northernmost islands (small abaco), it does not fall below + 15 ° C. In the southern part of the archipelago a little warmer. In the summer period, the air warms up to + 40 ° C, however, thanks to the climate, the climate is rather soft here, the heat is not so strong. The hottest months are here - June, July and August. The water temperature in the summer is about + 27 ° C, in winter - + 22 ° C. Humidity on the islands varies depending on the season. From May to October, the rainy season lasts here, but he is expressed Neyarko, so it does not annoy the rest. But hurricane winds and storms during this period are a serious obstacle to rest. In winter, there are powerful tropical rains from time to time, however, they will not last long.

Tourism in the Bahamas

Many bahamas are associated primarily with rest on golden beaches. Meanwhile, there are also their own attractions. Despite the fact that the main income of the island is obtained precisely thanks to tourism, not all places here are explored and open to visit. On the Bahamas. big cities With mad rhythm of life and developed infrastructure, interchangeable with wildlife corners. All this creates an indescribable atmosphere.

The most popular city in tourists is the capital of Bahamas - Nassau. This is a major noisy city, there is always something to see here. Inspection of the sights should be started with the northern part, the historic center of the city. Here, on Robon Square, there are buildings built in 18-19 centuries. Then the Bahamas were still the colony of Britain, so lovers of English architecture, seasoned with South American flavor, must be looked at it. There is no quiet, artists, bankers, sailors, trashmen and tourists filled this small square A hundreds of years ago. Here is the famous Festival Johnkon. In order to look at the colonial medieval architecture, it is worth going to the Parliament-Squa Parliament. Here are the buildings of the colonial administration, parliament, the Supreme Court and the House of the Assembly, the construction of which dates back to the years of 13-18 centuries. History lovers will like the Pompey Museum located in the auction building. There are many exhibits that tell about the history of slavery on the islands. Nearby is a colorful straw market, Promenade Vadiz Rogers-Wolf and Hirbreider Center.

In the southern part of the city, in the Hillside district, there is a public library and a city museum. The museum building itself is of interest, as it has an octagon form at the base. Earlier there was a city prison. Related Gardens Royal Victoria Garden. This place is worth visiting. More than 300 types of tropical plants are collected in one place, and the atmosphere itself in the gardens gives the feelings of calm and peace.

Also of interest are Fort Fincastle and the 85-meter water tower. From here, beautiful views of the harbor are opened. And the Eastern Tower is the royal staircase, which slaves cut out right in limestone rock. The construction of this impressive construction took 16 years, and about 500 people worked on it.

Other islands are not so visited by tourists. But if the rest you want something unusual, then you should look for exoticism and outside the New Providence. Fans of communicating with wildlife is worth visiting Grand Bahamas Island. Here is the center of nature Rand-Memorial. It includes parks where more than 5 thousand species have been collected. exotic plants, as well as the Grand Bagham Museum. In the western part of the island there is a colorful village of Jack-Ter. Here at one time there were pirates and underground workers.

But lovers of literature is worth visiting the tiny Islands of Bimini. Here, in the city of Ellis-Town, lived and worked well-known writer Ernest Hamingway. It was here that the novel "Have or not to have" was written. Also on the islands it is worth a look at the wall of Bimini and the Bimini Road. Locals assure that these attractions are part of the legendary Atlantis, sunken many thousands of years ago.

Holidays in the Bahamas

For holidays on the bugs there are all - beautiful hotels for every taste, clean sea, golden beaches, outdoor activities. On the island of New Providence is very popular with the place of Cable Beach, which is located near Nassau. This is a huge beach where many hotels, restaurants, casinos and sports complexes are concentrated. There is also an elite beach of Makers-Point Beach with elegant villas in Venetsian style. In the vicinity of the island, excellent conditions for fishing and water sports have been created. Divers really like the southern part of the island with a bizarre coastline and the beautiful coral bay bay. On the west coast, fishing and snorkeling lovers are usually resting. Here, in shallow water, a very rich underwater world, water literally tends to various marine inhabitants. In the vicinity of Nassau there are several yacht clubs.

Lovers of noisy urban life with a mass of entertainment should go to the island of Grand Bahamas, to the city of Freeport. This is a paradise for lovers of active recreation. There are tennis courts, golf courses, fishing and dive centers. The city itself is a fashionable resort based on only half a century ago. Lovers of shopping and night parties will like the area of \u200b\u200bMall, where many shops, restaurants, casinos and nightclubs are concentrated. And, of course, you need to know the place where you can eat delicious. In Freeport, there is a restaurant Le Cycen-Snack, there are a barbecue chicken here so that even gourmets admit is the best chicken in the world.

There is a place on the bugs, a little popular among tourists, but hotly beloved with extremal divers. This is the biggest island of the Bahamas archipelago - Andros. Nature here is almost not corrupted by civilization. Divers love the island for a huge barrier reef, which stretches along one of the shores. But here and lovers of eco-tourism. Thick mangrove and pine forests are so dorms that the locals still talk about Chickharnis, small red-eyed elves that are found in these forests and nourish the most kind of feelings for people.

Form of government a constitutional monarchy Square, km 2 13 938 Population, people 353 658 Population growth, a year 0,93% average life expectancy 66 Population density, pers. / Km2 25 Official language english Currency bahamas dollar International Area Code +1-242 Zone in Internet .bs. Time Zones -5

brief information

Every year about 6 million tourists are resting at the Bahamas. For such a small island country is huge numbers. You can understand tourists, because there are excellent conditions on the bagamam beach holidays, including diving and sailing. Some tourists are also interested to look at the places that were sometime for the famous Pirates of the Caribbean Sea.


Bahamas (officially - the Commonwealth of the Bahamas) is a state in the Atlantic Ocean, which includes more than 3,000 islands and coral reefs. The Bahamas are located north of Cuba and Haiti, northwester from the islands of Turks and Kaikos, and southeast of the Florida Peninsula. total area Countries - 13,938 square meters. km.

The biggest islands that are part of this state are New Providence, Big Bahamas, Andros, Bimini, Inagua, Eleuther, Kat-Island, Long Island, San Salvador, Akline.

Landscape of all Bahamas plain islands. The highest local vertex - Alverness Mountain, whose height reaches 63 meters.

It should be noted that the territory of the Bahamas is susceptible to frequent hurricanes. The last destructive hurricane fell for 2005.

Capital Bahamov

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas state. In this city, which is located on the island of New Providence, more than 250 thousand people live. Nassau was founded by the British in 1666.

Official language

The official language of the population of the Bahamas is English.


About 35% of the population are Baptists, about 15% - the British, and about 13.5% consider themselves Catholics.

State device

The Bahamas is a constitutional monarchy, which is managed by the Governor-General appointed by the Queen of Great Britain. The head of the government is the Prime Minister.

The two-bearet local parliament consists of the Senate (16 senators) and the House of Representatives (38 deputies).

Maintenance political parties - Progressive Liberal Party and Free National Movement.

Climate and weather

Climate subtropical and tropical, is under strong influence Golfustrum (especially in winter). The average annual air temperature is + 24-29. The hurricane season continues from June to November. However, in fact, hurricanes in this country are rare. Meteorushuba warns in advance if a hurricane is expected.

The best time to relax on the Bahamas is Winter.

Sea on the Bahamas.

The State Commonwealth of the Bahamas from all sides is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The average annual temperature of the water near the coast - + 25c.


In the XVII-XVIII centuries, millions of Africans were brought to the Caribbean Islands, under the influence of which and formed modern culture Residents of the Bahamas.

The main cultural events are festivals, carnivals, fishing competitions and sailing regatta. The most popular of them: In January - Festival of Junkanoo, Sailing regatta, in February - Farmer "s Cay Festival, in March - Bacardi Billfish Tournament, in April -Bahamas White Marlin Open, in May - Regatta Long Island, in June - Eleuthera Festival Pineapple, in July - Independence Week, in August - Cat Island Regatta, in September - regatta All Abaco Sailing, in October - Discovery Day, in November - Guy Fawkes Day, One Bahamas Music & Heritage Festival, and in December - Junkanoo Boxing Day .

Kitchen Bahamov

Kitchen, unfortunately, not one of the main reasons why tourists choose to rest Bahamas. Most local restaurants offer T.N. international cuisine. In general, the cuisine of Bahamas focuses on seafood and fish (mainly this is the sea bass and oysters).

The best restaurants are located in Nassau, Cable Beach, Paradise Island, and, to a lesser extent, freeport.

Bahamas soup is most often prepared with sea perch by adding celery, onions, tomatoes and various spices and spices (for example, thyme), as well as Lyme juice and a little Roma. Many tourists are still ordered in restaurants a turtle soup, although the turtles themselves have the status of the disappearing animals.

The national dish on the Bahamas is oysters, which are eaten as the main dish, make salads and snacks. Very popular oysters soup. Each local cook has its own recipe for cooking such a soup. Usually, tomatoes, potatoes are added to oysters soup, bell pepper, onions, carrots, bay leaf, thyme, and, of course, salt and pepper.

We also recommend to try peculiar local fritters from oysters - they are made in the shape of balls, served with sharp sauce, as well as "Cracked Conch" (fried clams with Creole Sauce), baked crab, "JohnnyCake" (baked bread with milk, flour and sugar) .

As a dessert, we recommend trying local fruits, sour cream ice cream, Pudding "Sapodilla" and dessert from Guava "Duff". Traditional alcoholic beverage - rum. Roma-based bags invented several local beverages ("Yellow Bird", "Bahama Mama", and "Goombay Smash").


Tourists, of course, do not expect some serious unique attractions from the Bahamas Islands. However, and in this small island country there is something to see, because it was opened by Christopher Columbus himself. After the Spaniards and the British (they captured the Bahamas in the middle of the XVII century), there are many beautiful houses, churches and forts.

Parks and reserves are very popular with tourists - Inago National Park, Abaco National Park, Men-O-Var Rife and Embrister Creek on Cat-Island Island.

Cities and resorts

The largest local cities are West End, Freeport and Nassau. All these and others settlements are excellent beach resorts, especially Nassau.

The very best local beaches include the following:

  1. Cable Beach (New Providence Island)
  2. Cabbage Beach (Paradise Island)
  3. Xanadu Beach (Grand Bahama Island)
  4. Tahiti Beach (abacos)
  5. Ten Bay Beach (Eleuthera)
  6. Pink Sands Beach (Harbour Island)
  7. Saddle Cay (Exumas)

You should also highlight the beaches on Stocking Island and Cat Island. All beaches of the Bahamas are snow-white sand, and surrounded coconut palm trees.

Souvenirs / Shopping

Tourists in the Bahamas as souvenirs buy products of folk crafts, straw baskets, linen towels, local soap and lotions, bags, wallets, hats, jelly from Guava, pineapple jam, rum.

Work hours of institutions

Mon-Thu: 09: 30-15: 00
Fri: 09: 30-17: 00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09: 00-17: 00/18: 00
Food stores on Sundays work from 07:00 to 12:00.


The Bahamas is famous for excellent beaches, a beautiful underwater world and a distinctive culture. The archipelago includes about 700 islands, of which only 40 are settled. Local resorts are perfectly suitable for both unhappy rest with nature and extreme diving, since there is a set of underwater tunnels and "blue holes".

Information about the Bahamas

Bahamas have the official name - the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The state is located in the Atlantic Ocean on the archipelago extending 1500 km, and is separated from Cuba to the old Bahamas, and from the United States - Florida Bay. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands is about 14 thousand square meters. km. The largest of them are Andros, Big Abaco, Grand Bagham, Big Inagua, New Providence, Great Exuma, Eleuther and a number of others.

Capital: Nassau.

Population: 377,374 people (according to 2013).

State device: Constitutional monarchy led by the Queen of Great Britain, which is a Governor-General on Bahamas.

Language: English, among the immigrants from Haiti is common "Puitu" (Creole).

Religion: Most of the population - Christians, mostly - Baptists (35%). Folk beliefs are also distributed ("both").

Time: Looms from Moscow at 8 o'clock in summer and 9 hours in winter. On the last Sunday of March, time is translated to an hour ahead (valid until the first Sunday of November).


The climate on the bagamas can be described as subtropical (in the south) and the trade service (in the north). In the summer, the air temperature here reaches +32 ° C, in winter - +22 ° C. In the central part of the archipelago is always cooler than on the southern islands. The water temperature in the resorts of the Bahamas is about +27 ° C in the summer and +23 ° C - in winter.

Most of the rainfall on the islands falls from May to October, strong storms and hurricanes are possible in the same months. Based on this, better time For holidays at the Bahamas, the period from the end of October was considered to be at the beginning of May.

Average daytime temperature in the resorts of the Bahamas, ° C

Resorts Bahamas Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec
Nassau +25 +25 +26 +27 +29 +31 +32 +32 +31 +30 +28 +26
Nassau, T water +25 +25 +25 +26 +27 +28 +29 +29 +29 +28 +27 +26
Andros +25 +25 +26 +27 +29 +31 +31 +32 +31 +29 +27 +26
Andros, T water +23 +23 +23 +24 +25 +27 +28 +28 +28 +27 +26 +24
Abaco +25 +25 +26 +27 +29 +31 +31 +32 +31 +29 +27 +26
Abaco, T water +23 +23 +23 +24 +25 +27 +28 +28 +28 +27 +26 +24
Grand Bahamas +25 +25 +26 +27 +29 +31 +31 +32 +31 +29 +27 +26
Grand Bahamas, T Water +23 +23 +23 +24 +25 +27 +28 +28 +28 +27 +26 +24
Eleuthera +25 +25 +26 +27 +29 +31 +31 +32 +31 +29 +27 +26
Eleutiver, T water +23 +23 +23 +24 +25 +27 +28 +28 +28 +27 +26 +24
Binuli +20 +21 +22 +24 +26 +27 +28 +28 +28 +26 +23 +21

Map of the Bahamas Islands


The Bahamas are protruding over the ocean of limestone plateau. Its underwater part has deep cracks and glandular interlayers, so that the underwater world of bugs looks very picturesque. Beauty add numerous coral reefs, blue holes and extended tunnels connecting deep underwater caves. All this makes the islands of the archipelago very attractive for divers.

Previously, the entire territory of Bahamas covered rainforests, but today they have been preserved only on the islands of Grand Bahamas, Abaco and Andros. On their territory, you can see the valuable wood species - red iron and campanery, caribbean pines, as well as various types of exotic flowers - orchids, jasmine, bougainvillia, etc. Often on the islands you can meet artificial plantations with coniferous trees, Kazuarian and Mahagony.

Fauna on the bugs does not have a great variety. The most common bats, frogs, snakes, lizards, as well as birds - Red Flamingo, Pelicans, Herons, etc. Near the coarse are numerous types of fish - Macrel, Barracuda, Atlantic Sailboat, etc. Thanks to this, fishing on the bugs is very exciting occupation.

Another feature of the nature of bugs is beautiful sand beaches With small sand, which attracts here many travelers who want to soak up the sun and swim in the purest coastal waters.

Traditions and customs

The main feature of the baggage is slow, it is not taken to hurry anywhere on the islands. Locals, mostly distinguished by tranquility and friendliness, but sometimes they can express their emotions quite violently.

Dress code on the islands is unofficial. In most cases, men will be enough shirts and long trousers. There are also shorts in the resort zones, in the cities of frankly beach clothes should be avoided. In the evening and on holidays for women, a good tone is considered long dress With ethnic patterns, for men - light suit.

As for culinary traditions, in the Bahamas they are closely connected with the gifts of the sea. Baked on coals shells, crabs, shrimps, fish cutlets, seafood salads, various variations Dishes with snail "Konk", reef perch in sauce from tomatoes or anchovs, soup with Lyme juice, celery, meat and onions - these delicacies can be found in the menu of almost all archipelago restaurants. British colonialists were greatly influenced by Bagham's kitchen, so traditional English dishes prepared with local features are common here. Caribbean patties with coconut, rice pudding and fruit salads are very popular from desserts. In the bar of the bar, you will definitely see the Nassau-Royal Rum, the famous Bahamas Beer "Call", as well as various imported drinks.

Culture and architecture

The culture of bugs had an influence of Africans, residents of the neighboring islands of the Caribbean and the Colonists. An important part of the National Folklore - Obea rituals that resemble the rites of Sunteria in Brazil and Cuba, as well as Voodoo from Haiti. Practice provides for an appeal to white and black magicians, connection with the past ancestors and the spirits of the afterlime world, etc. followers of both observe that evil spirits live in silk cotton, and with a special ability to control their strength. Completed in the Bahamas and voodoo rites, especially among immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Dominican.

Another bright side of the culture of bugs - music in which the traditions of colonialists and African slaves are combined. Down-Home-Home Styles are especially popular (music is performed on accordions, guitars and maraakas) and Gumbay, combining English folk songs with Calypso melodies.

Dance art on the baguards is also common. In special halls or on the street you can see real dance performances in which ritual African dancing, classic ballet and modern choreography are combined.

There are on the bahamas and architectural sights. Most of them belong to the colonization period and is located in the capital of the state - the city of Nassau.

Basic currency

The main currency on the islands is a Bahamian dollar equal to 100 cents. The appeal is both coins and banknotes of various denominations. Free walking are US dollars. Credit cards International systems are accepted almost everywhere.

Exchange currency on the bugs can be in shopping centers, hotels and banks, which, usually work on weekdays until 15:00. The most profitable exchange rate is in international banks located in Freeport and Nassau. ATMs in popular tourist areas have in large quantities, which you will not say about the peripheral islands, where to remove the money is quite problematic. For the cashing of tourist checks, hotels, restaurants and exchange offices can charge a large enough commission, therefore, before you use their services, learn about all conditions. It is most profitable to use tourist checks in US dollars.


Fly from Russia to bugs with direct flight It is impossible. The best option - British Airways flight with a transfer in London (carried out five times a week), occupying about 13 hours. You can also fly to the United States, and from there, with the help of American airlines, to the capital of the Bahamas - Nassau. The disadvantage of this option is that an American transit visa is needed for such a trip. From the USA to bugs can also be reached by ferry (the trip takes about 5 hours).


Voltage in the network - 110V, 60 Hz. American type sockets.

Car rent

For rental cars in the Bahamas, the driver's license of the international sample, passport and credit card. The driver must be at least 21-23 years old (depends on the rental company). Auto rental offices are located at airports, large hotels and in central urban areas.

Our advice

The tourist zones of the Bahamas are quite safe, however, it is necessary to observe the usual precautions: do not walk around the outskirts in the dark, follow the wallet, valuable things to leave in the safe.

No vaccinations for entry into the country do not need - they will be needed only if you arrive at Bahamas from the focus of infectious diseases. It is desirable to undergo immunization against tuberculosis, diphtheria and hepatitis B. It is also worth avoiding bathing in local fresh water bodies.

Water water in the main cities are safe, although it has a salty taste, so we recommend using water in bottles. Water outside of popular tourist zones can be contaminated - it is not worth drinking it. Dairy products, meat, poultry, vegetables and fruits can be eaten without fears - their safety is controlled.

To protect against the Sun, it is worth using special creams, since the level of insolation on the bugs is very high. On the excursion it is advisable to wear lightweight clothes, closing shoulders.


The extended archipelago covers a space of 250,000 km² and consists of 2,700 islands and coral reefs that occupy only 13,878 km². People inhabit thirty of them. The island territory is merged into the state - the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, in which 391,232 people live (2016). The island of New Providence, where the capital of the country is located - the city, and the island of Big Bahamas. The population on 3/4 consists of African Americans and mulatto. A small share of bugs make up older-secured North Americans and Europeans who settled on the islands after retirement.

Among the believers on the bugs most of the Christians - Protestants, Methodists, Baptists and Roman Catholics. Some locals, and especially the descendants of African American slaves, adhere to African cults.

Bahamas are popular with travelers from around the world, and the economy of the islands strongly depends on tourism. Here come for a beach holiday. In addition, the Bahamas attract diving amateurs, surfing and yachtsmen.

In recent years, medical tourism has been actively developing at the Bahamas. The level of medical care here is based on the standards adopted in the United States and is evaluated very high. More than twenty modern medical institutions are open on the islands, whose specialists work in all kinds of health care. The most popular directions are operations on joints, heart surgery and plastic surgery.

The history of the development of the Bahamas islands

The first on the tropical islands settled Indigenous Americans - Luchana (Aravaki), who sailed here in the V century from the Antilles, Cuba and Espanyola (now it is the territory of the Republic of Haiti). In 1492, the expedition of Christopher Columbus approached the Bahamas. Three years later, Spanish colonists settled on the archipelago. For 30 years, local residents have almost extinct. The reasons for this were brought by Europeans and slavery. A large number of Lukeyanov, the colonists were taken to Espanyol to mining pearls and mines.

Soon the Spaniards also left the Bahamas, and about 130 years this region remained unclaimed. Then British migrants from Bermuda came to the island of Harbor. In addition to them, the base of pirates arose on several islands, where the sea corsairs rested and repaired their ships. Only in 1718, thanks to the UK army, the pirates managed to expel bugs. Since then, the status of the British colony has been entrenched behind the islands.

The local population began to grow rapidly from the end of the XVIII century. The reason for this was the eviction of Bahamas from the USA eight thousand loyalists, together with which their slaves arrived. New migrants tried to organize cotton plantations on the islands on the manner of those that they were forced to leave in America. However, due to the non-homing soil, this undertaking failed. In 1807, the workers were banned in the UK, and the Royal Fleet freed the slaves in the Bahamas.

A major influx of money on the island occurred in 1920. At this time, a dry law was adopted in the United States. Smuggard began to grow on the Bahamas, and the Roma warehouse made from the city. In the years of World War II, the Bahamas carried out vacations the US military, and in the post-war time, the tourism industry began to develop on the islands.

Since 1973, there is a democratic political regime in the island state, the Constitution is valid. At the form of the Board of Bahamas, this is a parliamentary monarchy when the British Queen is considered the head of state, and its interests on the islands are represented by the Governor-General. Legislative functions performs a bipotable parliament, and the executive authority implements the government. Administratively Bahamas are divided into 31 district.

Sights of the Bahamas Islands

All attractions of Bahamas

Features of climate

Bahamas are not accidentally called the paradise. Their northern part lies in the zone of the tropical trade in the climate, and the South - in the subtropical zone. The average temperature in the summer months is from + 26 ° C to + 32 ° C, and in winter - from + 18 ° C to + 22 ° C. In the summer, in the south, warmer than in the central part of the archipelago, and in winter it is more cool in the northwestern part of the bugs.

Sea water all year is suitable for swimming. Its temperature varies from + 23 ° C to + 27 ° C.

It is believed that it is best to come to the Bahamas from September to May, when it is cooled here. At this time of the year, the rains almost never happen, and if the precipitation happens, they fall out in the form of severe short rains, after which the sun immediately leaves. Starting from May to mid-November, the season of tropical storms and hurricanes begins on the bahamas. There are heavy rains on the islands, and large waves rises in the coastal zone.

Nature islands

Sushi Square on the Bahamas covers a territory of 10 070 km². All islands are composed by coral limestone. The surface is mainly flat, but there are also karst form of relief. The most elevated part is located on Kat Island. This is a hill of alverness, which is 63 m rises above sea level.

Frequent hurricanes and poor mineral soil salts caused lush vegetation on the bagamam. Here you can find thickets of evergreens of barbed shrubs and savannah. Coconut palms grow on the coast in abundance, and on distance from the sea - pine forests.

Bahamas became a house for a variety of birds, Iguan, bats And Aguti. In the National Park of the Island of Big Inagua, there is the largest Flamingo colony on the planet, in which over 50 thousand birds found a shelter. In the coastal waters of washing islands, different fish, crustaceans and mollusks live.

Today, more than 25 environmental territories that have a rich flora and fauna have been created on the bagams. In local national parks you can see rare birds and animals. Fans of nature are the most popular Island of Big Inagua, the northeastern part of Nord-Androsa, as well as the Embrister Creek on Oostrov Kat.


Almost every island of the archipelago has excellent beaches. Pure snow-white sand, comfortable entrance to the water and warm water attract millions of travelers to the Bahamas.

New Providence Beach Zones are considered the most elegant, especially the beach of Cable Beach. Here you can take sunbathing and swim. If desired, you can look into the local casino or go to the original bridge to Paradise Island.

Big Bahamas offers vacationers surrounded by coconut palm trees Gold Rock, a paradise bay and a tiger beach. At the remote Islands, many beaches are coerred with fishing villages. They attract fans of a more secluded rest, as well as fans of diving and sea fishing. The beaches of Andros are often used for wedding ceremonies. Marriage is popular here, and the island hotels offer special "wedding packages".

Bahamas for outdoor activities

Not only fans of the measured beach holiday arrive at the Bahamas. Most sports centers and places where water sports can be engaged in New Providence, Harbor Island and Bagham. There are golf and tennis sites here, as well as for motorcycle trips. From sea entertainment, windsurfing, surfing, kiting, water skiing And scooters.

Fans of marine fishing are sent to the islands of Bimini, Berry and Andros, and those who want to feel the power of sea waves and inspect the coast from the board of the yacht, on the Islands of Long Island and Ecoum. These places are considered a real paradise for yachtsmen, and the sailing season lasts here most of the year.

Clean waters of the Atlantic and the rich underwater world are attracted to the bughams of diving lovers. On most islands there are dive centers that organize learning newcomers and underwater expeditions for experienced divers. Immersion on coral reefs is practiced on the islands of Eleutiver and Abaco. In many places, travelers can swim with dolphins and even participate in a shark feeding.

Cities and resorts of the Bahamas

Most of the bugs inhabitants inhabit the capital of the archipelago - the city - 274,400 people (2016), which is built on the island of New Providence. This city has a large seaport. Many come to the sake of lively nightlife, shopping and to see picturesque samples of colonial architecture. Tourists love to be at the "timing market" of the city, where they sell interesting crafts from straw. Not far from the center, a unique corner of tropical nature was spread - luxurious Adastra and Zoo gardens.

Big Bahamas are often called tropical paradise. The island is covered with lush thickets of Cuban pine, and three national parks are located on it at once. Travelers go here to see beautiful large caves with stalagmites and rare tropical flowers.

Long Island Island got its name due to the elongated form. It stretches almost a hundred kilometers with a width of up to 5 km. Long Island is covered by low hills. It has excellent beaches and pouring items straight into the sea.

Eleuther is known as a place elite rest. The resorts of this island are concentrated the most elegant hotels, beaches and clubs.

Island Restaurants and Local Cuisine

There are many excellent restaurants and bars on the bugs. In most places, tourists offer dishes of British, North American or Caribbean cuisines. Lunch in a budget cafe costs 12-15 $, and in a solid restaurant - $ 30-35. Fast Food institutions are represented by world-famous trademarks - McDonalds and KFC.

The archipelago is poorly developed animal husbandry, so rice, shrimps, fish with cereal, potatoes and pasta with cheese prevail in the daily menu. Fishing for the islanders is the main craft, and the Bahamas cuisine is rich in the ocean gifts. Previously, a sign of a turtle soup was considered a branded dish on the islands. But the time passed, the number of turtles decreased, the environmentology was defeated, and more such soup here is not prepared.

Bahamas delicacies are considered seafood salads baked on the grill of sinks, crabs and shrimps, as well as cutlets from the Red Group. It is necessary to taste the boiled lobsters and the reef perch fillet, which the cook is fried or baked in tomato sauce.

The restaurants menu have meat dishes, as a side dish rice or peas. Everywhere serve bacon with scrambled eggs, steaks, schnitzel with bow, fried chickens and french roast. The mixture of rice and pea is the basis of most local soups. A separate place in the island menu occupies a soup that makes meat, acidified by linous juice, onion, pepper and celery. This popular soup is prepared very quickly, and it has a pleasant taste.

For dessert on the bahamas, it is customary to eat tropical fruits or pudding cooked from Guava. Local residents and tourists also prefer cake with coconut crumbs, Caribbean Pie "Johnny Keik" and ginger gingerbread.

From non-alcoholic beverages on the islands drink tea in English style, as well as firmly brewed Brazilian or Colombian coffee. In addition, there are many fruit juices and different species carbonated water.

On the bugs you can try the local rum "Nassau Royal". It is good for taste and is inexpensive. A large number of Roma is produced at the Bacardi plant, which is located from the south of the capital of bugs. Popular also local beer "Kalik". It is released three species. The bright beer "Kalik Light" contains a small amount of alcohol. Kalik Regular value for refreshing soft taste. And Kalik Gold is the strongest of all varieties, the amount of alcohol in it reaches 7%.


Baghamasair airplanes fly between large islands of Bahamas. Prices for flights are high enough, so it is often more profitable to hire a small plane in private.

The most extended and branched road network has the New Providence - 1000 km. 209 km of roads were laid on the eluter, and on Bagham - 156 km. In cities, freeport and passengers are brought by private route taxis.

The city transport system is absent, so travelers use taxi services or rent cars, motorcycles or bicycles. For movement between the islands or along the coast, you can rent a boat or boat.

On the Bahamas left-sided movement and intense road traffic. In the thick populated areas on the roads, then there are traffic jams. Moreover, road network Often turns out to be flooded during flooding. Along some roads there are no sidewalks, people go straight along the roads, so those who lease cars or bikes should be extremely attentive.


Bahamas are considered safe for travelers, and tourist centers created there enjoy a good reputation. Nevertheless, there are cases of pocket theft, and there is aft from the hotel rooms. All tourists, and in particular women, advise to refrain from walking alone in the suburb of cities and especially at night.

If tourists go to sport fishing, they must pay a fee of $ 20. At the same time, the boat should not be more than six coils with fishing rods. Bahamas are not allowed to carry out underwater hunting with any devices. Bans also concern independently conducting underwater archaeological studies. For these violations there are solid fines, up to expulsion from the country.

Especially strictly in the bahamas are punished with the use and distribution of narcotic drugs. Local laws in this area are even more severe than European or North American, therefore those whom the drug leaving is always received long-term conclusion.

Special threats on bugs may arise in connection with natural disasters. The Bahamas is a part of the Caribbean region and are in the zone of passage of hurricanes and typhoon. Those travelers who were on the bugs from June to November, recommend watching weather forecasts. Hurricanes are usually accompanied by floods. It should also be borne in mind that during strong typhoons on the bugs closed airports, and tourists do not have the opportunity to leave the country.

Tiger shark

Although water water The bugs are considered safe for health, do not drink from under the tap. At any Bahamas sell bottled water. Because of the possibilities, infectious diseases on the islands are not recommended to swim in freshwater reservoirs. The exception is the hotel pools, water in which is regularly disinfect.

For traveling through baguals It is worth issuing medical insurance providing for the payment of air evacuation. The most qualified medical care You can get on New Providence and Bagham. There are few hospitals on small islands, and they work not every day. True, in most populated islands you can use the services rapid responsewho oversee volunteers. With the help of such sick services, quite quickly ship into the nearest hospital.

Cancellation of currency and calculations

Bahamas dollar (BSD) is a local currency in which all calculations on the islands occur. He is tightly tied to the US dollar, but the exchange rate may vary depending on the hotel or bank. In addition, American dollars are accepted in any place on the bahamas.

You can exchange currency in many places - in hotels, branches of banks and large shopping centers. Tourist checks are also cashing. As it usually happens, the most unfavorable course is offered in areas where most foreign tourists stop. It is more convenient to change the currency in the departments of banks in the capital of the country and the city of Friport. From Monday to Thursday, they start work at 9.00-9.30 and finish at 15.00. On Friday, bank branches are open to 17.00. It should also be borne in mind that banks can not serve customers every day in remote places.

In large hotels and shopping centers, cards take cards. In the remaining places prefer cash with calculations.

Tips are accepted on the bugs. As a rule, Hotel Swiss, guides and porters are expected from a grateful visitor $ 1, and the maintenance rooms are 1-2 $. In most institutions, the size of the tips reaches 15%, and they are immediately included in the account. In addition, many hotels additionally add a government tax in the amount of 8-10%.

Useful information for tourists

  • To visit the bugs, citizens of Russia should not make a visa. This rule is valid if the trip is the character of a private visit and does not exceed 90 days.
  • When customs passage, there are no restrictions for the importation and export of the currency of another country. Duty free of charge on the bagami is allowed to import 200 cigarettes or 0.45 kg of tobacco, as well as to 0.94 l of strong alcohol and as much wines.
  • In order to take out products from the islands agricultureAny plants or wood thread will need a special permit.
  • To accommodate tourists in the Bahamas, huge hotel centers and small cozy hotels operating on the "All Included" system are built. Some travelers prefer to shoot rooms and rooms in guesthouses from the local population.
  • The shopping center is considered to be known outside Baham Bay Street. All goods selling there are freed from taxes.

How to get

Direct flights from Russia to Bahamas do not exist. Optimal option It is believed to be a transfer with a change in London. Without taking into account the transplant itself, this will take about 13 hours. Another option is flight through the United States. In this case, you need to make a transit American visa.