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Leonardo da Vinci inventions. Bridges Leonardo da Vinci invention water skis

Today, everyone, and old and small, knows the name of the famous artist, scientist, architect and engineer - Leonardo da Vinci. Even in cinema his name is not uncommon. Yes Vinci perpetuated himself for many centuries, and many people give their inventing his name. So, in Norway, a huge bridge Leonardo da Vinci appeared, walking along which thousands of people from around the world come.

Bridge Leonardo da Vinci. Start

In fact, the Bridge Leonardo da Vinci began to be built while the artist's life. It was he who in 1501 developed a project of 240 meter bridge, which was supposed to cross the bay called "Golden Rog". This bay is included in the Bosphorus Strait and shares Istanbul (before Constantinople) into two parts. At that time, this project was considered as the fantasy of the artist. The fact is that in those years it was simply not realistic. Only after 300 years of technology and opportunities can build this.

Almost 500 years have passed before the sketch in the corner of the closed sheet of notebooks was incarnated. At one of the exhibitions, the Norwegian artist saw this idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous Leonardo da Vinci. Vebjorn Sand decided to build a dream da Vinci.

In 1996, this project was used in the construction of a new road assembly in Oslo. After only 5 years, over the E-18 highway, which connects the cities of Oslo and Stockholm, a large pedestrian bridge appeared. It is located near the city of OS.

The bridge itself turned out unique. The total length is about 110 meters. In the center of the bridge spills - 40 meters, and on the sides - no more than 10 m. This bridge can be attributed to those monuments of architecture, which, evenly built and recently, have a centuries-old interesting story. Today, Leonardo da Vinci Bridge attend and love, both tourists and residents of Norway.

Leonardo da Vinci [True History of Genius] Alferova Marianna Vladimirovna

Collapsible bridges Leonardo

Collapsible bridges Leonardo

These are the very "light and strong bridges", which promised Leonardo to the ruler Milan Lovovico Sforgetz in his "advertising" letter. Such structures without much difficulty can be built from affordable materials - trunks growing near the trees nearby, it is convenient to move them with the help of ropes. Bridges were intended for military purposes to facilitate the forcing rivers. With the help of such uncomplicated structures, the troops could move quickly and unnoticed. And everyone knows how the factor of surprise is important in the military campaign. This bridge seems quite clumsy at first glance. But the experiments have shown that the design is stable and quite suitable for transferring the army of that time.

In his diaries, Leonardo recorded the trunks should be placed and how they should be connected with each other. It also mentions materials to be used, and technical tricks.

Another idea of \u200b\u200ba temporary military bridge is a rotating one-time bridge in the form of a parabola.

According to Leonardo, the movable part of the bridge was mounted with ropes to the vertical pylon. Based on the bridge, there was a support around which the bridge rotated. From both sides of the bridge was placed winch in the form of a drum planted on a wooden shaft. In the naval, they are called cores. Surely you saw Cabestans in films, when sailors, a gorust of a snaggy song, choose anchor.

When rotating the winch, the rope is wound on it, connected via a block with a bridge. One winch turned the bridge so that the crossing stopped, the second - led him to the working condition, and the bridge joined the coast.

Leonardo da Vinci. Collapsible Most

In the usual position, the bridge is on the shore. To ensure the crossing, it rotates with the help of ropes and winch around the support. Below, under the bridge, on the short "shoulder" the bridge was located a crate, stoned with stones. She served as a counterweight with balancing and lowering the bridge to the opposite shore. Such a bridge is easy to manage and easily moves from one place to another.

In the picture there is a litter of Leonardo: "Very light and still a strong bridge, easy to move, convenient for harshs and persecution of the enemy, compared to other bridges is safe and cannot be burned from the fire of battles and easily disassembled and installed."

Now the model of this bridge can be bought in the store. This is how ideas Leonardo entered our life!

Leonardo da Vinci. Rotary bridge. Drawing Leonardo, made by pen and ink, with explanatory records

Reconstruction of the rotary bridge

In 1502, Da Vinci made a drawing of the most ambitious project in the field construction. He came up with a huge one-time bridge. The span over the water was 233 meters, and the whole length is about 350 meters. The width of the bridge is 23.75 meters (Leonardo indicates dimensions in Florentine elbows, not meters, of course, - the metric system during times of Vinci has not yet existed). Build this grandiose construction Leonardo offered the Turkish Sultan Bayazid II. The huge bridge was supposed to provide a crossing through the spiring Bosphorus in a place called the Golden Horn. This bridge should have joined Galata - Constantinople's suburb, where many Genoese residents lived, with Istanbul. Florentines were supported in those years with the Turks friendly relations. In a letter to Sultan Leonardo, I wrote: "I heard that you have the intention to build a bridge from Galat to Istanbul, but that you did not build it because of the lack of a knowledgeable master." Under the leonardo bridge could freely swim sailing ships. You understand yourself, the bridge at that time was not built, the first (pontoon) bridge over the strait appeared only in 1836.

As for the project Leonardo, at that time it was dimensions just fantastic. The biggest bridge that existed during the life of the Master is a bridge over the Heldd River, built in 1370-1377, with a span of 72 meters and a height of 21 meters. So surely the grandee of the plants of Leonardo scared the customer.

But Leonardo Bridge still appeared ...

In 2001, in Norway, in the town of ARS built a pedestrian bridge on the sketches of Leonardo, though, much smaller sizes. This is the first case for 500 years, when the architectural project, much ahead of his time, finally received a real embodiment. "The architectural forms of the 70s look more old-fashioned than Leonardo drawing," the work initiator believes, the Architect of Weboy Sand.

Bridge in Norway, built according to Leonardo drawings 500 years after the creation of the project Master

The Norwegian colleague da Vinci managed to convince the Norwegian Road Decision to make a decision on the implementation of the project to which several centuries have been. The new bridge is inferior to its prototype in length - 100 meters instead of 350, - however, it immediately repeats all the design and aesthetic advantages of the leonardo bridge. This bridge is located 35 kilometers south of Oslo and serves as a pedestrian crossing over the E-18 motorway. His height is 8 meters. When implementing the project, I had to abandon only from one idea of \u200b\u200bLeonardo - the bridge was built from a tree, while the master planned to make it from the stone. But the stone bridge was too expensive even for Norwegians, so it was decided to take pine and tick as materials. So the bridge cost only 1.36 million dollars.

The history of this bridge is an example of the fact that a wonderful idea will still wait for its incarnation. If there is an enthusiast to embody it.

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"Inventions Leonardo da Vinci"

"I know how to build very light and strong bridges suitable for transportation in attacking and retreat, protected from fire and shells." - wrote Leonardo da Vinci, introduced as a specialist, silent in military engineering .


The arched bridge was made of logs associated with ropes together. As a result, two arches were obtained. In the middle of the bridge there was a wooden pavement, fixed on the crossbars. Such bridges could easily be built from affordable materials, could be transported using ropes and were intended mainly for military purposes. Indeed, this bridge has qualities, especially useful in military affairs. Leonardo studied the resistance of materialsand used the information received in the development of the structures of such bridges.


Rotating bridge

Thumbnails present three versions of the bridge: quickly erected and disassembled, built from pillars, rotating and floating on boats or barrels.

Rotating bridge He was a bridge consisting of one span attached to one bank of the river using a vertical hinge on which it rotates. The bridge dropping on the other side was carried out at the expense of ropes and winches, as well as wheels and metal rollers,providing its slip. In addition, for him there was a caisson, which is a counterweight when balancing and maneuvering a bridge suspended in the air when it is lowered to the opposite shore.


Project Bridge through Golden Rog

Leonardo da Vinci offered turkish Sultaneproject giant bridgeconnecting Istanbul and Galatau - the suburb of Constantinople on the opposite shore "Golden Horn. Under this bridge could sleep sailing ships.Leonardo wrote: "I heard you have the intention to build a bridge from Galat to Istanbul, but that you did not build it because of the lack of a knowledgeable master." The leonardo bridge project looked in the form of a very gentle arch, with a rigid fixation of the ends through the "swallow nests". The bridge is 24 meters, height-40 m, length-350 m.

In 2001, in Norway over the motorway was built 100 meter pedestrian bridge According to Leonardo da Vinci sketches. He exactly repeats all the design features of the Leonardo project except the material. Modern Most made of wood, while leonardo da Vinci bridge designed from stone.

Other Pages on the topic "Inventions Leonardo da Vinci":

Arched structures are one of the first finds (or inventions) of humanity, which allowed building the buildings of large sizes without an excessive increase in the thickness of the overlaps and walls. Most likely, such a solution to the task of the construction of an arch or bridge has become the natural development of the construction process of relatively small blocks, when a suitable solid stone plate or wooden beam was not possible. The prefabricated consoles of the future arch were assembled from stones or short-lived logs, until they met each other and were not fixed by the lock. Only later, when the engineering business became part of the craft of builders, it was found that the arc loads naturally cause mainly significant compression stresses. And most of the materials are capable of withstanding such stresses much more than that stretching. It means that the same loads will need less materials if they are collected in the arch. Magic beautiful arch, allowing you to manage less materials during construction, has become a symbol of engineering. And its key element is a castle stone - a symbol of the literary, albeit not so far as the "stone is the cornerstone".

Bridge "Leonardo da Vinci" above the E18 highway, Norway.

Arched structures are constructed from stone, metal and construction wood. The wooden bridge over the E18 highway is not far (approximately 20 km) from Oslo, Norway, built of several arches. Interestingly, all of its 4 arches do not form the sequence of spans, but form and support the only one. In the designers of this modern overpass made of wooden glued timber (Glulam / Glued Laminated Timber), Leonardo da Vinci himself who lived five hundred years ago.

Sketch Leonardo da Vinci (from above) Bridge over the Golden Horn and the possible version of the modern structure in the same place.

In fact, Leonardo from Vinci designed a stone unionear arched bridge over the Golden Horn (mouth of the Alibey and Kagitkhan rivers) for Sultan Bayazed II (Sultan Ottoman Empire in 1481-1512). It is possible that it would be possible to build it in that epoch. But, like many genius projects, this remained only on paper.

In our time, its reduced version, a length of 108 metro instead of 360 meters, and not from stone, and from the construction wood, built thanks to the initiative of the artist, designer and website actor Sanda / Vedbjørn Sand. The website of the Bridge itself was engaged in the construction and architectural design of the bridge and the architect Knut Selberg / Knut Atle Selberg with his SELBERG ARKITEKTKONTOR AS Bureau ( Engineering Design - Reinertsen Engineering ANS. The carrier arches and the pedestrian arch were made of glue wood structures, timber (KDK, glued wood / depths) from Moelven Limtre AS ( Works at the construction site were engaged in Moelven and Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

View of the Da Vinci Bridge, website

Figure Leonardo da Vinci, a sketch of the bridge over the Golden Horn, was discovered in the archives of the Ottoman Empire in the middle of the last century. The idea to build an overpass on this sketch began to be embodied in the tree since 1996. Webear Sand was able to convince Norwegian public roads management in the need to build such bridges as replacing overpasses that existed by the time. In the contest of projects, it was its option, and it is in the version of the tree. The latter is quite likely due to the success of the Wooden structures of Moelven Laminated Group during the construction of buildings for the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer.

The various glued wooden structures of KDK (ordinary and bent), obtained by gluing wooden lamellas under pressure using waterproof adhesives, is applied not only for the construction of pedestrian bridges, but also automotive, as well as railway. But together with metal or concrete. The feature of the bridge over the E18 highway is that other materials are almost not used in its design. The bridge over the E18 highway not far from Oslo (OS / AS municipality) was built in 2001. The assembly of the bridge on the spot from the Moelven elements made by the company took approximately one month. The Queen of Norway Sonya took part in the opening ceremony of the modern "leonardo bridge".

The total length of this facility for pedestrians and cyclists is 109 meters. The length of the main span is 40 meters. The height of the bridge is 10 meters, the height of the span over the road is 5 meters. Two inclined, stabilizing arches and one vertical support the arch with a pedestrian "carriage" part. Arches and flooring are made of glued timber (depths). On the first 90 cubic meters. m glued wood, on flooring - 120 cubic meters. m. Steel ties used for fixing construction.
Fans and followers of Leonardo da Vinci, numerous and initiative enthusiasts and professional engineers, created a lot of models and real designs according to drawings and using the ideas of this brilliant person of the past. Construction of bridges on the sketch of the bridge through the Golden Horn is one of the directions of their activities. Within its framework in different regions of the globe from local affordable materials and with the involvement of public financial resources, arched bridges on the "type" of the bridge for Sultan Bayazed II will be built. It may be built and a large bridge at the Bosphorus, through the Golden Horn.

In Istanbul, a new bridge will be transferred to the Golden Rog Bay in the near future. The author of the project ... Leonardo da Vinci. Five centuries ago, in 1502, he proposed the Turkish Sultan Bayazetu II original design of the bridge, but the project was not implemented. In the Leonardo notebook of that time, there is the following entry: "The bridge from the feat to Constantinople with a width of 40 elbows, height from water 70 elbows, length of 600 elbows, i.e. 400 over the sea and 200 on land; He forms his own funds himself. " Leonardo was a master of "self-sustaining" bridges. We will try one of its designs.

Among the designs of Leonardo there is an outline of a bridge of an unusual design. Now it is already impossible to determine if he was a prototype of a certain project or one of the masters puzzles. Or maybe he just came to mind the beautiful idea he left for you ... It is just known that the design can be collected that it is very interesting and becomes an excellent check of your smell. And the ability to work together: alone the bridge will build not easy.

1. So we have: 1) the banks of the river - any rigid plane is suitable; 2) log - Instead, you can use a set of 24 identical pencils (it is better to have about a reserve for ten more, use) or something like something; 3) and of course hands, and most importantly - the head.

2. We take the plane and drill two pairs of holes (these will be our "shores") at a distance of slightly less than the length of two pencils from each other. Between the holes on each "coast" the distance should be slightly more than half the pencil length. Holes can be drilled vertically, but it will be easier to collect if you make a small slope to the opposite "coast".

3. Insert the first four pencil into the holes. Collect the bridge we will be with one "shore" in the direction of another.

4. Put on the "shore" the first transverse pencil from the outside of the supports.

5. Each next step is a consistent installation of two longitudinal and one transverse pencil at the same time. Here it is just necessary to and head, and hands, and the team spirit! While one of you gently holds in the tense state the already collected part of the bridge, the second is preparing and sets each new section of three parts. After its installation and fixation, the first intercepts (accepts) a new section. The operation is repeated. Make sure that none of the longitudinal details come out of the engagement!

6. The final stage: I set the last transverse pencil on the opposite of the "coast" for the supports, which will fix the entire design.

If you managed to collect a bridge from the third time - boldly put a "five" for dexterity and coherence!

P. S. And now look at the already collected bridge a little from another angle. Is it not the same that the nest is not the same? And woven? And basket? Truly, there is nothing new under the sun! Thanks Leonardo, that he knew how to see ...

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