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Timetable by station Sonkovo. Station Sonkovo: Timetable and train tickets. Street road network and motor vehicles

Train and train schedules for Sonkovo \u200b\u200bstation for 2019 contains 8 trains and 3 trains. The schedule of movement is updated daily, taking into account all current changes from Russian Railways. The first train arrives at the station at 00 h 20 min. It follows from the station Kostroma to Station St. Petersburg. The latter leaves from the platform at 03 h 46 min, following the station Samara to St. Petersburg station. On average, trains stand at Sonkovo \u200b\u200bStation about 24 minutes.

The first electric train is sent to Pestovo stoppoint at 07 h 15 min. The last train departs at 14 h 50 minutes before stopping the pain. The average time of the electric train at Sonkovo \u200b\u200bStation is min. All changes in the schedule of suburban trains today and tomorrow are immediately displayed on the site.

Almost all suburban trains run daily, only some of them have a special schedule of movement. Most long-distance trains go to their own schedule.

Tickets for long-distance trains can be bought online on our website, at the cost of the installed Railways. Possible payment by the card and return tickets in accordance with the rules.

Tickets for train can be bought at the station Station Sonkovo.

According to reports, Sonkovo \u200b\u200bStation for 2019-2020 misses 9 trains (including long-distance follows), 3 trains. Each object departs from the station according to the scheduled. The schedule of their movements is updated daily, taking into account all current changes from Russian Railways.

According to the data currently available, the station receives trains and train in the following mode:

At 16 h 00 min arrives the first train route Kostroma - St. Petersburg.

Last train Samara - St. Petersburg leaves from the station at 03 h 46 min.

The stop of each train passing through the Sonkovo \u200b\u200bstation is on average 23 minutes.

Electrics start their movement at 16 h 00 min. The first of them goes to Pestovo. The last electric train is sent at 14 h 50 minutes to Pestovo.

The stop of each electric train passing through Sonkovo \u200b\u200bis on average no more than 0 min.

If the timetable movement of suburban trains appears changes, they are immediately reported on the site. Due to this, everyone can track time, date and other details of the route of interest.

Most suburban trains passing through Sonkovo \u200b\u200brun daily. An individual schedule of movement with which can always be found on the site, have only some.

Trains also depart on their own schedule. Tickets for them can always be purchased on the site online. The cost of the ticket is established by Russian Railways, no surcharges and interest site takes.

Payment can be made by a bank card. Also possible ticket refund according to the current rules.

Specify the route and date. In response, we will find Russian Railways information about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for a ticket to one of the proposed methods. Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be decorated.

How to return a purchased railway ticket?

Is it possible to pay the ticket card? Is it safe?

Yes of course. Payment occurs through the payment gate of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a protected gateway has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Security Standard PCI DSS. Software gateway successfully passed audit according to version 3.1.The Gateline.NET system allows you to receive payment by Visa and MasterCard cards, including 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode.The payment form of is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all the Agency's exercises on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and fast way to design a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, the place is bought immediately at the time of payment.After payment for landing on the train you need to either pass the electronic registration, or print a train station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be passed by clicking on our website the corresponding button. You will see this button immediately after payment. Then it will take the original identity card and the selection of the landing coup. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk.Print electronic ticket You can at any time before sending the train at the checkout at the station or in the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and the original identity card.

1927 Timezone UTC + 3. Population Population ↘ 3842 people (2017) Ethnohoronim Sonkovchan Digital identifiers Telephone code +7 48246 Postcode 171450 OKATO code 28 251 551 OKTMO code 28 651 151 051 Audio, photo and video on wikisklad


Southern Piece of the village (view from a pedestrian bridge through the railway tracks)

Pond on the Kamenka River (Western Painting Set)

The village is divided by the railway into two approximately equal parts - the North and South. Center Sonkovo \u200b\u200b- in the northern part, at the railway station. In the northern part, the village is the building of the railway station, Lenin Street with administrative buildings (including the district administrations and the village, the District Court, the Police Department), the office of Sberbank, the shopping center, the market under construction, one of two schools, the central square, the House of Culture, Stadium " Lokomotiv "and other objects. In the southern part of the village there are depot, electrical resistant, hospital (hospital town), cemetery. The northern and southern part of the settlement are connected by a pedestrian bridge and railway crossing, located in the eastern neck of the station and shifted to the east of the center of the village.


The village is located in the upper Volga basin. The Kamenka River flows through the village, which begins with the swamps at the Talashman village, and in front of the village by Fomino, the right tributary flows into the river, flowing into the Rybinsk reservoir. The village of the river is overcome by two dams forming two ponds - upper and lower.


Pre-revolutionary period

Development of railways in the second half of the XIX century. - The first half of the XX century.

At the end of the XIX - early XX century, the village was actively developed as a shopping center, increased the volume of goods received and sent by the station, as well as transit cargo. Among the exported goods, a significant share was a firewood (more than half of the total exportation), as well as meat, cheese, oats, linen seed; Among the imported - flour, cereals and other food products, which arrived mainly from Rybinsk. In the 1900s, several farms arose in different parts; Brick plants of I. F. Popkov and I. I. Budilova, Spasskaya Church, numerous shopping shops and shops. In 1901, the first educational institution was opened in the village - a rural one-class church-parish school, which was kept on the means of the railway. In the first year, 38 children were studied in it - 22 boys and 16 girls from Savelino and the eight trees nearest to him. In 1909, the Spassky Temple was built at the Sonkovo \u200b\u200bstation with the participation of the Moscow-Windows-Rybinsk railway.

The steam locomotive E-766-44, which carried out military transportation during the Great Patriotic War and established for the eternal parking lot at Sonkovo \u200b\u200bstation in 1995.

Soviet power was established in the village (as well as on the rest of the territory of the current Sonkovsky district) in 1918; At the same time, in one of the publications, only Vasyansky and Koisky volost councils, created in January and April 1918, as well as the Sovkovsky village council, which "in the fall of 1918 already existed", in the other - the exact (and somewhat earlier) date is indicated - January 10, 1918. By 1924, the economic and cultural influence of the village on the surrounding villages and the village was enshrined the administratively, from Konstantinovskaya and Litvinovskaya volosts was allocated a sonkovskaya parish, with a center in the village of Sonkovo, and in 1927 he received the status of a working village. In July 1929, as part of the Bezhetsky district of the Moscow region, a Sovkovsky district was formed, whose administrative center was the village. In the 1930s, a locomotive depot was built in the village, a flax building (), a machine-tractor station (), an ambulatory and railway club were opened. On April 12, 1931, the first issue of the regional newspaper "October" was published. In 1935, the Sovkovsky district was part of the newly formed Kalinin region (now - the Tver region). In the 1930s, some residents of the village and employees of railway enterprises were injured from Stalinist repression. So, in February 1937, the head of the depot N. M. Ufimtsev and 3 more railway workers were arrested on suspicions of "stenching activities on the collapse of the Sovkovsky Foreign Depot"; In December 1937, he was arrested, and in March 1938, the engineer I. K. Verbzhitsky was shot on a fabricated charge (rehabilitated posthumously in December 1959).

The infrastructure of the station is the locomotive economy (TD-54) - the workshop of the locomotive depot of the hospital (TC-4), until 2000, the locomotive depot of Sonkovo \u200b\u200bwas independent (TC-16) passenger infrastructure constitute a wooden station, which is located in the northern part of the station (with access to the northern part of the village, to Lenin Avenue and Vokzalnaya Street); Two low platforms (one side, other island), as well as an overhead pedestrian crossing in the eastern neck of the station. The station also includes the Regional Center for Communication No. 8, providing maintenance of communication on the railway, 32 people work in it.

Train movement at the station is carried out in four directions:

  • in the northern direction - on the Red Hill - Pestovo (with a branch to Evregonesk);
  • in the western direction - on Bezhetsk - Holy;
  • in the eastern direction - to Rybinsk - Yaroslavl;
  • in the southern direction - on Kashin - Savoylovo.

The main part of transportation at the station is cargo (commodity) trains - they are formed at the station and reform, change locomotives. According to July 2007, on average, 24 pairs of trains are underway through the station and 5 more with re-formation.

At a station with different periodicity, passenger long-distance passenger trains are held, connecting St. Petersburg with Ivanovo, Samara, Ufa, Yaroslavl (there is a foreign passenger message with Kostroma, Orenburg, Penza, Uglich, Ufa and other cities with trailed cars). In the sonkovo, long-distance train stands at a station from 15 to 35 minutes, while changing diesel locomotives and pass re-formation.

Sonkovo \u200b\u200bis considered the "Lake of Railway"; According to the head of the turnover depot of S. V. Rigina, as of 2009, about 800 employees of the Moscow branch of the October Railway worked in the village. According to the head of the station Sonkovo \u200b\u200bOleg Goroko, in the enterprises of railway transport in the village there are residents not only the village, but also the remote rural settlements of the district, their way to work and back takes several hours.

Street road network and motor vehicles

Sonkovo's central street is Lenin's Avenue, which is located in the northern part of the village and passes along the railway (in parallel the oldest in the settlement of the station, located in parallel to the railway "in one Posad"). In Western outskirts, the village of Lenin's Avenue goes to the road to Bezhetsk (R-85), the club, which goes in the northeast direction, is born in the central part of it, moving onto the road to Nekes and Red Hill, and in the eastern part - rests in Tupik with a branch on the street. Popular through the railway crossing, after which the street comes in the southeast and eastern directions to Konstantininovo. A total of a street-road network of the village has 35 streets with names.

Railway moving on the eastern outskirts of the village

The main road connecting Sonkovo \u200b\u200bwith the rest of the Tver region is the regional road R-85 on Bezhetsk (Distance to Bezhetsk - 29 kilometers), which is a continuation of Lenin Avenue to the West; Through Bezhetsk, you can get to Tver, Vyshny Volochka, Kashin and other cities of the region, and through Tver or Kashin - to Moscow. The second most important road is the continuation of the club's street with a branching to a red hill (with the passage to Naturevsk, Cherepovets, Vologda and other cities of the Vologda region, as well as on Sandovo and then through the Novgorod region - to St. Petersburg) and Neosez (with passage to Rybinsk, Uglich and other cities of Yaroslavl region). Local roads associate a settlement with rural settlements of Krasnoyan - villages, Koy - Zubarevo, Talashmans, Belyanitsa. According to the district administration, the village is associated with asphalted roads with all settlements - central estates of agricultural enterprises.

The bus service is represented by several suburban routes from Bezhetsk to Sonkovo \u200b\u200bwith a continuation of Bezynani settlements, Zubarevo, Coy, Sonkey, and the route of Red Hill - Lavrovo - Sonkovo, as well as the only long-distance route Sonkovo \u200b\u200b- Bezhetsk - Tver. No car transportation in the village is not, most of the flights are served by the Bezhetsky motor vehicles and enter the bus station, which is located near the train station. The flight to the Red Hill is served by the Krasnoholmsky Autopropement, whose buses do not enter the bus station, and begin their route from the shopping center, also close to the train station. There are no intracotor bus routes in Sonkov. The local social service center is organized by the "social taxi", the services of which can be disabled, members of large families and low-income citizens.

The construction and repair of roads is engaged in Sonkovskoye DRSU (which until the second half of the 2000s was a state-owned enterprise and was transformed during privatization), on the service of which, according to the head of the organization, is 356 kilometers of roads of the first and second class (including the route Bezhetsk - Kesov Mountain, located outside the Sonkovsky District), as well as 20 bridges with a length of 582 rose meters.

Local Industry and Energy

Sonkovsky Office Sberbank

Cafe in the center of the village

In addition to railway transport enterprises, two industrial enterprises operate in the village (as of the end of the 2000s). The Food Industry of the village (which until the 1990s was mentioned as one of the centers of the Tver region's food industry) is represented by the milk plant (Sonkovsky Milk LLC), which exercises the production of all-milk products, oil, cheese and as of 2007, held more than 65 percent of the market milk in the area; Earlier in the village also acted a bakery. The metalworking industry is represented by Sonkovoremtekhsnab OJSC, which has been operating since 1937, has 100 people and performs work on the repair of engines and agricultural machinery.

In the village there is a transformer electrical substation for 35/10 kilovolt, which is considered morally and physically obsolete, it is assumed that its loads will be translated by 2015 to the neighboring electrical substation Dawn on 110/35/10 kilovolt after installing the second transformer on it.

In the village, starting from the late 2000s, gasification is carried out. In August 2008, construction completed and launched gaseous gas networks. According to the chapter of the district, several boiler rooms are translated into gas heating, the construction of domestic gas networks, connecting residential buildings and apartments to gas networks.

Trade and services

Retail is represented by the shopping center "Sonkovsky" located on Lenin Avenue near the train station and other stores. There is not a single operating hotel in the village, the nearest is located in Bezhetsk. According to the head of the district, the construction of the agricultural market is planned in the village. The banking sphere is represented by an additional office No. 1558/060 of the Bezhetsky branch of Sberbank of Russia.

Residential Fund and Communal Services

In 2007, 664 properties of real estate - apartments and residential buildings belonging to the municipal residential fund were transferred to the municipal property.

In August 2008, a two-story hostel was opened in the village for railway workers to 16 rooms. Earlier in his place was an abandoned administrative building, it was bought and reconstructed for 6 million rubles October Railway.

New house built by request of the October Railway

In 2009, a 24-apartment apartment building with a total area of \u200b\u200b1566 m² for employees of the railway, built on the request of the October Railway for 54 million rubles, apartments in this house were provided by station workers, carriage and locomotive depot, distance distance. In addition, the housing program is also being implemented in the village, according to which 3 families were able to get housing in 2009.

In the village, as in many other settlements of the Tver region, there are problems with the quality of drinking water arising from the wear of water supply. In some streets, work is carried out on updating water supply networks.

In 2010, the District Court, considering the statement of the prosecutor of the district, noted the presence of 14 unauthorized landfills in the village and prescribed the administration of the settlement to fulfill its duties on the organization of garbage collection and elimination of landfills.

Local community


Changing the population of the village of Sonkovo
year of census (estimates) 2008 2009 2010
population size
4937 4843 5048 5988 4577 4123 4072 4007
share in the population of the district
(in percents)
21,8 27,6 37,2 44,1 43,5 41,4 44,7 45,1

The village of Sonkovo \u200b\u200band the Sonkovsky district belong to the Bezhetsk region of the settlement (center of inter-aided service - Bezhetsk), covering 9 districts in the north-east of the Tver region and approximately 130.5 thousand people. The demographic situation in the village, as well as in the whole area, unfavorable, there is an excess of mortality of fertility and outflow of the working-age population (especially youth) to other cities and regions. As of January 1, 2010, the population was 4007 people; Reducing the population compared with 2002 amounted to 570 people, and compared with 1989 - 1981 people. At the same time, a decrease in the population in the village of Sonkovo \u200b\u200b(in which, as of January 1, 2010, 45.1% of the residents of the district live) significantly less than in rural areas of the district, which is explained by the relocation of residents from villages with an unstable economic situation on Agricultural enterprises in the district center