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Jupiter transits over the years. Jupiter in transit through the III House. Conjunction of transit Jupiter with natal Jupiter

24.06.2016 09:21

Transit of Jupiter through the 4th house

Here Jupiter becomes a benefactor of family and household affairs. During this period, you can improve your living conditions, successfully solve family welfare issues. For 12 years, this is the most favorable time to buy a house, a summer residence, an apartment.

Since this transit indicates the expansion of the family, it is possible the birth of a child or the arrival of a husband's daughter or wife's son in the family. It is also very good to study your ancestry during this time. And even look for family treasures.

In the red, Jupiter can give family problems, difficulties with buying a house or unexpected large expenses for apartment renovations.

Jupiter transit through the 5th house

During such a period, Jupiter contributes to fame and glory. For creative people it is finest hour, when you can fully demonstrate all your talents and abilities, demonstrate to the world your achievements and creations.

Jupiter here becomes a messenger of good luck and someone can win the lottery or take a big prize in the drawing. Perhaps acquaintance with famous person and find a patron in his person.

Since the need for love increases at this time, the number of love acquaintances may increase, new hobbies appear. Great love, a stormy romance can come to a person.

Conception or childbirth very often occurs during this transit. This period is very good for matters related to children. Perhaps the adoption of a child, holding a charity event in orphanages.

In the red, Jupiter can bring scandals related to the name of the owner of the horoscope, and details of his personal life can become public. Losses from extravagance, craving for games and entertainment are possible. There may be trouble with children.

Jupiter transit through the 6th house

This is the best time to change your job to a more paid job or from good conditions labor, wage increases or rewards for good work. Although this same transit may indicate an increase in the volume of work, the combination of several positions.

Being in this house, Jupiter contributes to the return of debts or the owner of the horoscope has the opportunity to pay off debts.

During this period, the state of health improves.

With the negative influence of Jupiter, a person may feel that he is putting a lot of energy into work and receives little for it. And a job change or an offer for a raise may not bring the expected joy.

Jupiter transit through the 7th house

Here Jupiter promotes and fosters relationships. This is the time of networking, dating in the right people... A person is noticed, sympathetic to him, authoritative people appear in his environment. Good time for any cooperation.

A marriage made during this period can be very happy.

In the negative, Jupiter can bring an abuse of trust, there is a chance to become dependent on other people. A marriage that looked promising at first glance may later open up its own dark sides... With inharmonious aspects, there is a likelihood of litigation.

Jupiter transit through the 8th house

The journey of the Benefactor through this house inclines a person to changes and crises, which can later be beneficial. Even if at first these changes look very difficult and do not bode well. The prize for patience and endurance is guaranteed.

Maybe profitable investment capital, large cash receipts, the return of a large debt, substantial material support from a partner.

Interest in psychology and magic is growing.

In the red, Jupiter can bring various trials: the loss of a large amount of money, collisions with the tax office, payment of fines, breakdown of relations with partners. With Jupiter with inharmonious aspects, you should not take loans and borrow money, since it will be very difficult to give them back later.

Jupiter transit through the 9th house

In this transit, it is very good to improve your education, write a dissertation, go on a scientific expedition, become a consultant, start teaching. Travels are successful, especially to ashrams, monasteries, holy places. At this time, connections with foreign countries are manifested. Relatives can come to visit from afar or a person can go to distant relatives.

Often this transit indicates emigration. And if the move takes place on this transit, then adaptation to new conditions is much easier.

The right time to resolve issues in the courts.

On the negative side, Jupiter creates difficulties in the areas described above: loss of authority, problems with obtaining a visa, mistakes due to overestimation of one's capabilities, excessive faith, troubles while being abroad.

Jupiter transit through the 10th house

Here Jupiter creates favorable conditions for complete success in all endeavors. But success is possible if a person knows exactly what he wants. If in the 1st house Jupiter makes it possible to get success thanks to innate abilities, in the 5th house - thanks to talent, then in the 10th house success is guaranteed only as a result of work, perseverance and purposefulness. If, during such a transit, a person will wait for the weather by the sea, then his capabilities will remain only opportunities.

In the minus, Jupiter increases the difficulty in achieving goals, obstacles in striving to the top.

Jupiter's 11th house transit

The time of changes favorable for the owner of the horoscope begins. Being in this house, Jupiter promotes the appearance of like-minded people, good friends, helps to bring ideas to life, and find sponsors.

In the red, you can't count on friends. A person can be poorly guided in a situation and rely on those who are not worth relying on, support the ideas of radicalism, and participate in revolutionary actions.

Jupiter's 12th house transit

In this house, Jupiter can behave in different ways. If Jupiter is strong, then it gives a person the opportunity to relax, rest in silence and solitude, take care of his inner world and subconsciousness, join the study of secret sciences, and engage in meditation. Hidden talents may appear, intuition may open, and a craving for spiritual improvement may appear. A person begins to look at many things differently. There is a desire to help the needy and the weak.

For spiritually directed people, this transit may coincide with a trip to holy places, renunciation of secular life. Emigration is possible. In older people, such a transit can mark retirement.

In the negative, Jupiter can contribute to a drop in vitality, fatigue, disappointment, loss of faith in oneself, dissatisfaction with oneself and the environment, the search for secret enemies. There is a likelihood of becoming addicted, possibly exacerbating diseases and even imprisonment. Any seclusion (including a hospital bed or voluntary seclusion in an apartment) indicates the need to pay attention to your inner world, to hear the voice of your soul, to reconsider relations with society, to analyze concepts life success, elevation, authority, expansion of the boundaries of their world and their spiritual views and aspirations.

What will happen next?

The next opportunity to feel the influence of Jupiter in this or that sphere of life will be only in 12 years, since it is during this time that Jupiter makes a full revolution around the Sun. Therefore, use the opportunities provided by the Great Benefactor, expand only profitably!

Cons: Complacency. Laziness. Overconfidence. Inattention.

Jupiter completes a circle of 12 signs of the zodiac in about 12 years. He spends about a year in each sign. Jupiter's transits await and hope for a miracle. They bring unexpected gifts, happiness, joy, and success. Transiting Jupiter can direct a person to new knowledge, spiritual searches, open up new opportunities and horizons in professional activity and personal growth, or it can pass by, almost imperceptibly, giving general calmness and unrestrained laziness. In order to receive gifts from the transit Jupiter, it is necessary to do something for the world, overcoming the feeling of self-importance, complacency and complacency. Jupiter's transits open up great opportunities passing along the corner points of the horoscope: MC, IC, Ascendant and Descendant, stellium, the first and seventh houses of the horoscope, as well as aspecting the planets of the septener. In order for luck to smile at you, it is necessary to make efforts in the spheres of action of the transit Jupiter, because it is not for nothing that folk wisdom condemns inaction with a short, but precisely noted phrase: "Water does not flow under a lying stone."

Connections of transit Jupiter with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Jupiter conjunct the natal Sun

Transit opens up new opportunities, both in professional and individual growth. Great time to expand your business. The transit connection of Jupiter with the natal Sun can lead a person to complacency, which will negatively affect his internal and external development. Give gifts to others, start important things, open up new opportunities in yourself.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct the natal Moon

A person may have an aggravated sensitivity at the location of his Moon, her house and the sign of the Zodiac. If the Moon has affected aspects, then displaced into the subconscious psychological problems manifest themselves with a vengeance. This transit is a great chance to understand yourself, your fears and internal problems.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury

The transit brings the expansion of the intellect, with a strong defeat of Mercury, it deepens tyranny and mental licentiousness. A great time to travel, gain new knowledge, and successful trading operations.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Venus

Opportunities are opening up in society. If you express yourself with love for the world, you may attract into your life the partner you have been waiting for. Transit can increase your financial condition, promotes passion for art and social contacts.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mars

A person receives remarkable energy for activity. During the transit period, you can make a large number of the things you need to do, so don't put them off until later. With an affected natal Mars, scandals are possible, a craving for aggressive self-expression. Remember that any aggression is low frequency energy. Direct it to fight your ego and the results will not be long in coming.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter

The return of the transit Jupiter to the place it occupied at the moment of your birth will give optimism and new opportunities. Travel, do philosophy, get additional education, find new interests and hobbies - all this will benefit you. But be on the lookout: transit Jupiter in conjunction with the natal can relax a person to the point of impossibility and everything interesting and progressive that could happen to him will pass by.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Saturn

Perhaps you will be able to understand your inner fears, subconscious problems, including those that have not been resolved for years. Someone may appear to guide you in the right direction. Such transit is a time for making commitments and fulfilling them strictly. Be practical during this transit.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Uranus

Time to take risks. But any risky act must be considered. At correct use of this transit, a person can make a huge leap in his development, both external and internal. Come off unusual opportunities... Meetings with unusual people are possible. Don't be afraid of change.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune

Spiritual interests are expanding. The ability for mystical research increases many times over. Avoid alcohol and psychotropic drugs during this time. The task of transit is to teach you to accept the realities of life as they are.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Pluto

An uncontrolled growth of ambitions and requirements for the outside world is possible. You impose your will on the people around you. The efforts made bring good results if they are directed in a positive direction. Be demanding of yourself, not others.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct the natal Ascendant

Inner freedom, happiness and joy can overwhelm you. A great time for personal growth and discovering new opportunities in yourself. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, only leaving it can you expand your horizons.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal MC - Midheaven

Your influence on the world can expand. New career opportunities and rapid social growth are not excluded. You have a whole year to make a leap forward in your social status and personal growth. The assignment of a new title is possible. Be careful about choosing and setting goals during this transit.

Opposition of transit Jupiter with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal Sun

Don't promise too much and learn to calculate your strength. Otherwise, taking on exorbitant obligations, you may not fulfill them. Opportunities are definitely present and you can use them, but you do not need to rush to all food at once, it is better to try each dish separately.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal Moon

Hypersensitivity to the position of the Moon in the horoscope of a person and its natal aspects. Strong emotional reactions are possible. Look at yourself from the outside and understand that emotions are not you.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Mercury

Get knowledge. Educate yourself. Moderate your ardor a little with respect to trade and long trips, sometimes in order for everything to work out well, you need to learn how to cut off everything that is unnecessary.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Venus

If social contacts on this transit are unsatisfactory, do not try to overpower fate - accept it. Do not try to make a lasting impression on others, you may receive only ridicule in return. Be careful about spending money.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Mars

A sharp increase in energy is possible, which requires immediate application to objects material world... Be careful with other people. Not everyone will like your push. It might be worth doubling up on your sports if you can't cope with the offensive mindset.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Jupiter

Go down to the ground. Complacency and self-confidence do not always lead to the desired result. Calculate the situation ten times before taking action. Do not indulge your desires and do not be arrogant.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Saturn

Do not try to avoid responsibility, it is better to think that responsibility fills your life with meaning. Don't shy away from your responsibilities and don't try to cheat. Everyone works in the part of the world that is intended for him.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Uranus

Amazing opportunities can open up unexpectedly during transit. You will have a chance to break out of the usual framework and stereotypes imposed by public opinion. A careless attitude to life can make you do stupid things that you will later regret.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Neptune

Your way of understanding a situation can be completely different from reality. Don't be fooled in your dreams. Don't take any rash personal or financial actions.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Pluto

Don't try to possess someone or something. The desire to dominate a situation or a person will not bring you success. Learn to manage your emotions and remember that even the frying pan has free will.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal Ascendant

Time carries a lot of communication with people. You are welcomed at a party and at social gatherings. New promising contacts are possible. New partnerships in business and personal life.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal MC - Midheaven

Good transit for buying an apartment, purchasing suburban real estate. A great time to build relationships with relatives. Show concern for the people around you. Explore your family tree.

L.A. Filippov. Predictive astrology

It gives a sharp exacerbation of social activity, work with the masses, with the collective. It is included in social processes through the rise or coming to power of his party, the whole collective. Personal magnetism and interest in occult knowledge (especially in reincarnation, in life after death) are increasing. A person is engaged in spiritual self-improvement and sometimes changes religious and philosophical views and ideals through spiritual insight. The gift of prophecy may manifest.
In a negative aspect, large crowds of people, excessive activity and workload are dangerous for a person, which leads to plethora and a stroke. Fear of fanaticism in views of religion, culture and the use of occult abilities and knowledge to the detriment of people.

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

In the best case: an extraordinary and very sharp exacerbation of social activity, teamwork, involvement in large social processes, or a person is a witness to these processes.
In the worst case: too big things are dumped on the person, which can lead to plethora and stroke. Usually during this period he takes a lot of overtime, he is loaded, he is highly dependent on the opinion of the public. Danger from a large crowd of people. Public censure.

Larisa Nazarova. Transit aspects

The desire to increase power, with good planets, the qualities of a leader will manifest themselves brightly, brilliant organizational skills... With evil planets, the pursuit of fanatical goals, wastefulness, loss of social status and fortune. Conflicts with authorities and government officials. Aspect is fraught with serious health problems - high blood pressure, strokes.

Transit - Business

Characterized by changes in the worldview, attitude towards cultural and spiritual values. The action of the aspect rarely brings events on the physical, eventual plane, but concerns the inner life. However, when otherwise indicated, it can mean many important, significant changes. Gives the desire for leadership, the struggle for power. In the field of commerce, promises financial success in corporate business, good decision issues of corporatization and funds, insurance, debt obligations, taxes and duties. A good period for radical transformations in the sphere of your business interests, sometimes - a turn towards business abroad. Good time to solve legal problems. It is possible to receive large sums at your disposal.

Transit - Health

This aspect is observed every twelve years and has Negative influence on the state of health, therefore, you should carefully consider the symptoms that arise. They may indicate a beginning serious illnesses... It is recommended to undergo fluorography, ultrasound of internal organs, and women - mammary glands in order to detect tumors. At the appropriate age, menopause can start.

Transit - Love and Family

A good period to settle legal issues and financial problems of the family. It is possible to receive large sums from a spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only in an individual consultation with an astrologer.

This period marks the beginning of a twelve-year cycle of study and new experience. The people and circumstances that you encounter during this period will surely become catalysts that inspire you to new projects, business ventures, a new career, an educational advancement or study of a specific subject, professional development, literary creation, publishing or distribution business. Whatever you start now will ultimately expand your personal, professional, and intellectual horizons. Increased spirituality and the penetration of cultural values ​​into your everyday life are the expected result of a twelve-year cycle starting from this period. An interest in family history may awaken in you, joint activities and contacts with family members are intensified. You will start looking for a more luxurious and spacious home or add an extension to your home. You may be in the business of selling home furnishings or real estate products.

Any new venture you start, as well as buying and selling a house or household items will be successful when transit Jupiter in the 4th house forms favorable aspects to natal planets.

Unfavorable aspects of the transit of Jupiter in the 4th house to the natal planets can mean the cessation of your personal development and the loss of independence in the family circle, as well as negative prospects for a family business or a new enterprise. (Skalka J.)

Jupiter transit through the 4th house of the horoscope

This transit is primarily conducive to family and household affairs. A person tries to improve his living conditions, cares about the well-being of his family, and he more or less succeeds. For 12 years, this is the most favorable time for acquiring a house, apartment, summer residence, land plot... When Jupiter passes through the II field, then buying real estate is a good investment, if black days come, it will be possible to sell it and live on the proceeds. When Jupiter passes through the VIII field, it is working capital, i.e. at a certain moment, the house is profitably sold, and the profit is again used to buy real estate, which in turn will wait convenient hour, or is invested in another matter. When Jupiter crosses the IV field, this is buying a house for yourself, your family, so that children, grandchildren, etc. can live in it. IV field - these are our roots, therefore, in this case, a person is given the opportunity to settle on the ground, to become a progenitor. Although in this case the house can also be used as a basis for starting a business, the house is initially purchased for oneself. At this time, you can also take out a loan, but it is better if these are loans for construction or overhaul buildings, agricultural loans, etc.

This transit can also indicate the receipt of new housing, the purchase of new furniture and items designed to create comfort in the house, or the expansion of the family, which can mean not only the birth of a child, but also the arrival of a son's wife or husband in the family. Sometimes this means the beginning of life in two houses. You can count on the help of parents or their patronage. Parents may become famous or influential people... At this transit, a person often begins to study his ancestry. Interest in history, archeology, and secret sciences may appear. In some cases, indicates the location of a treasure or good income from agricultural land.

Negative aspects give rise to trouble in field IV affairs. This may be due to material losses, for example, repairs that required more expenses than calculated at the beginning, or damage to property due to robbery, floods, fire. Someone from the family may waste money intended to buy an apartment or a valuable thing. Buying a home can be frustrated by skyrocketing prices. Problems with parents are possible - illness, accident, departure or forced departure from home or from the country. What it will be, will show the analysis of the initial and transit position of Jupiter. Real estate transactions at this time are undesirable, as well as a change of residence. (Vronsky S.A.)

Even those who are just beginning to get acquainted with astrology are looking forward to when the transit Jupiter will pass through the important points of the birth chart. It just so happened that Jupiter is considered the planet of happiness and good luck. The ancients called him the Great Benefactor. What will actually bring the transits of Jupiter into your life, you will learn from this article.

Jupiter's main principle

Jupiter is the largest planet Solar system, and therefore is closely associated with fertility and abundance. The main principle Jupiter - expansion, enlargement and expansion. V natal chart The house that Jupiter is in Is an area of ​​immense opportunity, growth and expansion.

By its nature, Jupiter is not harmful, this planet does not constrain like Saturn, does not create conflicts and disagreements like Mars. And therefore, many astrologers have the illusion that Jupiter has no flaws and does not cause any harm. But this is a big mistake.

What else can Jupiter magnify?

Jupiter can increase not only your wallet or provide new opportunities and career prospects. But it can also increase your problems at times.

At a low level, Jupiter spares exaggeration, inability to take advantage of opportunities, laziness and arrogance. Low Jupiter easily throws grandiose promises and tries to evade any responsibility.

To appreciate the magnitude of the problems Jupiter can bring, read the myths about Jupiter and his love affairs with nymphs. Many nymphs then had to turn into either a plant or a tree.

When transit Jupiter walks through the Houses

As part of this article, we will look at how the transit Jupiter manifests itself, passing through the Houses of the natal chart.

Remember that in the House in which Jupiter is located, the principle of expansion, increase and growth works. At a low level, Jupiter will give squandering and false hopes.

Jupiter in transit through the 1st House

A very significant and tangible transit, during which a person begins to "grow" and grow in every sense of the word. If during this period you go out, lead an active social life, teach, then Jupiter will significantly expand your capabilities, increase the weight of your authority.

If at this time you are not leading a social life, Jupiter will increase you in the truest sense of the word: wild appetite and, as a result, excess weight.

The task is to expand your I

Jupiter in transit through the II House

This transit is often expected like manna from heaven, because passing through the II House of money and property, Jupiter significantly increases your wallet, gives many opportunities and prospects for expanding your income. Especially if you want to make money through the spheres of Jupiter: teaching, organizing something, tourism, everything related to foreigners, leadership positions.

At a low level, the transit of Jupiter through the II-nd House will give huge expenses and wasted waste.

The task is to expand your financial opportunities

Jupiter in transit through III House

This transit usually brings a lot of new promising acquaintances and connections. Success in training, arrival of new and important information. Often during this period, a huge amount of very different information is dumped on a person. On a negative level, there is a lot of informational fuss.

The challenge is to expand your information horizons

Jupiter in transit through the IV House

This transit is often accompanied by the acquisition of a new home, purchase of an apartment or real estate. Improving living conditions. Also often during this period there is an addition to the family. If there are additional instructions in the natal chart - moving abroad.

At a low level, it can give a period when the native "plays" with the family, optional in relation to close people. Unwillingness to do household chores.

The task is to expand your home, family

Transiting Jupiter in the V House

Often this transit literally makes the native go to weddings, holidays, and various events. A streak of holidays, hobbies and excitement begins in life. A good period for pregnancy. This transit is especially well suited to seriously engage in any kind of creativity or hobby.

At a low level, this transit brings many problems. Laziness, complete unwillingness to work, to do daily duties. A person lives in a mode of incessant rest.

The task is to expand your creative possibilities, to create something

Jupiter in transit through the VI House

Employment prospects appear; for a business leader, this transition is often accompanied by an increase in staff. Also, this transit can give a lot of responsibilities and everyday affairs, if the native copes with them, then Jupiter will bring him to new level.

At a low level, it gives disease, health problems. But usually it does not bring serious and dangerous problems.

The task is to expand the scope of work, to reach a new level in everyday life

Jupiter in transit through the VII House

Here Jupiter gives a lot of connections, communication and communication. For family life this transit can be recouped in two ways. If a couple is ready to reach a new level of relationship, then Jupiter will bring a lot of new and interesting things. If a couple holds on to stability, then Jupiter can come to life. family man in the form of connections on the side, a new love interest.

At a low level, Jupiter will dramatically increase the number of your open enemies and ill-wishers during this period. There will be many conflict situations ranging from competition to litigation.

The task is to expand your social circle

Jupiter in transit through the VIII House

Huge financial opportunities appear. A good period to find a sponsor, any investment of money. Often this transit gives a deep immersion in the world of magic, an intensive study of psychoanalysis.

At a low level, Jupiter begins to increase dangerous and crisis situations in your life.

The task is to move to a new level of life through risk and dangers

Jupiter in transit through the IX House

Often accompanied by numerous trips abroad, active study of everything foreign, spiritual and high. During this transit, a person begins to experience a strong hunger for information, he wants to understand everything in this life, and preferably right now.

At a low level, there is a detachment from reality, the native plunges too deeply into issues of worldview and outlook on life.

The task is to expand your worldview

Transiting Jupiter in the X House

This transit provides tremendous career opportunities. Great business opportunities, especially in the realms of Jupiter. Entering a new social level, honors, awards, recognition of merits.

At a low level, it gives false perspectives, a quick rise and a quick fall, an irresponsible approach to life.

The task is to reach a new social level

Jupiter in transit through the XI House

The number of friends increases dramatically, many like-minded people appear around you. Active participation in collective activities. A good period for publication, social realization.

At a low level, collective ideas, friends begin to actively take over your life, and you begin to lose yourself, forgetting about your needs.

The task is to expand the circle of friends or become popular

Jupiter in transit through the XII House

Difficult transit. On the high level gives immersion in oneself, studying one's own unconsciously, opening new facets of personality. Moving abroad. Large scale charity. A period of very powerful and active internal growth.

At a low level, secret enemies and ill-wishers begin to appear in your life, who seemingly wish you all the best, but in fact cause harm.

The task is to expand everything unknown in your life (unconscious, immersion in unknown cultures)

What will happen in 12 years?

Use Jupiter's transits wisely, expand profitably. You will have the next such opportunity only in 12 years, since Jupiter makes a full revolution around the Sun during this time.

Well, if you want to use Jupiter's transits 100%, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!