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What hand is more convenient to wear a clock. What hand do the clock on etiquette? How to use wristwatches

How to wear on watch? How do guys and girls wear?

  • Its cultural, technological and often reference advantage, the clock has already demonstrated several global eras.
  • Starting since the invention sun hourThe person is unattricible at time in trying to determine his working and free schedule, which will affect the entire system of calculating the case.
  • Mechanical I. digital Watch, have become a benchmark for each user and have the right, is located on the most relevant and main place of man - hand.
Clock & Suit
  • The rules of etiquette in spectacular use of hours are often encountered with their classification and types, so you can determine that, for example, classical clock is convenient to wear on business meetings, where they, emphasizing their rigor and quality, will play on the general presentation of the person and his role in this atmosphere.
  • In this, as in and other cases, the clock is also selected according to the conditions of the event, the type of person, his goals and roles in the event, as well as relying on the creation of the necessary effect of hours.
  • In trying to choose a hand for which a unique accessory will be assigned, a person develops a specific etiquette, according to which it is realistic to determine why it is worth wearing a clock on this hand. So, for example, for the left, it is recommended to wear a clock on the right hand, but for the rightmost to the left.

how girls wear watches
  • You can also determine on which hand the clock should be located with a mechanical head of the clock, it controls the time setting, the hours themselves and most often it is either on the left or right. In this case, it is likely that it is necessary to wear clock from the installed side.
  • You can wear a clock with the front side inside, it looks fairly extraordinary, but it allows you to follow the time unnoticed without disturbing the ethyl society, for example during the conversation.

Elegant suit and clock

Video: "How to wear a clock stylish?"

What hand is the womens watch?

Turning to the total watch etiquette between women, it is worth noting that the clock, which in this case emphasizes special attention is made, it is customary to select the scope of the wrist and by the type of character.

Strong and purposeful women prefer to wear clocks on an active hand, it does not distract them and, on the contrary, makes itching through difficulty success.

Selena Gomez, with a clock on right hand
  • It is also important an appearance of the clock on the main hand, because with the help of it to characterize the type of woman.
  • The hull is selected under the hand of a woman individually, so as not to emphasize its miniature or the opposite of its bulkiness.
  • In order for the clock to be distracted and tightly sat on her hand, women pick up a strap or bracelet of the clock slightly wider hand size. This will help make it so that the watches did not pinch the wrist and did not hang out, attracting attention.
  • In other cases, when a woman is preparing for visiting an event or celebration, to wear large "commander" hours, it would be quite inappropriate, in these cases it is recommended to give preference to a more modest and miniature clock.

Miniature and big wrist Watch

But there is another interpretation that says that girls need to wear clocks on their right hand regardless of what she is right-handed or left. This is explained by the fact that a person unconsciously associates its stages of life to those traveled - left and future - right, hence the desire to look at the next time now and do everything to be happy now.

What hand do men's clock wear?

  • Men, paying special attention to the clock as a subject of luxury and status, emphasize their attention on multigid, functionality and price hours.
  • Conservative views in relation to the clock, it is also help to adhere to the ultimate aggressiveness and seriousness of the clock and their owner. This is of particular importance to this. business sphere Labor.
  • Men for saving hours in the conditions of active labor everydays, seek to arrange them as far as possible from main handTo protect against a sudden impact, rain or unwanted clock contacts.

Combination of clothes with a clock on the left hand

What hand do you wear a clock guys and girls?

In an effort to keep up with progress, the clock is gaining all the big turnover, creating unimaginable forms, mechanisms and styles so quickly that even modern youth faces questions about the difficulty of choosing their watches and places for them in their hands. In most cases, the clock is those who are combined with the rest of clothing and accessories, so nothing is difficult here.

IN this moment More attention is paid to exactly respectfulness and style of hours, so the main essence is that they should be noticeable. It can be a wrist or further from it, closer to the elbow as the left and right hand.

How do clock look on the right and left hands

It is worth remembering that there are no strict rules and places on the human body for the clock, so everyone is waved in her choice. The only condition that comes in opposition to this judgment is relevance. It must be remembered that the surrounding people will also improvise, improving the fashion and your "new chip" may regard as not a unique or vice versa tasteless.

What hand do the right hand do?

Among the population on Earth, six people from the seven - right-handed, perhaps that is why the clock is most often on the left hand, which helps to easily exercise with their right hand and help them save when the majority of operations are right hand.

This desire to keep the clock takes their roots since the beginning of the Second World War, at the time of which the mechanical handmade hands appeared. As a replacement of the pockets, they received the first popularity among officers who, when performing combat operations, often damaged hours. The clock is a valuable thing, so the desire to preserve them is quite explained.

Many hours in those days did not have the sealing of the clockwork, so when used on his right hand, they often broke away from hitting a spray of rain and broke. What can not be said about the use of the clock on the left hand, where when the clock is the clock, the clockwork is completely sealed and is not available for the rain.

Ease of clock use on the left hand

What hand do the left-handed clock?

People with whose people left hemisphere The dominates the right, previously did not receive in society and right-handedly under the pretext that the leftorukov serve the devil, allowed themselves to be aggression and refers to be extremely unforgivable. But over time, this idea of \u200b\u200bleft-handed is outdated and eradicated, they began to relate to them as normal people.

During the time of mass release of the Watches of the USSR, GOST was focused on that the watch tuning head was installed only on the right side so that the watches on the left hand were convenient for using people with the main right hand. It was more difficult left left, since they were forced to wear clocks in the same way on his left hand.

Left-handed clock

For the left most relevant to wear a clock on his right hand, it will help keep the quality of the clock, as well as it can strengthen the impression of yourself at the time of the handshake, which is mainly right hand. A person will certainly notice the clock on your hand and fully will achieve them to appreciate them, even if the contract happens very quickly.

Handshake is carried out only with the right hand. From a long time, the left hand is treated as a dirty hand, which serves to carry out dirty affairs. Therefore, there is a condition in which a person greeting with his left hand does not respect another person or wishes him evil.

The clock on the right hand is expressed during a handshake

What hand do the Muslim watch?

In the Muslim world there is no accurate answer that could be explained, on which hand it is necessary to wear a clock, but there is a belief, which says that the Messenger of Allah enjoyed the ring both left and right hand.

Mechanical clock can be considered an decoration element, which is similar to the ring can be both on the right and on the left hand. But also in the Muslim world there is a belief that says to make good things exactly right hand.

Muslim watches

What hand are the watches of the Jews?

Jews have no prohibition about where the watch should be. Allowed hours of watches, both on the right and on the left hand.

Watch "No Watch" with the run of the arrow and the Jewish numbering of time

Video: " On which hand you need to wear a clock. Signs and superstition«

From the moment of the appearance of the first watches and up to this day, such an accessory is invariably indicator of the status of its owner. Until recently, the chronometers helped the owner to focus on time, but with the advent of smartphones, the tablets directly appointing watches lost their relevance. And if it comes to the fore the style, status, business etiquette, it arises quite ameniable, associated with all these nuances, the question is on what hand is a man's clock. Consider several theories about this.

What is your hand to wear?

Issue of etiquette and profession

If a man is an entrepreneur, has his own business or occupies a solid position, then it makes sense to adhere to the canons of etiquette to cause more confidence in partners and emphasize its reliability. In this case, there is a clear rule as to which hand you need to wear the clock men - on the left.

Representatives of creative professions can afford more liberty - artists, musicians, designers, poets, as well as those personality, whose activities are related to the need for development creative ideas and directions, for example, PR managers. In this case, it is allowed not only to wear a clock with a man on his right hand, but also to abandon them in favor of the original pocket or choose a model with a strap of a very unusual and bright design.

The main thing is that in general the image is harmonious and the accessory organically fits into it.

Important! Remember that in order to restrain the business image, it is important to comply with some Rules for the selection of the accessory:

  • hours must be fully combined with an inquiry suit;
  • the chronometer on the hand was supposed to be quite large, suitable for the sizes of the owner's wrist, but strict shape and laconic design;
  • if a man uses cufflinks for a shirt, the clock must be combined with them in color, design, design;
  • the clock should clearly sit on the wrist on its size, and not hang out on it.

Question history

This is today on store shelves, mechanical, and quartz, and electronic models, and multifunctional chronometers, which are no longer calling on the usual clock. But all this abundance appeared not so long ago. In the middle of the last century, people were content with exclusively mechanical chronometers requiring a permanent bench.

Under such conditions, it was not particularly puzzled, on what hand to carry the clock to men - they were put on only on the left hand, so that it was more convenient for the right as necessary to twist the shallow head of the chronometer.

Question convenience

As for personal convenience, it all depends on that right-hander or left-handed man. A few decades ago, Levshi were "outlined." Even in the kindergartens and schools, they reappeared to use exclusively with their right hand, if it was noted that the child takes all the left. To date, this moment is not fundamental, no one reappeats anyone and does not infringe only for the reason that a person is more convenient to work, write and fulfill any household deeds with his left hand.

Based on this, you can easily say on what hand wearing a man's clock right:

  • Lefters - on the right.
  • Rightstim - on the left.

Question of psychology

Psychologists can say a lot about a person, solely looking at him and appreciating what he is dressed, how exactly and many other nuances, about which a common person Not even thinking.

There are representatives of this profession and opinion on what hand wearing a man's watch:

  1. Adherents classic style - both in clothing and in life, as well as pedants and clear practices put on an accessory on the left hand.
  2. Purposeful strong personalitieswho are not afraid of change and always look into the future for the future, we carry the clock on the right hand.

Question bioenergy

Chinese medicine today is known worldwide. Despite the fact that not everyone understands the whole essence of the methods of healers from the subway, many tend to trust them, since the results are sometimes stunned.

According to these teachings, in the body of each person there are many energy points, affecting which you can not only improve your the physical state, but also to establish life in general, including in the work, personal relationship with the opposite sex, etc.

With regard to hours, the importance of the location of energy points responsible for the work of the heart is distinguished. In men, they are on his left hand, in women - on the right. Therefore, in order not to block them, but to give the possibility of free circulation of energy, men must wear a clock on the right hand.

Signs and superstition

In addition to practical, bioenergy and psychological considerations, there are many more and superstitions associated with wrapped clock. There are allegations that the fate of a person is influenced not only what the chronometer is worn on, but also its shape, sizes, many other nuances. Correctly pickup accessory and adding their own image to them, you can change your destiny in best side, and vice versa.

Here are some signs and tips related to them, about wristwatches:

  1. The square dial is suitable to get rid of the frivolity and correctly organize himself, will help the personality of becoming more serious and collected.
  2. Rhombid - good for those who can not reach internal equilibrium and peaceful peace. But at the moments of solving serious business issues or active working activities from them it is necessary to refuse.
  3. Round - welcome to wearing those personalities that are often put in the priority of prejudice and conservatively refers to the rules of human behavior. Such a chronometer on the hand will help to become tolerant and less critical.
  4. Oval - It is recommended to wear such hours to someone who hardly reaches the goals and establishes contacts with other people. Plus, such an accessory is considered a kind of good luck talisman, especially in the field of professional activities.
  5. The triangular dial is the choice of hidden leaders who lack determination, self-confidence. Preferably only from time to time to replace this model another to increased self-esteem Not rearranged in ambition and arrogance.
  6. Hexagonal models will help develop their creativity and improve intuition, will contribute to the emergence of new ideas and gaining harmony with themselves.

Important! Many speculations and superstitions are associated with the gift of the clock. This decoration is not suitable as a gift:

  • for a wedding, as it is fraught with the imminent divorce of newlyweds;
  • for a birthday, since since receipt of the present, the culprit of the celebration will begin "counting time to death."

The choice and the decoration itself, and the method of its socks, largely depends on the personal preferences of this or that person. In any case, this is a very interesting topic from which you can experiment infinitely. It is possible that it is with the help of the correct watches that are put on the right or left hand, you will finally be able to achieve those goals that you have set yourself for a long time, but have not yet implemented, or you will have new ideas that will help both in person and in professional development.

Every day before going out of the house, we conceive: what to wear? What will our image be today? When choosing clothes and accessories, most often we are guided by three well-known items: etiquette, convenience and beauty. They can also become decisive in dilemma: what hand do you need to wear the clock - on the right or left?

Why do we wear a clock on your hand?

That's how the question is! What else? Well, probably many will be surprised by learning that before the invention of wristwatches they were worn on a chain - either in the form of a hone (female version), or in a pocket (male option).

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Pocket watch was considered fashionable and comfortable, and therefore an incredibly popular accessory. So why did they almost disappear from modern life? Of course, only the appearance of wristwatches did not mean instant patronage capitulation. Just the opposite. Society did not want to part with already loved by pocket and change them incomprehensible to what. Moreover, in the XIX century, the first wrist watches were created only for women and rather for beauty, and not for use - therefore, men refused to wear something like that. But the period of European wars at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries demonstrated the need to change priorities.

Transitional link between pocket and wrist steel trench clock. As clearly out of the name, they were created for the needs of field troops. In fact, it was almost the same "pockets", only with the wires welded on the sides, in which a long strap was made for reliable fastening even on top of the uniform. During World War I, it became clear that not only ground forces, but also aviation, not only in wristwatches.

A little later was set industrial production Wristwatches with modern ears for the strap instead of wire loops. At first they were only available to the military and even issued as an element of ammunition. Everything turned upside down on the head: now ladies Watch They became a rarity, while men completely and spinning with this accessory.

Nowadays, many watch brands are used in the design of retro motives with reference by the time the career and even the lives of professionals depended on a quick look at the testimony of wristwatches.

What hand is it customized to wear a clock?

Clock is taken to wear on your left hand. But only because most people (85%) are right-handers. The three most popular explanations of this phenomenon are dictated solely convenience, and not someone's whim.

  1. The working hand is not loaded with extra accessories that can interfere with work, writing, etc.
  2. Fasten the clock on the left hand is comfortable working right hand.
  3. It is also convenient to start the mechanical clock (which is why the classical location of the crown is on the right side of the housing).

On the left hand wearing a watch: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolly, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama.

Is it possible to wear a clock on your right hand?

The question sounds like "Is it possible to write with your left hand?" - Of course you can, these are your hands! Lefters survived not one era of discrimination. In the Middle Ages, they were subjected to serious pressure from the Society - left-handedness equated to obsession. In the Soviet Union (and in other countries of the same era), the ledged schoolchildren were forcibly reappeared on the right hand.

Fortunately, this issue is now closed. There are even individual brands that produce models for left-handers: in such hours, the head and buttons are not right, but on the left.

If the left hand is working - the clock is more convenient to wear on the right, and no one can argue the opposite. In addition to the left left, who, like some right-handers, sometimes calmly wear hours on working hand. For example, Vladimir Putin, though right-hander, wears a clock on his right hand, because, according to him, on his left hand, the clockwork rubs off the brush.

On the right hand worn watches: Alexander Lukashenko, Ksenia Sobchak, James Cameron, David Beckham.

What hand is the watch of men and women

The choice of hand is not connected with the floor of the person. There are only certain situations when the choice of hands is dictated by the idea of \u200b\u200bstyle and etiquette in society. What hand wearing watches, men and women decide depending on the specified conditions.

What hand do you wear a man's watch?

For men, the watch first is a serious status and social status. Follow business etiquetteThey carry them on his left hand. However, in men who still put on the clock on the right hand, there is a logical advantage: their watches will necessarily notice before others, even during a welcoming handshake.

What hand do the watch worn?

For women, the watch first is the decoration, so they put them on any hand. Thinking on what hand we carry the clock, the girls sometimes show the wonders of creativity and put on elegant whiskers and bracelets immediately on both hands. The only exception is the situation when a woman observes strictly conservative business style And as well as men, chooses left hand.

By the way among men, too, there are those who wears the clock on both hands. Someone is really so convenient, but for the most part this style is designed for the head of the public and underlining their own nonconformist style. For example, among famous people The clock on both hands wears Diego Maradona.

Few people know how to properly wear a clock so that they are not just an ornament, but also emphasized your individuality, and also have a positive impact on your energy.

For many people, the clock has become a necessary accessory. The use of wristwatches has become common at the beginning of the 20th century. The military will contributed to their daily use in our lives. Pocket watches were uncomfortable, and the wrist watch turned out to be accessible and easier to use.

The main rules of the etiquette for wearing the clock is not. Usually people do not attach importance to the question, on which hand the clock should be worn, and they put them in accordance with clothing or so that they do not bring inconvenience. However, it is worth knowing what to eat certain rules "Suitable" hands for wearing watches by men and women.

In addition to the above, the clock has strong energy. They are a talisman, and also have the opportunity to influence the fate of a person, attracting good luck.

What hand is the watch of a man

The fact that the representatives of strong sex are negotiated by various accessories, considering it exclusively a female occupation, - long-range stereotype. Now the clock can be seen on your hand almost every man. They carry them completely differently, which may be due to a profession or acquaintance.

Men whose work is connected with physical labor, put on the clock on the wrong hand, which is less involved. Office worker will try to choose a more serious design of its accessory and will not give much importance to what hand to wear a clock. Learn how to properly wear a clock so that they are not just an accessory, but also brought good luck and raised the energy.

Energy and hours

Ancient Chinese medicine attached considerable importance to the energy points that are in our hands. It is known from her rules that men have stronger energy points located on the left hand. These points actively affect the work of the heart. In order to keep the inner balance in the body, men should wear a clock on his right hand. This will give additional energy points on your right hand and provide stable heart work.

According to one of the Chinese recovery systems, it is believed that there are still several energy points between the fingers of the hands that affect male health, mainly to work the liver, kidney and intestines. As you already know, men have these points stronger on his left hand, and additional energy impact will harm health. It follows from this that men should wear a clock on their right hand.

How to wear clock men

As you understand, the clock is not just affected by your energy, but also affect health. But do not forget that there are certain rules of etiquette, according to which men must wear a wrist watch.

When leaving the house, you should think in advance what clock will fit the situation around you. If you go to work, you will fit the classic clock. Going to the gym, put on the sports watch. Do not mix styles - it will look ridiculous.

Do not forget about the convenience. If you are right-handed, it will be more convenient for you to wear a clock on your left hand. In the case of left-handers, on the contrary.

Following the business etiquette, many men wear a clock on her left hand. But those who wish to emphasize their status, on the contrary, prefer to put on the accessory on the right hand.

Creative people do not like to wear a clock or put them on the right hand. So they show their belonging to the society of the creators.

What hand wearing a woman's watch

Women attach the right watches of no less meaning than men. This accessory does not simply emphasize the femininity and elegance of a fair sex representative, but also allocates its external and personal qualities. It is believed that women prefer to wear a clock on his right hand.

Energy and watches in women

According to the advice of the ancient Chinese medicine, a woman needs to strengthen their weak energy points located on the right wrist. This means that the clock is better to wear on the right hand to give the power of the weakest points and provide a positive impact on health. You should not neglect this advice, since the energy points located on the hand of a woman are responsible for the work of many internal organs. If you want to feel better, wear the clock on your right hand.

How to wear watches women

As for men, for women there are certain rules for etiquette, which should be taken into account, putting on the clock. But, unlike men, women attach special importance hours, trying to combine them with clothes and with the surrounding situation.

If you have a lot of rings on your right hand, it is better to wear a clock on your left hand, so as not to create the effect of clutter. It acts correctly for bracelets.

From a psychological point of view, if a woman wants to emphasize his independence, she must wear an active hand watch. It will emphasize her businesslike and dedication.

Many women wear the clock on the right hand to show their desire to move forward and not attach importance to the past.

In accordance with the rules that site experts have prepared for you, you can find out what hand you are better and more useful to wear a clock. Do not forget to take into account how other decorations should be worn on and you can learn about this by reference. Be beautifuland do not forget to click on the buttons and

Wristwatches were invented back in the first half of the XIX century, but their mass production began only during the First World War.

With the development of the clockwork and design art, this elegant accessory began to use not directly appointed, but as a stylish decoration. In this regard, many people have a question, on which hand you need to wear a clock, and whether their location depends on age or floor.

Since right-handers are dominated among men, most of them wears a clock on the left hand. It is connected with the desire to secure dear thing From shock and save it in integrity while working. Left hand It is much less involved in the process of physical labor, therefore the risk of bringing disrepair is significantly lower.

In addition, the most leakage of the plant is the head of the plant - it is located on the right that when wearing on the left hand allows you to protect it from water splashes during the rain.

Another reason why men wear clock on their left hand are associated with the features of their design - the free right hand is much easier to bring the clockwork mechanism and fasten the strap.

On the other hand, wearing on his right hand is an extra reason to demonstrate the surrounding accessory.

In this case, it is better noticeable with handshake or other movements. There are other reasons for which the clock will be appropriate and right. For example, Vladimir Putin wears them on the right wrist due to the fact that the crown does not rub the brush.

Representatives of the beautiful sex criteria wearing clock mechanisms are a bit different. For women, this accessory, first of all, performs the decoration function and emphasizes their feeling of taste. He should not just look beautiful on his hand, but harmoniously combined with other jewels.

If the lady wears the rings only on the right hand, then the clock is better to decorate left wrist. At the same time, if the watch has a simple design, and the rings on the left hand are luxurious and expensive, then it is more appropriate to wear an accessory on the right brush.

Some ladies when choosing a place of wearing watch mechanisms are guided by the ancient Chinese phukour philosophy, which in the opinion of the residents of the Middle Kingdom forms the fate of a person. According to the teaching, the wrists are located the Tsun-Cow region, which is responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

In this area there are three energy points, the pulsation of which on both hands should be the same force. Since the female pulse persists on the right wrist, it is advisable to wear a clock on your left hand - in this case the accessory will stimulate the ripple and does not prevent the work of the heart.

Many psychologists argue that in the location of the clock you can determine the character of a woman. If the lady bears a clock on an active hand (right-hander - on the right, left-handed - on the left), it means its basic qualities is a dedication, independence, desire for career growth.

The choice of the place of wearing hours in children does not depend on the floor. Boys and girls can wear an accessory on any wrist, however, you need to consider what they are going to do in the clock.

If the kids will play, it is better to wear a mechanism on an inactive hand, so as not to damage it with random strike or sharp movements. In other cases, the criterion of choice is the comfort of the child and its own preferences.