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Quick way to learn to read. The "green point" method. Problems that interfere with learn how to quickly read

The ability to quickly read and well absorb the information received is a useful skill. People who know the price of their time must know how to quickly read. It will not take much time and will not require much effort. It is only necessary to own a pair of secrets that will greatly make life easier for you and help quality and quickly absorb large amounts of information. Nowadays, when everyone has access to the Internet, everyone can and for this you do not need to run to the nearest library. Millions of people, engaged in their self-education, look the pages of the worldwide network, but not always the information obtained is absorbed efficiently. After reading this article, you will learn how to learn how to speed and quickly familiarize yourself with a large amount of information.

5 rules how to learn how to quickly read books:

Rule 1 - Concentrate

The first and most important rules of the speed is the ability to concentrate on the reading process. When we learn to quickly read, then all annoying sounds should go to the background. Before you start reading the book, read it brief description. So you will already know about what we are talking about, respectively, you can faster in the essence. Try to get involved in written and give yourself the installation that you need to master this information. Complete concentration and calm will help to make the most in the plot.

Rule 2 - Do not duplicate information

To learn how to read the books correctly, you need to abandon subvoliking (repetition read). Many people think that if in a voice or mentally to themselves to repeat the information obtained, then its digestibility will become higher. It's a delusion. As soon as you get rid of this habit, the reading process will be much easier and the brain will begin to grab all the eyes seen on the fly.

Rule 3 - Select keywords

Learn to read the book correctly, highlighting the key phrases from the text. Thus, these small information blocks are faster in your understanding the entire plot read. Do not think about each phrase, because by this you distract the brain and probably miss something interesting. The ability to highlight the main phrases will be the key to the rapid and high-quality reading of the literature.

Rule 4 - Simplify the process of reading the use of bookmark

Another small detail will help you quickly achieve the goal. You will understand how to quickly read the book if you take yourself a rule using bookmarks. Using a small piece of paper, you will quickly find the page on which you finished reading last time. Some people helps driving a bookmark on the text. So you concentrate on a specific line, and do not dissipate it over the entire page. Tune in to the speed of reading as much as possible, and leave the brain perception task.

Rule 5 - Constantly exercise in speeds

Only regular workouts can be a key to success and obtain the desired result. Start with light texts - read the novel or detective that can capture you from the first lines. You do not need to immediately choose heavy and overloaded with accurate information texts. Remember that the key to any successful case is systematic training and perseverance. Following these simple rules, you will understand how to quickly read and easily assimilate information.

3 effective ways how to learn to quickly read and memorize

Learn to quickly read and perceive the information - it is already half an end. The following task is to learn how to memorize the information received. In order to master and this skill, you need to master three methods that in the amount guarantee your one hundred percent result.

  • Visualization. Try emotionally to survive the plot. Create in your imagination the image of the main character, set him up and scroll into the pictures read. Learn to connect your emotions to the read process, then the information will definitely be deposited in your memory. If you can read quickly and at the same time scroll through the plot of books in your head, then not only visual memory is connected, but also figurative.
  • Create an association you understand. The use of this method is at times increases reading efficiency. The text memorization is simple - the essence of the read you are connected with something familiar for you, because everyone knows that more understandable information is remembered faster and more clear.
  • Repeat important information. Not in vain, since childhood, everyone says that the repetition is the mother of teachings. To remember important information, it is necessary to periodically remember and scroll into the head. So you train your memory.


It is important for a person to constantly develop and learn something new. Training brain and improve your education books will help you. To learn how to speed is not as difficult as it seems. Try to follow all the above recommendations and rules, because you can use your free time with them as efficiently as possible. Remember that education is the key to success. Do you have your favorite books that were postponed in memory from the first reading?

Put the rating!

The ability to quickly read and remember the read - extremely useful skill. He needs schoolchildren and students who constantly assimilate new knowledge. But a person learns all his life, and mental abilities decrease with age. Speaking up with abstracts, we eventually notice difficulties with perception and memorization of information.

Why is this happening? The brain needs exercises as the body - in motion. If we give up regular workouts, the abilities are dumping, and the previously obtained knowledge will be erased from the memory. The only way out is to develop available skills and develop new ones. We share themselves simple waysHow to learn to read faster and remember more.

Fast reading - skill that will have a positive effect on your memory

Why do we read slowly?

Researchers have determined that the average American reads 200-300 words per minute. The indicator grows with the level of education. A college student "swallows" 450 words, a teacher - 600-700 and so on. If you take into account the features of the Russian language, then for us there will be 150 words per minute. But the conclusion is obvious. Want to read faster - read more.

The reading speed influences external conditions. It is not surprising that at home, in silence we read faster than in a crowded subway. The inability to focus worsens not only the speed of reading, but also the ability to understand the read. Thoughtful work on the texts requires comfortable conditions. And in transport you can read the artistic book or article.

The speed of reading depends on the concentration of vision on the text. Our view moves on the text of the jumps. Each of them is completed by focusing on a specific page of the page. To check it out, sit at the table and put a book in front of you. Close one eye, cautiously pressing the eyelid with your finger, and the other slide on the text. Do you feel jumping? They brake reading.

Read speed depends on the possibility to concentrate on the text

Reading without a rush, we often go back to the textured text. This happens inadvertently: we think about our, we lose concentration - and the subconscious moves us to the beginning of a familiar offer. This is also a jump, but back. Such "travels" occupy a third of the reading time.

Surprisingly, but the lion's share of attention steal ... fields. Focusing on two or three words, we catch the rest of the text with peripheral vision. If we read the offer from the first word to the last, then we capture the empty areas around the edges of the page. The brain spends time on the perception of these white spots, and the read speed slows down. Experiment?

Once Fedor read a collection of romantic poems up to three o'clock in the morning.

Read this phrase twice. First, start with the words "once" and finish at the "Nights". For the second time, start with Fedor and finish on the "three". Noticed how long did you save? So work techniques. Owners electronic books Read more works than lovers of paper editions. Perhaps the secret is that in the "readers" fields already.

E-book owners have time to read more works

How to develop the speed of reading?

So, only two tips:

  1. Avoid scaches view on the page.
  2. Do not waste peripheral vision to the fields.

At first glance, everything is simple. But to use these techniques every day, you need to develop them to the level of reflex. To do this, perform a complex of three exercises:

  1. Use a pencil to not jump off one part of the text to another. Put the open book and read by leading the tip of the typewriting along the string. Start from the first word and finish the last. You will feel how the concentration of attention is growing. Then count the number of rows on the page, check the stopwatch one minute and take reading. Try to spend on the string for no more than a second. Do not stop and do not return back.
  2. Read the next minute with a pencil, but start from the second word in the string and complete two to the end.
  3. For the third minute, start the third word and finish on the third from the end. Read with a speed of half a second on the string. Do not stop, even if the meaning of the read will slip out. Focus on time and number of lines.

"Reheat" minutes 15 minutes, and then measure the read speed. It will increase by 2-3 times compared to the usual. And remember: the speed requires constant practice, but allows you to develop indicators up to 1500 words per minute!

Use a pencil to not jump off the string on the string

Speed \u200b\u200band understanding

Unfortunately, the speed of reading worsens the understanding and memorization of text. Even many years of use of this technician does not guarantee that you do not miss important moments. Alternative to speeding - Spritz and Blinkist techniques. The idea is the same. We spend a lot of time on "jumps" on the page and reading fields. How to avoid it without prejudice to the text understanding?

  • Methodik Spritz. It is that words appear on the screen one by one. The letter in the center is marked red, which improves the focus of view. Switch to read earlier or wander the look in the text is impossible. The English version of SPRITZ allows you to read 600 words per minute. The company creates applications for phones, tablets and laptops on different languages. On the site SPZIRTZ you can translate the text (including Russian-speaking) to this reading system.
  • Company Blinkist. Offers another approach. To read faster, you need to read only important. The application shares the text on convenient segments for perception. Each makes a separate thought. It makes Blinkist useful for reading long articles and works. But we will be honest. Students were preparing for classes on entry and conclusions to the article long before the advent of smartphones.

Let's summarize. Speeding is interesting and useful. But the development of cunning techniques will take a long time and it is unlikely to improve the ability to understand the information. In some cases, it is better to emphasize on the analysis and memorization of the read, and not at the absorption speed of pages.

Remember everything

Memory is an amazing thing. We greatly remember the little things like a school friend's phone number, and instantly forget that you need to buy in the supermarket. How does our memory work? It decryls the information received, sends it to the "archive", and if necessary, looking for and retrieves it back.

Your phone will refuse to work if the battery sat down. The brain also needs recharging. Purchase, alternate rest and work, having fun, drink enough water. Eat omega-3 fatty acids - they are kept in nuts, fish, linen oil And improve mental abilities. Exercise. Just 15 minutes of exercise - and the study will go much easier.

Tune in to the fact that everything is impossible to learn everything. Like the area of \u200b\u200bthis archive, the volume of human memory is limited. To save new information, we get rid of old. You can not change this system, but designate some memories as more significant. The best way For a long time to save the information - to tie it to emotions and images.

Scroll in the memory of the book that you passed by school Program. What was the name of the main characters, where the events unfolded? Some plots will retell immediately, others - after time, we will miss the third.

For memory training, remember which books you read at school

And now think why this happens. Most likely, you remember the works well, caused strong feelings. You may have long discussed this book with a girlfriend or wrote an introductory essay. Or maybe you liked the illustrations - pictures awaken more emotions than text. In any case, the memory bonds facts with emotions and carefully stores them.

This constructed many memorization methods.

  • Abbreviation. To save multiple titles in memory, make a new word or offer from their initial letters. Every hunter wants to know where Pheasan sits, - Remember? The method works not only with rainbow colors.
  • Rhyme. Poems learn easier than prose. For example, you forget the date of the cancellation of serfdom - 1861. Try to get it around this way: "One eight six one - I will give freedom to serf."
  • Association. Works well when studying foreign. Studying new words, look in Russian consonant with them. "Keep IT" (hold it) it looks like "boils", "necessary" (necessary) - on "carries out Sari." At the same time, draw in the mind of a person holding a boiling kettle, or an Indian who runs down the street, carrying in the hands of Sari (national clothing), which is necessary for his wife. English words Often have several values. Look for the connection between them. The word "Palm" denotes a tree and palm. Paint a palm tree with leaves similar to open palms. Learn how the original names of your favorite films sound. English name Groundhog, "Groundhog", difficult to even say. But if you remember the film "Groundur Day" ("Groundhog Day") with Bill Murrey, the task will be simplified.
  • Chain. If you need to remember a few random words, tie them in meaning. Classic example - shopping list. Suppose you go to the supermarket behind apples, coffee and paste. Imagine how fruit wakes up, drinks invigorating drink and thoroughly cleans your teeth. You are unlikely to forget such a bright plot along the way to the store.
  • The palaces of the mind. Favorite Sherlock Holmes. Imagine a room - a room or a house you know well. Mentally draw what you need to remember, and arrange these items in the titles. The brighter and the "interior" will be unusual, the longer it will be saved in memory. Add the chain reception. For example, you learn the plays Chekhov. The room includes Anton Pavlovich, chatting with Uncle Vanya, the seagull flies near, and in the depths of the room there the Cherry Orchard And three sisters are walking ... the secret is to visit "the draws" as often as possible and do not be afraid to imagine strange pictures.

In the study of foreign languages, the Association method works well

Tips for those who want to remember more:

  • Write from hand. And not only abstracts. Rewriting information, we remember much more than when reading. Start the "literary diary". Write out unfamiliar words interesting quotes and plot parts, make reviews. Lazy option - bookmarks. Stress the most significant paragraphs and stick to the colored sticker page. If you return to the book, you can easily find important information.
  • Alternate source and discipline. Studying a specific topic, do not limit the books. Find articles, videos, lectures, images ... You will form a complete picture of the events and do not let the brain overwhelm. If you are preparing for exams, pay a day to devote to one subject no more than two hours. After challenging discipline, take the one that you like.
  • Associate new information with knowledge gained earlier or life experience. Reading the artistic book, remember what historical events Take time occurred. Teach the formula on mathematics? Think how to use them in everyday life.
  • Retell read by your words, simplifying complex moments. Then run your eyes in the text and think that you missed or confused. Be sure to clarify incomprehensible terms or expressions in the text. Do it immediately so as not to move the material again.
  • Share information on "Portions" and repeat it regularly. If you need to learn 50 foreign words by the end of the week, watch 25 in the morning and 25 in the evening. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Forgot foreign word, date or name? Do not run for advice to Google or Abstract, but try to remember yourself.

Train Memory

The ability to memorize a lot is not talent, but a skill that can be improved. Learn what you like, be it poems or foreign language. Set the norm - one poem or 20 words per week. Instead of social networks, share the time to train thinking applications (LUMOSITY, ELEVATE - Brain Training, Memory) and thematic sites:

  • uPLIFT.IO - a selection of memory games and thinking speed. At the same time tighten English, geography, story. - a few more games for development different species Memory and attention.

Interactive applications are perfect for training memory

To train visual memory, we recommend the Aivazovsky method. To remember the "picture", look carefully for five minutes. Save all to the smallest things in memory. Now close your eyes and mentally draw seen. Several workouts - and the problems with the memorization of the streets will disappear.

The development of reading and memory speed is a useful and interesting task. But it is important to understand why you take a book in your hands. If you need to make a general impression of the text, there is enough to be brought up. But often our goal is to comprehend information, make an opinion about it and apply in life. Development brings work on text, not the number of read books.

Speed \u200b\u200b- this is a skill, which is surprisingly rolling. You can improve speed using a special software or visiting courses for speeds. In this article we are talking about 5 main aircraft techniques that you can master themselves!

So, here they are:

Stop charging words in my head

By the way, many have an even more terrible habit: to pronounce text out loud while reading. This slows down the reading process is stronger than progressing thoughts in the head. Subvocalization is a habit inherent in most people. When reading, we seem to "hear" all the words with the brain. Try to get rid of this habit and the speed of your reading will increase at times! All you need to do is disable text progress in your head. Try while reading chewing a chewing gum, to wash myself under the nose (I checked it, helps!) Or even eat.

Avoid "Returns"

When we read, we tend to return our eyes back and dwell on the Word, which we just read. It slows down significantly. Unfortunately, the only way Get rid of this habit - to admit that you do it and fix it when you do it.

Follow the text

One of the most amazing photography techniques - "Meta Guiding" (text tracking). Remember how in school, reading the text, did you drive a finger / pencil on it or followed him by the movement of the head? So, this story is about it. It turns out that this method seriously speeds up the reading process. Do not forget to concentrate on each word if you want to remember the incoming information.

Figuration, in fact, is not shown to everyone. Most people are able to handle a huge number of read information on high speedBut there are those who can not. If you are interested, let the chance of a chance, but do not be discouraged if it does not work. There are other options:

Skip those sites (or even chapters) that you do not need

Another trick that increases your reading speed is to skip not the necessary information. As the former British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfur once said: "A person owns the art of reading only half, if he did not add the ability to skip unnecessary text to this."

The skipping of unnecessary text is one of the methods of speeds, and, although it is not the best way for schoolchildren and students, but, for example, for scientists interested only in certain areas of a particular book, the method is excellent saving time. Professor David Davis shared his strategy for efficient skimming:

1. Start with the introduction or from the preface. Carefully read them to understand what is the main feature of the book and where the information needs for you.

2. Read the last chapter or conclusion.

3. Run through the chapters and read the first and last paragraphs.

Obviously, you will not do that with every book. We do not advise. Skimming is best to apply to those books, in reading which you are interested not strongly or for fluidally acquainted with the book and identifying the sites that you are most interested in for later detailed familiarization with them.

Listen to the audiobooks when you can not read

When you go somewhere, cook food or play sports and other cases when you cannot read, listen to audiobooks. This is a great way to efficient time use.

Read at the same time several books

Last year, Jeff Ryan set himself a plank in 366 books, which he had to read for the year. Such a goal seems incredible while you do not know how Ryan has achieved it:

The idea of \u200b\u200breading on one book per day from the crust to the crust quickly failed. We had Jeff and such days that he was loaded by the work and raising children, and he had no a minute of free time reading. As a result, he took advantage of the parallel reading method and eventually managed to perform his difficult challenge.

Of course, Jeff combined this tactic and with others, which we led here. The technique of reading a few books simultaneously implies that you can distinguish your readable material and it does not merge in the head into a solid porridge. If there are signs of such behavior, adapt the method to yourself: read the books of different genres and formats at the same time (example: comic, novel and audiobook).

Discard books that do not work for you

The Council seems obvious, but we still focus on this point in more detail. So, if you have already read several chapters, and you do not feel pleasure or benefit from reading, then just stop reading it. Think why you do not enjoy reading. Is it just an inappropriate book at the wrong time? If so, then just postpone it until better. Did someone recommended the book, and you do not like it? Return it to the seller, refer or give the library. Do not waste your precious time on the books that you do not like.


Squeeze the books you want to read. Using the methods described above, you master them in less time. Make yourself a read schedule and forward!

When it remains very little time to school, and the child can not read yet, parents begin to panic, because the baby will go to the first class not prepared. There is a problem how to quickly teach it to read. This can be done at home without resorting to the help of teachers. In the article we will answer the main questions that may arise from parents trying to quickly teach the child to read.

How to understand that the child is ready for learning?

Interest in reading occurs in children about 5 years. But we all know that every child is individual in its development. Some are ready for learning for 4 years, and some will have to postpone this process to 6-7 years. Parents are very important not to miss this moment, because it is during this period to teach reading much easier.

Contribute to the awakening interest in reading the child can personal example. At home should be books and magazines, the child should see that the parents of the reading process gives pleasure. Responding to the child's questions, you can tell him about what book is this answer.

The best stimulus for a child learn to read - an example of parents

Understand whether the child is ready for reading reading, if you analyze a number of factors:

  • Whether the child is able to own a speech:he must have a rich vocabulary, be able to build phrases, coordinate words, it is clear to express his thoughts, be able to talk about the surrounding subjects and phenomena;
  • Is the phonderatic hearing? Please note whether the kid can distinguish between speech sounds, call the first or last sound in the word whether it can reproduce the heard sounds;
  • Are there any problems with hearing and pronunciation.The child should have all the sounds, the right pace of speech, rhythm;
  • The kid must freely navigate in space,know the concept of right-left, top-bottom.

If all these factors are fully fulfilled - your child is ready to learn to read.

The best way - learning to read in a game form

All training and educational classes with preschoolers must pass playing.At such age, the child is simply not able to perceive new information differently. The game is the most active formWith the help of which the preschooler will know the world. It is a natural state for a child of this age. All classes must be unobtrusive, it is arranged on the principle of "as if, by the way," then the child will go to the information more fully.

For learning reading, you can use a lot of game aids and games. Using game activity in training, we create a positive emotional background, which will help the child to learn the knowledge gained. With the help of the game we can instill love for reading. There is no commitment in the game, the child develops as it can.

If, for example, the baby can not go from reading in the syllable to reading words to read, it means it is not ready yet. Do not cost to overestimate the requirements. If suddenly the child has persistent reluctance to learn to read, it means that an adult somewhere made a mistake. In this case, the training should be stopped, making a pause and try again, offering interesting games to the baby.

Video review of the most popular learning techniques Look in the video:

Review of effective games and techniques

Teach the child not letters, but sounds.The baby will be difficult to understand that the letter "EM" (or even "ME" is read as "M", and the word mom he will read Emaema. First only sounds and only when the child will understand how to read, go to study right name letters

The child should know how the letters sound, and only later - what are called

Effective techniques

Cubes Zaitsev

Modern parents heard a lot of Ekubiki Zaitsev. This is one of the most popular techniques at present, with the help of which you can teach a child to read pretty quickly. This method of learning is suitable for active kids who are difficult to stop in one place. Warehouses written in cubes are accepted for one unit. This distinguishes this technique from ordinary, where one unit is one letter. Clear these warehouses can talking child Almost at any age.

In the cubes of Zaitseva there different types Warehouses:

  • warehouses in which only one letter,
  • warehouse combining two letters: consonant and vowel, consonant and soft sign, consonant and solid sign.

Cubes Zaitsev are considered one of the fastest learning techniques to read

Cubes have different color and depending on it are called differently. Cubes with vowels are called gold, their color is golden. Warehouses that sound are ringing are called iron, their color is gray. Wooden, or brown cubes - warehouses with deaf sound. The punctuation marks indicate white and green cubes.

Cubes have their own filling and, depending on it, their sound and various weight. They can fill:

  • wooden chopsticks;
  • bells;
  • sand;
  • stones;
  • small metal objects;
  • caps and traffic jams.

Also, cubes differ in size. If the cube of the usual size, it means that the warehouse is mild on it. If the cube is dual, then the warehouse on it will be solid.

In addition to cubes, tables are used on which all warehouses are written. These tables are always in sight of children.

Check video review Cubic Zaitseva Cubes:

From 2 years you can use cubes to introduce a child with reading. Than older childThe less lessons will need it for learning reading. So, children under 3 years will be able to master this skill for about six months, while a six-year-old child for mastering the reading skill will only be needed 5-6 lessons.

Doing, children do not spend time in one place. They are always in motion. All classes are carried out only in the game form.

SAME popular games With cubes are:

  • Cheerful steam locomotive. Children fold from cubes with vowel warehouses steam locomotive. The locomotive begins to move when all warehouses in cubes will arrive.
  • Kolobok. The child throws a cube cube into any room. He needs to catch up with a cube and read that warehouse that turned out to be top.
  • Find a couple. To any warehouse in a cube you can find the same in the table.
  • Voices of animals.We are looking for warehouses on cubes that correspond to the sounds published by animals (me, meow, be, mu).

Thanks to the audio sounds, Zaitsev cubes are interested even to play even the smallest

Reviews of the parents about this technique are not unambiguous. Someone suggests that with the help of this technique, the kid loved reading. They helped to develop logic in the child, thinking, the ability to think critically, and contributed to its comprehensive development. It was absolutely not difficult to deal with such parents with such parents, they noted that children easily moved to independent reading.

A number of parents did not see the results in training in cubes. Children did not understand the essence of such a reading, it was difficult for them to read on the syllables. For these guys, an individual form of training was approached, difficulties arose. With a collective form of training, success was more.

Look at another entertaining video about Zaitseva cubes:

Speech therapy Methodology N. Zhukova

Another, no less popular, methodology for fast reading is the technique developed by N. Zhukova. It is based on a speech therapy approach. With it, you can prevent the appearance of speech defects. Training occurs with the help of a pushworker whose hero is a "cheerful boy." The boy helps the child to master the right reading, this process is very fast. The letter begins with learning to read the syllables. Gradually appear words and in the end are offered to read texts.

In the letter at least unnecessary information, to be distracted by the process of the child is not what, there are few entertainment games and pictures in it. The technique is suitable only with highlyotic five-year-old children who want to go to school faster.

Games contributing to the rapid child learning to read

Games for learning letters

  • Create together with the baby bright and memorable images of the letters, with whom he can play. For such purposes, you can use the finished cards on which the colorful letters depict.

You can deal with the letter Elena Bakhtina. It offers color letters that can be cut, entertaining pictures and interesting stories about every letter. You can use coloring, where letters resemble various items.

  • To memorize letters, you can use short poems, Telling about the letter.
  • Designing letters from matches, counting sticks, plasticine, wire.

  • Create with a child table "Reminders"about every letter.

Table- "Review" about letters

  • Create an album in which letters will live.Each page is accommodation for a separate letter. Housing can be decorated with pictures starting on this letter, coloring, write poems about this letter.

  • Call letters that hide.The child is offered a picture on which he must find various letters.

  • Together with the child you can create a house for letters.The house for each letter should be pockets. After studying the letter, we set out the cardboard letter home. The studied letters can be offered to the treat that begins with it (A - Apricot, Pineapple). Fairy-tale heroes They can take a visit to the letter with which their name begins (L - Leopold, M - Masha). With the help of such a house for letters, the child will learn to recognize the studied letters, determine the first letter in the word.

  • "Catch the sound" We throw the baby to the baby, calling different words. If the letter has been studied in the Word, then I catch the ball. If there is no letters, the ball needs to beat.

  • You can use board games to explore letters.Lotto and domino with letters help in this. The ideal option There will be a lotto that does not contain pictures, but only letters. So the stage of memorization of letters will be much faster. Such lotto you can do yourself. It will take 6-8 cards with written letters and small pictures with letters that the child will be called to search for cards.

  • Riddles in which the sound studied is often repeated.

Elephant in Africa walked,

Long trunk wisered,

And then once! - and disappeared:

Turned into a letter ... (c)

  • « Fishing" In the basin there are pictures to which magnets are attached. The task of the child: catch all words, in the title of which there is a studied letter.

An example of another study game, see the video:

Games aimed at the ability to fold syllables

After you with the child learned all the letters, the next stage comes - we put syllables.

  • By the same principle, as the lotto is done for letters, you can do Slave lotto.
  • You can use the playing games. Such games can be made independently using ready-made rod games as the basis. In empty cells, for which you need to move the chip, you need to enter different syllables. During the game, the child as usually throws a cube. The difference is that he must read the syllables who met on his way. So there may be sound tracks, consisting of even 6 syllables. By the same principle you can make a racing track. The child must move the machine, reading the syllables who met on his way. Who will read all the syllables faster, will faster reach the destination and win the race.

  • Games "Shop" and "Mail". On the coins for the game in the store Write different syllables. The buyer must give a coin on which the syllable is written. From this syllable, the name of the goods should begin (the coin with the syllable Ban - we buy a banana, a coin with a syllable Ma - we buy a typewriter, a coin with a syllable plan - we buy a dress). The principle of the game "Mail" is the same as the game "Shop". Here you need to prepare envelopes for the game, instead of the address on which syllables will be written. Addressee are toy animals. The task of the game is to correctly deliver mail (envelope with a syllable with a dog, an envelope with a syllable - chanterelle).
  • Houses with syllables. For this game, they will need houses on which syllables are written; Cut from cardboard figures of men with written names; Cut from magazines pictures with furniture, fruits, vegetables and other various subjects. During the game for each house, you need to find a tenant, a little man, whose name begins with a syllable written on a house. At the same time, the man goes into the store and buy himself something that begins with the same syllable. For example, Dima settles in a house with a syllable di and will buy a sofa, Polina will settle in the house with a syllable, and buy a tomato.
  • The game "Make a syllable of halves." To play, you need to write a variety of syllables on cardboard cards and cut them in half horizontally. Mix cards. The task of the child to collect cards and read the syllables written on them.
  • "Finish the word." On cards write words divided into syllables. It is better to use words from two syllables, such as porridge, puddle, field, feather. Cut the cards into separate syllables. Sounds with the beginning of words petign in one direction, syllables with the end of words - to another. For the game, we take a card with the beginning of the word, we read the syllable loudly, which is written on it and the word that the child should compile. For example, ka - porridge. The task of the child to find a card with a syllable ending the word. In this case, the card with the syllable sha.

House with syllables

At the stage of learning to read the child, words and proposals have to do a lot on books. In order to instill love for reading, such classes must be diluted with gaming activities.Here you can offer the following games.

  • Find the word.RULES: lay out a walkway from of different words. His task to choose what you migrated. For example, among words: "Onions, table, swing, cat", find "live" word, vegetables, piece of furniture, children's entertainment on the street. After each search, the card is better to put back and move words so that the child does not show the memory cards.
  • "Word in the Word."The child must be found in the word word. For example, comrades - commodity, cooking, laughter - fur.
  • "Make a word"Multicolored circles with written syllables and pictures that suggest a child, what word to make up. For example, the picture depicting the sea. The child must choose two circles. In the first round, the syllable of MO, on the second - re. Picture with the image of the sky. The child chooses circles with strata not and bo.

Developing game "Continue the Word"

  • "Footprints with the words."You can get from one end of the room to another only in the footsteps with the words written on them. Being the trace need to read the word on it.
  • "Collect the Word." The child is offered letters from which he must collect the word. For example, Hsem - Laughter, Inco - Cinema.
  • « Airport "or" Parking ". To play, you need to pick up similar words, for example, the cat, mole, mouth, the court you want to decompose on the floor. This is necessary so that the child does not make a choice of memory, but read the words. The airplane flies from one airport to another. The names of airport-words tell the child you. If this is a game "Parking", then the baby's car parks on the parking space offered to him.

You can independently or together with the child come up with such games, based on your baby's hobby. Games need to be constantly changing. Your fantasy will surely help you in such a not easy child learning to read.

Most. effective learning For preschoolers is a game

Exercises and games to secure reading skills

To secure the initial reading skills, children can be offered to play the following games:

  • "Make a word." The child is invited to make a word from the syllables and letters confidential. For example: Create a game situation - chanterelle decided to make gifts to grandmother and recorded them to not forget. Suddenly the wind flew off and mixed everything. Let's help you remember that she wanted to give a grandmother, making up letters and syllables of words. RTOTO - Cake, FE KO YOU N - Candy, Versa Ts You - Flowers, ki o-glasses, h rho ka - chicken ....
  • The game "We repair the words"

We are common words

Everyone knows us all,

We contain the letter "A"

Three times or twice.

Sometimes only one

(Not at the beginning).

But today .. Well, well!

They all fled!


In this poem, you can replace the letter "A" on any other vowel.

  • Exercises with reading a short story with missing letters.
  • "Letter arithmetic"

Co + World - IR + on + Tanya - Nya \u003d Room

K + thread + gam - m \u003d book

Card for a learning lotto may look something like that

  • Exercise "Read Quickly"

Salt, salt, salt, sat down, salt.

Cheese, cheese, cheese, peace, cheese.

Saw, saw, saw, linden, saw.

River, river, hand, river, hand.

  • « Encrypters»Children are invited to decipher the written word. 3124 - Gria (game), 461253 - Urzek (cucumber).
  • "Guess what is wrong."The child can offer pictures on which animals or any other items depict. The names in the pictures are signed incorrectly (instead of the cow - the crown, instead of the drum - ram). The child should find a mistake carefully reading and thinking about the meaning of the written word.
  • "Border of countries". In the game on the sheet you need to write different words. These words will be residents of countries. It is necessary that groups of written words be the exact opposite of each other. As an example, you can take live-inelate, wild and pets, summer phenomena - winter phenomena, etc. Child's task read the names of all residents and hold the border between countries. Such a game will contribute not only to the consolidation of reading skills, but also make the child read thoughtfully, reason.

Look a useful video with a lesson reading Svetlana Olochko:

  • "Composition of the Proverbs"

Fun, the case, and, time, an hour is the case time, and the fun hour.

  • Reading words on the contrarySpring - Ansev, Winter - Amiz.
  • You can take advantage of the book-booking books "Letters from Gnomitis Goosh" I will teach you to read. "Here at the third level of complexity, a gnome writes large letters for a child for a child, who reads who the child will also fix the acquired skills.

The most important thing at this stage is not to read the boring occupation. Add a fairy tale, magic ... Make it with the game ... Even reading text several times, as recommended for better understanding of it, you can make an interesting reading in different ways.

In the video presented below, several secrets are told, how to instill love for reading:

Is it worth watching video lessons?

The answer to this question is of course worth it. With the help of video lessons you can diversify the learning process.The child will gladly watch the video, the child's attention will be completely focused on it. As a rule, such lessons are short in time, but the effect of their use is the maximum.

When teaching a child, reading it is necessary to use any opportunity that this process becomes colorful and fascinating. Using video lessons will help you in this difficult business.

For example, see this tutorial cartoon "Luntik teaches the letter":

How to teach memorial read?

The ability to memorize read is important aspect In teaching a child reading. You can often encounter the fact that the child can read very quickly. However, when he is asked a question on the read, he cannot answer it. This is explained by mechanical reading, the child is not mounted in the read text. Such reading will deliver a child a lot of problems in the future, because at school it is necessary not just to read, but retell texts and answer questions on them. It must be understood what you read about.

The child must read in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere

How can I teach memorial read? We will try to answer this question.

  • During reading there should be no distracting moments.Read better in silence and relaxed atmosphere.
  • It is necessary that the child understand what he reads.To do this, each submitted offer must be analyzed. You can read the offer several times. If the text is incomprehensible for a child, you should explain to him their meaning.
  • On the initial stage Learning reading and memorizing read can be suggested to draw an illustration for each paragraph read. Looking at such an illustration, the child will be able to remember that he read.
  • If the child has problems with memorizing read, then you can offer to divide the text on the part. First, read the first paragraph, analyze it, we will understand the meaning of the read, draw an illustration. Next, take a break, at least a little that the child can distract. After the break, proceed to reading the second paragraph. We also explain the meaning of the read, analyzing, we tell, draw a illustration. After you ask the child to tell the first and second parts that he read. As a tip, you can use illustrations. We again take a break. And so read to the end of the text. Short texts are easier to read and memorize read.
  • Read better in the morning.By evening, the child's brain is already overloaded with information and is not able to memorize it. Therefore, in the evening, the child will be much heavier to remember the read.
  • The most important thing is to understand read!No need to force a child to tell all the text from the offer to offer. The most important thing is that the child can retell the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe paragraph read, understood what is said about.
  • During the story, a child read in any way to interrupt it. The child can be very easy to get off his mind and forget that he read.

In this video, Shamil Ahmadullin tells why the child does not understand and remember the read texts, and how to deal with it:

  1. It helps to avoid mechanical reading exercise with filling the missed words.To find a suitable word, the child needs to thoughtfully read the text. For example, Kolya bought ... sweets (here the child picks up words independently, it can be sweet, delicious, chocolate, sucking ...). Today was ... day. (Suitable words are selected from the context: rainy, sunny, beautiful, cheerful, warm ...).
  2. Another one effective exercise There will be a semantic fault in the text.Here is a child along with regular offers Offers proposals with meaning errors who make it meaning ridiculous.


In one village there lived the owners the faithful dog Barbos. His owners loved him very much and pumped. They treated him with pair hammer and fresh firewood. Once Barbos went to walk - breathe fresh wind and warm up in a frying pan.

You should run the text, closing the several first and last letters of each line. The child needs to guess within the meaning of the hidden letters.

Determine what kind of memory of the child is developed better: visual or auditory. Sometimes children to memorize better listen to the read text.

How to accelerate the pace of reading schoolchildren

Currently, students are loaded more and more. For successful learning Schoolchildren should be able to read consciously and quickly. Helping the child to speed up the pace of reading, you can help him succeed in studying, After all, as psychologists say, the text that is read in the pace of speech pronounced is best remembered.

With a low reading pace, the text is not remembered by first grader. The reason for this is that when he reads all the text to the end, he will not forget what was at the beginning. With too high reading speed, the child "swallows" most of the read, without understanding it.

Often at the initial stage of training, children do not remember what they just read

The norm of reading techniques, when the child ends 1 class, is considered to read 35-40 words per minute.Reading the child should understand what he read about, it is necessary to read not in a hurry, right. By the end of the school year, the child must move from the syllable reading to reading individual words.

At the end of the second year, the child must read at least 55-60 words per minute.Now it should read in all words, consciously, not allowing mistakes. In 8-9 years, the child must be able to abide by the necessary pauses, logical emphasis and intonation color text.

At the end of the third class, the reading pace should increase to 75-80 words per minute. At the same time, the child of 10 years should be able to show an understanding of the read, observing pauses, intonation, logical emphasis.

By graduation elementary school The child should read fluently, consciously, right. The student must be able to show its attitude to read, observing pauses with the help of intonations, logic strokes. At 11 years old, the child must be able to use all the necessary means of expressive verbal speech.

Parents should understand that when checking the reading technology, the child reads with which the child reads will not be the main indicator. In addition to reading speed, the reading method (syllable or reading with words) is checked, the reading awareness (the child must understand what he reads about), expressiveness, the presence of errors while reading.

Below is a fairly useful video about children's teaching speeds:

In order to speed up the pace of reading the student, in which he will understand the read, it is necessary to deal with the reasons that prevent the child to read the text in the fast pace and with understanding read.

Child can interfere:

  • Bad memory.While the child will read the proposal, he has already forgotten what he read at his beginning. He has to read again and again, as long as he does not understand the meaning of this proposal. In this case, it is necessary to develop the memory of the child. For this there are many different exercises.
  • Inattention. The child reads automatically without focusing on reading. In his thoughts at this moment something is absolutely different. As a result, it turns out that the text is read, but do not understand. Attentiveness is the quality from which the understanding and memorization of text is very dependent. Attention, as well as memory, it is necessary to develop. For this is effective techniques and recommendations. But first of all, you need to exclude all distracting factors when reading, create an appropriate situation.
  • The child reads a little at home, does not like to read. Carry a child reading. For example, start the child to read the story with an exciting storyline and stop at the most interesting place. If he wants to know the continuation, then he should read himself. You, of course, continue, but not today, not now, maybe tomorrow. ... Offer a child as much as possible fiction for reading. Show your example that you love to read. Positive Moment The fact that if the child will read a lot, his dictionary will expand.
  • Limited field of view.It can be expressed in the fact that the child does not see the words that follows readable. Time leaves for this word to see, read and understand. Solving this problem can help classes with Tables Schulte.
  • Regression of eye movements. Baby look back on already read words. You can help in solving this problem, if you close each paper sheet or a ruler. With constant repetition, the child's eye will be accustomed to the correct movement and will not look at the text read.
  • The articulation apparatus is not developed. Here you can recommend classes with a teacher defectologist. At home you should strive to ensure that the child says not in a hurry, calmly, pronouncing every word to the end. Learn the patters, cleanrs, sing songs with the child to train the stretching words.
  • Speech therapy problems. The speech therapist can help you in their solution. Do not leave lessons with the speaker until you see the fixed result. Perhaps the child will need a massage course.

Carefully see if there are any of your child's listed problems. If suddenly they showed out, do not hesitate, take measures to solve them. It will be an important step In helping your child learn to read quickly and consciously.

The following video shows tasks for workout attention using the Schulte Table.

Several tips, how to make the child love to read and did it without reminders and with pleasure, look in the video:

  1. Sut the reader five hundred.Several times during the day ask the child to read a little text. The child does not necessarily read out loud. Here you can practice and read about yourself. Then ask him to tell about what he read.
  2. Words in which a lot of consonants in a row (for example, tool) cause huge difficulties in reading at first grader. Such words can be written to individual cards and learn from the child to those until he can quickly read them and clearly pronounce.
  3. Viewing the diameters in which a small phrase is replaced with a colorful picture, does not give the child to get tired while reading. Here the role is playing fast switching from reading.
  4. If the child can not read for a long time, divide the text on 1-2 sentences and read them with breaks.During the break, the child rests and after reading the following offers.
  5. Learn a child to retell read texts. Texts for the negative should not be large.

The film, in which the baby will need to read the text independently, is presented below:

Parents seeking to teach a child to read as quickly as possible, you need to be very delicate in the learning process. Here are the rules and tips for those parents who do not want the child to lose interest in reading, and they want to instill a love for him.

You can start learning to read even when the child does not yet speak.

The sooner you start, the better. IN early age You can quickly raise the cards with letters and call them a child several times a day. You can buy a voiced poster "Alphabet" with merry rhymes, songs about letters. A finger child to circle the outline letters, calling her.

Do, only playing with the child!

Exactly this an important rule. All information that the preschooler receives through the game is absorbed much faster than the information that is presented to him in the form of boring classes.

Perhaps the video presented below will help you understand the reasons why the child does not like to read:

Integrate child reading.

If you begin to force a child to read, then it will disappear this desire. Injure the child. Read him as many interesting stories as possible, fairy tales, poems. At home should be a rich selection of fiction for children. Tell him that all the answers to his questions can be found in the books. Read yourself, the child must see that surrounding it is loved by reading. It is from them that he takes an example, seeks to be like his parents.

Try learning syllables, not letters.

Some children are sometimes easier to learn how to read syllables than letters. You can independently make cards with different syllables and arrange them all over the apartment. During the day, show these syllables for the child, call them. You can try to make words from the syllables. Let the child look for the specified syllable in the word. Change cards with syllables every day.

Fasten the knowledge gained as much as possible.

The more often you do it, the sooner the child will learn to read.

Act, gradually moving from simple to complex.

Do not demand from the child to read the word if he still knows the sounds. Engage in stages. Learn all the sounds with the child. After that, go to reading by syllables, teach it to drain the syllables. Only after the child is successfully cope with this task, you can move to learning to read entire words.

Start learning from simple.

It is necessary to start with the simplest words with repeating sounds: Mom, Dad, Baba. Next, go to learning to read the words consisting of a syllable and consonant: grandfather, cat, mouth. After proceed to words consisting of 2-3 and more syllables. When the child starts to read well separate words, you can go to read simple offers, Mom Soap Frame. Words with letters B, K and read last.

Play Didactic Games.

You can find a lot of games for learning any letter. The easiest game you can call the search for the studied letter in the text. Lotto, Domino ... Use all the features.

The video presented below shows an example, as a three-year-old child learned to read on the speech therapy host E. Kostikova :?

Create situations where the child needs knowledge of letters.

Let the grandmother give a note to the child, he can receive a letter from Santa Claus, greeting postcard. Show the child that the ability to read very important in the life of every person.

Let the child incentive to read.

For success in learning to read a child, you can give a small gift. Just do not make a habit of it. The child must want to learn how to read, love reading, and not read for something.

Close the text read.

It is necessary to avoid the regression of eye movements. The child is distracted by reading when his look returns to the read. Eyes should move only forward. Close the line, laying or just a white sheet strip each read word.

Be always patient and friendly to the child.

If a child does not work out something, then he is not ready for it yet. You do not need to scold him and compare with someone who was able to learn faster. By this you will select the child to read forever.

Look at the following video of Svetlana Orochko, in which she tells about how parents at home can quickly teach a child preschooler read.

In modern translations of written information, the twist plays a crucial role in knowledge and development.

Many people ask: how to learn how to quickly read, what is the method of aperture, what exercises to increase the speed of reading must be performed?

Today on the site website You will find out, not just how to teach yourself and your children fast readingBut both when the text is correctly perceived, developing perception, memory and attention.

How to learn how to quickly read - the method of aperture

The usual speed of reading an adult is 120-180 words per minute, if higher, then as a rule, it is already viewing the text, and not reading with normal perception, understanding and memorization read.

If you deliberately understand the essence of how to quickly learn to read printed and written text not for a quick viewing, but for understanding and memorization required material, then performing simple exercises on the speed you are pretty quickly train the reading technique at 600 to 1000 words per minute,those. 3-5 times faster than usual.

However, it should be understood that learn to quickly read, this does not mean that learn to instantly understand the meaning and quickly memorize read, for example, in fiction.

But for office work and business paper, the speed will be very suitable, provided that you clearly understand the essence of the working question.

for exampleif you are a bank employee who is versed in terminology, then your ability to quickly read contracts and others will suit you, unlike ordinary personThis, using the aperture technique, will not understand the essence of the contract, let's say the credit ...

In general, developed peripheral vision will be suitable for you not only in the speed, but also in the perception of any visual information (for example, the instant perception of car devices and the situation on the road for the instant decision), i.e. Where there is a lot of information for brain recycling at the same time.

Table Shulte - Exercises for Footage

One of the methods for the exercise of the aircraft is Table Schulte. You should take a standard bookstate of the paper and draw on it a square table Schulte, consisting of five rows and five columns - numbers in different order from 1 to 25. (When the computer monitor is exercised and on the smartphone monitor - to fit the table under the entire size and not use the cursor)

How to exercise aperture on Table Shulte to learn to quickly read:

  • Keep the distance from the eyes as well as with normal reading;
  • Fix your view on the center of the Table of Shulte and do not shift it;
  • Finding numbers in turns in an increasing order from 1 to 25 as quickly as possible, and the main thing at the same time does not move through the eyes (watch with peripheral vision) and not to pronounce the numbers out loud or to ourselves;
  • Do not exercise in the steps with tables before the overwork;
  • As the speed of fast reading the numbers (or letters in the order of the alphabet) can be expanded by tables by the number of rows and columns (6x6, 7x7, etc.).

Other methods of speeds

Restrained by speeding on Tables Schulte, you can go directly to the text.

First, to perform quick reading exercises, it is worth taking texts in the speakers of newspapers, because There is a lines less than a regular bookcover. Then go to wider texts.

It is important to learn how to see (perceive) almost the entire line of the text so that there are as few crosses as possible by the row by the line.

Also, for quick reading it is important to learn how to catch the basic concepts and abstracts in readable text and discarding "water" (words not carrying a special semantic load).

How to teach children quickly read

To teach children peripheral vision and rapid information perception, for example, in the Schulte table, it is possible to use drawings instead of numbers (pictures).

Parents should be understood that the child has object-shaped thinking, and not as an adult - a verbal-logical, so it can be very tedious to the exercise on the speed of letters (words) and numbers in normal form.

Better for learning children quick reading first use pictures and objects (for example, letters, words in the form of pictures and objects)

Problems that interfere with learn how to quickly read

During the exercise of the steps, you get rid of these problems:

  • Inability to see peripherals (learning to perceive as many words as possible, not every sentence)
  • Internal progress of text (text perception visually)
  • Returning Eyes to Already Read (Development of Fast Memory)
  • Concentration of attention (reduction of automatic perception of internal and external interference)
  • Inability to quickly find key concepts and abstracts (learning quick understanding of the point-based meaning)

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