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This is all frivolous. Signs that a man is not planning his future with you. He talks about children. Shows that she is special to him

However, often the fair sex in their own: if mentally they are already "replaying" the scene in the hall of the Wedding Palace, then their boyfriend, as they say, is neither sleep nor spirit. Not only he, he, in principle, does not plan anything serious in relation to the young lady. But the girl either does not notice this, or does not want to notice.

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency I and You, family psychologist, and interpersonal relations consultant, listed six of the most obvious signs that young man there are no far-reaching plans for the young lady.

1. Dating is usually spontaneous.

Almost always, when saying goodbye after a date, a man says: “We’ll call you” (we will write off, see you, etc.), while not specifying when exactly this will happen. The boyfriend may disappear for several days, and then suddenly suddenly show up and invite him to a restaurant. Such spontaneity most often indicates that the girl is clearly not in the first place in the priorities of a young man. In other words, . So, what kind of serious intentions can we talk about in this case?

The only exceptions are those who work a lot and do not belong to themselves. They see their chosen one only when a "window" is formed in their busy schedule. At this time, a man can call and ask, for example: “What are you doing? Let's meet".

2. Doesn't introduce relatives and friends

Here you should immediately make a reservation. If a guy introduced you to your parents and (or) friends, this does not mean that he has serious intentions towards you. Perhaps it is in the order of things for him to acquaint another passion with mom, dad and his company. So . But if a young man avoids introducing you to his loved ones, then this.

“If within six months of close relationship a man does not introduce a woman to either his family or friends, it is unlikely that he is. There is no point in hoping for a joint future with such a gentleman, ”warns Kuznetsova.

3. He himself does not get acquainted with the close circle of the girl

4. Doesn't talk about the future

According to Elena Kuznetsova, men, in principle, do not like to discuss the future with their chosen one. Something like: "Let's get married, build a house outside the city and get a dog" - this is not about talking about the stronger sex. Topics of a joint future are often raised either by youngsters or whose confidence is well supported financially.

Everyone else avoids long-term planning. However, if a man is really seriously interested in a woman, he will nevertheless utter a "code" phrase:. It should be sounded within six months of your dates. If after six months of close communication, the gentleman does not call you to move to him, or does not offer to rent an apartment together, etc., then most likely he does not plan the future with you. You are quite happy with him - how. For example, for sex.

“If a man is seriously interested in you, he is. He wants to constantly sniff you, constantly touch you. He loves to take care of you, and loves that you take care of him. In this case, the partner quickly enough invites the girl to live together. Provided, of course, that they are both free, and there is no reason to prevent life together", - summed up the psychologist.

5. Doesn't call his girlfriend

It is rather difficult to imagine a situation in which a man will ceremoniously say: “This is Masha. ". If a young man introduces a passion to relatives or close friends, then they, in principle, are already aware of who Masha is.

On the other hand, it has now become quite fashionable to call the young lady, with whom the man meets mainly, simply "friend". The word "girl" has a deeper meaning. This is a certain status, which implies not just intimacy, but also a more serious relationship. It happens that a man makes a reservation "according to Freud" when he is suddenly asked: "Is this your girlfriend?" And a guy who refers to a young lady "without fanaticism" can automatically answer: "No,".

Kuznetsova emphasizes that this point is ambiguous, and advises the young ladies of men, and more on his actions, because "a man should do, not speak."

6. Dating always ends with sex

This indicator is also not obvious, but nonetheless. If the couple's relationship was originally based solely on sex, then the man will perceive your meetings exclusively in an intimate context.

If the "kneading" was originally not only for, but also mutual sympathy, as well as interests besides sex, then a guy can meet a girl without a "bed continuation", but this does not mean at all that he has serious plans for your joint future ...

“Sex plays a huge role in a couple’s life, but not that much. Maybe the girl is a pleasant companion, and the couple can watch a movie together or discuss something. There is nothing special in this, and it does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards the woman, "says Kuznetsova.

If you have questions to psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the email address of the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

In an ideal world, every person we want to be with wants to be with us too. Unfortunately, our desires do not always coincide with the reality and desires of other people. If you are worried that the person you are dating does not see the future in your relationship, then here's how you can check it. The main signs that this is really so (forgive me for being straightforward):

1. He never makes specific plans.

If he does not see the future with you, then he will not build it with you. And the point.

This means that your dates will be sudden and irregular, never planned in advance. And this is not his spontaneity and unpredictability, but his indecision and uncertainty. He is not interested enough, he expects something or someone more interesting to appear, and you are already the last option.

2. He does not introduce you to his family.

You have been dating for several months, his parents live in the same city, and acquaintance seems to be the logical next step, especially since there is some kind of holiday on the nose. But no, he did not say a word about your acquaintance. Maybe because he does not see the point in this? Why endure the awkwardness and excitement of the first meeting if he has no intention of building a future with you and making you part of his family?

3. He doesn't call you his girlfriend.

He may say that he does not like to hang labels, that he does not care, that he does not want these difficulties. But in reality, the problem is not with the labels, but with you. How often do these guys say such phrases to some girls, and then meet a new one and almost immediately marry her? And they are not afraid of any labels and stamps! It sounds harsh, but it's true - it's you. If he liked you enough, he would build his future with you, he would call you his girlfriend, and then he would call you his wife.

4. He is ready to meet with you only on condition that there will be sex.

Guys understand simple arithmetic. If he wants to have sex with you, then he must keep taking you out on dates. If you are not interested in him for something more, he will never agree to just meet, without continuing.

5. He doesn't meet your friends.

At a certain level, he knows what is wrong. He knows that he is using you, not wanting to promise anything more. And so he avoids meeting people who really care about you. Because they’ll get it right in an instant, and he doesn’t want to feel guilty.

6. He doesn't communicate.

He is emotionally closed, he does not want to get close to you, except physically. Not to mention simply answering your calls and messages on time.

7. He never talks about the future.

You are adults. You've been dating long enough that talking about the future seems logical and natural. But you cannot talk about it. Because you know where it will lead. To nothing. But don't be afraid of this. Better to dot all the i's at once.

A source: http: //

A frivolous relationship is like weakly brewed tea: no taste, no pleasure.

Every woman from time to time begins to scroll through the options in her head. wedding dress, possible names of children, home improvement plans and many other moments of living together with your other half. And he scrolls all this until he asks the question: how serious is her relationship and will it go so far?

Doesn't introduce relatives, parents
Usually, acquaintance with the girl's parents occurs in the early stages of the relationship. A family with a daughter rather than a son is more hectic. Mother and father want to know with whom their adult miracle rides a car, goes to bars at night, and who brings her home in the morning. To avoid additional questions and problems, the man, in turn, introduces himself to his parents. Acquaintance with his relatives often takes place much later.

It is possible to regard it as frivolity that he is delaying acquaintance only when a man has excellent relations with his parents. This can be determined by the stories about joint trips, by conversations and, in general, by the situations occurring in his family.

It is not by chance that we draw attention to this. A family in which misunderstanding and quarrels reign is not a source of pride. This only means that a man does not want to meet his beloved with relatives, because they can spoil the existing good impression of him, recommend him badly, does not want to discuss his relationship in the family, is afraid of a jealous mother's scandal or simply unworthy behavior. Therefore, to begin with, find the reason for unwillingness to meet, and only after that suspect of frivolity.

Doesn't introduce friends
Here is a completely different situation. After all, we do not choose parents and relatives, but friends - yes. A man who suits his companion loves to acquaint her with his surroundings. The most important thing is that this acquaintance does not resemble a demonstration at which he brags more about his status, and not the joy of communicating with such a sweet person. In a serious relationship, a man wants to introduce his woman only to his close circle.

Rare meetings
A man who can forget about a meeting, rarely calls and appears at your place - is clearly not serious. After all loving person wants to spend all free minutes with his soul mate. And the point is not at all about constant employment or suddenly arising cases. Typically from Serious relationships hiding are those who made a big mistake in the previous partner. This is just a salvation from loneliness, which is necessary in moments when there are no friends around. This is a choice between them and you, in favor of the former.

Doesn't come to the rescue in difficult times
A frivolous relationship has a huge disadvantage - the lack of responsibility for their actions between a man and a woman, complete freedom of thought and action. This relationship is often referred to as bedding friendship. However, this "friendship" presupposes help, mutual assistance and respect. Their difference from a serious relationship is the lack of plans for the future, the prospects for creating a family. And if your partner does not want to help in difficult times, is such a person really needed in your environment? What kind of relationship with him in general can we talk about.

Doesn't talk about plans for the future, about children
If a man does not talk about the future or about children, this does not mean at all that he is not serious. There is a category of men who do not want to make far-reaching plans in order not to jinx it. And nothing can be done about it. But when, when talking about children or marriage, he becomes irritable, harmful and picky - a sure sign that very little time will pass and your communication will completely stop, because now there is no development in the relationship. They stand still.

However, it should be borne in mind that a sharp reaction in a conversation about children, maybe even when a man already has one child from another woman, and he does not want a second. And also about the lack of physical ability to have them. This gives rise to complexes.

Often, a frivolous relationship is necessary to fill the void created in the absence of a loved one.

Every woman from time to time begins to scroll through her head options for a wedding dress, possible names of children, home improvement plans and many other moments of living together with her other half. And he scrolls all this until he asks the question: how serious is her relationship and will it go so far?

Sign 1. Does not introduce relatives, parents

Usually, acquaintance with the girl's parents occurs in the early stages of the relationship. A family with a daughter rather than a son is more hectic. Mother and father want to know with whom their adult miracle rides a car, goes to bars at night, and who brings her home in the morning. To avoid additional questions and problems, the man, in turn, introduces himself to his parents. Acquaintance with his relatives often takes place much later.

It is possible to regard it as frivolity that he is delaying acquaintance only when a man has excellent relations with his parents. This can be determined by the stories about joint trips, by conversations and, in general, by the situations occurring in his family.
It is not by chance that we draw attention to this. A family in which misunderstanding and quarrels reign is not a source of pride. This only means that a man does not want to meet his beloved with relatives, because they can spoil the existing good impression of him, recommend him badly, does not want to discuss his relationship in the family, is afraid of a jealous mother's scandal or simply unworthy behavior. Therefore, to begin with, find the reason for unwillingness to meet, and only after that suspect of frivolity.

Sign 2. Doesn't introduce friends

Here is a completely different situation. After all, we do not choose parents and relatives, but friends - yes. A man who suits his companion loves to acquaint her with his surroundings. The most important thing is that this acquaintance does not resemble a demonstration at which he brags more about his status, and not the joy of communicating with such a sweet person. In a serious relationship, a man wants to introduce his woman only to his close circle.

Symptom 3. Rare meetings

A man who can forget about a meeting, rarely calls and appears at your place - is clearly not serious. After all, a loving person wants to spend all free minutes with his soul mate. And the point is not at all about constant employment or suddenly arising cases. As a rule, those who made a big mistake in the previous partner are hiding from a serious relationship. This is just a salvation from loneliness, which is necessary in moments when there are no friends around. This is a choice between them and you, in favor of the former.

Sign 4. Doesn't come to the rescue in difficult times

A frivolous relationship has a huge disadvantage - the lack of responsibility for their actions between a man and a woman, complete freedom of thought and action. This relationship is often referred to as bedding friendship. However, this "friendship" presupposes help, mutual assistance and respect. Their difference from a serious relationship is the lack of plans for the future, the prospects for creating a family. And if your partner does not want to help in a trumpet minute, is such a person really needed in your environment? What kind of relationship with him in general can we talk about.

Sign 5. Does not talk about plans for the future, about children

If a man does not talk about the future or about children, this does not mean at all that he is not serious. There is a category of men who do not want to make far-reaching plans in order not to jinx it. And nothing can be done about it. But when, when talking about children or marriage, he becomes irritable, harmful and picky - a sure sign that very little time will pass and your communication will completely stop, because now there is no development in the relationship. They stand still.
However, it should be borne in mind that a sharp reaction in a conversation about children, maybe even when a man already has one child from another woman, and he does not want a second. And also about the lack of physical ability to have them. This gives rise to complexes.

The Stilemania portal took an exclusive commentary from the soloists of the Assorti group Anna Alina and Maria Zaitseva. We asked the girls a few questions.

- In your opinion, how to determine whether a man is serious about a woman or not?

Anna Alina:

I can see it always. For me, these are, first of all, the actions of a man. Words are not always true. You can say whatever you want, but act completely differently.

Maria Zaitseva:

It seems to me that the desire to have children from this woman and a marriage proposal is a serious attitude. What can be more serious in life?

- What is the manifestation of a frivolous attitude towards the chosen one?

Anna Alina:

Consumer attitude, probably. You know, you can, after all, kind of want to see him, but not be interested in a person, and so, for a pastime to meet with him. This is especially striking when he asks for an appointment only at a convenient time for him. And also a lack of attention, or when they have been dating for a long time, but he does not introduce them to friends. And one more extreme, when suddenly they start right off the bat. Immediately from the second date promises eternal love pouring, as from a cornucopia, a marriage proposal. This always puts me on my guard.

Maria Zaitseva:

For me, frivolity is when a man sees a woman only when it is convenient for him and uses her only as a sexual object.

- Do you think the prolonged acquaintance with his parents and close friends is an indicator of a frivolous relationship?

Anna Alina:

Yes. Of course. This immediately suggests that he is either shy, or he has another. In general, something is clearly wrong!

Maria Zaitseva:

I think that it is impossible. Parents and relatives are different. And sometimes people simply have no desire to acquaint their other half with them ...

- What if it suddenly turns out that a man was just playing in a relationship, but did not live by it? Cry day and night in a pillow, drink sedatives, or, conversely, get into a whirlpool of fun and joy to forget. Or maybe rush in search of an honest man?

Anna Alina:

You just need to live on! After all, there are many different situations in life. But everything passes, it must be remembered.

Maria Zaitseva:

I know one thing for myself - to become a rag for a man and an object of use is simply awful. I do not condemn those who do this, but personally for myself I consider it unacceptable.

In any case, if your relationship fits one of the signs, you should not make a scandal for the man. Sometimes even the most frivolous relationship grows into deep feelings. It’s better than swearing in love until the grave on the second day, on the third to jump out in marriage, and on the fourth to understand that you are completely unsuitable for each other and disperse.

The relationship between a man and a woman always raises many questions. In a couple, there may be misunderstandings, disagreements, and maybe one of the two does not want to be together at all. Then how to understand that the guy does not want a close relationship at all? Or, on the contrary, he is serious.

Imagine a situation: he meets a girl, invites her out on a date, but is in no hurry with the next meeting because the guy does not want a long-term and binding relationship. The girl begins to worry and is looking for an answer to the question: "What if a man does not want a serious relationship?"

Or there are situations when a man and a woman meet for a long time, but there is no development in the relationship. They go on dates, sometimes stay overnight with each other, but there is no hint of further joint plans. How to understand that a man does not want a relationship and how to recognize his intentions?


He doesn't call first

If a man does not take the initiative in the relationship at all, does not call or write first, then he is not ready to build a relationship. On initial stages It is common for couples to communicate frequently and write to each other endlessly. Then there is a certain decline in communication activity, but if the man completely disappears, then he does not want a relationship with this girl at all. How to understand that a man does not want a relationship? Check the number of missed calls and sms. There is no such? Draw conclusions.

The man does not introduce his partner to his friends

How to understand from the very first days of communication that the man you like does not want any serious relationship and is set up only for light flirting? Ask him to introduce you to his environment. If you want to know if a man is serious, evaluate his level of openness. If he wants to build a serious relationship, the guy tries in every possible way to immerse the woman in his life: he invites you to meetings with friends, introduces you to your parents, or invites you to a corporate party.

But if he wants to see you only in private, while he does not tell anything personal about himself, you can not count on a serious relationship with him.

He does not use the pronoun "we"

Follow the man's speech. If he, talking about his plans for the near future, says only “I”, most likely, he does not see you next to him. For example, when he talks about a restaurant that opened a few days ago, it would be logical to note that you need to go there. But if he says: “I will definitely go try a steak in this establishment,” then he is simply not interested in your company.

The young man is not trying to please you

Nobody says that a man has to bring home 101 roses every day, but he can do small but nice little things. To cheer up a woman, sometimes a compliment or prepared coffee is enough. But if a man is not ready to do beautiful things for his girlfriend, most likely he does not want to start a relationship with her. There is one universal way how to understand with confidence that a guy who seems to treat you well does not want a closer relationship - he just does not try to please and surprise you.

The man changes plans often or is constantly late

A young man can make an appointment on Friday night, and then call back at lunchtime and say that he will have to stay late at work. Or he will make an appointment at 20:00, and will come half an hour later. All these actions can be attributed to the disorganization of the partner. But if this becomes a pattern, then this indicates that he does not value meetings with you.

When a man is interested in a woman and wants to build a relationship with her, then he is ready to come to work an hour earlier. If only to cope with everything faster and not to be late for a date. Or to postpone a business meeting, so that later you do not make excuses in front of the chosen one.

He does not support a woman when she needs it.

There are many situations in life when a strong male shoulder is needed nearby. Whether it's misunderstandings with loved ones or problems at work. As soon as you need support, a man with serious intentions will immediately come to the rescue, hug, comfort and support.

Yes, the guy may have his own plans and affairs, but he does not use them as an excuse, and does not cancel the meeting, but simply postpones. And as we know, desire is a thousand possibilities, and unwillingness is a thousand reasons.

A man is frightened by talking about a common future.

In the early stages of a relationship, talking too often about general plans for the future looks unhealthy. Therefore, you should not press on a man and constantly repeat: “We have to book tickets for summer vacation”, “We need to plan my birthday celebration”. But after a while, making plans together is an absolutely natural process. And with this method, you can understand that a man does not want a serious relationship.

If you notice a man that he is nervous and does not support the conversation when you talk about the future, apparently, he is in the mood for a short-term relationship. This behavior of the guys suggests that they plan their lives on their own, and there is no room for a woman there yet.

The young man does not propose an intimate relationship.

Sex is a logical continuation of the relationship between a man and a woman. Some women have sex on the first date and some wait for three or five. But if after a while intimacy did not happen, then most likely the man wants to stop at these meetings and not build a relationship.

But the coin has two sides. There is a second type of guy. Such a partner does not want a serious relationship, but does not mind meeting for the sake of sex. He can appear at an unexpected moment and give a woman false hope. And disappears as suddenly as it appeared.

A man does not need a woman's attention

Just as the support of a man is important for a woman, the stronger sex needs the attention of girls. By the fact that he needs your help so much, you can understand the seriousness of the man's intentions.

He may not ask his chosen one for anything at all. For example, when he leaves on a business trip, and his dog is left unattended. In this case, he could ask the girl to look after the pet. But if he turns for help, for example, to his sister, this is another signal that he is not going to be with this chosen one throughout his life.

He talks about it himself

How to understand that a guy does not want a relationship or, on the contrary, is trying with all his might to conquer you, but is too shy to speak openly about sympathy? Ask him directly. If a guy says he doesn't want a serious relationship, then you need to make your own choices. Either be content with little (rare meetings and periodic sex) or not waste yourself on fickle relationships. Maybe the guy does not want a relationship, but wants to communicate with you, because you are interesting to him as a person. Whatever the reason, you can at any time stop dating a man in whom something does not suit you. So listen to yourself and make the right choice.

But in this case, the man deserves respect, if only because he spoke about his intentions directly, and did not fool his head and disappear without a trace.

He honestly admitted that he does not want to be with you and does not see you together. But why? Why doesn't a man want a relationship that goes beyond flirting and dating?


We have already figured out how to understand quickly and for sure that the man you liked doesn’t want a serious relationship. And once again we were convinced that male logic is a mystery for a woman. Especially when you're trying to figure out if he likes it or not. And when you find out that the last option is the correct answer, you get terribly upset. And you ask the question: “What is wrong with me? Why doesn't he want a relationship with me? ”.

The important thing to remember here is that the reason is not always you. There can be a great variety of them. But we will highlight three main reasons why a guy does not want a relationship:

- you do not fit each other, between you there is no attraction and that very spark;
- for a guy, any relationship is very difficult. Perhaps due to previous bitter experience. Or because of how the relationship between the parents developed;
- he is not yet ready to enter into a relationship - neither with you, nor with anyone else.


If the above signals are not noticed in the behavior of a man, apparently, he plans to build a long-term relationship. But how to understand the seriousness of a man's intentions? Is it worth asking him about it directly or is it enough to read the body language?

So, how to understand that a man wants a serious relationship:

In love affairs, one must be guided not only by the heart, but also by the mind. To begin with, you need to make sure that all expectations about a man are not an illusion. How to understand and figure out that the guy with whom you are communicating does not want to build any relationship with you? Abstract and look at both of you from the outside, ask your friends and relatives what they think of your couple. Evaluate his attitude towards you and his feelings, and make sure you are not wishful thinking.

Observe his attitude towards other women.

When you go out together in public places, see if he pays attention to other girls. If a man is serious about a relationship with one girl, then he does not allow himself to flirt with others.

He spends a lot of time with you.

A man in love reschedules meetings with friends and postpones work issues until later in order to meet a woman he likes. If he prefers your company, asks you on dates and calls often, then he is serious.

The man wants to introduce you to his parents.

While you are wondering why the beloved guy still does not want to go out on new level relationship, he calls you to your family. And this just testifies to the seriousness of his intentions. After all, a home is a place where a guy does not bring every girl. And getting to know his parents is an indicator of the seriousness of his intentions. Once he decided to take such a step, then most likely, a marriage proposal is not far off.

The guy is serious if he plans a joint future.

These can be both short-term plans for the coming weekend, and more global: from vacations to children. A man who is serious in his intentions will not scatter promises. He really plans a joint future and worries not only for himself, but also for his woman.

He takes into account the sexual desires of a woman.

A man can initiate an intimate relationship, but he must be sympathetic to a woman's requests. If she wants to wait a little, then a young man who really wants to build a serious relationship will listen to the wishes of the girl. In a long-term and serious relationship, there is no place for selfishness.

The man shows concern

A man with serious intentions always tries to show concern for his woman. If she is sick, he will immediately come with the medicine, and then he will ask if she is dressed warmly. After all, caring for a partner is the key to a strong and happy relationship.


Why does your man openly declare that he does not want to build a serious relationship, but he carries you in his arms? Perhaps he is simply afraid to admit his feelings and become very attached to you. Afraid of falling head over heels in love, losing control over yourself. And also the fact that you hurt him. Yes, men are not so steel at heart. In this case, take the initiative and support the man by openly admitting your sympathy.

Even if that same guy openly says that he does not want a serious relationship with you at all, but you both feel sympathy, know that you have a chance. What if a guy doesn't want a relationship (well, at least he talks about it), and his actions indicate otherwise? Just be patient and accept the fact that he won't be right at your feet.