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Wise thoughts about the sea. Interesting quotes about the sea


Quotes and aphorisms 31.05.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about something endless, infinitely beautiful and constantly changing. Of course, I'm talking about the sea. Most people with the word "sea" immediately imagine a bright sun, a vast beach, a soft rustle of waves, a light blow of the wind. However, the special beauty of the sea is just that it is perfect in any condition.

I adore the sea. For me, this is what's not passing words. Even the address of my mail in the Italian language sounds that the wind blowing from the sea, the sea breeze. On vacation always comes an amazing state of calm, harmony, well dreamed, looking at the runaway waves, and I want to imagine the wonderful air before the next date with the sea.

In quotations and aphorisms about the sea, thoughts and feelings arising from a person are very accurately reflected when looking at the endless maritime expanses.

Who are you, the sea?

"Where does the end of the sea begins? Rather, even so: what do we mean when we say: the sea? A huge, insatiable monster or that wave, what foams from our legs? Water, what can be killed by palm, or impenetrable abyss? Are we expressing all this in one word or under the same word hide it all? Now I am near the sea and I can not understand where it is. Sea. Sea…"

Alessandro Barico

"The sea is all! His breath is pure, life-minded. In his boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, for he feels the beating of life around him. "

Jules Verne

"Those who start a new day with a meeting with the sea cannot be evil or unhappy. And what this sea is summer or winter, it does not matter. When you see how the sun wakes up, the water is gently pulling around, burning from the first rays, you know that it doesn't matter what to sleep on what you have and where you need to hurry after you wake up. The main thing is to wait for the morning to open your eyes and hug a view of the sea. "

"But next to the sea, the scales of any grief are narrowed, the boundaries are blurred - this greatness absorbs everything around. And suddenly, to find out in this abyss, you forget, become different. "

Elchin Safarli

"The sea view produces a deep impression; It is an embodiment of the endless, which incessantly attracts the thought and in which it is incessantly lost. "

Anna de Stal

"Love for the sea and over the years does not pass. I always think about him, and it will always please me, it's love without disappointment ... "

Natalia Andreeva

"On the seashore I worry your long and fresh offenses. And immediately, I feel how it is funny to engage in yourself, when the spectacle is so latch before your eyes. "

Emil Michelle Choran

"The sea does not reward those who are too concerned, too gracious or too impatient ... Calm, calm, calm - this is what the sea teaches."

Ann Morrow Lindberg

About the strength of the sea

In quotations and aphorisms about the sea, all those feelings of admiration and even the reverence that people who know what this power is capable of is reflected. After all, the sea does not like to joke and does not forgive frivolous attitude towards himself.

"You can not cry with the sea ... you can't fuck up to him ... it's all on the shore study this package, and in the ocean you have to have a bold soul and clean conscience."

"The marine man of God must remember. Water is not a dry path. You do not joke with her and do not belong a lot about ourselves ... Which man on the sea has been and has the concept, he must certainly be the soul, and to people foul, and the mind of the soul, and the courage to have for the reason that the sea Death is in front of the eyes. "

Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich

"Look a little at sea when it is capricious or raging, see what it happens beautiful and creepy, and you will have all the stories that only want. About love and dangers, about everything that life can bring to your network. And the fact that sometimes not your hand drives the helm and you can only believe it is good. "

Jodjo Moyes.

"The sea can not know anything on the sea - never-go!"

Agatha Christie

"The sea fascinates, the sea kills, cares, scares, and still mixes, sometimes disappears, and the storms crammed or brownies, devours ships, gives riches, does not give answers; It is wise, and gentle, and strong, and unpredictable. But the main thing is the sea calls. "

Alessandro Barico

Briefly and beautiful about the sea

Sea ... A short word of just four letters accommodates so many associations. It is worth only to pronounce it, and it seems to be heard on the lips, his bitter-salty taste, the noise of the surf and unhurried, like eternity, rokot waves ... It is about that that this is so brightly told in quotes and aphorisms about the sea, short and beautiful.

"Sea! When you say this word, it seems that it came out to walk, looking at the horizon. Sea…"

Alexander Green

"The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life."

Jules Verne

"The sea and sky are two infinity symbols."

Giuseppe Mazzini

"If the sea sadness you, you are hopeless."

Federico Garcia Lorka

"The sea attracts our eyes to themselves, and the Earth is our feet."

Mark Levi.

"When I look at the sea, it seems to me that his waves carry my sadness."

Elchin Safarli

"A man on the seashore is always a poet."

Banana Yoshimoto.

"The sea is sweat of the earth."


"Time like the sea, unleash any nodes."

Murdoch Iiris

"The sea is waiting for you, choking on the blue. In the sea, everything to the same will become children. "

Camilla Lysenko

"The sea also has its own migraines."

Vitor Hugo

"The Sea is a great conciliatory."

Fazil Iskander

"At the edge of the water smoothed wrinkles in the shower."

Coco Chanel

"The sea is the best thing that can happen to a person."

Max Frey.

And the sea - it is a living

The sea is not just a water object and the mighty element. It is the personnel of life itself. Often with it compare various life tests falling on the human share and mental feelings of people. Currency in these quotes and aphorisms about the sea with meaning. It seems to me that there is something to think about.

"Free yourself from hope that the sea will ever calm down. We must learn to sail with strong wind. "

Aristotle Obscis

"We are all lonely ships in the dark sea. We see the lights of other ships, do not get to them, but their presence, the light of these lights, and similar to our tragic position give us a great consolation in our existential loneliness. "

Irwin Yal.

"Do not believe the silence of sea. Quiet the sea, while standing on the shore. "

Russian proverb

"Once you find yourself by the sea, and it will take the pain of memories on their waves. Each of us has its own sea. "

Elchin Safarli

"When the sea is calm, everyone can be nut."

Publists Sir

"Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to monotonous plain. By the sea there is a space for the eyes. Probably, it helps people freely think. "

Annica Tor.

"Human always pulled to the sea, but this is not our habitat, for us the sea is dangerous ... tides, currents, waves, wind and in each case their dangers, you can not close your eyes ... One incorrect judgment is a mistake from which you are already You will not refuse ... But a good sailor does not fight with the elements, a good sailor knows how to use it for his benefit. So far, the rest, less successful, will always be worn on the waves, perhaps in parts, it will return home whole and unharmed. "

From the movie "Dexter"

"What are you running from? This is the first thing they asked me when I decided to go to the sea ... "

About rest by the sea

Vacation by the sea - a special magical time. Time, free from all worries and trouble, time to dream and not fall in the warm rays of the sun. It is about this that in quotes and aphorisms about rest on the sea.

"When so much behind everything, especially - grief, support someone, do not wait, sit down on the train, fall around by the sea."

Joseph Brodsky

"When I sit here by the sea and listen to the waves, with a splashing about this shore, I feel free from all obligations and the peoples of the whole world can revise our constitutions without me."

Henry David Toro.

"What is happiness? This is white sand, these are the azure skies and the salted sea. "

Frederick Begbeder

"- What is nonsense?
- Now imagine: the sea, sand, light breeze flutters your hair ... introduced?
- Yeah ...
- Here ... And everything else is nonsense. "

"In the morning - the sea and a happy face. In the evening - burnt shoulders and white semi-sweet. I will live to this time. I believe".

"Good morning - this is when on the clock 11.00, on the calendar summer, and outside the window - the sea ..."

"I like the beast with the wounds ... and how coffee dissolves grief ... smell with happiness, southern sun and hookah ... come! Bugly!
(signature) sea "

"- I want to the sea ...
- What for?
- I feel how it worries there without me ... "

"Well, when you go to the sea, and marine water, as it were, wash off not only fatigue, but also all problems. The sea is a great strength. If you go somewhere to relax, you need to be water - better the sea: clean and warm ... "

"Life by the sea. This is the best - hear His noise day and night, inhale his smell, walk along the coast and watching the horizon ... To consult that there, in depth, there are so much that we never see and not know. As if at your threshold, some kind of great mystery begins at once. "

Jodjo Moyes.

And life, and the sea, and love ...

Sea and love are practically synonyms. Carefree sea breeze as if impregnated with love fluids, and languid evenings are simply created for romantic walks. Love is generally often compared with the sea. After all, she, like the sea element, is so different. As it is finely noticed in quotations and aphorisms about the sea and love.

"I always thought in my youth: what are these poets forever love with the sea compare? And then I understood: and right, very similar. Only the first, young love - she as the sea is stormy, storm, like the "ninth tree" Aivazovsky. Everything rages, everything is boil, you go there, here, how on the waves, it seems, it seems that they will not be alive. And the mature love is completely different. Like a calm Night, the moonwalk on the water, the waves quietly splash, exactly the gentle song sing. And you look around and perplex: "Which beauty, Lord! And quiet, and goodness ... And how I used to live at all at all without it? "

"The marriage is similar to a long seabed, where it was very talked very soon, and the storms are dangerous: where rarely see something new - all the sea and the sea; All husband and husband, daily, hourly, up to satiety. "

"The sea is like a legitimate wife. When it all the time under the side, I want to swim in the river. "

"Love is similar to the sea, sparkling with the flowers of heaven."

Mikhail Svtain

"The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life."

Jules Verne

"Love each other, but do not turn love in the chain. Let it be better to be the exciting sea between the shores of your souls ... Sake, dance together and rejoice, but let each of you are alone, like alone strings of Lute, although one music comes from them. "

Jebrran Khalil

"Nothing cares about the blood and does not lead the spirit into a rebellious and foresight, like wind noise and sea surf."

Erich Maria Remarque

"The sea is embodied sensuality. The sea can passionately love and hate, knows how to laugh and cry. The sea rejects any attempts to tie it up, resets any shackles. No matter how much you tell about him, there will always be something that you could not mind ... "

Christopher Paolini

"Come on the shore, and feel the salty smell of the wind, which can be from the sea. And you believe that you are free, and life just started. And the lips burn the girlfriend kiss, impregnated with a tear. "

from the movie "Reaching Out to Heaven"

On the beauty and strength of the sea

You can talk about the sea endlessly. How many books, poems, paintings, pictures filmed! And still there are all new and new words to describe the miracle of nature, the name of the marine element. Just listen to these beautiful quotes and aphorisms about the sea.

"If you get closer to the sea, get face to face, close your eyes and breathe - exhale, - you can feel on your head of the heavenly garbage. Noticed. Stroked the head. You can live on. And without the sea at all. Just breathe nothing ... "

Laura Beloivan

"There is no sea. Only the old sky with a severe wet past. Wears young sky on the shoulders with air future in your hands. "

Sasha Kramar.

"I want to see the sea. I want to breathe before dizzy by these air, thick from the measly shuddering water, from the shouts of birds, shrill, as the last revelation of God. I want to lie on the wet coastal sand, without clothes, without the past, without a future and smoke into the raw sky, smiling in the incredible freedom of every wind movement, amazing fish flowing on the skin. I want to collect multi-colored stones and wash the spray of water, without opening your eyes, I will not have a soul, almost no existing, almost becoming part of the surrounding, moving, changing, wet, salty, such alien and so understandable. I want to get lost in the caress of the waves, I want to forget myself and just swim. There, where life is painted with mild light of the setting sun. I want to sit on the very edge of the water, on this trembling face between fantasy and reality, tenderness and cruelty, man and .. by the sea. "

Al Quition.

"I love the sea, I like to look at the tides and flows alternating without rest and mercy, indifferent to everything, except for its primordial destination - lick the shore and grind stones. The surf has always been and will be after all of us. Our life itself as a maritime surf with his eternal dating waves. Tides and flow, then joy, then troubles.

Julio Grace and Serrano

"" If you have never seen the sea, I'm sorry for you, baby, "said the skipper, scratching the ear. - However, do not burn. The fact is that the sea is splashing in each. Only over time, some turn it into standing swamp, others - in a shallow lake, and the third - in the endless ocean .... "

The symbols of infinity and infinity were the sky starry and the sea endless.

"Giuseppe Mazzini"

The sun was happily the fact that the shovel; The sea is the fact that reflected his joining light.

"Maksim Gorky"

The Pacific Ocean is huge - only the modest sea in the future.

"Alexander Herzen

I want the sea without a husband, children and control. Friends around, cheerful campaign, full relaxation. Not cooking, nor cleaning, only the sun, the beach, boulders and swimming in the punching. Life flies - she dreamed of everything about the beach.

The man in the sea is never lonely.

"Ernest Hemingway"

In any case, the sea smells, where he pleases, such a temper he has. Wants - here, wants - for a thousand miles. I don't care for distances.

"Max Fry"

In the open sea, the air is fresh, the wounds are frozen faster, and silence is so dense that it is already possible to make questions that have no answer, and not to suffer with their own silence.

"Arturo Perez-Reversal"

Above sea level is sometimes a puddle is located.

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to monotonous plain. By the sea there is a space for the eyes. Probably, it helps people freely think.

"Annica Tor"

And just a few understand the language of the sea. And he is simple as the voice of a mother who sings the song to his, still unborn, child: "We are with you one blood, there is no difference between us, a drop to a drop ..."

"Elena Gordeva"

The sea can not overflow because of the sponges that the Lord created, so that they absorb moisture, giving it into drought.

"Alfons Alla"

Sea disease will never come if limited to the shore, sitting under the palm tree.

"Spike Milligan"

Never cease to amazed the beauty of the sea. Looking at him, I seem to look into my soul, allowing consciousness to rethink a lot.

"Alexander Bulgakov"

Once you will find yourself by the sea, and it will take the pain of memories on their waves. Each of us has its own sea.

"Elchin Safarli"

He will forever remain in memory with color repetitions, that day, when I see the sea

"Haruki Murakami"

When I look at the sea, it seems to me that his waves carry my sadness.

"Elchin Safarli"

I will buy accommodation near the sea, so that all relatives to recalculate. It will not be possible to find an accurate digit of close and relatives - every time there will be more. But you will have fun.

The sea and rest are created for each other.

I love the sea and freedom

When you look at the sea for a long time, you start to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time - by sea.

"Haruki Murakami"

The best remedy for sea disease is to sit under a tree.

"Spike Milligan"

I love transatlantic vessels. These are luxurious hospitals for healthy people.

"Salvador Dali"

The sea is bottomless. - An image of infinity. - Turns deep thoughts.

The sea is a great conciliatory.

"Fazil Iskander"

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life.

"Jules Verne"

Sea? I love him to madness, sitting on the beach.

Douglas Jerrold

There is nothing more hopelessly monotonous than the sea, and I am not surprised at the cruelty of pirates.

"James Russell Lowell"

The most pleasant in the navigation is the proximity of the coast, and in the land walk - the proximity of the sea.


It is necessary to wander around the sea; It's not so necessary to live.

The sea also has their migraines.

"Victor Hugo"

In Fleet, Charles II were gentlemen and sailors, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and gentlemen were sailors.

"Thomas Makhalya"

All rivers flow to the sea, but the sea does not overflow.


If the sea does not overflow, then just because the providence took care to supply ocean water with sponges.

"Alfons Alla"

If the sea sadness you, you are hopeless.

"Federico Garcia Lorca"

The captain on his ship is the first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife to the ship.

"Yanina Ipokhorskaya"

Many scientists and thinkers in their texts appealed to the sea. It was it that inspired to create unforgettable works. Quotes about the sea are really inspired, forced to experience the colossal inner lift and transformation of the soul. The one who has come to meet him will never forget that positive energy that it carries it. Coming with the energy of the sea, it is impossible to lose the most majestic beauty in itself.

This article will contain interesting statements about the sea. Most people will not be able to stay indifferent to the living magnificence of this natural element. The description of the sea subtle emphasizes the relationship of man with nature. It is necessary to be a very sensitive and susceptible person to gain such an understanding.

"To draw the sea well, you should look at him every hour" (K. Monet)

It is known that the comprehension of some object or phenomenon begins with a conscious contemplation. To get closer to understanding the natural beauty of the sea, it is necessary to know him not one day. Otherwise, the picture will not be deep, but superficial. Time helps to see the finest details and get in touch with the truth that you can not see eyes. You must learn to feel the beauty in your heart, and not just a mind. Aphorisms about the sea are filled with a bright meaning and deep psychologism. Such statements are very capacious and easily remembered.

"The sea is an infinity symbol" (D. Mazzini)

Who at least once watched the water element, then surely agree that such a spectacle suggests serious meditation. From somewhere suddenly there is a thrust for reflections, many people begin to rethink the past years, bring preliminary results.

Quotes about the sea show how significant every minute of human existence is, not to mention the lifetime. Each of us wants to do something useful, fill it with harmony and positive emotions. And even more nice to see joyful smiles on the faces of their relatives and loved ones. Actually, such unique moments and decorate the life of a person, bring new paints into it.

"The sea connects the countries that it shares" (Alexander Pop)

Geographically, any water element is always located between individual states, countries and cities. People sometimes overcome considerable distances, just to find themselves on the other side of the ocean. The sea is able to inspire us to great feats, as well as combine whole nations. Going on a trip, we always know that we will return back, and miss our loved one.

The sea is able to give many joys and combine among them even the warring countries. It has always been a man in a mystery, undisclosed secret. Quotes about the sea are filled with incredible optimism, light hope, faith in the best future. Reading these statements, you begin to believe in friendship and understanding among people.

"Only an indifferent man may seem monotonous" (J. Verne)

Not everyone, unfortunately, is able to understand the beauty and subtly feel changing nature. The sea inspires mostly creative people, with a kind heart, not indifferent to what is happening around. It requires a definite configuration from us: you need to stop, stop hurrying and constantly thinking about the upcoming affairs. Can not admire the beauty of the sea, they simply won't notice all its majestic details. Such individuals, as a rule, live only for themselves, satisfying their egoistic needs. Quotes about the sea helps to believe in their own opportunities, approach the understanding of the essence of beauty.

"A man in the sea is never lonely" (E. Hemingway)

What connects people with natural elements? Description of the sea, stated in the work shows how everything in the world is interrelated. The one who considers himself a separate being on the planet is very mistaken. As if a person, neither tore himself from the world of nature, he will still forever remain its integral part, which means that the laws of life never change.

The sea can help a person in a difficult situation, bring to serious reflections. That is why people themselves are looking for privacy next to water, feeling the need to update.

Thus, the aphorisms and quotes about the sea are filled with a philosophical meaning and carry in itself a deep meaning.

We continue to replenish the piggy bank of interesting quotes and aphorisms. And today it will be about the sea:

Life by the sea. This is the best - hear his noise day and night, inhale his smell, walk along the coast and watching the horizon where the earth curls ... Aware that there is, in depth, there are so much that we never see and not know. As if at your threshold, some great mystery begins at once ... and still storms. When the waves overweight through the wave, the wind blows trees like grass, and you watch all this, sitting in the house where heat, dry and cozy ...

Jodjo Moys. Villa "Arkady"

Nothing cares about the blood and does not lead the spirit into the rebellious and forescript, like wind noise and sea surf.

Erich Maria Remarque

The sea seems another planet. Her residents - droplets - merging, form a common space, general harmony.

Residents of the Earth - People - on the contrary, all divide and divide, divide and divide indivisible. Thousands of differences come up with: on race, posts, prosperity, family position. But the drop is dead without the ocean, just as the ocean does not exist without drops.

Oleg Roy. Phantom pain

Man on the seashore is always a poet.

Banana Yosimoto. Amrita

Look a little at sea when it is capricious or raging, see what it happens beautiful and creepy, and you will have all the stories that only want. About love and dangers, about everything that life can bring to your network. And the fact that sometimes not your hand drives the helm and you can only believe it is good.

Jodjo Moys. Silver bay

I always thought in my youth: what are these poets forever love with the sea compare? And then I understood: and right, very similar. Only the first, young love - she as the sea is stormy, storm, like the "ninth tree" Aivazovsky. Everything rages, everything is boil, you go there, here, how on the waves, it seems, it seems that they will not be alive. And the mature love is completely different. Like a calm Night, the moonwalk on the water, the waves quietly splash, exactly the gentle song sing. And you look around and perplex: "Which beauty, Lord! And quiet, and goodness ... And how I used to live at all at all without it? "

Oleg Roy. Mother's daughters, or vacation in Atyashevo

The sea ... - the phenomenon without his own name, it can only be called by the sea, whether it is a Mediterranean, Japanese or ex now in front of the eyes of the bay of Suruga - all this is Unnamed, complete, absolute anarchy, something generalized with great difficulty and not recognizing names.

Yukio Misima. Fall angel

In life, everything is repeated much more often than might think. The sea is infinitely more diverse.

Agatha Christie

A life. She is like the sea. We float the rapid flow, leaving someone overboard, and accept someone. Sometimes the sea is calm. The sun rays play on the light surface of the waters and are reflected by smiles on people's faces. And sometimes raging. Ruthless waves cover a man trying to break the will and kill dreams. You have to sail through underwater cliffs, avoiding predatory fish. Remove the chill cold and the inhibit sun. Only the strongest will be able to get down to the shore. But is the coast of the trip? Maybe it's only a small stop before the next sail?

Alexandrina Bardkov. A town that does not exist

If you look more closely, it can be seen that the sea is blue every day in different ways.

Maria Parr. Waffle heart

The sea in itself is mystery. It is a space where the world of living and the world of dead come into contact with each other.

Kodi Suzuki. Dark waters

The sea is a complete likeness of a person's life. As the old maritime wisdom says, the reefs must be taken when the question comes to your mind; Isn't it time to take reefs? In the sea hides a dangerous and cunning bastard, who, with all his external friendliness, is only waiting for you to make an oversight to rush at you. Easy and ruthlessly kills the sea of \u200b\u200bcareless and stupid, and the sailor can hope - at least that the sea will attract to him at least tolerant, will not pay attention, will not notice. The sea does not know mercy, it, like the Old Testament God, never forgives - is it by chance or from a whim. When you give the mooring, the words "mercy" and "compassion", like many others, remain on the shore.

The omnipresent, the Terrible and the Witchcraft Sea dissolved flour, burning desires, mental connections, hatred and hope, all this was distinguished, seemed devoid of meaning, because a man becomes an egoist in the sea only himself. And something unbearable on land - thoughts, separation, loss - you can transfer to the sea. The sea is the strongest painkiller, and I saw the people who would have lost forever and peace of sight, on board the ship managed to survive their tragedies on board.

Arturo Perez-Reversal. Map of the Heavenly Sphere, or Mystery Meridian

When I look at the sea, it seems to me that his waves carry my sadness.

Elchin Safarli. Recipes of happiness

Only a person, deeply indifferent to nature, the sea may seem monotonous.

However, precisely because the sea was so deserted, it especially attracted attention. Monotonous in the view of the superficial observer, it seems to be real sailors, people who know how to see and guess, infinitely diverse. The elusive variability admires people with imagination and feeling ocean poetry. Here sails the bunch of marine grass; Here is a long algae leaves a light wavy trail on the surface of the water; But waves peg out the chip of the board, and so I want to guess what incident is associated with this debris. Infinite space gives rich food imagination. In each of these water molecules, the couple rising in the chimka to the clouds, then shedding the rain in the sea, is to be the mystery of some catastrophe. How to envy those inquisitive minds that are able to bring his secrets from the ocean, to rise from his eternally moving waters to heavenly altitudes!

Jules Verne. Captain at fifteen

There are three varieties of people: those who live by the sea; Those who pull in the sea; And those who come back from the sea.

Alessandro Barycko. Sea ocean

The man in the sea is never lonely.

At sea, nothing can be known in advance - never-go!

Agatha Christie. Ten Negritat

It was amazed that the sea is blue that it is roarless not clenching, - in a word, all the most commonly, what can hit the ocean, but if he was told to the minute that all this was trite, he would only get angry from amazement.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald. On this side of paradise

On the seashore I chew your long and fresh insults. And then I feel how it is funny to engage in yourself when the spectacle is so latitude before your eyes. Immediately change the topic.

Emil Michelle Choran. Attempts to forget

I want to see the sea. I want to breathe before dizzy by these air, thick from the measly shuddering water, from the shouts of birds, shrill, as the last revelation of God. I want to lie on the wet coastal sand, without clothes, without the past, without a future and smoke into the raw sky, smiling in the incredible freedom of every wind movement, amazing fish flowing on the skin. I want to collect multi-colored stones and wash the spray of water, without opening your eyes, I will not have a soul, almost no existing, almost becoming part of the surrounding, moving, changing, wet, salty, such alien and so understandable. I want to get lost in the caress of the waves, I want to forget myself and just swim. There, where life is painted with mild light of the setting sun. I want to sit on the very edge of the water, on this trembling face between fantasy and reality, tenderness and cruelty, man and ... by the sea.

Al Quition. Spare improvisation

The sea is because it is great that and small rivers do not happen.

Japanese proverbs and sayings

Henry David Toro.

The old man constantly thought about the sea as a woman who gives great grace or refuses them, and if it allows himself to be rapidly or unkinded actions, "that you can do it, such is her nature.

Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to monotonous plain. By the sea there is a space for the eyes. Probably, it helps people freely think.

Annica Tor. Depth of the sea

The sea, it is washing away all the bad things that managed to stick on land. Salted water is first breaking, then heals the wounds. Waves swing you like a maternal hand - cradle, and whisper ... whisper ...

And just a few understand the language of the sea. And he is simple as the voice of a mother who sings the song to his, still unborn, child: "We are with you one blood, there is no difference between us, a drop to a drop ..."

Elena Gordeyev

Love for the sea and over the years does not pass. I always think about him, and it will always please me, it's love without disappointments ...

Natalia Andreeva. Paradise

Sea calls ...

You will understand this, the sea and there is nothing but a permanent call.

He will migrate neither by a moment, he fills you, he is everywhere, he needs you.

Defenseless to the sea is also dangerous as defensiveness on land.

"P. Stolypin »

Pacific Ocean - Mediterranean Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Future.

"Alexander Herzen

Love for the sea and over the years does not pass. I always think about him, and it will always please me, it's love without disappointment.

"Natalia Andreeva"

When the sea is calm, everyone can be nut.


On land, smart a lot when the sea is trouble.

The best medicine from all ailments is salted water ... Pot, tears and the sea.

Sea disease is sick those who are not used to losing down the soil.

"Leonid S. Sukhorukov"

America has two friends, which is better not and there was no other nation. This is the Pacific Ocean and the Ocean Atlantic.

"Will Rogers"

It is necessary to wander around the sea; It's not so necessary to live.

"Pompey Great"

The sea externally lifeless, but it is full of monstrous life, which is not given to comprehend until you go to the bottom.

"AND. Brodsky "

The drop was crying that he broke up with the sea, the sea laughed at naive grief.

Omar Khayyam

I'm lying carefree on the beach, finally came true, and it seems to be a life there is no more feet caressing wave, and life is free, finances flow as water, but the main vacation is beautiful, and everything else ... garbage!

"Salvador Dali"

In the sea of \u200b\u200blove usually bathe without swimsuits.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

Victims of legendary shipwrecks, who died prematurely, I know: you did not kill the sea, you did not kill the hunger, you did not kill the thirst! Swinging on the waves under the wicked cries of gulls, you died of fear.

"Alain Bombar"

"Alfons Alla"

All rivers flow to the sea, but the sea does not overflow.


Quarrels on the vessel are a terrible thing, the Bath, and not swimming with them, but you can say one abomination ... You quarreled on the shore and went away, but I have nowhere to go away ... Always in front of each other ... Remember it and keep yourself If you have a hot character ... you need to live in the sailors to be a friendly family.

"TO. Stanyukovich "

Every year it takes less time to cross the ocean, and more and more to get to work.

A few meters from the coast, where even children are swimming, the sea may be for a beginner ... the place of the most tempting and exciting adventures, if only he knows how to handle with his equipment ...

Elias Kanetti

The sea is all! His breath is pure, life-minded. In his boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, for he feels the beating of life around him.

"Jules Verne"

Nothing pleases the eye as a collected suitcase at sea.

The ocean pacifies my restless soul.

"Lei Bardha"

The sea connects the countries that it shares.

"Alexander Pop"

Sea? I love him to madness, sitting on the beach.

Douglas Jerrold

I love transatlantic vessels. These are luxurious hospitals for healthy people.

"Salvador Dali"

When you look at the sea for a long time, you start to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time - by sea.

"Haruki Murakami"

The sea is a great conciliatory.

"F. Iskander

The wind and waves are always on the side of the more skilled navigator.

Eduard Gibbon

Those who begin a new day with a meeting with the sea cannot be evil or unhappy.

"Elchin Safarli"

Quotes about the sea

I want to go to the sea now. I want to listen to the noise of waves, cry screams. I just want to relax, just from everyone ...

"Spike Milligan"

The most pleasant in the navigation is the proximity of the coast, and in the land walk - the proximity of the sea.


If the sea does not overflow, then just because the providence took care to supply ocean water with sponges.

"Alfons Alla"

The seafarers have sea disease - on land.

"Leonid S. Sukhorukov"

The sea man of God must remember. Water is not a dry path. You do not joke with her and do not belong a lot about ourselves ... Which man on the sea has been and has a concept, that it should be simple to be a soul, and to people foul, and the mind of the soul, and the courage to have for the reason that the sea Death is in front of her eyes.

"TO. Stanyukovich "

God created the sea, and the Dutch - the seaside.

The sea and the sky are two infinity symbols.

"Giuseppe Mazzini"

Take a look at the ocean, isn't it a living creature? Sometimes angry, sometimes gentle!

"J. Verne "

It is necessary to work the copper on the ships of the farthest swimming. And I can never say that there is no work, a blank refrigerator home, no personal life and, my God, how I haven't been to the sea for a long time!

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life.

"J. Verne "

The weather vane was pinned tightly, and the wind is doomed to the specified direction.


Who would have thought that there would be no underwater ships created for the destruction of "similar to themselves", which would not be fantasy, which would be fantastic words about the peace sea and the absence of a threat to destroy its inhabitants.

"J. Verne "

The best remedy for sea disease is to sit under a tree.

"Spike Milligan"

There is nothing more hopelessly monotonous than the sea, and I am not surprised at the cruelty of pirates.

"James Russell Lowell"

Do not sea, and a puddle.

My reflection in the mirror standing on the knees begins to let go on the sea!

Times are changing, I have a spear on Sochi and Yalta, and if it does not work, we go to Turkey.

Once you will find yourself by the sea, and it will take the pain of memories on their waves. Each of us has its own sea.

"Elchin Safarli"

As it were, it would be nice if on each of us would have accounted for a river leading to your own sea.

The sea is bottomless. - An image of infinity. - Turns deep thoughts.

"Gustave Flaubert"

View of the sea always produces a deep impression; It is the embodiment of that endless, which incessantly attracts the thought and in which it is incentively lost.

"Anna Steel"

If the woman sat on the diet and began to swing the press, then it means that ... it means she in two days to go to the sea!

"Angelius Silesius"

Sea - it is better than any medicine wash off longing and disappointment.

"Tatyana Stepanova"

The best quotes about the sea:

Truly, like the Sun, I love life and all the deep seas. And so I call I know: so that all the deep rose to my height!

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

All habits are smoked gradually and imperceptibly, as the streams form rivers, and the rivers are poured into the sea.

"John Dryden"

And women's beauty is similar to the sunshine on the sea, which cannot belong to a single wave.

Relationships - they are like a ship. If you do not withstand a small storm, it makes no sense to sail into the open sea.

Some lives resemble a cast in the sea harbor: the farther they leave, the more dirt is exposed at the bottom.