Repairs Design Furniture

Lost history: what to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell. Elimination of odors and flavoring. Put the inner shelves of the refrigerator in place

We all like it when the refrigerator is clean inside, outside and does not stink. But since the cleaning of the refrigerator is not the most pleasant and fast lesson, then sometimes we run it. And sometimes there are emergency cases when the resistant smell of rotten or mold appears due to the sprouling or long idleness of the refrigerator. Let's find out how it is necessary to care for him, how quickly to defrost the freezer, what to do in complex cases And how to eliminate the smells of emergency and regularly.

A little about prevention

How often do you need to wash the refrigerator? In addition to the daily revisions of the products and wiping the walls of the chamber, periodically need to conduct larger cleaning.

  • The duty care for the refrigerator without defrosting is optimally spent 1 time per week - it is necessary to wipe it outside and from the inside, including the rubber seal, throw out everything that has accumulated over the week;
  • Capital cleaning of the refrigerator with defrosting ideally is better to spend 1 time per month, then in the freezer is not formed, which reduces the efficiency of work, and unpleasant odors will not appear in the refrigerator. However, if you are not a perfectionist, and your refrigerator works properly and even has a function of Nou Frost, then one cleaning in the quarter will be enough.

Capital cleaning for 7 steps

So how to wash the refrigerator?

  1. Empty the refrigerator and revise. Everything that was walked and spoiled - throw out, and fold back and frozen foods into any container, and then put it in a cool and dark place or in a pelvis with cold water and ice. Banks and products in packages, which also want to wipe, refer in the direction of washing.
  1. Find out the refrigerator, first adjusting the temperature to zero, and then turning off it from the network. Refrigerating and freezer doors leave open. As a rule, the defrost lasts from 3 to 10 hours. How to quickly defrost the refrigerator? The following ways will be accelerated by the process:
  • in an empty refrigerator, place a small saucepan with boiling water and close the door. As soon as the water cools, drain it and fill it with a saucepan of boiling water. Repeat this procedure while the freezer does not understand;
  • cut in the lid. plastic bottle Little hole and fill the bottle itself with boiling water, then carefully irrigate them, it will help her quickly utter and reveal.
  1. Next, proceed to washing the shelves, containers and ... Spain packaged products. While the freezer is defrosting, remove all the shelves, containers and side racks and fold them near the sink or in the bathroom.

If there dishwasher, then you can wash some part in it, removing the two top tiers in the PMM. If there is no dishwasher, and the pollution is not too complicated, then we are fine with a sponge, brushes, hot water And detergents, and then leave to dry. If there are evaporated jams with jam and pickles, bottles, some products in boxes, etc., it is better to wipe them too.

  1. Clean the condenser behind the refrigerator from dust. You can do this with a vacuum cleaner or a long narrow brush.
  2. After the refrigerator knows, proceed to the washing of the refrigerator inside. But first you need to drain the water from the pallet, if it got a lot (if there was little to sleep, then this can not be done, because the water itself evaporates over time).

  • Washing should be started from top to bottom, paying special attention to far walls, corners and recesses.
  • Be sure to clean and disinfect the drain hole on back wall cameras (photo on the right) - it is often the source unpleasant odor in a refrigerator. For this, a medical pear or a syringe can pour cleaning mortar directly to the channel.
  • Last but I will last remove the rubber seal with the help of an old toothbrush, and then wipe the chamber dry. The door is better to leave the open until the walls of the refrigerator are completely dry.

Refrigerator care products can be prepared at home, and for convenience homemade solutions You can pour into the sprayer.

  • Soda Social Recipe: We prepare the means at the rate of 2 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water. You will need about 5 liters of water on the washing of the refrigerator. We wash the entire chamber with the resulting solution, and then remove the remains of the soda itself with a clean cloth;
  • Verce-based recipe: We make a solution at the rate of 2 tbsp. on 1 liter of water, then wipe the whole chamber.


  • Acetic solution cannot be wiped with rubber gaskets, as they dissolve and deteriorate from it;
  • In order to eliminate the smell in a new refrigerator, acetic solution will be more suitable.

On how to remove unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, we will tell you just below in more detail.

  1. Now my refrigerator is outside. It can be done with the same solution.
  2. We return all the shelves and containers into place, we store all the products and turn on the refrigerator.

To eliminate nasty smell In the refrigerator, you can buy a ready-made smell absorber, which is sold at any household chemical store or make a similar tool at home.

To remove the extraneous smells of mold, the shredded fish, meat, onions, etc. you need:

  1. Wash the chamber with a solution of wine vinegar and water (the method is suitable for removing strong odors);
  2. Cut the pieces of black bread, decompose on the shelves and close the fridge for the day;
  3. Put on the shelf of a saucer with tablets of activated carbon (you can tie it into a bag of gauze);
  4. Put in the refrigerator 2 halves of the cut lemon;
  5. Put in the chamber a gauze bag with sugar or rice;
  6. Decompose tea bags or gauze bags with brilliant black tea;
  7. Pour into a glass soda and put it on the shelf of the refrigerator;
  8. To quickly remove the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you need to pour a vanilla extract in a glass or on a saucer and put in the refrigerator.

Not all household chemicals are suitable. Inside the unit is in contact with food products, so it is impossible to use aggressive chemicals. Outdoor walls and doors outside the other feature: if the refrigerator is at the slab, the fat drops on it, which are then hard to wash. And washing a rigid sponge harms enamel or surface from of stainless steel. To get rid of dirt and any types of springs on the fridge, you can take advantage of gentle, but effective purchased and folk remedies.

Every purchased thing is desirable to wash before first use, the more refrigerator, because it will break food. It is unknown in what conditions he was kept and transported until he fell into the house. It can contain not only dust, but also industrial chemical reagents. Although the refrigerator will add out the outwardly clean, it passed through a lot of hands that could leave bacteria and microbes.

Before first use, it is enough to wash all parts of the refrigerator with water with soap, a tool for washing dishes or soda mortar. In the latter case, 1 - 2 tbsp is bred. Spoons of soda in a liter of water and a sponge with this composition wipe all surfaces, boxes, shelves and grilles. After washing, everything is rinsed with clean water and wipe with a rag or a napkin. And only after the unit is completely dry, it can be connected to the outlet and lay out products.

Clean new refrigerator With the help of abrasive cleaning products are not worth it. He has not yet managed to pollute household spots, and solid particles can leave scratches.

If there is a desire to disinfect the shelves and the inner part of the refrigerator, you can wipe them with alcohol wipes that are sold in pharmacies, or a napkin moistened with vodka. Alternative to alcohol - vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

How and how to wash the fridge?

Not all products are stored in the refrigerator in the package. Therefore, only non-toxic means should become assistants in washing. The most delicate way is regularly and often wipe all the shelves and walls with a wet sponge and wipe dry. Spots rub with soap or soda. If they are not laundered at once, it is better to twist them with water than to use aggressive chemicals.

Outside, the refrigerator can be washed by any means: soap, soda, dishwashing agent, special cleaning drugs. This sponge is desirable to use soft to leave scratches.

After washing, all plastic and enameled surfaces should be wiped dry. If you leave them with wet, there may be divorces and drows on them. For wiping, rags made of microfiber or nonwoven napkins, and cotton and paper towels leave behind the fibers.

Recently, such a novelty appeared in the stores, like (melamine eraser). She copes perfectly with different species pollution even without chemicals - It is enough to moisten it with water. The sponge includes foamed melamine resin and synthetic microfiber. They act as a soft abrasive, penetrating even into the smallest cracks and sulfing from there dirt and fat.

The hostess immediately took a novelty for weapons, but the doctors relate to it wary. The effect of melamine on the body is not yet sufficiently studied. It is known that allergic reactions It does not cause, but entering the body of small particles of material is undesirable. They can accumulate in the kidneys and lead to urolithiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude any contact of a sponge with food products, and while working with rubber gloves. It is possible to clean the refrigerator from the melamine sponge outside.

Stainless steel refrigerator need to be washed only with a soft cloth or sponge, even if the contamination is strong. The rigid side of the sponge and any abrasive means leave scratches. Even if they are initially invisible, the appearance of the refrigerator will gradually deteriorate. The surface is wiping with a solution of vinegar or soda, then wipe dry with a paper towel and polished. It is necessary to determine the direction of fibers and move the movement according to them: only left-right or up-down. Then the refrigerator will be more glittered, cracks will not appear on it. Any liquid oil (vegetable, mineral, child) is suitable for polishing a stainless steel refrigerator. If we wipe the surface with a rag with a few drops of oil, it will glisten brighter. But the oil layer, even imperceptible to the touch, is getting faster, the dirt sticks to it better.

Effective folk remedy To remove stains on the refrigerator - toothpaste. She flashes a small site and leave for 5 -10 minutes, and then rub the spot with a sponge or toothbrush. The paste contains abrasive, but its particles are so small that they do not spoil even dental enamel.

How to remove different types of pollution?

The usual household dirt on the refrigerator is easily melted with detergents, but some stains turn into a real problem. The most difficult to get rid of drops of fat and soot, stickers and from yellowness on enamel and plastic parts of the refrigerator. There will be special means here.

Fat and smoking

If the refrigerator stands next to the stove, the splashes of fat from the frying pan fall on it. Over time, they solidify and absorb dirt. The cleaning method depends on how long the spots were left. It is desirable to erase fat immediately after cooking. If the drops did not have time to harden, they are washed off with water with soap, a tool for washing dishes or soda. It is more difficult to wash the refrigerator when the fat adhesive has long been mixed with Soch.

In stores you can find a variety of products. The owners have proven themselves such brands like "anti-fat", "Shumanit", Cillit Bang. and similar to them. They act much more active than soda, but to remove the solar fat, there will still have to make a thorough effort.

The dried fat on the refrigerator is first swollen with warm water, soda or soap solution, then remove the drops will be easier. Do not rub fatty spots metal sponge "It's easy to leave scratches for enamel, especially on stainless steel. If using mechanical method Removal, then you can neatly lay the refrigerator with a knife. It is necessary to keep it under an acute angle to the surface, not scratching, but upward drops.

Grill is also suitable for removing the spots of spots and drops of fat. They spray pollution, leave for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash off with water with soap.


Plastic parts and the enamel of the refrigerator are yellow or due to the formation of plaque, or with changes in the composition of the material (for example, due to sun ray). In the first case, the usual washing with detergent or soda.

Special whitening sprays for plastic are sold in stores. They not only remove the yellowness, but also protect the surface in the future, creating a film on it. Bleach old refrigerator Can be both folk remedies:

  1. Washing powder and soda in equal proportions. The mixture is divorced by water to liquid consistency and is left on the surface at least 2 hours. Then the refrigerator was washed with clean water and wipe dry. This method is suitable for delicate color recovery.
  2. Chlorine bleach. The most effective, but also the most labor-intensive way. If a plastic boxes You can simply soak in the bleach solution, then for vertical walls And the doors do not suit this reception. The bleach should be in contact with the surface for several hours: at least 2, and better 5-10, otherwise the result will not justify the effort. The walls can be sealed with napkins impregnated with a bleach and cover with a food film, fixing it from above and tightly pressed against the walls. Then the design does not slide down, and the water will not evaporate. Chlorine smells greatly and highlights poisonous pairs, so at all time processing you need to take care of ventilation.
  3. Stain remover for plastic. They can be found in the departments for auto chemicals or in business stores.
  4. Acetic essence. Normal table vinegar It has a light whitening effect, but to remove the resulting yellowness concentration of 3% or 6% too weak. Therefore, they take acetic essence, which contains 70 - 80% acetic acid. It is necessary to work with it in gloves, as such a concentrate leaves burns and irritation on the skin. The essence is wiped with yellowed sections, and then wash off. It is not necessary to leave it on the refrigerator.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. Whitening effect in pharmacy (3%) peroxide is weak, so it is necessary to use rubbing often and regularly. You can make a more rich composition that will act more actively. To do this, take dry hydroperite and bred it with water until complete dissolution. Tablets hydroperite are sold in a pharmacy. Inexpensive hair clarifiers as one of the components contain powder hydroperite. It is invested with a separate package in packaging and is also suitable for the restoration of the whiteness of the refrigerator after dissolving in water.


The door and the side walls of the refrigerator are often decorated with stickers. Over time, their edges are strengthened, and the homemade design is bored. If the sticker takes off, the sticky spot remains in its place, which is not easy.

The main task is to soften the dried glue, then it will be easier to lag behind the surface. The stain is wetted by vinegar, vegetable oil or alcohol and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. So that the fluid does not flow across the door, the napkin is superimposed on top. After that, the stain is washed with a soap sponge. For softening glue, heating with a hairdryer is suitable. The jet of warm air is directed to the stain and hold until the glue is heated. Then it can be easily removed by a piece of plastics, and to wash the spots. Stickers are well removed by acetone or other solvents. But for the refrigerator, they are better not to use - it may be damaged by enamel.

It happens that the doors of the refrigerator are almost completely filled with stickers, reproach them for a long time and tedious. Then, specially designed tools that are sold in business stores will come to the rescue. They thoroughly soften glue, but it will still have to remove mechanically, although the process will be much simplified.


If there is an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, and there is no spoiled product there, mold appeared. - This is a fungus that grows in a humid environment without ventilation. He manifests itself as stains or black and black and dark gray. It is necessary to fight him immediately as soon as the first signs were found. Mold fungus - not only household trouble, but also a danger to health. If you get into the respiratory tract, it can cause allergic diseases.

Special preparations for destroying mold are sold in business stores, but they are not suitable for the refrigerator. As a rule, they include chlorine compounds, and their contact with food products is unacceptable - chlorine poisonous. Therefore, to combat mold in the refrigerator it is better to use folk remedies:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda solution (teaspoon on a glass of water);
  • table vinegar;
  • monarda or tea tree essential oil (a few drops of a quarter of a cup of water);
  • medical antifungal drugs.

Any remedy is abundantly applied to the colony of mold. Then you need to wait half an hour and hour so that the fungus died. The surface is washed with water with soap until the mold traces remain. If they are not able to remove the first time, it is better not to rub with an effort, but to repeat chemical processing.

How to wash the freezing chamber?

Before getting to washing freezing chamberThe thermostat must be set on zero, then turn off the refrigerator from the power supply and wait for the full defrost. It is not recommended to accelerate the process with heating: the contrast of temperatures negatively acts on the plastic. Instantly it will not deteriorate, but will be imperceptible and gradually covered by microcracks and shrust, which reduces the service life.

The freezing chamber is wiping with a solution of soda (teaspoon per liter of water), then wash off the remnants of the means with clean water and wipe dry. After that, you need to leave the refrigerator with open door At least half an hour. During this time, even the smallest moisture particles will evaporate. The smaller, the longer it will not appear.

What to do when a new refrigerator is brought into the house. Just hood themselves, turn on the outlet and download all the products that are available in the kitchen it is impossible. The unit will unpleasantly smell in plastic, lubricant materialsStagnate air. He did a long way and assembled a lot of dust and microbes on the road. How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell, at home.

The problem of the new refrigerator is the smell of plastic inside

Outside, the home piece of the Arctic is simply cleaned from dust and dirt. You can use the existing tool used for washing outside the stoves, washing machines and other equipment. Containing chlorine and abrasive are not suitable. If there were no suitable substances in the house, we use others:

  • a solution of economic soap;
  • soda;
  • cleaning for dishes;
  • washing liquid;
  • cleaning for kitchen surfaces.

Soap need to grind, then it is faster to dissolve in water. Mix the sponge, slightly squeeze and wash the entire outer surface of the refrigerator and the pallet. It is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall under the back wall. Then wipe the surface with clean water and a dry napkin.

The remaining means are used in the same way. Soda must be weted and then you can apply on a sponge and wipe. Liquid means to breed with the calculation of the dining boat per liter of water.

It is best to wash the refrigerator with soap solid, detergent for dishes or soda

Outside the unit is clean. How to wash the refrigerator inside and remove production odors. You can use soap solution, but better bread sodes. It will simultaneously remove the smell

  1. Dissolve in warm water soda, a tablespoon without a slide on a liter of water.
  2. Remove all shelves and trays, wipe them with a sponge dipped in solution.
  3. Wipe all shelves, walls, freezing chamber and door.
  4. To do weak Solution Economic soap - 10 grams per liter, wipe all seals. Rinse them with clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth.

What washing the refrigerator from the inside if the smell remained. Dissolve 50 ml of apple vinegar in 200 ml of water and wipe the walls with a napkin moistened in water and well pressed. You can use juice, pressed from lemon. No need to wipe rubber details and compaction with acid compositions.

Give a couple of hours to dry with open door And you can turn on the outlet and load products.

The refrigerator must be defrosting and completely washed regularly, every 2 - 3 months. Every week, while cleaning, wipe dust outside. Shelves inside clean from spilled and scattered products immediately. Once a week it is necessary to carry out a revision on the shelves and remove an overdue provision.

The question will be less likely than to wash the refrigerator to get rid of the smell if all edible supplies are stored in closed containers, especially having a strong smell. Otherwise, pack them into the film or fold into cellophane ultrasound.

Need to be cleaned regularly drainage and pour water from the pallet. It is gathering moisture in them provokes the development of fungus and the smell of mold is spreading around the chamber. Over time, the pores appear in the air and can cause allergies or respiratory disease.

Keep food in special containers, then the smell will appear less

Overdue products contain many harmful bacteria. Therefore, a sponge that washed a fridge inside, it is better to throw it away. On the hands to wear rubber gloves.

Care is needed not only for beautiful view Aggregate, it extends the life of the equipment and destroys the accumulation of harmful microbes.

After rubing regularly dust from the equipment, over time, it is possible to detect yellow divorces, sticky raid. Stickers are losing with vilitelity and turn into gray dirty spots. The children walked a strict ban and painted the sun or portrait of the parents with a marker on the door.

First, the rear wall is cleared of dust. It must be disconnected from the power supply and spending or secure dust and web brushes. After that, you can turn on and continue washing outside.

Than laundering the refrigerator and return the original cleanliness. Start better with stickers. They prevent the surface of the equipment most of all.

  1. Fixes in the cartoon wonderfully coped with stickers with a hair dryer. Send a jet of hot air on the sticker. When it is possible to separate one side, lift it and let the hairdryer warms the gap under the sticker. So it will be faster.
  2. Rough drive stickers. Do not scratch plastic doors. The remaining traces of glue wipe with a cotton disk, moistened in vegetable oil.

Use the hairdryer to exit stickers

Now you can wash the entire surface of the refrigerator with soap solution. The remaining yellow divorces are removed by hydrogen peroxide, mixed with 10 parts of water, vinegar solution. You can not use bleach. If the yellowness immediately did not leave immediately, it is necessary to repeat, wipe it with a napkin moistened in acidic solution and hold.

The remaining traces of the drawings are removed in several ways.

  1. An ordinary eraser eating a pencil paper will remove marker traces from the refrigerator. It is necessary to lose a dirty place and wash off all the water.
  2. Vodka, and even better alcohol. After all, it is the basis of paint. Dense coarse cloth should be moistened in alcohol and remove the autograph of young dating.
  3. Easy toothpaste squeeze into a cup, add soda, mix. This composition with the help of a sponge to remove the trail of the marker.
  4. Staged after the summer season sunscreen. Apply it to pollution, wipe it with a sponge. Remove the residues with a wet cloth and wipe dry.

Clean the refrigerator outside

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell outside. Wipe the pure unit with a damp cloth, then dry. Free the pallet, wash it and put it in place. Outside the fridge is clean and without unpleasant odor.

Over time, an unpleasant smell appears inside. These are not only overdue products, but also microbes, mold. How to wash the fridge inside, where to start.

  1. Open refrigerator and pull out all products. For reserves from the freezer, prepare a large saucepan. Fold out frozen provisions in it, wrapped with a pre-film and newspapers. Film will protect against the flow, the newspapers will save the cold. Edible supplies are not spoing while you wash the fridge.
  2. Before washing the refrigerator, disconnect it from the outlet. Defrost. Put the fan against the open door and turn it on the middle speed.
  3. Check out everything that got. Uncomply throw away. Dirty packaging ished, most likely that they will also have to be sent to the bucket. In the refrigerator, things are quickly not dust.
  4. Pull all the shelves and trays. They must be washed. Optimal option - Dishwasher. Just do not need to put them there. Let lie and warm up room temperature. You can soak into a basin with a solution of soda, then wash the well to the dishes.
  5. Wash the walls and the inner side of the door.

Than laundering a refrigerator inside. Many options:

  • soap;
  • soda;
  • means for dishes;
  • any special purchase preparation.

It is necessary to wash the refrigerator with a solution or soap, walking on all surfaces, including the freezer. Rubber seals are preferably only soap. Then everything must be wiped with a wet napkin and dry the towel.

Use home tools to combat unpleasant odor

Yellow spots are laundered with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol. Solution 1:10 with water. A coarse napkin from flax or cotton wet, to rub, wash off with water. If it is immediately yellow, you will not leave, repeat or pull the toothpaste.

The refrigerator must dry with the open door. After that, all shelves and containers are put in place. The unit is included in the network and after 10 minutes is loaded with products: clean, fresh, packed.

Than laundering a refrigerator inside to destroy the smell. If you just need to wash the refrigerator from smell, a mixture of 9% and water in equal amounts is used. Spill part of the composition in the hole drainage system, the rest wipe the inner surface.

The smell of mold and spoiled products holds long. It is simply entrusted to plastic walls. What to wash the fridge from the smell and kill the fungus. Vinegar perfectly copes with these tasks. Lemon juice and solution citric acid Kills microbes and refrigerator refrigerator. It is impossible to wash rubber gaskets with acids. If necessary, within a few minutes you need to wash off with clean water.

What to wash the fridge from the smell of spoiled products. Sick the juice from lemon into a glass of water. Wipe the shelves about the wall, leave to dry. Lemon will remove the smells of rot and fermentation, give the air fresh flavor.

Get rid of the smell of spoiled products will help lemon

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell of spoiled fish and herring. Mix in a glass of water on a tablespoon of vinegar and sea salt. Wipe the freezer and tray where they lay. Then rinse with clean water and wipe off with a dry towel.

How wash the fridge inside from the smell of spoiled dairy products. Can be wiped with damp soda diluted in half with water apple vinegar after washed economic soap or washing for dishes.

How to wash the fridge from the smell of natural folk remedies.

  1. Soak woodwood. When it is mounted, use water from above.
  2. Grind and make a cleaning solution from soap nut.
  3. Take the root of the soapy, wash it out and smash, making like a washcloth. Wipe it fridge inside.

  • put a saucer with a mixture for feline Toilet with zeolite not used for animals;
  • cut the bulb in half and its smell will displacing others;
  • decompose citrus crusts;
  • wipe the walls lemon;
  • cut fresh potatoes and decompose;
  • put pieces of dry rye bread;
  • put the container with chopped activated carbon;
  • put a cut lemon;
  • scatter coffee grain shelves.

You can prepare a natural flavor, which will simultaneously remove the shaft smell. It is necessary to cut in half a lemon. Remove the flesh from it, you can in tea or fruit salad. Inside put rye crackers, rice and soda. Place both halves with stuffing on the shelves. Each hostess chooses its means to guide purity in the refrigerator.

Household appliances need regular care. However, almost more than others require cleaning and correct operation is the refrigerator. It stores food that exudes a variety of flavors. All these smells are absorbed by surfaces inside the unit. Over time, an unpleasant "background" is created from a mixture of flavors, which is not always pleasant. So sooner or later you have to decide how to wash the fridge inside. Care for technology is performed regularly, and not as needed.

Special uses for cleaning chemical compounds. Suitable for washing dishes. You can use substances that almost always have in the house: vinegar, lemon, soda, ammonia. Recipes based on these ingredients there is a lot.

Some of the popular solutions:

  1. A solution based on acetic essence is prepared. The substance must be dissolved with water in a ratio of 1: 1. For example, it is enough to take 100 ml of vinegar and as much pure liquid. If the question is solved how to wash the refrigerator inside, you should know that the solution of this consistency is enough to remove the extraneous flavors of the finished food, and also avoid the appearance of a resistant essence smell. The resulting liquid is treated with all surfaces using a sponge for washing dishes or a rag.
  2. Soda solution. It is prepared on the basis of food soda (2 art. L.) And clean water (0.5 l). It is necessary to stir the specified amount of soda in warm water. How to wash the refrigerator with this means? It is necessary to moisten the rags in the finished liquid, and wipe the unit from the inside.
  3. Solution based on the ammistry. For cooking, you need to prepare 30 ml of ammonic alcohol. The substance is bred in water. To obtain a solution with the desired properties, it is recommended to take 300 ml of fluid. Solving than to wash the refrigerator after defrosting, you can use this recipe. Such a means allows you to remove the smell, disinfects, well removes pollution.
  4. Lemon juice based solution. It will be necessary 2 tbsp. l. Juice and 0.5 liters of water. The tool is well mixed. It is wetted in it and it is possible to start processing the surfaces of the aggregate. Solving, the better to wash the fridge inside and remove the smell, you can use this means, as it will provide a pleasant fragrance. However, after washing the walls and shelves, the fragrance will soon disappear. To extend the action of the means, you can put a 1-2 saucer with a lemon zest.

Tip: It is better to use the means that will not only help wash the shelves and the walls of the camera, but also disinfect all the surfaces, for example, the food soda is well suited for this purpose.

Sequence of action when cleaning inside and outside

From time to time, it is necessary to carry out thorough cleaning of all cameras, in addition to this, it is necessary to take care of the unit and outside. To make all the work as efficiently as possible and in a short time, you need to know how to wash the fridge. Instruction:

Commissioning of a new refrigerator: washing, connection

Before connecting the unit to the network, you need to give it time to stand at rest. This is greater extent important in winter. When the refrigerator was brought from the cold, he must stand for several hours. Summer is enough 1 hour. Then you need to decide how to wash a new refrigerator before first use. For this use special chemicals or home remedies. Apply abrasive formulations is prohibited. Given that there is no smell inside the ungregate, use means that eliminate aromas is not needed.

How can I wash a new refrigerator in this case before turning on it? For these purposes, soda solution is perfect. All chambers should be treated with detergent. Removable elements (side racks, containers, shelves) before installation are also treated with solution. After the end of washing, it is necessary to wipe all the surfaces with dry wind. Making sure that the refrigerator is completely pros, you can connect it to the network, load products.

Walls refrigeration technology Smells absorb pretty quickly, and as contaminants are collected in the corners, tanks and surfaces. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly perform simple rules:

Thus, regular refrigerator care will provide its trouble-free operation. It is much easier and faster to remove the pollution at once, after some time, rub them out of the shelves and other surfaces. Smells absorbed into the walls pretty quickly, it means that it is impossible to leave highly smelling ready-made dishes in open access. Well prevents the spread of fragrances Food film, container, package. Wet cleaning It can be performed with a solution based on lemon juice or ammonia, as well as soda.


Somehow we went to rest, and at that time something happened in the power grid - in the apartment on the counter knocked out traffic jams.

We returned in a week, naturally, everything that was stored in the refrigerator came to full dissent, and the smell ...

With difficulty, the attack of nausea and gateing headaches, I began to choose spoiled products with my husband. After completing this heroic act, I understood: an unpleasant smell took a deep internal trim.

And it is necessary to get rid of it. What washed the refrigerator so that there is no smell?

Method number 1.

You can with lemon juice. For this:

  • a whole fresh lemon cut down in half and halves rubbing the entire inner surface;
  • after a couple of hours, we wipe the inner trim in a damp cloth.

Method number 2.

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell using food soda. To do this, you need:

  • dilute soda with water;
  • wash the resulting fridge solution.

Method number 3.

If the first-aid kit is the reserves of hydrogen peroxide, this tool will help in the fight against the stench. To process the refrigerator in this way, you need:

  • wash it with water with soap solution;
  • pour the peroxide on the sponge and process the entire inner surface of the refrigerator.

Method number 4.

If for some reason neither soda nor the peroxide did not turn out at hand, and you think than to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell - use vinegar.

For this you need:

  • dilute vinegar with water in equal proportions;
  • mix the rag with the resulting mixture and rub inner walls refrigerator.

Method number 5.

Mint toothpaste can help in the fight against unwanted aromas:

  • apply a paste on a cloth and wipe the refrigerator;
  • rock the paste with a sponge dipped in water.

Method number 6.

You can wash the inner walls with liquid for cleaning ovens. She launders fat and bloom, and also absorbs odors. The process itself looks like this:

  • with the help of a sprayer on the bottle, spray fluid on the inner surface and leave for 15 minutes;
  • sponge remove the liquid and wipe the wet rag.

From the smell of fish

I coped with the main chamber, but there was a lot of fish in the freezer, which was Looked and left the unforgettable flavors.

My mom helped me, told you than washed the refrigerator so that there was no smell of fish. It turns out for this you need:

  • dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water and add a chipping salt to the resulting solution;
  • wash the freezer from the inside of the resulting liquid.

If the listed methods do not help, you can try to remove unwanted aromas by absorbing odors:

  • On the saucer to put a piece of black bread and the bulb cut in half. Leave for night. Bread and onions perfectly absorb smells.
  • You can pour a mixture on a dish for a short toilet from zeolite and also leave it for eight or ten hours.
  • For these purposes, activated carbon is also suitable. It should be crushed and, pouring in a saucer, leave to stand until the morning.
For the most difficult and running cases when the refrigerator is washed away, but continues to smell it unpleasant, suitable ammonia. It should be gratened to them all the inner surfaces and leave overnight, leaving the doors open.

I coped with my problem. Clean and dry refrigerator did not exude any flavors, and I boldly uploaded new products into it.

If you do not know what to wash the fridge so that there is no smell, at home, try using my advice.

  • In the refrigerator with a "crying system", regularly clean the drain hole on the back wall. It usually clogs, and the accumulated fluid in the groove becomes the source of "fragrance".
  • Put the container into the main chamber in which the nutrition of the food soda. Change soda every three months.