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Lebed: its beneficial properties and contraindications. Application as a medicine. How to get rid of swan

Many of us have heard herring name quinoa, but not everyone knows what this plant is. The winch can be one or a perennial shrub, a semi-staple or grass. The number of types of swans is more than 100. The height of the plant varies from 20 cm to 1.8 m, the shoots are thick or thin depending on the species. The sheet plates are solid, elongated, are arranged alternately. Grass can have red, yellow, green color. Barrel and sheets are covered with vile silver color. The winch is a monocarbonate plant, i.e., female and male flowers are placed on one plant. Black seeds are located in bracts.

Did you know? The winch has edible views. The most popular view of the garden swan in cooking.

In most cases, the winch is a weed. Growing area - wasteland, ravines, fields, gardens, coast. The grass is not only wild, but also cultivated as a cultural plant. Widged a swan around the globe. In Australia and the United States grows the most types of plants suitable for use in gastronomy. The dry grass of the Swan is used in cooking as seasonings or in gardening as a fertilizer saturated with nitrogen. Green leaflets are used for cooking kitlet, soups, salads, foddes.

Important! In young shoots and sheets, protein, rutin, vitamins C and RR, minerals are contained.

Due to its saturation with substances that benefit, the winch gained widespread use in folk healing.

Swan garden - annual grass having a reprehensive, faceted, branched trunk height from 60 to 180 cm. The sheets are different in shape, elongated, with integer either jazzned edges, thin, acid lifting. Color leaflets are emerald or red-burgundy. The lower part of the sheet plate has a milk shade. Little green or red color flowers form blurred or sparkling inflorescences. Black or brown-olive seeds. Blossom occurs in June - August. Right garden swan from Central Europe. Garden Swan is grown as vegetable or decorative plant. As a weed grass, it is distributed everywhere. Sheets and stalks are not yet blooming grass contain a lot of useful and nutrients.

Wild winch is a single-air, a height of 3 to 70 centimeters. Swan trunk can be both a reprehensive and fluttering, branched from the base. Root horizontal or directed up. Long branches covers a film bloom. The leaflets are elongated or triangular, egg-shaped, with zzbrins along the edges, covered with a knocked peeling film. Color-green leaves, sometimes changed to red. Flowers form low-mounted tangles, which are located in leafy sinuses. Long-sighted balls form a cooled-shabby inflorescences. What a wild winch looks like, can be seen in the photo below.

Did you know? The salt absorbed from the soil plant accumulates in the leaf plates, so the grass can be used to clean the soil from the surplus of salts.

Tatar winch is a single-air, growing from 10 cm to one meter. The trunk of grass can be both represented and lying. Lessons elongated, oval, narrow, with notched along the edges. The tips of the leaves are sharp, sheet plate is covered with vile. What the Tatar winch looks like, can be seen in the photo below. Blossom - June - October. Flowers form sparkling inflorescences, the lower part of which is bordered by foliage. Seeds round shape, brown color, shiny. The plating is weed, but apply it as food and feed. Natural habitat - steppe, vineyards, gardens.

Lebed is headed - one-year grass height from 20 to 60 cm. The stalk of the plant is flown, by the end of the summer, changes its color from green on red. Leaflets are triangular or oval, with jar or without them at the edges. The flowering period is July - August. Small green flowers form small-color balls. W. female flowers Poisher is absent.

Apexoid windiff refers to one-year plants. The grass reaches a height of 20-100 cm. Barrel bare, branched. The sheets are horizontally distinguished, monophonic bottom and top, green or silver-mild color. Sheets are attached to the stalk opposite to each other. The form of a piece of leaf can be a triangular-spear, lancet-shaped with jar or blades aimed up. Flowers are assembled into small colored girls, which, in turn, form intermittent cooled-shaped binding inflorescences. Vertical seeds, ripen in September. Flowering period - June - August. Apepoid Swan is used in a cookery of fresh, boiled marinated, sauerma.

Important! Seeds of some types of swans, used in food, can cause hallucinations.

The delensed winch is a plant that achieves a height of 20-110 cm. Green color plants sheets, narrow triangular-oblong, elliptical or oval shape. Green color flowers form small glowing inflorescences. Flowering period - June - July.

The resting winch grows up to 70 cm. The barrel is bare, a reprehensive, branched with ejection directions. Green color sheets, oval or linearly oval, are aligned to the base. The tips of the leaflets are sharp, the edges are smooth, rarely with jazbins. Flowers form elongated spikel inflorescences, which, in turn, form blurred inflorescences. The flowering period is July - August. Seeds of brown color, bare, flashed. The restart Swan is eaten by replacing spinach. Where the coasting is growing, it is easy to guess from the name. Habitat - Sea sandy shores.

Swan flashed has the following description. The height of the grass is 30-150 cm. The trunk is reprehensive, the faceted, branched. The winch is an annual plant. Root system rod. Bottom row of uneven-rhombic or speaking shape. The sheets located on the stems alternately are attached with the help of cuffs, with even or gear sides, elongated, green color. Oval branches, narrowed, looking up. Green flowers form sparkling inflorescences. Flowering period - June - July. Seeds small, shiny, black color. The stretched winch is not only a feed, but and a food plant.

Wheaved Raskidoy - a plant that many gardeners consider a useless weed. They try to clean their plot from him. Surely they will be surprised by learning that this inconspicuous herb has many beneficial properties and even applied in cooking.

Swan Rasky: Description

This is a grassy annual plant relating to the amaranth family (Rod - Swan). In height, it can be from 15 to 80 cm. Leaves are regular, medium and lower have a diamond-lane shape and gear edges. The top leaves are single-circular, seating, without ears.

Flowers at the Swan shallow, imperceptible, collected in small tangles. These are the top inflorescences. They have five petals, which sometimes grow together. Sometimes there is no obochnik, and it replaces the triangular bract. Separations, but monodomets, with five sticks flowers has a swan scattered. branched. The root penetrates deep into the subferee layer.

The fruit is dry, single-headed, can be concluded in the bract. Flowers swan spread from June to mid-September. Fruits appear in August.


The swan spread is widely represented in Europe, Central Asia, in the Middle East, in North Africa, is found in China. On the territory of our country, it grows almost in all territories, except for the Far North. The Swan's twisted and in North America passed. It prefers processed areas, territories in farms, gardens and gardens. Often you can meet this plant on the roadside roads.

Chemical composition

The swan stretched is especially rich in the useful substances during flowering. In the above-ground parts of the plant found:

  • betain;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • rutin;
  • essential oil;
  • cellulose;
  • proteins (up to 30%);
  • mineral salts.

Swan Raskydova: Useful properties and description of therapeutic compositions

The deoxidian swan, the healing properties of which are known with deep antiquity, is successfully used in folk medicine. From it prepare a row and parcels for healing of ulcers, wounds, skin inflammation. The winch helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of the exhausting dry cough, headaches, cure jaundice and forget about gastric colic. The infusion of swan is used in thrush and long, abundant menstruation.

Swan juice (from worms)

To get fresh juice, you will need young, not flapned stems and leaves of swan. Skip them through a meat grinder or grind a blender. The resulting mass must be squeezed through a gauze folded in several layers. The resulting juice is recommended for half an hour before meals on one spoon (dining room) three times a day.

Decoction for gout

This composition is preparing quickly and easily. You will need a flusted swan - two tablespoons (dry and crushed leaves). Fill them 0.1 liters of boiling water. Put the composition on a slow fire for fifteen minutes. Now the decoction must be strain and the resulting amount of fluid to bring boiling water to the initial volume. This decoction must be taken before eating on a tablespoon three times a day.

Broth with thrush

Thirty grams of finely chopped (fresh) herbs fill 250 ml of water, put the capacity for a slow fire for about twenty minutes. Press the raw materials, and add 500 ml of steep boiling water to the resulting decoction. Cool down and use for scriptures (twice a day).

Decoration at Stomatitis

Grind three teaspoons of dry grass to the powder state. Fill it 300 ml of boiling water and retain an hour in a tightly closed saucepan, so that the decoction is fill. Then the composition can be strain, and the grass is to press. The decoction should rinse the oral cavity in the morning and in the evening.


Ruskyady swan - a plant is unique. Its leaves can be used to brew tea, which will help with coughing. He will get rid of thick, difficult to separate sputum.

Use in cooking

Swan leaves salad - it's delicious and very useful dish. It is recommended to people in stressful condition, with lungs and bronchial disease.

From the fully overwhelmed seeds of the Swan boils tasty, nutritious porridge, which is likely resembles a manna. In addition, the seeds are preparing flour, pre-getting rid of impurities, Molota. Such flour is an excellent supplement for baking bread.

The swan stretched is an excellent seasoning for second fish or meat dishes. The leaves of the plant are well dried, and then crushed.

Preparation of raw materials

In traditional medicine, almost all plant is used: leaves, flowers, unwarned stems and seeds. Cooking drugs based on swans can be made from fresh plant and from raw materials, harvested in summer. It is necessary to do this during flowering. Dry it, like most therapeutic herbs, under a canopy, in the air. You can use a well ventilated room for this purpose. Seeds are collected as they are ripening.

The green part of the plant in the dried form saves beneficial features During the year, and seeds are three years old.


All medicinal plants have certain contraindications. The winch in this sense is no exception.

  1. Medicinal preparations based on swans are not recommended to use people suffering from gallstone and urolithiasis.
  2. Salicylates, which are part of the Swan, are able to provoke bleeding in people with low blood coagulation.
  3. Long, uncontrolled reception of drugs based on this plant can exacerbate chronic bowel and stomach diseases.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the presence of many beneficial properties, the swan is not used in traditional medicine. It has quite serious contraindications, so do not begin treatment without consulting with your attending physician, especially if you have chronic diseases.

The winch is an annual plant, very common, is found almost all over the planet. This grass has more than a hundred species. Russia is considered a weed, although before the Swan was used to escape from hungry death. Russian peasants in the hungry years Molly Seeds of Swan and mixed with flour. Bread from such flour was rude, a little bit like Earth, and often rushed into the throat, but sometimes it does not have to choose.

The Swan was delivered to Britain in the VI century. It was originally used as a medicinal plant, and only in the XVII century began to use in various salads. And the Inci and called this plant "grain-mother" and very honored.


An unusual species manifold is characteristic of this plant. It is cultural and wild. May be shrub or grass. We present the descriptions of several basic varieties of this plant:

  • Garden (edible) Swan - About 60 cm high to one and a half meters with naked stem and monophonic (beet and red or green) leaves. This type of winches blooms almost all summer, until the second decade of August.
  • Rasky swan - The most common view in Russia. Compared to the garden, it is lower, the height is 30-100 cm. Green one-photon leaves with whole edges. Flowers the last two months of summer.
  • Small-flowered swan is mainly a fodder plant. Its height reaches a meter, and it blooms in July and August.
  • Beautifullylodnik - This type of altitude is the same as the stretched swan, differs only by swelling inflorescences. Blossom occurs like an abdomen of swan in the second half of summer.
  • Coastal swan - 20-70 cm. Height, leaves with an acute end. Blooming this type of swan is typical in the second half of summer.
  • Tatar swan - An annual plant with a height of up to 1 meter, blooming from the beginning of June, with gear (sometimes egg-shaped) leaves.


To go to the beneficial properties of the Swan, let's figure it out with its composition. What is so indispensable in the swan, what is not in other herbs?

This plant contains 17 amino acids, 10 of which does not produce the body independently. The plant contains fiber, essential oils. There are many vitamins, among them vitamins A, B, C, E, PP and many others. Rich macro and microelements (potassium, iron and others). Contained in the swan also alkaloids and oxalic acid.

Beneficial features

With such a composition, this plant is simply obliged to have a mass of therapeutic properties. The way it is.

  • The plant helps strengthen the immune system.
  • It is a good sedative, indispensable for the nervous system.
  • Potassium helps the cardiovascular system, warns the occurrence of a heart attack.
  • In the grass is enough a large number of . This substance helps maintain vascular walls.
  • Useful for digestion. Accelerates food digestion.
  • This fills in the lack of the necessary substances when weight loss (girls in eternal diets pay attention to this plant).
  • Being a natural laxative, the winch gently helps with poisoning and constipation. Displays toxins from the body - this is a kind of natural cleaning of the body.
  • Helps for diseases of the respiratory tract (angina, bronchitis, runny nose, ORVI).
  • Helps with headaches and pain during the menstrual cycle in women. Stops blood and is an excellent antiseptic.


The use of swan is very extensive. Basically, the swan is used in cooking and in medicine.


  • Garden winch, which is most often used by people in food, is a wonderful spice;
  • Vegetarians will appreciate the cutlets from this grass;
  • From the leaves you can prepare a very tasty puree;
  • Swan bare is put in salads, omelets, and even in soups;
  • Bread, whose flour, added Swan, becomes more nutritious, its shelf life becomes much more;
  • With seeds of this plant, porridge prepare;
  • Young Lebade Leafs can be broken as cabbage.

So that you are not confused in search of recipes with garden swan, we offer several best options selected by us:

Swan soup It turns out very tasty. 200 grams of swan and 60 grams of sorrel chopping and throw in boiling water until readiness. When filing, add greens, cucumbers, sour cream.

Cutlets from Swan. Crushed leaves of this plant and onions mix with egg and flakes. Add salt and pepper to taste. And fry, pre-halting in breadcrumbs.

Salads.. There may be many options here. You can mix the Swan with boiled eggs and beetroot, reflecting it by mayonnaise. Interesting combination It turns out of swan and cabbage. Here everything depends mainly from your addictions in food.

desserts. Yes, it is difficult to believe, but even desserts can be prepared from this grass. 20 grams of crushed fresh swans are mixed with any jam and a spoon of lemon juice. It turns out delicious and useful.

Fritters. Check the dough, let him stand at about an hour, then add chopped coated and stewed swan into it. You pick up a spoonful mass and fry on a skillet in oil.

Meatballs. In a blender, a few minutes are crushing the Swan, lemon juice (Lyme juice), and spices (black pepper, coriander, dried herbs). From this mass we make meatballs and send for an hour to the refrigerator.


The winch is beautiful folk remedy in diseases of the kidneys, lungs, urinary organs. Well helps with inflammation and diseases of the joints. Suitable for the normalization of heart and digestion.

  • The juice of grass has a disinfecting property, as well as quickly heals the wounds.
  • Upon inflammation of the oral cavity, the flushes should rinse the mouth 5-6 times per day until the condition improves.
  • Compresses with radiculitis. Warm sparkled sheets applied to the patient site overnight.
  • Tea from the Swan will help with the treatment of dry cough. It is best to use such tea with honey (the swan dilutes the sputum, and honey takes it out of the body).
  • Wake of swan, due to the presence of potassium, helps with heart disease.
  • Doctors assure that the winch is useful at the initial stages of diabetes.

When weight loss

Thanks to the normalization of the opening of the wan intestine, it is very useful when weight loss. Rich in protein and zinc, amino acids fill their flaw in the body, without bringing a large number of calories.


  • The winch is not advised to eat people with urolithiasis.
  • Do not use Lebada to people with non-blank blood.
  • It is also dangerous for excessive consumption of swans, since it has an unknown chemical that is toxic, and during an excess of it in the body there may be a disruption of digestion (in small quantities is completely safe).
  • On the plant often manifests itself very strong allergic reactionWhen used, it is advised to check on a small amount of product an allergic reaction.


Sometimes the Swan is sold under the guise of lawn grass in packs. On the Internet you can find a lot of stories when under the guise of lawn grass was sold. It's hard to get rid of it, as she quickly breaks again.

Not all know about the beneficial properties of the Swan. Many generally consider this plant weed, and therefore trying to clean the Earth as soon as possible. And in vain, because it is the swan, or Market White is one of the most healing plants. It was it that saved many people from death in hungry years.

Previously, from this, the alleged "weed" cooked a porridge, which for taste, resembled buckwheat, and made pellets. A little later, people learned that he also had medical properties. It began to be used as an painful, diuretic and choleretic agent.

The winch is a grassy annual plant of the family of marine, reaching in the height of the meter and more. She has rather large leaves with a characteristic mild ripple, triangular bottom and elongated from above. Flowers are small and unwashed. Flowering falls on the middle of summer.

In total, there are about a hundred species of swan. It grows almost everywhere: gardens, gardens, wasteland. Some people grow it in decorative purposes. The extraordinary red color of the leaflets in combination with empty pancakes create an image of some exotic.

How to harvest raw materials

For treatment, all the plant is used: leaflets, not flawed stalks, flowers and seeds. You can prepare medicines from fresh and dried raw materials.

Harvest the grass is recommended during flowering. Dry either open air Under the canopy, or in a well ventilated room. It is necessary to collect and harvest the seeds as it can be stored. I can store during the year, seeds for three years.

Composition and healing properties

The grass contains a considerable amount of saponins, ascorbic acid, essential oils, betaine, carotene, proteins, fiber, routine, mineral salts, micro- and macroelements and vitamins of groups A, C, E, R.

A rich chemical composition gives it a whole arsenal of therapeutic properties.

Medicinal preparations from Marie Belaya are able to provide:

  • soothing;
  • cleansing;
  • conjunctive;
  • antibacterial;
  • Impact.

The winch helps in cure: neuroses and depression, cough and colds, constipation and food poisoning, radiculitis, gout and hemorrhoids.

Purulent wounds and furuncula will cure Swan juice

The juice of this herbaceous plant has wound healing and bactericidal properties. First you need to squeeze juice. Then take a gauze, fold it in several layers, moistened in it and attach to the affected area in the form of a compression. The duration of the procedure will depend on the degree of lesion. On average two to seven hours.

When the purulent content becomes cold from the wound, replace the compress. In addition, the fresh-heated grass of grass is able to exert a softening effect on the intestines, which contributes to the strengthening of the peristaltics. To eliminate such a delicate problem as constipation and normalize the operation of the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to drink 50 milliliters of juice from the morning on an empty stomach.

In order to and normalize the functioning of the digestive system, turn on the fresh leaflers in your diet. They can be added to salads, soups and side dishes.

Treatment of infectious jaundles

Thirty grams of dried raw materials pour 300 ml of water, place on the stove, bring to a boil. Leave the decoction to stand for a couple of hours. Profile and drink half a cup drug Not less than three times a day.

From ailments in the oral cavity

For this purpose, use infusion. Take four spoons of the dried plant, finely cut and brew in 200 milliliters of a boiled water, then leave to be for a couple of hours. Profillete and rinse cooked infusion purph cavity Not less than six times a day until the condition is improved.

Dry cough can be cured by decoction Marie Belaya

Take five grams of dried and crushed grass Fill 200 ml of water. Boil on slow fire for twenty minutes, leave it for an hour. Take a third of a cup of ragger at least three times a day.

IN obligatory Before receiving, add honey to medicine. The active substances contribute to the wet wet, and the substances contained in honey stimulate its destruction.

Spaled winch for the treatment of radiculitis

To facilitate the condition and minimize painful sensations, it is recommended to unpack the leaflets and attach to the patient, then insulate. Such procedures are desirable to be carried out before going to bed.

Mary Belaya contributes to the improvement of the state of the joints and the relief of pain syndrome.

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system

  • The plant contains calcium salts, which makes it an indispensable in heart alert therapy. Swaning can be consumed in a fresh form by adding it to salads. And you can prepare the following drug: Ten grams of dried raw materials brew in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Intract at least thirty minutes, then strain. Divide the finished infusion into several techniques and proceed during the day. The duration of the medical course is fourteen days.
  • Preparation of soothing tea. A spoonful of dried, finely chopped raw materials in a glass of boiled water. Give a little broken. Drink 50 ml at least twice a day.


Take the young leaflets and stalks, wash and skip through the meat grinder, after which it is good to press the raw material. Take a spoonful of juice before each meal.

Treatment of thrush

Thirty grams of finely chopped herbs pour the glass of water, place on the stove and boil at least twenty minutes. Press the raw, then dilute the decoction of 500 ml of boiling water. Slightly cool down and use for daily sources.

Contraindications for use

Just like any medicinal plant, the Swan has a number of contraindications.

  1. It is strictly not recommended to use drugs from grass to people with the presence of gallstone and urolithiasis.
  2. Salicylates, which are part of Marie Belaya can provoke bleeding in people with reduced blood clotting.
  3. In addition, the continued reception of drugs from this grass can cause the exacerbation of the ailments of the stomach and intestines.

For your own good, do not self-medicate, otherwise hurt yourself even more. Before taking any means, always consult a specialist.

If a winch appeared in the garden, this is ... good! So, the soil on the beds are fertile, loose, with a neutral or weakly acidic reaction - what is needed for a good harvest of vegetables. In principle, this weed can grow on poor soil, and even on saline - but plants will be weak, depressed.

Their violent growth - sign of soil saturated nutrient substancesrich in nitrogen. And the winch does not like competitors - since it appeared, it means there are no other weeds.

This is also wonderful!
In the vegetable garden? No problem! Photo by the author, however, is not worth relaxing: if you do nothing - we got thickets in human growth, because in favorable conditions The swan bush is capable of reaching 1.5 m in height. And each plant will give a colossal number of seeds.

No matter how helpful, it is unlikely that the modern gardener is aimed at obtaining such a "harvest". LED (ATRIPLEX) - the generant of amaranth family (amaranthaceae), or marine (Chenopodiaceae), numbering about 250 species.
Left - Hortensis Leched (Atriplex Hortensis), on the right - the flip-shaped swan (Atriplex Sagittata).

Botanical illustration of a storm storm from the book Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, 1796

Often, the swan is also called her relative - Mar (Chenopódium). Despite the fact that they belong to many rhodas The same family, similarity between these plants is so great that they certainly distinguish them, probably only botany.

An ordinary gardener to understand such nuances is difficult, and not needed, in general, because even in popular literature and reference books medicinal plants They are often combined, describing how one plant. Therefore, and we are in this article we will talk about the Swan, and about Mar.

Swan and Mar - Close relatives

Most often, the winch is found on potato landings - there is optimal conditions for it. It does not happen to landfills and wastelands, grows on the side of the roads, and on arable land. But in the meadow, in the field, you will never find it in the wilderness.

On the territory of our country the most common warming up Consider ruskyady swan (ATRIPLEX PATULA). From the point of view of gastronomic presents interest swan Sadovaya (Atriplex Hortensis) - in european countries It is cultivated on the gardens and use fresh leaves of the plant for the preparation of various dishes.

Garden Swan - not weed, but food and decorative plant

Swan breeds and marry seeds. The leader in their "production" is considered mary Belaya (Chenopodium album): One plant gives over 100 thousand seeds in the season (and some sources call more impressive numbers - up to 700 thousand). However, it is not only in quantity, but also in quality.

Mary Belaya forms three types of seeds

Mary forms three types of seeds. The first are the largest, brown color. They germinate almost immediately, as soon as they fall to the ground. The second is a bed, greenish-black. Their task is to overvalue and give shoots for the next year. in early spring. Third - the smallest, black, with a dense shell. They "answer" for the preservation and distribution of the species: these seeds retain the germination of up to 10 years, they do not harm adverse conditions. It is they who, along with the manure "come" to the fields of gardens and populate new territories - even such a tough test, as a journey through the digestive path of ungulates, is not able to kill them.
The swan and marry form a huge number of seeds useful to know more about one feature of the Swan seeds and Marie: only those of them that turn out to be in the soil at a depth of no more than 4 cm. The rest go to the state of peace and are waiting in the hour. First of all, it is worth doing prevention. Once the winch and marry do not like competitors - do not leave the treated ground to empty. The garden was freed - I will lay the Siderats. We think well before buying a manure: Recall that with this useful organic fertilizer It is easy to bring the seeds of weeds, from which then you have to get rid of. And of course, we do not allow the formation of seeds, if the source failed to completely destroy them.

Nobody canceled the weeding either. To make a Swan, while she is young, it's not at all difficult: her root is a rod, and while it is still not developed enough, it is pulling out of the loose soil without problems.

While the root of a young plant is poorly developed, to make a swan's easily. Photo by an adult plant to cope harder: its root is plunged, branches, forms many apparent roots, and the stem often clouds while trying to eat weed from the ground. And the remaining pennies will certainly grow again - the swan's mowing can not withdraw.

On the biological features of the plant is based provocation methodallowing you to speed up the germination of seeds of the Swan and get rid of its germs before planting cultivated plants.

Mulch depresses swan shoots

Early spring, as soon as the Earth fades, her loose. The seeds of the Swan and Marie begin to bring at the soil temperature + 3 ... + 4 degrees, but for this, as we remember, they will certainly need to get into the upper layers. The loosening will contribute to this. As soon as shoots appear - again loose, destroying the weeds. If necessary, we repeat the procedure.

After sowing or planting vegetables - loose aisle, while cultivated plants are growing (then they will cope with the swan: it does not like competition).

Mulch depresses a Swan - this also needs to use. Only the mulching layer must be significant - centimeters 10-15.

This is a good option for potato landings, beds with cabbage, cucumbers.

Swan seeds are assembled and dried for the winter - their home and wild birds are willing them. In folk medicine, fresh and dried grass are used, as well as Swan juice. But different sources Differently describe the healing properties of this plant, and sometimes this information is quite contradictory. Therefore, do not hurry to be treated - better pay attention to its food properties that are confirmed by historical experience. In the hungry years, the Swan saved people from death. The inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad cooked porridge from seeds and molt them into flour to the furnace of the pellets. The leaves of this plant (not necessarily cultural varieties, by the way) are used in salads; They can be fermented for winter and cook soup.
Garden Swan - Useful Greens

Now this grass is cultivated not only in European gods - Sadovaya Swan seeds can already be purchased in domestic stores. And how to grow it, read in the Lebada Article - Ancient Vegetable Greens. There are also salad recipes.

Do you grow a winch?


How to get rid of the Swan in the garden: methods of fighting weed

The winch is a representative of the Marcheva family, which has about 200 species presented in many places in the world - USA, Latin America, Mexico, etc.

An interesting fact is that in many countries, garden winch is cultivated in gastronomic purposes using leaves and stems for the preparation of sophisticated dishes.

  • 1 Description
  • 2 methods of struggle
  • 3 Prevention
  • 4 Useful properties


The Russian dacket most often have to face a swan ordinary, densely floating garden sites in the summer.

Few people have the idea that the Swan is weed, and its appearance in the country is a sign of the fertility and soil wealth with minerals.

However, on this note, pleasant moments, as a rule, end up, and without the proper intervention of the dacket, it acquires the form of a harsh, one-year-old bush, creating a shadow and taking moisture in crops grown in beds.

The reproduction of the swan occurs in a seed way. Adult plant, the destruction of which happened after the moment of sowing the sowing material, can spread its accommodation on cottage plot during several years. Potato landings and beds with beans are especially affected - these cultures are sharply reacting to the lack of moisture.

Methods of struggle

When the first signs of growth, swan should be made of thoroughly. Since the seeds contained in the soil give germs unevenly, it is advisable to believe that the weeding will be systematic.

It is important to understand that, having permissible the technical maturity of one plant, the dacha fight against the swan will be delayed for several years. Young seedlings having a rod root system are best subjected to weeding.

Subsequently, the root of the Swan begins to develop a stitch, forming complex, branching processes. Spoing more tall copies, easily leave the root in the soil, and the plant will begin its development with a new force. The mowing of the weed of the result, as a rule, does not bring.

With a sufficient level of soil moisture, the root continues to be active, and newly emerging shoots will have time to mature up to the samoshev stage.

Getting rid of an adult swan bush can provoke the death of seedlings near the weed and entangling the root system.

Full elimination contributes to the use of herbicides - specialized funds that have a poisoning effect on the plant. Young sprouts are particularly responsible for processing, for the destruction of adult bushes it is possible to use several treatments.


Even the most attentive and diligent dacket can detect the appearance of swans on its site. The reason for this is the introduction of manure containing thousands of seeds of weed herbs.

Thanks to the incredibly long period of germination, the seeds of this grass are perfectly worried about long-term favor in compost pits, humus boxes. Having gained access to the prepared, sophisticated and explosioned soil, the winch begins to master the newly provided territory.

Therefore, when using manure and humus, it is necessary to prepare for frequent weeding of the garden, in order to avoid the development of weed garth.

In the manufacture of compost, it is necessary to limit the use of herbs with seeds - they should be burned.

The place where Swan's self-sackers were still allowed to be procured using garden cloth and natural material - manure, rebeling straw and sawdust, fabulous foliage capable of stop access sunlight directly to the soil.

Since the winch is capable of spreading sowing its own seeds to the plots of a fairly large radius, it follows from the plant under the perimeter of the cottage, on the side of the adjacent roads and the border with neighboring sites.

Beneficial features

In Russia, the winch was considered edible from time immemorial. In ordinary peasant houses, soup was cooked from it, and the seeds were used as a feed for poultry in winter. The leaves were trussed along with cabbage.

The historical fact is to use weed seeds as a material for the manufacture of flour in the conditions of a blockade Leningrad. Bread from the Swan recalled many participants of those tragic events.

Currently, some varieties are widely common, the leaves of which are particularly valuable in salads and decorations of meat dishes.

The nutritional value of the Swan is in the high content of vegetable protein, vitamins E, RR, C, many macro - and trace elements, fiber.

In folk medicine, it is used mainly as an antifreeze. However, a high opinion of a well-fastened effect is widespread, which is achieved with regular use of raw leaves of the plant. Her juice has a light laxative effect. It is also taken to combat obsessive chronic pain syndromes.


Led - did she have trouble?

Familiar strangers in the garden

Often, the Swan is considered only weed, forgetting about her food, ornamental and medicinal advantages. Of course, in our days, the food greenery is enough, and the medicinal plants, usual, is enough. But as a decorative additive in a flower garden, the garden swan will probably attract the attention of the flower water. Led - did she have trouble?

In the spring on the wasteland, where the dacms demolish the garbage from their sites, I got on the eyes of the burgundy-red shoots of some kind of plants. At this point, the rays clone to the sunset light illuminated the baby - they originated, lit up, the transformation of the upcoming twilight.

The time for the transplant was favorable - rained rained periodically, therefore, without thinking, the elastic sprouts from loose soil, wrapped in a leaf leaf and hurried to the house. She landed among the phloxes and chrysanthemums - they had not soon had to bloom, and these corners of the flower garden did not differ in effect.

It watched once, and after a couple of days they were touched into growth, and in a week-to-one and a half young slim plants already beneficially shaded their greenery. So my acquaintance with the Swan Sadovaya took place.

The plant conquered me with his unpretentiousness, pleasantly pleased with the eyes, especially in those moments when the sun illuminated. And of course, I wanted to learn more about him. It turns out that Swan knew as a food plant for a long time and up to the XIX century were specifically grown in gardens and gardens. She later displaced her spinach.

An ancient Greek doctor Galen noted that the winch enhances the nutrition of food in which it is added. In the crowning years, the winch saved people from hungry death, and in the spring of 1942 in blocade Leningrad this is unpretentious plant helped survive thousands of residents.

The benefits of the Swan is due primarily to the content of a large amount of amino acids necessary for human life, various vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, the chemical composition is rather balanced to provide the organism with the necessary substances for normal operation. The winch normalizes the metabolic processes in the body, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, the vascular system improves.

Thanks to the large content of proteins (up to 18%), this plant increases the nutritional value of dishes.

Swan's race modern classificationbelongs to the amaranth family, is the birth of spinach, strawberry spinach, swarms, Amaranth. In the family there are more than 200 grassy plants, half-workers and shrubs.

Types of winches are common in our localities: wild, white, gray, garden, spread, Tatar and others. Characteristic feature Swans - the ability to accumulate in salts in the leaves, so it can be used to enhance saline soils.

The leaves of most types of swans are covered with silver hairs - as if flour, perhaps, it was a prompt person to use it when baking bread.

The garden of the Swan is beautifully familiar, they are actively fighting with it, but for all her fertility, it does not compare with such malicious weeds like drinking or ox.

Eastern Slavs rhymes Rhymes with trouble: "It's not a misfortune of Rye Leched, two troubles, when neither rye, nor swans," once again reminds us of the benefits of Swan. And the porridge cooked from the seeds of the Swan, gently ordered: Lebedyan.

The French call the Bonne Dame winch (pleasant woman), and the Germans - Der Dute Heinrich (Good Henry).

Is it not the folk recognition of the use of the plant? For use in food, it is recommended to grow a garden (garden) Swan - she has a larger, juicy and gentle leaves.

In addition, it will be an excellent decoration of beds or flower beds - its varieties have the leaves of yellow, green, various shades of red.

A source to extend the period of obtaining the greens of the Swan, it should be sowned at intervals in two weeks, starting from April to August.

The winch is quite unpretentious to soils, it easily tolerates cold and heat, but to obtain a better harvest it is necessary to sow it on fertile soils, and in the arid period to provide watering. Young shoots do not have a pronounced taste and odor, so many greens, spices, onions, garlic are added when preparing dishes in it.

Swanede is added to salads, borshs and soups, make cutlets, filling for pies, pancakes, pancakes; They are also dried, peat into powder and then put in the dough, first and second dishes. In order to get rid of the saponins to the swan as much as possible, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly before cooking.

From the young swans, like from sorrel and spinach, you can cook a great stuffing for pies, pies, pancakes. To do this, take a bundle of swans, rinse it thoroughly, chop, add salt, green onion, dill, boiled eggs.

Pleasant to taste and useful cutlets are obtained from swans and oatmeal: 150-200 g Lebady leaves for about ten minutes to boil in salted water, throw back on the colander, add 50 g of oat flakes, to taste - greens and spices, shape cutlets, fry in vegetable oil .

Attention! With all the utility of the Swan, it should be remembered that the excessive use of seeds can cause a disorder of the activities of the gastrointestinal tract. Also not recommended in large quantities To eat the greens of swans to people suffering from gastritis, colitis, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, gallstone and urolithiasis.

Lyudmila Belang


Swan Sadovaya

For the overwhelming majority of gardes, the word "winch" means a deadly enemy of the garden and the garden, whatever it was written after this terrible word. This name is very much shocking everyone.

Yes, it is understandable, because in the minds of the gardeners and gardeners of the Swan stands in the first row of the most malicious weeds next to Pierce, Osay, dandelion, wormwood, although in the unturious and war years she, together with nettle, saved our ancestors from hungry death.

And if you don't get rid of the swans on time, then you will no longer find any other shoots.

But now we are talking About the widespread spread of vegetable culture. Rod swan is very numerous, numbering a large number of species. But all these are weeds.

No wonder in the old days they said: "The cooler of the Swan for sowing trouble."

In the culture, only one plant from this kind is the garden of a garden, which has two varieties: a lightweight shape with green and yellow leaves and a decorative shape with blood-red leaves.

Garden Swan - Annual herbate plant From the family of Mary, the cultural form of the usual swan. It is very rare vegetable culture In amateur gardens and gardens.

Like a vegetable cultivation plant of the garden of the garden was known in Ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Currently cultivated in countries Western Europe and in the USA.

Garden winch is a very high and powerful plant. The stem has a reprehensive, pyramidal form, up to 1.8 meters high. Leaves are triangular, at the base of speck-shaped, gear, yellow or green color.

W. decorative shapes Garden swan leaves red, yellow or motley. Flowers are very small, collected by bunches in cooled inflorescences.

Seeds of garden swan are small, covered with solid shell, because of this, they are last saved in the soil, not sparkling.

Now there are many varieties of this plant, but the greatest demand is used in the greatest demand, gloomy yellow and garden green.

Swan garden - very cold-resistant plant, tolerate freezing to minus 5 ° C. The most favorable temperature for the development of plants is 15-18 ° C.

Swan garden is not demanding of the soil fertility, but very demanding moisture in the soil, and at the same time it is well withstanding short-term drought.

But in this case, the winch quickly forms the flower stem, its leaves are stuck and become unsuitable in food.

It is necessary to place a bed with a swan in a bright place, although it completely tolerates the light half. Gentle delicious greens can be obtained only with sufficient soil moisture.
Food is used juicy greenshaving a saltwater taste.

Practically without smell, when adding onions, pepper, garlic, spicy green, it is the perfect component for the preparation of various salads, side dishes, various soup, while enriching them protein. Make it and delicious cutlets.

In Western European countries, the Swan greens are widely used and as a winter vitamin seasoning to the first and second dishes, sauces, soils. For this, the prepared leaves must be dried and crushed into powder.

Lebades of the garden have a rich chemical composition. They contain vegetable protein substances and various mineral salts are rich in vitamin C - up to 95 mg%, rutin - up to 110 mg%.

Sorrelic acid is contained significantly less than in the famous spinach. And on the yield of the Swan garden far exceeds the spinach, and it accumulates nitrates much less than spinach.

It is believed that it possesses therapeutic effects in gastric diseases.

For its cultivation, any educated soils are suitable. but good harvest Genuine greens can only be obtained on well-prepared beds with constant watering. It is very profitable to grow it as a very early greens in the greenhouse.

The soil under the Lebeda garden is prepared in autumn: they are drunk to the depth of the bayonet, bringing a pre-1 sq. M at half a bucket of the recovered compost, 1 tbsp. A spoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potash fertilizer. In the spring, as soon as the soil is allowed, it is again drunk at a depth of 12-15 cm, bringing 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate for 1 sq.m.

Redeze the garden sowing seeds in open sad From early spring, as soon as the soil is allowed, and then in two weeks before the occurrence of hot weather. In a short daylight, bloom comes later, and the harvest of green mass is higher.

In the gardens and gardens, Lebada is sowing with rows with a width of 35-40 cm. Seeds close up for a depth of 2-3 cm. Following the sowing the soil must be placed. And if you are going to use the Swan only as an early spring salad plant, then the seeds on the garden can be sowed simply.

For fresh greenery throughout the summer, repeated crops are made after 12-15 days.
Plant care is to loosen the rods and removing weeds.

In the phase of two real leaves, shoots thin, leaving a distance of 15-20 cm between young plants, and another 10 days this distance is increased to 30 cm.

Pretty plants spend on poorly prepared soil after thinning nitrogen fertilizers (1 teaspoon of urea on 10 liters of water). In the arid periods of the plant watered.

During the growing season, the greens of the Swan tear 2-3 times, cutting off the leaves and the tops of the plants, leaving some of the leaves for the development of the plant. You can also cut off the plants entirely or to pull them with the root when they reach a height of 40 cm. On the area of \u200b\u200bvegetable plants being released during this area, you can make repeated crops of vegetable plants.

The collected leaves of the Swan are used by fresh or boiled, approximately as, salad and spinach. And you need to use as soon as possible, because Products are quite quickly fascinated and loses its commodity look.
To obtain seeds, seeds are not touched until the autumn. For shoots do not fall, they must be tiered to the support. In the fall, seed plants are cut and cooled.

Swan garden, like all her wild "relatives", prone to self-sowing. And it is impossible to allow it because it strongly clogs the site.

V.A. Loyo


The winch does not matter | You are healthy

As a child, I was often sent to help the great-grandmother, and since she always kept cattle, then the main help was to care for her.

I was insulting to the tears, if the great-grandmother handed me right from the threshold a huge shopping basket, in which Gus-Grass collected (Swan). I took the basket and walked on collective farm fields where the swans were a lot.

To fill the basket, I had to fight the grass for a few hours.

I was then a little, and sometimes I had to wrap the plant with two hands and almost to go to the ground to snatch it. I came home dirty from the legs to the head.

The great-grandmother, turning, washed me, seated for a huge table, on which Samovar was noisy, and said: " Wan - not trouble, no worse than trouble when not bread, no swans. "

And again, again, started his story about the hungry years, that they survived then only thanks to the swan.

After the tea, the great-grandmother made a basket with a swan to himself and disassembled into two handhes - one for himself, another for cattle. Only a part of the swan was dried, the rest were given to the feed of the cattle, they did salads, cooked soups with her and even baked bread, pies and changs.

My great-grandmother believed that the Swan gives a great strength to man and animals. And what exactly is the secret of the fact that the cow is always born healthy calves, for which the great-grandmother has always been a big turn, because they all have always survived and quickly gained weight. The great-grandmother said that there was no such a disease with which the winch would not cope.

Lebady leaves We are rich in protein, in which scientists have discovered 17 amino acids, 10 of which are not replaced by anything for our body and can get into the body only with food.

Maybe this is the ability of this plant. treat impotence, Radiculitis, gout, angina, heart disease and lung, tumors, purulent wounds and rejuvenate organism cells.

The winch is capable even improve memory and rede depressionBut it is necessary to apply it with great care.


The winch is included in the list of the most commonly encountered plants-allergens, so it is necessary to begin with this plant or use it in food with small doses, there is always a break between courses and not exceed doses in the treatment. Long-term reception of Swan seeds can cause nervous disorders, and the continuous use of any parts of the plant threatens a large weight loss and a gastrointestinal disorder. So everything should be in moderation!


The winch is well heal both fresh and so-old purulent wounds.

My grandmother told that when they began to return the men who were not suitable for the service and sent home to die, many of these herbs saved and some even completely recovered. I remember the grandmother's bag, who lost his foot in the war.

Grandma told that they brought him quite bad. The cult was very inflamed, the man rarely came to his senses and did not recognize anyone. Grandma washed with a cult boiled water, crushed Swan and put to the wound. The bandage tried to change as much as possible.

In addition, the grandmother flooded one tablespoon of crushed fresh herbs with one glass of spring water and said that the man would only drink this water when he would come to herself before improving the condition.

Brother Men brought local paramedic, who, having examined the patient, said there is no chance of surviving.

My grandmother told that he also doubted first, but on the third day she declared everyone that a man would rise, and made not stop changing a bandage with the swan. The man really rose and lived to deep old age.

We often ran to him with neighboring kids, and he, sitting on the bench, cut off the whistles and told fairy tales.


Pour two tablespoons of dry crushed swan 100 ml boiling water, bring to a boil and tomorrow on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add boiling water to the initial volume. Take three times a day on one tablespoon before meals. Course treatment seven days, then make a weekly break and, if necessary, repeat the course.


From three years, I was in love with the son of grandmother's neighbor Vovka. I was not at all embarrassed that he was 16 years older than me, and I spoiled around him all day. When he married, I didn't go to school yet, and for me this news became a real tragedy, which my children's mind could not perceive.

His wife immediately disliked me and banned to come to them. Everything changed when their son turned two years old. He suddenly fell ill, and the doctors could not give him a diagnosis. He was getting worse, the boy stopped talking and walking. When he was taken out into the street, I saw how bad he was.

He lay in a stroller and looked at one point, and on a small disgraced lear there were huge bruises under the eyes. Grandma, noticing that I stand for a long time about a carriage with the baby, I decided to see what I was so interested. Seeing the child, she didn't even say the words, waved his hands and went to the house.

Grandma carried a jar with some green liquid and ordered to give the baby on one teaspoon three times a day.

When a child went on a correction on the third day, Vovka came to us. He asked her grandmother than the baby was sick and how she managed to cure him.

Grandma explained to him that there was no disease, as such, and was not at all that the child worm from the inside ate, but simply, he had worms.

And if the treatment began earlier, there would be no such consequences, the child was very weak, and he now needs a long time for recovery.

From the day of the door of the Voven House for me, they became open even at night, and his son did not move away from me, when I got at my grandmother.


With radiculite Come on fresh Swan boiling water and make a compress for a sore place. The procedure is better to do overnight and repeat before improving the condition.


Purulent angina I suffered only three times in my life, but each time I endured the disease very hard and the treatment was delayed for several months.

Last time purulent angina She climbed me when I came to visit my grandmother.

For treatment, she poured five tablespoons of dry chopped herb of swans with one glass of boiling water, insisted an hour, led and felt boiling water to the original volume.

With this infusion, I rinsed the throat every hour, using half a glass to the procedure. In the morning and in the evening, grandmother gave me a glass of hot milk, into which she added one teaspoon of juice from swan and honey.

I completely recovered in two days, although it was sick of a purulent angina for three months, two of whom practically did not bother with bed.

After the grandmother's treatment, such a heavy anchina has never been to me, although almost 30 years have passed.


Finely crushed fresh lebady leaves and attach for 15 minutes to problem place. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day before improving the condition. With infusion from dry grass you can make a bummer.

For the preparation of inferior five or six tablespoons of dry chopped grass, swan glasses of boiling water, one hour and strain. Make a rim on a problem space for 15-20 minutes for half an hour before sleep.

The procedure is carried out once a day before improving the condition.


Even with launched mastitis There is a wonderful tool that helps to avoid the operation and fully recover. For its preparation, it is necessary to narrow about one kilogram of the swan, rinse it in cold water and dry.

Buy the shelter of an old sala (than yellow, the better), consider salt from it and together with the swan to grind in a blender. To impose a mixture with a thin layer on a paper diaper or towel, wrap your chest and fix with a handkerchief or a towel.

Bandage change once a day before improving the condition.

Dry cough

With a dry cough, my grandmother poured one teaspoon of dry chopped swan with one glass of boiling water, insisted five minutes and added honey. Infusion took 3 times a day until the wet was started.

Ekaterina Zuroyna, herbal, Arkhangelsk region

mr. Trestrainka №7, 2015