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Parent Day for Trinity. Ecumenical Trinity Parental Saturday - who and how to remember

What number falls the Trinity Ecumenical parent Saturday In 2017? What is the story and prerequisites of this event? Read about it in the article!

Troitskaya (Parental) Saturday - the day of commemoration of the departed, coming on Saturday to the Trinity. In Russia, this day was also called: Semitskaya Saturday, Cleaning Saturday, invented commemoration, perfume.

In the Trinity Parent Saturday in orthodox world It is customary to remember the departed.

This tradition is initiated from apostolic times. Apostle Peter on this day, referring to the Jews, speaks of the Risen Savior: God resurrected him, terminating the tie of death (Acts 2, 24). Apostolic rulings say that the apostles, fulfilling the spirit of the holy in Pentecost, preached by Jews and the pagans of the Savior of our Jesus Christ, the judgment of the living and the dead.

Trinity Parent Saturday 2017: how to remember the departed and that you can not do

History and meaning

The Trinity Ecumenical Parent Saturday, probably the most ancient in Christianity a memorial day. He originates from the Apostolic Times - from the I century from the Nativity of Christ. It is always done on the eve of the Holy Trinity - hence the name.

According to legend, on this day, those who are still persecuted and not recognized, Christians gathered together to honor the memory of tortured and executed brothers and sisters in faith, who did not receive due burial.

If the day of the Holy Trinity is a kind of birthday of the Ecumenical Apostolic Church, then Trinity Saturday is as it were for the last day of the Old Testament Church before the disclosure in the entire completeness of the Church of Christ. Therefore, the Orthodox Church considers it important to remember before the Day of the Holy Trinity of all of the heaven. The Church suggests that the Holy Spirit came to Earth on the Day of Pentecost in order to teach, consecrate and bring people to eternal salvation. Therefore, the Church encourages all people into the parent Saturday to make remembrance in order to clear all the souls of the saving grace of the Holy Spirit.

During the service, they remember the parable of the terrible court of the living and the dead, so that a person remembers that the sinful deeds will have to answer during the trial. Therefore, the church and established a petition not only for their living members, but also for all, from the century of the dead, especially behind the sudden death, and the pray for the Lord about their pardon. Thus, the church every gives a chance to save the soul.

What is the parent Saturday

In these Sabbaths in orthodox churches There is a special interception of the dead Orthodox Christians. The name "Parental" happened most likely to call the deceased "parents", that is, who were departed to the fathers. And also because Christians prayed prayer first of all their who have had parents. Among the parent Saturdays, the universal universal, in which the Orthodox Church prayer comes in general to all the departed.

Holy Trinity 2017: Symbols and Signs of the Great Holiday

Such Saturdays in the year two: meat support (a week before the beginning of the Great Post, which in 2017 celebrated February 18) and Trinity. These days are made of special services - the Universal Panhids. The rest of the parent Saturdays do not belong to the universal and are allocated specifically for privatelying the expensive people of people.

How to remember in the church

In Orthodox churches, on the eve of the parent Saturday - on Friday evening, the Great Panhid is served, which is also called the Greek word "Parastas". The Supil Divine Liturgy serves on Saturday morning, and after it - a general memorial service. On this day, it should be remembered by their departed parents in the church - people submit notes with the names of close dead and pray for the rest of their soul in the afterlime world.

Parishioners in the old church tradition brings lean products and wine to the temple to make liturgy, which are sanctified during worship, and later distribute those who wish.

What is customary to do

After visiting the temples, Orthodox is sent to the cemetery, read prayers for the rest of the deceased relatives, lead in order the grave. The church believes that the worship service in the temple is more important on this day, than to go to the cemetery, as the deceased native and close people are much more important than prayer than visiting the grave.

But, if there is no possibility these days to visit the temple and the cemetery, you can pray for the rest of the well-honored houses. Another custom of the Trinity Saturday is the mandatory distribution of alms to everyone in need with a request to pray for the departed.

There is a belief that in the parent Saturday before the Trinity it is impossible to work, clean in the apartment and even wash the dishes, although the church adheres to another opinion.

The priests say that restrictions in work exist primarily in order for homemade troubles to prevent prayer and visiting the temple. Parent Saturday should be started with a visit to the Church and prayers about the departed, and, returning from the temple home, you can also do homework.


Folk traditions to commemoration of dead people were somewhat different from church. Simple people went to the graves of relatives to the big holidays - on the eve of the carnival, the trinity, cover Blessed Virgin Mary and the day of memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dimitria Solunsky.

The people most read the Dmitriev Parental Saturday. This is the last Parent Saturday in the year, which in 2017 falls on October 28. In 1903, Emperor Nicholas II even issued a decree on the commission of a special package for the foundation of the soldiers - "for faith, king and fatherland, on the field of Brahi's stomach with his own." Days special commemoration The deceased in Ukraine and Belarus were called "grandfathers". Such "grandfathers" was up to six in a year. People superstitly believed that these days all the dead relatives were invisibly joined to family memorial tapse.

According to the ancient custom, in the parent Saturdays it was customary to eat Kutu - a mandatory dish of remembered meal. Sweet porridge was usually prepared from whole grains of wheat or other cereals with the addition of honey, as well as raisins or nuts. True today, few people follow him.

Prayer about the departed rest, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven. During church service, orthodox people Many generations of their departed ancestors commemorate

Meaning of Trinity Saturday

The rector of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Lord Paul, told the traditions of this day to readers.

He recalled that the tradition to remember the deceased was founded during the times of the Apostles. When the apostles were performed by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, then preaching about Jesus Christ, called him the judgment of the living and the dead. The convergence on the day of the Pentecost of the Holy Spirit marked himself by the redemption of the world and the gift of the ineuming grace, which acts saving alive and on the dead.

Trinity Saturday can be called the last day of the Church by the Old Testament and the beginning of the dispensation of the Church of Christ. Therefore, in one of the prayers there is such an appeal to the Lord: "God's rest, the souls of your slaves, before the deceased father and the brotherhood of our and other affinies on the flesh, and all of their own in faith, about them and the memory of doing now."

"We ask the Lord's prayer to leave the Lord, committed by the departed to the weakness, and sometimes left in the world sometimes without repentance. We ask that the soul of the deceased gets eternal rest in the abode of the kingdom of heaven, where there are no sorrels and seals, and there is an eternal joy in staying with the Lord. Try through alms and help to need to help the deceased, because any challenge for the departed is another request for the grace of the Lord. A man who went to the world of other, can neither repel in his sins, nor alms to file or change anything. He is waiting for our prayers, help and reward, "said Metropolitan.

At St. John Damaskina, he was said as one of the governments of the fathers had a student living in carelessness, and when he was caught up with death, then the Lord after the prayers asked by the old man showed him a year, like the rich (mentioned in the parable of Lazar) burning on fire. When the old man grieved a lot about Sez and tearfully prayed to God, then the Lord showed him an excuse to be on the fire on the belt. And then, when the holy of written more new things, God in the vision of the old man revealed the period free and completely seized from the fire.

"Such examples can be told a great set, but all of them also confirm the fact that the prayer of living on Earth, sincere, coming from the heart, much can change for our deceased. The Lord sees and hears each of us, and the whims of the one who will face not only for himself, but also for his neighbor. The Lord every minute gives us her grace and takes mercy. Do not doubt the expensive brothers and sisters, in the whole of the Lord, but remember that everything that God is brought with faith, it is subsequently multiple reward, and those who bring, and those who bring to whom, "appealed to readers Westa "Abbot of Lavra.

He once again reminded that the Lord came down from heaven to the ground, took flour and the godfather for salvation of the whole human race. He suffered and brought himself sacrificing for each of us. Therefore, anyone who has the smallest share of virtues will not be forgotten by the Lord and will be his close friend, by the grace of the Lord, and his loved ones and friends will create prayers and alms for those who have departed to receive the reward in the abode of the kingdom of heaven.

And on the one who lived in eraser, not worrying about the soul - does not encourage him and the Lord, and no one will help from relatives and friends. John of Zlatoust says: "If you did not have time to fit all about your soul, then, at least, with the death of your relatives, in order to remove your estate by death and assisted you good deeds, that is, alms and offering. So you already reconcile with the Redeemer "

The Lord will not leave without His Divine justice and those who are alone and who do not have relatives who would pray for them, or those who did not have a state that can be distributed by death like alms.

The Lord does not leave anyone and nothing without His divine attention, and only the Lord is the whole truth, wisdom and grace. He will save any creation, they were pretended, with the exception of those who retreated from faith and violated the commandments of the Lord.

It is necessary to remember the departed as possible as much as possible, not only in those days that are marked as the days of special commemoration of the departed.

Parent Saturday: What to do and what you need to carry in church

It is necessary to submit notes on the eve of the liturgy - registered fortyst - with the names of relatives (only baptized in the Orthodox faith), and particles will be removed from prosphoras for restoring, omitted in the bowl and will be washed by the blood of Christ.

"This is the most benefit that we can do for our departed. The souls of people who went to the world of others, without bringing the fruit of repentance, suffer flour and suffering, and the prayer of the priest helps them to get some relief. You can apply for a memo, which serves after the liturgy, in the allotted place in the temple. Here you can leave an offer in the form of bread, cereals, lean oil, everything is done if possible. You can put a candle in memory of the mustache, and it will be your shallow victim. It is advisable to order the forties - this is when in the time of 40 days, it is not possible during the liturgy or reading the psaltiri for six months or a year, "the Vladyka Paul explained.

He stressed at the same time, that, feeding in churches about his rest, do not forget about home prayer, since the soul of the deceased is in this great need. "And since the church does not commemorate the suicides and unresolved in faith Orthodox, then you can make fun in your home prayer," Metropolitan added.

Extremely popular such a custom as a memorial meal. "But you should not turn it into a feast to eat and discuss latest news. Behind the commemorative meal requires a general prayer for the rest of the deceased. And the first dish from which the meal begins is Kuta (wheat grains with honey and raisins). It is also necessary to exclude all types of alcohol. Previously, there was such a pious custom when, for the commemorative table, the first sadiliens, old women and children, they were heard the clothes of the deceased and alms, "the Vladyka Paul said.

Prayer about Usophest

Prayer for all depleted

Look, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternal Pretaglshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), Yako, and a humus, letting sins and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him eternal flour and GEENSKAGO fire, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the everlasting of your good, prepared by Lovyabyae: Thickest Bo and Sogreach, but not retreat from you, and inexcusively in the Father and Son and Sainpongo Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and a unit in Trinity And the trinity in unity is unexpectedly even to the end of his emissions of the confession. The blindness graciously, Budy, and faith Litz in the tasks, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints: Bear a man, it is impossible to live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is true forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generotes, and human-minded, and you are ashamed to you, father and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer children for the deceased parents

Lord, Jesus Christ, God! You are siery keeper, which is confusing refuge and crying comforter. I resort to you az, siregy, wall and crying, and praying for you: I hear my prayer and not turn your face from my heart's heart and from the tears of my eyes. Praying to you, the merciful Lord, the sorrow of my sorrow about separation with the parent (matter) to my (-Yu) (name), the soul of his (Her), IKo Ice (-i) to you with the true faith in the way and hard hope for yours Humorifying and mercy, in the kingdom of your heaven. I bow to your sacred will, the Eyuzh is departed (s) to be in me, and I ask you, not at all of him (neither or them) mercy and the blessing of yours. Weir, Lord, Yako, you, the judgment of the world of this, sins and the wicked of the Fathers of the Fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren even to the third and quarter of the genus: But the Milewesty Fathers for prayers and virtues of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With a crushing and donentification of the heart, I pray to the merciful trial, do not punish the eternal punishment of the must-say (s) for me a slave (-U) of your (Y), my parent (mother) (s) (name), but let him go (her) all the sins of His (Her) free and unwitting, word and business, leading and ignorance created by him (her) in the life of His (HEA) on the earth, and by mercy and humanity to your prayer for the Most of the Mother of God and All saints, nice it (s) and eternal flour to get rid. You, merciful Father's Father and Chad! Give me, in all the days of life of the life, to the forefront of my absence, not to press the memo for the departed parent (mother) my (her) in my prayers, and begoti, the righteous judgment, yes, it is imminently in place Cool both in the place late, with all the saints, from the other than the sickness, sadness and sinking. Merosaver Lord! We will accept you about the servant of yours (yours), and give him a warm prayer and give it to him (she) by the reward of yours for the works and the care of the upbringing of mine in faith and Christian piety, who has been taught (s), the most of all leading to his Lord, In awe praying to you, to you united in trouble, grief and disease and keep your commandments; For the prosperity of His- (Her) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth, bringing them (her) about me, the prayer before you and for all the gifts, they (her), asked me from you, give him (her) with his delicacy, with his heavenly benefits and Josti in the eternal kingdom of your. You bless the God of mercies and generous and humanity. You are peace and the joy of your faithful slaves, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Troitskaya Saturday: Folk beliefs and prohibitions

Our ancestors believed that on the eve of the Trinity of the mermaids overlook the water bodies, arranging various pranks in the fields and in the forests and loudly dried songs. Hearing this noise, water begins to relieve water in rivers and lakes. To calm down the water, on the night of the trinity, youth facing the water of fires or ran through the forest with branches, chasing the flewing mermaids. At the same time, it was strictly forbidden to swim on the night of the trinity, because watery wake-up with mermaids could also drain on the bottom.

Also in Trinity Saturday and the Trinity was forbidden to work in the field and in the courtyard, and it was impossible to walk in the forest one - from concern to meet mermaids. For the same reason, these days near the forests and water bodies also tried not to graze.

On this day it was impossible to sew and spin. In addition, all the prohibitions associated with water were acted: under the ban were washing and rinse in linen, washing and bathing in open water bodies, etc. Mermaids in general these days it was worth an intensity, and it is better to draw in some offering it.

Troitskaya Saturday: Signs and sayings

With Troitskaya Saturday, three days are not broken, on the fourth - the house is cleaned.

In the Trinity Saturday, this barley and hemp - well frighten.

Rain on the Trinity is a good sign: Wait for the crop of mushrooms and berries, and freezers will not be all summer.

What days it is customary to make mercy of the deceased?

1. Saturday meat suite - eight days before the beginning of the Great Post, on the eve of the week about the terrible court.

2. Parent Saturdays - on the second, third and fourth weeks of the Great Post.

3. Troitskaya Parental Saturday - On the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity, on the ninth day after ascension.

On the eve of each of these days in the temples serve special funeral all-part vigils.

Trinity Saturday is Saturday before the Day of the Holy Trinity, which is the time to commemorate the dead. Let's figureout what can be done in the parent Saturday, and what is impossible.

What number accounts for Trinity Parental Saturday in 2018

There are several parent Saturdays on Russia - special memorial days - Meat supporting parent Saturday, Saturday 2nd weeks of the Great Post, Saturday 4th weeks of the Great Post, Radonitsa, Massage of the Dealing Warriors, Troitskaya Parental Saturday and Dimitriev Parent Saturday. But only two of them are considered universal, as these days they remember all the dead Orthodox Christians - this is the meat-minded parent Saturday and the Trinity Parental Saturday. The first happens on the eve of the meat suite week - seven days before the great post. And the second is the day before the holiday Blessed Trinitywhich is also called Pentecost. In 2018, on May 27, and, accordingly, the Trinity Parent Saturday falls on May 26th.

See also:

Troitskaya Parental Saturday May 26, 2018: what to do

Of course, on this day it is customary to remember the parents, but not only them. In the Trinity Saturday, they also commemorate those who are not related to man with any related bonds. The priests say that the appointment of the parent Saturday is the association of the Church. Parent Saturdays give us the opportunity to feel the reality of the unification of all its members - and its saints, and living, and the dead.

In the Trinity Parent Saturday you need to go to the temple. On this day, believers come to the temples on a special universe memorial service - "Memory committed by all of the century of the deceased Orthodox Christians, the Father and the Briat of Ours."

Besides, in pominal Saturday After the morning campaign to the temple, it is customary to visit the graves of the departed relatives and friends. On this day, the graves decorate flowers and greens and arrange ritual meals.

Parent Saturday before the Trinity in 2018: what can not be done

If a person could not get into the temple in the Trinity Parent Saturday, then it is not forbidden to read the prayer about the departed and at home. Some believe that it is in the Trinity Parent Saturday that it can be served in the church notes on the rest of the lives who have deprived themselves, as well as the dead unresolved. But this misconception is impossible to do this, since the church does not pray for unresolved and suicides.

See also:

Is it possible to work by the Trinity Parent Saturday, Clear or Wash Dishes

There is a belief that in the parent Saturday before it is impossible to work, clean up in the apartment and even wash dirty dishes. This opinion is very convenient for lazy owners. But the church adheres to other opinions. The priests say that restrictions in work exist primarily in order for homemade troubles to prevent prayer and visiting the temple. It is necessary to start parental Saturday with a hike to the temple and prayers about the departed, and, returning home from the church, it is possible to clean and wash and wash the dishes.

Before the Trinity, the parent Saturday is always celebrated (June 15, 2019, June 6, 2020, June 19, 2021). On this day, it is customary to remember all the deceased Christians, regardless of the specific confession. Therefore, all this memorial Saturday in front of the Holy Pentecost is called the Universal Trinity Parental Saturday.

A special service is held in the temple - the Ecumenical Panhid, which should be visited. It helps to cope with sad thoughts and helps tune in to bright waves.

This day comes exactly the day before the holiday of the Trinity, and the Great Trinity, in turn - 50 days after Easter. By the calendar in the coming years it will be like this:

How to remember the departed in the parent Saturday

The church calls those who have gone who did not die, and the deceased. After all, the soul of man is immortal, and therefore she just left, and human body is a mustle.

That is why we can and should remember our loved one - whether he is a relative, if, is it, just good man. Therefore, it is useful to know who and how to remember in the parent Saturday to the Trinity:

  1. As already mentioned, you can remember any deceased Christian. Typically, the church offers such a criterion: all baptized man - already a Christian. There is one important reservation associated with those who commemorate on Saturday before the Trinity. Suicide names remember not accepted. This question is very delicate, and in some cases exclusions are even made. Therefore, it is better to ask additional Council At the priest.
  2. A believer can certainly get into the temple. Fortunately, Saturday is a day off, so all the possibilities for this have. The Universal Panhid begins in the morning, about 08:30. It is better to clarify the schedule, going to the temple on the eve.
  3. By the way, on the eve of the evening, it is better to submit and a note with the names of the stop. On it just write full name A person in Staroslavansky, for example, Tatiana, Boris, "Feodor", and the like.
  4. After the service should not be indulged in drunkenness, and even consume even some strong drinks. Such traditions are torn in part to pagan, partly to Soviet times. If you think about it, then what will weoping our feast?
  5. Then how to behave in the commemorative Saturday before the Trinity? You should spend modestly, pray in the temple, for example, so:

And you can simply say such words of prayer:

Roman, Lord name, your servant, and so much my soul, and forgive him the prejudice of him, free and unwitting. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

  1. Another important momentassociated with the commemoration of the parent day at the Trinity, as in any other is the distribution of alms. It is necessary to do it from a pure heart, without any thought about greed and even more coast. Moreover, the alms can be expressed not only in the money, but also in any occasional agency, to assist in the needy person.

Parental day before the trinity: Comments of priests

Representatives of the Orthodox Church are unanimous in how and whom to remember on Saturday to the Trinity (as well as in any other memorial day - to Radonitsa or. First of all, a person must be confronted in the morning in church.

At the same time, on the eve of Friday, you can arrange a small memorial lunch - without alcohol and abundant treats. After the morning pahonihides, the church goes to the cemetery and put order on the grave.

Measurement occurs both in the church and in the cemetery. To do this, the grave is brought to a church candle (necessarily consecrated), they light it and read the memorial prayer.

You can use any text, including. And you can also pronounce those words that come on the heart. If a person is inconvenient, he has the right to pray and to himself - the main thing is to do everything sincerely, from the soul.

At the same time, priests especially emphasize that to remember in the graves of food or the more alcohol - pagan tradition. And for orthodox man This behavior is unable.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery in the Holy Trinity?

This rare case, when the answer is unequivocal: No, in myself the bright day of the Saint Pentecost, it is not customary to visit the cemetery, to be used to the graves and remember the deceased.

But, as you know, in fact very often, people are engaged in this. Moreover folk tradition This is for a long time. Why is that? Explains everything is very simple, however, for this you need to remember our story.

Historically, it coincided that it was noted about at the same time when the Slavs welcomed the offensive of the Lord of the Week. By folk signs And it is believed that at this time the soul of the deceased finally leave the earthly limits and go to their new shelter. And mermaids and water, on the contrary, come out of their maritime kingdom to lure the random travelers to the bottom.

That is why the eve of the Trinity, and on the very day, people in the old custom are still continuing to walk in the cemetery. In addition, it falls out, and it's still warm enough on the street, because the summer comes.

However, it is important to understand that there is a special Troitskaya Parental Saturday to remember. Moreover, the spirit of this holiday does not fully correspond to the feelings that cover a close person on the grave.

Of course, life situations can not always be reduced to a common denominator. How, for example, remember a person if the anniversary or 40 days fell out just on the trinity? It is better, of course, to pay attention to this event, however, it's not worth forget about the holiday.

If there are some doubts, you can simply consult with a priest or spiritually close man. Good word It helps to navigate in a situation, and indeed warm communication, undoubtedly brings people.

On the eve of the Trinity, Orthodox believers there is another important date - Parental Saturday. IN church calendar These days are clearly spelled out, because, every living person should remember the pre-ancestors and pray for them. It is believed that when we pray for them on earth, they pray for us in another world.

Troitskaya Parental Saturday in 2018 falls on May 26, and this is not a simple parental day. It differs from other church calendar days of commemoration by the fact that it is necessary to remember not only the parents and the dried relatives, but in general all people. Even those who came to hell, including suicides. This is due to the fact that the Holy Spirit that came down to Earth the next day - the fiftieth day after Easter, called for people to make a commemoration and purify the soul of saving grace. Fancy prayer for every deceased - then great help

What should be done in the parent Saturday

Before consecrated of important issues about the Troitskaya Parental Saturday, which cannot be done, it is necessary to understand that this day should be done. Orthodox believers commemorate the dead, and the clergymen commemorate all who are specified in the notes of the parishioners of the Church. The 17th caffemic is considered, which can also be read at home in the evening.

Mandatory Orthodox visits to the believers attend the Church. After the evening in the temples no longer hold a memorial. In prayers, parishioners and clergy are asking for the God of eternal rest of the soul and forgiveness of the dead relatives.

With modern rhythmic life, it is not always possible to get to the church for the parent Saturday. Then you just need to pray at home, because it is a prayer and appeal to God is grace and salvation for the soul of the deceased. It is necessary to pray more often and do not bother to requests for a deceased relative or a close friend.

May 26 - this is the date when the Trinity Parent Saturday in 2018. On this day it is recommended to go to the cemetery and visit the graves of dead relatives. The graves should be decorated with greens and wildflowers, arrange a ritual meal. It is believed that when we pray on the Earth for the dead relatives, they pray in another world for us.

A special meaning of prayer

It is very important that day to pray consciously. The process should not be formality, otherwise the soul of the deceased will not receive assistance, but will suffer and languish. Memorial prayer In Trinity Saturday, not only the souls of dead relatives are required, but also the person himself. It helps break the feeling of experience, pity, upholstered and guilt. Such prayer nourishes love.

Wedding in Trinity Saturday

Many are interested in the question of Troitskaya Parental Saturday: Is it possible to play a wedding. Here it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the church's strictest prohibitions does not impose at this time. This is not a period of post, therefore, marriage is not prohibited.

But if you contact the clerics with such a question, they will recommend to transfer the wedding to another day. Because the parent Saturday is not a day for fun, and the day for prayers and remembering the dead close people. In a situation where you can't transfer the wedding, the priests are recommended to sign without celebrations, and hold the main festivals on another day.

Troitskaya Parental Saturday in 2018 will be held before big holiday Trinity - May 26. On this day, we must try to go to the church, pray for the deceased relatives and brought the bouquets of wild flowers and young greenery in the cemetery. May 27, 2018 comes big religious holiday Trinity, when you can have fun, walk to each other and fully rejoice in life.

Trinity Saturday - This is the eve of the holiday in honor of the Holy Trinity, informs. In Orthodoxy, this day is considered to be an universal parental Saturday, when there is a general terrorism of all the departed Christians. This is a great holiday that reached us from ancient times. He was honored in Russia and on this moment He only increased its popularity and strength.

In Russia, in Ukraine and in Belarus, the Troitskaya Parental Saturday is considered the most important memorial day.

The deceased is taken to remember before the Trinity, since it is this holiday that symbolizes the Christian rescue of a person who participates the deceased. Therefore, Christians in their prayer of the Holy Spirit commemorate all the deceased units.

Folk traditions

According to tradition, which has more pre-Christian roots, in the Trinity Parent Saturday, it is customary to visit the cemeteries to boost and decorate the graves and remember those who have gone loved ones. On this day, it is customary to decorate the graves with flowers (including artificial) and, although the church does not approve of this, leave the treatments (mostly sweets) to "pamper" the deceased. It is believed that a modest meal on the grave, and then the memorial dinner of the house helps lively to talk with the souls of dried relatives.

Purchase relatives in Russia was taken by ritual dishes, of which the main are pancakes, cats and eggs.

Also in Trinity Saturday, it is customary to wear alms in need. Leaving treats on the graves - it was also in some kind of a form of alms: it is believed that the passage of a person is not forced to take the left meal.

What is the number of Trinity in 2017

Turning and banning

In Russia, it was believed that on the eve of the Trinity, mermaids leave water bodies, while they arrange various pranks in the fields and in the forests, loudly dried songs. Hearing this noise, water begins to relieve water in rivers and lakes. To calm down the water, on the night of the trinity, youth facing the water of fires or ran through the forest with branches, chasing the flewing mermaids. At the same time, it was strictly forbidden to swim on the night of the trinity, since watery wake-up with mermaids could also drain.

In the Trinity Saturday and the Trinity was forbidden to work in the field and in the courtyard, and it was impossible to walk in the forest one, again, from the concern to meet mermaids. These days, the cattle near the forests and water bodies also tried not to graze: the evil is not dreamed.

It was also impossible to sew and spinning, in addition, all the prohibitions associated with water - the abode of mermaids. Under the ban were washing and rinse in linen, washing and bathing in open water bodies, etc. Mermaids in general these days it was worth an intensity, and it is better to draw in some offering it.

Signs and sayings on Trinity Saturday

  • In the Trinity Saturday, this barley and hemp - well frighten.
  • With Troitskaya Saturday, three days are not broken, on the fourth - the house is cleaned.
  • Rain on the Trinity is a good sign: Wait for the crop of mushrooms and berries, and freezers will not be all summer.

Troitskaya Ecumenical Parent Saturday in 2017 - June 3

According to the Charter of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church on the eve of the Holy Pentecost (Trinity) holidays, a clock service is made, as well as on the day of the Ecumenical Parent Saturday, where the meat sundamy is in front of the week (resurrection) about the terrible court. This Parent Saturday was called Troitskaya and also, as well as meat, precedes the entry into the post, which begins through the saddime to be called apostolic.

This mismatch of the deceased leads its beginning since the time of the apostolic. As the establishment of meat-making parent Saturday, it is said that "the divine fathers have got her from the sacred apostles," so can be said about the origin of the Trinity Saturday. In the words of St. ap. Peter, spoken by him on the day of Pentecost, is an important indication at the beginning of the custom of remembering the departed per day of Pentecost.

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The apostle on this day, referring to the Jews, speaks of the Sunday Savior: God resurrected him, terminating the tie of death (Acts 2, 24). And the decrees of the apostolic tell us about how the apostles, fulfilling the spirit of the holy in Pentecost, preached the Jews and the pagans of the Savior of our Jesus Christ, the judgment of the living and the dead. Therefore, the Holy Church of ancient times calls us to commit us to the midst of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Brahims and Sisters, and our sisters, because on the day of Pentecost, the redemption of the peace of the consecrate power of the life-givingness of the Most Holy Spirit, which is gracious and saving We, living and the dead.

How in Meat Saturday, as it were, the last day of the world and in the Trinity, representing the last day of the Church of the Old Testament before the disclosure in the whole strength of the kingdom of Christ on the day of Pentecost, Orthodox Church It prays about all the departed fathers and brethren. On the most festive day, it assumes about them, in one of the prayers, the reeble to the Lord: "Out, Lord, the souls of our slaves, before the deceased father and the brotherhood of our, and other affinies on the flesh, and all their own in faith, about them Create the memory now. "

On the Day of Pentecost, the redemption of the world was captured by the sanctifying and executive force of the life-givingness of the Most Holy Spirit, grapples and savingly extending on the living and dead. Therefore, the Holy Church, as in meat-specific Saturday, representing the last day of the world and in the Trinity, representing the last day of the Church of the Old Testament before disclosure in the whole strength of the Church of Christ on the day of Pentecost, prays about all the departed fathers and brethren, and in the most Pentecost's day brings prayers to the Lord. In one of these prayers, "God, Lord, the souls of our slaves, before the deceased father and the brotherings of our, and other affinations of flesh, and all their own in faith, about them, and the memory of the Code now"

Conversations with Batyushka

Church bans on the Trinity

On Sunday, which the Trinity Day drops is forbidden to perform any household works, including - to clean in the apartment: it needs to be done in advance, on Saturday, chop firewood, make repairs. It is forbidden to engage in washing, you can not sew, knit and generally needkering. It is believed that this one in this holiday needs to be engaged in prayers and think about the eternal, in the interpretation of the church - about God. True, this ban should be treated without fanaticism, allowed to carry out urgent and vital important workwhich cannot be postponed, as well as feed pets. Pixabay in the green week should not leave the house without of a native cross - by people beliefswith whom the church agreed, this time unclean power, And the consecrated cross in the church will protect against trouble.

Especially important is considered to take care of children and put the cross on them. On the day of the Trinity it is impossible to think about the bad, desire to save anyone and quarrel with loved ones and distant. Scandals on this day are considered to be a big sin - to be patient for several days, maybe after that it does not want to quarrel. All week before the Holy Trinity do not commit church rites - Wedding, funeral, baptism - all postpone a few days after the holiday. Pagan prohibitions on a long time and very steadily beliefs all the green week, and especially on the day of the Trinity this year on June 19, activated water elements. Therefore, the whole week is forbidden to swim in open water bodies: rivers, lakes, ponds, because they can "drag" to the water of mermaids.

Not accepted in Pentecost to go to the bath, take a shower or bath, even children do not bathe in this day. It is believed that the spirits of water can harm even at such safe home conditions. In addition to the water lines, forest mallets wake up, so in the trinity in the forest to walk on popular beliefs is unsafe. It is categorically not recommended our ancestors to be married at the green week, and especially the day of the Trinity, well, in a niche days bad admission Considation of civil marriage or wedding appointed on this day is considered. But it costs to make a proposal or wob in the trinity, and if you get married, sign up or walk the wedding on the cover - October 14, then family life It will be happy and long.

Decorating the house with greens on the trinity, it is worth preferred to birch branches, use wormwoods, mint, AIR and others. You can not shit in the church and leave the Willow branches in the house and leaves aspen. Believe or not there are nice signs, led away from church and pagan prohibitions, the question of personal choice. But some of them, agree, very good: for example, a ban on conflicts and negative thoughts.

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