Repair Design Furniture

Methods for installing partitions from glass blocks, types of glass blocks, their advantages and disadvantages. Do-it-yourself installation of glass blocks What glue are glass blocks on

NS Broken glass is not the material from which walls are made. But, here, a translucent partition made of glass blocks (glass blocks), made by hand from elements sparkling with juicy colors, will decorate any interior and make it possible to zone the space.

A general idea of ​​glass blocks can be drawn from the name itself: translucent square "bricks" were massively used in buildings during the Soviet era, and more and more often their modern counterparts can be seen today.

How to make a partition from glass blocks, where, unlike ordinary masonry, it does not stick at all cement mortar... What types of glass blocks are, how it works, and what tools are required for work, we will tell you in this article.

Glass blocks are well suited for walls loaded only by their own weight.

What is and how is a glass block

Glass blocks are two square glass boxes, welded together with sides. Inside - emptiness, or rather strongly discharged dry air. Dust and condensation cannot get into the inner space of the block, therefore the glass walls of the block from the inside always remain transparent.

As we know, sound waves, as well as a significant proportion of heat, are transferred by vibrations of air molecules. Accordingly, the discharged space inside the unit does not transmit sound well. The lack of air also impedes the transfer of heat, giving the glass block heat-insulating properties not worse than even double-glazed windows.

True, to say that glass blocks are transparent will not be entirely correct, their walls transmit about 70% of the luminous flux. But, here, to see anything behind their thick corrugated surface, except for blurred silhouettes, will no longer work.

Glass blocks are suitable where you need to provide good natural light while hiding what is happening behind the wall.

Another advantage of glass blocks is their high fire resistance. Thick glass is capable of bursting only from a sharp and strong temperature drop, but is practically invulnerable to relatively uniform heating of even a strong fire.

The aesthetic qualities of modern blocks are noticeably superior to their Soviet predecessors. Today they are produced in various colors and shades, decorated with various patterns. Various decorations are placed in the inner voids of the blocks and unusual items... Design options for both the glass blocks themselves and the design with their use.

General principles of working with glass blocks

The main difficulty in arranging a glass block partition is the need for accurate preliminary calculation and markup.

Installation of glass blocks using masonry mixture

Laying blocks on the frame, for all its simplicity, significantly increases the cost of the structure. In addition, the installation of vertical support racks requires high precision markup. Therefore, the most popular is the bonding of blocks using a masonry mixture.

This method requires accuracy, certain skills, and the technology is similar to the usual one.

Since glass blocks cannot be cut and sharpened, as is the case with bricks, we accurately calculate the entire structure in advance in size, taking into account the width of the seams. If you cannot install an even number of blocks, you can use an insert made of ordinary brick, wood or other material.

We start laying from the bottom row. The rows of blocks must lie horizontally, so the base must be leveled beforehand. At least a stripe equal to the width of the block.

We select the amount of the assembly mixture in such a way that it fills the gap between the blocks as much as possible. To do this, you need to put it so much that it squeezes out a little from the seams between the blocks.

To fill the vertical seam, the mixture is applied to the already installed unit or on the one that we put, or better on both. If, nevertheless, voids have formed in the vertical seam, we fill them when laying the next row.

To increase the strength of the masonry, we lay reinforcement made of galvanized wire or perforated tape between the rows.

Until you gain experience, check the level of each installed block, as well as the entire row.

The work will be simplified by special masonry "crosses". They are placed between the corners of the block, and after the masonry is finished, they are removed or sealed with mortar, filling the seam.

Crosses are especially important in that they make it possible to lay the masonry to the full height of the structure. Without them, laying more than three to four rows without a break for setting the mixture is undesirable, and often impossible.

Materials and tools for laying glass blocks

The set of tools depends on the laying technology. If this wireframe we need:

  • puncher;
  • corner Grinder("Bulgarian"), with a disc over a stone;

The purchase of decorative glass blocks is over, now you need to properly lay the glass blocks. But the question arises: "How to lay glass blocks?" In this article we will tell you how to install glass blocks and what is the cost of such an installation.

Features of stacking glass blocks

Before proceeding with the direct installation of glass blocks, it is necessary to consider some of the features of working with them:

Glass blocks

1) Walls and partitions made of glass blocks cannot be installed as load-bearing supports, since glass structures perform only the following functions: decorative, heat and sound insulation and protect against dust.

2) The thickness of the glass block must be at least 7 cm, but not more than 10 cm.

3) The weight of the glass block varies from 2.4 to 4.3 kg.

Preparation for the installation of glass blocks

  • Before laying glass blocks, it is important not to forget to prepare everything necessary tools:
  • Building level for creating even rows of glass blocks,
  • Measuring tape,
  • Pencil and cord for marking,
  • Grinder for cutting unnecessary reinforcement rods,
  • Foam or rubber float for grouting,
  • Bucket for the preparation of glue for glass blocks,
  • Building trowel for laying out mortar from glue,
  • Sponges for cleaning already erected glass blocks,
  • Electric drill for drilling gaps for rods in wooden bases,
  • Mixer for mixing glue solution,
  • Rotary hammer for drilling in brick and concrete surfaces,
  • Stepladder, if the glass-block structure is high,
  • A spatula for removing excess solution from the glue,
  • Spatula for removing old material,
  • Silicone sealant gun,
  • Spatula for sewing joints between glass blocks,
  • Hammer to create flat surface blocks,
  • Dry cloth for cleaning and finishing glass blocks.

Photo gallery of tools for laying glass blocks

5. Using a level, a row of glass blocks is leveled.

6. A fixing profile made of metal or wood is attached to the wall structure and between the glass-block rows and the blocks are laid.

7. The glass-block screen has been erected. Apply a grout for the gaps (seams) between the block tiles.

Application of grout to a structure of glass blocks

8. Remove excess grout with a sponge, cleaning the surfaces of the glass blocks.

This is the general progress of glass block laying, but there are three types of glass block installation. Read more about this in the article on our website "DIY glass blocks".

Laying glass blocks VIDEO can also be viewed here:

Laying glass blocks - the price of work

The cost of laying glass blocks is from 2500 rubles. up to 17 thousand rubles. per sq. m.

Installation cost varies depending on the number of blocks, their sizes, color scheme, countries of origin, and, of course, the complexity of the installation itself.

You can also buy crosses for glass blocks by different price... It depends on their specific sizes and countries of origin:

2, 3 or 5 mm - 22 rubles. (Italy)

Installation of spacer crosses

8 mm - 25 rubles. (Italy)

5 mm - 9 rubles. (Czech)

10 mm - 20 rubles. (Czech)

From 2 to 5 mm - about 16 rubles. (Russia)

10 mm - 14 rubles. (Russia)

Chinese crosses can be purchased from 12 rubles. etc.

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Glass blocks are elements with a hermetically sealed empty space, which is created by joining two glass plates (semi-blocks). In its shape, the block is similar to an empty brick inside and in its construction is a bit like a double-glazed window. The air inside the glass block gives the material high soundproofing and heat-saving characteristics.

The surface of this element is matte, completely transparent and even colored. The weight of each glass block is 1.5–4.3 kg. Most often, rectangular or square glass blocks are made. Glass blocks can also be angular (for finishing columns or corners), triangular and end (for finishing the edges of walls).

Glass blocks, no worse than glass, let in daylight, as a result, there is no need to install usual windows in a wall made of glass blocks. In addition, glass blocks are much stronger than ordinary glass... For this reason, they can be used to make internal partitions and even use for the facade of the house. But in this case, it is better to use translucent glass blocks.

A wall made of glass blocks, in contrast to a wall made of drywall or brick, does not need to be plastered, wallpapered or painted, caring for them is extremely simple - washed and ready.

Positive properties of glass blocks

Walls made of glass blocks can withstand significant temperature changes without damage. These products are very durable: they are not afraid of even a small earthquake. In order to damage a high-quality glass block, it is necessary to use a fairly heavy object, for example, a sledgehammer. This applies to ordinary glass blocks, and there are also bulletproof ones.

Using glass blocks

Glass blocks are used in the construction of sections of curtain walls, which are not subject to high loads. Such walls are very convenient in factories, factories and businesses that require a large number of light but use ordinary windows impossible or difficult. Glass blocks are used to make cuts on the landings of the stairs - it is also very practical and convenient (difficult to break, at the same time it lets in a stream of light). And glass blocks are increasingly used to decorate the interior.

Block installation process

Glass blocks are often laid on top of grout, just like plain bricks, but remember that they are made of durable glass and must be handled with care.

Glass blocks are sometimes protected with a special film. It should not be removed before styling, as inexperienced craftsmen sometimes do, but only after styling. And if you bought unprotected glass blocks, then it is better to protect them with tape before work.

The cement mortar used for installation must not contain large particles so that the surface of the blocks is not scratched. If it happens that the solution gets on the surface of the glass block, it is necessary, without waiting for it to set, to wash it off with water. Otherwise, you will have to clean it off with a knife or metal brush, which will definitely scratch the glass.

How to install glass blocks quickly and smoothly? For this, it is better to use special plastic crosses. When using them, the laying of glass blocks will move faster, and the surface of the wall will turn out to be neat - the same distance will remain between the glass blocks.

After laying the glass block wall, it is necessary to take care of the cement joints. After all grey colour joints can distort the appearance of the entire surface. You can, for example, wipe the seams with special mixtures that are used for tiles. And it will be much better to put the glass blocks on top of the pigmented cement. These pigments can be purchased separately and added to regular cement.

Photo of glass blocks in the interior


We bring to your attention a video that shows the technology of laying glass blocks.


Laying glass blocks with your own hands cannot be done without special diligence and attention. But if you take into account all the nuances and subtleties of installing glass blocks, then this procedure will turn into an exciting experience.

Before you install glass blocks with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with all (there are three of them!) Ways of installing a glass structure. Each method has its own duration, cost and labor intensity.

The traditional way of laying glass blocks with your own hands

The first method is cheaper, simpler and takes little time, but at the same time it is not very aesthetic, which is its main disadvantage compared to other methods.

Preparatory work

Laying glass blocks

1. Clean the surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor, that is, those places where the glass blocks will be installed, from dust, chalk, linoleum and other old materials. 2. Mark the location of the future glass-block structure directly on the surface of the bases along their entire length using a level, a pencil and a cord. 3. Start making the solution, with which the glass blocks will be fastened.

A cement mortar is used in the following proportion:

  • one bucket of cement,
  • three buckets of clean river sand,
  • one bucket of water,
  • 200 gr. PVA glue for better adhesion and plasticity of the adhesive solution. Or just use a special dry mix for laying tiles from tiles or bricks.

Photo gallery preparatory work before laying glass blocks

Important! If you decide to use cement, then get it better than white.

4. Having decided on the choice of the mixture, stir the solution thoroughly in a plastic container using a mixer and an electric drill and leave to "ripen" for about 5 minutes. Then mix gently again.

Important! If the glue solution is not very thick, it is prepared correctly, but it should not drain from the trowel during the laying of glass blocks. And this solution cannot be used again, because after drying it will lose its adhesive properties.

DIY glass brick laying

Drilling holes for rebar

1. Install the first two reinforcement rods on the floor surface.

Important! These rods must be either of stainless steel, or galvanized to prevent the formation of rust, which can appear with outside masonry and worsen the appearance of the glass block structure. Also, due to corrosion, the block system will weaken.

So, drill holes in the wall, in which after and place the first two rods.

Important! Drill the holes at the very border of the floor and wall. The distance between them should ensure the placement of reinforcement between inner walls glass blocks.

Installation of reinforcing bars

Important! Lay not only horizontal but also vertical rods after laying the glass blocks of the first and subsequent rows. And don't forget to drill holes!

2. The first two rods are loaded. Apply the glue solution with a trowel to the entire surface of the substrates. 3. Take your time to lay the glass blocks, while simultaneously insert the vertical rods and fill the gaps adhesive solution... With the help of spacer crosses for glass blocks, which must be installed in each joint between the blocks, you can control the thickness of the gaps between the glass "bricks" so that it is the same.

Laying the first row of glass blocks

4. After laying the glass blocks with your own hands, remove the remaining mortar with a damp sponge or cloth, and iron the seams between the blocks with a jointing trowel.

Important! If you assemble glass blocks with your own hands, and fill the seams between them with colored grout, then a spatula is not needed. It is necessary to free the gaps for grouting with a spatula.

5. When the installation of glass blocks comes to an end and it remains to lay 3 or 4 glass blocks, then do the same operations that were performed when drilling holes in the floor, but now in the ceiling.

Cleaning the joints between glass blocks

6. Installation of glass blocks is complete. Again, clean the seams between the blocks from the glue and their very surface. A fully glass block structure will dry out within 5 to 10 days. 7. After the construction of the glass blocks is completely dry, rub the holes between the blocks diagonally with a grout using a rubber or foam rubber float. Better with a moisture-resistant grout, so that the glass-block partition will serve you for more than a dozen years. 8. Remove the remaining solution from the glass blocks again. To completely remove small excess grout and give the glass block structure a dazzling shine, wipe its surface with a clean and dry cloth.

Glass blocks - DIY installation of arched walls and partitions

Curved glass block partition

Do correct styling do it yourself glass blocks, if the walls and partitions have a rounded appearance, you can follow the same instructions that are given above.

but differences of this styling from the previous one there is:

1) Reinforcement rods are bent in those places where the partition or wall is rounded, according to their shape.

2) Set the crosses for glass blocks only inside the curvatures so that the thickness of the hidden seams does not change. Outside the walls, the seams automatically take the same width.

Important! If you want to fragmentarily round off the wall with glass blocks, then use the so-called. "Halves" of blocks. This, firstly, will give your structure strength, and secondly, the internal and external seams will practically not diverge in thickness.

Do-it-yourself frame way of laying glass blocks

Frame made of wood

The technology of the frame method of installing glass blocks is much more complicated than the traditional one. This method is more expensive and more aesthetically pleasing than the traditional method.

In addition, the frame option for installing glass blocks has a huge advantage: it is practically not used cement mix with glue, and the design is lighter.

Preparatory work

1. Measure the dimensions of the space for the future glass-block partition.

Assembling the frame

2. Based on the obtained parameters, make from dry and smooth boards required thickness and the size of a wooden frame. Important! The dimensions of the cells in which the glass blocks will be installed must provide a gap of no more than 2 mm.

Assemble the frame either by gluing or screw it using special fasteners.

3. Wooden frame ready. Color it in desired color using a thin layer paint and dry until completely dry.

4. Install the painted frame in the previously prepared space and use anchors or dowels to attach it to the walls, floor and ceiling.

Laying glass blocks with your own hands

Installation of glass blocks

1. Insert glass blocks into each well prepared earlier.

2. When all the cells are filled with glass blocks, fix them with colorless silicone. To do this: apply this sealant to all joints between the glass blocks and the frame so that the glass "bricks" never fall out.

3. Let the sealant dry for about 8 hours. Important! Use a simple putty where the glass blocks meet the drywall. Otherwise, when the sealant dries, traces will remain on the drywall sheets.