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Language norm. Types of language norms. Orthoepic. Language norm and its signs

The concept of the norm is of great importance for the culture of speech. Linguistic norms are generally recognized and generally accepted in speech practice at a certain stage of language development, the rules for the use of words and phrases.

Characteristics literary norm:



general use,



compliance with the use, tradition and capabilities of the language system.

Distinguish different types norms:







Language norms are a historical phenomenon. Changes in literary norms are due to the constant development of the language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-20 years ago, today can become a deviation from it. The sources of changes in the norms of the literary language are different: colloquial speech, local dialects, vernacular, professional jargons, and other languages. A change in norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants, which actually exist in the language at a certain stage of development, and are actively used by its speakers. The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desires of individual native speakers. According to scientists, the process of changing linguistic norms has become especially active in recent decades.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. The norms reflect the natural processes occurring in the language, and are supported by the language practice. In every society, attempts are being made to determine and fix linguistic norms in the form of a set of rules for the choice and use of all means of language. Sources of the norm: works of classical and contemporary writers, analysis of the language of the media, common modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, Scientific research linguists.

The norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and comprehensibility, therefore the linguistic norm determines how to correctly (or permissible) build speech in a given language and what is wrong and unacceptable. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural.

Language norms can change over time. These changes in developed literary languages ​​are slow enough, and the rate has remained stable for decades.

Language norms are recorded in philological dictionaries. For example, spelling dictionaries contain information about the correct pronunciation of words.

Modern literary language allows variability of norms. It focuses not on inviolability and universality, but rather on communicative expediency. Therefore, the norm today is often not so much a ban on something as a possibility of choice. Variants of norms are reflected in the dictionaries of the modern literary language. For example, in the "Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language", accent variants of such words as normalize and normalize, thinking and thinking are recorded as equal. Some variants of words are given with the corresponding labels: curd and (colloquial) tvOrog, contract and (simple) contract. If you turn to the Orthoepic Dictionary, you can follow the fate of these options. So, the words normalize and thinking become preferable, and normalize and thinking are labeled "additional." (acceptable). Regarding curd and curd, the norm has not changed. But the variant of the agreement from the vernacular form has passed into the colloquial form, it has the label "additional" in the dictionary.

The concept of a norm does not exist without its violation. But the specificity of the cultural-speech norm is that it does not provide for any sanctions as opposed to, say, legal regulations or social norms. Meanwhile, only actual knowledge of cultural and speech norms, their approval and dissemination in society contributes to the adequate development of the language.

Orthoepic norms

Pronunciation norms are studied by orthoepy. Orthoepy (from the Greek orthos direct, correct and epos speech) -

1) a system of uniform norms of pronunciation in the literary language;

2) science (section of phonetics), dealing with the norms of pronunciation, their justification and establishment.

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. the language spoken and written by cultured people. The literary language unites all speakers of Russian, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other linguistic differences, interfere with communication, shifting their attention from what is being said to what is being said.

Pronunciation rules in the Russian literary language can relate to the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, as part of certain combinations of sounds, in different grammatical forms, to phonetic word and rhythmic structure (correct stress setting).

For one reason or another, the pronunciation norms can begin to "loosen": there are fluctuations in the pronunciation norms, which, if they acquire a mass character, lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then to the emergence and strengthening of a new pronunciation norm. Orthoepy, along with mandatory pronunciation norms, first of all studies the variants of pronunciation norms that coexist in the language at some point in time, when the old (due to history) version of pronunciation is still actively used along with the new version. So, the combination chn is pronounced as [chn] in the words floral, colorful, like [shn] in the words scrambled eggs, boring, and variable pronunciation is allowed (both [chn] and [shn] are correct) in the words bakery, laundry, gingerbread ... At the same time, the option with pronouncing this combination as [shn] is currently perceived as outdated.

These are the rules for the use of existing linguistic means in a specific historical period of the evolution of the literary language (a set of rules for spelling, grammar, pronunciation, word usage).

It is customary to interpret the concept of a linguistic norm as an example of the generally accepted uniform use of such elements of the language as phrases, words, sentences.

The norms in question are not the result of the invention of philologists. They reflect a certain stage in the evolution of the literary language of an entire people. Language norms cannot be simply introduced or abolished; they cannot be reformed even administratively. The activity of linguists who study these norms is their identification, description and codification, as well as explanation and propaganda.

Literary language and language norm

According to B.N.Golovin's interpretation, the norm is the choice of the only one among the various functional variations of a linguistic sign, historically adopted within the framework of a certain linguistic community. In his opinion, she is a regulator of the speech behavior of many people.

Literary and linguistic norm is a contradictory and complex phenomenon. Exists different interpretations this concept in the linguistic literature of the modern era. The main difficulty in determining is the presence of mutually exclusive features.

Distinctive features of the concept under consideration

It is customary to highlight the following signs of language norms in literature:

1.Stability (stability), thanks to which the literary language unites generations due to the fact that the norms of the language ensure the continuity of linguistic and cultural traditions. However, this feature is considered relative, because the literary language is constantly evolving, while allowing changes in existing norms.

2. The degree of use of the phenomenon under consideration. Still, it should be borne in mind that a significant level of usage of the corresponding linguistic variant (as a fundamental feature in determining the literary and linguistic norm), as a rule, characterizes certain speech errors. For example, in colloquial speech the definition of a language norm boils down to the fact that it is "common".

3.Compliance with an authoritative source(works of well-known writers). But do not forget that in works of art reflects both the literary language and dialects, vernacular, therefore, when delineating norms, based on the observation of the texts, predominantly fiction, you need to distinguish between the author's speech and the language of the characters in the work.

The concept of a linguistic norm (literary) is associated with the internal laws of the evolution of language, and on the other hand, it is determined by the purely cultural traditions of society (what is approved and protected by it, and what it fights and condemns).

A variety of language norms

The literary and linguistic norm is codified (acquires official recognition and is subsequently described in reference books, dictionaries that have authority in society).

There are the following types of language norms:

The types of language norms presented above are considered to be the main ones.

Typology of language norms

It is customary to distinguish the following norms:

  • oral and written forms of speech;
  • only oral;
  • only written.

Types of language norms related to both oral and written speech, the following:

  • lexical;
  • stylistic;
  • grammatical.

Special rules for exclusively written speech are:

  • spelling norms;
  • punctuation.

The following types of language norms are also distinguished:

  • pronunciation;
  • intonation;
  • stress.

They apply only to oral speech.

Linguistic norms, which are common for both forms of speech, relate mainly to the construction of texts, linguistic content. Lexical ones (a set of norms of word use), on the contrary, are decisive in the question of the correct choice of a suitable word among linguistic units that are close enough to it in form or meaning and its use in literary meaning.

Lexical language norms are displayed in dictionaries (explanatory, foreign words, terminological), reference books. It is the observance of this kind of norms that is the guarantee of the accuracy and correctness of speech.

Violation of language norms leads to numerous lexical errors. Their number is constantly growing. You can imagine the following examples of linguistic norms that have been violated:

Options for language norms

They involve four stages:

1. The only form is dominant, and the alternative is considered to be incorrect, since it is beyond the boundaries of the literary language (for example, in the 18th-19th centuries the word "turner" is the only correct variant).

2. The alternative variant makes its way into the literary language as permissible (mark “additional”) and acts either colloquially (mark “colloquial”), or equal in rights with respect to the original norm (mark “and”). Fluctuations regarding the word "turner" began to appear in late XIX century and lasted until the beginning of the XX century.

3. The original norm is rapidly fading away and giving way to an alternative (competing) one, it acquires the status of obsolete (marked “outdated.”) Thus, the aforementioned word “turner”, according to Ushakov's dictionary, is considered outdated.

4. Competing norm as the only one within the framework of the literary language. In accordance with the dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language, the previously presented word "turner" is considered the only variant (literary norm).

It is worth noting the fact that the only possible strict language norms are present in the announcer, teaching, stage, oratory speech. In everyday speech, the literary norm is freer.

The relationship between the culture of speech and language norms

Firstly, the culture of speech is the mastery of the literary norms of the language in written and oral form, as well as the ability to correctly choose, organize certain linguistic means in such a way that specific situation communication or in the process of observing its ethics, the greatest effect was ensured in achieving the intended communication tasks.

And secondly, this is the field of linguistics, which deals with the problems of speech normalization and develops recommendations for the skillful use of the language.

The culture of speech is subdivided into three components:

Language norms are hallmark literary language.

Business language norms

They are the same as in the literary language, namely:

  • the word must be used according to its lexical meaning;
  • taking into account the stylistic coloring;
  • according to lexical compatibility.

These are the lexical linguistic norms of the Russian language within the framework of the business style.

For this style, it is extremely important to comply with the qualities that determine the efficiency parameter. business communication(literacy). This quality also implies knowledge existing regulations word usage, sentence patterns, grammatical compatibility, and the ability to delineate the scope of the language.

Currently, the Russian language speaks many variant forms, some of which are used in the framework of book-written styles of speech, and some in colloquial everyday life. V business style forms of special codified written speech are used in view of the fact that only their observance ensures the accuracy and correctness of the transfer of information.

These include:

  • wrong choice of word form;
  • a number of violations regarding the structure of phrases, sentences;
  • the most common mistake is the use of incompatible colloquial forms within the framework of written speech plural nouns that end in -а / -я, instead of normative ones in -и / -ы. Examples are shown in the table below.

Literary norm



Of the agreement





It is worth remembering that the following nouns have a form with a zero ending:

  • paired items (shoes, stockings, boots, but socks);
  • names of nationalities and territorial affiliation (Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Kievans, Armenians, Englishmen, southerners);
  • military groups (cadets, partisans, soldiers);
  • units of measurement (volt, arshin, roentgen, ampere, watt, micron, but grams, kilograms).

These are the grammatical linguistic norms of Russian speech.

Sources of language norms

There are at least five of them:

Role of the norms under consideration

They help to preserve the literary language its integrity, comprehensibility. The norms protect him from dialectal speech, professional and social argos, vernacular. This is what makes it possible for the literary language to fulfill its main function - the cultural one.

The rate depends on the conditions under which speech is realized. Language means that are appropriate in everyday communication may turn out to be unacceptable in formal business. The norm does not differentiate linguistic means according to the criteria "good - bad", but specifies their expediency (communicative).

The norms in question are the so-called historical phenomenon. Their change is due to the continuous development of the language. The norms of the last century may be deviations at the present time. For example, in the 30-40s. words such as diploma and graduate (a student who performs a thesis) were considered identical. At that time, the word "graduate" was a colloquial version of the word "graduate". Within the framework of the literary norm of the 50-60s. there was a division of the meaning of the words presented: the diploma student is a student during the period of defending the diploma, and the diploma winner is the winner of contests, competitions, shows marked with a diploma (for example, a diploma winner of the International Show of Vocalists).

Also in the 30-40s. the word "entrant" was used to describe persons who graduated from school or entered a university. Nowadays, those who graduate from high school are called graduates, and the applicant in this sense is no longer used. They are called persons who take entrance exams to technical schools and universities.

Norms such as pronunciation are characteristic exclusively of oral speech... But not everything that is characteristic of oral speech can be attributed to pronunciation. Intonation is a rather important means of expressiveness that gives an emotional coloring to speech, and diction is not pronunciation.

As for stress, it refers to oral speech, however, despite the fact that this is a sign of a word or grammatical form, it still belongs to grammar and vocabulary, and does not act as a characteristic of pronunciation in its essence.

So, orthoepy indicates the proper pronunciation of certain sounds in the corresponding phonetic positions and in combinations with other sounds, and even in some grammatical groups of words and forms, or in individual words ah, provided that they have their own pronunciation characteristics.

Due to the fact that language is a means of human communication, it needs to unify oral and written forms. Just like spelling mistakes, mispronunciation draws attention to speech with its outside, which acts as a hindrance in the course of linguistic communication. Since orthoepy is one of the aspects of the culture of speech, it has the task of helping to raise the pronunciation culture of our language.

The conscious cultivation of just literary pronunciation on the radio, in the cinema, theater, school is of very significant importance in relation to the development of the literary language by the multimillion masses.

Vocabulary norms are those norms that determine the correctness of the choice of a suitable word, the appropriateness of its use within the framework of a well-known meaning and in combinations that are considered generally accepted. Exceptional importance their observance is determined by both cultural factors and the need for mutual understanding between people.

An essential factor determining the meaning of the concept of norms for linguistics is the assessment of the possibilities of its application in different types linguistic research work.

To date, there are such aspects and areas of research, within which the concept under consideration can become productive:

  1. Study of the nature of functioning and implementation different kinds linguistic structures (including the establishment of their productivity, distribution over various functional areas of the language).
  2. The study of the historical aspect of changes in the language of relatively small time intervals ("microhistory"), when both minor shifts in the structure of the language and significant changes in its functioning and implementation are revealed.

Degrees of normativity

  1. A hard, strict degree that does not allow for alternatives.
  2. Neutral, allowing for equivalent options.
  3. A more flexible degree, which allows the use of colloquial or obsolete forms.




Novikova Ya.A.

1st year student

group ZIO-14


Miromanova L.A.


  1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ..3
  2. The linguistic norm and its features .............................................................. 5
  3. Orthoepic norms ……………………………………………… .... 6
  4. From the history of Russian orthoepy ………………………………………… ... 7
  5. Pronunciation of vowels ………………………………………… ..8
  6. Pronunciation of consonants ……………………………………… .10
  7. Features of stress ………………………………………………… ... 11
  8. Conclusion …………………………………………………………… ..13
  9. List of sources used .... ………………………………… 14


Speech at the level of sounds should not only be correct, correspond to pronunciation (orthoepic) norms, but also euphonious, rich intonation, accurate and expressive.

Voice is the first thing that comes to the listener after visual perception interlocutor. And the way we speak largely determines the attitude of the interlocutor towards us. “Even a naturally good voice should be developed not only for singing, but also for speech,” wrote K.S. Stanislavsky: No less important is diction, that is, the manner of pronouncing words. There are two types of pronunciation: incomplete (for easy everyday communication) and full (oratorical).

The incomplete type of pronunciation is characterized by a strong contraction, sometimes the loss ("swallowing") of individual sounds and syllables, fuzzy diction. Wed: pronunciation receipt- instead of human, pronunciation kada- instead of when... In the context of official communication, public speaking this type of speech is not allowed. It is no coincidence that K.S. Stanislavsky wrote: “A word with a crumpled beginning resembles a man with a severed head. The word with the end swallowed is the legless cripple. The sounds dropped out of the middle are a cut off ear, a knocked out eye. Why carry out such execution on words? "

At the same time, euphonious, intonationally rich, accurate and expressive speech may not have any effect if the basic orthoepic norms are not observed. And they are quite complicated. As practice shows, the greatest difficulties are associated with stressing; with pronunciation e or NS after consonants in loan words, with pronunciation e or e after accented consonants, with pronunciation h or NS in combinations NS, chn and the pronunciation of individual words (the use of extra vowels and consonants, or, on the contrary, the illegal omission of a vowel or consonant sound in a word).

The Russian language unites the nation and at the same time is an integral and most important part of our national culture reflecting the history of the people and their spiritual quest. Modern Russianists, and in particular, specialists in the culture of speech, rightly say that the Russian language, reflecting our national dignity, no less vividly shows all our troubles. The problem of the correctness of Russian speech, compliance with the norms of the literary language are widely discussed in newspapers and magazines, in radio broadcasts. Deviations from the norms in the public speech of politicians, radio and television announcers, a decrease in the general level of literacy of the population, and especially young people, are condemned. At the same time, there is not a single area of ​​human knowledge, human activity, for which a bad, confusing, illiterate professional or everyday speech of the performer would be a blessing. A graduate of any university - technical or humanitarian, must be literate, master the culture of speech.

The culture of speech is, firstly, the mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form. Allows in any communication situation to use language tools with maximum effect while observing the ethics of communication. Secondly, this is the field of linguistics, which is designed to solve the problems of speech norms, to develop recommendations for the skillful use of the language. The normality of speech is the observance in speech of the current norms of stress, pronunciation, word usage, stylistics, morphology, word formation, syntax. The culture of speech was dealt with by M.V. Lomonosov, L.V. Shcherba, D.N. Ushakov, V.V. Vinogradov and others.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this essay is to study the problem of the norms of the Russian language and orthoepic norms. To study this issue, first of all, it is necessary to define the concept of a linguistic norm, identify its main features, indicate the sources of the norms of the modern Russian language. Secondly, it is necessary to determine what is the subject of study of orthoepy, what are the historical roots of this issue.

Linguistic norm and its main features.

The concept of the norm is of great importance for the culture of speech. A language norm is a rule, a sample of the use of a word, phrase, sentence.

Characteristic features of the literary norm:

Relative stability,


General use,

General validity,

· Compliance with the use, tradition and possibilities of the language system.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. The norms reflect the natural processes occurring in the language, and are supported by the language practice. In every society, attempts are being made to determine and fix linguistic norms in the form of a set of rules for the choice and use of all means of language. Sources of the norm: works of classical and contemporary writers, analysis of the language of the media, common modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, scientific research by linguists.

The norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and comprehensibility, therefore the linguistic norm determines how to correctly (or permissible) construct speech in a given language and what is wrong and unacceptable (for example, it is necessary to say bakes and a document and not - a document and bakes). The norms protect the literary language from dialects, social and professional jargons, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural.

Language norms can change over time. These changes in developed literary languages ​​are slow enough, and the rate has remained stable for decades.
Language norms are recorded in philological dictionaries: spelling dictionaries contain information about the correct spelling of words, for example, " orthographic dictionary Russian language "D. N. Ushakov and S. E. Kryuchkov, orthoepic dictionaries contain information about the correct pronunciation

The modern literary language, not without the influence of the media, noticeably changes its status: the norm becomes less rigid, variability is allowed, it focuses not on inviolability and universality, but rather on communicative expediency. Therefore, the norm today is often not so much a ban on something as a possibility of choice.

The concept of a norm does not exist without its violation. But the specificity of the cultural-speech norm is that it does not provide for any sanctions as opposed to, say, legal norms or norms of social behavior. Meanwhile, only actual knowledge of cultural and speech norms, their approval and dissemination in society contributes to the adequate development of the language.

Orthoepic norms.

Pronunciation norms are studied by orthoepy. Orthoepy (from the Greek orthos direct, correct and epos speech) is a set of rules that establish a normalized pronunciation. The rules (norms) of pronunciation in the Russian literary language can relate to the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, as part of certain combinations of sounds, in different grammatical forms, to the phonetic word and rhythmic structure (correct stress setting). Pronunciation appropriate orthoepic norms, facilitates and speeds up the communication process. Therefore, the social role of correct pronunciation is very great.

For one reason or another, the pronunciation norms can begin to "loosen": there are fluctuations in the pronunciation norms, which, if they acquire a mass character, lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then to the emergence and strengthening of a new pronunciation norm. Orthoepy, along with mandatory pronunciation norms, first of all studies the variants of pronunciation norms that coexist in the language at some point in time, when the old (due to history) version of pronunciation is still actively used along with the new version. So, the combination chn is pronounced as [chn] in the words floral, colorful, like [shn] in the words scrambled eggs, boring and variable pronunciation is allowed (both [chn] and [shn] are correct) in the words bakery, laundry, gingerbread. At the same time, the option with pronouncing this combination as [shn] is currently perceived as outdated.

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Date the page was created: 2016-04-27

The language norm is a historical phenomenon. The emergence of language norms is associated with the formation and allocation of national language processed and fixed in writing - literary language.

The norm of literary language- this is the generally accepted use of linguistic means: sounds, stress, intonation, words, their forms, syntactic structures. The main property of the norms is that they are obligatory for all those who speak and write in Russian.

In a broad sense, a linguistic norm means such means and methods of speech that have been spontaneously, spontaneously formed over many centuries and which usually distinguish one kind of language from others. From this point of view, professional jargon or the South Russian "akane" (the allocation of the vowel sound "a" in oral speech) is normative in its own way.

It is important for us to understand the linguistic norm in a narrow sense - this is the result of the codification of the language, i.e. purposeful ordering of everything related to the language and its application. The results of codifying activity (linguists are engaged in this) are reflected in various dictionaries. We turn to dictionaries for information on the norms of pronunciation (orthoepic dictionaries), usage (combinational dictionaries, phraseological, etc.), spelling or spelling (spelling dictionary), etc.

Thus, from all the means of the language - lexical, morphological, syntactic, etc. - more preferable variants are selected. This process is very lengthy. In the formation and development of a language, its speakers play a decisive role.

3. Types of language norms

The norm can be imperative (i.e., strictly obligatory) and dispositive (i.e., not strictly obligatory). Imperative the norm does not allow variability in the expression of a linguistic unit, regulating only one way of its expression. A violation of the norm is regarded as a weak command of the language (for example, errors in declension and conjugation, determining the genus of a word, etc.). Dispositive the norm allows variability, making possible several ways of expressing a linguistic unit at once (for example, Cup of tea and a cup of tea, tvorog and cottage cheese etc.). Variation in the use of the same linguistic unit is often a reflection of a transitional step from an outdated norm to a new one. Variants, modifications or varieties of a given linguistic unit can coexist with its main type (thinking and thinking).

There are three formulas for language norms:

    A - correct, B - incorrect (the norm is mandatory, and the option is prohibited);

    A - right, B - right (cottage cheese and tvORog);

    A - right in style NS, B - correct in style Have.

Over time, it is possible to oust the old norm and give birth to a new one.

Norm as a historical category is subject to change, which is due to the very nature of language. The variance arising in this case does not destroy the norms, but makes it a more subtle instrument for the selection of linguistic means. The more a specific norm meets the communicative requirements (is communicatively expedient), corresponds to the modern speech situation, the longer it remains unchanged.



    The concept of language norms

    Variants of norms.

    Types of norms.

4. Orthoepy as a science

5. Accentological options

1. The Russian language unites the nation and at the same time is an integral and most important part of our national culture, reflecting the history of the people and their spiritual quest. Modern Russianists, and in particular, specialists in the culture of speech, rightly say that the Russian language, reflecting our national dignity, no less vividly shows all our troubles. The problem of the correctness of Russian speech, compliance with the norms of the literary language are widely discussed in newspapers and magazines, in radio broadcasts. Deviations from the norms in the public speech of politicians, radio and television announcers, a decrease in the general level of literacy of the population, and especially young people, are condemned. At the same time, there is not a single area of ​​human knowledge, human activity, for which a bad, confusing, illiterate professional or everyday speech of the performer would be a blessing. A graduate of any university - technical or humanitarian, must be literate, master the culture of speech.

The most important quality of speech culture is its correctness, in other words, its compliance with linguistic norms.

What is invested in this concept? Let's propose a definition.

The norm of a language (literary norm) is the rules for the use of linguistic means, a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of elements of a literary language at a certain period of its development.

The linguistic norm is a complex and rather contradictory phenomenon: it dialectically combines a number of opposite features. Let us list the most important of them and give the necessary commentary.

1. Relative sustainability and stability linguistic norms are necessary conditions for ensuring the balance of the language system for a long time. At the same time, the norm is a historical phenomenon, which is explained by the social nature of the language, which is constantly developing together with the creator and native speaker of the language - society itself.

The historical nature of the norm is due to its dynamism, variability. What was the norm in the last century and even 10-15 years ago, today can become a deviation from it. If you turn to dictionaries and literary sources 100 years ago, you can see how the norms of stress, pronunciation, grammatical forms of words, their (words) meaning and use have changed. For example, in the 19th century they said: cabinet(instead of cupboard), fat(instead of heat), stern(instead of strict), quiet(instead of quiet), Alexandrynsky theater (instead of Alexandrinsky), returning(instead of returning); at the ball, weather, trains, this beautiful paleto (t) (coat); certainly(instead of necessarily), need(instead of necessary) etc.

2.On the one hand, the norm is characterized by prevalence and universality observance of certain rules, without which it would be impossible to "control" the elements of speech. On the other hand, we can talk about "Linguistic pluralism" - the simultaneous existence of several variants (doublets) recognized as normative. This is a consequence of the interaction of traditions and innovations, stability and variability, subjective (the author of the speech) and objective (language).

3. Basic sources of language norms- these are primarily works of classical literature, exemplary speech of highly educated native speakers, common, widespread modern use, as well as scientific research. However, while recognizing the importance literary tradition and authority of sources, you should also remember about author's individuality, capable of breaking the norms, which, of course, is justified in certain situations of communication.

In conclusion, we emphasize that the literary norm is objective: it is not invented by scientists, but reflects the natural processes and phenomena occurring in the language. Language standards are mandatory for both oral and written speech. It is necessary to understand that the norm does not divide language means into "good" and "bad". It indicates the appropriateness of their use in a specific communicative situation.

In general, the literary norm enshrined all the best that was created in speech behavior representatives of this society. It is necessary because it helps to preserve the integrity and comprehensibility of the literary language, protects it from vernacular, dialectic, jargon.

The modern literary language, not without the influence of the media, noticeably changes its status: the norm becomes less rigid, variability is allowed, it is guided not by inviolability and universality, but rather by communicative expediency. Therefore, the norm today is often not so much a ban on something as a possibility of choice.

The concept of a norm does not exist without its violation. But the specificity of the cultural-speech norm is that it does not provide for any sanctions as opposed to, say, legal norms or norms of social behavior. Meanwhile, only actual knowledge of cultural and speech norms, their approval and dissemination in society contributes to the adequate development of the language.

2. Changes in linguistic norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants (doublets), which actually already exist in speech and are used by native speakers. Variants of norms are reflected in special dictionaries, such as "Orthoepic Dictionary", "Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language", "Dictionary of Word Combinations", etc.

Exists 3 degrees of normativity:

1st degree norm- strict, tough, not allowing options (for example, lay down, but not lay down; T,call but not rings; socks, but not sock);

2nd degree norm- less strict, allowing for equal variants, combined in a dictionary entry by the union "and" (for example, right and , right blinds(Wed and mn.), immoral and immoral);

3rd degree norm- the most mobile, where one option is the main (preferred), and the second, although acceptable, is less desirable. In such cases, a litter is placed before the second option. "Add."(acceptable), sometimes in combination with stylistic marks or only stylistic marks: "Razg."(colloquial), "Poetic."(poetic), "Prof."(professional) etc. For example: bank sprat(add. sprats),Cup tea(add. tea), campus(prof. compass).

The 1st degree norm is called peremptory norm, norms of the 2nd and 3rd degree - dispositive norms.

Currently, the process of changing linguistic norms has become especially active and noticeable against the background of events of historical and political significance, economic reforms, changes in the social sphere, science, technology. It should be remembered that the linguistic norm is not a dogma: depending on the conditions, goals and objectives of communication, on the characteristics of a particular style, a deviation from the norm is possible. However, these deviations should reflect the variants of the norms that exist in the literary language.

3. In accordance with the main levels of the language and the areas of use of language means, the following are allocated types of norms.

1. Orthoepic norms(Greek. correct speech) - the norms of staging stress and pronunciation. Spelling errors interfere with the perception of the speaker's speech. The social role of correct pronunciation is very large, since knowledge of orthoepic norms greatly facilitates the communication process.

In order not to make mistakes in speech, you need to use special dictionaries, such as the Dictionary of the Russian language stresses, the Orthoepic dictionary, the Dictionary of the difficulties of oral speech, etc.

Variants that are outside the literary norm are accompanied by prohibitive marks: “ not rivers. "(Not recommended), "not right."(not right), "Rude."(rough), "Bran."(abusive vocabulary), etc.

2. Lexical norms, or the norms of word use are: a) the use of a word in the meanings that it has in modern language; b) knowledge of its lexical and grammatical compatibility; c) the correct choice of a word from the synonymous series; d) the appropriateness of its use in a particular speech situation.

3. Morphological norms regulate the formation and use of grammatical forms of the word. Note that morphological norms include, first of all, norms for determining the grammatical gender of some nouns, norms for the formation of plural nouns, norms for the formation and use of case forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns; norms of formation of the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs; norms of education and use of verb forms, etc.

4. Syntactic norms are associated with the rules for the construction and use of phrases and various sentence models. When building a phrase, you must first of all remember about management; When constructing a sentence, one should take into account the role of word order, observe the rules for using adverbial expressions, the laws of constructing a complex sentence, etc.

Morphological and syntactic norms are often combined under the general name - grammatical norms.

5. Spelling norms (spelling norms) and punctuation norms do not allow distortion of the visual image of a word, sentence or text. To write correctly, you need to know the generally accepted rules of spelling (spelling a word or its grammatical form) and punctuation (placing punctuation marks).

4 ... Each literary language exists in two forms - oral and written - and is characterized by the presence of obligatory norms - lexical, grammatical and stylistic. At the same time, the written form of the language also obeys spelling and punctuation norms (that is, the rules of spelling), and the oral one - to the pronunciation, or orthoepic, norms.

Word orthoepy- of Greek origin: orthos - correct, epos - speech. It denotes both the set of pronunciation rules and the science that studies these rules. Orthoepy is a teaching about the norms of oral speech: about the rules of pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, about the patterns of stressing.

Good literary pronunciation is one of the important indicators of the general cultural level of a modern person. "Correct pronunciation of a word is no less important than correct spelling. It is known that incorrect pronunciation distracts the listener's attention from the content of the utterance, thereby making it difficult to exchange information ... The role of correct pronunciation has especially increased in our time, when oral public speech at meetings and conferences , on radio and television has become a means of communication between thousands and millions of people. "

It is especially important to spread the correct Russian literary pronunciation, since the Russian language is not only the language of the Russian people, but also a means of interethnic communication of all peoples, Russia and one of the international languages ​​of our time.

This is facilitated by special reference and teaching aids, scientific and popular science publications, and regular radio and television broadcasts.

5. Accentological options within the literary norm are an inevitable consequence of the evolution of language... Usually, they do not differ in semantic or grammatical meaning. For example: m NS wandering - thinking e, b a rust - barge a, born - born, flooded - flooded, true - true, in a hut - in a hut, on a bridge - on a bridge, etc. There are a lot of such equivalent (in meaning, but not use) accentological doublets in modern Russian - more than 5000 common words ". The variability of stress provides a less abrupt and painful transition from the old literary norm to the new one. For example, graveyard accent and which was generally accepted in the literary language of the 19th century, new variant the cemetery began to gradually come into use at the end of the 19th century. Old variant and is still used in poetry today. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. stress was the norm a pb. Oscillations (turner and turner) began at the end of the 19th century. and continued until the 30s. XX century Now everyone says t O career, but you can still find b O ndar and bond a pb.

The reasons for the change in stress are different. Sometimes with literary rivals dialect stress (compare lit. chum salmon and Far Eastern chum salmon). The stress fluctuates in some little-known, exotic words (pima - pima, high fur boots - high fur boots).

Stress options are common in many borrowed words that associated with the influence of different source languages, and in some cases - and languages-"intermediaries ... So, in the 30s. revolver and revolver (later - only revolver) were normative, since this word was traced to different source languages ​​- French and English. Borrowed in the 18th century. from German language the word alcohol was pronounced alcohol, but was subsequently influenced by French alcohol began to be pronounced. Under the influence of the Polish language, which was an intermediary in the borrowing, the stress in the words document, pulpit, heretic, climate (now only document, heretic, climate) fluctuated.

Some accentological variants originate or persist in the professional environment : agony (for doctors), atom, atomic (for physicists), spark (for drivers), complex numbers (for mathematicians), report (for sailors), landing gear (for pilots), mania (for doctors). In the speech of the miners, the obsolete "in the modern literary language, the stress" prey ", in the speech of the sailors - the compass has been preserved. Many outdated accents are preserved in poetry. From professional speech came to the literary language of stress wind, text, milling, boy... The accentological features of borrowed words are often ignored if the borrowing is carried out using an intermediary language. So, through Latin in the XVI-XVIII centuries. such dissimilar names as England, France, Nor-ge were borrowed, which in Russian received the same structural and accentological design: England, France, Norway. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. through the French language, many words were borrowed from various Western European languages, which received the stress on the last syllable in Russian, characteristic of the French language, including the English Liverpool, Milton; Hamlet, Shakespeare, Newton, etc.

Words borrowed through the Türkic medium usually have an emphasis on the last syllable, even if this stress does not correspond to the original one: Mohammed, Ahmet (cf. Arabic Ahmad, Muhammad).

For the Russian language, the stress on the last two syllables is most typical, therefore, most often the stress of the source language remains unchanged in the words of the French, Polish and Turkic languages. The words borrowed from the Germanic, Baltic and Finno-Ugric languages, in which the stress on the first syllable prevails, are perceived as borrowed longer, and in the process of mastering the Russian language they often experience stress fluctuations. In some borrowed words, fluctuations in stress last for centuries, as they are supported by vocabulary tradition and poetic speech.

In the XX century. the number of fluctuations in stress in borrowed words compared to the 19th century. decreased, which indicates their mastery of the Russian language.

Currently, new fluctuations arise in previously borrowed words, due to the desire to bring the stress of a foreign word closer to the stress in the source language (cf .: Hamlet -> - Hamlet, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, Peru-Peru, Newton-Newton, Bacon-Bacon, etc.).

"Newly borrowed words, as a rule, follow the stress of the source language, because in most cases the time for the occurrence of fluctuations in them has not yet come. This should be preceded by a certain period during which the words should" take root "in the language, become known to most speakers language and "find" an analogy among the words included in the vocabulary system. "

The influence of territorial and social dialects, interlingual contacts, etc. are extra-linguistic factors of change and stress fluctuations. However, the reasons of an intralingual nature turn out to be more important: the influence of analogy, a tendency to assimilate grammatical forms and an increase in the distinctive role of verbal stress.

Under the influence of the analogy, the stress in the short forms of the passive participles is leveled: forms female more and more often pronounced with an emphasis on the base, like all other forms, and not on the ending, as they were pronounced before: sold, taken, inclined (instead of the only admissible previously sold, taken, inclined).

The stress in the derivative bases is increasingly moving away from the stress in the productive ones: vortex - to swirl (in dictionaries it is also indicated to swirl), luxury - luxurious, tiger - tiger, brake - inhibitory (old accents are luxurious, tiger, inhibitory), think - thinker, save - redeemer, to comfort - comforter (in the XVIII - early XIX(see: thinker, deliverer, comforter). The stress on the suffix -en in the words calculation, straightening, assignment, melting has been shifted (in dictionaries of the 18th century: calculation, straightening, assignment, melting). The words intention, provision, concentration retain the original stress, although violations of the literary norm are common: provision, concentration, intention. The stress in the words thinking, detection, vulgarization, simplification (linguistic term) and simplification fluctuates within the literary norm.

A very important pattern of stress change has been established: the Russian stress in polysyllabic words tends to the center of the word, and the most common words do not have more than three unstressed syllables in a row.

Obsolete accentological options are fixed in stable phrases, in phraseological units: run your hand over the forehead (either on the forehead, or on the forehead), hang on the wall (climb the wall), the lip is not stupid (but the lower lip), the onset of the morning (from morning until morning), twelve languages ​​(twelve languages), about miles (two miles), worried about the fate of his sons (what fate!), cooks porridge (the head cooks), to the horses (command: horses!), bought a goose (like water off a duck's back), did not know the need (no need) ...

At the same time, the consolidation of accentological options for different meanings polysemous words are often unstable. Increasingly, the distinction between options such as rolls a barrel and rolls on a bicycle, knocks down and pours snow, knocked the door and struck the hour, etc. is lost, expands the scope of use of a more productive option (rolls, knocks, punched).

Pronunciation of combinations -ЧН- and -ШН-

The combination of chn, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [chn]: accurate, solid. However, in some words, chn is pronounced as [shn]: of course - horse [shn] o, boring - sku [shn] o. In some cases, pronunciation options are acceptable: bulo[wn]ah - bulo[chn]and I... In new words chn pronounced like [ chn]: pickup[chn]oh, poto[chn]th and others. In some words, the pronunciation [ wn] is deprecated: creamy - plum[wn]oh, brown - measles[wn]new (*):

Combinations with unpronounceable consonants.

When several consonants converge between vowels in some combinations, one of the consonants is not pronounced. Such cases are accompanied by appropriate labels in the dictionary.

1. In combinations stn, zdn and stl consonants are not pronounced [ T] and [ d]: adorable - delightful [sn] th, reed - tro [sn] ik, private trader - cha [sn] ik, stairs - l [sn] itza, regional - oblast [sn] oh, sixteen - she [sn] twelve, peer - super [sn] ik, starry - star [known], late - by [knowledge] about, idle - right [knowing], happy - happy[sl]willow, envious - addicted[sl]willow, compassionate - sting[sl]willow, conscientious - owl[sl]willow. In a number of words belonging to the book style, in combinations stn, hey and stl consonants [ T] and [ d] are not completely lost: aceT ma, glisT ny, composT ny, hollyT ny, withoutd on, free of charged ny, braidT lyavy, posT to eat.

2. Combinations stsk, ntsk and ndsk pronounced with a consonant [ c with] in place of combinations mf and ds: tourist - turi[c with ]cue, racist - rasi[c with ]cue, dilettante - dilettan[c with ]cue, Irish - Irlan[c with ]cue, Icelandic - islan[c with ]cue, Scottish - Scotlan[c with ]cue.

3. In combinations stk, zdk and ntk consonant pronunciation [ T] is saved: jesT cue, izvesT ka, weightlessT ka, hang upT ka, trip - poe[withT To]ah, bulky - thunderous[withT To]iy, graduate studentT ka, laboratory assistantT ka, waiterT ka, studentT ka. Consonant [ T] is not pronounced in a borrowed word that has long been mastered by colloquial speech Dutch (oven) - golla[nk]a.

4. In combinations pdc and rdch consonant [ d] is not pronounced: heart - behold[rts]e, core - ce[rts]evina, heart - behold[rf]ishko.

5. In combinations vstv and lvst first sound [ v] is not pronounced in words feeling hello and be silent and also in their derivatives: feeling - chu[st]in, feel - chu[st]vovat, sensitive - chu[st]awesome, sensual - chu[st]venous; hello - hello[st]whoop, hello - hello[st]howl; to be silent - silent[st]shout.

In other cases, in place of the first v in combination vstv pronounced [ f]: clear - I[f]natural.

6. Combined lnz consonant not pronounced [ l]: sun - with[nts]e.

4. V words foreign language origin , not widely used, there are specific features of pronunciation. for example, in words from different areas science, technology, politics, culture, as well as proper names, the absence of a qualitative reduction of unstressed vowels is possible.

1. In the first and second pre-stressed syllables, at the absolute beginning of the word, as well as in the post-stressed syllables at the absolute end of the word after consonants or vowels in place of the letter O vowel is pronounced [ O] without reduction typical for Russian words: b[O]b, b[O]rdo, s[O]nét, G[O]hen, B[O]dlér, b[O]lero, p[O]To[O]kó, M[O]nparnas, M[O]passan,[O]noré,[O]tello,[O]ttava, t[O]rnád[O], wet[O], créd[O], Karyz[O], Castr[O], Méhik[O], adazhi[O], three[O]how[O], please[O], Toki[O], Fideli[O].

2. In some uncommon proper names in pre-stressed syllables, letter combinations ao, oa, oo, oo and woo pronounced as they are written, i.e. without reduction: Aogasuma Island -[O]gasuma, the city of Oaxaca -[oa]khaka, Moorea island - M[oo]réa, Lowryval - L[OU]rival, luoravetlany - l[woo]ravetlany.

3. In non-Russified borrowed words in place of letters e and I am unreduced vowels can be pronounced in all pre-stressed syllables: easy -[l'e]gato, Vespucci -[in'e]spycchi, Nero -[n'e]ron, gyair -[g'a]ýr, Lyashko -[l'a]school, genocide -[g'e]nocud, Benven this -[b'enwe]nothing, lambioz -[l'a]Mbioz, Lyatoshunsky -[l'a]Toshunian.

4. After [ f], [NS] and [ c] in some borrowed words, an unstressed letter e can be pronounced without reduction: masterpiece - w[NS]dévr, Shené - Sh[NS]nye, ginseng - w[NS]nshen, Zherar - F[NS]rár, timet - ts[NS]itnot, century - c[NS]ntyria, Tserera - C[NS]rera, myelut - mi[NS]lut, piety - pi[NS]tét, chevrolet - sh[NS]vrole, Sheri-dan - Sh[NS]ridan, Gerardine - F[NS]radén.

5. At the beginning of words of foreign language origin, as well as after a vowel in place of a letter NS the sound is pronounced [ NS]: ek-rán -[NS]kran, ether -[NS]fúr, eucalúpt -[NS]vkalúpt, Evry-dúka -[NS]vridúka, dielectric - di[NS]light, coefficient -NS[NS]Ficient, Buenventyra - Boo[NS]nventyra. Pronunciation in these cases of the sound [ and] is wrong, since it gives speech a reduced stylistic coloring.

6. In most words of foreign language origin, consonants before e soften. However, in many non-Russified borrowed words, consonants before e do not soften. The labial consonants [ p, b, c, f, m] and dental consonants [ t, d, s, z, n, r]. A special label is given next to such words in the dictionary. Recently, there has been a tendency to preserve the firmness of the consonant, if such is the pronunciation in the source language. In the prefix de- there is a tendency towards soft pronunciation. Some words allow for two variants of consonant pronunciation. However, the unambiguous rules for the pronunciation of hard-soft consonants before e it is impossible to cite, each case should be checked against a dictionary and memorized.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is a language norm and what are its features?

2. How is the inconsistency of the norm manifested?