Repair Design Furniture

The first crown of timber. How to put the first row of timber on the foundation. Types of laying load-bearing walls

Laying the very first crown of a house from a bar must be done very thoroughly and with a mathematical approach so that the walls of the house stand exactly at 90 degrees. Correctly lay the first crown of timber on the foundation not such a difficult task if you do everything in detail and prepare well for this event. And if you want one that will serve you long years, take this stage of construction in the most serious way.

Checking the horizon of the foundation

Even before laying the 1st crown, we lay two layers of waterproofing, a lining board, and then an additional layer of waterproofing. But before proceeding with the installation of waterproofing on the foundation, you need to check that it is horizontal. A simple level can give a large error and for this it is better to use its hydraulic version, which you can buy or use a transparent hose for this.

The difference in level should not exceed 1 cm on the entire foundation. The plane can be leveled with a mortar, using a lining board of different thicknesses or a different number of layers of waterproofing. If the difference in level is significant and there is no time for leveling with a mortar, you can use bars of different thicknesses under the lining board or adjust the thickness of the lining board with an electric planer.

Selection and preparation of material for mounting the first crown

The next step in the process of laying the first crown of timber is himself selection and processing the right material. In no case can you just take the first timber that comes across and start installing it. Indeed, in the future, your choice will determine the time for the production of work to replace the lower crown. A poorly processed beam, or a beam mounted without taking into account the requirements of the choice, will lead to an earlier start of work on replacing the lower crown.

The choice of the best timber for the first crown is the key to a long "life" of the house

We select the right material for the first crown

We begin to prepare the beam for the first crown in advance. As soon as you deliver lumber to the site, you need to choose the most best bars, without a large number knots, no blue, straight without flaws. According to the cut of the annual rings, you need to choose a beam, in which the density of the rings is as high as possible, and the beam itself is the middle part of the tree. At the end, you should see circles radiating from the center.

Processing of timber for mounting the first crown

Wood must be completely lubricated several times with liquid bituminous mastic, mixed with used machine oil, so that this composition penetrates deep into the wood structure. You can also use special impregnating agents for deep wood processing.

The ends do not require processing, they must remain clean. Excess moisture will be removed through the ends.

The service life of the lowest crown and the time it will stand before replacement will directly depend on the degree of processing of the wood structure. Therefore, take your time and thoroughly prepare all the material for the lower crown. And although it is still quite a long way, the first step has already been taken!

Fastening the lower crown and checking the geometry

Fastening of the lower crown in corner joints

The first crown does not need to be fixed to the foundation. The fact is that a house made of timber is a heavy structure in itself and will stand perfectly without anchoring. Corner joints are made without locks, joining the timber with ends. This is done in order to be able to replace any beam, without the need for disassembly in the corners. The beam in the corners and at the junction of partitions is rallied metal fasteners: fixing perforated plates or brackets.

Before the final fixing of the beam in the corners, you need to check the aspect ratio of the house and the correct, one might say "ideal" geometry of the house, so that the corners are exactly 90 degrees. If the length of the opposite sides is equal to each other, and the distance along the diagonal of the house between the opposite corners is the same, we can conclude that the corners of the house are correct. To check the corners, you can use a factory sheet of plywood or OSB if you attach it from the inside of the timber to inner corner and put a beam on it.

So, you have already erected the foundation for your bath, and you have chosen timber as the material for the walls. A great option, quite durable, environmentally friendly and easy to use! If you are new to construction, then timber is the best choice.

However, even this simple and universal material requires some knowledge and skills that are necessary when building walls. Especially for a building such as a bathhouse, for the arrangement of which certain additional steps are needed.

Before you start building a bath from a material such as a beam, you should correctly calculate the size of the lumber for the walls, learn how to connect the beams and splice them along the length, choose a heater for laying between the crowns and much more. Let's consider these questions sequentially.

Initial information about the construction of a bath log house

Building a bath, especially walls for it, can be quite costly.. The modern construction market has a huge range of materials, both traditional and modern, which are widely used in the construction of buildings for a specific purpose. But wood for a bath is the most hot commodity for many reasons. These are long-standing traditions in construction, and wide distribution, relatively low price, environmental friendliness and ease of use.

The beam in this case is a much easier material to work with, moreover, it does not require additional processing, if you buy it and do not make it yourself.

In order not to incur additional costs for wall insulation, it is worth taking a bar with a section of 150 x 150 mm. This thickness of wood walls is optimal, and will allow you to use the sauna throughout the year. To make the connection between the bars more dense, and the view finished wall- aesthetic and pleasant, each beam needs to be trimmed properly.

One of the main positive qualities timber is that walls made of this material do not require; they look self-sufficient, you just need to carefully process the bars. If you plan to decorate the outer sides of the walls, then it will be enough to plan the material only from the side oriented to the interior of the bath room.

The first step in the construction of a bath from a bar is the installation of a strapping wreath on a prepared foundation. The best option the choice of timber timber for the strapping crown - hardwood ash, oak and larch. Be sure to process construction material antiseptic substances.

Laying the first crown of the log house

The quality factor and stability of the entire log cabin of a bath from a bar depends on how well you lay the first crown. And you should prepare for this work thoroughly, having calculated each step in advance.

Before laying the first, initial strapping crown, a layer of waterproofing should be laid on top of the bath foundation. Before doing this, check with a level: it must be exactly horizontal. In case of a difference of more than 1 centimeter, level with a concrete mortar.

After that, evenly place the roofing material in several layers, smeared with each other with mastic. Experts call the following stacking technology optimal: 2 layers of roofing material, laying board, one more layer of roofing material. Connect the bars of the first crown to each other in half a tree, and in order to prevent possible later shifts of the bars, arrange a secret spike.

The next step is the insulation of the crown crown. For this, a layer of flax-jute fiber laid over a beam is optimally suited. The next crown is laid on the insulation layer, and so on, alternating timber and thermal insulation. This will help to avoid blowing through in possible cracks, and will also play an important role in the subsequent hydro and vapor barrier of the bath from the inside.

Choosing the right timber for the first crown

The beam must be selected and prepared in advance so as not to be distracted by trifles and shortcomings during the construction process. To install the first crown, you should choose a high-quality material, since the integrity of the structure during operation depends on it:

  • the beam must be perfectly flat;
  • there should be no knots and chips on the surface;
  • the main condition is the maximum density of the beam rings; for the manufacture of such material, the middle part of the tree is taken;
  • a beam with traces of blue on the surface of the wood is categorically unacceptable not only for the first crown, but for the entire frame.

The finished timber produced at the factory is usually already processed and completely ready for use, but additional processing will not hurt, especially for the construction of a bath. Thoroughly coat the beam with mastic, which is pre-mixed with mining. Impregnation based on this composition is perfectly absorbed into the wood. The ends of the timber do not need to be processed, they should remain bare and release moisture from themselves during drying and shrinkage of the structure.

It depends on how carefully you process the timber, how long it will last faithfully lower crown, which means - and all the walls of your bath.

Methods for locking beams in a log house

There are several ways to connect the timber in the walls of the bath, which will avoid the effects of wind and cold temperatures on the room from the outside. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Method one: butt joint. With it, the bars are joined at the ends to each other, while each connecting seam is overlapped from above by the next. In order for the butt joint to be reliable and not lose its qualities over time, follow the ends of the bars: they must be absolutely even. The cut makes an angle of 90 degrees.

However, a butt joint, even a very tight one, does not exclude rather high heat losses through such corners of the bath. Well, since the bath should be warm and cozy, it is worth considering such a method as " warm corner”, which is a connection of bars into a root spike.

For such a connection, a special groove is made in the end part of one of the bars, and a vertical spike is made in the other bar, at the end. In some cases, knitting is done according to the principle of a double or triple slotted spike, that is, several vertical spikes are made on the beam, respectively.

Whatever type of beam connection you choose for the walls of your bath, the most important thing is to remember to lay the interventional insulation between the beams. This will simultaneously increase the density of the connection of building materials and serve as excellent thermal insulation for the entire log house.

Sometimes during construction it may be necessary to splice the bars along the length. In this case, the "butt" method for splicing is not recommended for use. For such work, there are types of splicing that have been used for a long time:

  • oblique cut at the ends, or oblique butt;
  • end butt joint with a crest preventing the formation of cracks;
  • direct overlay method, in which the cutting is twice the thickness of the beam in length;
  • a relatively new and more practical method of slanted and slanted escutcheon, which provides resistance to lateral loads.

Insulation used for laying between crowns

As mentioned above, flax jute is the most optimal material to provide insulation between the crowns. Now it can be bought at any building supermarket. This insulation comes in rolls. different widths, depending on the size of the selected log or beam, which greatly simplifies the choice, in addition, it is very easy to cut into strips according to the selected length. This material is made from natural natural fibers jute and flax, the composition is maintained in strict proportions.

During the production process, a canvas is obtained high density and uniform thickness, in which the fibers are fastened together with special needles with notches.

By laying flax-and-jute between the beams as a heater during the construction of walls, you will save yourself from the need for additional caulking, and after the shrinkage of the beam is over, the walls will take the form of a solid monolith. Such a fabric will not spread due to the loads applied by the crowns, it will provide uniform insulation along the length of the seam, it is resistant to moisture, wind and dust, temperature changes and other climatic troubles.

Dowel for timber

The crowns of the log house should be connected to each other around the entire perimeter, as well as in the corners on the lock joints using dowels, or wooden round dowels. Such pins should be made of hardwood, that is, larch, oak or ash. The very process of making a dowel is as follows: take an inch board, cut square slats out of it. After sawing them to the required length. Give the slats a rounded shape by squeezing and chipping off the sides.

There is a much simpler and less expensive, "lazy" way to make a nagel. Buy ready-made shovels and rakes from the store, and cut them according to the right size. This can save you a lot of money and especially time.

The installation of dowels in a beam is done at a distance of a meter and a half from each other, and in without fail on each side of the log house at the corners. It is necessary to fasten the beam on those sections of the wall where windows and doors will be located, and fastening should be done 15-20 centimeters before the cutout for the box. This will subsequently prevent the beam from being twisted out of the masonry during the drying of the wood and during the shrinkage of the bath log.

In order to install the dowel, holes are drilled in the beam from above in such a way that the two upper beams are stitched through, and in the third a groove is obtained with a depth of 5 to 7 cm, no more. Strictly maintain the diameter of the dowel: it should be approximately 2 mm smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you do not follow this rule, then during the shrinkage of the log house, the walls can “walk”, which will lead to their significant distortion and affect the boxes for windows and doors. The dowel should easily enter the hole when driving and sink into the upper beam by 5 centimeters.

This method of installing dowels is one of the most common, but far from the only one. Many masters have found their own method, which has become familiar. After all, the most important function of the dowel is to exclude the displacement of the beam inside the masonry and ensure the log house has the correct shrinkage during drying, during which the wood will move freely along the surface of the dowel.

The technology discussed above will make it easy, without any special professional skills, to build walls of the required height, while taking into account the natural drying of wood, and, accordingly, shrinkage in the height of the log house by about 7-8 percent.

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Completion of work on the construction of walls from a bar

After the construction of the walls from the timber for your bath is over, without wasting time, you should start installing ceiling beams and roof construction. It is not worth delaying with this, since the open interior of the bath is subject to the harmful effects of precipitation and wood, as well as the decay of used wood.

When the roof is installed, you can safely get down to work on waterproofing the walls from the inside and decorative trim outside. But this is a completely different story, you still have a lot to do in order for the bathhouse to please you, your family and guests. And we will cover each step in the following articles.

At the very beginning of building a house from a bar, a rather difficult task arises: how to lay the bar on the foundation? After all, without a foundation, none wooden house will not stand idle for a long time: despite all efforts to preserve the lower crowns, they will rot very quickly from moisture constantly coming from the soil. And in order to successfully fix the first crowns on a concrete or brick foundation, you need good theoretical training and at least minimal practical skills.

Preparing to lay the first crowns

For the construction of a house from a bar, shallow-depth tape or pile types of foundations are most often used. It is possible to build such a house on a monolithic foundation, but this is justified only if the construction is carried out on moving ground. In other cases, the cost of construction monolithic foundation not justified economically.

Monolithic and strip foundation serve as a grillage for the log house. When applied pile foundation the grillage is formed from the first laid crowns. Fastening a beam to a foundation of a monolithic or tape type can be done in two ways:

  • hard fixation;
  • surface mounting.

The first option is much superior to the second both in terms of reliability and complexity of execution. Therefore, in practice, the second option is more often used, as it is simpler in execution. But, regardless of the method chosen, the following tools will be needed for fastening work:

  • hydraulic level;
  • planer (it is preferable to use electric);
  • hand saw;
  • a large wooden mallet;
  • kit wrenches(with a rigid mounting option).

After the foundation has hardened, but before laying, use a hydraulic level to check it for horizontal. Such a horizontal plane of the foundation must be absolutely flat, since the quality and reliability of the future log house directly depend on this. The difference on the tape of one wall should not be more than 1 cm. If bulges are found, they must be cut off grinder, and fill the cavities with a cement solution and give it time to securely grab.

Immediately before laying the crowns, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. It is performed in at least two layers, with a lining board laid between them. The lining board, and, accordingly, the second and subsequent layers of waterproofing should be wider than the foundation tape along its entire perimeter by approximately 25 cm.

As an insulating material, two layers of roofing material are most often used, and in Lately for greater reliability, it is customary to add a layer of glass isol from above. When performing waterproofing work, it must be taken into account that roofing material layers in the corners of the foundation must be overlapped.

How to ensure a hard fix?

Rigid fixation is performed using foundation bolts or clamps. If, when pouring the foundation, a scheme was provided for attaching the lower row of beams to the foundation, then this is best and easiest.

Such a system is formed from foundation bolts embedded in upper layer foundation during pouring. To do this, immediately after the completion of the pouring, foundation bolts with conical ends are immersed into the upper layer of the foundation for at least a third of their length in increments of 0.5 m. In this case, it should be possible to fix each installed crown with at least two bolts.

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the lower crowns by drilling holes in them. The pitch of the holes must match the pitch of the bolts embedded in the foundation, so that their studs can enter the holes directly when laying them. The crowns are adjusted to the size of the foundation if the log house is to be driven out “into the paw”, or left with a margin if the log house is planned to be forced into the “bowl”.

The crowns are fixed to the foundation with locknuts; wide washers are previously placed under them for better fixation. Moreover, in order to avoid distortions, the nuts must be tightened sequentially around the entire perimeter of the foundation, turning each one no more than 2-3 turns.

The scheme for fastening the crowns on a pile or pile-screw foundation looks a little different. In order to attach the first crowns to such a foundation, special heads are mounted on piles deepened into the ground, resembling in their own way appearance the letter "P". Mounting holes are pre-provisioned in their side plates.

In the heads mounted on piles, a sheet of roofing material is laid in 2-3 layers and only then - crowns. The beam is placed in the grooves of the heads, connecting it in the corners into a “paw” or into a “bowl”, and fixed with screws or studs and locknuts. In the latter case, it is required to additionally drill through the entire crown, and the pitch of the holes in the crown must exactly match the pitch of the holes in the head.

Overhead installation for forcing log cabins is used much more often, since during its implementation there is no rigid fixation of the log cabin to the foundation, and the immobility of the lower rims is ensured by the weight of the log house itself. With this method, the laying of the first crown on the foundation is carried out in the same way as with rigid fixation, with the exception of the use of foundation bolts and nuts.

Secrets of the technique of laying the lower crowns

Having completed the processes of waterproofing and preparing the lower rims, you can go directly to the device bottom strapping. It is very important for her to choose the highest quality timber. To do this, it must be sorted out in advance. Material that gives off blue, deformed or in which there are a lot of knots is best left for the top of the log house. The lower crowns must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants before laying.

The main task of the lower strapping is to ensure the connection of the timber in the corners strictly at 90º.

It is this requirement that makes the tying process very slow, because upon completion it is necessary to check the corners using the intersecting diagonal method (measure with a cord or thick fishing line the distance between 1 and 3 corners, and then between 2 and 4). If there are the smallest discrepancies in the measurements, the strapping must be redone until the measured diagonals show exactly the same result.

They start laying the crowns from the corners, where they are joined together according to the chosen scheme: in a “bowl” or in a “paw”. For the first row, you need to choose the most even bars. First, on a layer of waterproofing with a step of no more than 30 cm wooden slats at least 15 mm wide. This will eliminate the direct contact of the beam with the foundation, greatly extending the life of the erected log house.

On top of the laid rails, the first row of bars is mounted. It is necessary to lay so that there are no gaps between them. For the crowns laid below, this is very important, since they will continue to constantly experience the pressure of the entire wall. Even small cavities left between them can play a very cruel joke, as a result of which the entire log house will have to be sorted out.

The bars laid in the bottom row must be fastened together at the corner joints construction staples or nails, additionally ensuring the strength of their adhesion.

Connecting together all the crowns of the lower row and making sure that all corner connections are equal to 90º, it is necessary to measure the horizontal of the laid crowns with the help of a hydraulic level. And only after a flat horizontal plane of the bottom row is reached, you can proceed with the further installation of the walls.

The gap between the first crown and the foundation, remaining due to the underlayment of the rails, must be eliminated. It is usually closed mounting foam, which will firmly connect the foundation and the timber, protecting the latter from subsidence and providing the entire structure with additional fastening. Upon completion of the installation of the log house, the gap filled with mounting foam will need to be closed with decorative platbands or special ebbs, otherwise the foam will quickly collapse under the action of the sun. Sometimes wooden slats are used to seal it.

The quality and durability of the entire frame largely depends on the quality of laying the lower crowns. Therefore, it must be performed very carefully, following the saying "measure seven times, cut once." And then the built house will delight you with its warmth and unique charm of a wooden house for many years.

To build a solid house from a bar, all operations must be carried out as thoroughly as possible. Particular attention should be paid to laying the first crown, since the quality of this work will determine whether the walls of the house will stand perfectly even and form an angle of 90?. That is why it is impossible to rush when laying the first crown. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this work.

Before proceeding with the laying of the first crown of a house from a bar, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing measures for the foundation. Before laying the waterproofing, it is necessary to carefully check the horizontalness of the upper surface of the foundation. To do this, use a hydraulic level. If the difference is more than 1 cm along the plane of the foundation, then it is necessary to carry out additional work by alignment. The plane is leveled with concrete mortar.

Experts strongly recommend laying 2 layers of waterproofing material first, then laying board and another layer of waterproofing. The materials that are used for waterproofing must be laid in such a way that, after laying all the layers, they extend beyond the edges of the foundation by 25 cm on each side along the entire perimeter.

The choice of timber for laying the first crown - high-quality material is needed

  1. knots should not be many,
  2. bars should be straight
  3. it is better to refuse the material with blue - it is not suitable for laying the first crown,
  4. the density of the timber rings should be as high as possible - such material is made from the middle part of the tree.

The selected beam is carefully coated with bituminous mastic mixed with mining. Such a composition is used to ensure that the impregnation is deeply absorbed into the wood. It is not recommended to process the ends of the timber - this is necessary so that moisture can "leave" the timber. It depends on the thoroughness of the processing of the timber how long the lower crown of the timber house will ensure the reliability of the walls, and hence the whole log house.

Laying the first crown - the formation of a reliable basis for the construction of walls

  • On top of the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to lay out the slats treated with an antiseptic agent after 30 cm. The thickness of the slats is about 15 mm.
  • Bars are laid on the slats, forming the first layer. The use of rails allows you to protect the bars and prevent their contact with the foundation. If this work is carried out in this way, then the durability of a house made of timber will be increased.
  • The gap between the beam and the foundation is filled with mounting foam.
  • To determine the evenness of the surface, the hydraulic level is again used. If the horizontal position of the surface after laying the first crown is violated, then the walls will be uneven. So, if necessary, it is necessary to level the surface.

There is a point of view that it is necessary to carry out a very strong fastening of the first crown to the foundation. But not all builders believe that this is necessary. Since a house made of timber is quite heavy, if all the mandatory rules are followed, you can be sure that it will stand firmly on the foundation, even if you do not use anchors. In this case, corner joints are performed without a locking joint - the beam is butted with ends. This docking method is used so that in the future it will be possible to replace any timber without disassembling the corners of the house. When joining partitions in the corners, it is necessary to use metal brackets or plates for connection.

The angles when laying the lower crown of a log house should be equal to 90 degrees. This is a very strict rule that must not be violated, as it is very important to ensure the perfect geometry of the house. The opposite sides of the house should be equal in length, and the diagonals should also be the same in length. If these conditions are met, then you can be sure that the geometry of the house will meet all the requirements. One of the most important conditions is to carry out work in a calm rhythm, as the rush can turn into serious problems.

Construction of a subfloor - ensuring the strength of the flooring and comfortable conditions in the house

After laying the lower crown and carefully treating it with an antiseptic, it is necessary to proceed with the installation of the subfloor. This work is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the installation of beams is carried out. At the same time, a bar is used as a log, the cross section of which is 100x150 mm. The laying of boards is carried out on a narrow end of a log from a bar. Logs must be cut into the lower crown. In this case, a step of 70 cm is used. When laying long logs (more than 3 m), paddles are used, for which a bar with a section of 150x200 mm is used.
  2. The lateral part of the lag is fixed from below with the help of cranial bars (section 50x50 mm).
  3. The base of the floor is laid out on cranial bars. Laying is carried out in such a way that there are no gaps between the boards, that is, closely. At the same time, boards are not attached to beams and bars.
  4. Next, it is necessary to insulate the floor of the house - to carry out the laying of waterproofing, an insulating layer and a vapor barrier layer.
  5. To create a ventilation gap, a counter rail is laid longitudinally to the beams.
  6. Flooring is carried out from boards, forming in this way a draft floor.

According to experts, a durable warm floor in log house can be formed using a multi-layer structure, constituent parts which will be a draft floor, insulation, waterproofing layer, finishing flooring and top coat gender.

Between the rough and finish flooring, you can install a system that will provide floor heating. It should be noted that you need to carefully choose materials for the floor, since the floor must be without obvious gaps and with reliable joints.

Creating a subfloor in a house from a bar is of great importance, providing comfort and coziness during indoor areas thanks to the use of natural environmentally friendly materials.

Video - Installation of the first crowns of a house from a bar

If you want your home to be good, capital building, pleased for many years not only you, but also your heirs, it is necessary to carefully approach its construction, compliance with technologies and standards. It is important to understand that the strength and durability of the building depends on each action. That is why we will analyze how to lay the first crown of timber - after all, this is the key to a successful construction result.

What will be discussed:


When laying the first crown of timber, it is important to study all technical standards, to do the work efficiently at all stages.

Even before laying, pay special attention to the arrangement of waterproofing.

The foundation must be checked with a special building level if there is a difference of more than one centimeter, then the surface will have to be leveled. This is usually done with concrete mortar.

When the leveling material is completely dry, you can start laying waterproofing, best of all - in several layers. It must be fastened in such a way that waterproofing material went beyond the perimeter of the surface by 25 cm on all sides.

What material to use

Laying the first crown of timber requires the highest quality, proven material. It must meet the following requirements:

  • do not have notches and knots;
  • have a flat surface;
  • be made from the heart of a tree. This can be determined by the density of the rings;
  • do not give blue.

If you have already chosen a timber, then also stock up on bituminous mastic, which is useful for processing. The end parts of the timber at this stage should not be touched with impregnation, this can lead to a loss of moisture in the wood. Scrupulousness in performing these operations will make the first crown of a house made of timber unusually stable, durable, and ensure the reliability of the entire structure.

Styling procedure

It is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. lay out the slats pre-treated with an antiseptic over a layer of waterproofing material, keeping a gap of 30 cm between them, as seen in the photo;
  2. place the bars on the rails, which will form the first layer. Reiki play the role of a buffer between the timber and the surface of the foundation, preventing them from touching;
  3. fill the resulting space with high-quality mounting foam, leaving no gaps. The foam will securely fasten the materials, preventing the building from deforming or tilting;
  4. measure the evenness of the surface using the building level. If irregularities are found, the first crowns of the house made of timber are laid crookedly, then it is imperative to align them so that the walls of the house turn out to be even.


The question of how the crowns should be laid from a bar causes a lot of disagreement among specialists. Some believe that the crown should be attached to the foundation, while others insist that such fasteners are completely optional.

Since the construction using glued laminated timber has a large mass, professionals say that it will be stable even without anchors. In this case, it is important to apply the technology of docking without a lock, so that any of the bars can be easily replaced without complicating the process of disassembling the corners. If you are building a house with your own hands, then having studied both opinions, you can decide how you will fix the lower crown of the house from a bar.

Strip foundation

How to attach bars to strip foundation? To connect the first crown of the timber, follow the instructions below:

  • purchase fasteners, make sure that they are in abundance;
  • check the evenness of the surface with a building level;
  • eliminate the resulting irregularities with a special mixture;
  • stop the choice on the methods of joining the bars: in a bowl or in a paw. In order to determine the best - check out the training video;
  • drill holes in the beams of a smaller diameter than the anchor studs, which are then concreted into the base;
  • connect the corner parts of the first crown with nails;
  • again check the level of all corners, remove bumps with a planer.

pile foundation

If your house has this type of foundation, then for laying it is necessary to make a strapping. This is due to the fact that the piles do not provide uniform support, and the pressure in some places may be greater.

Make sure the piles are properly positioned in the foundation. Eliminate deviations by sawing the timber in the right places. Place the anchor fasteners at the corners of the lower crown of the bars, fill them with mortar. Use aluminum corners to reinforce outside corners. Then clearly cut the bars to ensure their secure joining. Fill the joints with jute. This method is preferred by most novice builders, as it is very convenient, and the building is given additional strength due to the first crown. In addition, there are a lot of master classes on the Internet in which experts share the secrets of this styling method.

Corner condition

It is important to ensure the connection of crowns from a bar at an angle of 90 degrees. This is a golden recommendation for the construction of corrugated timber, the violation of which can be fraught with consequences during further construction.

If you follow the rule exactly, then the geometry of the house will not be violated, the opposite walls of the intersection diagonal will be the same in length. Such a house will last a very long time without being deformed.

Final stage

If the lower crown of the beams is securely fastened with dowels, then there is no need to additionally use anchors. Check if you have followed the sequence of actions:

  • if the walls of the house are not very long, then at least two bolts should be located on one piece of timber;
  • check corners and diagonal connections with a building level;
  • firmly install vertical racks at the base.

Remember that haste in this matter is completely inappropriate, the final result depends on your actions: the fundamental nature of the structure, its quality and further comfort during living.