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Eighteenth lunar day. "Days of the duration" Moon Albert Great

16th lunar day

Name - "Butterfly", "Pigeon", "Psyche", "Staircase on the sky" (denoting a difficult path of climbing), "Day of dedication of preachers." Sometimes it is in full moon.

This is the day of updates and cleansing after the previous 15-lunar days. One of the pure days of contemplation, imagination, justice. Equilibrium day between flesh (physical) and Naviv (astral) bodies. Good to do any bodily exercises and asians of yoga, which contribute to mental equilibrium. It is necessary to maintain peace of mind and the world in the soul (whatever happens), behave quietly and modestly, because the sign of this day is moderation. It should be engaged in peacekeeping. The first half of the day is especially favorable, it allows you to use the energy of the day with the greatest return. Creative activities are enhanced, cases are favorable, marital relations are improved, sexual force increases. Inspiration may appear, creative insight, intuitive insight. Day is successful for trading and traveling. About the family created on this day, say: "Live soul in the soul". It is based on the spiritual equilibrium of the spouses.

The second half of the day is less favorable and difficulties may occur. You can not negotiate something serious on this day. Sensual pleasures will begin to occupy a lot of time and will absorb a lot of vitality (you can overcome it). The sense of satiety and dissatisfaction can cause quarrels between loved, they can complicate relationships with friends and colleagues. Creek, unceremonious behavior should be excluded on this day, it is impossible to break the world in the shower - then the balance between the flesh (physical) and Naviv (astral) bodies is disturbed. A person must try to get rid of bad thoughts, at least - not to develop them, not to give them the stroke. To this day, a statement of Vedic Scriptures is well suited: "You need to be similar bees, collecting nectar, and not flies that collect any nastyness". Overloads in professional activities and sports should be avoided, as it is possible to overcome vitality to the detriment of relations with close people. Evil, hostility, envy, sex on this day lead to fall and reduce the achievement of previous days of the month. Dirt plotting to clothing - a sign of spiritual impurity. Cannot kill birds.

Health - The day of the blood update, its diseases speak of spiritual impurity. It is good to carry out a wash (especially if the moon in the aquare) can be washed with illuminated water. On this day, all other types of purification, contributing to mental equilibrium of man, are favorable on this day. These lunar days are associated with the spleen (you can clean it) and the chakra manipura.

Food - contraindicated use of animal food and mushrooms. Food with the qualities of goodness, contributing to the spiritual development of a person.

Conception - mirny temper I. soft character, love for animals and plants will be characteristic of a person, conceived in the first half of this day. It will be distinguished peace of mind, desire for perfection and spiritual purity. Many people will seek comfort from your child. In his life there will be a lot of change and travel, the abilities for healing will appear. Rough words, dirty thoughts on this day will be attracted to your family not so pure soul - your manifestations of weakness and rudeness can repeatedly withdraw in the child.

Birth - people of high development, born on this day, love purity and white color, prone to blue and silver, wear light clothes. They are creators and fifteentifiers, they have a long and fruitful life, they rarely condemn others. When people are 16th ld They are on the first step of spiritual development, they still do not hear anything, but already in the second and third - they begin to understand the language of plants and animals, they can interact with time, to influence Karma ("Correction of the Past"). But if the people of this day of the Moon are a bit spiritually and do not seek to self-cultivating, it may seem to them that they all limit them. And their whole life can pass in the fight against these restrictions, and not with their shortcomings. Parents should help understand such children as a child, that all the similar "restrictions" of the imaginary and that it is them that they are given a huge vitality for manifestation of their will and achieve the tasks. Well, if at the same time adults will teach the child to exercise and appreciate light sides His character and a bright start in other people, confirming it with their example.

Dnah - Dreams of truth and often come true to complete pleasure. It is often help to remove the internal tension. Dreams are trying to help us gain balance in life, calm down, lead into the world of dreams. These are dreams-healers. But perhaps they have the most interesting information for the further development of your spirit.

Stones - tourmaline (Lion, Capricorn, Sagittarius), Charoit (Gemini), Spinel (Lion), Emerald (Cancer, Fish), Pearls (except black; Cancer).

In esoteric schools, this day is dedicated to the disciples in knowledge. To spend a day in meditation, relaxation and calm state of the Spirit. The family union concluded on this day is based on harmony. Do not condemn anyone. Keep equilibrium. It is useful to clean the house modesty in the manifestation of feelings. It is better to spend this day secluded. Moderation, no need to zeal. Try not to show discontent Echo 1st lunar day. Check if your plans are real.

17th moon laziness

Name - "Nabat", "Bell", "Grape cluster". IN Ancient Greece - Day of the Mystery of Dionisa (Sacred Vakhanlia satisfied); In Hinduism - "Shakti Day" (Yin's Day Energy, as well as - the day of the priestess of love and dancers who personify earthly, carnal love).

The day of delight and the joy of being, the accumulation of vitality and the acquisition of internal liberation, the day of growth and fertility. It is associated with the transformation of female natural forces (energies). One of the bright characteristics of this day is love. At the highest level (under certain spiritual development), it is possible to understand the understanding of higher love. It is necessary to configure yourself to just see the joyful side of life, laugh more and do everything that is good. The seventeenth day of the moon is preferably carried out in communication, fun, liberty, you can relax and have fun with friends. These lunar days are suitable for speeches and songs, mastering the power exercises and transfiguration in the work of the accumulated sexual energy. On this day, mutual communication is charged vital power and men and women. Therefore, it is favorable for married relations, for weddings and weddings. Family created on this day for a long time will stay on earthly love and confused sexual relations. Success will be accompanied by the beginning of new cases. The second half of the day is particularly favored: you can solve complex tasks by talking or with the help of new thoughts and undertakings. In the "diplomatic" communication can be solved, it would seem, hopeless questions. But in everything there should be a sense of measure.

There is a lot of surprises in yourself because of the excess of female energies, caution should be taken in the actions, keeping calm. Such uncontrollable natural forces can manifest themselves as a rue and strange antics (for example, the lack of culture in the beytia is drunkenness). The first half of the day is especially difficult: it has no equilibrium, there is a lot of unnecessary fuss and hostility, so difficulties may arise "on an empty place." It is better to avoid difficulties and do not create them artificially. It is impossible to swear and allow the quarrel, as well as to engage in "self-confidence". It should be carefully applied to all proposals and your own promises in order not to make debts. Summary, vanity, selfishness can push friends, reliable employees, bosses. Possible difficulties in business connections and in communication. The passion for the excess of sensual energies can play with you a cruel joke: you can lose more than to buy.

Health - On this day, it is impossible to take medicines, drugs, alcohol, exciting drinks. Even if you are constantly taking medicines - you care on this day. From the 17th d. connected endocrine system, pituitary gland, kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as the Hara Energy Center ("Spool"). It is useful to take a diuretic. The disease of this day can be quite dangerous, sometimes incurable.

Conception - it is possible that the conception of the baby on this day will pass in violence and fun. Then the same violent and bright will be his character. At best, he will be cheerful, lucky and easy in communication with man. At worst, it will become a cheater and drunk, especially if you used alcohol and someone yourself deceived. All the best and worst in you can get a development in your child.

Birth - a man born on this day can be happy and at a certain level of development will be able to flourish in life. However, he will strongly need a true spouse - the source of the opposite sexual energy, in its support. In the Family Union, such people complement each other, while they have both shared affairs (for example, professional activities), and each of them lives his life. Man of the 17th L.D. will be able to achieve a lot in life with the help of the second half. Otherwise, if he is heavowless and forgets about his own spiritual development, he will be pity and weak will constantly change the partners, chasing the invested dream and passing by his pair. In marriage, such people often enshrine their spouse (spouse) or themselves become addicted. Parents must raise in their child before his incentiveness understanding of true values family life, the ability to confront sensual temptations and not to go for sensory jeads. It is extremely important to teach such a child the ability to be grateful for the help provided him. It is not given to everyone in life with everyone - most often, people are deceived, going on their own illusions, sensual pleasures or on the "standards" of society.

Dnah - performed on the same day or three days later. If the dream is pleasant - you are balanced, if not - then with love and creativity you are not okay.

Dreams demonstrate our creative power, inspiration and sexuality. If they are pleasant, then this is all right. If you are painful, then our creative, sexual energy is suppressed.

Stones- transparent amethyst (twins, scales, aquarius), tiger and falconry (twins, Virgo), hematite (cancer, scorpion).

Acquisition of internal freedom. Grape cluster - a symbol of intuitive knowledge. What is your inner world, Such and desires on this day. The family union, concluded on this day, is based on a big earthly love of two people. Good invite guests, treat, arrange a feast. The day is beautiful for love in all its manifestations. Good hurry children. Sexual energy mastery.

18th lunar day

Name - "Mirror", "Loda", "Monkey" (in ancient Egypt, Babian was dedicated to Anubis; in the Indian Scriptures, Hanuman is a noble leader of monkeys), "aspid" (this is the name of one of the strongest vampires).

What is happening in the eighteenth day of the moon is a mirror reflection of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions. Each of us deserves their mirror: one - smooth and clean, the other - the curve, the third - everything sees in the distorted light, as if a mirror fragment hit the eye (as in the fairy tale G.Ch. Andersen "Snow Queen"). The "mirror" of this day shows us what we deserve. This is the day of knowledge of himself - what he represents. A person cannot change circumstances, but may otherwise treat them, learn from this lesson and submit this example to other people. The first half of the day is favorable and allows, thanks to patience and hard work, to achieve the patronage of the authorities and wealthy friends. Day is favorable to improve the material situation (for example, to increase the salary), including with the help of friends. Charm, pressure, sexual force are intensified, but in all required prudence and restraint. You need to carefully follow your thoughts, be attentive to the words of others. It is important to keep the sobriety of the mind and show sanity. Heal day.

The day is associated with the imitation, with the following thoughts. Each person on this day should pay attention to his bad and unclean thoughts, try to see himself from the outside, to refuse self-deception and invalidation, from low-lying wishes and actions. You should develop a sober view of the world. For weak people - The day is heavy, it can become for them and the day of spiritual fall, errors. A person who does not want to fight with its lowland nature can pursue seductions or nightmares, all sorts of obstacles - can seek the impression that he is trying to knock down from the true path. On this day, it is necessary to purify the vanity and pride, tricks and cunning, self-speaking and self-deception. Especially in the second half of the day excessive pressure and fussy activity, pride and hostility, unmanaged energies can serve poor service. At this time, the susceptibility to negative influences and energy infective infection (for example, through television, the media), the consequences of which will affect the next day are enhanced.

Health - You should pay attention to the kidneys that weaken on this day. It is useful to clean the intestines, many people favorably cheer. Alcohol and smoking are contraindicated. If skin diseases appeared on this day of the moon or wounds revealed - this is a sign of violation by man of space laws. With any treatment you need to be careful. Cleansing skin, ablution, steam bath (especially if the moon in aquare or other air sign), massages, better sleep less. The cause of the disease of this day may be energy or informational impact. If it is wrong to use the energy of this day, then nightmares can dream, rashed on the skin and even eczema. On this day, purulent wounds can be revealed. The disease can be long.

Food - On this day a favorable starvation or unloading diet. For example, vegetable nutrition (nuts and vegetable oil are especially favorable). Animal (more precisely - "slaughter") food on this day is harmful, as it enhances the impact of negative energies per person. Dairy diet (milk and fermented milk products), on the contrary, will soften the negative effects of the day.

Conception - the child is conceived on this day, there may be weak health. But he will be clever and quiet, if he is hardworking - will be rich and love. It is impossible to raise the egoist, a sadness and lazy, otherwise it is waiting for the collapse of hopes and loneliness. In the future, it will be necessary to cultivate the bright directions of his nature in the child, as being smart, but selfish and self-limiting, he can deliver many sufferings to those who love him.

Birth - if a person is born with a high level of spiritual development, he will be able to feat and self-sacrifice, remaining modest and simple. Such people see the world as it is, aware of their actions and live wisely. They can direct and instruct other people helping them. If in the 18th ld You give advice a man born on this day, it is necessary to listen to him! The high-dimensional man of these lunar days can become a healer or a servant of a high idea. If the level of human development is low, "without a rod", he will see the world turned over (often "aroused to the absurd", like satyriki and comedy actors), to oppose everyone as a monkey, and at the same time consider themselves the crown of creation. He can get confused in the conclusions and go down to cynicism, without sparing shrines and any of the close and loving people. Such a person considers to be correct to impose his opinion to other people, it happens with his thoughts and mania. Talking with him, you must remember that he is unlikely to understand you, as it distorts the meaning of your words in favor of his understanding. It is necessary to be able to recognize such people, be able to communicate with them. Parents are a big responsibility, first of all, for the moral education of such a child, they must teach him sensible and cultivate modesty and simplicity, respect for other people, peoples and shrines.

Dnah - separates come true, but not soon. On this day it is better to sleep less.

There is a state of health and ways to fasten, as well as what our strength is intensive. We can understand how to get rid of it.

Stones - white Agat (Taurus Gemini), opal (cancer), spinel (lion), legged (cancer, fish), lilac amethyst (twins, scales, aquarius).

After the restraint and takeoff of all the aspirations of the 17th day, it is advisable not to be in pride from the dignity: what's the "cool" and dislike! On this day a favorable healing. Household chores. Cleansing space: candles, lamps, incense. The day of acquiring longevity. Recommended a vegetarian diet. Overcome excessive sexuality, turn it into the energy of creativity. Credit with dark forces within yourself. Observe justice. Support, support, protection. In general, this is a good work day! Everything will be successful.

The 18th lunar day is a mirror reflection of your personality. All events taking place today, all surprises and oddities help carefully look at their inner "I".

Description of the eighteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 18th lunar day - mystification, deception, passive energy. The day is well suited to analyze your actions, pay attention to your thoughts and emotional state. The ability to evaluate yourself from the side on this day is unusually strong. If you do not suffer overestimated self-esteem and myself, this day will help you learn the reason and the consequence of your past mistakes. Make the right conclusions and can succeed in affairs, establish relations in the family.

Features and properties of the 18th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • symbols of these days - mirror, ice, monkey;
  • the astrologers include spinel, lilac amethysts to stones-talismans; opals; White agates;
  • element - fire;
  • the main colors are emerald, all shades of green, malachite.

The main rule of 18 lunar days is to correctly appreciate the course of events, look at everything from the outside. What is happening today should make you make thinking over your behavior, reveal the essence of your negative actions. If you learned this lesson, it means that you can continue to move in the right direction and to achieve significant success.

In the eighteenth day we need to be afraid of fraud, gossip, intrigue and deception. Try to be extremely collected, carefully follow the actions and words of other people in order not to get under the influence of people and not be involved in bad story.

This is not the easiest day of the lunar cycle. On this day, all the energy should be aimed at work on himself. Do spiritual practitioners helping cleanse thoughts and strengthen your positive sides. On this day, do not judge anyone strictly, show condescension to people who are trying to deceive you. Do not wish anyone evil, go aside, keep prudence and do not find out the relationship. Give the universe to deal with those who are trying to harm others.

Lunar relations in the 18th day

The eighteenth lunar day is fraught with quarrels in the team, begging between lovers, family scandals. In the morning, unpleasant and unexpected events may occur. All aggression and conflict arises on the "empty" place, it seems to weigh in the air. Do not allow yourself to provoke, constrain your emotions, show exposure.

On the eighteenth day of the lunar cycle, try not to look like a terry egoist and cynic. Do not look at the world with a self-dressing smile. Today you can lose much more than respect for others. You can lose jobs or family. Think of your actions, follow the conversation. Sometimes words bring much more damage than actions.

Spend this day in contemplation, reading spiritual literature, meditations. If there is no possibility to retire, try to narrow the circle of your communication.

Houses load home any important, but individual work. For joint activities and stormy games with children, this day is not suitable. Children will be capricious, and annoy you. The second half will argue and be offended by trifles.

Registration of relationships and sex

In the 18th lunar days it is better to abandon marriage. Especially if it is not built on mutual love, and on the calculation. Such a marriage will not be happy and long. Cheating, treason, permanent quarrels - this is what the spouses expect.

Only pairs whose feelings are tested for a very long time can be married. These newlyweds can count on the fact that their union bless, and will keep heaven.

Sex should not be too stormy and diverse. Give preference to gentle, calm hugs. Astrologers believe that it is worth watching, so that you have not reflected in love with love mirror surface. This will leadbrain the whole of your essence in a slutty astral demon.

Conception of a child

The 18th day is quite suitable for conception. Despite the fact that the child can be born not very strong physically, he will live a long and secure life. Faceted kids on this day, grow talented, smart and hardworking people. They achieve fame and recognition, sometimes able to make a feat, often become healers.

The main task of the parents is not to give the child to feel like the Absolute. In this case, he will finish his days in poverty and loneliness.

Work on this lunar day

The very passive 18th lunar days do not have too active actions. The day is unpredictable, aggressive and rather complicated. Do not start any important projects, do not take responsible decisions, do not develop far-reaching plans.

In these days, the likelihood of deception, errors and the obstacles arising from nothing. Continue the work already started, do what you have long been postponed in the "Long" box.

Bad day for teamwork. You can assume a mistake, and the resourceful colleague that has long dreamed of "hanging" will not miss your chance. Communication with the bosses are minimized. Today is not the time when you can go to it in the Cabinet with a pile of rational offers.

In business, it is best to show caution and not deal with important issues. Do not conduct major financial transactions, do not sign documents, do not conclude promising treaties with partners. This day is not suitable for real estate operations and hiking in banking institutions.

The day is suitable for creative activity - ideas are in the air, inspiration does not leave all day. Today, an amazing work of art can be created, in which the mirror image of his Creator will appear.

Is it worth changing the old work on a new

The eighteenth lunar day does not like to dismiss or change work. You can easily be in the hands of fraudsters or false people. You will tell you a whole fairy tale about the advantages and benefits of a new workplace, and as a result - complete disappointment. So to get a job on new job Choose another lunar day.

Lunar Health

In the eighteenth lunar day, pay special attention to the kidneys and appendicitis. Try not to eat sharp, sweet, calorie. Do not drink store juices and alcoholic beverages. In general, it is better to abandon food and only drink water.

Today is not a very favorable health. Chronic diseases may be aggravated or old wounds will inflate. It is advisable to spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere, try to reduce the physical burden on the body.

Pay attention to its skin - perform cleansing procedures, make nutrient and moisturizing masks.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircuts on lunar days

Today, with a hike in the hairdresser is not so simple. On the one hand, on this day, the complete all-wheelhang - the hairstyle made today will retain his form for a very long time. In addition, some astrologers argue that the 18th lunar day is well suited for changing the image - the choice of a new hair clipper. This will add an irresistible charm to your image, and also will well affect the operation of the excretory and respiratory system.

The teaching of the Tibetan mystical school prohibits a visit to the hairdresser on this day. They argue that today is an extremely bad lunar day for hair cutting. Sliced \u200b\u200bstrands "burn" your energy and make harm to physical and mental health. There may also be a situation at which you lose great amount money, valuable property or even real estate. In order not to risk once again, transfer the hike to the stylist to another lunar day.

Characteristic of people born in the 18th lunar day

The one who was born in these lunar days has many talents. They manifest themselves in creativity, in work, in building career staircase. Often "twelve" serve high ideals, but at the same time remain in the shade. High performance and diligence with which they are given to their work bring them recognition and wealth.

However, the "twelfth people" should constantly work on themselves and engage in self-development. Egocentrism, cunning and greed - all this blooms fully if they are amenable to temptations. He who cannot cope with his arrogance and pride will destroy his life and remain without family and friends.

People who were born today should constantly engage in spiritual practices, take this world and people in their heart. Compassion and kindness will help them realize their way, their calling, the purpose of life. Often people born in the 18th lunar days become healers, preachers, doctors, teachers.

Children born in the eighteenth lunar day

Children, born today possess a very thin and sensitive organization. They are all perceived close to heart, they cares for each trifle, which is happening with them and their family. Parents must protect the kids from strong upheavals, prevent overvoltage of their psyche.

In the family, where there are no scandals, stormy clarification of relations, children are calm and cheerful. Their talents appear and multiply.

Children born in the eighteenth day are very punched. They can indulge in their favorite lesson, forgetting about the whole the world. Adults must teach a child to live full life, not to be attached to anyone. It is important to teach the "twelve" to relax and relax so that they "do not overcome" and have not lost interest in his favorite case.

What do dreams mean in the 18th lunar day

Dreams in the 18th lunar day perceive as a mirror in which your inner world is reflected. If your real image does not correspond to how you saw yourself in a dream - it's time to think about the disturbed harmony inside your "I". You are moving between your desires and reality, losing your integrity and peace. If you remember your dream well, disassemble it "on the bones" and may be able to determine the cause of your disharmony.

It is not necessary to attach great importance to dreams in which you will see yourself with a real monster. This may indicate that in life, you still lack stubbornness, durability and courage.

Rituals of the 18th Day

It is a good to hold rituals associated with the theme of the lunar day. For example, remove the negative energy accumulated on them from the mirrors.

Cleansing mirrors

Loccasal - a whole world in which not dedicated to the entrance is prohibited. Mystics believe that the mirror can affect the health and fate of the person. So almost all esoteric teachings advise to smile the mirror. In no case say: "As I look awful!". Mirrors require respect for what they reflect.

Today is the day when you can take care of the mirrors. Wipe all mirrors in your holy water house. Then, polishing the mirror "on dry" say these words: "As I wipe on a purely mirror, and I fencing my own from evil." So you clean the whole negative energywhich could be left in your mirrors ill and envious foreign people.

Then bring a burning church candle to the mirror and say: "The candle burns and cleans the mirror." Make a candle circular movement and "walk" with a flame on the contour of the mirror. Conduct this ritual in every 18th day of the lunar calendar.

The main symbol of the 18th lunar days - Monkey, mirror, ice. Additional - crystal.

Stones of the 18th Lunar Day
- Kokhalong, White Agat, opal.

Colors of 18 lunar days
- Malachite and green, emerald.

- kidneys, loin.

Special influence can have for people and on the day in these 18 lunar days another symbol - mirror. On the one hand, it personifies the sincere mind, enlighteability, the purity of the soul, but on the other hand it may be an illusion. Although the day does not carry anything frightening, but these symbols, monkey, mirror, ice, can, how to help and harm.

Since the symbols of this day carry dual characteristics in themselves, you need to pay attention to their influence, but still, it is always worth thinking before taking an important step And do not hurry. There is always a time that can save your strength.

The main characteristics of the 18th lunar day

The 18th lunar day can be divided into two opposite half: for harmonious and disharmonic. Until the middle of the day it will seem for you that nothing positive day carries. The mood will be unbalanced, it is better not to enter into contact at all, if something suddenly does not like it.

In the 1st day such may appear sophisticated questions And the problems that your head goes around. The problems arising will need to be solved immediately, but it will seem to you that they are so heavy and unresolved. But you always need to go ahead and understand that the second half of the day will come when unexpectedly everything is easy and quickly resolved. Perhaps it depended on you, you just showed an effort on yourself and realized that you do not need to lower your hands, panicing or showing aggression.

In any question, you need to show an understanding and be a diplomat, then negotiations will be held in line with friendliness and harmony. If you put your ambitions on the first place and express it in a selfish and vain manner, then you will have to persuade your colleagues, friends, partners and even relatives. None of them will make concessions, even on a compromise.

The 18th lunar day will delight you in the afternoon, which can bring relaxation. You yourself will understand what and when you need to talk and do.

Health and 18 lunar days

In the 18th lunaries you will need to learn to spend your energy, but it is necessary to spend it with the mind so that such an embezzlement brings benefit and health. If you feel that you accumulated a large number of Increasing energy, you will feel wrong in your plate.

Because of the accumulated energy, you can show aggression, discontent. Also may occur in voice, and in the actions of irritation. All these factors can affect sleep. You will be tormented by insomnia.

In order for you to hide well at night, you need to direct your energy in that way, where a positive energy will be returned to you, which will relax your thoughts and mind.
To strengthen a positive effect on your body's energy body, spend cleaning the mind. The body also needs to be empty. In the 18th lunar day there are moments when you will strive for glory and manifestation of egoism. So that such moments do not occur, it is better to bore these arrogant qualities on the root.

For medical indicators, pay attention to the kidneys and the lumbar body of the body. To facilitate the work of these organs, do not drink in this day a large amount of fluid and less need to take salted food.

In the 18th lunar day, some people can detect skin diseases. There is the likelihood of their occurrence, which is based on spiritual wounds, which have not yet passed, therefore, in the form of such diseases, poured on the body. It is better to contact a specialist.

Love and 18th lunar day

In the 18th lunar days it is not worth appointing a date and, moreover, visit them. If your friend is attached to you to you, then he will tell you that it is better not to meet today. And it will not mean that he cooled to you or something like that. Just a date on this day can bring emptiness and loneliness.

If your friend suggested that you transfer a date, you will immediately agree. Your second half is even closer to you, because mutual understanding will come, and such qualities are better to experience than a single emptiness.

Many married couples will take care to each other, and, thus, relationships will come to new levelwhere you will feel a strong attraction that would seem to be lost.

If you met new people in the 18th lunar day, be benevolent, perhaps this new acquaintance will be useful for you in the future.
This lunar day for some people can become a round date, because they will meet true love. They waited for this feeling for a long time, so they deserve to be happy. Lovely people will be a mirror reflection of each other, but it will not prevent them from creating a family, love and take care.

Work and creativity in the 18th lunar days

The 18th lunar days are favorable for creativity and any affairs. Even if preserved hard workToday, any loads are permitted.
The 18th lunar day is believed to collect seeds, the energy of the day contributes to this lesson.

Today is not suitable for solving important negotiations. If there are insignificant work, it is better to do it. Financial questions need to be put on the fore, but only to solve simple tasks in this area.

May arise more quantity Nuances who need to also find their answer and solution. On this day, you can get unexpected and sudden news.
In the first half of the day conflicts arise, unpleasant situations, unexpected troubles. The main thing, keep composure, be calm.

In the negotiations you can go about the wrong opinion, which will affect the future. Therefore, the presence of negotiations on this day must be minimized.
In the 18th lunar day, you can get information about changes in projects and plans too late, after the decision was made, so try not to take hasty conclusions. The error is not always possible to fix. Your task is to be attentive to date and work on ahead, perhaps in such a state you will be able to avoid negative influence and emotions.

Those who were born in the 18th lunar days

In the 18th lunar days, people who are not afraid of work and work, even the greatest things are born. They have high performance, and it is achieved by the properties of their character. If they want to achieve something, they will be stubbornly and persistently go to their goal.

Born on this day, thanks to their natural perseverance, can achieve much in life. In adulthood, they may have a good position in society and financial wealth.

According to their nature, they can be attributed to the leaders, because they have all the qualities to lead people, but they do not always want it. They can give good adviceTo which you need to listen. Insecity in their blood.
If people born in the 18th lunar days, will pay attention to their spiritual world, will develop in this area, they will further acquire well-being and within themselves, and in the material world.

If they are for some reason they will not strive for self-development, they can get confused in their own errors. Because rejection spiritual worldmay behave a number of aggravating consequences. Such people need to do with spiritual mentors if arrogance and egoism are already felt.

Signs of 18th lunar days

In the 18th lunar day, not observed special. Even if it seemed to you that something mystical occurred on this day, it is not worth paying attention to it. On this day, it is advised to contemplate more, regard, to conduct observations, but nothing significant in these actions will be.

Magical rites of the 18th Moon Day

If you suddenly decided to spend magic ritual In the 18th lunar days, then ask only about what is purely only you. Good day to make talismans and overalls on protection. You will be able to do much on this day to do a lot in the area where the main role can be assigned to the use of magical properties.

Special caution in the 18th lunar days

In the 18th lunar days it is better not to make marriage. It may not work out or bring a lot of pain and misfortune. Be also careful that day, if you want to tell about your feelings and try to warn in this and your soul mate. Many words will not be so understood. Postulate the explanation in love for another day.

Dreams and dreams in the 18th lunar days

Dreams that dream of the 18th lunar day will reflect what you imagine yourself. They will give all those thoughts that make up your essence. For example, you have dreamed that you are taking active and energetic actions, but in life you do not do anything like this. Your expectations and desires may not be justified.

Just need to keep calm and not despair. From any situation there is always a way out. Perhaps you need to reconsider the interpretation of sleep. After all, sleep can reflect even insignificant experiences that happen to you. The main thing is to be in harmony with your subconscious.

Mantras of the 18th Lunar Day

I want to receive money confidently and calmly, with ease and joy.

I strive to receive thank you from the Universe.

I want to believe and know that with wealth and happiness I have special ties.

I can easily join the stream that carries abundance into my life.

I am ready to get help from those sources, the existence of which I do not even suspect.

The 18 moon day possesses the energy that makes a person inert, submissive someone else's will. Objectivity and detachment are needed, a look at yourself from the side, refusal of unnecessary emotions, calm.

Symbol of the Day -mirror, ice, monkey.

What remarks 18 lunar day?

18 Lunar day has a mirror symbol and it is not by chance. Everything that happens to you during this period indicates the state of your affairs on this moment.

This lunar day itself acts as a mirror, where the true nature of your "I" is reflected.

In a sense, each event in itself is a symbol that characterizes you as a person. For example, if in the eighteenth day you will envy, it means that you are actually capable of such feelings too. It is not necessary to indignant about what happened, it is better to carefully understand: to whom and why you yourself feel envy.

Keep in mind: in this period the randomness does not happen, everything happens naturally. If you have not decided to strengthen for a long time book regiment, then be prepared for the fact that it is today she will collapse, and it will be a symbol of your laziness and disabling.

If you sincerely helped someone and disinterestedly, then this day will come back to you: wait for a pleasant surprise! In short, the "mirror" of the eighteenth lunar day will show you all your positive and negative sides.

It must be said that some astrologers do not quitely interpret the 18 lunar day. According to the Vedic lunar calendar, the events of this period are not at all karmic¹ of the consequences of previous actions, that is, not acts of "retaliation", but their symbols. They, as a rule, do not protrude tragically and have no far-reaching consequences.

The main thing is to correctly understand the events, soberly look at what is happening and make the appropriate conclusions. Everything happens now not to punish you, and in order for you to think about our own behavior and traits of your character. The next step should be attempting to somehow correct them.

The 18 lunar day should be considered as a lesson designed exclusively for you, and on how accurately and quickly you will digest it, your further life will depend on. In other words, if you again hang the bookshelf somehow, in the near future she will collapse again, and the consequences will be much more unpleasant.

Figuratively speaking, today you "hint", and if the "wet" will not be understood, tomorrow will be punished on the full program. Show on this day maximum observation and intelligence!

Be careful not to become a scandal instigator. Remember: Everything that happens to you is to unfold your inner world outside. The reason for failure lies not in others, but in your incorrect perception of reality. Change your consciousness, and the world around you will change.

If you think you live in hell, realize that this hell is and soul. Listen carefully what they say about you, analyze the words expressed in your address, but do not take them as a guide to action.

Social influence

The sense of subordination, its own and someone's imperfection is exacerbated. There is a strong attitude. The day is good for the owners of acting talents.

Influence in everyday life

Basically, the day has an adverse effect, but it is not very pronounced.

Mystical influence of the day

Day of deception, intrigue, fraud. It is necessary to practice cleaning the body and mind. On this day, imitation, ability to reincarnate and change images.

Do not plan something.

Everyone needs to work with its bad and unclean thoughts; Developing an objective view of the world, try to see yourself from the side, refuse illusions, from low-lying instincts.

What is happening in the eighteenth day can illustrate the following image: the surrounding reality is as if a mirror reflection of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions. Each of us deserves its own: one - the curve, the other - smooth and clean, the third way as if a mirror fragment hit the eye, so he sees everything in a distorted image.

In a word, the mirror shows us in these lunar days what we have worked. On this day, everyone needs a tangent of vanity, from egoism. Contraindicated, useful; Many spiritual teachers recommended starvation.

Medical influence

Attention should be paid to the kidneys: they weaken on this day. On this day, skin diseases may appear, the secret wounds will open (with any diagnosis and treatment it is necessary to be very careful). If something like this happened - it means that a person violated the law of space evolution.

Recommended skin cleansing, massage, ablution, rejuvenation, baths with good steam. It is better to sleep less, otherwise you can get up in a broken state. It is better to use meat food - better nuts, more vegetable oil (including how to rub during massage).

Influence on born on this day

This day, people are born with the talent of the actor, mostly comedy; All adjusted to the absurd, they see the world inverted.

These are people "without a rod" who can entail themselves the crown of creation - and then their path will be pitiful and low: they can walk to complete cynicism and destruction.

Often they are confused in their illusions and do not spare neither right or guilty. These are the identities of creative, capable of self-sacrifice, to the feat, and may remain humble and invisible; Healers.

Influence on the conception

Child, winning this day may be unhealthy, but he is waiting for wealth. It will be smart and hardworking. Such people respect others. The main thing is not to give him the opportunity to consider yourself absolute, otherwise in the future it is waiting for the collapse of illusions and loneliness.

Stones - White agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

How does the 18 moon day reflect on doing business?

In the field of business, the eighteenth lunar days, as a rule, a completely unproductive period, nothing happens to the best, nor for the worse.

Only you are changing, only your attitude to your enterprise, to its financial transactions.

On this day, it is necessary to remain calm and collected, more focusing on nuances and completely minor things, because it is in them or your further prosperity or decline and collapse. As the Great Goethe said: " great person Decide in the little things. "

In the eighteenth lunar day there is no insignificant, everything is of paramount importance, especially if it concerns the signing of important documents. Pay close attention to the most minor items of your contracts, because it is high like that some small line in a contract can deliver many trouble.

In communication, both with the subordinates, and with the authorities, make sure that "not breaking superfluous", control your intonation, as people in the eighteenth lunar days are inclined to exaggerate the meaning of some actions, especially words addressed to their address.

What will be the marriage concluded on this day?

It is advisable to refrain from entering into marriage and celebrating weddings. This is a period of contemplation and observations, and not active actions, especially, such responsible as the creation of a family.

What is the impact of this day on health?

Very useful in this period herbal teas with the addition of turmeric and cinnamon. Close attention It should be given to the skin condition - to carry out sessions of light massage using oils or sandalwood paste.

In addition, it is a favorable time to impose masks, lotions, compresses and taking herbal baths.

If at 18 lunar day you are on the sea or work on the open area, be careful, very sensitive during this period, the skin can easily get burns from direct sun ray. Try to be in the shade or use special cream

What is recommended on this day regarding sexual contacts?

Sex during this period should be calm, slow and not active. Ideal will not be so much sexual act as an erotic massage in combination with oral sex.

In Vedic lunar calendar There are special recommendations regarding this day. It is important to ensure that your bodies do not affect the mirror or any other mirror surface during the love games. It is believed that in this case the soul of lovers will kidnap the demo demo.

What are the dreams of 18 lunar day warn?

The dream of this lunar day should be perceived as a mirror, as a reflection of who we are at the moment. The inconsistency of our real image in the image of a dream indicates a violation of the harmony of our being, about the disunity between the desire and reality.

If you correctly interpret the predictions of the dreams of this lunar period, it is possible to clearly understand what it is worth working to achieve harmony.

How does the esoteric aspect of this day manifest?

The eighteenth lunar days are usually devoted to exclusively contemplative meditative practices or reading prayers. Beginners of magic operations and predictions with the use of crystals and mirrors during this period were prohibited. In some schools, it was not even allowed to look into the water.

We, as mirrors reflect what is happening around. Our reflection response depends on the state of our external and internal mirrors.

They should not be dull, curves, dirty. In this case, the reflection of the world will be distorted.

The outer mirror is still somehow polished and regulated by the upbringing and culture of man. But for the condition of the inner mirror, we are responsible for themselves. In the eighteenth lunar day, we can clean our inner mirrors. How to do it?

  1. You need to try to see in the imagination your external mirror and evaluate its condition.
  2. If it is in a cracked web, it may be marked by places, stained with someone else's mud, it all needs to be corrected, wash, clean, polish.
  3. It should be imagined as brighter as it is cleared, becomes lighter, and its surface is aligned.
  4. Now you need to work with an inner mirror, this side of the mirror is often very dirty and curved. It is necessary to do it and it is better to do it regularly. It can get rid of many problems,
  5. All ways you need to try to clear your inner space.

Now that the inner surface of the mirror is cleaned, it can be made magic.

  • You just need to want it, and it will become so.
  • A new inner mirror will always reflect your beauty, happiness, energy and health.
  • Inside you can always smile, rejoice and be satisfied with yourself.
  • For you personally! Unique individual diagnostics will reveal you your true purpose and areas of activity that will bring you the greatest financial enrichment to the rapid time. Follow the link to get free \u003e\u003e\u003e

    Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Karma, Kamma - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal causal law, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, who experienced suffering or pleasures (Wikipedia).

    ² The best ways Body care


Associated with the transition from scales to Scorpio

For passive people can be the day of the fall, seduction. Day of nightmares and secret obstacles. Related to imitation, mimicria, passive following by someone else.

Passive day, but there is a danger to succumb to someone else's influence and begin to imitate someone, so you must try to keep the sobriety of the mind and objectively evaluate yourself and others. Do not give in illusions, low-lying instincts and dark thoughts. In short, the mirror will show us in these lunar days what we have worked. On this day, everyone needs a tangent of vanity, from egoism.

In these lunar days, the surrounding reality will be like a mirror, demonstrate our true essence. Everything that will tell about you on this day is unpleasant, is true, so do not be offended, and think about how to get rid of flaws. If something pleasant will say - rejoice: it is also pure truth.

Energy of these lunar days makes a person passive: it is natural after the thumbnail day.

The eighteenth lunar day is generally favorable, but nevertheless is considered a difficult day. This provision is due to the fact that this is an active work day, but work on yourself. If at this level you will spend passively, that is, there are a lot of chances that they get under the influence of other people and their desires, let's start to imitate and lose themselves. In this case, the day can reward you with illusions and self-deception. Today is a kind of lesson who is presented to everyone.

Health and treatment:

Eighteenth lunar day one of the most favorable days For various healthcare procedures. On this day, everything is good all that will help you strengthen immunity and improve general state. Today, water procedures are especially useful. You can, for example, make a contrast shower or pouring cold water. And if it becomes your new tradition, then your body in the future only thanks you by the lack of banal colds. Positively affect physical exertion.

The eighteenth lunar day is just perfect for starvation. In case you do not practice these techniques, the strict diet or post will affect. On this day you can not overeat, it is recommended to exclude meat products, There are more nuts, vegetables and fruits. It is extremely not desirable to drink alcohol, well refuse smoking.

It will be useful to carry out the body, especially the intestine. In this regard, will give good effect Visit Bani. You can drink herbal teas that have a laxative and cleansing effect. In addition, there are massage sessions with vegetable oils, aromatherapy, leather care complexes, taking fitted well.


From a medical point of view, kidney and loins are vulnerable on this day and they are not recommended to treat them today. Skin diseases can also be acted. Diseases that appeared on this lunar day are often prolonged. It is recommended for treatment to approach with caution and not abuse drugs. And even better to immediately contact a specialist, for examination and setting a faithful diagnosis. Otherwise, you risk treating what is not.

A haircut On this day, increases the likelihood of theft or robbery, which can lead not only the loss of property, but also the deterioration of health.

Magical rites and rituals:

Holy home: Candles, lamps, incense, holy water.

Conspiracies from a bad person, you need to wear chambers, amulets, talismans, turquoise. Work with phantom, double, look at yourself from the side. Cleaning chakras, followed by reading lyrical works.

Special warnings:

Care should be taken in communication - an energy blow, deception is possible. It is necessary to abandon drunkenness and smoking.

About those who were born in the eighteenth lunar day.

Born in the eighteenth lunar day have a very subtle and sensitive mental organization. They take a very close to the heart what is happening with them and with people close to them. It is very important in childhood to protect such children from unnecessary shocks, as they are literally at the physical level able to feel emotional pain, but not only their own, but also the people around them.

Usually, the children of the eighteenth lunar day are quiet and calm. Capable to be very strong to someone else's influence and to go about other people's desires. It is necessary since childhood to teach them boldly to defend their views, but at the same time not to go about their emotions, otherwise it will be adversely affect their lives. They will have all their lives wearing a mask of crimit and hypocrites. Also, it is desirable since childhood to instill a sense of measure and justice.

Born in the eighteenth lunar day very gifted people, and thanks to their talents can realize themselves in many areas of activity, showing creative deposits in everything they touch. Acting career is particularly successful.

It is believed that the people of this lunar day are not desirable to independently deal with their lives. This is due to the fact that they are inclined to manifest egoism, vanity, pride. Well, if on its path they will find a spiritual mentor who will help not only move towards the intended goal, but also successfully self-improvement.

At a higher level of development, the person of the eighteenth lunar day is capable of manifestation of tolerance, modesty, self-denial, can direct its energy to creation. Thanks to these qualities, people of this day can make a lot of good and

useful actions.


Often, the essence, which in us lightening does not correspond to the role that we fulfill in life. And it is no secret that the violation of internal harmony occurs because of this. All that we, for some reason, cannot be implemented, goes deep into the subconscious, and is waiting for the moment when our internal control will fall to get out. One of these moments are our dreams.

Images of the dreams of the eighteenth moon day, as a mirror reflect what is our essence. It is necessary to carefully and carefully approach the interpretations of dreams of this lunar day. Than more information You will get, the better you can understand yourself, and therefore see what prevents you in the way, and how can you fix the current position if it does not suit you.

For example, if in life you avoid difficulties and mostly passive in controversial situations, but in a dream, we behave differently, showing exclusively aggressive qualities, which means that you have an excessive humility and modesty. In this case, it is recommended to add activity to your actions, to show more initiative in your life. It may be bolder to defend its interests and point of view, not be afraid to show hardness and determination.

Conversely, showing in a dream, for the most part, positive qualities, it would be nice to think about how you enter in life. It may be worthwhile to change the line of behavior and show more soft and tolerance. In this way, you can balance your inner world with external, and as a result not only do not lose, but also acquire, I soberly assess the situation and adequately react to it.

Stones opal, lilac amethyst, white agate, spinel.