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Detailed lunar horoscope for fish on. Horoscope for Pisces women

The desire for self-realization will become one of the strongest during the Rooster year. This will help not only reading literature, but also visiting theaters, museums, operas - everything that can help them become a harmoniously developed person.
The period of 2017 is one of the most favorable in the last few years. Now Pisces will be able to achieve what previously seemed almost impossible to them. Overflowing energy will only increase the desire of representatives to reach the top at a rapid pace.
If Pisces is tired of the environment they are in, it's time to take some rest. Astrologers claim that the best time for rest - these are the first months of the new 2017. In the summer, representatives of this sign will have many things to do, in connection with which they are unlikely to be able to rest and relax.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Pisces man

The Year of the Rooster is the best time to correct past mistakes. It's time to think, perhaps in the past, Pisces crossed the path of someone, ruined plans, became the cause of the collapse of hopes. It's time to fix everything. How to do it - time will tell.
It is not worth rebuilding past relationships this year. Everything that is left in the past should be there. Fate itself protects Pisces from people he does not need, you should not resist it.
In the first half of 2017, you shouldn't lend money to anyone. It is better to help a person in need with advice, try to find other people who can solve his problem. Having borrowed money, Pisces is unlikely to see them ever again, in addition, the relationship with a person will be ruined forever, even with the closest friend. In the second half of the year, you can only lend money to those who need it extremely badly.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Pisces woman

If a Pisces woman is tired of her former job, it does not bring her stable income then it's time to quit. Do not worry about this, very soon fate will tell Pisces a further plan of action.
Also, you should not postpone the solution of important problems, it is better to deal with them at the first convenient opportunity than to "pull" them with your tail.
Astrologers advise Pisces women not to succumb to the influence of external factors, to make clear and firm decisions. It is unlikely that the influence of the people around will be able to save Pisces from pressing problems; rather, on the contrary, it will help the pressing problems grow into global ones for them.

2017 love horoscope for Pisces

It seems that Pisces have not felt needed, loved and unsurpassed for a long time. Try to build relationships with your significant other. Perhaps not everything is as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Astrologers advise Pisces to be guided not by reason, but by feelings. Open your heart to your love, and she will respond in kind.
Lonely Pisces are unlikely to be able to find a worthy companion in the first half of 2017. But this is not a reason to despair. Better to spend this time with benefit. It is not worth "looking for" the betrothed among millions of people, because very soon he will come himself, all that remains is to notice him.
Not the right time for office romances... As a result, many people will find out about the relationship, and Pisces will be overtaken by a wave of condemnation, reproaches. If Pisces still dared to such an affair, then it is worth carefully hiding such a relationship from strangers.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

Whatever happens during 2017 is a period of financial stability for Pisces. Even if they lose a certain amount, then very soon it will return, everything will fall into place.
Pisces should think about some large purchases, which they have long dreamed of, but did not have a convenient opportunity to make them. Take out your savings and "forward to your dream!"
Astrologers say that Pisces will have to keep track of where their money is spent. Think about who you lent money to. Perhaps this person simply did not have such a great need for them, but now he disposes of them as if there is still a sack with large bills of money behind him.
The stars advise Pisces to buy real estate closer to the fall of 2017. This period will be the most favorable for this kind of purchases. It is better to arrange the premises closer to the cold weather (late autumn, winter 2017).

Make a conscious decision to live this period happily, and kind Neptune will support you. A slightly noticeable haze of mystery and mystery covers your life. Half-manifested possibilities, barely noticeable clues of fate ... Turn on yours, and you can't go wrong.

Forecast for Pisces by season


Mars is in your sign. He pushes to take action, but also warns of possible injuries and quarrels. Channel the energy into the right channel and do what you wanted for a long time.


Save up your strength and start making plans. Let your thoughts be directed to the future. In business, focus on the present moment and do not run far ahead. Don't forget that everything has its time.


Relationships are the most important topic of the season. Every now and then you will have to return to unfinished business and conversations. In early summer, there is instability; in July and August, Venus promises you its patronage.


We'll have to forget about love and plunge into work. The past merits will finally bear fruit. In the middle of autumn, new perspectives and proposals will appear. Reap a bountiful harvest and be proud of your successes.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

While Neptune is in your sign, use it strengths- romance and insight,
listen to the clues of fate.

✓ Love: long-awaited happiness

The problem of happiness in personal life is becoming more and more acute. Relatives and family members can be involved in personal relationships. Already in the spring you have to do what you should have done a long time ago. Before you take a serious step, talk to a friend you trust. Perhaps the situation looks somewhat different from the outside.

In the summer, try to do less business and more personal life. Plan your own dates, weed out unnecessary fans.

Take an active and then wait and see attitude until September. Watch where the wind is blowing from. In October, Jupiter will enter the friendly sign of Scorpio, and this will give you a chance to settle the issues that worried you. At the end of the year, you will finally get what you've been striving for. The heart will calm down and you will be happy. Some will hear the long-awaited declaration of love, others will meet the person they have been looking for all their lives.

✓ Family: business time

This is one of the most important topics of the year. The family, especially older relatives, now require a lot of attention. Try to be around more often, to provide moral support first of all.

In the middle of the year, a small renovation is possible, some transformations in the house. Changes. Do not delay the solution of even small matters, otherwise they will drag on for more long time... If you have long planned to live separately, now is the time to act - schedule a move at the beginning of winter.

✓ Friendship: from the past to the present

You will again become close to the person with whom you began to formally communicate several years ago. In general, this year there will be more warm friendships.

In the spring, new acquaintances may appear, and in the summer a pleasant company will form (in which, by the way, you will become an informal leader). In the fall, you should pay attention to yourself: harsh remarks can alienate you good man... During this period, you tend to act assertively, to prove your case. Become a little softer, more accommodating. Try to avoid making judgments about anyone else. If you continue in the same spirit, you are taking risks very soon.

At the end of December, old acquaintances become more active. Most likely, with them you will meet the next New Year.

✓ Health: a course for recovery

You will intuitively want to leave the noisy city, escape from the hustle and bustle. Follow your inner urge and try to travel out of town as often as possible. At the beginning of the year, they may worsen chronic diseases... If you start to spare yourself, limit your food, then quickly recover.

Don't get too active in the summer. Slow walking - best exercise For you. But in the fall, it is worth increasing physical activity. You can sign up for the gym, or even better, the pool. This is the time for the accumulation of internal energy. The strength that you stock up now will feed you until the next spring.

Towards the end of the year, you may feel fatigue and depressive moods. Do not get stuck in this state, urgently restore peace of mind... It is better to celebrate New Year's holidays not at home, but visiting close friends.

✓ Finance / Career: priority area

You can get an inheritance, a subsidy, or a big win. The attitude towards money in general will change, you will want to experiment (for example, invest somewhere). Remember to use it wisely too.

You will feel more confident in your work. And although Saturn will pose quite difficult tasks at times, you yourself will find ways to solve them. This is the time when your energy should be focused on yourself. In the fall, there will be fewer responsibilities, but conflicts with colleagues may arise. The commitments you have made may be overwhelming.

October-November is good for planning. At this time, new ideas will appear. Choose one, maximum two priority areas and develop them. If offered a new position, agree. It will not be easy at first, then you will get into a rut and earn the respect and admiration of your colleagues.

Forecast for women

The Pisces woman uses charm and charm to achieve a goal, thanks to which she will achieve incredible success.

How nice to see admiring glances and to hear compliments addressed to you! Enjoy the effect produced and keep doing it. From the first days of January, a thirst for activity will awaken in you.

In March, a nose for new, promising cases will appear. This is the year when you need to use your charm to its fullest. Even in business sphere you can use little feminine tricks.

Love and career will develop harmoniously, without prejudice to each other. It's just that in the first half of the year business issues will be resolved faster, and in the second - personal ones. Take the advice of a good friend and change what she says to you.

At the very end of the year, you will be able to transform what seemed to you unchanged. And get great pleasure from it.

Born from 20 to 28 February

At the beginning of the year, the mood is unlikely to be rosy. But the clouds on your horizon will not linger for long. The family troubles that worried you will calm down, there will be a new incentive to achieve career heights. In the summer, regression is likely in personal life. You, if you allow your partner to be independent.

Born from 1 to 10 March

Will swim into your quiet, cozy backwater gold fish... Catch her and make wishes. Everything is going according to plan, there is no need to worry and rush things. Only in personal life
difficulties are likely, but they will also be temporary. In autumn everything will become clear and understandable, you will breathe a sigh of relief
and be able to do what you love.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Day after day is not necessary, sometimes it will be difficult. There is a quiet period in your personal life, but this will not upset you. There will be more important and interesting things to do.
In the middle of summer, you will receive an unusual offer from those whom you considered to be competitors. Now you can get involved in an adventure and try your hand at a new business.

Forecast for men

The Pisces man will withstand any blow, show diplomacy and realize his long-standing grandiose plan.

At the beginning of the year, passions will heat up. You are in a belligerent mood
but at the same time you feel insecure in your abilities. It is better not to undertake any transformations, to confine ourselves to a small correction and improvement of the current tasks.

At the very beginning of March, maximum concentration and endurance will be required from you. The situation will reveal your weak sides, people from the immediate environment may behave incorrectly. During this period, it is important not to succumb to provocations. Do what you can, don't think about the possible consequences.

At the end of summer, everything will suddenly change, and you will have trump cards in your hands. Take your time to open up, continue to play carefully.

At the beginning of winter, you will get closer to your goal, and here you can act openly. To the envy of competitors and the admiration of those who love and appreciate you.

Born from 20 to 28 February

Constraints are sometimes very useful. Too active communication can take a lot of energy from you. Deliberately shield yourself from unnecessary contact. In the summer and early autumn, personal life becomes more active. Exciting adventures await you. And at the end of the year, be sure to find time for family vacation.

Born from 1 to 10 March

The doors to a world of new possibilities open before you. Do not be lazy, confidently move forward, gain new knowledge. Now you can start a joint creative project, start your own business. In the future it will bring good income, for now it's worth rolling up your sleeves and working for the future.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Decide for yourself once and for all which path you are going, and do not return to this question again. You do not need additional excitement now, there is not much time. You need to have time to redo a lot of things, at the same time monitor your family and not lose sight of your personal life. The whole year will have to act in an accelerated mode, you can relax only at the end of the year.

Forecast for Pisces born in a year ...

A positive thought gives energy and strength. Think good, create an aura of light around you.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Learn from past events and rely only on your own experience. Most of all, you will be interested in career issues. You have just started climbing the mountain. Be patient and then you will reach the top.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You will feel more confident and free to act. You will become a member of a large-scale project, and it will bring you fame. Business started this year will soon bring good profits.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Fate will mix up all the cards, and you will have to act on a whim. What was built earlier can be destroyed. But something new will appear. And it will make your heart beat faster, stifling with anticipation of happiness.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

It is worth taking the risk, trying to make a daring dream come true. You don't need to be careful this year. Now the most important thing is courage. , be bolder. But be prepared for unexpected twists and turns.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Be thrifty with your inner resources, otherwise you may burn out. Not everyone can live at your pace. Slow down and learn to enjoy the moment. There will be many pleasant surprises this year.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You will be very comfortable. Everywhere you are a welcome guest, everywhere you are interested. Expand your horizons, go on a journey. Impressions - here main value that this year will give you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You will have to act based on your own feelings. There will be no time for calculations. In personal life, you will have to slow down a little. Even if you don't want to, you will have to take full responsibility for yourself.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

It will be difficult for you to hide, your whole life is now in plain sight. Expand your contacts, be open to any suggestions. Not all prospects will justify themselves, but it's not so bad. Only those things are implemented that will bring you real satisfaction.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

There is no need to go against the circumstances, the current will carry you in the right direction. Personal life can become public knowledge. If you want to keep the novel a secret, don't tell anyone about it.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A year of increased stress. It may turn out that there is no one to rely on. You will be in full view all the time, but you cannot lose your vigilance. Be sure to use this time for self-presentation. Your image is being created now.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

A year of financial stability. You will be able to make good money, while not straining. There will be a new hobby that requires financial investments... But it's not a pity to spend money on this, because pleasure cannot be measured in money.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Cunning plus optimism is the formula for your success. You should not tell the whole truth, let others remain in the dark about your plans. Then no one and nothing threatens you, you can enjoy peace of mind.

Children's horoscope

The moral support
Don't bother your child with your guardianship. In early March, the baby is prone to colds, be careful. In May, you can go on a short trip together. It is advisable for him to spend June with his family. Talk more and spend time together.


In the year of the fiery Rooster, Pisces will be most passionate about their love relationships and family. The horoscope indicates that if the representatives of the element of Water are happy at home, then everything will work out for them in other areas. For those who want to succeed in business, it is important during this period to take a wait-and-see attitude and think more before taking action. The horoscope for 2017 Pisces should be studied as carefully as possible in order to understand what mistakes they should not make in the current year. The desire of Pisces to get everything and at once can play a cruel joke with them, so they need to learn how to control their desires.

“An interesting fact is that in 2017 the representatives water element more sociable and friendly than ever. Such activity will allow Pisces to make useful contacts in 2017 and expand their social circle. However, the horoscope recommends during this period not to forget about old trusted friends, since only faithful comrades will always provide a shoulder for help at a difficult moment. The stars indicate to Pisces that they should not rush to confess with their loved one and tell him unnecessary details from their lives. The other half may not appreciate such sincerity, which is why communication in a couple will only worsen. "


Pisces in 2017 will be quite vulnerable and emotional, which will interfere with their personal life. The horoscope for 2017 recommends Pisces women of this sign to try to calmly respond to criticism addressed to themselves and not to enter into a conflict unnecessarily. For family ladies, heavenly bodies are recommended to try to find peace in the arms of a loved one. Having studied the horoscope, a woman will understand how she needs to behave in working moments. If the representatives of the element of Water will more often listen to their intuition, then they will succeed in their careers. For some, great prospects will open up in order to change their field of activity and discover something new for themselves.

The Tigers can count on the offer and further wedding celebration in 2017. In the workplace, women Tigers will have to defend their interests and fight for the truth more than once. The snake, according to the horoscope, has come to learn to take responsibility for its decisions. In 2017, the fiery Rooster will test the nerves of the Snake woman for strength, but she will cope. In his personal life, the Snake will face a dilemma to fight for love or to give the chosen one to a rival.

Strengthen your financial position the Rat will only succeed if it ceases to wasteful of money and begins to save money for useful acquisitions... If a Rat woman finds a hobby to her liking, she will feel much more energetic. Free advice from the horoscope indicates that the Dog in 2017 will literally disappear at work, however, such work will be rewarded. The horoscope warns that the Dog should less trust his innermost secrets to her friends, since there is a great chance of betrayal. The rooster in his year expects financial success and an increase in career ladder.

The horoscope for a year warns the Pig woman not to deviate from her plans, even when it will be hard. If the Pig copes with the intrigues of colleagues and the discontent of the bosses, then he will certainly succeed in 2017. After listening to free advice from the stars, the Goat will understand that during this period she will have to make every effort to strengthen her relationship and save them from breaking up. By paying maximum attention to their diet and going in for sports, Pisces will be able to correct imperfections in the figure and will feel more confident. Excellent prospects for development will open before the Horse, the main thing is not to miss the opportunity!

The Ox woman in 2017 will not have to make much effort to build love relationship... Loners will finally build personal happiness, and married women will be able to establish trusting contact with their spouses. In 2017, the dragon does not need to agree to a wedding ceremony, since, according to the horoscope, it will be more useful to test your feelings for now. The horoscope recommends the woman to the Rabbit to try to pay off debts faster, because this is how she will be able to find peace of mind. In 2017, the monkey will need to understand who is a friend and who is an enemy and more carefully to let people into his life.


The love of Pisces men in 2017 can play both a good and a bad joke with them. At the beginning of spring, bachelors will be able to spin a love affair with a pretty girl, which in the future can develop into something new. And here family signs want variety, which they can start looking for in the arms of someone other than their spouse. The horoscope recommends Pisces to be careful, as there is a great chance of "getting burnt". After reading the horoscope for 2017 Pisces, a man will understand how to behave in the workplace. If in the middle of the year Pisces manages to conclude a profitable deal, then their affairs will go uphill.

The Tiger man needs to try to devote more time to his soul mate and say pleasant words to her, since his beloved will need confirmation of love. Those Tigers who have been dating a girl for a long time should decide on a wedding celebration in 2017. Excellent financial prospects will open up for the Snake if she changes her type of activity. In a new place, the Snake man will be able not only to earn money, but also to enjoy his activities. In his personal life, the Snake is expecting big changes, so you need to be on the lookout.

The Rat will manage to arrange personal happiness in 2017. The horoscope for the year Pisces indicates that bachelors will meet their beloved right on the street or in a public place, and family men Rats will enjoy harmony as a pair. The Rooster man should not expect to receive the desired benefits from the stars for free, since in 2017 all the benefits will be given to him "with blood and sweat." In 2017, the Dog will have excellent prospects for moving to another city or even a country. If the Dog man listens more often to the practical advice of his partner, he will improve his financial situation and move forward at work.

In 2017, the Pig man will have to actively resolve current issues in love relationships. The horoscope warns the Pig that the second half will need help and support from a loved one, so you need to be ready to provide it. If the representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Goat, try to be less lazy and pay attention to their self-development, they will eventually receive the desired fruits. In the personal life of single Pisces men, there will be excellent prospects at a wedding celebration with friends or right on the street, they will get acquainted with their future chosen one. The horoscope indicates that the Horse in 2017 expects many bright and interesting events (visiting other countries, buying a car or even a new house).

It is not worth counting on the fact that the Bull will be able to get what he wants absolutely free of charge in the form of a career advancement, since 2017 is not his year! The dragon will have to take responsibility for the family in the new year and try to financially keep it afloat. The horoscope warns the lonely Rabbit that he will not be able to find a loved one during this period, so for now it is better to focus on his career. In 2017, the monkey should spend less time with friends, and more often pay attention to his personal life (spouse or finding a girl).

Advice from the astrologer Pavel Globa will also help you to spend 2017 in harmony with yourself. He points out that Pisces in 2017 needs to beware of envious people and not let strangers close to their family. Globa recommends not trying to test a friend or your love relationship for strength, since there is a high probability that the test will fail. The astrologer warns Pisces to stop hoping for luck and make every effort to realize their dreams. The horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa will become a reliable adviser on how to act in different situations.

Free advice from Globa warns Tiger that trouble awaits him in his personal life. Unreasonable jealousy on the part of the Tiger can destroy fragile feelings. The horoscope from Globa warns that the Snake needs to try in 2017 to quarrel less with colleagues and do more work. At the beginning of summer, the Snake will have an exciting trip abroad. If Pisces invites his soul mate to play a wedding celebration, then the loved one will not mind, so it's time to take a chance.

Astrologer Globa advises the Rat to find reliable allies at work, since outside help will not be superfluous. If in 2017 the Rat has a hobby to his liking, then she will finally feel the desired satisfaction and peace of mind. The horoscope from Tamara Globa warns the Rooster to try in his year "not to break the wood" and stop quarreling with loved ones. Having listened to the free recommendations from Globa, the Rooster will understand that a rearrangement in the house or repairs will benefit his relationship, since everyone will be happy with home comfort. In the new year, it is important for the goat to try to understand what she wants from her love union, and to try to correct communication with her loved one.

The dog, according to Globa, has come to pay maximum attention to his work, and not to intrigue in the workplace. Astrologer Globa believes that the sexuality of the Dog will allow her to surprise a partner or find a soul mate, if given sign is alone. The horoscope from Globa believes that the Pig should pay attention to his health in 2017 (namely, heal his back and thyroid gland). If the Horse in the coming year can overcome its bad habits and start getting enough sleep, then the whole year will feel great.

According to Globa, the time has come for the Dragon to stop getting into debt and try to stabilize his financial situation. If the Ox listens to advice from Globa, and does not rush to the wedding celebration, he will understand that the person next to him is not his destiny. A monkey, according to Globa, is important in doing business to listen to his intuition and carefully think over where she invests. Globa warns the Rabbit to be careful with his desires, as his plan will begin to come true.


Stop saving and start spending on a soul mate for the benefit of your love relationship Pisces recommends the horoscope for 2017. To make repairs in the house and equip it should be those who were born in the year: Snake, Pig, Rooster and Rabbit. The stars advise Pisces to stop counting on free benefits from heavenly bodies and start working harder. In this way, it will be possible to improve your financial well-being: Dog, Rat, Tiger and Dragon.

Pisces will be able to spend 2017 as productively as possible in terms of money if they pay attention to such nuances:

  • They will save up funds if they plan to celebrate a wedding ceremony or buy expensive equipment for the house. The stars indicate that the most favorable 2017 for a wedding celebration will be for those who were born in the year: Snake, Dog, Rooster, Pig and Goat;
  • They will change jobs and get a promising position. Financial well-being and success in this case awaits: Pig, Rat, Tiger and Bull;
  • They will try to diversify love relationships and go to rest in another country. Free advice from the horoscope warns that it will be possible to find a soul mate and build a strong love tandem while on a journey (with a Dog, Rooster, Tiger, Snake and Rabbit);
  • They will put money on a deposit in a bank, thereby improving their financial situation. With the accumulated funds, Pisces can go on a trip abroad or even play a wedding celebration.

Free predictions from the horoscope for the new 2017 zodiac sign Pisces must be studied carefully so as not to make mistakes. Opening a business with friends or a soul mate is strongly discouraged, for those who were born in a year: Pigs, Rat, Goat and Rabbit. If this four decides to conduct a common business with a loved one, then they risk aggravating their love union.

Make a conscious decision to live this period happily, and kind Neptune will support you. A slightly noticeable haze of mystery and mystery covers your life. Half-manifested possibilities, barely noticeable clues of fate ... Turn on yours, and you can't go wrong.

Forecast for Pisces by season


Mars is in your sign. He pushes to take action, but also warns of possible injuries and quarrels. Channel the energy in the right direction and do what you wanted for a long time.


Save up your strength and start making plans. Let your thoughts be directed to the future. In business, focus on the present moment and do not run far ahead. Don't forget that everything has its time.


Relationships are the most important topic of the season. Every now and then you will have to return to unfinished business and conversations. In early summer, there is instability; in July and August, Venus promises you its patronage.


We'll have to forget about love and plunge into work. The past merits will finally bear fruit. In the middle of autumn, new perspectives and proposals will appear. Reap a bountiful harvest and be proud of your successes.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

While Neptune is in your sign, use its strengths - romance and discernment,
listen to the clues of fate.

✓ Love: long-awaited happiness

The problem of happiness in personal life is becoming more and more acute. Relatives and family members can be involved in personal relationships. Already in the spring you have to do what you should have done a long time ago. Before you take a serious step, talk to a friend you trust. Perhaps the situation looks somewhat different from the outside.

In the summer, try to do less business and more personal life. Plan your own dates, weed out unnecessary fans.

Take an active and then wait and see attitude until September. Watch where the wind is blowing from. In October, Jupiter will enter the friendly sign of Scorpio, and this will give you a chance to settle the issues that worried you. At the end of the year, you will finally get what you've been striving for. The heart will calm down and you will be happy. Some will hear the long-awaited declaration of love, others will meet the person they have been looking for all their lives.

✓ Family: business time

This is one of the most important topics of the year. The family, especially older relatives, now require a lot of attention. Try to be around more often, to provide moral support first of all.

In the middle of the year, a small renovation is possible, some transformations in the house. Changes. Do not delay the solution of even small matters, otherwise they will drag on for a long time. If you have long planned to live separately, now is the time to act - schedule a move at the beginning of winter.

✓ Friendship: from the past to the present

You will again become close to the person with whom you began to formally communicate several years ago. In general, this year there will be more warm friendships.

In the spring, new acquaintances may appear, and in the summer a pleasant company will form (in which, by the way, you will become an informal leader). In the fall, you should pay attention to yourself: harsh remarks can alienate a good person from you. During this period, you tend to act assertively, to prove your case. Become a little softer, more accommodating. Try to avoid making judgments about anyone else. If you continue in the same spirit, you are taking risks very soon.

At the end of December, old acquaintances become more active. Most likely, you will meet with them the next new year.

✓ Health: a course for recovery

You will intuitively want to leave the noisy city, escape from the hustle and bustle. Follow your inner urge and try to travel out of town as often as possible. At the beginning of the year, chronic diseases may worsen. If you start to spare yourself, limit your food, then quickly recover.

Don't get too active in the summer. Walking slowly is the best exercise for you. But in the fall, it is worth increasing physical activity. You can sign up for the gym, or even better, the pool. This is the time for the accumulation of internal energy. The strength that you stock up now will feed you until the next spring.

Towards the end of the year, you may feel fatigue and depressive moods. Do not get stuck in this state, urgently restore peace of mind. It is better to celebrate New Year's holidays not at home, but visiting close friends.

✓ Finance / Career: priority area

You can get an inheritance, a subsidy, or a big win. The attitude towards money in general will change, you will want to experiment (for example, invest somewhere). Remember to use it wisely too.

You will feel more confident in your work. And although Saturn will pose quite difficult tasks at times, you yourself will find ways to solve them. This is the time when your energy should be focused on yourself. In the fall, there will be fewer responsibilities, but conflicts with colleagues may arise. The commitments you have made may be overwhelming.

October-November is good for planning. At this time, new ideas will appear. Choose one, maximum two priority areas and develop them. If offered a new position, agree. It will not be easy at first, then you will get into a rut and earn the respect and admiration of your colleagues.

Forecast for women

The Pisces woman uses charm and charm to achieve a goal, thanks to which she will achieve incredible success.

How nice to see admiring glances and to hear compliments addressed to you! Enjoy the effect produced and keep doing it. From the first days of January, a thirst for activity will awaken in you.

In March, a nose for new, promising cases will appear. This is the year when you need to use your charm to its fullest. Even in the business sphere, you can use little feminine tricks.

Love and career will develop harmoniously, without prejudice to each other. It's just that in the first half of the year business issues will be resolved faster, and in the second - personal ones. Take the advice of a good friend and change what she says to you.

At the very end of the year, you will be able to transform what seemed to you unchanged. And get great pleasure from it.

Born from 20 to 28 February

At the beginning of the year, the mood is unlikely to be rosy. But the clouds on your horizon will not linger for long. The family troubles that worried you will calm down, there will be a new incentive to achieve career heights. In the summer, regression is likely in personal life. You, if you allow your partner to be independent.

Born from 1 to 10 March

A goldfish will swim into your quiet, cozy backwater. Catch her and make wishes. Everything is going according to plan, there is no need to worry and rush things. Only in personal life
difficulties are likely, but they will also be temporary. In autumn everything will become clear and understandable, you will breathe a sigh of relief
and be able to do what you love.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Day after day is not necessary, sometimes it will be difficult. There is a quiet period in your personal life, but this will not upset you. There will be more important and interesting things to do.
In the middle of summer, you will receive an unusual offer from those whom you considered to be competitors. Now you can get involved in an adventure and try your hand at a new business.

Forecast for men

The Pisces man will withstand any blow, show diplomacy and realize his long-standing grandiose plan.

At the beginning of the year, passions will heat up. You are in a belligerent mood
but at the same time you feel insecure in your abilities. It is better not to undertake any transformations, to confine ourselves to a small correction and improvement of the current tasks.

At the very beginning of March, maximum concentration and endurance will be required from you. The situation will reveal your weaknesses, people from your inner circle may behave incorrectly. During this period, it is important not to succumb to provocations. Do what you can, don't think about the possible consequences.

At the end of summer, everything will suddenly change, and you will have trump cards in your hands. Take your time to open up, continue to play carefully.

At the beginning of winter, you will get closer to your goal, and here you can act openly. To the envy of competitors and the admiration of those who love and appreciate you.

Born from 20 to 28 February

Constraints are sometimes very useful. Too active communication can take a lot of energy from you. Deliberately shield yourself from unnecessary contact. In the summer and early autumn, personal life becomes more active. Exciting adventures await you. And at the end of the year, be sure to find time for family fun.

Born from 1 to 10 March

The doors to a world of new possibilities open before you. Do not be lazy, confidently move forward, gain new knowledge. Now you can start a joint creative project, open your own business. In the future, this will bring a good income, for now it is worth rolling up your sleeves and working for the future.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Decide for yourself once and for all which path you are going, and do not return to this question again. You do not need additional excitement now, there is not much time. You need to have time to redo a lot of things, at the same time monitor your family and not lose sight of your personal life. The whole year will have to act in an accelerated mode, you can relax only at the end of the year.

Forecast for Pisces born in a year ...

A positive thought gives energy and strength. Think good, create an aura of light around you.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Learn from past events and rely only on your own experience. Most of all, you will be interested in career issues. You have just started climbing the mountain. Be patient and then you will reach the top.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You will feel more confident and free to act. You will become a member of a large-scale project, and it will bring you fame. Business started this year will soon bring good profits.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Fate will mix up all the cards, and you will have to act on a whim. What was built earlier can be destroyed. But something new will appear. And it will make your heart beat faster, stifling with anticipation of happiness.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

It is worth taking the risk, trying to make a daring dream come true. You don't need to be careful this year. Now the most important thing is courage. , be bolder. But be prepared for unexpected twists and turns.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Be thrifty with your inner resources, otherwise you may burn out. Not everyone can live at your pace. Slow down and learn to enjoy the moment. There will be many pleasant surprises this year.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You will be very comfortable. Everywhere you are a welcome guest, everywhere you are interested. Expand your horizons, go on a journey. Impressions are the main value that this year will give you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You will have to act based on your own feelings. There will be no time for calculations. In personal life, you will have to slow down a little. Even if you don't want to, you will have to take full responsibility for yourself.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

It will be difficult for you to hide, your whole life is now in plain sight. Expand your contacts, be open to any suggestions. Not all prospects will justify themselves, but it's not so bad. Only those things are implemented that will bring you real satisfaction.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

There is no need to go against the circumstances, the current will carry you in the right direction. Personal life can become public knowledge. If you want to keep the novel a secret, don't tell anyone about it.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A year of increased stress. It may turn out that there is no one to rely on. You will be in full view all the time, but you cannot lose your vigilance. Be sure to use this time for self-presentation. Your image is being created now.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

A year of financial stability. You will be able to make good money, while not straining. A new hobby will appear that requires financial investments. But it's not a pity to spend money on this, because pleasure cannot be measured in money.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Cunning plus optimism is the formula for your success. You should not tell the whole truth, let others remain in the dark about your plans. Then no one and nothing threatens you, you can enjoy peace of mind.

Children's horoscope

The moral support
Don't bother your child with your guardianship. In early March, the baby is prone to colds, be careful. In May, you can go on a short trip together. It is advisable for him to spend June with his family. Talk more and spend time together.

Pisces from the very beginning of 2017 will feel how dynamic it will be for them new season... A quick change of events and a lot of new information await you. Of course, keeping this pace for a sign prone to melancholic contemplation will not be easy. However, it is in 2017 that you will easily cope with this task! Moreover, you will enjoy the feeling of an active, eventful life.

Famous Pisces

  • Rihanna
  • George Washington
  • Oleg Yankovsky
  • Steve Jobs
  • Victor Hugo
  • Tatiana Dogileva
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Borislav Brondukov
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti

Pisces zodiac sign forecast for 2017

In the spring, forget about your loneliness and reclusive lifestyle. Chat with friends, visit exhibitions, theaters and parties. You will discover the ability to easily make new acquaintances, and old friends will be amazed at your sociability. At the same time, try to find time for the family, otherwise you will be accused of callousness and inattention.

In the summer, you will feel the urge to change your appearance. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of changing your hairstyle, make an appointment with a beautician and update your wardrobe - the result will be stunning! Also 2017 is a good year for those who decided to get a second education. Once again, you will learn new knowledge with interest and immerse yourself in a dynamic student life. Remember the importance of spiritual development - this way you will amaze your environment not only with a stylish appearance, but also with deep knowledge on any issue.

2017 will seem unexpectedly turbulent to balanced fish!

The stars recommend maintaining mental tone through reading. In the fall, the Rooster will cause you to need continuous self-improvement - do not resist this, as any undertaking will be successful and effective. Over the past time, Pisces has accumulated such an amount of energy that it is a sin not to use it for personal interests. At the end of the year, try to tidy up your backlog and keep your promises. Do not take unresolved problems with you in the new year!

It is best to plan your vacation in winter. The stars promise you a productive and rewarding trip. Pisces will be able not only to have a great rest and gain strength, but also to get acquainted with useful people... In case you have a desire to travel to exotic countries, be careful with the local cuisine. The biggest danger in 2017 for Pisces is the possibility of serious food poisoning.

Try to reach reconciliation with old rivals, approach the conflict diplomatically - and it will be resolved without consequences. Potential danger for Pisces, they carry unnecessary emotions - a straightforward and quick-tempered Rooster will push to resolve disputes with the help of a cry. Do not get fooled by this provocation, so as not to quarrel with people dear to you. The more calm and balanced your behavior is, the more successful the year will be. Remember the main annual motto: "Self-control is the way to success!"

  • Forecast for men. The year promises Pisces a lot of changes that will only benefit them. Try to withstand the trials that fate prepares with honor, and you will be treated kindly by fortune at the end of 2017. During this time, you will become more confident in yourself, which will attract increased attention from the opposite sex. The year promises to be very rich in exciting acquaintances and vivid dates. You can use this chance to choose a life partner.
  • Forecast for women. Pisces women should definitely pay attention to their appearance... It's time to change the usual image, adding zest and even peppercorn to it. Especially such changes are recommended for lonely Pisces - this will avoid the manifestations of spring depression and will attract new fans into your life. The chances of meeting the other half are especially great in the summer. well and family Pisces must maintain home comfort and pay attention to your spouse. Your efforts will not be in vain - peace and understanding will reign in the family.

Love horoscope for 2017

The sphere of personal relationships in 2017 will be characterized by a nervous environment. Pisces must do their best to survive the turbulent winter of 2017. It is as if your partner will deliberately start provoking you into scandals. The stars recommend Pisces to gather their will into a fist and not respond to provocations. You need to stock up on prudence and calmness - and then you will be able to survive the troubled times without breaking off relations. Remember that constructive dialogue is a guarantee of peace and harmony in a couple.

On the love front, quarrels and displeasure await you.

For Pisces men, stars promise success in matters of love. Autumn will become especially bright and eventful - single men will finally acquire a couple, and family Pisces will be able to bring relations with a partner to new level... The stars advise Pisces to show more initiative: invite your beloved out on dates, say compliments, pamper with surprises and gifts. Your attitude will be received with due gratitude, and the reciprocal attention to your person will not be long in coming.

Pisces women can expect patronage from the Rooster in the field of personal relationships. This incorrigible romantic is already preparing an interesting meeting for you, which may turn out to be fateful. The main thing is not to spur the development of relations, let them improve gradually.

Family Pisces will feel a creative impulse at the beginning of summer - they will want to change the situation. Do not pacify this desire - the household will be happy to help make your plans come true. Don't forget the importance of family fun. V warm days go to picnics more often, arrange family meals, visit your parents. Children will practically not demand attention to their studies and will delight you with achievements in sports.

Health horoscope for 2017

Astrologers recommend Pisces to spare no effort and money in order to properly strengthen immune system... Your chronic illnesses can cause a lot of unpleasant minutes in the autumn winter period if due attention is not paid to their prevention in the summer. Plan your vacation wisely and spend at least a week in a sanatorium or health resort.

During the holidays, Pisces should not only rest, but also heal.

The Fire Rooster recommends Pisces men not to shirk from sports - the result will be noticeable not only on your physical form, but also improve your health in general. If you have wanted to buy a bike for a long time, then find money for this purchase. Moderate cycling is good for you.

Pisces women should closely monitor the genitourinary system - any alarm bell should be accompanied by an immediate visit to the doctor. Even if you are sure of healing power alternative medicine, do not get carried away with home recipes - it is better to contact a qualified specialist. Heavenly bodies advise to visit as much as possible fresh air and engage in aerobic exercise.

Money horoscope for 2017

The beginning of the new year will delight the representatives of the sign of Pisces with the stability of the financial sphere. You should not expect especially large profits, but you are not prepared for serious cash spending either. In the summer, try to avoid financial adventures, and then in the autumn months you can seriously strengthen your financial position.

In 2017, you need to diligently save money for the future

Astrologers advise Pisces men to carefully spend money in the winter. Learn to save - then by the fall you will be able to fulfill your cherished dream. Well, at the end of the year, you can count on a salary increase or good bonuses.

The Fire Rooster recommends that Pisces women be prudent in financial matters. Don't waste your money on unnecessary little things! But investments in household appliances promise to be successful. Feel free to go to the store - such a purchase will be useful and will serve long years... You can expect your other half to fund your needs - your man will gladly pamper you with expensive gifts in the second half of the year.

Career horoscope for 2017

The sphere of career interests does not promise any surprises. The rooster loves workaholics, so career advancement will depend on your efforts. Work with full dedication and expect a positive assessment of your work by the beginning of winter. In the spring, the emergence is expected a large number small and urgent matters. It won't take too much effort to solve them, but they can bring some nervousness into your life.

A lot of small tasks that take up precious time will fall on Pisces.

Pay attention to the distribution of work responsibilities. 2017 is not the time for false modesty. Always talk about what part of the project you completed, and feel free to voice your personal accomplishments. Colleagues may try to shift some of their work onto you, so feel free to remind them that they are getting the same remuneration for their work as you are.

For Pisces men, stars are recommended to rank things according to their importance. Tackle global problems - and small things will be solved by themselves in the process of moving towards a fundamental goal. You will understand how much easier it will be for you to work, evenly distributing the efforts. Do not panic if in the spring it seems to you that business is overwhelming you like an avalanche. Cast aside unnecessary emotions and be professional - then your bosses will appreciate your ability to cope with the load.

Pisces women need to be prepared for a career that will require accents. To achieve maximum effect, you will have to sacrifice some of your free time. It will be especially tight for Pisces in spring. Don't be dramatic - such a blockage of workers will not last forever. In the summer, you can rest on your laurels, gazing at the mountain of work done. In the fall, practically no effort will be required from you - the foundation laid will ensure a calm end to the year of the Fiery Rooster.