Repairs Design Furniture

Hood in the kitchen useful acquisition. What to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: advice of professionals and rating manufacturers. By type of construction

In the room where the food is preparing, smells are constantly twisted: pleasant and not very. Not uncommon here soot and even smoke. Particles of hot fat, mixing with dust, settle on nearby surfaces and pack them. To solve all these problems will help household appliances, so we'll figure it out how to choose correctly.

Choosing a hood for a kitchen

Principle of work technique

The main task of the equipment is the removal of impurities from the air flow incoming inside. The simplest models are delayed only enough large particles of fat and soot, more advanced copies also remove the smells. Inside any device is one or two fans. Their power determines the performance of the device.

The quantity and type of filter determines the degree of flux cleaning. At a minimum there must be a fat filter, stopping the largest particles of pollution. It protects the blades of fans from a bold fly, which not only spoil the mechanism, but also with an unfavorable coating of circumstances is able to light up.

When the fans are turned on inside the case, the area of \u200b\u200bthe vacuum is created, the air from the kitchen is tightened inside. The stream passes through the filtering system and cleared. Then go back to the room or enters the air duct and removed from the building. It depends on the type of equipment.

What are the hoods for the kitchen

In the house or the apartment uses the aggregates of three types.


They draw the air inside your housing, clean it and send it into the room. The efficiency of the device directly depends on the type and number of installed filters. In any case, a certain amount of impurities cannot be deleted.


Flowing devices capture a polluted airflow and remove it out of the room. If the power capacity is chosen correctly, it is completely. The case must necessarily be connected to the air duct that has access to the street.


Combined is called devices that can operate in two modes: flow and recycling. Combine the advantages of both varieties require a connection to the ventilation miner.

Systems differ not only on the principle of operation, but also by the method of consolidation.


Installed inside, which is placed above the stove. Such models are usually invisible because they are a functional part of the headset. They are compact, can be equipped with a telescopic element to increase the working area.

Wall mounted

Fixed on the wall above the hob. I can have the most outdoor design and power. Most often connected to the ventilation shaky, but recirculating models are found.


Complete to the stove, standing at some distance from the wall. They are attached to the ceiling, the air vent probably, if it is supposed. Very convenient for kitchens when the stove can be carried at least to the center of the room.

All designs can be straight or corner. The last option is especially good for small rooms, because it makes it possible to remove the cooking surface into the angle.

8 selection criteria

We tell how to choose the right hood for the kitchen in the main parameters.

1. Type of exhaust device

What exhaust is better to choose for the kitchen on the basis of type? To do this, you need to take into account the features of the kitchen room. For large areas and optimally choose flow models, because, by virtue of their design features, they give out greater power. In addition, some models are able to operate in circulation mode, that is, to serve fresh air from the street.

Recycling systems have less productivity. They are optimal for small rooms and for rooms where there are no ventilation mines. Sometimes such devices are chosen where the distance from Ventscanal before the exhaust is very large. In order not to pull the air duct, put a good recycling unit.

2. Construction

If you are looking for how to choose a built-in kitchen hood, then it will be an important decorative function of the device. Embeddable can be arranged completely unnoticed. Those who do not want to mess with embeding, select the simplest suspension structures. But exhaust equipment can become an interior decoration. Such, for example, dome models of the most different execution. Interesting and appeared relatively recently lusters, which are better to hang over the kitchens-islands.

3. Dimensions

For efficient design, it is necessary that it is proportion to the stove. This means that in width it should be equal to or more of the hob. The depth has a smaller value and varies from 0.3 to 0.5 m. It must be remembered that if it is too big, a person will hurt the design head.

For the dome unit, the distance between the ventource and the lower plane of the umbrella is important. The optimal dimensions from 0.7 to 1.5 m. When choosing the device, it is necessary to take into account the height on which it will be fixed. According to the safety rules, the distance from the gas stove to the exhaust must be at least 0.75-0.85 m, from electrical - 0.65-0.75 m.

The size of the exhaust umbrella in the plan should be no less than the dimensions
This is, of course, in the perfect version. If the exhaust umbrella "covers" the cooking surface completely, then almost all polluted air (heated is heated) rises up and falls into the hood. If the cooking surface does not work in the plan (it is too big), it makes sense to set two extracts with separate umbrellas or use the additional mini-extractor, built directly in the worktop.

4. Filtration system

Another important element in solving the question, which extract to choose into the kitchen, is a system of filters. In the device of any type, a fat filter is necessarily present. It can be made of nonwoven material, then it is replaced as contaminated, or from a metal grid. In the latter case, the element is washed from time to time. Some manufacturers' firms for a better result put on their products for both types of filters.

In all recycling devices and in terms of flowing, coal filtering elements are installed. In the process, they absorb small particles of pollution and smells. After a certain time require replacement. With contaminated filters, the air purification efficiency drops to zero. It is more convenient in this regard with an electronic control exhaust, in which the filter contamination level sensor can be provided. Such a hood will remind themselves to the owners that it is time to clean or change filters.

5. Noise level

Well, if the equipment will be as low as possible - with noise levels are not louder than 45 dB. For this will have to pay, since their cost will be higher with other similar characteristics.

When choosing it is worth a preference to the device with two not the most powerful fans. It will work quieter than the device with one super power fan. In this case, the cleaning efficiency will not change.

6. Case material

Most often their housing is made of plastic, metal or glass.

The most unpretentious plastic care, aluminum alloys and enameled steel. On which spots appear easily. The most capricious material is tempered glass where every random touch can be seen. But the products made of glass and stainless steel become a real decoration of the kitchen.

7. Performance

Performance shows the amount of air that the device can clear the hour of its work. The indicator varies from 100 to 2000 cubic meters / hour. The minimum performance is good only for very small rooms, but even in this case, it may not be enough.

  • You need to choose the productivity of the unit with regard to the area. To do this, measure its length and width, then change the values \u200b\u200bobtained.
  • We find the volume of kitchen space, multiplying the area to height.
  • According to the standards of Sanpina, the air in the room where the food is preparing must be completely replaced 12 times in 1 hour. Therefore, we multiply the resulting volume by 12 to determine the amount of air that must pass through the product per hour.
Pick the drawing performance with stock. If the houses are electric stove, the calculated value multiply by 1.7. If gas is 2.

As a result of an easy counting, minimal performance for the kitchen exhaust device is obtained. It is advisable to increase it by 10% in case of an emergency. For example, to quickly remove smoke or unpleasant odor. In addition, if the ducts are long or with bends, performance parameters also need to increase. On average, 10% is added to each pipe bending and for each meter of its length.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

The control allows you to select the speed of operation, the air removal mode, track the readings of the filter and air pollution sensors (in the most modern and expensive models there are indicators), adjust the lighting brightness and configure the timer.

Hood can have the simplest - and, or more modern - control. Many people think that key control is necessarily a mechanic, but this is not the case: the operation of many models with electronic control is regulated by the buttons. It is so familiar and more convenient, and purely mechanical management in modern models has almost no left. The button one plus is simplicity, but the gap between the button and the panel is often clogged with fat and soak, and it is difficult to deal with it.

The slider control is performed using a mechanical slider switch. Sliders are usually several, and everyone is responsible for its: speed, lighting intensity. Hoods with a sensor - the best option: Light touch - and the desired setting is selected. In some sensory control models, icons of selected modes are displayed on the panels, there are displays in the most advanced.

The most advanced devices turn on themselves, but for now. Their work is based on recognizing the beginning and end of the cooking process using built-in humidity level sensors, temperature and air pollution. When the extract will consider air quite clean, it will turn off. Alternative is a programmable timer that allows you to disconnect the hood after a specified time or translate it into a less powerful mode.

From this article you will learn:

  • Do you need a kitchen hood in general
  • What are the varieties of kitchen hoods by type and design
  • How to choose a hood for a kitchen in size and manufacturing material
  • How to choose a kitchen hood for power and noise level

The exhaust device should be even provided that the ventilation in your home is functioning properly. After all, during the cooking of all sorts of dishes from the kitchen to other rooms will receive a variety of flavors. Before you go buy a hood, it is recommended to explore all the models presented. Only so it will be possible to pick up the device perfectly under the interior of your home. Read further in our article on how to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove.

What is a kitchen extract and why it is needed

Mandatory attribute of each modern housing - kitchen hood. Many homeowners are confident: without it it is impossible to cook. However, rarely who can give an intelligible answer, why is it needed. In addition, many consumers on the Internet generally deny the need to use the exhaust, considering this adaptation of a fashionable trend, which marketers are forced to buy. We'll figure it out, is it and for what you need a hood in the kitchen.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what it represents. Hood is a system consisting of a housing, engine, fan and filters. The work is carried out at the expense of the engine, the fan provides the necessary air craving, filters eliminate fat, soot and all sorts of smells. At the same time, coal filters eliminate soot and smells, and grease trap - fat.

Hood cleans airspace in the kitchen from such components:

  • from gas combustion products;
  • from hazardous substances that appear during cooking;
  • from unpleasant odors;
  • gary;
  • fat;
  • scoop.

Many have come across the fact that over time in the kitchen, where the gas stove is used, the ceiling and walls become yellow, they are formed by falling out of fat. It is not easy to wash it, since particles of fat, mixed with dust, accordion and soot, tightly adhere to the surface. To eliminate the formation of such a plaque is also impossible: Gary's microparticles and fat will somehow appear during cooking. They fall into the air, and then settle on the walls and the ceiling not only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plate, but also in the whole kitchen.

Exit only one: Eliminate these particles before they are devastated to those or other surfaces. It is for this that the hood is installed in the kitchen over the stove.

Not everyone likes the aroma, which blooms in the kitchen during the cooking of dishes. For example, it smells like a lot of fish. Hood over the stove can eliminate any smell. Its accommodation in studios, as well as in the houses in Moscow, where the kitchen is combined with a living room or dining room.

Fat should not settle on furniture and surfaces. Of course, the kitchen furniture you will get laundered - after all, it is made of washable materials. But the sofa in the living room can spoil. The need to use hoods above the stove in studio apartments is obvious. In addition, the use of this device in the kitchen area will make the space cleaner: there will no longer be fat on the furniture and walls.

All of the above confirms: hood over the stove - a mandatory attribute in every home. In particular, it applies to studios and apartments, where the kitchen is combined with a living room or there are no kitchen doors. After all, many owners of apartments decide to remove the doors: so useful space expands, and moving around the house it becomes easier.

Types of kitchen hoods, their advantages and disadvantages

Combined hoods are endowed with the pluses and minuses of the models described above. It will take to install air ducts, despite the fact that you are going only to use the air removal mode. Similarly, you will have to replace filters, even if you use the recirculation mode when you prepare a cup of fragrant coffee. But, buying such an extract for the kitchen, you can always choose the mode of operation. In addition, due to the distribution of the load, the equipment resource saves occurs.

How is air cleansing in the device that is connected to the air duct?

  • First, polluted air falls into a strong cleaning filter. It is placed in the lower part of the housing. It is in him that the dirt and soot settled.
  • Then the fans turn into operation.
  • The exhaust air falls into the air duct, located at the top of the exhaust. It is displayed either in a ventilation shaft.

Filters for kitchen hood

How to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove, we figured out. But the filters in this matter are also important, they differ in many parameters. By selecting a suitable filter, you will provide optimal air purification and stable operation of the device that will work for all power. What types are filters subdivided on sale? How to choose them?

First of all, it is worth saying that there are fine cleaning filters, as well as filters for the proliferation of fat. Then they are already classified depending on the material from which it is made.

  1. Metal. Made of perforated foil, shallow mesh made of metal. This is a budget filter that does not need to be replaced, and the term of its operation is the same as the exhaust (subject to gentle use). The main advantage of this filter is to clean it, for example, in a dishwasher using soft chemistry.
  2. Synthetic. Such a filter will have to be changed as soon as it is contaminated. Undoubted advantage - minimum hood noise level. The disadvantage - you will have to regularly spend funds for the purchase of new filters. Otherwise, the performance of the drawing will decrease, while the consumption of electricity will increase.
  3. Carbonic. Ideal for fine cleaning, but its cost is high enough. Made in the form of a long filter with a compartment in which the activated carbon is located. It is he who catches the smallest particles of dust, unpleasant odors. Coal is often mixed with silver ions, cations, etc. It requires a regular replacement of the coal filter - every 3-4 months. This means that you must be prepared for additional costs, while the cost of the coal filter is greater than that of the synthetic. If you do not change such a filter for more than 4 months, the hood over the stove will start to contaminate the air.

How to choose the right hood for a kitchen over the stove in a private house or apartment? Most buyers prefer extract with a removal equipped with a coal filter. Such a device allows you to eliminate greed, fat and unpleasant smell.

How to choose a hood on the kitchen above the stove out

First of all, choose the type of exhaust housing. You can find the following types of devices on sale:

  • suspended;
  • dome;
  • embeddable;
  • domino;
  • corner;
  • island.

How to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove to make you please help? Most consumers prefer the classics - a suspension model, which is perfect for any interior of modern home.

Its housing is installed directly above the cooking surface under the closet. This is a budget model, which is easy to mount. But the performance of such an exhaust is not the highest, since the technique functions in recirculation mode. If you have a small kitchen with dimensions of 6 m 2, we recommend paying attention to this option.

The dome hood consists of a housing in the form of an umbrella and pipe, externally, it looks like a chimney fireplace. That is why sometimes such models are called fireplace. The dome hood must be connected to the air duct, in addition, it is quite expensive technique. But it looks very attractive. It is worth noting that the performance of the fireplace exhausts is higher.

How to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove, if you constantly cook or do you have a large kitchen and cooking panel? Boldly buy a dome hood, which will become a real interior decoration. A wide range of these devices will allow you to choose an optimally suitable model, the cost of which will suit you. Fireplace hoods are horizontal, as well as inclined.

The embedded hood is located in the cabinet above the stove or in a decorative dome, which is connected to the air duct.

The main advantage of such an exhaust is hidden from the eyes. And since these models have no decorative finish, their cost is much lower.

Domino is a hood, which appeared quite recently - in 2016, but has already managed to gain popularity among consumers. It is mounted in the tabletop. When you start cooking, then simply put it out.

The price of such an ultra-modern model will be several times more than standard hoods. In addition, the performance of the domino is low, which means that it is possible to use this type of extract only on small kitchens.

In addition to traditional embedded hoods, retractable exhaust (telescopic) are presented on the market. At your request, they can be increased to the enabaritis of the hob. And the dome, and the embedded extractor is presented in the form of angular, as well as island models. The latter are mounted to the ceiling above the stove in the island table.

Such extracts are both circulating and flowing, which are distinguished by air. The difference is the island hood lies in the fact that you can lower it to the stove when it is necessary. Another name of such hoods is mobile.

Models for islands belong to premium segment, it means that the price for the technique will be higher. But in such a hood, the most modern technical solutions apply, and it is performed in trendy design. The stylish appearance of these extracts is suitable for the most refined interior.

Since the housing is mounted over the island, you can come to it from either side. Such a hood is always made symmetrically, with any angle you can see decorative elements. The island exhaust air duct goes strictly upwards, then bend horizontally behind the falsepotor. Due to this, the noise of the device increases, so materials absorbing sound often apply often.

How to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove by material

Want to make it easy and easy to care for hood? Then choose the models from the suitable material. The fact is that if you can clear fat spots from one surface in minutes, then it will be almost impossible on the other. Most often hoods are made of:

  • plastic;
  • aluminum alloy;
  • of stainless steel;
  • tempered glass;
  • enameled steel.

The largest popularity was won by aluminum alloy.

It is easy to care for such a product, the most ordinary detergents are suitable. In addition, some parts of the drawing can be sent to the dishwasher.

Stainless steel - Material from which stylish premium exhausts are manufactured. This technique perfectly fit into the space of your kitchen. An indispensable stainless steel extract in the kitchen in the style of high-tech. But do not forget that care for similar products is quite complicated. On the surface there will be traces from any touch.

It is also difficult to care for extracts made of tempered glass. To clean such equipment, you will have to use household chemicals intended for glass that will not leave on the surface of the divorce.

How to determine the required kitchen exhaust size

Tell me how to choose a hood for a kitchen over a 50 cm stove or more. The drawing dimensions must correspond to the size of the hob. On average, the width of the plate is 45-90 cm. Therefore, the hoods are made with such dimensions so that they come under this range. You can find models with dimensions 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm.

Note! The dimensions of the embedded hood must be equal or more than the size of the hob. Otherwise, the hood will not cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. Part of the unpleasant odors will begin to penetrate other rooms from the kitchen. If the hood is a little more than the stove, it will be able to completely absorb the formed soot and smells.

In addition to the width, also take into account the height of the hood fastening. For all the rules, the product must be placed at a distance of 75 cm from the gas stove. If you have an electric stove, this distance should be a little less - 65 cm. Only so the hood box will be able to remove all polluted air, providing an optimal cleaning level. In addition, this eliminate the probability of fat fire, which accumulates on the surfaces of the hood.

Choosing a hood for a kitchen over a stove by device control

Depending on the method of drawing control, divided into the following types:

  1. Sensory control models. You can control such a hood by simply touching the selected sector. After touch, the LED lights up, and the device starts working.
  2. Devices with push-button control. Press the button corresponding to the desired functioning mode.
  3. Hoods with pseudo-axes control mode. In order to set the desired operation mode, a mechanical slider is used.

Moreover, if you need to control equipment from the distance, you can purchase a model with remote control. You can turn on and off you can use the remote.

How to choose a kitchen hood over a stove for power and noise level

For the purchase of you pleased, you will have to take into account not only the principle of the exhaust work or its installation method. Pay attention to the technical features of the device, because they affect whether the use of exhaust is convenient and efficient.

Power equipment

The extractor is related to household appliances, which means it has a certain class of energy efficiency, which is symbolically denoted by letters from A to G. The closer to the end of the alphabet, the more electricity consumes the device. Thus, the energy consumption class at island hoods will be higher compared to miniature embedded. Their power usually begins from 270 W and more.

On the package or in the manual for extractor, the annual consumption of electricity (kW / year) is contained. However, this indicator is given on average, because the manufacturer cannot know how actively the consumer will use the device.

Do not think that the best drawing model can only be with a powerful motor. It is not always so. Increased power means a great consumption of electricity, as well as an increased noise level. Stick Rules: Hood over the stove should be suitable for your kitchen.

How to find out the desired performance of the technique?

  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen should be multiplied by the height of the walls.
  • The resulting amount is multiplied by the coefficient of 1.7, if you have an electric stove, and coefficient 2, if the gas stove.

As a result, you will have the minimum drawing performance for your kitchen. We add 10% for each meter of the length of the air duct, while consider from the exhaust to the ventilation window. Also add 10% if there are bends of the air duct. An additional 10% is a stock, for example, if there is a smoke.

The resulting indicator is the required performance of the technique, stick to it when choosing a particular model. If the power turns out to be insufficient, the operation of the device will be ineffective. And with an excess of power, you will have to overpay for electricity.

Noise level

How to choose a hood for a kitchen over a slab 50, 60 cm or more for noise? After all, this indicator is critical. There are often cases when the exhaust has an increased noise level due to:

  1. the too big motor;
  2. using a noisy grease filter;
  3. incorrectly selected configuration of airflows;
  4. incorrectly selected filter design.

Of course, new models of exhaust are deprived of the above deficiencies. Modern equipment works with a minimum level of noise. It is possible to study this parameter in the technical documentation of the product when purchasing it.

For a better understanding of noise in dB, consider what:

  • The sound from the scene for the very end of the visual hall is 30 dB.
  • Calm music - 40 dB.
  • Noise in a small coffee shop where few visitors are about 50 dB.
  • The sound of the voice of a person who says next to you - 60 dB.
  • Noise in public transport - 70 dB.
  • The level of noise in the office of a large company - from 80 dB.
  • The noise created by the electric aircraft is from 130 dB.

130 dB is the level of noise on which the pain threshold is located for human hearing.

The permissible value of the noise of the exhaust - Not more than 45 dB. It is clear that the most quiet models will cost somewhat more expensive, but the funds spent quickly pay off. It is worth considering that the noise level should be low because of the reduced power, but by quiet operation of the motor and filters.

How to choose a better hood for a kitchen over the stove? The device must be ideal for the conditions of use, kitchen dimensions, as well as the requirements of the hostess. So, you should not install the fireplace extract over the stove on the miniature kitchen. And the suspended hood with a small power is not suitable for a huge room. In this case, the best solution is an island embedded hood. Choosing a device model, follow the rules: the extract must come to the kitchen. Only so you can purchase a technique, which will be happy to delight you and your loved ones.

Additional Exhaust Options

If you dream that your kitchen has a TV, which does not occupy an excess place, take a look at the hood, which has such a function.

The best manufacturers of erasek

Do not know how to choose a hood for a kitchen over the stove? It will help a list of models from the most famous brands of air purifying equipment. These companies produce not only premium products, but also inexpensive models. Experts trust such brands like Siemens, Bosch, Kronasteel (Krona), Hansa, Gorenje, Elikor, Samsung, which has long gained world popularity. Extracts their production high quality, have an attractive design and reasonable price.

Laconic and functional - models from the German manufacturer Siemens. At the expense of the embedded body, such extractors successfully hide in the kitchen headset. Accommodation options (Schemes and Photos) can be studied in special directories. The cost of drawing this brand begins from 12,000 rubles.

Another German brand - "Crown"Also remains at the peak of popularity for many years. The model line is represented in the form of 7 collections of high quality assembly hoods. The technique is equipped with powerful silent high performance engines. Even taking into account such characteristics of the model is quite budget - the cost starts from 3,000 rubles.

Hansa. - The third German brand in our ranking, producing miniature techniques with intuitive management. The price of models begins from 2 500 rubles.

If you have high demands for technology, and the budget is not limited, then pay attention to the hoods from the company Bosch.. These high-quality extracts are collected in Germany, made in modern design. The cost begins with 5,000 and ends 35,000 rubles.

Elikor - Russian manufacturer, also conquered consumer confidence. A wide range of high-quality equipment with a variety of design is made in a variety of colors. The cost of extracts starts from 2 500 rubles and reaches 30,000 rubles.

Exceptional quality, durable hoods from the brand Samsung amazed with its modernity and multifunctionality. The impeccability of the execution will not leave anyone indifferent. The average price for the model is 6,000 rubles.

At the seventh place in the drawing rating from the manufacturer Gorenje.. When creating these innovative models, ultra-modern materials are used. Therefore, this technique is like modern hostesses. How to choose a better hood for a kitchen over the stove to forget about unpleasant smell, gary and fat? Do you need a budget model? Pay attention to the Gorenje brand technique. Then in your house will always be clean and fresh air. The cost of drawing is from 3 500 rubles.

Seriously approach the acquisition of such important kitchen appliances as the extract. In advance, examine all the pros and cons of the selected model. Only so you get a device that solves all the problems with an unpleasant smell in the kitchen. Properly chosen extract will become your friend who makes the air in a pure and fresh dwelling.

Collaborate with the company "My Repair" is reliable and prestigious. Specialists working here are the highest level professionals. The company "My Repair" works throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

During the cooking in the surrounding air there are various smells, there is evaporation of liquids and splashing fat. Harbor from carbon monoxide and other contaminants can be reduced at times with high-quality exhaust.

  • At the bottom of the case there is a filter of a strong cleaning, which holds the dirt and soot.
  • Inside the device are fans that are driven by motor.
  • Next to the top of the air duct, leading to the street either in the ventilation mine at home.
  • In various exhaust models, additional devices are provided for better cleaning, for example, grease traps.

  • Fat filters are designed to capture fat suspended particles from the air. They are divided into reusable and disposable. The latter can not be erased, after use, they must be disposed of.

Reusable metal require only regular cleaning, they will serve as much as the aggregate itself.

  • Coal filters are used in products where air exchange is provided: the air is first drawn into the device, and after cleaning it is sent back to the room. The composition is based on activated carbon, which absorbs smells well.

The productivity of the device is calculated according to the following formula: the kitchen width is multiplied by the length and to the height of the ceiling, then ten another. The last digit is the rate of air exchange per hour.

The higher the power of the product, the faster the atmosphere in the kitchen will be refrossing, the more comfortable you will cook. The minimum productivity of industrial products is 300 cubic meters per hour.

It is important to connect the device to the ventilation mine and to the electrical network. The unit itself should be located at an altitude of 70-90 centimeters from the cooking surface.

To avoid melting device, it is impossible to mount it below the set limits, when installing above 90 centimeters from the slab, the efficiency of the goods is significantly reduced.

The exhaust hole and the installation site of the device is connected by corrugation in the case when this pipe can be hidden in the kitchen headset. When the exhaust canal is on the outside, it is better to use special channel tubes with a rectangular cross section.

You can bring the device into the hole of the ventilation mines, which is available in each house. If there is no such possibility, then the extra hole is made in the wall with the output directly to the street.

How to choose a hood for a kitchen

Pay attention to the following criteria when choosing:

  • Aesthetic indicators. How the new technique will fit into your interior.
  • Dimensions of the device. Before buying, do measurements.
  • Form of the product.
  • Power. Productivity Choose depending on the space area.
  • Principle of operation of the aggregate.

Before buying, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Equipment. Fat filters in the kit must be provided by the manufacturer.
  • Performance. You must understand what you need the power of this unit to work efficiently.
  • Silent. Not all models work quietly. 40 Decibel is the optimal parameter, the sound will be quiet.
  • Parameters. Do not buy goods without measuring the space where it is planned to be mounted.

  • It is not important in the color of the product if it is disguised as a kitchen panel.
  • Manufacturer. If you are satisfied with all the important parameters, then you should not overpay for the brand.
  • Connection type with exhaust hole. Choose a corrugation or square pipes, you can make a move even from drywall.
  • Additional lighting. Manufacturers offer devices with built-in light bulbs so that they cover the cooking surface, but usually the light they give a little.
  • Remote Control. Ability to adjust the power remotely.
  • Sleep timer.
  • Type of switching panel.

Recycling type products differ from flowing in that they do not have an output pipe for output of contaminated air into a ventilation shaft.

In this type of device, the air is cleaned inside under the action of a two-level filtering system, then issued back.


  • No air duct.
  • Compact design.
  • Several modes of working with the ability to adjust.


  • Unlike the running system, stationary will continue to work independently of the surrounding effects.
  • Ease of construction. No additional and fasteners. Looks elegantly and no spaces space.
  • Easy installation. Several fasteners and output to the network without additional laying of air ducts.
  • Fat filters are easy to clean and change. They can be washed in.
  • Low cost compared to flow models.


  • Often have to change coal filters. It is impossible to wash them, you need to throw out the exhaust material and buy a new one.
  • Small selection of models.
  • These aggregates are more suitable for kitchens with a large area, as they occupy a lot of space.
  • The most reliable option in its category - Bosch DHU646 U.
  • Bosch DHU646 U.

  • CATA CERES 600 Negra is functional, has three speeds and sensory control.
  • CATA CERES 600 Negra

  • Pyramida MN20-60 is an excellent option for small kitchens up to 9 square meters.
  • Pyramida Mn20-60

The product is fully integrated into the kitchen set.


  • Additional retractable panel.
  • The length of the hull varies from 45 to 90 centimeters.
  • The ability to flow out air or recycling.
  • Mechanical and electrical models.
  • High performance.


  • Saving space.
  • The retractable panel increases the air suction area.
  • Compactness and ergonomics of construction.
  • Easy installation.
  • Aesthetic beauty.


  • The space for the air duct in the cabinets is unsuitable for storing other things, as the pipe takes a lot of space in the headset.
  • Electrolux EGF 50250S is convenient to operate, is the best in its category.
  • Electrolux EGF 50250s.

  • Zanussi ZHP 615 x is easy to use, configured with a mechanical slider.
  • Zanussi ZHP 615 x

  • Elica Eliblok 9 LX is equipped with two maximum performance engines.
  • Elica Eliblok 9 LX

The inclined model is characterized by a spectacular design, the glossy surface is best fits into modern headsets.


  • Touch or push button.
  • The automatic shutdown timer is provided.
  • Additional lighting in the configuration.
  • Glass front panel.


  • Large air suction area.
  • Wide functionality.
  • Over the working area, there is more space when cooking, due to the inclined plane.


  • High price
  • Requires regular wet cleaning, as the glossy surface is rapidly dirty.
  • Eleyus Lana 700 60 BKL. Air removal and recycling, three speeds, low noise.
  • ELEYUS LANA 700 60 BKL

  • KRONA IRIDA 600 has electronic control, equipped with the functions of removal and air circulation.
  • KRONA IRIDA 600.

  • Faber Cocktail XS BK A 55 is equipped with sensory control, meets all declared characteristics. Low noise and maximum efficiency - the main advantages of this model.
  • Faber Cocktail XS BK A 55

All harmful impurities are displayed through the air duct, with a good traction you can do without a filter, but in the case of reverse stroke, all the mud will return to the surrounding atmosphere.


  • Filters are used fat and coal.
  • Standard case parameters.


  • Clean air enters back when recycling.
  • Work efficiency rises at times.
  • Spare parts can be purchased without difficulty.
  • Ease of access to the necessary items.


  • Regular replacement of coal filters.
  • Cleaning and washing of grease elements is carried out as contamination.
  • Bosch DFS 067K50 - an embedded model of the best quality.
  • Bosch DFS 067K50.

  • Siemens Li 67SA530 IX German assembly has a low noise level, halogen highlighted.
  • Siemens Li 67SA530 IX

  • Elikor Integra 60 is inexpensive and is very popular with consumers.
  • Elikor Integra 60.

Recycling implies that the absorbed air, spoken by the filtering system, falls back to the room. Such aggregates do not have an air duct.


  • Two-stage filtering system.
  • Compact design.


  • Due to the movement of the same air in the room it becomes warm.
  • Ease of installation.
  • No need for an air duct.
  • Saving space.


  • Requires a frequent replacement of filter elements.
  • Low efficiency, air is cleared only by 80 percent.
  • At the end of the work in the kitchen, the unit is recommended to turn off and air the room through the velocity to restore the temperature mode.
  • When recycling, the power is less than in the running system.
  • Cannot be installed above.
  • Liberty Base 251 x is the best in its category.
  • LIBERTY BASE 251 x

  • VENTOLUX BRAVO 60 has a modern design and extensive functionality.

  • The Bosch DWW 063461 model is equipped with two modes, in addition to recycling, removal through the air duct.
  • Bosch DWW 063461.

Used in the absence of sufficient thrust in the ventilation shaft. A sufficient primitive device is simply in use, just press one button.


  • Fans are divided into: axial, radial, diametral.
  • Compact dimensions.
  • The presence of the check valve.
  • Safety use.
  • Standard white color.


  • High efficiency at low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • Protects from harmful insects.
  • The fan is capable of sucking down.
  • Do not occupy a lot of space.
  • Low cost.
  • Easy to manage.
  • Convenience in operation.


  • Volume of work.
  • Low efficiency, directly from the stove of pollution will not fly to the exhaust hole, where the fan is located.
  • VENTS 100 C is the best in its category.
  • VENTS 100.

  • Optima 4 D 100 has optimal characteristics.
  • Optima 4 D 100

  • Domover 100 with easy to use and is inexpensive.
  • Domogen 100.

Installed above the stove and performs several functions at once.


  • High power.
  • Large dimensions.


  • Multifunctionality.
  • No need to additionally buy equipment, two in one.
  • Easily use.
  • Saving space.


  • When breakdown of any element, both instruments will go off-way.
  • When using a microwave oven, the ventilation system will not work in full force.
  • You can rarely meet on Russian counters, such copies more to taste Americans.
  • High price tag.
  • Retractable MWGD 750.0 E model panel increases aspiration area. Microwave has maximum performance.
  • MWGD 750.0.

  • Cata Chorus has nine programs, halogen lighting and push-button control.
  • Cata Chorus.

The device independently turns on, reacting to the intensity of cooking. After cleaning, the system is independently disconnected. An indispensable option in the kitchen forgetful people.


  • The presence of a sensor capturing the contents of air.
  • Several stages of system sensitivity.


  • There is no need to control the operation of the device, the automation is invented for consumer comfort.
  • Independent power adjustment.
  • Does not distract from the cooking process.


  • High cost product. Similar models without sensors are an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • Gorenje WHI 951 S1 is the best model in its category, equipped with a tap and recycling, has sensory control.
  • Gorenje WHI 951.

  • The Siemens LC 91BA582 model features a stylish design with an inclined panel.
  • Siemens LC 91BA582.

  • Krona Naomi Mirror 900 5p-s in the style of a Modern with sensory control, attached to the wall.
  • Krona Naomi Mirror 900

Do you like to cook and experiment in the kitchen? But at the same time do not want soot, fat and unpleasant smells to be satellites of this room? To keep the kitchen always shone purity, and your new repairs remained fresh as possible, you just need to install the hood over the stove. But immediately becomes the question what model to stop how to choose a hood in the kitchen, Maximum appropriate to all your requirements, because trading networks offer us such many diverse models that the head goes around. This article will help you make a decent choice.

Types of Extrazhkov

All hoods work on the principle of compulsory ventilation. They are removed from air in the kitchen not only unpleasant odors, but also combustion products that can not be avoided during the cooking.

Inside the hood there is a system of special filters, which catch the soot, smells and evaporation. In any model there is a system of forced ventilation. All this is concluded in the housing, which is equipped with an electronic or mechanical control panel. All hoods are divided into two types, depending on how the air is cleaned in them: circulating and flowing.

Circulating Extras

The principle of operation of such exhausts is reduced to the fact that they are passed through themselves polluted air, clean and release back to the room. The device is easy, they are equipped with special filters of rough purificationwhich remove particles of soot, fat and dust. But such drawings also have fine cleaning filters, these are coal filters, neutralizing odors and caught even the smallest particles that pollute the air.

The biggest advantage of such hoods is that they do not require compounds with air ductAnd this means that such an exhaust is quite able to install yourself, and your kitchen will not be energized with extra pipes and hoses. In addition, the price of circulating hoods is much lower. Such devices are perfect for old houses, where the ventilation system is not able to cope with large air flows that create an exhaust of another type - flowing.

However, it should be noted that the circulation models of exhaust - leaders for noity. Therefore, before buying, be sure to listen to how the noisy model you have chosen. Although in the conditions of the store it will be difficult for you to appreciate the whole degree of noise, try to look into the instruction and look at noise indicators. If they are within 35-45 dB, then it is quite normal, even for small cuisine. But if the level will exceed 55 dB, think if there will be such noise to create certain inconveniences.

As we mentioned above, such extractors are also equipped with coal filters. But these filters create additional resistance, due to which the performance of the exhaust themselves is reduced. In addition, such filters do not wash, and as clogged is subject to replacement to new, and these are additional costs. The need to replace the coal filter will be informed you with a special indicator installed on the hood.

Now summarize. Pluses of circulating hoods:

  1. Cost.
  2. Easy installation.
  3. Lack of pipes and hoses when installing.
  4. No connection with a ventilation system.


  1. High noise.
  2. Consumables.
  3. Low performance.

Flowing exhaust

The system of such hoods is satisfied simple. They tighten the dirty air, cleaning it and releasing the outside, with the help of an external ventilation system. Such hoods necessarily have an air duct that is connected to the ventilation system. They are also equipped with a fan, which creates air flow, as well as filters for cleaning. Such filters, usually they are metallic, must be cleaned periodically, simply wash. Although there are more budget models of such extracts, there are no filters in them. The flow hoods also need to be rushing manually, as as the fan and other parts are contaminated, their performance is significantly reduced.

The flow hoods are fixed on the ceiling or wall above the stove. It can also be hidden in the hinged locker, which is open from below, it will give you the opportunity to "disguise" the hood and your kitchen will look aesthetic.

Flowing exhaust much more productivethan circulating. In addition, almost all models can operate in removal mode, and in air recycling mode. Installation of such a cleansing system is much more complicated due to the presence in the design of the duct. It is best to acquire it complete with a new kitchen. Before installing, it is necessary to carefully consider the location of such an exhaust relative to the ventilation hole. Try to prevent angles in the air duct system, because even one straight corner can significantly reduce the performance of the device. If your kitchen with the already decorated interior, then the installation of the flow system will be more problematic.

The performance of the flow hood strongly depends on the quality of the ventilation system of your building. If the house is old, then the productivity will decline much. The disadvantage of this cleaning system is that free air access is needed for high-quality exhaust performance through an open window, and this is not always convenient and possible.

Pluses of flow hoods:

  1. High performance
  2. Work in several modes
  3. Easy cleaning of filters (washed)
  4. Low noise
  5. Mounted in furniture


  1. Complex mounting
  2. The need for free air access

Types of kitchen hoods

Traditional or classic extract

These are flat and suspended hoods, mounted on the wall under the suspended kitchen cabinet above the stove. Typically, such devices work in recycling mode, which means that disposable coal filters, delaying small particles, will be required. Extracts of this type belong to the cheapest, easily mountedbut smells they neutralize partially.

There are extracts of this type that work in the flow mode, but they are higher in price, and the installation will require certain efforts. Clean the air in your kitchen they will be much more efficient, and it will not be necessary to spend often to spend often for coal filters.

Built-in drawings

Such hoods are easy mounted in the suspension cabinet over the stove. It looks pretty aesthetically, does not spoil the overall kitchen interior. This type of extracts is usually equipped with retractable panelwhich significantly increases air intake area. Such an appliance is easy to control, and its performance is satisfied high. Such an extract is turned on in the mode on which you turned it off.

Embedded hoods usually have two motors and multi-layer grease filters. For the price, they are slightly more expensive than classic, but in terms of performance is much better, and over the aesthetic requirements are superior to the suspension. So if you are before choosing, what an exhaust to give preference to a classic or embedded, choose the second option.

Fireplace (Dome) Hoods

Such hoods are mounted to the ceiling above the kitchen stove. They received their name because of their dome form, which resembles the chimney of the fireplace, and the system of operation of such an exhaust is very similar to the exhaust fireplace system. At first, the air falls into the housing of the hood, which is located above the cooking surface, and after the air duct goes into the ventilation mine, or, passing through the filters, returns to the room.

Such hoods are the most popular, so they are very diverse on the design decision. Moreover, they fit perfectly in the kitchen, where the work surface with a stove is not located at the wall. There are extracts with an inclined fence part, which increases the processed area, and the risk is minimal to hit. Often the price of the device may depend on the design, and not on the technical characteristics. But thanks to such a variety of models, it is easy to find the most reasonable option for your interior.

Island hoods Different with the possibility of mounting not only by the wall, but also in any part of the kitchen. Such models are equipped with a ceiling mount. They stand, of course, expensive, but have high performance and are distinguished by a wide variety in the design execution. Such extracts are ideal for spacious kitchens, for example, if the work area is located in the center.

Corner hoods They differ in their shape that allows you to install them in the corner of the kitchen - a great option for small kitchens. Due to the fact that such extracts are installed only due to the features of the room, they are not popular, so the range of such a type of devices is small.

Performance and power

Performance is one of the most important technical characteristics of any exhaust, because it is from this indicator that the air purity will depend on your room. Depends on it how many cubic meters of air for an hour of work can draw a hood and removethrough the air duct in the ventilation shaft, or skip it through the filters and return it back to the room.

To calculate the necessary performance It is necessary to take into account the features of the room, the length and bends of the air duct, if your plans enters the hood in the removal mode. At the same time, the volume of the kitchen must be multiplied by 12, since the air in the room should change in the room for an hour 12 times, and the resulting result is multiplied by a coefficient of 1.3. If you want more accurate calculations, then you need more of the total kitchen to deduct and the volume of furniture. But this is optional.

Extra factors should also be taken into account. On average hood must be at a distance of 65-85 cm from the surface of the slab. If you plan to install it above, then choose a model with higher performance. Consider on the example. Your kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b12 m 2, the ceiling height is 2.7 m, a good version here will be an exhaust with a capacity of 505 m 3 / hour.

It should also be borne in mind that in some homes the ability of the ventilation duct is limitedSince the construction of natural ventilation of the premises was envisaged during construction, and the mining bandwidth may be below the abilities of your chosen exhaust. How to be then? Turn on the hood is not maximum power. In addition, the noise level is much reduced.

The ideal solution may be the output of the air is not in the ventilation shaft, but immediately into the street, through the hole in the wall to which the air duct is connected. The solution is good, but not always feasible, especially in high-rise buildings.

It is also worth considering culinary traditions of your family. If you often cook a lot, then you need a device with maximum performance. Well, if you prepare rarely and little, you often eat out at home, then you have a high drawing performance for nothing.

If you have a small kitchen, the concentration of odors when cooking will be higher, it is better to purchase an exhaust with a reserve in terms of performance.

The performance of the device is directly depends on its power. So be sure to pay attention to this parameter when purchasing. Modern models of extracts have a rarely exceeding 500 W. Such power is enough for high performance.

The size

Best to host width exceeded the width of the hob, then it will mostly absorb all odors and evaporation. Permissible dimensions are the same with the surface of the slab. But in no case, the exhaust width should not be less than the width of the working surface of the plate! In this case, the hood will slightly catch and clean the air.

Filter system

The extractor, of course, is not a 100% air cleaner, but it quite well removes fats from the air, smells and soot into it.

Metal fat filter and serves to remove fat. And it prevents fat sediment on the elements of the hood motor, which can lead to its failure. Such a filter is usually removable, it is easily clean and works throughout the exhaust life.

In circulation hoods To remove odors, serves a coal filter. In some models, it is included in the package, but sometimes it is necessary to purchase it separately. This filter must be changed, the frequency will depend on the operating conditions, but on average every 4-6 months. Many extracts provide such a function that reminds you of the need to replace the filter. Depending on the model, this is either the light indication, or simply special characters on the filter, which disappear as it is contaminated.

Management method

Modern hoods can be equipped with mechanical control and electronic. What method of controlling to choose will depend only on your preferences.

In hoods S. mechanical control The speed of operation and the lighting are turned on by pressing the corresponding buttons, they usually have a convex form. Sometimes to adjust the speeds used slider switch. Such control is simple and familiar to users.

For electronic control The availability of the display is provided, and the work settings of the exhaust are displayed. Switching speeds and activation of lighting in such installations is carried out by touching the sensors, although a button format is saved in some models. In such models is often available timer functionIf you wish, you can set the trip time or transition to another mode.

Only in electronic control hoods there is a function "AvtovoClove". It is very convenient. Thanks to the set to the temperature and humidity sensors, the extractor "will understand" that the cooking process began and turned on. In this case, the intensity of work is also changing, depending on the saturation of the air in pairs and smells. After graduating from cooking, such a hood still works for a while, removing all the smells and soot to the end, and then automatically turns off. Such a "smart" extract - Just the dream of every mistress.

There are also exhausts with installed smoke sensors. They also automatically turn on or increase productivity if the smoke increases in the kitchen (something has burned out, someone nacked, etc.).

Well, the highest pilotat - hood control remotely: from a smartphone, tablet when you are at any point of the apartment, city and even the world! This is just necessary to have a home wireless Internet. You install an application for managing exhaust, or any other kitchen appliances on a mobile gadget, and you can easily turn it off and turn off the hood, set the speeds, customize the timer, being out of the house.

Noise level

  • Hooding work can be considered very quietif noise that creates a motor when working up to 35 dB. (comparable with a whisper).
  • Quiet work - up to 45 dB (comparable with a conversation at a distance of 10 m).
  • Normal noise level - about 50. dB (a harsh conversation at a distance of 3 m).
  • High noise - 70 dB and more (Compare with a very loud conversation at a distance of about 5 m).

Additional functions

When choosing an exhaust for the kitchen, you should pay attention to the presence of additional functions, such as the residual stroke of the fan, the interval of the exhaust.

Residual fan running Provides drawing operation within a few minutes after the trip, it allows you to completely clean the air in the kitchen after cooking.

Interval inclusion Hooding provides its inclusion for short time at minimal power. For example, once a hour for 5 minutes. It is necessary for a constant tide of fresh air to your room.

Lighting. They are equipped with almost all hoods. Conventional incandescent lamps, halogen or daylight lamps can be used. Extracts with incandescent lamps are cheaper, but in the presence of halogen luminaires, electricity consumption is reduced. Light bulbs, failed, easily change.

The number of lamps and their location are different, depending on the exhaust model. Also appeared on sale with LED lamps. In more expensive models of hoods, the light level can also be adjusted, even auto-tuning is possible under the illumination of the kitchen.

Very interesting and function focusing light. It meets in some models of hoods. With this feature, you can focus the lighting either on the cooking surface, or make the light scattered to light the entire kitchen or a certain part.

Top 5 best hoods 2016

The most common extract with the minimum set of necessary features. By the ratio, price and quality is a great option, but at the maximum speed of noise from the drawing may seem loud. The bonus of this model is the retractable panel.

Stylish and functional extractor, which will become a real decoration of any kitchen. High performance, timer, indication of filter contamination, automatic power on and off - all this together with the design affects the final high cost model.

You can buy an extract from the article on

Excellent functional extract with a glass belling visor and the possibility of installing a coal filter. The compact and pretty model at the maximum speed is noise, which can cause discomfort, but often the highest speeds in hoods are not used at all.

Compact powerful extract with two halogen lamps. It can work in two modes, and at the first speeds sufficient quiet, but at the same time quickly and efficiently displays all pollutants.