Repair Design Furniture

Like a bathroom tile grout. Do-it-yourself grouting of tiles in the bathroom: we do in stages with high quality grouting of the joints between the tiles. Furan trowels

Quite often for wall and floor cladding in different premises tiles are used. It is not only practical but also beautiful option finishes. However, careless or unprofessional grouting can ruin everything. The joints are filled with a special compound, and this process has many nuances.

How to grind tiles to beautiful view of the decorated premises has been preserved on long time? Knowledge of the intricacies of such work will help to understand this.

How to choose a grout mixture?

Before you grind the seams on the tiles, you need to purchase a grout. It is selected depending on the following factors:

  • chemical composition;
  • operating conditions of the facing coating;
  • compatibility with the composition of the adhesive solution;
  • the width of the space between adjacent tiles.

When choosing a color, many experts advise purchasing grouting mixtures in darker tones than the tiled floor itself. This will strictly emphasize the geometry of the tiles and practically hide the dirt that will appear during use.

Types of grouting mixtures

Before starting the tiling process, you should find out how you can grind the tile seams in each case. To do this, it is important to figure out what kind of mashing compositions are.

By chemical components, they are classified into the following varieties:

  • cement-sand based grouting;
  • polymer-cement compositions;
  • epoxy-cement mixtures;
  • epoxy grout;
  • silicone-based polymer mixtures.

Cement-sand compositions are made from white cement with the addition of fine-grained clean sand. They are used for decorative design of joints in rooms, which are characterized by moderate humidity and gentle conditions. The base should be concrete or brick, not subject to deformation. If you cannot find the desired shade, then you can purchase White color and add color when cooking.

Polymer-cement mixtures are similar in composition to cement-sand grout, but they also contain polymer additives that make them more durable and moisture resistant. The seams lined with them are not susceptible to the formation of various defects, for example, cracks. Cement-sand and polymer-cement trowels are preferred by specialists for residential buildings and office premises.

Epoxy-cement and epoxy compounds are used both in internal and external works for facing tiles. Due to their composition, they are able to withstand even the most aggressive operating conditions: bases subject to deformation, increased humidity and adverse influences environment... By its composition, an epoxy-based grout is viscous and has the property of quickly hardening, therefore it requires active and skillful work. It is not suitable for mashing narrow tiled spaces in residential premises, the width of which ranges from 3-6 mm, but will become a great solution for tiling work on wide joints of various non-standard objects, for example, swimming pools. This type of paste is used more often in industrial facilities.

Polymer mixtures are resistant to temperature fluctuations, therefore they are successfully used for cladding floor tiles with a "warm floor" system. They are inserted into the suture using a special syringe.


Before rubbing the seams on the tiles, it is imperative to prepare a construction kit. It includes the following components:

  • special trowel or rubber spatula;
  • small tray for mixing grout;
  • water tank;
  • soft rag;
  • foam sponge;
  • some professionals wear goggles, rubber gloves and a respirator when working.


Before rubbing the seams between the tiles, specialists carry out preliminary measures to clean the inter-tile spaces. They remove all remaining dividing crosses, despite the opinion of many manufacturers that they can be left and grout applied on top. Professionals say that in areas where a separator remains, the tone of the grout will be lighter after hardening - this will ruin the final result.

After this procedure, everything is washed with ordinary water using a foam sponge. Vacuum the room well before grouting the tiles on the floor.

For unglazed materials, a preliminary slight moistening of the top and side surfaces is required. This event will help get rid of excess moisture suction when applying grout. With strong moisture, the trowel mass often spreads, so it is important not to overdo it. The grout can be applied to glazed tiles without pre-wetting the side and top areas.

Kneading the grout paste

Before grouting the joints on the tiles, you need to properly prepare the grout. The quality of the work performed will depend on it. A similar mass is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. Too thin a grout mixture can lead to cracking of the joint after drying, too thick will not fill the space of the entire joint. The mass should be homogeneous and resemble sour cream in its consistency. It is convenient to use a construction mixer for mixing.

The finished paste should be used quickly, so knead it in small portions (about 300-500 grams at a time).

Application of the trowel

Before you grind the seams on the tiles on the floor or wall, read the following recommendations from specialists:

  • rubbing is done not along the perimeter of the tile, but first in the horizontal direction, then in the vertical direction or vice versa;
  • do not cover the entire area at once, but allocate plots of approximately 1 sq. meter;
  • the more paste enters the seam, the better and stronger it will be during operation;
  • the grout area must be damp.

A small amount of the prepared grout paste is applied to the joint area and spread over it with a trowel, which must be held at an angle of 30-40 ° to the surface to be treated.

It is important to know how to properly trowel the tile joints in order to get a high-quality and accurate result. To do this, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 times along the seam, rubbing and deepening the mixture as carefully as possible into all voids and corners. The inter-tile area must be filled tightly in order to exclude the formation of voids between the tiles as much as possible. Excess grouting paste is removed by running the trowel diagonally to the seam. The tool is positioned at an angle of 90 ° to the area to be machined. Some experts recommend having another spatula for this.

Finishing touches

After about 15 minutes, the trowel paste will dry out slightly. It's time to wipe the seams with a damp sponge in the same sequence in which they were rubbed.

Only when you press on it with a uniform force, seams with the same depth are obtained. This must be done at this stage, then it will be difficult to correct the result. The sponge is washed with plain water. The treated area is left to dry (on average, this process lasts 12 hours).

Important nuances

You need to know how to grind tiles in corners. For this, a special small spatula is used, designed for hard-to-reach places... Many experts prefer to fill corners and crevices around the perimeter of shower cabins, bathtubs, washbasins with silicone, which will guarantee the tightness of the filling of the entire seam and exclude the formation of cracks in the future. Before filling the inter-tile space with silicone sealant, cover the edges of the tiles with masking tape to avoid contamination. The sealant is pressed in continuously, then leveled with a damp rubber trowel. By removing excess silicone, you can remove the tape strips from the tiles.

You should know how to grind the seams on the tiles on the floor so that you do not accidentally ruin the result. To do this, many craftsmen recommend covering the treated area with a sheet of plywood after trowelling and leaving it until the trowel paste has completely hardened. When the grout has hardened, you need to start cleaning the tiles. It is washed well with a wet sponge and then rubbed with a dry cloth.

Specialist rates

Anyone who is engaged in repairs on their own is interested in the question of how much it costs to grind the tile seams and lay it, that is, what will be the savings for the budget. The cost of a specialist's services in this work depends on the status of the master himself, the rating of his company, the size of the tiled coating and total area designed for styling and mashing. On average, professionals ask for about 600 rubles per 1 sq. M. for laying tiles of ordinary size with subsequent grouting, and within 950 rubles / 1 sq.m. for the same work with mosaics. A separate service for mashing the area of ​​inter-tile space will cost approximately 100 rubles / 1 sq. M.

First of all, let's figure it out - when do you need to grout tiles? Usually, masters advise to start this work not earlier, which is a day after the completion of the installation, but you should not postpone it for a long time. And this period is determined for many reasons:

  • On the second day after the completion of styling adhesive composition has not yet finally "grabbed" and it is possible to easily clean off the dirt and stains missed the day before;
  • The moisture remaining in the tile contributes to the better absorption of the grout composition, forming a single surface. And on the contrary, special soaking of the completely dried out joints only leads to an increase in water in the grout composition, making it liquid and less elastic. And such a mixture is more problematic to apply, and even more difficult to distribute.
  • Leaving tile joints open for a long time is not recommended due to the possibility of contamination. Experience shows that trapped small particles of debris and even settled dust significantly complicate the application of any mixtures or coatings. What if it comes about the room where other renovation work, it is very difficult to ensure cleanliness, especially on tiles laid on the floor. Therefore, if you do not want to add problems to yourself, you should not postpone grouting.

Traditionally, the color of the grout is matched to the color of the tile. According to generally accepted design rules, no more than two primary colors are used in the interior of one room. Therefore, some variation in the intensity of the grout and tile shades is allowed, but not the difference in color. When combining tiles of various colors, as well as when using decorative inserts, you should stock up on grout of the corresponding colors.

If it was not possible to find a grout on sale that matches the color of the tile, then the problem can be solved by making it yourself. To do this, take a white mixture and add to it the required amount of color for water-based paint... By gradually mixing in a certain color, you can give the trowel the desired shade.

There is one secret here: the color of the wet solution is more intense than that which will be obtained when the mixture dries. When adjusting the saturation, you need to remember about this feature in order to select the desired color as accurately as possible.

For white floor tiles, it is prudent to immediately choose a light gray grout, since it is very difficult to achieve its ideal whiteness when using the floor.

Depending on what methods of grouting the tiles are planned to be used, you may need the appropriate tools: a container with a volume of no more than 1.5-2 liters (a small plastic bucket or bowl); a handy metal spatula for mixing the finished mixture, a foam sponge, a clean cloth and a bucket of water. But the main tools in the work will be a special plastic spatula with a rubber tip or a cheaper option - a rubber spatula, although such savings are not always justified.

The applied technology of grouting ceramic tiles and the calculation of the amount of material

As when calculating others building mixtures, the estimated consumption of grout is difficult to calculate in advance. Even the numbers indicated by the manufacturers on the packages very often differ, and the most unpleasant thing is when the mixture unexpectedly ends up during operation, absolutely not justifying the declared consumption rates.

To reduce such charges, when purchasing grout, you should consider:

  • Tile texture. It is more difficult to collect excess mixture from the embossed surface, therefore the grout consumption will be higher.
  • Tile sizes. Here is simple math - the larger the area of ​​each piece, the fewer seams on the surface. Thus, when grouting the joints between small tiles, more mixture is consumed, and vice versa - the larger the tile, the less grouting will go.
  • Width of seams. It depends on the size of the crosses used when laying.

For calculations, the ratio of 400 g of the mixture per 1 square meter of laid tiles is taken as a basis. standard size, supplementing or reducing the amount of grout depending on the above conditions.

When all the materials and tools are ready, you need to understand how to use a tile grout.

The main stage is the application of grout

First things first, you need to prepare the mixture. This is done immediately before starting work, since the solution is not stored for a long time and hardens after 15-30 minutes. For the same reason, they cook it in small quantities, especially if there are few skills at work. Dilute dry mixture clean water, according to the instructions in the instructions. And at this stage it is very important to mix the components correctly, otherwise you can spoil the material - both too liquid solution and too thick are not suitable for work. After mixing the mixture, it is allowed to stand for five minutes, and then mix thoroughly again. That's it, the solution is ready! Let's get down to the spatula!

When the tile joints are finished after grouting, the surface is left to dry completely. Usually, given the average daily temperature in the room is 16-26 degrees and relatively low humidity, an hour or one and a half is enough. But lowering the temperature by 3-5 degrees can delay this process.

As for the readiness of the floor tiles for use, although the grout in the seams dries up after an hour, you can step or place furniture on the floor no earlier than three hours later. The fact is that small specks or sand accidentally caught in a fragile grout solution can violate the integrity of a neatly made seam.

Final work

When the grout has already completely dried, it's time to remove the remaining white bloom and finally put the tiled surface in order.

The intensity and amount of plaque on the tiles depends on how thoroughly the foam sponge was washed and how often the water in the bucket was changed. But even if the tile needs a good cleaning, this is not difficult to accomplish.

The best and most effective way there will be clean running water directed from the hose - quickly, cleanly and you do not need to rub anything. But there is not always a practical opportunity to apply such a method. Therefore, the "dry" cleaning method is used more often. To do this, use a dense, preferably felt, rag, with which the surface is rubbed, cleaning off the remnants of the mixture. The problem can only arise with cleaning the surfaces of corrugated, textured or matte tiles. And here special cleaners will help, which can usually be found in the same stores where grout is purchased.

The final stage of tile laying is the processing of the joints between the tiles. If you do it yourself, you need to know how and how to grind the seams on the tiles, these skills are necessary not only for the final work to look beautiful and complete. The durability of the coating, as well as the issue of hygiene, depend on the correctness of its implementation.

Tile grouting is the final stage of any tiling work.

Why is it needed

At the very beginning, the question is brewing: when and why do you need to grind the seams on the tiles? You need to understand this in order. Seams are the space between the pieces of cladding at the seam. The laying technology predetermines the standards and norms that you need to be guided by during the installation of tiles. It is recommended to leave an average of 2 to 5 mm space between the elements. How more tiles- the wider the seam can be.

This is done for several reasons:

  • In the process of shrinking the walls, the tile may move slightly, so it needs to leave room for movement;
  • The wall "breathes" through these cracks in the cladding;
  • Grout protects the walls in the bathroom from the penetration of excessive moisture, if this is not done, fungus and mold will form in the seams sooner or later, and the situation will be aggravated by dirt clogged in the joints;
  • Grouting improves adhesion between the fragments;
  • Plays a certain decorative role. Neat and even seams look quite aesthetically pleasing and mask the remains of mortar and small defects along the edges of the tile, for example, chips and notches.

How long the coating will be in good condition depends on how you seal the joints between the tiles.

Grout affects the quality and performance characteristics total coverage

How to choose the mixture

In order to properly grind the seams on the tiles, and in the process there are no unnecessary problems, it is important to choose the right mixture. This nuance is given no less importance than the process itself.

You need to select material based on the following criteria:

  1. Colour... Perhaps this point is fundamental for most people. The appearance largely depends on the color of the grout. finished coating... White is considered universal. If you want the surface to look like a single monolith, you need to choose a shade that matches the tile. Today it is quite simple to do this, you can simply add color to a standard white mixture. You can play with contrast, but this approach is used much less often.
  2. Composition and properties... Mixtures for grouting tiles on tiles may contain materials such as gypsum, alabaster, Portland cement, epoxy resins, etc. Depending on the composition, the properties of the mixture change. For rooms with high humidity such as the bathroom, you need to choose water-repellent components, and for surfaces with high stress and wear - stronger and coarser compounds. The best option- epoxy mixture.
  3. Appointment... The standard grout is intended for the treatment of wall joints between tiles. However, it still wears out over time and requires updating. On the floor, it is better to use a more tenacious mixture, since the tiles are constantly exposed to stress and contact with shoes and other objects. That is, a loose structure in this case is categorically not suitable.

Tile joints can be filled with grout of any color

How to prepare grout

Most often, grout options from manufacturers are used today. It is convenient, and you can also choose the ideal composition for a specific case. Grout is available in two types. The first is dry powder. Not everyone is able to correctly calculate the required amount of material. The powder can be used as needed, it can be stored for quite a long time if necessary conditions... You regulate the density of the mass yourself, the proportions are indicated on the package, so there will be no difficulties in preparing the grout.

The second option is ready-made mass. It is an elastic mass, most often available in cans or buckets. The plus is that you do not need to dilute anything, the material is already completely ready for use. An obvious disadvantage is the short shelf life of an opened can. Therefore, the leftovers will most likely have to be thrown away. Since it is more profitable to make a grout for the joints of the tiles with your own hands, purchase dry mixes.

You can prepare the grout yourself. The easiest option is a mixture of water and alabaster. It turns out an elastic white mass, but when it dries it can crumble, so this putty will not last long. Gypsum additives can strengthen the mixture, but they will not fundamentally change the situation.

Since it is very difficult to prepare a high-quality grout for tiles with your own hands, it is better to give preference to the purchased option.


To complete the work, you will need a rather modest list of tools and auxiliary materials:

  • container for solution;
  • small rubber spatula;
  • foam sponge;
  • water;
  • brush;
  • construction mixer.

Since you need to dilute the grout for the tiles in small portions, you will need a small container. The mixer is used only for harvesting a large number mass, in other cases, homogeneity can be achieved by kneading it with a trowel or spatula.

Facilitate the grouting procedure between tiles called a "pastry" bag

How to grout tiles:

  1. Clean seams from dirt and dust, degrease and treat with an antifungal agent.
  2. Use a brush to dab the seams with water for better adhesion to the fabric.
  3. Dilute a small amount of mastic.
  4. Apply the elastic mixture rubber spatula directly onto the seam itself, tamping it inward so that no voids remain.
  5. Remove excess with a spatula.
  6. When the mass is dry, slightly moisten it with water so that it does not crack.
  7. It is better to seal the joints of the tile with the bathtub or countertop where the skirting board will run with silicone sealant. It will provide one hundred percent protection against water flow and the formation of fungus along the wall.

The grouting between the tiles on the walls and on the floor has some differences. The direction of work in the vertical plane is from top to bottom. The sealant is applied last. It is convenient to work with it, since the tube has a special narrow nozzle. If you are working on the floor, you need to move from the back corner to the exit, just as you would when laying the tiles themselves.

Final processing

The next day, after the grout dries out, in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, it is necessary to re-surface the rubbed seams. antiseptic, this will reduce the likelihood of mold and mildew formation in the most vulnerable places of the wall and floor covering. On horizontal surfaces, no matter how you try to prevent this, water will accumulate, it can leak along the seams, therefore, in addition, to prevent moisture penetration, they can be opened with epoxy resin. At this, grouting the tiles with your own hands can be considered complete. Next, you need to take care of the tile itself.

How to clean the surface

To tile covering has acquired a complete look, you need to take care of its cleanliness and remove all traces of putty. It is usually necessary to grind the tiles in two or three approaches, if the mastic sags during drying, the surface is cleaned at the very end.

It is better to apply grout and remove its excess with special tools.

To do this, wet a foam rubber sponge with water and rinse the tiles so that the grout on its surface is slightly wet. Next, use a spatula or scraper to remove any excess, keeping the tool perpendicular to the surface. Streaks and residues are removed with a sponge or damp cloth, with its help you can correct the seams. Note that they should not be convex or go over the tile itself. You can use an old toothbrush and water to clean the grooved tiles.

Please note: you need to work with the putty that has not yet completely dried, otherwise it will be very difficult to soften it, which will greatly complicate and slow down the cleaning process.

When scraping off the hardened mass, you risk damaging the tile, especially if its surface is glossy. It will be almost impossible to remove such material from embossed tiles. Finally, treat the shiny tile with glass cleaner and polish it.

It is not enough to know only the peculiarities of performing work on the application of grout. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with basic rules for the care of such a surface.

They love the tiles for being very practical and easy to clean.

First of all, remember that the cleanliness of the seams prevents the growth of pathogenic microbes and fungi. It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning every one to two months. To do this, you can use soapy water, lemon, vinegar or special detergents with a disinfecting effect. You can disinfect the surface with bleach, and bleach with peroxide and soda. It is convenient to clean the seams with an old toothbrush. The steam cleaner does an excellent job of removing stubborn dirt and microbes.

Do not throw away the remains of the mixture, if any, as you will need to grind the seams on the tiles more than once, especially in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Reprocessing should be done regularly as needed. If the seams are darkened, crumbled or fungus has appeared on them, you need to clean the old layer. After that, the joints are coated with an antiseptic, then a new grout is applied. The sealant is removed with a blade and then a new coat is applied.

The correct choice of the mixture, adherence to the fundamentals of the grouting work, regular maintenance and timely renewal not only guarantee the aesthetics of the coating, but also significantly improve the performance of the surface.

The finishing touch when laying tiles on a wall or floor is the application of grout to the joints between the tiles. Even with the finest premium cladding, best glue, make a professional styling, but it is wrong to do the troweling stage, then the coating will be damaged. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly grind the seams on the tiles so that the finish pleases with beauty and durability.

When decorating walls and floors with tiles, how the cladding will look depends largely on how to cover the seams between the tiles. This is no less important stage than styling. ceramic coating... The hygiene, service life and beauty of the appearance of the tile also depend on the correctness of the work performed on grouting tile joints.

Why grout joints?

Before figuring out how to properly trowel the tiles, you need to find out why this procedure is generally needed.

Seams are the distance at the joint between tiles. The installation technology provides for certain norms and standards that should be observed during the installation process. facing material... On average, from 2 to 5 mm is left between the fragments, depending on the size of the tile - the larger it is, the wider the seam.

  1. After the wall cladding, a shrinkage process takes place, as a result of which the tile may move. Seams allow shrinkage to be as inconspicuous as possible, giving space for little movement.
  2. Grout protects the finish in a wet visit from excess moisture, otherwise dirt, mold and mildew will appear in the joints without grouting.
  3. The seams on the bathroom tiles allow the walls and flooring"Breathe" thanks to these cracks.
  4. The joints are sealed to improve adhesion between the cladding elements.
  5. Perform decorative function... Beautiful, neat joints look very aesthetically pleasing, hiding the remnants of glue in the seams, as well as minor chips, notches and other defects along the edges of the tiles.
  6. Rub the seams well if you want the floor or wall cladding to last a long time.

As a rule, the consumption of grouting material is indicated on the packaging, the required amount of grout can also be calculated using the following formula:

Consumption (kg / m²) = (A + B) / (A x B) x H x D x Coef. x 10%,

where: A, B - tile proportions (width, length) in mm; H is the thickness of the tile (seam) in mm; D - average joint width in mm; Coef. - coefficient of grout density (1.5 - 1.8).

Therefore, before applying grout to the tiles, calculate how much material is required for the entire surface, and buy the required amount with a small margin.

What types of grouting mixtures are there?

In most cases, for convenience, the gaps between the tiles are sealed with ready-made compounds from manufacturers. Do-it-yourself grouting of tiles can be done with a mixture of one of the following types:

  1. Cement. Contains fine sand and various polymer additives. The powdery composition is diluted with latex or water before use. After dissolution, it is used for no more than two hours. Excellent for seams 5 mm and larger. It is characterized by ease of use and low cost. It is not recommended to apply on enamelled tiles, as sand can scratch the surface. Degrades from direct exposure to water and chemicals.
  2. Epoxy. The composition of only two components - resin and hardener, however, it is possible to add other substances - sand, glitter, Portland cement. Differs in resistance to any external influences, both mechanical, temperature and chemical. The price of epoxy grout is noticeably higher, and the application process is more complicated. The mixed components are suitable for use in just 10-20 minutes. It is best used for finishing swimming pools or surfaces requiring transparent seams with lighting (design solutions).
  3. Polyurethane. It is based on water mixtures of polyurethane resins. This solution is immediately sold ready-to-use. Allows the addition of decorative elements. Its characteristics are similar to epoxy, but the application process is simpler, but the cost is even higher, so it is better to use it only for the bathroom floor. Does not like constant direct contact with water, has a restriction on the width of the joints - no more than 6 mm.
  4. Special. These compounds are used only according to the situation, for example, in rooms with high temperatures (baths, stoves, fireplaces) or an aggressive chemical environment (laboratories, technical workshops). Differs in high price and labor intensity of the troweling process. Mixes based on chamotte clay, furan resin and heat-resistant cement are popular.

A high-quality grout mixture should contain the following components:

  • cement;
  • impregnation;
  • latex;
  • varnishes.

These ingredients give the grout strength and elasticity. And in the pastes used for grouting joints in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, antifungal and antimicrobial substances must be present.

How to choose a grout?

To erase with quality seam joints on a tile, and to avoid problems during the operation of the applied composition, it is important to choose the right grout. This important nuance it is worth attaching no less importance than the application itself. Therefore, before grouting tiles on floors or walls, it is important to choose the right mixture for this.

Selecting a trowel must be guided by the following important criteria:

  1. Composition and properties. Grouting materials for ceramic tiles, depending on the composition, change their properties. In the bedroom and living room, it is better to choose a cement mixture for the joints, since it contains binders and additives for plasticity and quick hardening of the paste. For finishing rooms in which there is a high degree of humidity, for example, a bathroom or a toilet, it is worth giving preference to a product with water-repellent ingredients, and for facing coatings with high level wear and tear are coarser and more durable components. It is best to choose an epoxy grout.
  2. Appointment. A common grout paste is specified for finishing wall tile joints. However, over time, the grout is subject to wear and tear and needs to be updated. For the treatment of floor seams, it is better to use a more tenacious compound, since the surface is prone to constant load when walking and in contact with various subjects... Therefore, a loose composition cannot be applied here.
  3. Colour. For many, this criterion is fundamental in the choice of material, because the color depends on how the cladding will look in the end. White is considered to be universal, but if you do not want the seams to stand out from the overall picture, then you should choose a shade that matches the color of the tile. This is very simple to do - you need to add a special color scheme to the standard white grout.

In addition, when choosing a grouting mixture, it is worth considering such performance characteristics as mechanical stress and abrasion resistance (for floor tiles), resistance to moisture and temperature extremes, exposure to aggressive chemicals and the width of the joints.

In this case, for deformed and corner joints, it is better to choose silicone sealants Although they are not as durable as epoxy and cementitious products, they have advantages such as:

  • masking of tile defects;
  • resistance to humid environment;
  • antifungal properties.

However, with constant contact with food debris, the silicone grout turns into a loose mixture and begins to crumble, and the appearance turns yellow. Therefore, it is better not to process the joints near the sink and countertop in the kitchen with such a sealant.

It is worth noting that grouting tile joints can be done with a self-prepared composition. The easiest way is to mix alabaster and water. Such mastic is applied quickly and easily, however, when it dries, it often crumbles and falls off. If you add gypsum to this mixture, then the composition will become a little stronger, but such a grout will not last long either. Therefore, it is better to choose ready-made funds.

Preparing tiles for grouting

Before grouting the tiles, the joints must be prepared for this. After removing the crosses or elements, the joints must be cleaned of glue residues. From the edges of the tile, the dried mixture is carefully scraped off with a wallpaper knife or a small spatula. You can also use a wooden spatula to avoid damaging the cladding material.

Tile adhesive must also be removed from the seams themselves. To do this, use a tool that can penetrate to a depth of 5-7 mm: a spatula, a screwdriver or a wooden stick, but in the latter case, the process will noticeably slow down.

To remove the remnants of glue, building chips, dirt and other debris from the gaps and from the surface, the walls and floor must be thoroughly vacuumed using a special nozzle for joints for joints. It is advisable to treat the gaps with an antifungal agent. After that, wipe the seams with a soft sponge or clean damp cloth.

If the tile has a porous surface, then it is better to seal the areas along the gaps with masking tape 3-5 mm wide. This will prevent the grout from getting into the pores of the ceramic, from where it is very problematic to wash the grout. So that you do not have to paint over the stains on the tiles with special formulations, it is better to buy a couple of skeins of masking tape.

  • the trowel itself;
  • container for diluting the composition;
  • special rubber spatula or bag;
  • brush;
  • construction mixer;
  • pure water;
  • foam sponge.

Since you will have to stir a small portion of the paste at a time to avoid hardening, a small container is needed. If the mixture is capable of not hardening for a long time, then more grout can be prepared using a mixer. In other cases, a small amount of material is simply thoroughly mixed with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How to cover the seams between tiles?

Consider step-by-step instructions how to use tile grout correctly:

  1. Use a fine brush to blot the gaps with water to ensure good adhesion to the mixture.
  2. Then you need to prepare a small portion of the pasta.
  3. Now you can apply the mastic with a rubber spatula, or using a pastry-type bag, directly into the seam, tamping the material inward, sealing up all the voids.
  4. Excess grout is removed with a spatula and mixed again with the entire mass. The seams should not be convex.
  5. If the composition begins to dry out, you can add a little water.

At the same time, the grouting of tiles on the walls and floor has slight differences. On the walls, the mixture is applied from top to bottom, and on the floor - from the far corner to the exit. Silicone corner grout is applied at the very end.

In such damp rooms as a bathroom and a bathroom, the next day, it is worth re-treating the seams with an antiseptic grout to reduce the possibility of mold and mildew in them. In addition, there will always be moisture. Water will often flow at the seams, so experts recommend that you additionally coat them with epoxy.

At this, the grouting of all the seams of the tile can be considered almost complete. But you still need to clean the tiles from the remnants of the grout mixture.

How and when to wash the tiles?

In order for the wall and floor cladding with ceramic tiles to take on a final look, it is necessary to clean it, remove traces of grout and other dirt. As a rule, I rub the seams two times - one main, and the next - when subsiding after drying. It is necessary to wash the surface of the tile at the very end, 12-24 hours after the final grouting.

To clear the mastic from the tiles, you must:

  • moisten an ordinary foam sponge with water and use it to rinse the tiles so that the remains of the grout mixture on its surface get a little wet.
  • then, using a scraper or spatula, carefully remove the remaining grout, holding the tool perpendicular to the cladding;
  • to wash corrugated or porous tiles, you can use a soft brush for clothes or a toothbrush;
  • stains are wiped off with a soft dry or slightly damp cloth;
  • then treat the tile with a glass cleaner and polish it well.

Keep in mind that you need to wash off the excess grout before it dries completely, otherwise it will be very difficult to soften and remove it from the surface of the tile. In addition, scraping off the hardened mixture can easily damage the cladding, especially the glossy one.

How do I care for my seams?

It is not enough just to become familiar with how to properly grind the seams on the tiles. It is also important to know about the features proper care after them.

You need to understand that clean seams, first of all, do not allow the growth of mold, fungus and pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, you need to regularly, at least once a month, do general cleaning for cleaning tiles, using soap, vinegar dissolved in water for disinfection, citric acid or special disinfectant detergents.

A chlorine solution can also be used to disinfect the surface, and hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda... An old toothbrush will help you. A good steam cleaner will perfectly remove even stubborn dirt, and even germs.

If you have residues of mastic, then you should not throw them away, since it will be necessary to grind the seams or joints on the tiles more than once, especially due to overly thorough cleaning.

If the seams are covered with mold, fungus has multiplied on them, then the old grout must be cleaned, the gaps must be treated with an antiseptic and the joints must be grout again. The silicone mixture is removed with a blade, covered with an antiseptic, after which a fresh layer is applied.

Thus, right choice grouting, compliance with the rules in the process of work, regular and timely maintenance contribute not only to the pleasant appearance of the coating, but also ensure its durability.

Do-it-yourself finishing grouting of tiles in the bathroom is a procedure that completes the process of laying tiles. The appearance of the cladding and the preservation of its original properties will depend on the quality of this work. Different variants bathroom finishes (creating an interior "like a brick" or laying mosaics on a plasterboard base) require the use of special technologies. In order to properly wipe the space between the tiles, you must adhere to a few simple rules and recommendations for finishing.

First of all, you should choose the right mixture for the job. There are several types of materials designed for internal works... For narrow intervals (up to 5 mm), materials based on cement and various additives are used. Such grouts are subject to shrinkage and are therefore not recommended for sealing wide gaps. For thick gaps, sand-containing mixtures will be required. If the seams are covered with such a solution, the formation of cracks can be largely prevented. The described species have a plastic structure (like a putty), it is easy to work with them even for beginners. The disadvantage of such mixtures is poor resistance to moisture. Over time, fungus and blackening form between the tiles.

Tile grout

For bathroom decoration, it is best to purchase moisture-resistant materials based on epoxy resin. It is somewhat more difficult to apply such mixtures, but the result of the work performed will delight you for a very long time. For corners, the use of a silicone grout is recommended. The choice of consumables is also influenced by the tile laying technology. Different types cladding (brick, stone, plasterboard, and so on) require the use of different compounds. The putty is not suitable for finishing the bathroom, as this material is susceptible to moisture and sudden changes in temperature. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with what it will be in order to immediately purchase the required amount of materials.

There are application restrictions for epoxy grout. The distance between the tiles must be at least 6 mm, otherwise the solution will not be able to penetrate all the cracks.

Tile joints can be filled with grout of any color

Grouting ceramic tiles requires the following tools:

  • container for diluting the mixture;
  • electric drill with a small mixer;
  • water spray (manual);
  • foam sponge.

Tile grout tools

The absence of a power tool is not a big problem; you can also manually dilute the mixture to the desired concentration. In the process, you will also need rubber gloves, since working with grout on any basis requires the use of protective equipment.

Preparatory work

Before grouting the seams on the tiles, it is necessary to clean the tile coatings from the remnants of dirt and adhesives. The procedure can be performed with a metal spatula or a clerical knife, but this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the glossy edge of the ceramic. After cleaning, moisten the joints with water. This is necessary so that the working solution "shrinks" less. The procedure can be carried out with a spray bottle, sprayer or ordinary sponge. It is desirable to cover the floor with cardboard or polyethylene.

When the surface is prepared, you can proceed to the preparation of the solution. To obtain an epoxy grout, two components must be mixed - resin and hardener. The result is a dense, elastic mass. It is not very convenient to apply such a solution. Grouting ceramic tiles with epoxy is a painful and painstaking business.

Preparation of the solution

Finished grout consistency

Grouting should be carried out immediately before starting work.

Grouting technology

After preparing the surface and working mass, you can start working. With a rubber spatula, the solution is pushed between the tiles. You need to do this carefully, trying to stain the surface to a minimum, if it does happen, then it is useful for you to know in order to be aware. In case of insufficiently high-quality installation of the tile, it is possible that voids form in the corners. Filling in these areas is especially important. It is advisable to remove excess solution on the surface immediately using the same spatula and sponge. At the same time, movements should be smooth, without undue pressure. You can do this at the end, but cleaning the tile from epoxy after it has cured will take a lot negative emotions... To facilitate the process, you can use acetone (when fully cured) or a 10% alcohol solution.

Cement-based grout is carefully spread, filling all empty spaces between tiles

The work is done with a small rubber spatula

The grouting of floor tiles is done in a similar way. The difference is that it is recommended to use a mixture of dark shades for the floor. Possible abrasions and blackening resulting from use will be less noticeable in this case.

Hold the trowel diagonally so that the grout will spread more evenly over the surface.

During the execution of work, you should periodically stir working mixture... This will prevent premature drying and hardening of the product.

Stages of grouting

Epoxy grouting

Epoxy grout, unlike conventional grout, can be used both for grouting ordinary tiles and for mosaics. But there are more tools for working with epoxy grout than for ordinary grout and its drying time is much longer than that of ordinary grout.

To facilitate the procedure of grouting the seams between tiles, the "pastry" bag is called

Epoxy grout is applied as follows:

  • the contents of the catalyst are placed in a container with a trowel mass;
  • using an electric drill, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed using a mixer attachment;
  • if you plan to use any additive, then it must be added with stirring, so that you end up with a homogeneous mass;
  • You can use the mixture within 45 minutes after preparation, using a rubber spatula to fill the grout. With the same tool, you can gently remove excess mixture. It is necessary to remove the excess before the mixture is completely dry, otherwise it will be problematic later;

Epoxy grout for tiles

  • moisten the rubbed surface with clean water using a spray bottle. After that, using a spatula with a felt nozzle, you can start smoothing the seams and removing grout residues. As it gets dirty, the felt must be rinsed with water, and the residues must be removed in a circular motion;
  • a cellulose sponge will help to completely clean the surface from the remnants of the mixture;

Removing excess

  • streaks and transparent epoxy resin residues should be removed only after the grout has completely hardened;
  • at the end of the work, the surface is wiped with white felt and rinsed with clean water.

The grater can also be effectively used for the next stage - removing grout residues by attaching a porous foam sponge instead of a rubber pad

Features of working with mosaics

Creating a decorative design in a bathroom requires not only a creative approach, but also the implementation of painstaking work. The mosaic on the plasterboard wall is one of the most interesting and original solutions bathroom interior (subject to the use of moisture-resistant drywall). The cladding tiles are fixed to the base with ordinary tile adhesive... In some cases, a technology is used that allows the mosaic to be glued directly onto the grout, creating interesting solutions architectural decor based on drywall. Brickwork or natural stone gives the bathroom a special uniqueness, but greatly complicates the decoration of the mosaic.

To give a luxurious look to your panel, you need to know how to properly finish it. The procedure should be started only one day after the mosaic has been laid. Before rubbing the seams on the tiles, you need to remove the remnants of the glue from the surface. To fill the gaps, use white or colored mixtures (with the use of a latex additive). For working with materials based on epoxy resin, it is convenient to use a construction syringe or a trowel bag.

Mosaic grout

When diluting mosaic components, the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations must be strictly followed. Apply the solution by rubbing horizontally and vertically with a rubber spatula. It also removes all excess mixture (with diagonal movements). The grout dries quickly enough, within 15-20 minutes, so it is better not to occupy large areas at a time.

After drying, all errors must be wiped off with a sponge soaked in water. The hardening of the epoxy-based solution is evidenced by its appearance - the seams become dull. The mosaic must be cleaned with a flat sponge only. In this case, the mixture will not be washed out of the seams.

Cleaning the surface after work

Covering up the spaces of the wall mosaic should be done in several stages. In this case, between approaches, you need to give the solution sufficient time to harden. When placing a plasterboard-based cladding, the tiles may shift during work. You need to correct it with the smooth part of the spatula. This must be done quickly enough. When the mosaic grips with the glue, it will be impossible to correct the errors. The higher the air temperature, the faster the curing time of the epoxy mixture. Therefore, in hot rooms, do not mix large portions solution, and they need to be produced as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, even in the process of applying the mass, cracks begin to appear. To correct the situation, it is necessary to rub dry powder directly into the cracks formed.

Grouting decorative stone

For this type of cladding, cement-based materials are used. There are some subtleties in grouting decorative artificial granite. Distinctive feature this material is its embossed surface. When penetrating into the stone, the grout mixture is very poorly washed off and remains in its pores for a long time. In addition to the insulating function, the intervals between the ends of the cladding are also decorative. Brick or stone joining is performed on artificial granite tiles. Therefore, the technology for performing such activities is somewhat different than simple grouting of ceramic tiles.

For finishing artificial decorative granite it is recommended to use either a cone-shaped package. After cleaning the granite from dust and dirt resulting from laying, it is necessary to prepare a working solution and fill it with a syringe. Then you need to carefully fill the entire space with the mixture; there should be no voids and irregularities between the tiles. In this case, it is important not to stain the stone or brick itself. It is most inconvenient to cover the seams in the corners. Therefore, so that you do not have to adapt to them every time, it is better to start work correctly with them, filling the space between the tiles from top to bottom. If the mortar gets on the brick, it must be removed from the surface immediately.

Grouting decorative stone

Cover the seams decorative coating a spatula is highly undesirable. As a result of such actions, not only the surface will get dirty, but also the sealing will be broken, which is undesirable in the case of using drywall.

When the grout dries a little (after about 20-30 minutes), smoothing and joining of the brick cladding is performed. To do this, you can use a spatula or a special spatula. After the tiles are completely dry, use a medium-hard brush to remove all grout residues.

As you can see, creating a decorative interior in a bathroom made of tiles and drywall, joining brick or stone cladding and grouting tiles with your own hands is not too tricky. Performing these works on your own will allow you to save money, enrich yourself with practical skills and knowledge, become a tiling master, and after long years enjoy the result.