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How to get rid of the loneliness of a woman - life advice. How to get rid of loneliness woman

Last updated: 6/02/17

I could not not pay attention to the fact that my blog was looking for online by phrase, how to get rid of loneliness woman in 45 years old. We will not close your eyes to the fact that men at the appropriate age are suddenly starting to get involved in girls, novels on the side, and even leave the family. We will not understand the reasons why such changes occur in our men. We simply recognize the fact itself, it happens and not rarely. "Sedna in the beard, the demon in the edge", the crisis of middle age. But how not to call this phenomenon, a woman who left the husband will not be easier.

Imagine, I lived - there was a kind family, I lived for a long time, 20 years old. The children grew up, in the house weakness would seem, finally had the opportunity to give each other more time, live for themselves, travel together, go to theaters, to concerts. Early rejoiced, it turns out, the trouble was waiting for you, and what else. You will learn that your husband, your native person who you are for a long year Deli Mount and Joy, no longer loves you, but loves another. And now there has been a terrible day, Husband left to the other woman. Crash, catastrophe! You single woman! But as soon as passion, as soon as you can calm down a little, start acting. Do not let yourself drown in tears! Especially do not dare to put a cross on your life! Life goes on! And maybe you will discover the new ones, in addition to the main work, cleaning the apartment and cooking.

1. Start traveling. The decline change is the most effective and effective tool from stress. And not necessarily abroad, in Russia are full of places to see.

2. Buy (or lighten) camera. You can shoot not only while traveling, but also just genre scenes on the street. Believe me, it is very fascinated!

3. Examine internt, if you still have not done this. In it you will never be alone, you will find a bunch of friends and like-minded people, and maybe you will marry!

4. Come up with yourself some kind of hobby - embroider with a cross, restore the furniture, make paintings from drywalks ...

5. Create society "Friends in misfortune" or join the already existing, together you will think of how to spend the time of fun.

6. Start repairs in the apartment.

7. Go to the theater.

8. Update the wardrobe.

9. Buy a subscription to the fitness center.

And finally, think about the advantages that gives you a role. lonely woman.

1. You can dispose of your time at your own discretion, and dishes wash and wash the time when the time is, and not when the husband said.

2. You can afford everything that married woman can not.

3. You yourself mistress yourself, you earn money yourself and spend them yourself, without reading anyone.

4. Finally, you can fall in love and do not come to sleep, and they are not obliged to explain anyone, and nothing will be for it!

Yes, you never know the benefits of a free person! And, in addition, the rival may still, and drive out your former, and nowhere will he go, except for you. And you still think, forgive you or not!

Believe me, at 45 years old life just begins!

Single woman Maybe a happy woman. If you have a lot of girlfriends and friends, you will find the answer to the question as get rid of loneliness.

There are no similar records.

Many people find the strength to take life and everything that happens around as a gift, others are experiencing certain difficulties with a positive attitude towards peace. And first of all, such a phenomenon is observed in women. Taking to the heart of any difficulties and failures, mainly in personal life, are quite easy to fall into depression and walk to the state, referred to as otherwise as "loneliness."

Fortunately, having a huge desire, get out of the protracted chanders and sadness, overcome the loneliness of a woman is quite possible. After all, everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our inner consciousness. And better than we ourselves, not a single person on Earth can fix it.

Types of solitude

What is loneliness? Not one psychologist explored its features, disassembled the causes and aspects of manifestation. Conditionally loneliness can be divided into three types: the loneliness is forced, voluntary and pathological, as the most prolonged stage, often requiring professional assistance.

Forced loneliness is associated with a shortage of time on the development of personal life, under which they are meant both love and friendly relationsSupported with relatives and close people. Time for simple human communication is most often not enough because of the difficulties in business, the desire for career development, which often takes too much time. No less common cause can be concern for close person, child or sick relative.

There are some similarities between voluntary and pathological loneliness, but still singularities. One of the most bright examples Voluntary advocates the desire to isolate from everyone to retire in their inner experiences. Well, if the time for solitude is necessary as resting and restoring spent physical and emotional forces. It is much worse if the privacy only complicates the situation, gradually turning freedom to full loneliness, close to pathological.

The pathological form of the manifestation of loneliness is considered the most serious. At first glance, it seems that a person has everything: work, a good salary, a wide range of friends, hobbies and even free time for building a personal life. Nevertheless, when everything seems to be, often a woman is haunting a sense of complete alienation. This sometimes interferes with tie a strong relationship with a man. The main reason for this state lies in the psyche of a woman, so in most cases only an experienced psychologist can help cope with such a state.

Causes of solitude

The most common causes leading to the loneliness of women can be represented as the following list:

    Of course, modesty always adorns the girl, so parents raise many daughters. However, excessive impactivity interferes with the male and restrains the development of communication. Often, women, experiencing awkwardness in communicating with people, generate their own loneliness, not noticing how they do it.

    High expectations and queries
    A rather large number of women "mark" any options for potential relationship, being in search of a prince on a white horse. If you create in consciousness an ideal man, it happens quite difficult to find its analogue in real life. And this leads to complete loneliness for many years.

    Men like beautiful, smart and sociable women. However, excessive seriousness can scare a man. With a woman proud and too seriously, someone is unlikely to decide even to talk.

    Infantile women are special, unfortunately, the common type of weak half of the population. Such women prefer not to take anything on their own to search for a satellite. Those who are in relations and married, mistakenly believe that only a man is obliged to make efforts to create happiness in the house.

    Excessive return of work
    Nature itself was visited by a woman to be, first of all, his wife and mother, but not a careerist. By giving all the time the development of a career, you should not be surprised that there are no advice, where to find a husband, with such a tight chart, simply do not work.

    Wide thighs, low growth and something else - often women wind themselves in any little things, not realizing that the majority of others do not even pay attention to these shortcomings. Complexes always interfere with free and liberated communication, so it is better to get rid of them before looking for advice on the Internet, "how to find love" or "help return the husband."

    Fear of responsibility
    With any formation, marriage and strong relationships are always a huge responsibility for relatives and loved ones. Many women fear responsibility, believing that this will lead to the complete loss of independence and freedom.

How to overcome women's loneliness?

Will help to cope with loneliness at any stage different methods. In particular, the female training becomes becoming increasingly effective: it not only allows you to get rid of complexes, biased to the environment and problems, but also helps instantly tie friendly relations with friends in misfortune, which will surely have a positive effect on the perception of the world.

The following tips will help to get rid of loneliness:

    Stay yourself - men like ordinary women for whom not peculiar to duplicate.

    Raise self-esteem - Believe me, and you will find much more our own advantages than flaws;

    Improve sociability - positive, pleasant communication from the lady always attracts right men;

    Recover the attitude towards the opposite half - not all men are so bad as you have time to evaluate;

    Develop interests - a woman with hobbies and mystery will always be desirable;

    Do not sit still - perhaps your happiness is already looking for you ... Help him in the search!

If you feel lonely, come on.
Also get rid of you from solitude skills that you get on our course ".

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 9 minutes


What is loneliness and why is a person among billion other people remain lonely? The famous song explains - "Because ten girls on statistics are nine guys."

But psychologists assure that it is not the case.

The main causes of female loneliness - so why am I always alone?

  • Ensure
    It used to be believed that modesty colors a girl. And many parents raised their daughters according to this opinion. So the generation of indecisive women literally fearing men has grown. Excessive modesty does not contribute to communication, and the smaller the woman communicates, the less in its surroundings of potential workers.
  • Many ladies all their lives are waiting for a prince on a white horse
    Having created a man's ideal in his mind, they cannot find his analogue in reality. And too high demands in the end lead to loneliness.
  • Inaccessibility
    Beautiful, sociable, smart, but too serious a lady scares men. With such a woman, they even be afraid to speak.
  • Infantility
    Many women are waiting that a man will appear by himself, dawn on the horizon and takes her to the dream. Infantile women do not take any action to search for a satellite. In addition, the husband expects the rest of his life to arrange her happiness. But this happens too rarely.
  • Heavy character
    It is no secret that relationships imply compromises. A rare man will be able to get along with an iron woman who does not go for concessions.
  • Full return of work
    The woman first of all is a wife and mother, so taught nature. If the careerist lacks time on the family and on the husband, then the likelihood that it will remain lonely, is nearing 100%. See also:
  • Overestimated requirements
    Often women want to create a family only with beautiful and successful men, it is desirable that at the same time they were also generous and wise. But such high level Need to fit. After all, these men choose themselves into their companions, at least models, businesswomen or famous actresses. And ordinary saleswomen do not interest them.
  • Misunderstanding and fear of men
    There is an opinion that all men are goats. And many women live, holy in this belief. How can I find a satellite of life with this installation? That's right - in no way. Perhaps such an attitude is the consequence soulful injuryBrought in gentle. A woman who once brutally offended her beloved, or fear appeared when the father of the child was morally and physically mocked her mother. In this case, you should contact a psychologist.
  • Own commissioning
    Women absolutely unreasonably wind themselves because of a small breast, wide hips and low growth. Most of others simply do not notice these flaws. And the complexes are not allowed to communicate and freely communicate.
  • Fear of responsibility
    Marriage and family are responsible for the spouse and for children. Many fear of this, be afraid to lose freedom and independence. In addition, usually by 30 years old women get used to independent life, and it becomes difficult to change it.

Pros and cons of women's loneliness - is there any lonely women's advantages?

Solitude has few advantages:

  • Women who do not have experience life together and raising children look younger . This can be explained by the fact that their life is less disturbing, they have less worries and troubles around the house, and more time for themselves.
  • The second advantage is freedom. A person does not depend on the circumstances, from the opinion of another person, he is not afraid of his actions to wander the sense of partner. He does not hold children. At any time, a lonely woman can go on vacation to another end of the world, and not to attach rest under the free days of her husband and a child's vacation.
    You can safely read the book, not to clean and not cook on a huge family. Or sit with girlfriends in a cafe, go to the beauty salon. See also:

Minuses in the life of a lonely person much more

  • Inferiority. Even if a person shouts on every corner that he is happy in his loneliness, in the depths of the soul he will feel deprived. And every familiar will certainly remind this inferiority to phrases: "When you marry?", "Are you all alone?".
  • Helplessness. One person is not for anyone to ask for help. Whether it is a disease, repair or just moral support. There are friends today, and tomorrow they are not. And the family is always near.
  • Lack of companion. Husband is a friend, an ally and like-minded man. therefore married women No need to look for, with whom to celebrate New Year Or with whom to go on vacation. See also:
  • Irregular sex. A lonely person is harder to find a partner. And the absence of proximity does not affect physical and psychological health. Of course, there are cases that there is no sex in marriage, but it is rather an exception.

To break out of chain hands of loneliness you need:

  • Raise self-esteem
    Get rid of if not from all, then from the greater mass of complexes. And move forward to your happiness.
  • Be yourself
    Individuality is valued very high. No need to try to copy some successful personality. We must believe in yourself, do not give in doubts and not to do what I do not like, because every person has its own way to happiness.
  • Enhance your society
    Communicate, smile, exchange news and opinions. The greater the circle of familiar people, the faster there is your only and unique.
  • Review your requirements for the opposite sex
    Perhaps they are too strict, therefore, so far is alone.
  • Be interesting
    So that people want to communicate with you, you need to be unfit. Find yourself your favorite lesson, let it be some fashion hobby. And preferably - not one thing.
  • Go to your ideal
    If your dream is an educated and gallant man, then you need to become an ideal companion for him. The same educated, educated woman dismantling in art or cinematography.
  • Look for your narrowed and not sit still
    Be where it can find you. Visit public events, do not miss the birthdays of friends, corporate events and other holidays.

Loneliness is not a sentence, it is possible to overcome it. After all no one should be lonely because it makes people unhappy.

And what do you think about female loneliness, how to overcome it? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

In the modern world, people are often alone, and dreams of sincere and mutual feelings seem unknown. But with our simple Soviets You can find love for life, and the feeling of loneliness will leave you forever.

Despite the fact that in our time it is not difficult to find new acquaintances and meet a like-minded person, many people long and unsuccessfully trying to find their love. The man, who for a long time Can not find a suitable satellite of life, eventually begins to feel lonely and unhappy. Probably, each of us more than once wondered how to get rid of loneliness and why it is so difficult to meet a person with whom will be comfortable. Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that we do not apply certain efforts to get rid of your shell, or choose the people unsuitable for us. Website experts site picked up for you some tips that will help you find your love.

How to find your love and get rid of loneliness

Do not envy someone else's relationship. Sometimes, looking at the happy couple, people begin to experience envy. Of course, each of us dreams to meet a person with whom every day will seem a holiday, but negative feelings will only become an obstacle on the way to the desired one. Do not forget that every person has the opportunity to meet his soul mate, and maybe someday your relationship will be much more perfect those that you watch around yourself.

Love yourself. Many people who for a long time to no avail are in search of love, begin to seek the reasons for themselves, blame their appearance, character, habits and so on. If you want to love you, first of all you must assess the advantage of yourself. Ideal people do not happen, but all early every person once meets the satellite of his life. Every morning, standing in front of the mirror, tell yourself compliments: This is a simple exercise will help you increase self-esteem and love yourself, despite minor flaws.

Get rid of "ideals." Sometimes human ideals turn out to be on the verge of fiction. Most often with a similar problem face girls dreaming to meet "Prince on horseback". If in my head we create an image of an ideal person, as a rule, it has not completely realistic characteristics and even external data. Perhaps it is for this reason that all the searches of this love do not bring results. You should not be so demanding: at least move a little from your ideals. After all, sometimes even in ordinary people Lovely and unique qualities are hidden.

Do not be afraid of separation. People who at least sometimes survived parting may experience the fear of becoming unsuccessful experience. However, love is not always fading and feelings pass. Analyze what you lacked in past relations and did not like former belovedWhat you did wrong and what mistakes committed. Do not make such misses in the future and do not be afraid to go in search of new romantic adventures. Perhaps it is in the future you are waiting for real love.

Cut the time outside the house. Nowadays social networks Fully replaced live communication. Many people who want to meet their love, spend the clocks on the dating sites. However, only units are achieved in this way. Try at least sometimes attend public places or go out for walks with friends. After all, sometimes the lover can meet you where you do not even expect.

Do not be too narcissified. In life, each of us came across such a person who prefers to talk about themselves, rather than listen to other people. It's no secret that with such personalities it is quite difficult to find mutual language. You can love yourself, but do not overcome that others do not consider you by Narcissa. If you do not want to push away from yourself, learn to listen and delve into his life too, otherwise loneliness will remain the only companion of your life.

Open the heart for love. If you yourself are not ready for relationships, it is unlikely that your searches will give a positive result. Try to understand whether you are ready to experience new feelings, there are no painful offensive and memories from unsuccessful experience. If you were able to let go of the past and ready to love another person, it means that your heart is reopened again for love.

Very often lonely people are in search romantic relationshipBut sometimes we do not notice that even the events around us are prompts about the beginning of the new page in our lives. Learn about the signs foreshadowing the ambulance in order not to accidentally miss the prompts of fate. Let your life will be filled with happiness and do not forget to click on the buttons and

23.10.2017 04:09

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Are you lonely? Are you looking for friends? Do you dream of a loved one near? Do you think that the whole world turned away from you? I could ask you a lot of similar questions, and most of them, I am sure you would give an affirmative answer. After all, I understand what is a sense of loneliness, and not only because I have come across many times with him as part of my professional activities, but also because it has repeatedly experienced it in his life. But at the same time, dear readers, I know the sameness about how you can get rid of this feeling. And in this article I will tell you about it. I will tell you about how to get rid of loneliness and feel yourself happy man, no matter what reason you feel lonely. I assure you, anyone is able to change your life so that it will never feel lonely. Each of us can find yourself friends and a loved one, and each of us can prove yourself in this life most the best way. It is quite easy to do, you just need to tune in to life correctly and everything will go on it like oil, believe me. Take this article to the end, and I will show you how it can be done.

First of all, you need to find out - why do you feel lonely, because there is no one next to you, or because you can't or want to communicate with people around you? Perhaps the thing is that your views on life do not coincide with the views of those people who surround you and therefore it seems to you that these people do not understand you that is tantamount to that they are not at all next to you. And perhaps, the whole thing is that other people are just bad to you treat you, so you pulled away from them and do not want to communicate with them. You know, I do not think that you feel lonely because there are no people around you, unless you live on a desert island, which is hardly possible. Consequently, the whole thing in those people who surround you are not suitable for you, or you don't worry them, or you simply have to communicate with them for any reason or any other reasons. That's why you and lonely, right? It's all about people. And you know what is always a matter of people. Many of our problems, including solitude problem, one way or another are associated with people. And if we learn if you, dear friends, learn how to interact with other people competently, competently communicate with them - you will immediately gain a lot of friends and find yourself a loved one. Do people around you eat, right? So why do you feel lonely? Probably, something prevents you from fully communicating with them, so you are experiencing solitude problem. It follows from another your problem, which is associated with your communicative abilities. So, first of all it is necessary to solve it. Below I will tell you how you can do it.

In the meantime, let's consider the problem of loneliness - on the other hand. In this life, it happens that a person can surround, let's say, not quite right people, that is, people who are very different from him. And a person with these people is very difficult to find a common language, and frankly, often it doesn't even want to do. Therefore, what they are, these people are that they are not - you still alone. It doesn't matter if you are looking for friends or a loved one - if you are surrounded by such people with whom you do not want to have anything in common - you certainly will be lonely. This is really a problem, and quite common. What in this case can be done to get rid of loneliness? Well, the answer suggests itself - you need or find such people who will take you and understand, and with whom you will feel very easily, or you need to learn to communicate with those people who surround you at the moment. If you are not limited in movement around the world - do not live on a small island and are not in isolation, then, probably, you find yourself normal, from your point of view, people for communication, as well as a person for serious relationships - Still easier than finding a common language with those who are in this moment surrounds. Think what you need to do. Perhaps you need to become a little bolder and a little more actively to go out on the new people you need? What do you think?

Try to find a common language with those who are currently surrounded by, in principle, too, the option. At the same time, you absolutely optionally go against yourself and your principles, if you have any. Trying to find a common language with those who do not like to you for one reason or another who does not suit you, nor as friends, nor as a satellite or companion of life, who does not understand you at all - you just have to learn how to see others in these people Qualities that can be attributed to their advantages. It is enough just to find those points of contact, through which you can establish contact with these people and begin to benefit from communicating with them. Let them not be your most best friends And with any of them you do not want to link your fate, but it will make you a less lonely person with them. You just try to learn more about these people, then you will see in them a lot of interesting things for you. After all, you know, people often understand each other. Not because their views on life and many things in it do not coincide, so they cannot accept each other's position, but because they know little about each other. Well, it's like the first impression of a person who is often deceptive. We, it seems, we think about a person one, appreciating him at the beginning of dating very superficially, and over time it turns out that he is completely different, much more interesting and better than we thought. Therefore, other people need to be able to study, and for this, it is necessary to postpone with their attitude towards them and their opinions about them. If you do not like some kind of person - do not hurry to put your opinion about him, try to learn more about him to see in this person not only the qualities that are best noticeable and which you do not like, but also others, less pronounced Or at all hidden qualities, which are also available in it and may well be acceptable to you. Here's from this position you can start communicating with a person who is currently not interesting to you or disliked, having him to herself by taking it life position From the side you need. This is very good way Get rid of loneliness. After all, people around us are much, so you can always find those with whom you can pass the time, no matter how these people would be. It's better than to be alone. So even if you don't even have much to be associated with other people, but only in several positions your views will coincide - this is, you know, not enough. A person needs communicating, this is one of his needs, which somehow must be satisfied to feel fine.

On the other hand, if you are such a person who does not need large quantities Friends and constant communication with people, then you can easily find one or two friends who will largely arrange you. And if we talk about your loved one, then he must be alone in life, but the one that will understand you and which you really fit. In general, the beloved person is near - able to completely save you from loneliness. You will not even need friends if you have a loved one and a loving person next to you. Only one person should appear in your life that you will understand, love, appreciate, respect, and which will take you this or what or what you are, and you immediately get rid of loneliness. You just think about it - just one person. And the feelings of loneliness, as it did not happen. Do you think it is difficult for you to find just one person you will love and which will love you? In fact, no, it's not difficult. Honestly. Some people just seem to find a loved one, loved, very difficult. But I know that it is not. We just need to look, actively search, or rather - choose a suitable person from a huge number people around you. Moreover, there may be several options. So your chances of finding your love, who would not be - great enough.

When I worked with people over this task, which were absolutely sure that someone, and I am exactly difficult to find a loved one or friends, then in the process of communicating with them, we eventually came to the fact that The task is not so complicated as it seemed to them. Do you know why she seemed difficult to them? Because it is always difficult to start doing what I never did or what did, but very rarely. Here you are, dear reader, how often did you find friends or a loved one? How much time do you spend on it - a day, a week, a month? Maybe I, of course, I am mistaken, but for some reason it seems to me that there is not very much. Sorry if I am mistaken about this account, just the statistics that I own, leaning on your own experience, tells me that people have little spend time looking for a loved one and / or friends, so they don't have them, so they are And lonely. Usually people are waiting for people they need themselves will enter their lives. For example, if the girl was convinced that the initiative in dating should be a man, a guy that is partly true, then she can wait all his life to show her prince, who will show this very initiative, suddenly appearing in her life, but at the same time wait for it. And when already age will push it to the creation of a family, she quickly pops into the marriage almost for the first oncoming, which may be damn knows who. Well, the question is, why not start solving this question earlier, why wait? Yes, it is believed that it was a man who should take the initiative in dating, but this is a conditional rule that may well be impaired and should be broken if the woman wants to find a man. You never know what in our lives should be so, and not otherwise, you never know how many rules act in it, it is not necessary, what should be in it, but what is not, - we ourselves need to think about their happiness to have it.

So and friends, and a loved one, it is not difficult to find, you just need to show the initiative in this matter and everything will work out. Not necessarily from the first time, but will definitely succeed. This is what I tell you exactly. The main attitude, the main activity, the main courage that allows us to act. After all, why a person feels lonely when around so much different people? Just because it does not go to active contact with them. Let you do not want to look for points of contact with those who do not like any other reasons or who do not like you - not scary. Look for those with whom you can find a common language, thanks to similar views on the life and kinship of souls. Look for friends by interests, look for a loved one with a similar character, and so on. Act. There is a possibility. Just do not expect the fact that other people will do everything for you - entering your life, as in a fairy tale, and transforming it. Make your life fabulous - all the possibilities of you have every way. I know this for sure, not even knowing each of you separately.

Now let's go back to the matter, or rather, to the problem that I mentioned above, and from which the problem of loneliness discusses us. I mean the problem of communicating with people. After all, you may well be a fairly active person who wants to communicate with people and communicating with them, and with everyone without exception. Nevertheless, you may not have friends and your loved one. Why? Probably, somehow, not quite correctly you communicate with people, agree? Well, you know, there is an opinion confirmed by many psychologists, including me, according to which, such qualities of nature as: egocentrism, conflict, greed, rudeness, arrogance, disrespect for other people and the like qualities that we usually do not like everything in other people - interfere with get rid of loneliness. Pay attention to whether there is something like that that may not like other people, what can push them away from you? If there is something - think about how to fix it. Perhaps you yourself can work with the negative qualities of your nature, you may be resorted to the help of a psychologist. But it is obvious that if something prevents you to communicate normally with other people, and therefore they face you, then you need something to do with it. Otherwise, nothing in your life will change - you will remain a lonely person.

Let's go further, and let's say that people you do not offend and do not push them away from yourself with your attitude, but just afraid to communicate with them, well, for example, because of the negative past experience and, as a result, because of the subconscious fear of failure . By the way, because of this, people often can't find a soul mate - too negative may be them last experience relationship. So they are afraid to enter into new relationships, even more considerable time. Also, you may have any complexes that stop you from communicating with other people. And you can be so much confident that you are not even able to start a conversation with a person unfamiliar to you. In this case, the question arises - what to do with it? A clear thing is to understand. After all, any psychological problems need to be solved - they themselves are not solved. So, either you will deal with yourself, or to a psychologist, ask for help, and he / she will help you get rid of all your internal problems. And getting rid of internal problems you can solve and problems external, because all our problems take their beginning inside us, and their decision begins with us. So if you need to change to get rid of loneliness - you can do it. That is, you have such an opportunity. Use it - change. Contact professionals or yourself help to get rid of all our complexes, fears, uncertainty and other people interfering with normal life psychological problems. Without work on yourself, in this case, it is not necessary to do.

In general, as you can see, friends, I pushing you to active actions, because any task is solved through the action, and not reflection and dreams. I can make a lot to you write about loneliness and about the ways to get rid of it, applying to this issue from a variety of parties. But one theory, this task does not decide, so it should be at least, but practices should be the maximum that you have a real result. You can now get rid of loneliness, if you begin to communicate with some person to any topic you are interested in. Thanks to communication, you will feel like it is easy to take and get out of the state of loneliness, just starting to communicate with other people, or at least with one specific person. You can do it, really can. Only this communication should give you pleasure, otherwise it will not satisfy you, will not help you feel your capabilities. But this is not a problem, with a competent approach to this case, you can get pleasure from any communication, but at the same time. So do not think about it, do not be afraid to do something wrong.

It is better to think about who you can start communicating right now on the topic of interest to you. I will not believe if you say that with anyone, that there is no one in your life, who is ready to listen to you right now. Someone must have to be, who is willing to give you your time and chat with you for souls. Well, if you really have no one - find yourself a suitable person for communication. Take advantage of the same Internet if you do not want to go anywhere and get acquainted with someone. Please start communicating only - start moving towards other people. It is very important - big way begins with the first, small, sometimes very little Step. For you, this step is - the immediate start of communication with other people. Feel your willpower that is able to encourage you to action at any time when you need it. It is she - your willpower will help you take advantage of my advice and recommendations to get rid of loneliness.