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Love horoscope for November Libra woman. Libra November horoscope

Love horoscope

From November 1st to November 10th, you will be busy with earning money, developing your talents and skills, which will greatly distract you from looking for new acquaintances. Disappointments in the next romantic relationship under the pressure of financial and everyday circumstances, they can reach the limit by the beginning of November. Even established partnerships can be tested by everyday life and routine. However, you will have the opportunity to harmonize the situation by joint efforts.

November 11-20. Thanks to the harmonious aspects of Mars in the heart sphere, there will be opportunities to improve your situation. From November 13 to 18, you will get closer to your partner. however, November 6 is a dangerous day. when coldness, indifference and callousness in a relationship can lead to their breakup. But from November 18 to November 20, there is a high probability of a pleasant meeting with a man, with whom you would prefer to keep the connection in secret.

November 21-30. You will make a great impression. Marriage proposals during this period should be treated with a grain of salt. You or your chosen one can proceed not only from feelings, but also from calculation, benefit. This will be a tangible hindrance to creating an atmosphere of soulfulness in the future family, but if you are under no illusions and initially consider family partnership as a business project, then you can take a chance. November 23-26, chances of disappointment
in the chosen one. On November 30, you can fall in love at first sight.

Family horoscope

In solving household issues, everything will be easy, and much will succeed. However, you will not always be able to agree with your spouse. He will be passionate about professional success. You will be able to improve the weather in the house thanks to your delicate taste, feminine ability to smooth out sharp corners and due to the new filling of the apartment: furniture, appliances, decor. Parents will find a way to surprise you. Children have a favorable period for choosing a profession.

Health horoscope

In general, your well-being will be good. In November, echoes of past ailments are still possible, but the course towards healing and strengthening the body will remain unchanged. November 4-9 nervous system will respond well to unloading, walking. It is worth continuing to fortify and strengthen the immune system. Especially successful days for this are from 1 to 5 and from 15 to 22 November. November 9-16 is a favorable period for health-improving courses.

Horoscope of work and money

November will delight you with unexpected financial aid or bonuses. Unobtrusive offers of part-time jobs may come. Home purchases, lucrative job offers are expected due to the positive influence of the planetary aspects. From November 7th to 17th, you will have patrons.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Libra men

Love. He wants romance. meetings by candlelight, secret dates. For joint outings, it is better to choose the period from November 4 to November 14, and from November 15 Libra will prefer cozy home evenings.

Tone He will feel great, he will be able to implement his projects, quietly and easily achieve his plans. Physical activity will help to streamline thoughts and get rid of negativity. Swimming will serve to strengthen the overall body.

Finance.Your faithful is set up for a serious workload, therefore money luck it is guaranteed that additional earnings will be turned up. The already begun expansion of your business or steps towards professional growth will begin to generate income. From November 7 to November 19, he can decide on the purchase of a car.

Work... Efforts in real estate and family businesses will pay off. In November, Libra will find support from colleagues. It is better to search for a job until mid-November. In the first half of November, business trips will be very effective. Promotion is possible from 5 to 19 November.

Friends... From November 4 to November 17, communication with like-minded people will serve the faithful a good service. Friends will be able to help him in business and career issues. Perhaps he will find allies that he will find in the wilds of the Internet. From November 11 to November 22, you can invite friends home.

Leisure.Communication with children on an equal footing will make him feel better. He may get carried away with computer strategy games. Crafts, repairing household utensils will also help to relax.

November 1-10. You will deal with issues of earnings, the development of your talents and skills. This will greatly distract you from looking for new acquaintances. Disappointments in the next romantic relationship under the pressure of financial and everyday circumstances can reach the limit by the beginning of November. Even established partnerships can be tested by everyday life and routine. However, you will have the opportunity to harmonize the situation with joint efforts.

November 11-20. Thanks to the harmonious aspects of Mars in the heart sphere, there will be opportunities to improve the situation. Between November 13 and 18, you will get closer to your partner. however, November 6 is a dangerous day. when coldness, indifference and callousness in a relationship can lead to their breakup. But from November 18 to November 20, there is a high probability of a pleasant meeting with a man, with whom you would prefer to keep the connection in secret.

November 21-30. You will make a great impression. The marriage proposals of this period should be treated with a grain of sound skepticism. You or your chosen one can proceed not only from feelings, but also from calculation, benefit. This will be a tangible hindrance to creating an atmosphere of soulfulness in the future family, but if you are under no illusions and initially consider family partnership as a business project, then you can take a chance. November 23-26, chances of disappointment
in the chosen one. On November 30, you can fall in love at first sight.

Family horoscope

In solving household issues, everything will be easy, and much will succeed. However, you may not always be able to negotiate with your spouse. He will be passionate about professional success. You will be able to improve the weather in the house thanks to your delicate taste, feminine ability to smooth out sharp corners and due to the new filling of the apartment: furniture, appliances, decor. Parents will find a way to surprise you. Children have a favorable period for choosing a profession.

Health horoscope

In general, you will feel good. In November, echoes of past ailments are still possible, but the course for healing and strengthening the body will remain unchanged. From 4 to 9 November, the nervous system will respond well to unloading, walking. It is worth continuing to fortify and strengthen the immune system. Particularly successful days for this are from 1 to 5 and from 15 to 22 November. November 9-16 is a favorable period for health-improving courses.

Horoscope of work and money

November will delight you with unexpected financial aid or bonuses. There may be unobtrusive offers of part-time jobs. Home purchases, lucrative job offers are expected due to the positive influence of the planetary aspects. From November 7th to 17th, you will have patrons.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Libra men

Love. He wants romance. candlelight meetings, secret dates. For joint outings, it is better to choose the period from November 4 to November 14, and from November 15 Libra will prefer cozy home evenings.

Tone. He will feel great, he will be able to implement his projects, quietly and naturally to achieve his plans. Physical activity will help to streamline thoughts and get rid of negativity. Swimming will serve to strengthen the overall body.

Finance. Your faithful person is tuned in to a serious workload, therefore, monetary success is guaranteed to him, additional earnings will turn up. The already begun expansion of your business or steps towards professional growth will begin to generate income. From November 7 to November 19, he can decide on the purchase of a car.

Job. Efforts in real estate and family businesses will pay off. In November, Libra will find support from colleagues. It is better to look for a job before mid-November. In the first half of November, business travel will be very effective. Promotion is possible from 5 to 19 November.

Friends. From November 4 to November 17, communication with like-minded people will serve the faithful a good service. Friends will be able to help him in business and career matters. Perhaps he will find allies that he will find in the wilds of the Internet. From November 11 to November 22, you can invite friends home.

Leisure. Thanks to communication with children on equal terms, he will feel better. He may be addicted to computer strategy games. Crafts, repairing household utensils will also help to relax.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for November 2016:

For those born under the Libra zodiac sign, November promises to be an unusual month. Things will go well for people whose activities are related to intellectual pursuits. There will be an opportunity to meet new people and discover something new.

November for the Libra portends to be diverse in terms of love relationship... This month is filled with passion, tenderness, pleasant meetings, as well as new acquaintances. This period will bring positiveness and passion into your personal life.

November, good time to discuss important issues with your spouse.

Lonely Libra will be able to meet their love far from home. V long-distance train you get to know someone especially important.

November is a great time to communicate with loved ones. You will be passionate about family affairs and all your efforts will be directed towards improving the well-being of your family. Spend more time with your children, show them all your love.

November will provide Libra with new career opportunities. All your efforts will begin to yield results.

This month promises to be productive. Things will go especially well for people whose activities are related to intellectual pursuits. And also business negotiations will go successfully. In no case, do not postpone the implementation of new ideas until later. It is possible that they will soon bring you tremendous success.

In November, financial issues will always be in the spotlight. This period will be quite profitable for Libra.
But still, rely on your common sense, you should not be naive and gullible in terms of money. The stars recommend making big purchases deliberately. Spend your money wisely.

Great success awaits people whose activities are related to creativity. There will be new and interesting ideas, which will be possible to implement next month.

During the November period, you will be in great physical shape. There will be no health problems. Continue to be active. Do fitness, dance, wrestling. Watch your figure carefully and keep yourself always in shape. Pay attention to your diet, if possible, do not consume a lot of fatty and spicy foods.

The stars advise you to communicate more with new people and discover something interesting and new for yourself, it will benefit you!

Most auspicious days in November for the zodiac sign Libra: 6, 10, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25.

Less favorable days in November for the zodiac sign Libra: 8, 11, 14, 17, 28.

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Inga Polonskaya.

The horoscope for November 2016 Libra indicates that this month you will be in anticipation of exciting impressions and be inspired by every change. But the current circumstances will make you think, look at many things not only from the outside, but also from the depths of the subconscious, and make self-esteem. You will try to "see the inside of things", your secret enemies, in order to consciously react to the underlying factors that determine the current situation, and to control the "mechanism" of what is happening. If you practice spiritual principles, you can use your experience to take advantage of favorable factors that other people do not even know about. You will be pleased with the changes that you can make, and the opportunity to "test the strength" of certain things. The horoscope for November 2016 Libra indicates that with your actions you can charm people and act on them encouragingly. If you are an atheist or an adherent of material wealth, then more than anyone else, you will depend on your changeable moods, towards people you will show inconsistency, excessive suspicion and cruelty. You won't have real friends willing to give advice. And in your actions, you can embark on ill-considered adventures, because of which you can end up in a hospital, prison or debt "slavery", contact a criminal group.

Marriage horoscope

You will want to win the attention, affection, and love of those around you. Therefore, you will strive to spend the weekend or holidays in the company of friends or colleagues. Be careful and attentive to the feelings of your chosen one or chosen one. Don't give cause for jealousy.

The horoscope for November 2016 for Libra will sound like an admonition - do not try to seem like someone else and stop wearing someone's mask. Sincerity and only sincerity in literally everything will help you achieve your previously set goals. At the end of autumn, luck will favor you, but only on the condition that you do not scare her away with your vanity, conceit and excessive selfishness.

This advice Libra should first of all use in the field of feelings and interpersonal relationships. In November, you will be amazed at how many new people show interest in your person. You will make acquaintances literally at every step (even during a trip to the supermarket or during your morning jog). Moreover, people who will burst into your life at the end of this fall will be distinguished by their natural charisma and an amazing sense of humor. If you want to make a lasting impression on them, do not overstep your true emotions (do not laugh if you hear an anecdote seem unfunny, and do not express sympathy if the "tear" story did not move you). Stay true to yourself and with people of the opposite sex. In November, you will have a chance to start a new romance, but for this you have to be as natural as possible. Libra ease will not believe in solving an important everyday issue. It is possible that you and your marriage partner will have to urgently look for a large amount of money, and you decide to borrow it from one of your older relatives. To achieve this goal, do not come up with a "multi-move", it is better to honestly tell your parents that you intend to buy something, and you only have enough money to purchase a box of this product.

Finance and career in November will be deprived close attention on the part of the Libra-servants. You will stop taking the initiative in professional matters and will find hundreds of "excuses" so as not to work on your legitimate weekends. The reason for this behavior will lie in your overwhelming November laziness. Is it worth clarifying that this approach will not please you with the growth of finances, and that the bonus at the end of the month will again go not to you, but to more hardworking colleagues. Libra, employed in the field of entrepreneurship, will not have the opportunity to relax in November. You will again be forced to rake a whole heap of problems that have arisen through the fault of careless staff.

In the final of the fall of 2016, Libra will not have to worry too much about her well-being. The only problem for you will be a mild cold, which you can defeat quickly enough. Once you are able to fully restore your shattered health, you begin to realize your most cherished goal - the dream of a slender figure.