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From a schoolgirl's diary. Last year at school. From a schoolgirl's diary We are already in our last year at school

One of the most difficult periods in a secondary school is the eleventh grade, the last year of study. This is a difficult time for both students and their parents. The familiar and familiar life ends. What to do next? This is not an easy decision. How to make your childhood dreams come true? You'll have to work hard on this.

Children who decided to go to university have an additional burden. It is necessary to prepare intensively for the unified state exams along with intense studies at school. In addition to everything, the threat of military service hangs over the young men. Go to work or continue studying? Parents, as always, come to the aid of their grown child. Numerous frank conversations, joint visits to days open doors Universities will help the eleventh grader and his parents make the right choice through joint efforts. There are certainly reasons for alarm if a child often changes his plans, if he cannot choose between a humanitarian direction and a technical one. With what it can be connected? Try to understand the reason with him. Try to do this very tactfully. The child may not trust his parents in this particular matter. There is a possibility that he is afraid that his parents will not understand his choice, will persistently dissuade him, and impose their, as they believe, more correct point of view. Then this already complex problem will become much more complicated. Show the patience and wisdom of an adult when choosing a child. Let him see sincere interest in himself. Dear parents! Be extremely tactful at this time. Do not allow yourself to make caustic remarks about your child, do not look down on him. If you have neglected your child's opinion, find the strength to admit it. Don't repeat your mistake. It is very easy to lose your child's trust in you. And it is very difficult and long to restore this trust later. Remember and tell the graduate about your same torments and problems a lot years ago. Help your child collect as much as possible more information about the chosen profession, so that he, like many young people, has no illusions about this matter. The child must have a clear idea of ​​what exactly he will do after receiving the appropriate education, if the bet is placed on a university. Read together and thoroughly understand reference literature about professions. It's not harmful to discuss careers enough famous people, their ups and possible downs. How easy or difficult the chosen profession is. Make it clear that money is not just paid anywhere. To earn good money, you will have to put in a lot of work and knowledge.

If a graduate has made his choice and argued it competently, it is already too late to convince him or dissuade him. On the contrary, parents should be pleased with this independent decision. Even if it is diametrically opposed to your opinion and at odds with your wishes. Express your approval to your child, because he really needs the support of his loved ones. Wish that everything they planned succeeds as well as possible. Plan together what specific actions need to be taken now to make achieving your goal a reality. If a high school student does nothing, then his dreams will remain dreams. Because there is not much time left for specific actions. Adults must anticipate both their children's victories and the possibility of failure. Spare options are suitable for this. Currently, you can try to enroll in several universities at the same time. Look for a spare university on your own, so you will not distract your child from the main task of preparation. Such searches will not be particularly difficult for parents, because they know the direction of the chosen profession and the expected disciplines that the graduate will have to take.

It should be remembered that there should be a reasonable measure in everything. Make sure that your child does not overdo it while practicing. Many people do not notice how time flies. It seems like I just sat down to work out in the morning, but it’s already dark outside the window. Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition during this stressful time. Help the child stay on fresh air. Despite his busy schedule, he makes joint forays into nature on weekends. You can’t even imagine how much delight an ordinary sausage roasted over a fire will bring to your tired child. A few hours spent with his father in the garage will seem like a holiday to the boy.

Finally, that sweet moment will come when long years of study are over. I can't even believe it. Successful final exams will be completed. Some have exams and entrance exams behind them. A huge amount of emotional and physical work has been done. The graduate has every right to complete rest before the equally difficult next stage of life. And it doesn’t matter whether the child goes to work or becomes a student, or maybe even goes to serve in the army, he needs both physical and emotional rest. A huge feeling of fatigue is observed among all graduates. Both the responsible children and those who, as it seemed to us, were not very stressed at school, were tired. Both need to rest and relax.

R.M. Baraeva, teacher-organizer of life safety, based on Internet materials





    Introduction. 3 pages

    Scenario " New Year" 11 – 19 pp.

    “Last call” 11th grade. 20 – 31 pp.

    “Prom” 32 – 53 pp.

    Conclusion 54 pp.

    Literature 55 pp.

A holiday at school... This is an expected, necessary little miracle in a repeatable series of school days. The expectation of something new, unusual, and joyful accompanies us during these pre-holiday days. What will this holiday be like? What are its signs and differences? How will it warm you up, how will it help you reveal the individuality of the individual and the school team?

School-wide events occupy an important place in the structure of school life. Their goals are varied: they carry Additional information, expand your horizons, develop. But their main goal is to explode the atmosphere of monotony and monotony of mental work with a holiday of feelings, emotions, and joyful experiences. Children need this. In addition, school-wide events are an arena for talented, ambitious, strong-willed children to express themselves, assert themselves, and train their will.

How wonderful it is that the monotony of everyday school life is interrupted by something unexpected. For example, a school-wide holiday, competition, concert, etc.

This paper presents activities that were prepared and carried out in the graduating class. The last school year is a special year in the lives of children. I would like to believe that these holidays, which we prepared and spent together, will be remembered by my children for a long time. Let them remember the best moments of their school life.

Days will fly by, years will pass

But take my word for it

What will attract you here?

From a whirlwind life

And the school rooms have a strict look

It will be nicer in the distance

Here the spring sings in childhood

And who will forget him...

P The first of September is a holiday for the whole school, but above all, it is a holiday for first-graders. This is their first time crossing the threshold of our school. She will give them the joy of first discoveries, knowledge, the ability to make friends, and teach them how to achieve victories.

1September. "First call."

1st century Attention attention! Today, the first of September 2006, a new countdown begins for thousands of boys and girls!

2c. Today, September 1, 2006, 4 boys and 5 girls will become first-graders at our school!

1st century The beginning of a long journey...

They have so much to go through

Find out, think about, learn

So that in ten years

They said about them: “Man!”

2c. The beginning of a long journey...

What awaits them little ones ahead?

I wanted only “five”

They managed to receive!

But that's after, and now

We invite you here!

1st century So, the first class is invited to the first line dedicated to the “First Bell”! Classroom teacher Beltyukova Nadezhda Ivanovna.

First graders come out to the music of “They Learn at School.”

2c. Here the kids are walking,

Kids - pencils!

This is our shift.

During lessons, breaks,

Competitions, Olympiads

We will be replaced if necessary!

They will invent something new

They'll just grow a little!

1st century Don't look what guys

They seem to be rather small in stature.

Fairy tales, puzzles, riddles

The guys will decide for you “on time”!

What is five five?

Problems are not a problem for them.

What a change this is!

2c. They walk cheerfully and cheerfully.

Apparently, everyone knows the letters!

"Harry Potter" probably

Be sure to read it!

Extremely competent!

This is a good change!

The whole school sings the welcome song together.

Song “Small Country”: Doors will open for you today


This country is called a school,

She's expecting babies!

Bright classrooms, like in a castle,

Waiting on chalk board,

And a break, like in a fairy tale,

Will give a call!

Chorus: To the new kids,

Little "firsts"

We will tell you everything about our school

And we will introduce everyone to you!

Clock strike - phonogram.

1st century The chime of the clock tells you and me,

That the time for school days is coming.

We must say goodbye to the sunny summer,

Whether you want it or not, you have to study.

2c. To those who have almost become a luminary,

Who knows everything and can do a lot,

To those who were accepted that year,

And, you remember, they congratulated us here.

1st century For the elders, the younger, our work is for all of us to study.

The start today is given to us so that

Having rested, no longer be lazy,

Develop, work, study!

2c. What a pity. guys, just once

This day and hour happens!

When the bell is ringing

And the first lesson is asked!

1st century Wait with your lessons,

We have it all ahead!

Today is a fun day

Once again we introduce everyone to the school!

We're starting to get acquainted

From one simple word

Who is responsible for everything?

Is the food tasty at the buffet?

What do they teach the kids?

How can repairs be done better?

Where can I find a sponsor?

To pay for desks?

Know that in every school this

Person one: Director!

2c. So I introduce you to the director of our school... Over to him

1st century Let's continue our acquaintance. No less important for

we use the word “head teacher”. Who is he?

2c. The schedule is

Knows about everything in the world:

About calls and estimates,

Who fought during recess,

Who said what to whom?

Who was late for class?

In general, you must understand

You need to know the head teacher!

1st century So, over to the head teacher of the school...

2nd century First graders, and now your ears are on top!

Listen carefully!

1st century Now each of you

There is someone who goes to class every day

He will come with a smile,

To cherish and raise you!

To wipe someone's nose,

Teacher, I tell you straight,

Here at school it’s like a second mother!

2c. Therefore, I present the floor to the first grade teacher. Word first

To the teacher.

1st century We have guests at the party!

They also came to congratulate the first graders,

And happy Knowledge Day to all the guys!

The floor is given to the guests of the line….

2c. And you, first-graders and their parents, know

What will you study at an extraordinary school?

Our talents bloom like flowers in a flower bed!

Our guys dance, sing, draw, and visit

many circles.

1st century We think that next year you will definitely please

Us with your achievements! And now I will introduce you to the most important people in the school - the Graduates. Over to them!!!

A word from graduates.

We say Hello! heartily.

From experience - the lessons are good,

When everyone goes to them with their soul.

Believe me, our teacher is like a friend!

There are so many interesting things around here,

What's missing is just eyes and hands!

For you and for you

We have prepared the order.

Let today be our holiday,

But we can’t live without orders!

First order:

Study, study and study again!

Remember, you are the one who learns first, not your mom and dad or your grandparents!

Therefore, do all your homework yourself!

Second order:

During lessons, listen carefully to the teacher, not your neighbor!

Write carefully only in your notebook, not on your desk!

Remember, they can give you a “five” for a notebook, but it’s unlikely for the writing on your desk!

The third order:

During recess it is best to run on the second floor:

There is more acceleration, and fewer bosses!

Order four:

It's not good to be late for class!

But not coming to school is even worse!

You won't have any problems with your parents later!

So, a long series of parting words

Intelligible, we know, for the time being.

But brevity is the mother of talent, but for now

We give you balloons!

Favorite toy for all of us:

Balloon or the air world...

And smile at each of you

These bright balls will help!

Presentation of flowers and gifts to first graders and teachers.

1st century School, attention!

Now our youngest shift will take their very first exam: first graders!

First-graders' word.

Hello school! Hello school!

Finally we have grown up.

We assure you, it’s not in vain

We have come to you to learn!

We're already reading a little bit,

We can tell a fairy tale

We think very well

We love to sing and draw.

We are funny guys

Maybe more fun than you!

You don't even need to make us laugh!

Let's all laugh at once!

My brother just told me,

It won't be very funny

If you look instead of a book

You're under a chair or a window!

The school becomes our home

There will be no place for boredom.

And the teacher will open it for us

Mysteries of many sciences.

We learn a lot of new things

Let's meet X,

Maybe we can count the stars

As we grow up a little.

They will teach us to run fast,

How to draw as an artist.

We can do it with a computer

We are already playing with all our might!

Hello school! Hello school!

A new change is coming!

The cheerful bell will ring,

And the school year will begin!

1st century One minute - the magic bell will ring.

The very first lesson will begin for you.

Through school years eleven years

Carry, friends, its ringing, its light!

2c. The right to give the first bell for the first lesson is granted to an eleventh grade student... and a first grade student.....

1st century And now, to friendly applause, we escort our first-graders to their first lesson. (to the music of “Twice two is four,” the kids take a lap of honor and go to class.)

2c. Well, good morning and good journey,

Don't forget to smile, schoolboy!

The school invites us to the land of knowledge,

And the academic year begins!

1st century We once again congratulate everyone on the beginning of the school year!

Let it bring you only lasting knowledge, true friendship, and good mood!

2c. Good luck!

This concludes our line!

N New Year is the most desired and beloved holiday! Especially at school.

E Everyone is waiting for it: teachers overloaded with checking tests and essays, head teachers overwhelmed with reports, directors keeping their finger on the pulse of school life, and, of course, students from first to eleventh grades! Soon there will be a premiere of a New Year's performance for children, and holiday programs for older children.

Scenario "New Year".

Cheerful music is playing. The presenters Yaga and Zima come out.

Winter: Hello dear……

Yaga: (interrupting Winter)

Good New Year's party to everyone!

Winter: Are you ready to have fun? ( everyone shouts - Yes!)

Sing, act and dance? ( all Yes!)

Yaga: And rush up the stairs,

Disturb everyone and push everyone?

Winter: Oh, Yaga, you’re in vain

I took you to the presenter!

There are cultured guys here,

And the time has come for them

Hold hands under the spruce tree,

Get into a merry round dance,

With song, joy, fun

Celebrate the New Year!

Yaga: At least I can be harmful

And I strive for mischief,

But sometimes I help

And I’ll be useful for something!

So, "timid guys", come on, together

We stood together in a round dance...

(of course, no one gets up in a round dance)

The one who is not friendly with his head,

I did the opposite!

I came up with an idea, Winter!

I've been playing all evening!

I keep track of the points myself,

And I reward everyone myself!

Winter: Shall we play with Baba Yaga?

Well, come on, Yaga, what are you going to play?

Yaga: Ha! Yes to “weak”!

Well, is it too hard for you to dance in a round dance by class?

Winter: First competition! Each class forms its own round dance, and Baba Yaga

He will judge whose round dance will be better!

Yaga: I’ll appreciate it! Are you too weak to grab your feet?!

Oh, okay, no need for legs! Hold hands... Yes!

Now let's sing a song, which one? You know!

" The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"!

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed. All classes sing.

Yaga: According to my “Yagov” calculations, he “performed better” than anyone else….

(names the class).

Cheerful music sounds, Mr. Au comes in with a dancing gait, introduces himself, extols his virtues:…….

Ay: Winter! And all the kids in the hall!

You probably found out

In some beautiful places,

Smart, modest, just sweet...

Yaga: Yes... I won’t call it that...

This is Mr. Au!

Winter: Our Au is an experienced scarecrow!

Yaga: That scarecrow is even afraid

Not only the monster there or Fredy,

And your thin shadow!

Woof! ( Mr. Au gets scared and hides)

Look how scared I am!

Ay: Well, Yaga! I found myself

In this nice bright room

Not to be scared here

I'm all sorts of Grandmothers,

Even if it’s “Yagushi”!

Winter: So Yaga! We're having a holiday here!

Don't torment the guys in vain

Talking and scaring!

We continue the fun!

Round dance again. The girls are with me, and the boys are with Yaga. (the presenters set the tempo, rhythm, movements of the round dance and its direction. The music “New Year’s Song” by the group Blestyashchie plays.

Yaga: Okay, I continue my “weak” competition.

Is it hard for you to dance the New Year's dance?! No?!

So, one, two, three!

Everyone is dancing: me and you!

The polka sounds, everyone dances.

Yaga: According to my “Yagov” calculations, he has now “gotten off” better than anyone else….

(names the class or individual students), and for them and all the guys a gift is a slow dance ( boys invite girls).

Slow music is playing.

Ay: Zimushka - Winter, people

I really want to know:

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Winter: Collects gifts.

I hear the forest rustling in the distance,

There was a knock on the door.

Apparently, Santa Claus is in a hurry.

Ay: I'll go check! ( ran, saw something, got scared)

Why, Santa Claus is in a hurry,

Just stumbling!

They're rushing to come here

Goblin and Crooked.

Grandma, meet your relatives!

I'd rather hide.

I'll get scared by accident

I'll be offended and pay!

Mr. Au hides among the spectators, creating a commotion in the hall.

Leshy and Kikimora fly in with a whoop and whistle.

The song of Babok Ezhek from the cartoon, they dance something in the style of a square dance.

Winter: What funny guys!

Goblin: Oh, how fun it is, girls!

“Awesome” right!

Kikimora: Hey kid, don't stand on the sidelines!

Come dance with us!

Winter: Fine! Let's continue to have fun together!

Song about bears from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus."

Goblin: Hello bros! Hello, girls!

He wants to greet you.

All the forest gang-brothers

On the “cool” New Year’s holiday!

Kikimora: How cool are you today!

They're dressed up, wow!

I'm crazy, Leshy, Christmas tree!

Like being in a swamp at a party!

Winter: Fathers, who is this?

Ay: Who and who? Fool in a coat!

Goblin: Listen, you, Hey, shut up!

Kikimora: What, are you “being crazy”?! Apologize!

Yaga: Oh, how fun it will be here!

Someone's going to hit someone!

Winter: We weren’t expecting such guests!

Although maybe you found out

In a situation like this

Those who sometimes sometimes

Can excel in class!

Goblin: Okay, let's have fun!

So, what's on the street?

Winter: Winter….

Goblin: I chose the song myself!

Yaga: This is a fun song for all the “glue” girls of our evening. And you,

Leshy and Au, don’t stand there like stumps, but choose the winteriest, most

New Year's girl of today's holiday!

The song “Winter Girl” is playing from the repertoire of the Lyceum group.

Au and Leshy choose the funniest girl and invite her to the stage (or to the Christmas tree).

Ay: In our impeccable look and extraordinary taste, the girl in Winter


We give her two prizes: sweet and beautiful.

Only for her, well, and for all the girls - a slow dance of love!

Girls invite boys, the right to choose the boy first

provided to our winner.

It sounds like a slow dance.

Yaga: I'm very curious!

Everyone is eager for riddles!

What, you can see weakly, children,

Are the answers correct?

Winter:So, the next Baba Yaga competition “It’s weak to be smart.”

I invite three people from the class to the stage - the smartest, the most


A riddle competition is taking place. Each team must be asked two questions.

Winter: And you will all guess this riddle together:

Who is familiar to all people since childhood?

And who are you expecting for the holiday?

Who patterns at dawn

Will he draw on our windows?

All honest people know

And in winter he calls..... How?

Everyone shouts: “Santa Claus!” Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out to the music.

Father Frost: New Year's greetings

From Santa Claus to you!

Apparently there is no better place in the world

Our New Year's fairy tale!

May you grow up big -

Your height is wow! - Guys!

We love the holiday with all our hearts,

Everyone is happy to celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Let's forget for the evening

About absenteeism and grades!

The holiday gave us a meeting

With dance and fun song!

Yaga: Yes, "timid"! What about have a fun dance?

Do you agree to dance with Santa Claus?

Let the bad mood, if it still remains, fly away like a cloud

from the song!

Alla Pugacheva's song “Fly away cloud”! (or another song).

Yaga: So, I continue my “Weak” competition. Santa Claus is in your gifts

Are there any buns?

Father Frost: Why do you need buns? Are you hungry?

Yaga: Why, why, necessary! What about water?

Father Frost: I have as much snow and water as I want!

Yaga: Great! And now one by one who wants to perpetuate his name in

Baba Yaga's book of records and bring a winning point to the class!

One person per class goes up to the stage.

Yaga: Well, dear brave souls, it’s hard for you to eat a bun, wash it down with water and


There is an “Eat the Bun” competition. The winner is awarded.

Goblin: Guys, how about a basketball player?

Kikimora: Goblin, gone crazy, brother!

There are lights all around here!

Christmas tree, dancing and party -

Not the environment for sports!

Goblin: I haven’t lost my brain yet!

Let Frost give you a prize

To the fastest team!

Ay: We announce a competition!

The fastest and most skillful,

All the desperate and brave!

Divide into two teams Girls and a team Boys. One participant at a time is invited to the presenter. Playing basketball with paper balls.

Goblin: So, we invite five people from the class in order to

identify the most fast class! The task is as follows: all team members need to carry a tennis ball in a spoon and run around an obstacle in the form of chairs.

Conducted fun relay race by transferring the ball.

Kikimora: Now let's take a little rest and play some guessing games.

The presenter asks you to guess how many pages there are in the book, what the name of the doll is, how many nuts are in the bag, etc.

Yaga: So, I'm ending my "Weak" competition.

However, there is only one task left:

I'll ask you to come up on stage

Who knows how to write beautifully!

You need to compose a Happy New Year greeting to all participants in the evening in five minutes. But the main condition is that one of the selected words is repeated ten times in the congratulation ( the participants of the competition themselves pull out a variant of the word): cool, cool, hear, in general, in short, fuck it.

Winter:While you are composing texts of congratulations, we will dance a little!

Dance music is playing.

Yaga: So, hairdryer talkers!

Open up your ears! Now you will hear your native speech!

Who composed the best congratulations?

Participants of the competition read their congratulations on the New Year.

The scores will be tallied, but if there is no clear winner of the most active class, reward all classes with boxes of chocolates.

Yaga: So, who got the prize?

Who was the most fun?

Who deserves the title “Slabist”.

Can we give it at our school?

Here we, having counted together,

Having decided and said:

Santa Claus, you should drive

And sum it up!

Father Frost: Wow, you cunning Yaga!

Yaga: It’s not for nothing that I’m a hag!

Father Frost: I will reward all the guys

I can’t let them down!

An awards ceremony will take place. Disco dance.

Winter: Everything for you, friends, today

On this New Year's holiday!

Let the star light up

For me and for you,

And for all the friends in the world

Let the star wind blow!

Ay: Look at the clock:

Exactly five more minutes

The tale has to go

You can't turn back time!

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

WITH new meeting, with new happiness!

May your wishes come true

And luck follows!

Snow Maiden: Just hold hands

AND make a wish,

And smile at each other

And forget the sorrows!

Together: Happy New Year!

The song “New Year's” by Verka Serduchka is playing.

And now a festive disco.

P The last bell is a memorable, touching event for every person associated with the school. For graduates, these are hopes, worries and plans for the future; for parents, the exciting realization that the children have grown up and the usual rhythm of life is about to change; for school teachers, it means parting with dear people, in whom they have invested almost as much mental strength as in their children.

Making graduation celebrations interesting, memorable, and fun is a completely feasible task.

Last call. Grade 11.

Presenter: Good afternoon to everyone present! We are pleased to welcome you to

this hall!

Presenter: Outside the windows, May days are rapidly flying, taking with them another

Academic year…

Host: We want to tell you a story that is happening in our school

Every year at the end of May

Host: A new episode is going to enter adulthood today

Talitskaya secondary school

Host: And every time she is special and unique. This opening ceremony

life path to our graduates.

Presenter: We invite the heroes of the occasion to the hall.

(music comes out 11th grade).

Host: The sun is shining especially today,

And it’s nice for him, and he’s not lazy.

The adults are happy, the children are excited,

Celebrating the special day!

Presenter: Spring took possession of the earth without a fight

On the calendar date.

Today the school says goodbye to you,

Today is the last call!

11th grade words.

Nice weather, of course

We had this day.

The school has a premiere today -

Our first last call.

Exams, rest, work -

Everything goes as usual

And we are in the passing year

Let's wave goodbye.

We strive for happiness and believe:

Farewell is the key to meeting.

The school has a premiere today -

Our first last call.

We don’t know whether your hopes were justified

After all, the final exam is still so far away,

In the meantime, we invite you to visit us

For our happy holiday - last call!

Presenter: The floor is given to the school director Viktor Opushnev


Presenter: Eleven years have passed faster than a fairy tale,

You are a graduate, and you haven’t had time to look back,

And there is no teacher’s pointer in his hands,

And there is no friendly hint in the ears,

And the chalk was erased to the last crumb.

Host: Let the years rush desperately and boldly,

Like the waters of rushing rivers,

But the haven of childhood,

But the haven of childhood

The school will remain forever.

Host: Time passes inexorably... It seems that it was a very long time ago when you

timidly and hesitantly entered the first class. Then everything was ahead for you: the first teacher, the first bell, the first word read, the first school joys and sorrows...

Host: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember

How your mothers took you to school by the hand,

We walked around the room excitedly

And they couldn’t learn anything.

Presenter: First time with an alphabet book and a bouquet

You have passed this school threshold.

And the bell rings about it

He announced it loudly as much as he could.

Host: Everyone has their first time in their life, their

memorial class,

And new books, and the first lesson, and the first flooding school bell,

And the first mentor is the first teacher who opened the door to the road


Presenter: People remember their first teacher all their lives, they remember him from

with gratitude. A word from your first teacher Nadezhda Ivanovna Beltyukova.

Words from eleventh graders.

Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

We found ourselves within these walls,
And life went on new way:
In calls, lessons, breaks...

We were with you for four years,
Four of the best and most charming,
And now we are graduates,
We will not return those wonderful days.

The years fly by like an arrow,
But believe me: we will not forget you,
Your image is pure forever
We will keep our hearts in ours.

Thank you for being in the world,
For patiently teaching us everything,
What did they say, what is Conscience, Honor,
After all, you were our first teacher!

Thank you for loving us so much
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us!

Host: And the sun laughs

Rushing from afar:

It's in a hurry to celebrate

Last call!

Host: From your youngest shift

From everyone who is a little old,

Graduates of your favorite school

(all in chorus) Our warmest greetings! (kids).

Words from first graders.

How long has it been in the bright school hall

Were you standing like we are now?

Have you met first graders?

Now we are accompanying you!

You also sat on small desks
And my mother and I walked home from school.
Now, after only four weeks,
You must leave your native school.

But now the silent desks will be empty,
And silence will come to the classrooms.
And in front of you, like a map from an atlas,
The country will open up new spaces.

How many paths are there in the world!
Choose which way to go.
We envy you a little.
Eh, I wish we could grow up soon!

Health, great success
We would like to wish you.
And also about class and school,
As you go through life, remember!

You are scientists, of course!

From such a cool study

You can break your head!

Nothing! Don't be upset!

Knowledge is power, not a burden!

A month or two, get ready

And quickly straight to the university!

We promise you today

Keep an eye on the school here!

Increase the glory of the school

Learn everything they ask!

And pass the Unified State Exam with an "A"

Sing beautifully and without falsehood.

And, of course, dance!

We worked together and tried
Gifts were prepared for you with love.
Let them remind you, even though you have changed,
That you were once like us!

And accept our gifts

Dance of little friends

He is beautiful and very bright,

You will have more fun with him!

Childhood dance as a gift to graduates and all guests of the school.

Presenter: Our 11th grade

All you have left is an order

Leave yours to those who are here

It will take 10 years to study

Run, jump, have fun.

11th grade instructions:

When the bell rings to get up,

They ran to school on time,

So that you don't go astray

And we didn’t get lost anywhere

And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love your teachers,

Otherwise we’ll go again -

We'll cut your ears in no time.

School! In this word dear and close
Childhood passed without worries.
The school needs to bow low:
For every year we have lived here!

Strict and affectionate, like a parent,
With whom we got along for eleven years,
To everyone whose proud name is “teacher” -
Our warmest greetings!

The last bell will ring,
Today we say goodbye to school.
And yet with thoughts and feelings,
Teacher, we return to you.

My teacher! You are a legend and a reality.

You are a symbol of kindness, love and inspiration,

You are a bright light for hundreds of thousands of miles,

You are the most beautiful creation...

And please forgive all my sins,

What we have accumulated by the last day:

And tests with a load of wrong decisions,

And the answers are unclear and chatter.

But you know one thing: we will remember school

And not only in these excited words.

We will never forget our teachers.

And your work will respond in your affairs.

The soundtrack of the song from the movie “Midshipmen, Forward!” graduates sing a song.

By the will of fate it happened

We were brought to this school

And this is how it happened in our lives,

That we are all very lucky.

And you shouldn’t sulk at fate,

Your worries are not easy.

Declaration of love today

Students for teachers.

Thank you for the lessons

Dignity and courage of the soul,

For all the weeks, days, hours,

What a happy journey we had together with you.

You are always immensely welcome to us,

Always ready to give advice,

For this you have one reward -

Children's love for many years.

Or maybe a little bit better.

Even if the road is so difficult,

But continue on this path!

To our strict cool mother

It was just as difficult with us

Naughty, noisy class

But he loves you very much.

With you every morning we met the dawn,

It seems as if we have known each other for a hundred years.

And we wouldn’t be able to meet the sun without you:

We shared joy and sorrow with you as friends,

And in any of our disputes, you are our main judge.

We are used to being with you, it is difficult for us without you:

We are your most beloved, best class.

We will become adults, but, as in our childhood,

We will mentally talk to you about everything,

So that you can help us again at the decisive hour:

Together We are your most beloved, best class.

Presenter: The floor is given to the class teacher.

11th grade words.

Everyone who was next to us,

He taught us, raised us, loved us,

Sometimes I put it on my mind,

Our 11th grade

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Says thank you to everyone.

(hands flowers)


Dear Guys! Throughout your life, your parents are next to you. They were with you in joy and consoled you in difficult times. Dear moms and dads! We congratulate you on today – after all, it is your day. Remember what fools you brought them to school on September 1, 1997. And now in front of you are your beautiful, mature children, with whom you have to go through a big life path. And now your children are finishing 11th grade as a friendly family. Everything will be ahead of you: both joy and anxiety. So let filial and daughterly love warm you along this path.

Host: Here they are - your beloved children: your boys and your girls.

Your little children, your little blood, there is nothing dearer, closer or more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days have been devoted to our daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years were given for daughters and sons!

The first tooth and the first word, the first step and all the firsts again:

A book, poetry, kindergarten, first grade, the joy of success and tears more than once.

Your illnesses and your wrinkles, your fatigue and your gray hairs -

Your children gave you all this - that’s how these loved ones are given.

You never got tired of taking on their misfortune and sorrow all these years.

How painful it is for you to give them away now, how much you want to keep them

And at least another year or two to see them in front of you.

Host: Therefore, today we cannot help but say a big “thank you”

to the great martyrs - dear and beloved parents! It is not yet known who had a more difficult time during their studies! We think that they are after all!

11th grade words:

Thank you, parents, for your hellish patience,

Sorry for the terrible torment,

Sorry for the scandals, screams, arguments.....

When we take the kids to school,

Then, dear ones, we will understand you completely!

Thank you, our dear parents.

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

Let us bow to the ground at your waist,

Thank you, dear ones, thank you!

Presenter: The floor is given to parents of graduates

Parents sing the song “Beautiful Far Away”

“Come back, fly to your father’s house,

Wherever you are, wherever life throws you,

Be proud, sing to fate with a smile.


The beautiful is far away, don’t be cruel to them,

Don’t be cruel to them, don’t be cruel!

From the school source to the beautiful it is far away,

Their path to adulthood now lies far away.

    Be brave, honest, stubborn in life,

But I ask you, remember everywhere

How tears glisten in my mother’s eyes now,

Come back, fly to your father's house.

Parents: Before you set sail,

A sea of ​​wanderings, into the elements of storms,

You will taste, friends, goodbye

These sweet big pies.

So that the strength lasts for a long time

At the farewell moment on the school threshold,

Try to blow out the candles.

May these candles burn out for good reason,

Let this hour be remembered

Let the warmth of parting and meeting

It will last for a long time!

Parents give graduates a cake with 11 candles.

Presenter: Last call for class

Remember you forever,

May you go through many roads,

Let time measure out the years.

But this last call...

A step from childhood to youth,

It rings for you like a guarantee of happiness,

About big and wonderful things.

Childhood is leaving. What's there to be surprised about?

It leaves everyone somehow.

And I want to cry and laugh

And I don’t want to part with anyone

Grade 11! Wait! Grade 11!

Presenter: As a gift, dear graduates, a song for you.

The song to the tune of “Olympic Bear” is sung by the whole school in chorus.

Our school is getting quieter.

The bell will ring very soon.

We hear how your hearts beat,

After all, the last lesson is over.

How many years have you been seeing each other every day?

And how difficult it is to part now!

How my eyes fill with sadness,

Visible to everyone on this day, at this hour.


Let's part, friends,

Tenderness remains in the heart.

Let's take care of our friendship

Goodbye, see you again!

You deduced theorems here,

Recognized the expanses of the Earth,

Axioms, hypotheses, lemmas

You were led to knowledge of the Universe.

Studied foreign language,

You were taught to be friends and love,

And today is the long-awaited day -

You will never forget him.

Leading: Remember school, remember!

Here the carousel of childhood rushed by.

Classics, notebooks and cheat sheets

And April Fool's drops.

Leading: Remember holidays and everyday life,

Competitions, victories and always

Remember that you are welcome and loved here,

Like your children, teachers.

Well, friends, goodbye to you -

Be in life, most importantly, people!

May luck light your path

And victories await you ahead!

Host: Fly, last farewell call,

Over school with love

And looking sadly at the class,

Leaving into a restless life,

With any trouble, with any problem, hurry here

To our school, they will always help here,

Will always support

And together, any Trouble is not a problem!

11th grade We can never escape these moments

And each of us is familiar with this feeling

And, therefore, not only school childhood

He leaves us with this call.

11th grade Ring over the past and present,

Over everything that I saved and that I didn’t save

Ring over my passing childhood

Sad, farewell last call!

Presenter: The right to make the last call is granted to ________________

(bell sounds).

Graduates take a victory lap around the hall and leave for their last lesson.

Presenter: This concludes our line. Thanks everyone for your attention.

IN Graduation evening is remarkable because a teacher, a parent, a child-student come together, who do not always know how to get along with each other in everyday life. At the holiday, they accept each other, and no one lectures or makes comments. Moreover, here they show attention to each other and express gratitude. And the holiday, which gives birth to this energy of joy in communication, is then realized as a very important part of life.


Music is playing. Graduates, parents, teachers, guests stand on the threshold of their home school.

Host: Eleven You have sailed through the years like in a fairy tale:

Now there are calms, then storms, then shocks.

The last berth and the last lesson...

And the last bell has already sounded!

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! That solemn moment has come,

when we want to announce to you, dear parents, that your children and our students have become adults: they have completed secondary school. And so, the celebration dedicated to the end of school and farewell to childhood is declared open

Presenters: Look, good fellows!

Look - the girls are red

How many people have gathered here today?

It’s impossible to count how many people came!

And the reason for this is that they are young boys!

How many years did they train them?

How many years have they been looked after!

So, are you ready to hit the road?

Have you decided to leave us?

Well, then listen to our advice:

    If bad thoughts creep into your head... then drive them away!

    When you lose your temper... please don't get lost!

    Don't grab the stars from the sky! If everyone is snatching stars from the sky, what will you have left in a year?..... and there will be no starry nights!

    remember: one head is good... but two are not possible!

And finally...

Don't go with the flow...

Don't swim against the current... but swim to... where you need to go!


A solemn and long-awaited evening,

When speeches are so sincere,

Everyone becomes close, family,

And all past grievances floated away!

Suddenly the old school lady became small,
And the cheerful gym became sad without you,
The buffet and the stairs and the corridor and the classroom...
Today is the last time!

You've been waiting for this evening for eleven years!
And we won many victories,
Solved hundreds, thousands of examples,
And maybe they wrote a ton of chalk!

The years flew by in succession at school.
Today is the long-awaited graduation!

Words from graduates:

Oh school! My cradle!

Has anyone ever loved you like I do?

Your trampled flower beds

In the midst of the changing bustle,

Broken tree branches,

Your dried flowers

Your desks covered with writings,

Your broken door

Your tattered cards!

What will we do without them now?

How excited everyone is about this meeting...

Joy, embarrassment - on every face...

It has come - our farewell evening,

We gathered on the school porch.

On the steps, familiar to pain,

Counted by us more than once.

And words of gratitude to the school

They ripen in our thoughts and souls.

So let's make a promise

Don't forget this moment, this hour.

To our school at the moment of parting

Let's say to everyone: "Thank you!" - Now.

For all the meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -

We couldn't live without this.

The school is ours! Farewell to you

Today we say: “Thank you!”

Presenters: Graduates for all of you during the evening prohibited me: miss; eject from the house of science; pronounce words prohibited for school graduates: “I can’t”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know”; refuse the opportunity to spin, spin, sway in the whirlwind of dance; Tell others anything other than pleasantries, compliments and praise.

allowed: conduct tastings of all dishes and cocktails of the school kitchen; congratulate each other on successful completion of school; take an active part in all competitions, using all the muscles of the face and body; give gifts; spread the good mood virus to others; sing songs, read poetry, improvise; confess your love to school, teachers, parents and each other.


I (last name, first name, patronymic) in front of my comrades solemnly swear that:

    We will never forget you or the lessons held in our class, after which our hair stood on end.

    We will always remember our incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique experiments.

    We promise that all the canons of science, so carefully crammed into our heads, will not change in the next hundred years and will not let us down in difficult times.

    Attend your home school at least once a year.

    Provide regular reports on your successes and failures.

    Regularly write letters to the class teacher and send them by email. OL_VAL_07 @ mail. ru

    Do exercises no more than once a month.

    Eat at least once a day.

    Remember and never forget your teachers and your home school.


Dear graduates!

The holiday begins for you!

You are at the beginning of a long journey.

And we invite everyone now

Go to the celebration hall.

But first, complete the tasks.

Graduate assignments

1. Warm up(on the steps of the school)

1. Where is life always hanging by a thread? (In a light bulb)
2. Which the best remedy from gray hair do you know? (bald)
3. Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)
4. Which hand do you stir the tea with? (Not with your hand, but with a spoon)
5. What does a person who looks for bitches in the eyes of others do? (Logging)
6. Why are mushrooms shaped like an umbrella? (Grow in the rain)
7. Under what conditions is a passenger's life in danger? (When the driver believes in immortality.)
8. Can it rain for two days in a row? (It can’t, since night separates the days.)
9. Why does the dog bark? (Because he can't speak.)
10. What do they throw into the pan before cooking food? (Look: look to see if the pan is clean.)

2. What is your favorite lesson?(physical training) (at the school door)

Where does a physical education lesson begin (with construction).

Please line up according to your height.

3. Find a match. Name matching.(in the school foyer).

Constance Bonacieux - D'Artagnan

Josephine - Napoleon

Ophelia - Hamlet

Assol - Arthur Gray

Dulcinea - Don Quixote

Angelique - Geoffrey de Peyrac

Mercedes - Count of Montecristo

4. Find out who we are talking about.(near the stairs)

Description 1. You will meet him in the school yard and in the school building, he whistles, jumps, runs, he has a horse at his disposal, in any weather you need to follow him wherever he calls.( Physical education teacher)

Description 2. Wide-eyed, loves sweets, butterflies, Ninja Turtles and Metallica, wipes his hands on everything he comes across, literacy is in its infancy, has the shortest height in school .(first grader)

    Name the subjects studied in fifth grade.

( for each step of the first flight).

Answer: Literature, Russian, English, mathematics, natural history, history, labor, physical education, drawing, music.

6. Riddles.(on the platform between flights of stairs)

Born twice, dies once. (chicken).

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open) Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (for wet or damp) Only elephants have it and no other animals have it. (baby elephant).

    Name everyone who studied in the sixth grade.

(for each step of the second flight stairs)

Answer: Pavel, Zhenya, Vanya, Alyosha, Yura, Anya, Masha, Inessa, Yulia, Sasha, Katya, Olya, Natasha,

8. Clone a new teacher of the 21st century. Taking all the best qualities of your teachers.(upper flight of stairs)

Elvira Nikolaevna –

Raisa Vladimirovna-

Lyudmila Petrovna –

Victor Alexandrovich –

Elena Nilenevna -

Sergey Aleksandrovich -

Tatyana Vasilievna –

Olga Valerievna –

Natalya Alexandrovna –

Tatyana Nikolaevna –

Galina Nikolaevna –

9. What is your favorite score? (five) Fifth element.(in front of the entrance to the assembly hall).

1. It is the fifth planet of the solar system.(Jupiter.)

2. Akela, Bagheera, Balu, Kaa. Name fifth. (Mowgli.)

3. The bear got the first one, caught the second one the wolf, the third was caught by the raven, the fourth was brought by the pike. What was the fifth?(Needle.)

4. This fairy-tale heroine made wishes five times. Four of them were fulfilled, but the fifth was not. At the same time, she lost all the previous ones. Name the heroine. (Old woman).

5. This is the fifth red day of the calendar if you count from the end of the year. (March 8).


Well, here you are, on the threshold of adulthood.

Just recently you thought

That this moment is still far away.

Had a good sleep before class

And the bell always disturbed my dreams.

And in dreams - dreams of school

Finish it quickly, brothers!

And in dreams - we’ll do everything, master it

Both for yourself and for people!

And now it’s no longer a dream. not a fairy tale

Closed textbooks notebook,

To graduation party" - last holiday,

It's time to invite!

In a few seconds these scissors will cut the silk ribbon...

Invited to the “Graduation of 2007” celebration: (called invitees)

Teachers who have invested so much strength and energy in you that it would probably be enough to illuminate our village for at least ten years!

Parents: mothers, fathers, grandparents, without whom there could not be a holiday, because there would be no reason, that is, you, dear graduates!

And, of course, the main culprits of the holiday: graduates of 2007.

And everyone, everyone present at the celebration - loud applause!

The right to cut the ribbon…….

(the ribbon is cut, everyone goes into the assembly hall)

Presenters: Today is the day of farewell to a carefree childhood. And we invite you to

The scene of the person who will be the first to give you his parting words

School director Opushnev V.A. (presentation of certificates)

The certificate is very useful:

There's a big life ahead

But that's it. Just like at the start, you won’t stay long.

After all, big fits big

And the keys are in your hands, we wish you all soon

And get a diploma.

Walk you on long paths,

Don't retreat from anything!

And everything you planned

Let it be done at “5”.

You will remember more than once that kind planet,
Where sunrises meet the rays of the eyes,
Where are the sunny dreams, where are the starry paths,
Where you can hear laughs and sadness in the songs.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.
Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles.
"Planet of Childhood" flies under the sail of spring.

Words from graduates:

Every childhood has its own address.
Having parted with him, we will become more mature.
And our childhood will remain to wander
Within the walls of your school.

Clear day.

September. Daisies.

Bow, Braids, First graders.

Two by two. Primer, Five.

First class cleaning.

Pharaohs, Globe. Map.

Painted desk.

Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.

Friend. Preparation for the test.

And harvesting potatoes.

Dancing. Hiking trip. Guitar.

Kiss. For a quarter a couple.

State exam. Farewell ball.

Joy mixed with sadness.

Certificate. Flowers in the window.

Why am I so sad?

Graduates sing a song based on the song “The Last Battle.”

We haven't rested for so long, we haven't rested for so long,

We simply had no time to relax with you.

We persistently gnawed at the granite of science,

And soon, soon, finally, the last battle!

And I want to go back to my class,

Come hand in hand with mom again.

We'll meet for the last time soon at our school,

This is the last time we can serve our beloved!

Thank you, teachers, and our school,

We all wish you not to bother here without us.

A little more, a little more...

The last day is the saddest.

And I want to go back to my class,

Come hand in hand with mom again.

And I want to go back to my class,

Come hand in hand with mom again.

School bells rang,
11 years of lessons passed
From the moment we became students,
And today we are graduates.

School led us along the path of knowledge
We have all matured, but not suddenly.
And he was always there with us
Our school teacher is our best friend.

Our dear mentors,
Our dear teachers!
You are not magicians, your work is hard,
But without you the earth would be poor!

Oh, how much we owe you:
You can’t even count everything.
We are connected by invisible threads,
It's true, it's not flattery.

Isosceles triangles,
Silhouettes of English letters...
Our schoolchildren are conscientious,
It is difficult for them to live without science.

Completing school studies,
We'll take it with us forever
Suffix, root, verb tense,
The end of the case.

We love you, amore, ich Hebe...
But having learned all the languages,
They will add to you in Russian: “Thank you!”
Grateful students.

We know that sometimes it wasn’t easy for you to be with us,
But now we are almost adults.
We will take with us into this adult life
The warmth and love of your bright soul.
You taught us life in every lesson,
We were sometimes scolded and sometimes praised...
Oh, how stupid we were!
And how much we have understood just now!

We have often upset you
Seriously and in small ways,
Although they understood perfectly well
That you don't sleep at night.

Years go by and we grow up
Your great work will not be wasted.
For everything we know and can do,
Thank you with all my heart.

Thank you. Teachers, for knowledge

What did you give us?

For selfless generosity

Behind kind hearts,

For everything, for everything that conquered our souls!

Thank you, teachers!
We all worried you a little,
Sometimes angry, sometimes happy.
For taking us on our way,
Thank you, teachers!
For the eternal multiplication table,
Because the Earth was given to us,
Because we are all your continuation,
Thank you, teachers!

Years will pass, centuries of shadow
They will disappear, everything will close in a circle,
But the warm word is TEACHER -
Suddenly our hearts will be troubled.

Will always make you remember something
Dear, close to you...
In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -
The teacher is eternal on earth!

I want to wish you happiness,
Health, smiles, kindness,
May you be more beautiful tomorrow
Than a week ago, than yesterday.

So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,
To keep my heart beating and beating
And such great happiness,
So as not to hug him with your hands!

How I want to walk along the corridors,
Hear a quiet whisper, a children's din.
I wish I could collect all the flowers in a big mountain
And throw them at the teacher’s feet. (students throw flower petals).

We were authorized not only to stand on this stage, which we hope we managed, but also to sum up the results of this most wonderful competition, which lasts a lifetime!

In nomination“Our class teacher won the coolest class teacher!” (Beltyukova Olga Valerievna).

The most accurate of all nominations“Pythagorean pants sine-cosine are equal” - the winners are our mathematics teachers (Shuklina N.P. and Nelyubina N.A.).

Nomination"For the purity of molecular mass." Without a doubt, the leader was the chemistry teacher (Chirkova T.V.).

Outstanding nomination“I would learn Russian just for that...” Our “literature teacher” won with us in the fight against literacy (Opushneva E.N.).

In nomination“The Boyle-Mariotte Law - to the masses!” Physics teacher won (Beltyukova O.V.).

Nomination“Du is pik... sprechen zi ya.” Won (Zhvakina G.N.).

“Experts before and after history” are teachers of history itself, that is, history (Nagovitsyna R.V.).

In nomination“Jack of all trades and ours” was won by technology teachers (Opushnev V.A and Vulfovich T.N.).

Nomination“In spikes - forever young!” This, of course, is our favorite physical education teacher (Beltyukov S.A.).

Nomination“Monitor, mouse, plus...” Won: computer science teacher (Beltyukova O.V.).

    And finally, in the nomination“The administration is always right” our head teachers won (Oshaeva L.P.), and also the fairest director (Opushnev V.A.).

Graduates present flowers and medals to teachers while listening to music.


Not far away and forests
Wizards live now
They come to school with you.
Or rather, a little earlier than you.
You rediscovered with them
And the starry world, and the distance of the earth.
They inspired you with a dream,
Hearts were lit with hope.
Is it snowing, is autumn rustling,
Plucking yellow leaves
They always bring with them
And they generously give you spring...

A word to the teachers.

The time for farewell is approaching.

How many years and winters have passed?

The school education process is over,

Childhood today will melt away like smoke.

The girls have become so beautiful:

It is impossible to take your eyes off them.

If only you were always happy,

Great paths are open to you in life.

The boys are all adults, no doubt

You have matured and are unrecognizable.

Lord, give these children luck,

So that they don’t know adversity and grief!

Our dear, good, glorious!

We are parting, but we will remember more than once:

How funny you were as kids,

And now you are leaving us!

Now that your year of study is over...

And the first rise, and the first fall...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still close...

And there is a long, difficult road ahead.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!

May this evening be with you again

The moments of the first meeting flash by.

And the first friend, and the first love -

I remembered everything on this farewell evening.

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Less failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams!

May you find a job to your liking!

May you meet true love!

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

Words from graduates to parents:

Today we say goodbye to school,
And tomorrow we need to make a decision:
There are many different and useful professions,
Which path should we choose?

Where should we go with the certificate?
Which institute should we send him to?
Who can help us with this issue?
Of course, dad, mom, grandma and grandpa.

Today we say thank you
Of course, to your parents too,
Your care, attention, and patience
They always help us like that!
But we admit with regret:
We are deaf sometimes
We are here for your requests and concerns,
Doubts, sorrowful reproaches.
wall of misunderstanding
Suddenly it grows between us.
And sometimes it seems: she
Can't collapse
Even with the help of a tsunami!
But we love, we love you!
But we often keep our feelings secret!
And sometimes only restraint
It prevents us from admitting it.

But, alas, we do not always understand you!
And sometimes we accept their worries,
And the troubles sometimes seem unnecessary to us.
And we remember our parents,
When a sudden disaster overtakes us!
Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people!
As they say - children are the joy of life,
And you are our support in it!

Flowers for parents (music).


Graduates! You've studied for so many years

We learned and saw a lot here!

But it is unlikely that you have achieved such victories,

If only your parents would help you!

They may not have solved the problems!

But they protected you with all their souls

From failures, from laziness, from blues.

And now they look excited

For matured, grown-up guys

And your parental word to you

At a solemn moment they want to say.

Parents' response:

(A PHONOGRAM SOUNDS (oriental music)

Three parents come out dressed as robbers: 1st with a rug, 2nd with a dish, 3rd with fruit.

1.Bambarbia kirkudu.

2. Dear teachers and everyone service staff schools...

3. Marvakare kuza

2. We came to thank you for taking care of our children....

1. Mymsyny carats.

(THE PHONOGRAM SOUNDS “If I were a Sultan” from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

If I were a sultan,

I would go to school

And he became a teacher,

I would read books.

But in other way

In such cases

So many troubles and worries -

Oh, save me, Allah!


We, sultans, know

How hard is it for you:

Do everything in time, take everything into account

With our children.

Tears flow like a river,

But we want to say:

Thank you from us

Hundreds - hundreds of times.


It's not bad at all to be a teacher...

It is much better to live in peace.

We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts

And for new victories

Dial strengths

We send our greetings to our classmates and the principal

Fiery hello

Let's just say: better than you

In this world there is no


It's not bad at all to be a teacher...

It is much better to live in peace.

Our dear teachers!
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
We wish you once again
Health, happiness, joy.
We wish you all the awards
More anniversary dates.
May the thread not break on bright days
Neither sadness nor misfortune.
We wish you to maintain your vigor
And the heart is forever young.
We wish you joy, success,
Doubly good health,
We want the simplest:
Live longer on earth.
Students to be loved
Worthy colleagues and friends.
We will congratulate you with the following marks:
"A's!" - for teachers!

Parents present high marks to teachers.

The first time you came to first grade,
You didn't know how to write or read.
You carried flowers to the line,
They put on a nice uniform for you.
First class is the first bell,
There were joys, there were hardships,
Your teacher and first lesson -
This is how my school years began.
You learned, you fell in love, you grew.
The days flowed by like spring waters
And I just couldn’t believe it then,
That school years will end.
Oh, how quickly the years fly by!
We almost didn’t have time to look back

We will never forget

These are the days when you grow up.

The last bell will ring,

And the school vaults say goodbye.

But we still can’t believe it

That school years are over.

Parents' song (the baby stomps to the words Top-top).

Stomp, stomp, stomp baby

Right along the path, dear swift,

Little feet tapping to the beat,

They are hurrying straight along the path to the garden.

Chorus: Top-top, top-top,

Not very easy

Top-top, Top-top,

First steps.

Top top, he looks important,

It’s immediately obvious that he’s in a hurry to go to school,

The first bell rang for him.

Do you remember, baby, your first lesson?

Chorus: Top-top, top-top,

Not very easy

Top-top, Top-top,

School days

Top-top, isn't this a catfish,

You look, and the child is already in love.

Apparently our children have grown up

And they went to the eleventh grade.

Chorus: Top-top, top-top,

Not very easy

Top-top, Top-top,

Steps of youth.

This is a celebration of enlightenment,

Which you all lived by!

You waited 11 years for him,

You deserve it!

Through the jungle of formulas and sciences,

Through the forest of gerunds

good luck was calling you faint sound,

Like a promise of happiness.

Build feats, molecules of darkness,

Battles and dates

You overcame by storm,

Like brave soldiers.

Eleventh grade in life

We're seeing you off now.

And finally, we have a complaint.


collective from 11th grade parents.

We, the undersigned parents of 11th grade, protest against the intention of the administration of the Talitsa Municipal Educational Institution to “push” our children out of the walls of their native school, thereby completely depriving them of their childhood. We demand that our children remain for a second year of study and provide them with a traditionally warm atmosphere, kind attitude and great love. We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss... Always yours

Parents of 11th grade.


Words from graduates:

Today is our holiday.

Merry, sad holiday,

And the thick blue looked out the windows.

There's so much noise everywhere

And so many different rumors,

That I even felt a little dizzy

And somehow unusual,

Both happy and sad,

In this elegant hall

We can sit and stand.

Everyone is so impetuous, so enthusiastic,

Try not to get involved with this.

Will teach us restraint later

A life of little indulgence.

How we stood firm on our ground,

They argued until they were hoarse and to tears.

Something was in vain, but something

It was both beneficial and serious.

But the hour has come, we know it

And at this special hour

We gratefully invite you

To the school ball, to the school waltz.

Waltz music sounds and graduates invite teachers, parents, and guests to the school waltz.

Sparkles with bright lights

Such a familiar school hall.

And childhood leaves us -

Today is our farewell ball.

Smiles, the sparkle of happy eyes,

And here are the last words

Last time.

We wish the teachers happiness,

Let misfortunes pass them by.

And let the sun shine through their window,

And let the children study at school.

And let the sun shine through your window,

And let the children study at school.

Let children always be drawn to you,

May the class always be full,

And sometimes you remember us,

And we will remember you.

Maybe we didn't always learn our lessons,

But what you gave us will never be forgotten.

We leave the school onto the main road.

We will always remember you with gratitude!

The unknown distances are calling...

Hearts are full of romance,

Now they have become even more expensive

Days of this memorable spring.

The sacred hour has come, friends,

And life is big for the first time

He calls us all to go forward.

So, friends, happy journey!

The last evening is the farewell evening,

A cheerful evening, a sad evening.

For nine years we were all close,

And we fell in love with each other.

We wish everyone success in life,

We promise to be worthy schools.

And try, and not be lazy.

Students sing a farewell song to the tune of the song “Blue Car”.

The years of childhood quickly run into the distance,

Don't expect them to return.

Of course, it’s a pity that the years have flown away,

But the future will be no worse.

Good riddance, good riddance

The long way is creeping,

Unique years are behind us.

To everyone, everyone

Believe in good things

The best is yet to come!

Slowly the lessons float away into the distance,

Don't expect to meet them anymore.

And although we feel a little sorry for the past,

The institute is, of course, ahead!

Good riddance, good riddance

The past creeps

And it rests directly on the sky.

To everyone, everyone

Believe in the best

“All dreams will come true,” everyone is convinced.

Ding-ding-ding - the bell rings, says goodbye,

The school train is picking up speed.

Oh, what a pity that this day is ending,

Let it last for a whole year!

Good riddance, good riddance

The long way is creeping,

Unique years are behind us.

To everyone, everyone

Believe in good things

The best is yet to come!


So, the certificates have already been awarded.

A dot has been placed in the school notebook,

You have become not just girls and boys...

Your trams are leaving your childhood...

Graduation night just says goodbye to him...

Adult life... it's just beginning!

And this unusual one crept up unnoticed,

festive and slightly sad night of “Graduation”.

There is an unusual anxiety in my heart,

There is joy and a little sadness in my heart.

The door is open, and here it is, the road!

Not an easy, but wonderful journey of life!

The school romance is over, but a big life begins, in which there are many paths. We hope that everyone will find only one - the right one.

Good luck guys, fly away!

A great life awaits you ahead!

Just never forget school

And those who prepared you for the flight!

You will carry warm and pure school memories throughout your life. You will definitely come back here as real people, big people, good luck to you.

As a gift from graduates and the class teacher to guests, parents, teachers and all invitees, “Clips” about school life.

And outside the window it was raining and the lights were turned on in the classroom. And to explain Tatyana’s love, mathematics was written off, unprovable theorems were proved and extra laws were attributed to Newton... And everything was fine.

And childhood passed away, and only its sound remained, the sound of the teacher’s approaching steps, the creaking of chalk, the sound of rain and the smell of flowers. And I don’t want to believe that the school door will slam shut and we will never again plunge into this unique atmosphere of the school.

It’s sad to lose everything at once: friends, teachers, parental care, school - your second home, and generally say goodbye to childhood...

The conclusion of this work is a film created by students under my guidance. The film reflects the main moments of the final year of school life.

The material is completely ready and can be used for school-wide events in any school.


    Supplement to the newspaper “First of September” Classroom management and education of schoolchildren. 2007

    Magazine "Class Teacher" 2000-2001.

    “Holiday as a gift” Lokalova M.S. year 2000.

    “Holiday Scenarios” Voronova E.A. 2004

Mark, Nizhny Tagil

Firstly, Keep a separate notebook for each subject.

Write down basic information in them so that written memory develops and the information does not disappear. This way it will be more convenient to repeat, and so that knowledge does not get mixed up and your eyes don’t get tired, write information in the form of tables, diagrams, definitions and abstracts.

It all started with choosing aids for preparing for the Unified State Exam. For the Russian language, I didn’t use them, but used notebooks for previous grades.

In biology these were Bogdanov's directory, Chebyshev's 2-volume directory and Iontsev's directory in diagrams and tables.
Also, do not forget about old notebooks and the main school textbook, because on their basis you can deepen your knowledge.
In chemistry I used Egorov’s manual, Khomchenko’s problem book for those entering universities, and Doronkin’s reference book.

In addition to bare theory, it is also necessary to engage in training.
For the Russian language, I used Tsibulko’s options and the “Solve the Unified State Exam” portal; for biology and chemistry, only “Solve the Unified State Exam.”

Necessary solve at least one test per day, as well as several tasks of part C. Solve them separately or look through already solved ones, similarly with the Russian essay and the final essay.

If you don’t know how to solve certain tasks (for example, genetics problems), then I recommend watching video lessons. There is nothing wrong with the Unified State Exam if you start preparing for it correctly, and without tutors and courses you can actually pass it well.

If we talk about the daily routine, then the work week passed at a very tight pace. The main thing here is to start, and then it will all no longer seem so tiring. I didn’t have to sit up late (I went to bed no later than 10:30 p.m.), but I could easily spend the weekend on entertainment and relaxation.

Artem, Tomsk:

I advise you to forget about everything and study only the subjects you have chosen for taking the Unified State Exam. No one on the admissions committee will look at your certificate, only medalists are awarded points for “Individual Achievement,” and even then only a little.

I was constantly “kicked” at school, saying that I used to study well, but now I can’t study. I answered (brazenly, but knew that I was doing the right thing): “I don’t need your item.” I just listened to the information in class, wrote tests and that’s it.

But he focused entirely on what was really needed: after school he came home and studied all the time literature.

To pass Russian, you just need to remember the rules, the tasks there are of the same type, the main thing is to know the exceptions and correct them, since they are given most often. If you are lazy and don’t like to read, you will have to buy a reference book of arguments, it will be useful for your essay.
TO basic mathematics I prepared in two weeks, I just knew that I would pass, it was very easy.

Important advice: start studying subjects for the Unified State Exam now, since there is a lot of material on them, and you will definitely have time to work on other subjects in a year. If devote about 4 hours a day to prepare, it is really possible to pass the exams very well.

Ekaterina, Nizhny Novgorod:

First of all, everything attention should be sent to prepare for the Unified State Exam. For me this was the most important thing in 11th grade. Of course, you also need a decent certificate, but for me that was not the goal. There are fewer and fewer budget places every year; there were no budget places at the university where I entered. So here, no one cares what certificate you have, the main thing is that you pay and they will take you.

Secondly, it is necessary already decide exactly on the university so that it is not too late.

Thirdly, you must understand what you want from the future, because childhood is over, and everyone expects adult actions from you.

Mark, Zelenogorsk:

By the beginning of 11th grade, preferably know which universities you would like to enroll in, for what specialty. Some areas require very high scores; in this case, list-based Olympiads, which provide benefits for admission, can help.

I would advise capable guys to try to take part in them. For example, I became a winner in one of these Olympiads, which gave me the right to enter a university without entrance examinations. I think that becoming a winner of such an Olympiad is easier than gaining 270+ points for admission to top areas of training.

If there is no Olympiad, then you need to practice in the Unified State Examination and try to consistently score the required number of points in trial exams.
I prepared for the Unified State Exam mostly at school, since I studied in physics and mathematics, and we had many hours of mathematics and computer science.
I did not change my usual daily routine. Andrey, Moscow:
Don't look for easy ways and don't believe in easy exam writing.
You can create conditions under which you increase the chance of a good result:

1. Go to all lessons at school.

2. Select subjects and prepare for them, especially with the second and third parts.
3. Select a range of universities and areas that you want to enroll in.

3.Participate in Olympiads, these are: All-Russian, Moscow, and also University.

4. Hire tutors who can clearly explain your subjects.

5. Quit bad habits: things like drinking or walking with alcohol will not lead to a positive result.

Anastasia, Kimry:

In the 11th grade I took Russian, literature, English and social studies. I also took specialized mathematics (this was a requirement of the mathematics teacher).

To the Russian language we prepared in class. They stupidly took tests, both from textbooks and from the Internet, and wrote a bunch of essays, so there were never any difficulties in identifying problems in the text.

As a result, I passed the Unified State Exam with 98 points.

My advice: there are a lot of essay writing clichés. I recommend choosing the ones you like and learning them. As for the test part, there are video lessons for each task, so you will not have any difficulties passing the test part perfectly.

Towards specialized mathematics I didn't prepare. The school curriculum was easy for me, I liked this subject, although in principle I never thought that I would take it at all. I occasionally solved tests given by the teacher. But you understand: there was no time for that, I was preparing for humanitarian subjects. Result: 62 points, which I’m happy about.

Advice: Larina's manual is a great way to prepare. Of course, you need to know the theory very well (sines, cosines, areas, volumes, etc.) I recommend hiring a tutor, since it is very difficult to prepare for this subject.

English It wasn’t easy for me, there were a lot of tears... Especially with the oral part. But I liked writing essays, so I didn’t have any problems with it during the exam. I changed 4 tutors, but the last one gave me a speech and I got 16/20 in the exam

Result: 83. Of course, I was a little upset, but it’s still early and this is the best result of the school.

Tip: Buy manual for ready-made options essays and letters, they can also be found on the Internet. Please review the writing criteria carefully. I advise you to keep a notebook of synonyms and antonyms, as this is very necessary for the exam (if you use the same word in every paragraph, you will be deducted points for vocabulary). Of course, take tests; the manual edited by Muzlanova is an excellent option.

TO literature I’ve been preparing for almost a year, but somehow I wasn’t drawn to this subject. Yes, I like to read, but I really don’t like writing essays. I was lucky to have a tutor, a very motivating woman. Result: 91 points.

Advice: focus on the 19th century, I only got him on the exam. century It’s very good if you keep a table of so-called “triples” (task 9, 16, where you need to give 2 more works/poems that are similar to this one). This is very useful, as you will know which poems and works relate to a certain topic, for example, the theme of a poet’s work, love, loneliness, and so on.

Social science: very helpful textbook edited by Baranov. I’ll say right away that it needs to be memorized by topic. It will be good if you write plans after each topic you learn (task 28). It is important to focus on task No. 25, so starting in September, learn the definitions by block, for example, all the definitions for the block sociology, politics, economics. Result: 92 points.

Advice for future graduates: spend more time preparing! Don't blame luck. Don’t think that if you live closer to Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the options will be easy. No.

To some extent, the KIMs are not compiled fairly, the Unified State Exam is a lottery, someone will lose in any case.
Don't rely entirely on tutors. If you don’t want to teach, they, even with all their desire, will not be able to put any information into your heads.

Good scores will never fall from the sky. Everything depends only on the desire of the person himself. Never be led by laziness, then you will definitely succeed.

For the last year of study.

Hello Lassie, a small slender brunette, with long hair, small breasts and a very voluminous ass. - I said in the morning, getting out of bed and looking at myself in the mirror.
Today is Saturday, what will I do on my day off? My neighbor Thea, who lives in the next room and is also my best friend, is getting ready to go on a date. And I? And I probably, as always, lie in bed all day.
- Good morning“Les,” the neighbor interrupts my thoughts.
- Good morning Thea, how did you sleep?
- Everything is fine, except that I dreamed about books again. - she exhales with disappointment. - And you?
“It’s restless, Tin didn’t let me sleep all night again,” I answer my friend, who, as always, rolls her eyes when I talk about my cat.
“I had no doubt Les, maybe it’s time to find a boyfriend, otherwise you’ll live your whole life with your cat,” rolling his eyes again.
- Let's not bring up this topic again, I told you a thousand times that I need my ideal, and not any weakling that sticks to me. - hitting with your palm dining table I get up and go to my room.
The sun is shining outside, the weather is beautiful, and my mood has been spoiled since the very morning by my best friend. I make the bed, sit in a chair near the window and go into my thoughts. About 15 minutes later there is a quiet knock on the door and Thea enters the room.
- Lassie, don't be mad at me. I know you don’t like this topic, but you’re 19 years old, all the teenagers go out and have fun, and you sit at home all day. At 25 you will begin to deposit fat all over your body and at 35 you will become just like my Aunt Larry. - We both giggle, but I’m still angry and don’t look in Tea’s direction. - Go somewhere today, unwind. At least just take a walk in the park. Or should I cancel my date with Steve and go out with you?
- Thanks T, no need. I’ll probably actually go to the park, buy myself some ice cream, and read the report that I have to give on Tuesday. - I answer with a slight smile.
- That’s great, now let’s go to the supermarket for groceries, otherwise it’s like a whirlwind has passed in the refrigerator.
We are laughing.
18 minutes later we are at the nearest supermarket.
“Les, I have an idea,” T says in a whisper as we stand in line at the checkout.
- Which one this time? - I like my friend’s ideas, but they don’t always end well, so I always ask this with caution.
“Let’s go out to the parking lot, as if we were going into a car that we don’t have, take the cart with us and drive it home,” My crazy rebel says, giggling.
- Why do you need this cart? - I ask rolling my eyes.
- I just want to experience a little adrenaline while running away from the guards. Are you with me?
- Do I have a choice? - I wink, grinning. And I pay for our purchases.
In total, we bought two half-filled bags of groceries, put them in the cart and head towards the parking lot. A security guard stops us at the entrance.
- Young ladies, where are we going? - a frown makes your heart beat a little faster
- To our car, to unload the shopping, if you allow it, of course. - Thea boldly dares him.
- And what is your car out of all those that are there? - The fat security guard grins, pointing to the empty parking lot.
Without thinking twice, with all my stupidity, I jump on the leg of this short teletubby, kick him in the knee and run after T, who had already run through the doors while I was dealing with the obstacle. After 5 meters I turn back and see our lame friend running after us.
- Nasty girls, come on, return the cart to its place, otherwise I will find you and remember everything when I am fired because of this iron box. - an angry man shouts after us.
After another 3 meters, Tea stops, and I go with her.
- Why did you stop, he’ll catch up now and it won’t be enough for us, but I don’t want to spend another day in the monkey barn. - I say out of breath.
“Don’t worry,” she tells me in a confident voice, “he won’t have time to catch up with us.” Hey, you fat gnome, we really needed this thing, take it! - Ti shouts to him, and having pulled out our packages, he pushes the cart down a small hill towards the guard.
We grab the bags and run to the stop for our bus, so as not to have to walk with them.
When we got home we made fried chicken and baked potatoes. We filled our stomachs well, washed everything down with orange juice and decided to sit down and rest after such an adrenaline rush.
- Listen T, you say that I don’t have much fun, but how about we throw a party at our house next weekend? - I suggest with burning eyes.
- Good idea, this is the first time I’ve heard such a sensible proposal from you. - she giggles.
- Let's invite not only our friends, but also our classmates, let's all get closer and have fun. - I pronounce the sentence as if in a pleading tone.
- Everything is well thought out, but where can we get so much money for food and drinks?
- We can say directly that we will chip in if we want to have fun. I think no one will be against it. Our group is quite friendly, except for our queen Zyl. - I say with irritation, rolling my eyes.
- Well then, on Monday we’ll announce this to them and see what comes of it. Now it’s time for me to get ready for a date, come on baby, get ready for a walk. - After kissing me, she disappears behind the doors of her room.
6 p.m. Thea just left on a date, and I'm still hovering in front of the mirror, thinking about what clothes I should wear. “Put on your black sweatpants, blue T-shirt and new sneakers.” - whispers my subconscious.
But it’s true. I’m not going for a walk with a guy, but alone. Who should I dress up for?
Having thrown on my sweatpants and trowel, I take my backpack and head towards the park. I usually go there only on weekdays and only because the park is located near my college. I go there during breaks with my friends. And I, like no one else, have a good understanding of where you can eat deliciously and cheaply. Having arrived at the appointed place, I immediately head to my favorite cafe and order hot coffee and pancakes with honey. While the waitress cooks and goes to get the order, I watch out the window and lose myself in my thoughts.
Why am I worse than other girls? Why do those whom I consider ideal look at them, but only all sorts of wimps look at me? Why is Zyl so good that the enviably handsome Clark has fallen for her? She's not that good if you get into it. She is certainly beautiful, tall, green-eyed blonde with shoulder-length hair, always dressed in fashion, wearing makeup at any time and on any day, lush pink lips, perfect white teeth, long eyelashes, wonderful figure. But her character is disgusting and she is as stupid as a felt boot. Maybe they are dating her just to fuck her?
- Your order is ready. - the thin, dark-haired waitress interrupts her thoughts with a smile.
- Thank you. Can I please have the invoice right away?
- Certainly. - She answers with a shy smile and runs behind the counter.
Having paid for my dinner and eaten pancakes, I take coffee in a cardboard cup and head to the square, where every weekend they hold a disco for students. Having got there, I sit down on a bench, watch how the teenagers studying with me in the same stream are having fun and again try to go into my thoughts, but my old friend Claire does not allow me to do this.
- Hi Les. - she shouts over the music.
- Hello. Do you have some new? - She sits down next to me and begins her long chat. It seems to me that she is never at home, every day she has new entertainment, new boyfriends and girlfriends. But I still can’t understand why she tells everything only to me, as if I were her most intimate friend. Although we haven’t been close friends for three years now.
- Oh, so much has happened to me since our last meeting. I don’t even know where to start telling you. I have a new boyfriend - why am I not surprised? I mentally roll my eyes - we’ve been dating for two whole months, he’s so handsome - “you always say that about everyone, but with this at least we’ve been together longer than anyone else” - and I also moved to live with my two classmates, because I was sleeping just last night and some drunken dick started breaking into my apartment, and since then I haven’t been left alone. - she seems to be finishing her story.
- It’s good that your door was locked, I’m glad nothing happened to you. - “or I’m not happy, I’m tired of it”
- Do you know why I broke up with my last boyfriend? - “God, I hoped that she was finished, I absolutely don’t care about her life, I need to merge from her. I’m tired of loud music and really want to go home” - he slept with my friend in my apartment. I caught them and since then I haven't had a girlfriend. - she says with feigned sadness.
- It didn't turn out well. I'm sorry, of course, but it's time for me to go, bye.
- Bye Les, it was nice meeting you.
“Me too,” I shout, jumping and running away from her and this music.
I finally left this noisy place and wandered along a small path, which is fenced off by large trees with yellowed leaves. The long yellow lanterns don't illuminate the trail well, but I can see there's an ice cream stand nearby. Remembering that I really wanted ice cream, I quickly headed towards the man who was selling it.
“Good evening, can I please have one cone with three balloons,” I say with an impatient look
- Good evening lady, of course, what is your taste? - the seller answers me softly and kindly.
- With pistachios, vanilla and chocolate please.
- Understood. Please, your ice cream. - hands me my joy.
- Thanks a lot. - I hand him the money and walk towards my stop.
This day ended quickly and, in principle, it was interesting. Tea is right, we need to get out into people more often, for walks. Only one is a little boring, but you can take Ti with you or get to know someone else better. By the way, I wonder how her date went? She prepared for it so carefully. She and Steve have been together for two years, he’ll come spend the night with us again today and I’ll spend half the night listening to them ooh and ahh? I chuckle and suddenly I hear the leaves rustling loudly, and someone is running after me! I start running away to my stop, while running across the road I trip over the curb and plop down on the ground. Suddenly this someone suddenly grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me out of the way. Turning around I see the silhouette of a man in front of me, my heart skips a beat, unable to think of anything out of fear, I smear my favorite ice cream into the scoundrel’s face and start yelling.

Chapter 2.
- Hush, why are you yelling? - says a stunned voice
- W-what? - how dare he tell me after something like this, this maniac was running after me and wants me to surrender so calmly into his hands? I scream even louder. People in passing cars look around, but do not dare stop.
- Quietly speaking, Les, why are you so intimidated? - the guy says, wiping the ice cream from his face. Yes, yes, boy. Although his body is large, I thought he was quite an adult, but judging by his voice, he was about 20 years old.
- W-what? Who are you? - I say nervously with fear. - And how do you know my name?
- Lassie, didn't you recognize me? Oh yes! I’m wearing a hood and standing under a lamp, you can’t see my face. - this maniac tells me, taking off his hood! - I'm Ben Davis, we're studying in the same course, I'm from a parallel group.
- Lord, damn you... Why are you scaring me so much? I thought my heart would sink into the ground. - I answer him irritably.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It’s just that the man selling ice cream asked me to catch up with you, if it’s not too difficult for me to say that you forgot your change. - smiles sweetly at me.
- It was possible not to catch up, let him keep this change for himself.
- Sorry again. But since it all turned out this way, let’s go and treat you to some new ice cream. And you’ll just get your change. - extends his hand to me.
- With pleasure. - I answer not so angrily and irritably.
He lifts me by the hand from the ground, I shake myself off and we wander to this trailer or counter for a new delicacy. Yes, yes, all this time I sat on the ground and had a dialogue with him. I couldn’t get up because of the pain in my knees, since I initially flopped down on them. The pain is still there, but not as severe.
- Damn it! I tore my favorite sweatpants! It's all because of you, scoundrel! - I almost shout at him.
- Well, I’m sorry, I’m telling you, I didn’t do it on purpose. If you want, let's go tomorrow and I'll buy you new ones, even two pairs. - Ben says with a grin.
- No, thank you. I'm not that poor, I can afford to buy new ones. - I smile back at him.
- It’s high time to do this, I noticed you’ve already been wearing them for two courses. - he says contentedly.
- And you are so attentive, Mr. Davis. - I try to pretend to be serious, but I start giggling.
-What kind of ice cream do you want Mrs. Tattered Pants? - Ben asks, chuckling.
- A cone with pistachio, vanilla and chocolate mug, if possible. - I squeeze out, pretending to be offended.
- Will be done. - answers the satisfied seller. - And here, take your change, please. - hands out ice cream and change.
- Thanks again. - I throw a meek smile and leave.
Ben follows me. We are both silent. I calmly go eat my ice cream. What does he need from me? Why the hell is he following me? He apologized, I sort of forgave him, and bought him some tasty treats. What else? Or maybe we're just on our way? I honestly don't know where he lives. I know that he studies in group BD-211 and that has always infuriated me terribly. Tall, black-haired, blue-eyed, big guy. But his minus is that he is a nerd, wears glasses, and is not pumped up. But my dream is different. That handsome Clark. So what does he need? His presence makes me nervous.
- Why are you following me? - I grumble with clearly expressed dissatisfaction.
- I’ll accompany you. You never know what kind of fools go around at a time like this. Do you want me to leave? - asks with surprised, wide-open eyes.
- Yes Ben, I want you to leave. I'm sorry, but you and your presence annoy me. - I look hot-temperedly into his face.
- Hmm, well, can I answer that? I don't care. I'll still walk you home. - smiles widely.
Ignoring him, I go to my stop without paying attention to him. What a bore he is. No wonder he annoyed me during all 4 courses. It's strange why he only pisses me off at moments. He seems to have a sense of humor, since his words amused me. Okay, I'll think less about it.
I'm sitting at the bus stop and waiting for this damn bus. When will he arrive? I'm cold as hell! The jaw involuntarily begins to tremble.
- Are you cold? - Ben says with emotion
- No. - I quit briefly.
“I see and hear,” he grins, “your jaws are chattering, although not much.” I have a blanket with me. I lay on the grass, spreading it out. I can wrap you in it.
- Cover yourself with a dirty blanket, fool! You could have rolled it in a puddle and offered it to me. - I mutter irritably.
He gets up from the bench, takes off his jacket with a smile and throws it over my shoulders. He takes a blanket out of his backpack and throws it over his jacket. I look at him with wide eyes. I think he noticed my frankly expressed shock very well. 10 minutes later my bus arrived.
- Thank you, take this back, I’m warmed up. - I begin to take off his clothes.
- No no. I'm moving on with you, warm yourself.
I look at him in bewilderment and cannot say anything. He's such a jerk on the outside, but on the inside...He's cute. Yes, honey. And he knows how to look after girls. But he still pisses me off. And he's not my type. Okay then. There are no contracts or promises between us, so I will take advantage of his selfless care.
Walking onto the bus, I hold out my hand with a fare bill and get a slap on the wrist. What the hell is this? Turning around, Ben!
- Don’t you dare pay yourself in my presence! - he speaks menacingly and seriously.
- Uh..uh..well...Okay. I understood. - I can’t hide my surprise.
I sit down in an empty seat and watch as he pays for the two of us. Then he goes to an empty seat next to him and sits down. I sit in bewilderment for another 5 minutes and fall asleep without noticing anything. My sleep is interrupted by the sudden braking of the bus and the screams of the driver.
- Damn it! Why the hell is this creature jumping under the wheels! Your mother! Nit! - The driver runs out screaming.
All passengers sit with bated breath. Nobody understands what happened and who we shot down. Death or is he alive? Is he or is she? Everyone is tormented by interest, but the doors are closed and no one can go out to check the situation. After 5 minutes the driver comes in.
- To death! Got it, you cretin! - he splashes out with great hatred.
What? What a twist! We hit someone to death.

Chapter 3.
The driver starts to move and continues driving. Everyone is at a loss, they don’t understand what is happening, but no one dares to ask. He knocked a man to death and fled the scene?! What a damn bastard! Well, it’s okay, he won’t get away with anything like that. I'll call the police from home.
Having come to my senses, I notice that I passed my stop.
- Oh no! - I scream like a fool at the whole bus
- What's happened?! - Ben asks in an almost calm tone.
- I passed my stop!
I make my way to the exit and ask to stop. I crawl out of the bus. Mr. boring is following me. My knees are aching with pain, but I try not to show it. Otherwise, this big guy might even decide to carry me in his arms. It's already half past 11 at night. I approach my house. I go up the stairs and get ready to say goodbye to Davis. And suddenly....
“Ahhh...” I grab my hair and run to the road.
- What's the matter with you today? - Ben shouts after me.
- M-m-my Tin! It is he! It is his! His! V-driver! He hit my cat! - I’m screaming like crazy so that probably half the street can hear it all. - He is dead. God. How I hate the bastard who hit him! Scum! Rot in hell you nit. - I’m sobbing sitting on the sidewalk.
Ben comes up to me, sits down next to me and holds me close.
- Everything will be fine. Don't worry so much. It doesn't last forever. So it was destined to be so. I also felt very bad when my only dog Shot by my father with a hunting rifle. This dog was my only friend. As you can see, no one talks to me in college. It was the same at school. And I also lost my only pet. I didn’t talk to anyone for a week then. But then everything went away, but I decided not to have any more animals, so as not to suffer from losing them. Don't worry. We'll give you a new cat. Any breed, any color. Just do not cry. It's unbearable to look at your tears. You're so strong. I've never seen you like this.
I look at him in amazement and I simply have nothing to answer him. The tears go away and I feel sorry for this guy. After all, no one really communicates with him. But to be honest, I don’t really want to deal with him either. He quietly gets up from the sidewalk and goes to landing my entrance. He comes in from the side of the stairs and rummages through a pile of cardboard boxes that the store built into our house leaves here. A couple of minutes later he brings me a small box.
- Let's bury him together tomorrow. I really understand what it's like. - he says quietly.
Ben takes the cat by the paws and carefully puts it in a box, closes it with a lid and carries it behind the stairs. He helps me get up and escorts me to the door of my apartment.
“I’ll come up tomorrow at 11 am and help you bury him behind the house.” I'll take my shovel. See you Les. - winks at me and barely noticeable smile.
- Bye Ben Davis. Thank you for everything. - I give him his things and go into the apartment.

Tired as a dog, I take off my shoes and trudge to my room. Throwing my backpack off my shoulders, I jump onto the made bed and think about what happened today. The guy from my stream, who always annoyed me, shows attention to me, my beloved cat Tin died, my ex-girlfriend still remembers my existence... How interesting was Thea's date? I hope everything went perfect for her. Steve is also a romantic. Last week he dropped by at 2:34 am to give her a bouquet of 27 roses. Where can I find something like this?
“Hello,” Tee’s voice gently flows from the doorway, “How did you spend your day?” - comes and sits next to me.
- Hello. Everything would have been fine, but Tina was hit by the bus on which I was going home. - I say sobbing.
- Laessi, just don’t take everything to heart. - hugs me.
- I'm trying. How was your date? - I find out with sincere interest.
- Everything is as usual. Nothing new. I got some freebies and left satisfied. I thought he would drop by to see us, but he urgently needed to go home. His great aunt came for a couple of hours and wanted to see him. - Bows his head with sympathy and looks at his fingers.
- This is not our last day, don’t take it so seriously.
- That's bullshit. I told him that we were going to have a party, he approved, and said he would also join us with a couple of his friends. - a friend declares without hiding her joy.
- Great, I'm really very happy. It's been a hard day, let's go to bed. Good night T. - I kiss my friend’s hand.
- Good night Les. - in response I receive a kiss on the forehead.
Very tired, I fell asleep on the made bed without even changing clothes after the walk. Waking up, I look out the window. It's dark, it's 3:20. Why the hell did I get up so early? Oh yes, I fell asleep dressed. Terrible discomfort. She’s all sweaty and disgusted with herself, her back hurts from such a pile of rags and her neck is stiff, it’s unclear why. I change into night shorts and a long T-shirt that my ex-boyfriend gave me and go back to sleep.
Dz-dz. Dz-dz. Crap! Well, what is it? Who needed me this early on my day off? I can barely open my eyes and look at the phone screen. A number I don't recognize.
“Yes,” I bark in an irritated voice into the phone.
- Les, Hello. This is Ben. I'll be with you in 20 minutes. He took the shovel. Are you ready yet? - Damn, I completely forgot. Honestly, I even thought it was all a dream.
- I-I..Uh..I'm going. Waiting for you. - I hang up the phone and run to the kitchen, without even changing my clothes.
Thea is still sleeping. I put the kettle on and rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth. In one go I comb my hair, make an unusual spikelet of hair and head to the kitchen for breakfast. After 5 minutes, Tee pulls up to me.
“Good morning,” Thea flashes me a friendly smile. “Why are you up so early?” Half 10 yet.
- Good, Ben and I will bury Tina in the backyard. But why is he heading here so early? - I think with surprise.
- Who? Ben? Ben Davis? - Is she staring at me with wide-eyed eyes?
“Oh, I forgot to say,” I smile shyly, “he and I took a little walk yesterday.” She accompanied me.
- Oh my friend, he’s a nice guy. Are you finally going to have a boyfriend? - Tee winks at me.
- I don’t think so, he’s not my type. - after a short pause. - or in mine. I can't figure it out myself. He kind of pisses me off, but I also kind of like him. He's cute and funny. - I admit embarrassed.
- I’m not your guide, but I think it would be worth trying to start a relationship with him.

There's a knock on the door. Ben stands on the threshold with a shovel. It smells unusual, very pleasant. Looks like a Lacoste perfume. Very cool and inviting.
- Hello Ben, come in. - I look at him with an embarrassed look and let him into the house.
- Hi looking good. - He winks at me, puts a shovel in the corner near the door and takes off his shoes.
- Go to my room, I'll be right there. - I tell Davis, and I go up to Thea. - Maybe you should go for a walk? I think he came ahead of the appointed time for a reason, maybe something will work out for us. - I declare to my close friend with a small grin.
- No problem, dear. - With a smile from ear to ear, she heads to her room to change clothes and soon disappears from the apartment completely.
Ben sits in a chair near the window and waits for me to devote time to him. I go into the room, sit on the bed in the lotus position and wait for him to start a dialogue.
- Les, I wanted to talk. About yesterday, about us. - it is clear that he is embarrassed. - Sorry again that it was so awkward. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time, but I thought you’d send me away right away. Now I gathered my strength and decided to confess. I've liked you since first year and it seems to me that it's mutual. I very often catch your glances at me. - he lowers his eyes, not knowing how to continue the sentence.
But it’s true. I didn't even think about it. Every time I see him in college, I pierce and devour him with my gaze. My heart rages when I see him standing with the girls from his group and discussing upcoming tests and so on. Is this jealousy? This cannot happen. How could I be such a blind fool? I look into his sincere blue eyes and understand... I really care about this guy.
- Uh... Well, in general, yes. I like you, but I didn’t realize it myself.
He gets up from his chair, approaches the bed and sits down not far from me. He reaches his hand towards my neck and my heart freezes, my breath catches and my eyes automatically close. I immediately remember the moment when, on a dare, I went into the men’s locker room for physical training and found Ben there in only shorts. It was cool, a large, but unfortunately not toned body, with shorts hanging down, revealing hair below the navel. This look that burns through me. My breath catches, my mouth fills with hot saliva, I swallow nervously and run away. My friend says that I just don't have enough intimacy, so things like this put me in this state. Now, by the way, is a good chance to fix everything. I’ve known Ben for a long time, I haven’t talked to him much, but nevertheless I trust him, I don’t think he’ll start telling everyone that he fucked me.
-You are so attractive, especially in this T-shirt and without underwear. - he says with burning eyes.
Damn! I forgot to change clothes! How could you, you stupid fool?
“You look good too, despite all those clothes.” - I say blushing, I don’t understand why.
- For you, I can take it off and look even better. - looks at me, checking my reaction.
- I trust you Ben. And if you want to have sex, then don’t waste time on hints, I want that too. - I blurt out loud, burning with shame.
“Okay Les,” he says with a grin. - I want this. And for a very long time.
He suddenly grabs my T-shirt from the bottom and pulls it over my head. Without having time to understand anything, I lean back on the bed and wait for the continuation. Ben hovers over me, breathing greedily as he approaches my mouth and kisses me on the lips. I admit this is the best kiss I've ever had. He leaves my lips, takes off his shirt and starts working on my night shorts. Putting his fingers under the elastic band of his shorts, he pulls them off in one motion and throws them aside. He gently strokes my feet with his fingertips, grabs them and spreads my legs. I feel very awkward, seeing how intently he examines my crotch with his eyes. Leaning over me, he begins to gently tug at my nipple with his teeth, with one hand he kneads the other breast, and with the other he strokes my, already ready for anything, passage into the world of passion. Then, with a sharp movement, he inserts two fingers into me at once. I scream from the pleasant sensation of pain. He soothes my mouth with his and I lose myself in the movements of his fingers and the touch of his tongue against mine. After I reach the maximum, Ben moves away from me and turns his gaze to his fingers.
- Were you a virgin? - He studies me with huge eyes and blood on his fingers. I smile, lowering my eyes from awkwardness. - You can’t tell that from you.
- Everything secret became clear. I don't regret that you did it. Let's continue? - I feel like my cheeks are burning with a red flame.
- That's enough Miss Moran for today. You shouldn’t get too carried away with this on the first day, otherwise the next day it will hurt even to sit.

Dinner. Thea returned from I don’t know where. Ben and I are sitting at the TV, drinking tea and discussing the news that is being broadcast through the box.
- Okay Les, I guess I'll go. See you. - waves his hand and goes to his shoes.
- Bye. Thanks for the help. - With a shy smile, I see my guest off and call T to eat.
Over lunch, I tell her about yesterday, about what happened today. She talks about her date and says where she was while I was having fun here. She went to her neighbor on the floor above. Our mutual friend Stacy lives there, with whom we do not communicate as often as each other. She is a good girl, but God clearly did not want to reward her with beauty. Tall, plump, black-haired and a bookworm - that's all Stacy is.
My friend is not a promiscuous lady, but for some reason she approved of my bad deed. After eating, I head to my room, sit in my favorite place and think about everything that happened.
My cat is gone now. I have no desire to get a new animal. I'm tired of sitting at home. Too often I sit thinking about life and the future. I can be inside myself for hours without noticing anything around me. I live in one of the largest cities, there are many different cafes, restaurants, clubs, parks and other places where you can have a good time. My scholarship and financial support from my parents allows me to go to several institutions at once every day. What about me? I go to school, lie around at home, cram everything that is asked of us and am not anywhere. A handsome guy, whom just yesterday I simply couldn’t stand, started paying attention to me. Already today he deprived me of my childhood. However, I am a fickle person, I am amazed at my stupid act, but for some reason I don’t regret it.
Reflecting on my first contact, a thought pops into my head. How does he know how to please a girl? He looks like the most idiotic nerd, to whom even in the most beautiful dream a girl would not trust her body. Did he really sleep with someone? No, it's nonsense. The guy has clearly watched porn. Although why do I judge by myself? “I laugh at myself and the thought that I watch porn under the covers like a rat at night embarrasses me.”
Stop Les, stop thinking about this stupidity. All teenagers go to such sites if they are not in a relationship. Stop, stop. I don't want to think about it anymore. Thoughts on this topic awaken the desire to go to the site that I have in my bookmarks and do the dirty work. So I try to distract myself with the thought of what I can cook for dinner today. I wouldn't mind eating mac and cheese, but I'd rather go see what my friend thinks about it.
I get up from the warm, cozy place and wander to Thea’s door. I'm knocking.
“Come in,” she shouts.
- Ty, how about macaroni and cheese for dinner? - I beam with satisfied facial expressions.
- How about we finally get out of this hole and go to Breakfood together? - she grimaces a little irritably.
Breakfood is the most popular canteen chain in our city. The reviews there are all extremely good. I have long wanted to try their homemade donuts, which all my friends praise.
- Great idea. What time will we leave? - I ask with impatience and a great desire to fill my stomach to the limit.
- Come on in an hour, run and get ready.
- Fine. - I run out of her room to celebrate.
“Les,” she shouts after me, “and put on something more decent.”
I return to her hideout, looking at her with an incomprehensible look.
- For example?
- That pale pink dress, it emphasizes your figure well. Especially curvy butt. - T blurts out with a friendly smile.
- As you say. - I wink and hide behind the door.
God, what ass is she talking about all the time? I am flat as a board in our office by “right”. When I protest her compliment about my bottom, she always says that I underestimate myself. Maybe that's how it is? Maybe look at yourself from the other side?
Having put on the dress that Thea recommended to me, I go to the mirror and study my figure. Hmm, really good. I am especially attracted to my legs. I’m glad that I got them in order while taking a bath the day before yesterday.
Damn it! I haven't bathed all day.
I throw off my dress and rush to swim. My head is not dirty, my hair smells like ripe plums. The smell is unusual, tasty, but too childish. Of course, my mother gave it to me. To her, I'm still a little girl. I wipe my body with a soapy washcloth, rinse off and go get dressed, wrapped in a white velvet towel.
Having completely gathered myself, exactly an hour later I meet in the living room with Thea. She looks amazing. Black classic fitted pants, a pink flowy blouse and pink ballet flats. I have the same ones on my legs, but only white. I think even a fool would understand that we bought them together.
- Wow, you look gorgeous, friend. - T says with admiration.
- Thank you. - embarrassed me. -You're gorgeous too.
- I advise you to use cosmetics more often, you have gorgeous eyelashes and perfectly white skin. - looks at me with friendly support.
- I’ll probably take your advice. - I smile embarrassedly. - Let's go to the bus stop. I'm rather impatient to eat.
We move to the appointed place and arrive there in 25 minutes. The dining room was almost completely full, but the waitress was able to find one empty table for us. I would never have thought that there were so many people here. It must be incredibly tasty here. Now we will believe it.
We sit down at the table. Having opened the menu, I immediately decided to order macaroni and cheese, which I planned to cook myself. For dessert I take a cappuccino and a donut with currants. Thea orders macaroons like I do, but for dessert she takes French tea and a cake with chocolate chips. While we are waiting for our order, Tee offers to go to the club, which is located opposite. I certainly agree. I’ve never been to nightclubs, why not start making discoveries in the last year of study? Tired of the monotonous routine.
They bring the order. The portion is quite large, but my stomach can handle it. Macaroni lies in a large round plate, covered with melted cheese. I string three pasta onto a fork, put it in my mouth and go crazy. They are soft, they just melt in your mouth, I have never tried anything like this before. Like a vacuum cleaner, I empty my plate in literally 5 minutes. I immediately move on to dessert. The cappuccino is still hot, the donut is soft, you can see it’s just cooked. I bite it and it melts. The taste of currants and sugar spreads across my mouth. The donut has no hole but no filling. Where does such a distinct taste come from? Probably their secret is that they add jam with a certain taste to the dough. It was the most excellent dinner of my life. I devoured dessert on both cheeks, wanted to order a refill, but decided to leave room for the alcohol that would be in the club.
After 20 minutes we pay and wander across the road. We entered the establishment without any problems.
The music plays loudly, the DJ announces that competitions will soon be held in honor of the beginning of the school year. We move through the crowd to the bar and order a glass of vodka and peach juice. Having refreshed our mouths with cold alcohol, we head to the dance floor. The music is rhythmic and light. Movements to it fill your body themselves. I move in a dance and with a casual glance I catch the silhouette of Ben at the entrance, hugging the waist of some girl who looks a little older than him.

Chapter 5.
Without thinking, I automatically take out my phone from the bag slung over my shoulder and take a photo of this couple. They both look quite content and happy. What is happening to me? I'm jealous. My blood boils, pain and hatred tears my soul apart, anger makes me tense up, clench my fists and make my perfect face blush. Scum! How dare he?! I quickly look for Thea among the crowd and ask her to go home, under the pretext that I feel sick from drinking a glass. She looks at me with an incredulous look, but without resisting she agrees to leave this establishment.
I take out my phone and look at the time. God, it’s already half past 12. The last bus was an hour ago. I thought I danced for a couple of songs, but it turns out it was a whole two and a half hours!
- Shall we order a taxi? - I suggest to T.
- I think baby, we have no other choice. - my tipsy friend giggles. It's clear from her blush that she went to the bar without me.
The taxi arrives in 10 minutes. And within 15 minutes we are home. It’s a little faster than taking the bus, but it’s also 4 times more expensive.
I fall into my room without feeling my legs and fall onto the bed. I take out my phone and look at the photos I took. I still can’t believe he’s capable of this. Once again, I screwed up in a matter involving a guy. Maybe write him an email? Or send him a photo by email? Oh no. I just won't talk to him anymore. Why am I even so wound up? He's not my boyfriend, I'm not his girlfriend. He is an absolutely free person and has the right to any connections with anyone he wants. But this whore’s face just wanted to be punched.
Through great laziness I get out of bed, change into my night clothes and go to bed. I'll take a swim tomorrow, I don't have any strength left. I fall asleep, forgetting about everything that happened.

The final year of school is considered one of the most difficult. We asked those for whom this intense marathon is already behind us to give some useful advice to those who are just about to take the Unified State Exam: what can children and their mothers and fathers do to alleviate pre-exam stress, and what points should they pay special attention to?

Pavel SELEZNEV, father of a 1st year student:
- In order to safely survive this difficult period, schoolchildren need to set their priorities correctly, and parents need to help them with this. The child must understand who he wants to become. To do this, I advise children to undergo high-quality professional testing. If there is an opportunity to immerse your child in the profession that he dreams of getting, do not refuse it. Maybe, having seen the profession from the inside, he will change his mind and choose a different direction. I advise you not to refuse the opportunity to work with a tutor. This is not about the fact that at school the child is given not very good knowledge. It’s just that different teachers present the material differently. Combining the two approaches can be useful for a student. I highly recommend that graduates take not only basic, but also specialized mathematics. There's always a chance that the item you're not bidding on will actually be the deciding one. In the case of our daughter, this is exactly what happened. She initially intended to enter a medical school, but at the very last moment she changed her mind and submitted the original documents to the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, where specialized mathematics was required. My daughter took it just in case, on the advice of the teacher. In general, if there is an opportunity to pass a larger number of subjects, pass them (provided, of course, that the student feels empowered) - this will increase your chances of admission to different areas. If there is an opportunity to take the target direction, use it. If a graduate has a large number of points in subjects required for the specialty for which he is applying, he can refuse the direction. During this period, psychological support for children is important. The main thing is not to escalate the atmosphere either at school or at home. Conversations from the series: “If you don’t pass the Unified State Exam, you will go to work as a janitor” are simply unacceptable. I advise everyone to be calm: children, parents, and teachers.

Evgenia SELEZNEVA, 1st year student at St. Petersburg State University:
- Studying in the 11th grade was difficult from a psychological point of view. No, the teachers did not intimidate us - rather, it was me who intimidated myself. Therefore, psychological support during this period is very necessary, and just the phrase: “Everything will be fine” is not enough. The difficulty of studying in the 11th grade also lies in the fact that most graduates are preparing for the exams that are needed to pass and enter a university. However, no one canceled the school curriculum and it was also necessary to keep up with it. I had to write a lot of tests in one subject or another. Therefore, of course, I would like teachers to be more loyal to those students who have already decided on their future direction and are studying intensively in it. There was a very lack of career guidance activities. I spent two years preparing to enter medical school, but I doubted whether it was for me. I remained in an unpleasant situation of instability even when I passed my final exams at school and applied to universities. My advice to the guys: start preparing for exams in advance. At the beginning of the year, there is a feeling that there is still another year ahead and everything will be done in time. It's an illusion. One half a year is not enough to get everything done, so it’s better to start thinking in the 10th grade.

Anna BOLSHOVA, mother of a 1st year student:
- By the end of school, children should have some certainty in terms of choosing a profession. This requires good work in career guidance for high school students. There are centers in Moscow and Obninsk where testing for choosing a profession is carried out. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any of these in Kaluga. Perhaps that is why my daughter has a question: where to submit the original documents? - hung until the last.
I recommend that everyone take both basic and specialized mathematics. The basic exam is not difficult, it will allow you to obtain a certificate. And having a result in specialized mathematics will significantly expand the list of universities and specialties for which you can apply. But you need to remember that you need to make a decision about taking the exam in February. If you don’t do this, and in May you decide that the subject is needed for admission, then you won’t be able to change anything. Therefore, it is better to book more exams in February. If you realize that you don’t need some kind of Unified State Exam, you simply don’t have to come to it. This is not punishable by any sanctions. Lessons with tutors will be useful. The school can give one minimum required which is needed to obtain a certificate. But this knowledge is still not enough to enter a prestigious university. I strongly advise parents to take a targeted direction in the specialty in which their child plans to further study. This provides certain advantages upon admission. You need to understand that the value of each point is high and that you have to fight for each point. You can get them, naturally, on the Unified State Exam. But as a plus, you can earn additional points for any personal achievements: for participation in subject Olympiads, a gold TRP badge, a rank in chess. Find out in advance what exactly extra points are awarded for in the 5 universities where your child plans to enroll. About psychological support. A friend of mine's son failed his math test last year and ended up without a certificate. It was a tragedy for the whole family. And a lesson for me. I admitted that such an ending is also possible, but it is absolutely not fatal, and life does not end there. By the way, the son of my friends successfully retook mathematics a year later, and is now studying at a university, and on a budget.

Alexandra PETROVA, 1st year student at the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy:
- The 11th grade was difficult psychologically: you feel that the exams are getting closer and closer, although I started preparing for them and studying with tutors in the 9th grade. The teachers at school, of course, said that everything would be fine, but this did not bring much reassurance. My parents supported me well. It is very important to feel the care and love of family and friends at such moments. I regret that we didn’t have career guidance work as such at school. I think it's important. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to undergo high-quality career guidance testing, I advise you not to neglect it. Especially if there is no clear idea of ​​what direction to move next. My main advice to high school students: don’t put everything off, don’t do everything at the last minute, start preparing for exams now.