Repair Design Furniture

Making distilled water at home. Distilled water: how to get clean water in different conditions. What you need to get distilled water


For human consumption, mineral water is used, which is obtained from fresh underground sources. However, there is a purified liquid that has undergone distillation and has unusual properties. According to some, it is harmful to health, while others believe that the distillate has no effect on the body or is beneficial.

What is distilled water

Some people do not know the differences and properties of purified water that has been distilled from drinking mineral water or tap water. It does not contain bacteria, viruses and other substances that can harm the body, salts, heavy metals, or chlorine. Distilled water is a liquid that has been purified from organic impurities and mineral compounds. Any evaporated liquid collected in the form of condensate cannot be considered as such. Water distillation is a special technological process.

pH of distilled water

The properties of distilled water cause a lot of controversy. For example, it is believed that it cannot be used not only for food, but also in closed heating systems. The pH value of distilled water is 5.4-6.5. The reason for this is carbon dioxide dissolved in it. This level of acidity makes the liquid unsuitable for aquarium use, cooking or drinking.

Composition of distilled water

The distillate obtained as a result of distillation should not contain volatile compounds, organics and other chemical elements. Inorganic substances are included in the chemical composition of distilled water, but their quantity is controlled by the requirements of GOST 6709-72:

  • nitrates, copper – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • sulfates – up to 0.5 mg/liter;
  • iron, lead – up to 0.05 mg/liter;
  • ammonia – 0.02 mg/liter;
  • zinc – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • aluminum – 0.05 mg/liter;
  • calcium – no more than 0.8 mg/liter;
  • oxidizable elements – 0.08 mg/liter.

Can I drink distilled water?

In taste and structure, distilled water is similar to bottled water, which many people order for drinking. However, it is not recommended to abuse this liquid due to its negative effects on the body. It is allowed to drink distilled water only if there are appropriate indications from a doctor for the treatment of certain diseases. Otherwise, a number of negative consequences may occur:

  • Increase fluid intake by 20%.
  • Chloride deficiency.
  • Diuresis increases.
  • The concept of hormones that are responsible for salt metabolism is changing.

What is distilled water for?

Pure water distillate is widely used in various industries. The liquid is especially often used for technical needs or for scientific purposes. Below are all the areas where distilled water can be used:

  1. Pharmacy. Here the distillate is used to prepare pharmaceutical solutions and dilute medications.
  2. This composition of water is also used in the food industry and cosmetology.
  3. Steam brushes and irons. In this case, the liquid is used to generate steam, because the distillate, unlike water with a regular composition, does not form scale on the walls of the device.
  4. Cars. To dilute the acid in the battery, distilled water is also used, because the composition from the water supply contains many impurities that cause a chemical reaction and the formation of sediment on the device. Such reactions significantly shorten the life of the battery, so the distillate is indispensable for it.
  5. At home, many people use the liquid after purification from impurities for heating systems. The reason for this is again the absence of the risk of scale formation and reduced pipe permeability.
  6. Treatment. Some people believe that drinking highly filtered water is not harmful. The distillate has benefits, helping to cleanse the human body of toxins and waste. However, you should start taking it strictly as prescribed by your doctor. The course of therapy lasts no more than 6 months. It is worth noting that the distillate becomes useful after structuring (freezing). Ice defrosts after 6-8 hours. You should drink melt water 30 minutes before meals or 2.5 hours after.

Distilled water in medicine

Pharmaceutical factories, medical institutions and laboratories cannot do without distilled water. It is needed for injections, dissolving tannins, alkaloids, and helps with poisoning. In addition, the purified liquid enhances hydrolysis. The distillate is used as a solvent for drugs, but due to the lack of an antiseptic effect, it has a short shelf life.

Distilled water is used very widely in medicine. It tends to attract unusable substances that are not part of the structure of living cells and remove them from the human body. In addition, distilled water is suitable for dissolving medications before oral administration.

How to make distilled water at home

The distillate formula does not differ from the traditional one. The benefits, unusual properties, and positive reviews of this liquid raise the question for many: where can I get distilled water? First of all, you can buy it at a price of 5 rubles per 1 liter. In addition, the distiller can be replaced by the following methods at home to obtain purified water:

  1. Freeze the liquid. First you need to let it sit for several hours or pass it through a filter. Ice from the purified composition will be obtained faster than from tap water. After thawing, the desired distillate will be obtained.
  2. A more common way to obtain distilled water at home is by evaporation while boiling at a temperature of 100 degrees. To do this, the liquid is settled and purified. When boiling in a kettle or saucepan, collect the resulting condensate (steam) from the lid or cap on the spout.
  3. The simplest is to obtain a distillate from rainwater or snow (liquid already cleared of impurities).

A liquid that is indispensable in medicine and some everyday situations. Scientists and adherents of a healthy lifestyle never cease to discuss the validity of using purified water (especially for drinking) and how to make distilled water at home. Let's try to shed light on this situation.


Distilled water is essentially ordinary water that has been purified from impurities by distillation (evaporation). We can say that this is “steam” water, or “frozen”, because the distillation process can take place in diametrically opposite directions. Firstly, in laboratory conditions, steam (distillate) is collected from ordinary settled water, which is condensed into a separate clean container. This produces a liquid without any impurities - distilled water. Secondly, it is left in clean containers, but not completely. Taking advantage of the difference in freezing time between pure liquid and impurities, ice is obtained (about 70% of the total volume of water), which is removed and defrosted in a sterile container.

Distilled water in medicine

It is mainly used in medicine. Devoid of any impurities (beneficial and harmful), it is an excellent solvent and the basis for the creation of various medical and cosmetic preparations.

Fearing poisoning and infection, many people drink only distilled water. It is, of course, not harmful for drinking, but it is also not useful, because the natural composition of water - salts, minerals and other substances dissolved in it - is invaluable for the human body. To protect yourself from the dangers of tap water, it is enough to use filters. Or, if you don't trust them, you should drink bottled water, which is sold in pharmacies and stores. But constantly using only distilled water is overkill.

Distilled water at home

In everyday life, purified water is good for filling aquariums if you first dissolve in it a “filler” selected according to its composition, which is sold in pet stores and is selected individually for your fish. It is also often used in various household appliances (humidifiers, irons, steamers) to extend their service life.

If fertilized periodically, it is good to water the flowers with this liquid. The uses of purified water are quite extensive, so much so that the question often arises - how to make distilled water at home? This is especially true for residents of rural areas, where such a product is rarely or not available in pharmacies. Therefore, we will consider in detail the methods by which distilled water is obtained (you can easily do this with your own hands).

How to get distilled water

In the laboratory, two flasks are used for this, connected to each other by a tube that is cooled. The first flask (it is located higher) with water is heated and the boiling process is maintained, the steam condenses in a cold tube, and the resulting drops of clean water flow into the second flask. Or the water in the molds is partially frozen - this method is less labor-intensive, but it involves a high consumption of water, and we are forced to treat it very carefully.
But these are all laboratories, flasks, tubes, scientists, and we need to know how to make distilled water at home...

Why settle water?

How to get distilled water from tap water? First, defend. It is no secret that the water that comes to our house through pipes (not very clean, it must be said) contains many harmful impurities. This is, firstly, chlorine - of course, a very powerful disinfectant, but it can accumulate in the human body and cause a lot of serious diseases and poisoning. The same applies to volatile impurities and heavy metal compounds, also present in tap water.
The better and purer the source material, the more ideal the result will be.
Therefore, water should be poured into a clean, open container and not touched; it is better not to move it for twenty-four hours. In the first hours, the process of evaporation of volatile impurities, including chlorine, will take place. Next, salts of heavy metals will settle. After a day, you need to very carefully drain no more than three-quarters of the water - we will distill it.

Making distilled water at home. Method one

You will need:

  • twenty-liter stainless steel saucepan;
  • a lid for this pan (preferably cone-shaped);
  • glass bowl (bowl);
  • round grill for oven or microwave;
  • water.

There is no need to focus on the fact that all dishes must be perfectly clean, since we are simulating laboratory conditions. Let's get started.

  • Pour tap water into the pan, about half the volume. Let the water sit for at least six hours, or better yet, a day.
  • Place a wire rack at the bottom of the pan and a glass bowl on top of it. The bowl should be high enough so that water does not fall directly from the pan into it.
  • Turn on the heat and bring the water to a boil, then reduce the temperature as much as possible until the boiling process is smooth and not very intense.
  • Turn the lid over, add ice, and cover the pan.
  • The steam will rise to the top, condense on the cold lid, and distilled water will flow into the bowl.
  • All you have to do is control the process: maintain a boil, drain the water from the lid, add ice if necessary.
  • When the bowl is full, turn off the heat and carefully remove it from the pan, you can wait until it cools completely.
  • Pour the water into a sterilized storage container.

Now you know how to make distilled water yourself. But this is not the only possibility.

Method two

It is even closer to the laboratory one.

You will need:

  • twenty-liter stainless steel saucepan,
  • straight neck bottle
  • bottle with a crooked neck,
  • water.

Strictly speaking, bottles are our flasks. Of course, it is quite difficult to find or make a glass bottle with a curved neck, but if you succeed, the process will go much faster. You can also use a durable hose with a diameter suitable for the necks of the bottles. We wash everything, clean it and get started.

  • Pour settled tap water into the first bottle, a little more than half.
  • Connect the bottles together directly neck to neck or using a short hose. The connection must be as tight as possible.
  • Fill the pan with water; its volume should cover the bottle by more than half. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and maintain this process.
  • Place the first bottle in boiling water and place it in the pan at an angle of about thirty degrees.
  • Place an ice pack on the top (empty) bottle to facilitate the condensation process.
  • Water will evaporate from the bottom bottle (flask), rise through the hose (neck) to the second and there, condensing, accumulate.
  • Continue when you have the amount of purified water you need.

You've learned one more way to make distilled water at home, but it's not the last.

Method three

Now we will learn how to make distilled water at home by freezing. Everything is very simple. We pour the settled water into tanks for making ice and place it in the freezer. Based on its physical and chemical properties, pure water will freeze faster than water with impurities.
When ice has formed in the containers (about half or a little more), drain the top liquid, and melt the ice at room temperature to obtain distilled water.

Distillate is deeply purified water, which consists only of H2O molecules. This liquid has no mineral impurities, no organic substances, no bacteria. It is most often used in laboratories, but has recently found application in everyday life. In this article we will tell you where to get distilled water and for what purposes it can be used.

Pure water is produced in laboratories using a special apparatus. The resulting liquid has found its application in various areas of life:

  • In chemical and biological laboratories as a solvent for reagents. It is also used to rinse test tubes, flasks and other laboratory glassware.
  • In pharmaceuticals: various medical preparations are made from the distillate.
  • In medicine: purified water is given to young children and patients with weakened immune systems.
  • Heating systems use purified water to avoid deposits on pipes and disruption of fluid circulation.
  • For cars: pour antifreeze into batteries and dilute it.
  • Used in air humidifiers, electric irons and other devices.
  • In everyday life: for aquarium keeping and watering indoor plants.

Where to buy

There are many places that sell distilled water:

  • pharmacies;
  • supermarkets;
  • chemical laboratories;
  • gas stations;
  • auto shops;
  • hardware stores (water for steam irons).

But in order not to have to constantly buy purified water, you can purchase a special device or use traditional distillation methods.

Cleaning systems

In laboratories, water is purified using special devices - distillers. The design of a water distiller is quite simple. It consists of the following parts:

  • heater;
  • evaporator;
  • fridge;
  • container for collecting distillate;
  • vessel for storing purified water;
  • tube system.

The cleaning process occurs as follows: the water in the evaporator begins to boil and evaporates with the help of heat from the heater. The steam condenses at the bottom of the refrigerator, after which it flows into a container for collecting purified liquid, and from there it passes through a special tube into a vessel for storing the distillate.

Obtaining distillate without special equipment

It is not necessary to use a household water distiller. There are several traditional methods of cleansing:

  • evaporation;
  • freezing;
  • collection of natural precipitation.

The first two methods require preliminary preparation of tap water. It is known that hydrogen sulfide and chlorine compounds evaporate from water within two hours, and it takes at least 6 hours for mineral impurities to settle to the bottom. Therefore, tap water is placed in a glass or plastic container and left for 6–7 hours, after which distillation begins.


This method is based on the evaporation of water and its subsequent condensation. You will need:

  • large saucepan;
  • stand;
  • deep plate or bowl;
  • domed lid for pan;
  • ice or snow.

Fill about half the volume of the pan with prepared water. A heat-resistant stand is placed inside the vessel, on which a deep plate is placed. Cover the pan with a lid, the convex part down, and place this structure on the fire. When the water begins to boil, place an ice pack on the lid to speed up the process of condensation of water vapor.

The process goes like this: during boiling, water molecules evaporate and fly upward until they reach the cold lid. The cooled steam turns into droplets of water, they run down the convex side of the lid and drip into a deep plate. After some time, a sufficient amount of purified water will collect in the plate. You can pour it into a glass jar and continue the procedure.


Pour the settled water into a plastic container and place it in the freezer, monitoring the degree of freezing from time to time. When half of the liquid turns into ice, remove the container of water from the freezer and drain the unfrozen water. It is in it that mineral and organic impurities will be present.

Frozen water is a collection of H2O molecules, without any impurities, that is, it is a distillate. The ice should be thawed at room temperature, after which the resulting water can be used for domestic purposes.

So, we get the result without using a water distillation device.

Using rainwater

Why waste your own energy and energy on water purification if you can use a distillate created by nature itself? We are talking about ordinary rainwater. You just need to place a glass or ceramic vessel in an open area and wait for precipitation.
Disadvantages of the method:

  • Thus, it is impossible to stock up on large amounts of liquid.
  • Impossibility of use in large cities with a high degree of air pollution (where acid rain, smog, etc. are common). Such water will have impurities and will be unsuitable for cooking and other purposes.

As you can see, there are several relatively simple ways to obtain distillate without purchasing a water distillation apparatus.

Video about the benefits and harms of distilled water

Distilled water - purified from all kinds of impurities by evaporation or distillation - is often in demand in everyday life. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question of how to get distilled water yourself is of interest to many. There are several ways to do this.

How to get distilled water at home?

You can simply buy purified water in the store; it is quite inexpensive. But you can get it at home if you install a special filter on the tap. However, there are other effective ways to get distilled water yourself.

Collect rainwater - this is what our ancestors did since ancient times, and this is how people living in rural areas still receive purified water. Rain moisture is a natural distillate that does not contain any impurities.

Evaporation at home is a method similar to the laboratory one, only instead of special equipment you will have to use improvised means: a large saucepan or stainless steel tank with a lid, a glass container, and an iron oven rack. Fill the pan halfway with regular tap water and let it sit for a day. Next, place a wire rack and a glass container on it so that no water gets into it. Place the pan on gas, turn on the heat, close the lid, and put ice on it. The water from the pan will begin to evaporate, then condense on the cold lid and flow into the glass bowl.

Freezing - keep tap water in the freezer, remove the top frozen layer, and pour out the rest. Melt the ice and this will become purified water.

Is it possible to get distilled water from snow?

If it’s winter, you can get purified water from snow. To do this, just collect it in a clean bucket or pan and wait until it melts. You just need freshly fallen snow, on which dust and dirt have not yet had time to settle.

Distilled water is water without foreign chemical complex substances. It is sold in any pharmacy and at special points of sale. However, many people wonder how to make distilled water yourself? Today we will talk more about this topic!

Water without "chemicals"

Water that has undergone the distillation process is called distilled. It is widely used in industrial activities: it is diluted with “non-freezing” liquids, poured into batteries, used in aquarium farming and simply drunk (this requires a doctor’s prescription).

The wide scope of application is determined by the physical properties of such water - it does not form sediment after evaporation and has an “unnatural” purity.

In order to understand how to make distilled water at home, you need to understand how it is produced on an industrial scale. It is manufactured in devices that are designed for these processes - distillers.

A big factory at your home

You can “simulate” the operation of a distiller at home.

To do this you need:

  • Evaporate the water;
  • Condense the resulting steam into a separate (clean) container;
  • Freeze the water.

Let's look at the process of how to make distilled water at home in more detail!

Also, you can purchase ready-made distilled water, you need to click on the “buy distilled water” tab - this will allow you to always have the required amount of purified water at one of the lowest prices!

Preparing the water

To prepare the liquid, it is better to let it settle. This will allow the chlorine (in tap water) to evaporate, and heavy metals and impurities to precipitate. Do not cover the liquid with a lid - this will prevent the chlorine from evaporating! It is better not to stand in direct sunlight.

The water must stand for at least 7 hours:

  • - Chlorine - evaporates after 2 hours;
  • - Impurities - 6 hours.

You can use a tube to help express the water better. One end of it is placed in a container with water - this will allow you to quickly and “dryly” drain the required volume directly from the bottom, after which you can start pouring.


We continue to answer the question - how to make distilled water at home? We proceed to the next stage - evaporation.

To “gather steam” you need:

  • The prepared water should be poured into enamel pans (fill to half the level and place on the stove);

After the liquid boils, the level of fire flow under it can be reduced - the evaporation process will not stop, but will continue with less gas or electricity. You can perform this process in “portions”, constantly adding the required volume of liquid.

  • On top of the pan you need to install a dome-shaped form for water drainage (dome down);

An inverted pan lid or a (large) kitchen bowl can act as a dome. More creative people can use a tight kiss and a little weight. To attach the cellophane, you can use tape, rubber bands or clothespins. Important: personal control over the evaporation process and adherence to fire safety rules are required - this process is fire hazardous.

If you have enough time, then the evaporation process can be entrusted to the sun - natural evaporation.

  • You need to install a vessel in the pan itself to collect droplets of evaporated water from the dome.

For a faster effect, you can place a bag of ice on top of the dome - the lower temperature will allow the steam to quickly transform into water and condense into a container to collect liquid inside the pan.


The resulting water from the previous stage must be placed in the freezer. It is advisable to activate the fast freezing mode - this will allow you to more quickly separate “clean” water from that which cannot freeze quickly due to a small amount of impurities.

How to make distilled water at home? You need to try to freeze it to ice. But you need to show special care and duration - not all of the water should freeze, but only half.

The ice formation process never occurs at a uniform freezing rate, allowing for a more purified liquid to be released. After pieces of ice begin to form in the water, you need to let these pieces cover half the container. Ice is the purest water you have, and you don’t need to use everything else - it’s not distilled water.

The resulting ice is the “finished product”. The ice must be given time to defrost and warm up to room temperature, after which you receive distilled water that you produced yourself!

"Village Method"

How to make distilled water? In any village they will tell you one trick - why spend money on evaporating water when nature has already done it for you?

In many villages, rainwater is collected in large tanks, barrels, cans, and then the process of “half” freezing occurs (described above). Thus, the villagers save on evaporation - the sun has already done this for them, and the rain cloud has generously watered the earth with this water.

This method can save you time, but you should be more attentive to the quality of the water. The current environmental situation may impose restrictions on this method. It is worthwhile to conduct laboratory tests of rainfall, after which you will be able to use this method without restrictions!

Also, do not forget that laboratory tests have their own period, after which it must be repeated again!