Repair Design Furniture

How to make an efficient stove from an old gas cylinder. How to make a garage oven from a gas cylinder? Stove made from a propane cylinder drawings

Factory-made steel and cast iron stoves are quite expensive to use for heating a garage, country house, or outbuildings. It is much cheaper to make your own stove from a long-burning gas cylinder. To do this, you will need a drawing of a heating device, an old gas cylinder, a welding unit and some additional materials and tools.

Types of homemade stoves

Stoves made from cylinders significantly surpass in performance characteristics similar heating devices made from other available materials. This fact can be explained by the shape of the cylinder, which is an ideal option for undergoing pyrolysis processes. That is, the most effective combustion compartments are spherical in shape. The design must have two holes. One is necessary for the entry of oxygen, the second for the exit of smoke. All of the above requirements make it possible to produce a gas cylinder that has a cylindrical shape.

Design options

The stove design is based on an old gas cylinder that has not been used for a long time. It doesn’t matter what design it has. These parameters will affect the complexity of the assembly and further operational efficiency.

The following design options are known:

When assembling a heating device yourself, it is important to adhere to three basic rules: minimal investment, equipment safety, ease of operation.

Material selection

Not any cylinder is suitable for a homemade stove. It must be all-metal, since products made from explosion-proof composite materials have insufficient heat resistance. The volume of the cylindrical workpiece is of particular importance. A five-liter flask will not produce an effective heating installation. A tank of this capacity can only be used for fuel for a liquid fuel stove from a cylinder.

For example, to achieve a heater power of up to 3 kW, you will need a tank with a capacity of 12 liters, up to 7 kW - 27 liters. To heat a small country house, a homemade heating device made from a cylinder is suitable following sizes:

  • Capacity volume - 50 liters.
  • Cylinder diameter - 30 cm.
  • The height of the flask is 85 cm.

This capacity is quite enough to burn any type of fuel with virtually no residue. Such cylinders are still in demand among the population, and they are inexpensive.

To make a stove, it is better to use a cylinder with a valve, rather than with a valve, since with the help of a valve it will be possible to regulate the supply of oxygen to the firebox and, accordingly, reduce or increase the fuel combustion power.

There are also cylinders with a capacity of 40 liters intended for industrial gases. It is not recommended to use such products for a homemade stove. They are quite heavy and narrow.

Those who like to travel and relax as “savages” in their own car can make a small camping stove with their own hands from industrial cylinders with a capacity of 2 to 10 liters.

How to make a long-burning stove, bubafonya from a gas cylinder

Before you start making a wood-burning boiler from a gas cylinder with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. To perform installation work you need to have on hand:

Before cutting an old cylinder, be sure to remove the remaining propane from it. This gas is heavier than air, so a small amount always remains in the tank. To do this, you need to disconnect the valve from the cylinder and fill it completely with water, which will help push out the remaining propane.

Potbelly stove - boiler No. 2 from a propane gas cylinder. For garage or home

Work order:

The homemade heating stove is ready.

A stove made from gas cylinders is now in my garage. furnace of gas cylinders

Locking handles with attractive ebonite linings are easier to purchase on the market, since making them yourself takes quite a lot of time. And to give the heating device a more modern look, you should buy heat-resistant paint in a can.

The technology for making tight doors for a long-burning stove is also very simple. Narrow metal strips are welded on the inside of the sash, from which a channel is formed. You need to stuff a graphite-asbestos cord into it. After completion of installation work, metal surfaces are degreased and coated with paint in 3 layers. After applying each layer, the paint should be allowed to dry before applying the next layer.

Heating the garage. Super - cylinder stove "100% efficient" / Propane wood stove

The procedure for performing installation work:

The heating equipment is ready for use.

Heating structures such as a homemade boiler made from a gas cylinder can be used to effectively heat garages, workshops, household and other premises. A stove made from a 50-liter gas cylinder with a full load of fuel and the air supply damper open to the maximum can maintain combustion for 8 hours.

With the onset of cold weather, many are thinking about how to better insulate their home and make it more comfortable for wintering. In addition to the basic thermal insulation work with walls, roof and floor, you can create an additional heat source - a stove from a gas cylinder. The practice of constructing such devices goes back decades, and during this time many schemes and methods have been invented for creating functional stoves from simple gas cylinders. In this article we will talk about the most popular of them.

Homemade stoves made from gas cylinders are significantly more economical and efficient than similar designs made from other available materials. This is explained by the very shape of the cylinder - it is ideal for pyrolysis processes. The quality of the stove depends on its firebox. As practice shows, the ideal shape for the combustion chamber is a sphere. Plus, it must have two holes: for oxygen to enter and gases and smoke to escape into the chimney. The oblong cylinder of the gas cylinder makes it possible to realize all the necessary requirements for a perfect firebox without significant deformations.

Types of furnaces

An old cylinder, aimlessly gathering dust for years somewhere in a barn, can serve as the basis for creating a stove for your home. And the best thing is that the matter is not limited to any one variety - you can choose a design to suit your taste. Each type of gas cylinder stove differs in the degree of complexity of assembly, efficiency and operating principle. So, the most popular option is the familiar potbelly stove. We will talk about its advantages, disadvantages and installation method a little later.

The waste oil furnace is also popular because the cost of used oil is very low and allows you to save on fuel. You can build a rocket stove from a gas cylinder, but for beginners it is better to start with something simpler, since such a design is very complex and requires a lot of time and labor. The photo below shows a diagram of such a rocket stove and how it looks in the interior.

The basic rule when assembling a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands is to keep financial investments to a minimum. It is also important to ensure the convenience and safety of using the structure, especially if it is located in a residential building.

Cylinder selection

Not just any gas cylinder is suitable for making a stove. First of all, it must be all-metal, since explosion-proof composite products are not heat resistant. The capacity of the container also plays a role - a small 5-liter flask is unlikely to make an effective stove. Such a cylinder can only be used to create a fuel reservoir for a liquid fuel stove. Cylinders with a volume of 12 l and 27 l will produce furnaces with a power of 2-3 kW and 5-7 kW, respectively.

But the best option for building a high-quality stove capable of heating a small private house is a 50-liter cylinder 30 cm in diameter and 85 cm in height. Its volume is quite enough for virtually waste-free combustion of any type of fuel. In addition, such cylinders are still in demand and a working product can be purchased quite inexpensively. The furnace assembly technologies described below involve the use of just such cylinders.

Helpful advice: If you come across a cylinder with a valve, then it is better to choose it for the stove rather than a product with a valve. Using the valve, it is convenient to regulate the combustion power of the furnace, supplying more or less oxygen to the combustion chamber.

It is also worth mentioning cylinders for industrial gases with a volume of 40 liters. It is better not to use them to create stoves, as they are too narrow, heavy and bulky. Some people make camping stoves from small industrial cylinders of 2-10 liters, but they are only suitable if you go camping by car - the products weigh too much.

Potbelly stove from a cylinder

As we have already said, the most popular stove that can be assembled from a cylinder is the potbelly stove. A small 12 liter or 27 liter cylinder is suitable for its manufacture, but you can also take a 50 liter container if you plan to heat a country house. A potbelly stove is suitable for heating a small room, for example, a country house, garage or workshop. If you have built a new country house, but did not have time to install heating communications before the cold weather, a potbelly stove will be your salvation for the winter.

The construction of a potbelly stove made from a cylinder is quite simple: a firebox with a grate, a vent and a chimney. You can place it in any room from which it is convenient to bring the chimney outside. The design is compact and safe. It warms up very quickly and immediately releases heat into the room. Some people place a hob on top of the stove to cook food or heat water.

However, potbelly stoves have one serious drawback - no matter how thick the metal of the stove walls is, it will burn out over time. And the more often you use the stove, the faster this will happen. For this reason, it is better to make such a stove as a temporary or backup heat source, for example, in emergency situations or for additional heating.

In the video - a stove made from a gas cylinder for heating a garage:

The video above demonstrates a stove made from two gas cylinders, but one is enough to create an effective design. In addition to the cylinder, you will need steel corners (furnace legs), a metal grate for the grate, sheet steel 3-4 mm thick, a door and a chimney pipe of the required length. The tools you will need are an angle grinder, a welding machine, metal scissors, a hammer, a screwdriver and a hammer drill with a set of metal drills.

How to make a stove from a gas cylinder:

  1. Unscrew the rim with the tap located at the top of the cylinder. If you can’t unscrew it, you can carefully knock it out with a hammer.
  2. Fill the balloon with cold water or immerse it halfway into a hole in the ground.
  3. In the upper part, make a hole the size of the door of the future oven.
  4. Using a welding machine, make a frame for the door from steel corners and attach it to the cylinder.
  5. Place the door against the frame in the position in which it will be secured, and make holes for the bolts in the corners. Screw the door to the frame.
  6. Where the bottom of the stove will be, cut a hole for the grate and weld the grate.
  7. Attach sheet steel side panels to the cut hole on 3 sides. The result should be a box without a top. Weld it to the bottom of the cylinder, turning the open side towards the door - through this passage you will remove the ash. It is important that the box is completely sealed.
  8. Install a metal damper to regulate the oxygen entering the firebox.
  9. Weld legs from steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder.
  10. On the wall located on the opposite side of the door, cut a hole in accordance with the diameter of the chimney pipe. Equip an elbow chimney, then the heat will not leave the stove so quickly.

Furnace in production

It is a little more difficult to make a stove using a gas cylinder than a potbelly stove, but this work is quite doable even for novice self-taught stove makers. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will get a very effective device that can quickly heat a garage, small country house or change house.

The working principle of the furnace is as follows: you pour oil into the fuel compartment and ignite it; air is dosed through the air throttle, which affects the intensity of combustion. The heat of combustion of oxygen here is mainly spent on evaporation - the vapors rush upward and enter the reactor with perforated walls. Fresh air penetrates through the holes, which only enhances the combustion of oil vapors, as a result of which the temperature rises and the pyrolysis process begins. Not only oil burns, but also vapor, so there is practically no waste from operating such a furnace. In the upper part of the pyrolysis compartment, the gases practically burn out and exit into the afterburner chamber, which consists of two compartments: in the first, pyrolysis fumes burn out, which maintain the temperature, in the second, due to the high temperature and lack of oxygen, the nitric oxides of the gases decompose into oxygen and nitrogen. Oxygen supports the afterburning of gases, and the furnace temperature is stably maintained at approximately the same level.

The outlet into the chimney pipe from the afterburning chamber should be located as far as possible from the partition - about 20 cm. The efficiency of such a stove is about 80%, which is one of the highest rates among home-made heating devices.

As a rule, cylinders with a volume of 50 liters are used for the manufacture of waste oil furnaces. They are cut in a ratio of 2:1 - the smaller part goes to create a reservoir, and the larger part goes to the afterburner. The result is a furnace with a power of up to 30 kW. However, due to the specific fuel, all possible safety measures should be taken - burning waste can cause a lot of trouble. Do not install such a stove in a residential area and prevent access to it by children and pets.

Long burning stove

To make a long-burning stove from a gas cylinder, you will need a large container of 50 liters. Any wood product can be used as fuel, from sawdust to old furniture and branches of garden trees. Since the fuel in such stoves burns in a thin layer near the surface, they are also called long surface combustion stoves. The pyrolysis process can be carried out in two ways: in a separate small chamber with subsequent combustion of gases in an afterburning chamber (separate combustion furnaces), or the gases will go into a spacious heated buffer compartment, where they will burn out (combined furnaces). To ensure the highest possible efficiency in both the first and second cases, it is recommended to preheat the air that enters the pyrolysis zone.

Bubafonya stove

The long-burning stove with the funny name Bubafonya is very popular among summer residents and stove makers. In this design, the pyrolysis process is concentrated under special pressure. The image below shows a diagram of such a furnace, from which you can understand the principle of its design and operation.

The efficiency of Bubafoni can be 85% or more, while the duration of heat transfer from a unit load of fuel is 18-24 hours. If you need to constantly monitor an ordinary potbelly stove, otherwise you risk freezing, then you can visit Bubafoni only once a day, which is very convenient. The moisture content of the fuel for the stove should be no more than 12%. During the combustion process, you can add more firewood or wood chips, but it is highly not recommended to stop the stove until the fuel is completely burned.

Important: To make a Bubafoni stove, you must use a 50 liter cylinder with a diameter of 30 cm, since it provides the minimum permissible volume.

Such a stove turns out to be very economical, despite the fact that it can be made at home:

Helpful advice: It is best to make a prefabricated chimney, and start assembling it not from the stove, but from the reverse side - from the roof (then it will be more convenient to disassemble it for maintenance and repair). Many people prefer to install a glass with an inspection so as not to disassemble the chimney to remove soot.

Gas cylinder stove: photo

Finally, we invite you to look at the drawings of stoves made from gas cylinders and see what structures you can build with your own hands.

This is what “Bubafonya” looks like inside:

In winter, potbelly stoves are often used. There are several ways to create a stove from a gas cylinder, using various materials and means.

The horizontal device is used for cooking and heating small spaces. A vertical potbelly stove is installed in garages, utility rooms and small buildings.

Selection of cylinder and materials

The furnace body is made from an old empty gas cylinder. For effective operation and high heat transfer of the structure, you need to decide on the size of the container. A small room can be heated using a five-liter cylinder. Small stoves with low power are constructed from containers ranging in size from 12 to 30 liters.

A gas cylinder stove is an excellent solution for heating your garage

The industrial one (40 l volume) has thick walls, and the diameter of the inner surface is too small to accommodate a sufficient amount of fuel. The best option is a 50-liter propane container with a height of 85 cm and a diameter of 30 cm.

The cylinder is carefully prepared before work:

  • unscrew the valve and leave the container for a day to allow the remaining gas to escape;
  • then turn it over and drain the condensate into an unnecessary container;
  • the balloon is filled with water and kept for several hours;
  • pour out the water.

The cylinder for making a furnace must be thoroughly cleaned

The remaining propane must be removed from the container, otherwise the cylinder may explode during welding. Additionally, you need to prepare some materials and tools:

  • chimney pipe;
  • steel sheets with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • metal corners;
  • pliers, chisel and hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • Sander;
  • drill with drill bits.

Doors for the furnace are made from steel, and fittings are necessary to create grates. If it is not possible to make these parts for the stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands, then you can buy ready-made elements in specialized stores.

In this video, learn more about the potbelly stove from a cylinder:

Main types of oven

A vertical stove is made more often, as it takes up little space and has a neat appearance.

The horizontal design is valued due to the large cooking surface area. The dimensions of the ash pan and the hole for storing firewood in any device are 10x20 and 20x30 cm, respectively. Their markings are applied both to the drawings and to the cylinder itself - this makes it easier to cut out. The location of the holes is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the type of stove.

With the help of such a stove you can heat the room and even cook food outside

The chimney is made from a steel pipe, cutting it into different sections and welding them together. Additionally, you need to insulate it with mineral wool and foil. You can use the finished potbelly stove indoors or outdoors. If the stove is used for cooking outdoors, then it is enough to attach a low pipe for the smoke to escape.

Vertical stove

To create a vertical stove from a propane cylinder, it is placed vertically. It is necessary to cut off the neck, use a marker to draw the markings of the ash pan, chimney and firebox. The holes are cut with a grinder or cutter. Reinforcing bars are cut into identical pieces, forming grate bars. They are welded to the body in parallel rows or in a snake. Hinges for doors are attached, doors are cut out of steel sheet or cast iron. A sliding mechanism or latches are welded to them.

A hob is necessary if food will be cooked or water will be heated on the stove. To create it, you need to cut out a metal part of suitable size and weld it to the top of the cylinder. After this, all joints and seams are checked for tightness and strength, cleaned and sanded.

The vertical oven is more popular because it takes up less space

The hole for the chimney should be located at the top of the cylinder or on the side, sometimes the pipe passes through the central opening. In the side part, the elbow is first attached, then the chimney itself. Smoke and combustion products come out through the pipe. A metal stand or strong legs are attached to the bottom of the cylinder. Additionally, you can prepare the foundation for the potbelly stove.

Horizontal design

The first step is to create a strong stand. It is made of metal, the legs are welded, and then the body of the finished stove. A marker on the cylinder marks the location of the blower, chimney and fuel holes. The openings are cut with a chisel, grinder or cutter. Using a drill, holes are drilled in the lower part of the body. An ash pan is attached to the top; it is made of strong, heat-resistant metal. A damper is welded to the opening, which will serve as a blower.

The door is prepared from the cut out part of the cylinder. It must be scalded and attached to the body using loops. Although you can make a cast iron door with a latch and weld it. The chimney should exit from the top rear of the stove. A steel sheet is laid and secured on top of the body to create a flat cooking surface.

A horizontal stove will require more space - this is its main disadvantage

You can buy ready-made burners in the store, cut a hole in the steel for them and secure them. This way you can make a stove from a horizontal gas cylinder, but it takes up a lot of space.

When making a stove from a cylinder with your own hands, you need to take into account several nuances. It is necessary to adhere to the basic recommendations and rules of work:

  • the chimney should consist of broken sections, since all the heat will quickly escape through a short pipe;
  • fuel can be anything - coal, firewood, wood waste, household waste;
  • the efficiency increases with increasing chimney length, but straight and downward sections must be avoided;
  • heat transfer increases if another container is placed inside the main body, but of a smaller size. This way you can increase draft and prevent smoke from entering the room.

At home, you can make a stove from a gas cylinder for heating small spaces. This is an economical design that allows you to heat a small country house or quickly prepare food in a few hours.

More information about a wood-burning stove made from a gas cylinder:

In many private households there is an old liquefied gas cylinder. From this object you can make many useful things, for example, a simple heating device.

If you have the desire and a welding machine, then you can make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands without any problems. Of course, you will need some additional materials.

A potbelly stove is a primitive version of a metal one. This device works extremely simply: firewood is placed in the firebox, it burns, the stove body heats up and gives off heat to the surrounding air. Smoke gases are removed through the chimney, and the ash is poured through the grate into the ash pan, which should be cleaned periodically.

A potbelly stove is also heated with other flammable materials: diesel fuel, coal, peat, household waste, etc. If desired, you can cook quite successfully on such a stove. This point should be considered before the construction begins in order to create a smooth cooking surface.

A potbelly stove is a combustion chamber made of thick metal with a loading door, a chimney, a grate and an ash pit. You can use an old gas cylinder as a housing

For the potbelly stove you need to choose a special place, decorated with fire-resistant materials. It is advisable for it to stand to the side, where no one will accidentally touch the body and get burned.

If desired, the upper part of a vertical potbelly stove from an old gas cylinder can be turned into a modest-sized hob

Such a metal structure weighs a lot, so we are not talking about any mobility of the device. It will be difficult to move a potbelly stove to heat different rooms.

Such stoves are usually used to heat utility rooms where there is no electricity or where it is supplied intermittently: garage, barn, workshop, etc.

From two gas cylinders connected perpendicularly, you can make an improved version of the potbelly stove, which allows you to retain more heat and get high efficiency when burning fuel

Another problem is low efficiency, since part of the thermal energy during the combustion of wood literally flies out into the chimney. There are various ways to retain heat and modify your stove slightly to make it work more efficiently.

Finally, you need to take care of good ventilation of the room in which the potbelly stove is installed, since such a device burns a large amount of oxygen during operation.

So, a potbelly stove consists of a metal body, the role of which is usually “invited” to be an old gas cylinder. It is necessary to make two doors in the case: large and small. The first serves to load fuel, the second is needed as a blower, through which air enters from the combustion chamber to ensure the combustion process and draft.

To begin with, it is recommended to open the cylinder and vent the remaining gas. Of course, this needs to be done outdoors, not indoors. Then you need to drain the remaining liquid that has condensed inside the cylinder. This substance usually has a strong and unpleasant odor, so it is best to prepare a small container with a lid for it in advance so that you can immediately carefully pack it and throw it away.

There are no particularly strict parameters requirements for the design of a potbelly stove. The larger the combustion chamber, the more spacious the room the unit can heat.

If condensation is accidentally spilled on the floor in a room, the specific aroma can persist for a very long time. After all these operations, the cylinder is still not ready for contact with the welding machine, because residual gas vapor remains inside.

You need to fill the balloon with water to the very top in order to completely displace all the gas from it. After this, the water is drained, now the cylinder can be cut without problems.

Stage No. 2 – manufacturing and filling the case

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A homemade stove made from scrap materials, or “potbelly stove,” first appeared in Petrograd in 1918. Due to the humanitarian catastrophe that followed the 1917 revolution, central heating stopped working in the city. In many houses built in the 20th century, fireplaces and stoves served purely aesthetic and decorative functions and could not heat large apartments.

The situation was aggravated by a shortage of firewood. And then numerous handicraft workshops launched mass production of compact and economical, quickly installed iron stoves on legs, designed for heating one room, with a pipe leading out the window. Based on the name of the buyers of such stoves - representatives of the former wealthy strata of society - the stoves were called “potbelly stoves”. A century has passed since those harsh days, but potbelly stoves, having significantly improved their design, safety and efficiency, continue to warm small rooms.

Such stoves are available for manufacture in a home workshop; one of the best starting materials for them is a used gas cylinder.

Features and types of homemade stoves from a gas cylinder

All solid fuel stoves made from a gas cylinder have common design elements:

  • A housing in which holes are cut for the door, vent and exhaust pipe.
  • Blower.
  • Exhaust pipe equipped with a throttle valve.
  • A grate located low above the bottom of the stove. Fuel is placed on it and its combustion occurs.
  • Internal walls that form the flow of combustion products.
  • Legs.

Through the door, fuel is loaded and ash and slag are removed from the grate space. An air flow enters the combustion chamber through the blower and the combustion mode is adjusted. The blower is made as a structural part of the door or is made in the form of a separate hole with a damper.
A throttle-type damper is installed into the exhaust pipe, which also regulates the combustion mode.
Gas cylinder stoves are available in vertical and horizontal versions. A horizontal oven is easier to implement, but takes up a lot of space. The vertical one can be placed in any corner of the room; it has significantly better draft and fuel combustion efficiency.

And finally, the king of household gas cylinders is the 50-liter giant. This is the best option for creating a potbelly stove with your own hands, suitable for heating a country house.
40-liter industrial gas cylinders have too small a diameter and thick walls. It is better to cut and shorten them. Thick walls will take longer to warm up and retain heat longer. Such a stove will also last significantly longer.

Technology for making a stove from a conventional gas cylinder

IMPORTANT! Before starting work with any gas cylinder, it is necessary to completely remove any remaining gas from it! To do this, the cylinder is filled with water and detergent, designed to rid the future stove of gas odors and mercaptan fragrances.

Next, mark the holes for the door, vent and exhaust pipe and cut them out with a grinder.
You can purchase a ready-made cast iron stove door in a block with a blower. In this case, a frame of their corners is welded to the opening in the gas cylinder, and a cast door is bolted to it. If aesthetics are not so important, then the door is made from a cut piece of a cylinder. In this case, a more or less wide gap will inevitably remain. In the most primitive version, there are no grates and protrusions that form the flow of combustion products.

The fuel is loaded onto the bottom of the stove, and after it is completely burned out, the ash is removed with a scoop. In this embodiment, it is difficult to implement a continuous combustion mode.
Features of making a horizontal potbelly stove
A horizontal stove made from a gas cylinder is quite suitable for heating a garage or greenhouse.

In a horizontal potbelly stove there is little space left to place the grate and ash tray, so sometimes the grate is welded into the bottom of the stove, and the ash box is welded from below. Potbelly stove doors are hung on purchased or homemade hinges. An interesting option is that hinges are three links of a massive drive chain from a powerful engine or other mechanism; the outer links are welded to the wall and to the door, respectively.

Vertical oven assembly process

A vertical oven is more difficult to manufacture, but requires less space for its installation and has better user qualities. The volume of the cylinder is used more rationally. The principle of operation of the furnace does not change, but is implemented with greater efficiency. In the vertical version, two doors are made - for loading fuel and for the ash tray. Grid bars made of reinforcement are welded between these doors.

In principle, the entire upper part of the furnace can be dedicated to loading fuel, which will ensure long-term operation on one load. However, the volume of the combustion chamber is often reduced to accommodate additional heat exchangers in the upper part. One of the interesting options is through metal pipes welded into the upper part of the gas cylinder, through which air is driven by a fan (necessarily heat-resistant).

Such a device will significantly increase heat transfer and reduce the heating time of the room several times. If forced water circulation is established through the passage pipes, a water heating system can be installed.

Long-burning stove bubafonya

A bubafonya-type stove made from a gas cylinder is a potbelly stove only in appearance.
The design and principle of its operation are significantly different from a simple potbelly stove.

Furnaces of this type are produced by several industrial enterprises, but they are not cheap. If you have an equipped home workshop and basic skills in welding and plumbing, a bubafonya stove from a gas cylinder is quite affordable to make with your own hands.

Features and principle of operation

It implements the principle of long-term combustion, based on the physical and chemical phenomenon of pyrolysis - the smoldering of fuel with a lack of oxygen and the combustion of gases released during this process. One load of firewood is enough for 4-8 hours of burning.
The design of the stove is different in that the air supply pipe with a damper at the end is located vertically and exits through the top of the stove with a small, non-sealed gap,

The pipe has vertical mobility. At its lower end there is a massive disk with guides for the flow of gases. The chimney is welded to the top of the stove on the side. Firewood is loaded into the oven vertically, the disk presses it against the grate. As the lower layers of fuel burn, the disk lowers and combustion air is supplied to the upper layer of fuel, which is subjected to pyrolysis.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Bubafonya top combustion stove are as follows:

  1. High fuel efficiency. Heat does not escape into the chimney.
  2. Ease of manufacture and operation.

However, the design also has disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to replenish the fuel supply in the stove before it is completely burned.
  2. It is impossible to interrupt the combustion process.
  3. When the sand draft decreases, it smokes.
  4. Not suitable for quickly warming up cold rooms.

The necessary materials are the same gas cylinder, fittings for the grate, a 90-degree pipe, a metal pipe one and a half meters long and a heavy disk with a diameter slightly smaller than the internal diameter of the gas cylinder.

A self-made bubafonya stove made from a gas cylinder is suitable for heating a greenhouse or other uninhabited space.

Features of operation

When operating, it is important to remember the following:
Firewood in layers must be of the same length, they should be loaded carefully and evenly, avoiding distortions

For initial warming up and entering the pyrolysis mode, the stove requires an hour or more, and up to one fifth of the fuel is consumed.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the position of the damper to prevent smoke from entering the room.

Furnace in production

A waste oil furnace operates as follows: a supply of oil is poured into the fuel compartment, it is ignited, and more or less air flow is supplied through the air damper, thus controlling the power of the furnace. Combustion products rise through a vertical perforated pipe and carry with them vapors of evaporating oil.

This mixture is burned along the entire length of the pipe and enters the afterburner chamber, divided into two parts. In the first, oil vapors are burned, in the second, with a lack of oxygen, nitrogen compounds are split into oxygen and nitrogen. The resulting oxygen promotes afterburning of combustion products, ensuring constant temperature and energy efficiency.

A pyrolysis oil furnace made from a gas cylinder has a very high efficiency - about 80%. The disadvantage of such a pyrolysis device is harmful fumes and an unpleasant odor. This stove is not suitable for residential premises or areas where animals are kept.

How to make an oil stove from a cylinder

The gas cylinder exhaust furnace is made in a vertical design. The top part of the cylinder is cut off, into which the afterburner chamber is welded. There is a hole in the floor of the chamber that can be closed with a flap for adding oil.
The outlet for the chimney from the afterburning compartment should be located as far as possible from its partition, at least 20 cm.

It is important to remember that oil should be added extremely carefully to a hot pyrolysis oven from a gas cylinder; it is better to wait for it to cool completely. In more complex designs, the oil pipe is removed through the top cover; oil can be added to such a furnace without interrupting combustion
Making such a stove from a 50-liter cylinder is quite affordable for an average skilled craftsman

Types of oil furnaces

Using waste oil, you can make the already discussed pyrolysis furnace. Another type of oil stove made from a gas cylinder is a dripper or long-burning stove.
There is a brick at the bottom of the combustion chamber. Above it there is a tube supplying oil (or diesel fuel).

Using a valve with a poppet valve, the oil supply is adjusted so that approximately one drop drips per minute. To start the furnace, a small puddle of oil is poured onto the brick and set on fire, the brick becomes hot, and the next drops burst into flames upon contact with it. Combustion products rise to the top of the stove and heat it.

Pros and cons of IV drips

Advantages of a dropper:

  1. Extremely simple design, minimal amount of materials.
  2. Economical.
  3. Flaws.
  4. Not suitable for rooms with people and animals.
  5. High fire hazard.

Perhaps one of the proposed options will attract the attention of a home craftsman, and he will try his hand at making a stove from a gas cylinder with his own hands.