Repair Design Furniture

Bedroom decoration and design for teenagers. Design of a small room for a teenager Room design options for a teenage boy

By using the right selection of color schemes and decorative details, you can create a beautiful, fashionable room. When it comes to designing a room for a teenager, there are a few things you need to pay special attention to. First of all, you need to take into account who owns the room - a boy or a girl, what the age of the owner is, whether one person will live in it or two will share it. If your child takes part in choosing color schemes, furniture and decorative elements, he will appreciate the final result much more highly.

The photo shows a gender-neutral room for a teenager

#1. Ideas for decorating a teenager's room

Consider the teenager's opinion. If you want to give your bedroom a certain style, you and your child can check out ready-made bedroom designs on the Internet or in magazines. For a girl’s bedroom, you can choose a “ballerina”, “princess” or a “Disney” theme. For a young man’s room, “race cars”, “space” or “sports” are suitable. But if the room is shared by a boy and a girl, choose one of the universal themes - “music”, “beach”, “retro”, etc.

Choose the color scheme and style of the room. The direction of choosing a style primarily depends on the gender of the owner of the room. If it's a girl, go for feminine, soft styles and colors like purple and pink. If the room belongs to a boy, decorate it with shades of blue, brown, or other “masculine” colors. If two children will live in the room, use yellow, green or even shades of gray. Mixing different colors and shades will make the room contrasting, lively and fashionable. By combining colors you can achieve any desired result.

Once you have chosen the color scheme you want, start painting. Stencil graffiti or hand-drawn art on the walls would be very appropriate. However, these details should also be agreed upon with the owner of the room. Paint drawings add variety and mood to the atmosphere of the room and do not require large financial expenditures.

Once you've finished painting, you can choose furniture. If you want to give your bedroom a certain style, check out ready-made bedroom samples on the Internet or in magazines. For a girl’s bedroom, you can choose a “ballerina”, “princess” or a “Disney” theme. For a young man’s room, “race cars”, “space” or “sports” are suitable. But if the room is shared by a boy and a girl, choose one of the universal themes - “music”, “beach”, “retro”, etc.

Furniture is a very important element because it must simultaneously fulfill practical and aesthetic functions. First of all, pay attention to the size of the room. For a small room, a bunk bed will be the most rational choice. Furniture stores offer designs that combine a bed and a play area, or a schoolchild’s corner, or even a relaxation area. If the room is designed for two, it is better to put two bunk beds in it, or one bunk bed. But if the room is spacious enough, you can put a wide bed in it if you wish.

A good idea for a teenager's room would be a closet with a large mirror - with its help it will be convenient to get ready for school. But if the dimensions of the room do not allow you to place such a cabinet in it, you can install a large mirror in the bathroom.

So, it's time to add decorative details. If you don't want the room to look cluttered, then don't use too many accessories. Functional elements may well serve decorative purposes.

For example, a bed in the shape of a car, or beautiful table lamps. But if you want to add decorations, you can find a lot of original all kinds of things in furniture showrooms and online stores.

#2. Photo room ideas for teenagers

We have put together a small photo selection of teenage rooms. Take a look, some ideas will definitely appeal to you. First there will be photos of the boys' rooms, then photos of the girls' rooms.

Room for a teenager with a bunk bed

The room for a teenager shown in the photo deserves attention. The main highlight of the interior is, of course, the unusual and interesting design of the bed. This is no longer a classic bunk bed; its lower part is mobile. This innovation will undoubtedly appeal to modern children, for whom this interior is designed.

The color scheme of the interior is formed by a combination of light blue tones of the walls and purple, which predominates in the design of the furniture. These tones create a comfortable atmosphere thanks to the good illumination of the room, which is provided by the large window.

Teenager's room - design with robots

Children in adolescence already definitely know what they want to see in their room.

A room for a boy and a girl is radically different, with different interests and preferences, so consider your child’s opinion before planning a bedroom for a teenager.

Boy's bedroom

If you create the interior yourself, you can look at various photos of a bedroom for a teenager to know where to start.

First of all, the room should be functional and cozy. It should contain decorative elements related to your child’s hobby.

In adolescence today, children spend a lot of time on computer technology. And various gadgets will complement the modern design of the room.

Girl's bedroom

Many people think that if a girl means pink. This is a misconception; there are many bright, sunny shades that are much easier to perceive. Undoubtedly at this age the child has a favorite color.

Let it dominate the room, combined with other shades. The combination of different colors is much more beautiful than doing everything in pink.

It should be noted that some shades of pink have a negative effect on the child’s psyche.

Teenage girls no longer believe in fairy tales, so cartoon characters and children's drawings should be removed. The child grows up and must become more serious. Cool tones are also welcome.

Therefore, before creating a bedroom interior for a teenager, consult with your daughter what she would prefer to see.

Bedroom for children of different sexes

Here you need a large space to divide it into zones. Create a modern bedroom for a teenager in each zone.

It’s good when children are interested in one thing, so you can create one composition, if different interests are more complicated. Each zone requires its own approach and project.

In older houses there are small bedrooms for teenagers. In such cases, zones are divided using furniture; the goal here is to save space, so use transformable furniture that can be removed at any time.

What furniture to choose

  • Bed. The centerpiece of every bedroom.
  • Closet. It should be roomy, because at this age a child has a lot of things.
  • Computer desk. Buy a multifunctional one, with many shelves and niches, so that it is convenient for your child to store books and notebooks.

Chair. Since the child spends a lot of time at the computer or doing homework, the chair should be comfortable.

Bedside table. Small size for storing small items.

If there are two children in the room, then the amount of furniture increases; in addition, it should be spacious and not take up much space. Today, various stores offer a huge selection of different furniture models, so choosing will not be a problem.

Bedroom decoration

Renovating a bedroom for teenagers is not a difficult stage, since you know what your child wants. You can supplement it with creative ideas, or create a classic version. It all depends on the child’s activity. The room should also carry positive notes, and at the same time calm.

As for the color of a teenager's bedroom, it should not be gloomy or too bright.

Try placing shades harmoniously around the entire perimeter of the room. Today there are many shades, it will be easy to choose.

You can pay attention to the location of the room, if the side is sunny, then the room does not need bright colors, but if there is not enough sun, try to complement the room, for example, with bright orange or yellow.


An important part. The children's room should have a lot of light, various ceiling lights, a desk lamp on the desk, a main light source (chandelier), and various lamps placed around the entire perimeter of the room on the walls.

Any area should have light, and if your room has a sunny side, then natural light will perfectly complement the entire composition.

To summarize, we can note that there are a lot of bedroom ideas for a teenager; you can create something of your own or consult with professionals.

Photo of bedroom design for a teenager

Children who are starting to grow up are a headache for parents. The point is not only in psycho-emotional terms, but also in the fact that the teenager’s room needs improvement. The change in the child’s preferences and tastes is reflected in the world around him; the interior with cars and cartoon characters no longer suits the boy. We need visualization of desires, aspirations and hobbies. In addition, a room for a teenager should be functional: it is easy to study, engage in creativity and spend leisure time.

We invite parents to carefully consider the needs of their child and think about the design of a teenage bedroom. Together with him, look at photos of ready-made interior solutions, select wallpaper, curtains, furniture.

Advice! Be sure to consult with your 14-16 year old son. What would he like his refuge to look like? Do not try to decorate a room for boys based on considerations of style and durability of the renovation. Provide your child with space for creativity and self-expression, a place where he will want to return.

It is necessary to think over and choose colors, furniture, lighting, layout, accessories and other little things that create comfort.

Zoning rooms for boys

A teenager's room should not be decorated in one clear style, but it should be comfortable to be in. Zoning is an important aspect of the room, which is at the same time a bedroom, a living room for friends, and a place for self-education.

In rooms intended for boys, the following areas must be present:

  1. Storage for things.
  2. Rest zone.

They should fit harmoniously into the interior without being sharply separated. Zoning is necessary so that the child is not distracted from studying during classes, but books and notebooks do not interfere with his rest.

Zoning in rooms created specifically for boys is done with the help of lighting, and wallpaper of different shades is selected. The bed can be curtained canopy.


For the teenage environment of 14-year-old boys, minimalist styles are best suited. Against their background, you can safely allow your child to hang posters and posters, decorate the wallpaper with photos and drawings. There are special curbs, which help to carry out this process painlessly for finishing. In this case, it is good to choose graphic wallpaper.

The interior can be stylized to match the hobbies of its owner. For example, in nautical style– blue or blue wallpaper, light airy curtains, a bed covered with thick canvas fabric. You can add some sandy shades, accessories according to the theme, shells and a homemade ship - and here is a ready-made implementation of the design solution. In this regard, a teenager’s room is an excellent field for bringing fantasies to life.


Encourage your child to choose warm, light colors for their walls so they can add pops of color. A few techniques for decorating and designing walls in rooms made for boys:

  • . Combine different colors to highlight areas in the room: the workplace in green shades, and the relaxation area in pastel colors.
  • Decorative elements. A boy’s room is space for stickers, stencils and other elements.
  • Paintings. It is enough to place posters in thin frames - and they already look more noble.
  • Texture. Wallpaper with a convex pattern is the highlight of the room.

Advice! Let your child display posters of their favorite bands, athletes, actors, and famous people on their walls. This will help him express himself, and you will be able to earn respect for such a small indulgence. Remember yourself at 14-16 years old. Surely, you wanted to cover the entire room with posters of your favorite band, but your parents did not allow you to “spoil the wallpaper.”


The design of a room for a teenager should be thoughtful. For example, something natural is suitable for floors. The material should be easy to wash, because in rooms designed for teenagers, it is not so easy to get boys to clean. It is better to close access under the bed to prevent dust from accumulating there.

Practical parquet Perfect for finishing floors. Any design of a boy's room can be easily implemented with this material. Different interior - different colors of parquet and wallpaper.

Advice! Many parents want to install heated floors in their son's room because the child spends a lot of time playing on the floor. This technology can easily be replaced with insulated linoleum.

Carpeting is another good idea for flooring in boys' rooms. This is not the most practical solution, but the room immediately becomes warmer and more comfortable.


A room for a teenage boy must be comfortable in terms of lighting. Play an important role curtains- This is not only a decorative element, but also a means of adjusting the lighting, which a teenager’s room so needs.

Advice! Install lighting fixtures in rooms made for boys so that the light is diffused. Bright light, which is reflected from furniture, makes wallpaper and curtains shine, is harmful to the vision of boys 14-16 years old.

In rooms made for boys, large round lamps under the ceiling will fit perfectly. Worth adding

Decorating a room in which a teenager lives is not an easy task: often the tastes of the parents and the child who has entered adolescence differ, and a compromise has to be found.

Teenage children are categorical and often try to insist on their own. Parents strive to approach the interior design of their child’s room in a practical manner. Due to such disagreements between parents and children, there are no universal recommendations for decorating a teenager’s personal territory.

Before starting renovations, you need to agree on the finishing with your child. The teenager himself can choose the furniture for his room and the style in which it will be decorated.

Of course, there are certain financial restrictions; not all of a child’s wishes can be realized without large material costs, and children in adolescence must understand this.

Important! If a child takes a direct part in decorating the interior of his room, he will definitely be satisfied with the result.

The opportunity to change the decor in his bedroom allows a teenager to express his views on the environment, reflect his hobbies in accessories, finishing materials and decorative items.

Mandatory furnishings

Regardless of whether the room is spacious or small, it should have:

  • sleeping area;
  • desk;
  • a place where the child will store books and other things.

Teenagers have a wide range of interests, so they need a lot of space to display CDs, magazines and other items. The rack can accommodate all this.

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the work area. High school students spend a lot of time doing homework.

It is important that the child has a comfortable table and chair. The best option is a computer desk, because modern children cannot do without a computer.

Advice. Choose a table with a large work surface so that your computer, speakers, and office supplies can fit on it, while still leaving room for writing.

It is advisable to install the table above the window so that there is good lighting. If natural light is not enough, take care of artificial light sources.

Lighting is an important point; it must be created correctly. Create optimal conditions for your child to study and create.

The sleeping place can be a spacious bed or a folding sofa (relevant if the room is small) with an orthopedic mattress. This mattress promotes the proper formation of the spine, which is very important during adolescence.

The teenager’s friends who come to visit can sit on the sofa. Give preference to a hard, but at the same time comfortable sofa.

For a small room, you can purchase a pull-out bed. Such models are very popular, they save space.

During the daytime, the bed folds and goes into the closet, freeing up space.
But if you decide to purchase such a bed, you need to place poufs in the room: these are comfortable and compact places to sit, and if necessary, they can always be removed.

Shelves attached to the walls will also help save space. Hang them next to your desk. You can put books, framed photographs and other items on the shelves.

If your teen wants a traditional bed, buy a model with drawers for storing bedding and other items.

Drawers are very convenient to use, and they can also be opened from the top.

A teenager's room is incomplete without a closet. Give preference to a wardrobe with mirror inserts.

Teenagers like bright models, the facades of which are decorated with photo printing. On the door of such a cabinet there may be an image of a movie character or a panorama of the city.

Teenage girls have a large wardrobe, so they need a spacious closet. The wardrobe will fit all the outfits of a young fashionista.

Important! The sliding wardrobe does not take up much space and at the same time is distinguished by its functionality and aesthetic appearance.

For a girl's bedroom you need to purchase a dressing table or a large mirror in a carved frame. The owner of the room will store accessories and cosmetics in the drawers of the dressing table.

Some parents buy a TV for their teenager's room; in this case, you need to take care of a beautiful bedside table.

Design nuances

Experts in the field of child psychology are confident that the room in which a teenager lives should be decorated in neutral colors.

It is desirable that the decoration be dominated by white, cream and other shades of pastel colors. Walls decorated, for example, in beige or mint tones, do not irritate the eye. This color palette has a calming effect on the teenager’s psyche and promotes emotional balance.

At this age, the psyche of children is subject to great stress, but bright colors are also needed. Place catchy accents in the interior (bright curtains, carpet): this will enliven the decor.

Patterns will add uniqueness to the interior. Mix several designs and you will get an original design.

It is believed that minimalism is more suitable for decorating a living room or parents' bedroom, but many teenagers like a minimalist environment.

To decorate a youth room in a minimalist style, choose one bright color that will dominate, and two more subdued ones to play in contrast.

The color scheme can be classic.

To achieve this, use a muted red paired with gray or white, or a versatile black and white combination.

The most important thing when choosing a color to decorate a teenager’s bedroom is his individual preferences. Loving parents should know what colors their child likes.

Teenager's interests as the basis of design

Of course, in the room of a boy who has entered adolescence, wallpaper with images of cars would be inappropriate.

But girls at this age are still dreaming. Young ladies are very romantic in nature, so they will like decor in which delicate shades predominate.

The walls can be covered with wallpaper with a floral pattern. Decorate one of the walls, for example, at the head of the bed, with wallpaper with bright floral patterns, and decorate the rest in pastel colors.

Advice! When decorating the interior of your growing child’s room, show him that you share his interests. By making concessions in matters of decorating the interior of a child’s room, you will quickly reach mutual understanding.

Many teenagers are eccentric, they want the environment to reflect their interests - in this case, the walls can be decorated with paintings. This approach allows you to quickly change the decor.

The interests of children in adolescence change quickly: today they have one idol, and a month later another. Posters on the walls depicting movie characters or athletes are easy to change.

The walls can be decorated in either bright or muted colors, depending on what the child likes best.

If a teenager loves music, then his personal space can be designed in this direction. Decorate the walls with posters of famous music artists.

The wall, decorated in accordance with the hobbies of the owner of the room, looks original. In such an environment the teenager will feel comfortable.

If a teenager dreams of seeing the world, hang a geographical map on the wall. It will allow the child to explore the location of cities.

A teenager in whose life sports plays an important role will love a football field on the wall.

Or maybe your child loves to draw and has his own paintings? The best drawings are worth hanging on the wall; Be sure to arrange a place for painting new paintings.

Some teenagers want to put black wallpaper in their room, but this is not the best option. The color black has a negative effect on the child's psyche.

A compromise could be posters, posters, photo wallpapers or dark-colored decor on only one of the walls.

Girls in adolescence often become interested in needlework. Young ladies love to knit, embroider, and weave beads. Growing up girls follow fashion.

A young lady's room should have furnishings that suit her interests: decorate the wall with a large painting of a model on a catwalk in the spotlight. Such decor develops a child’s imagination.

For a teenage girl’s room, a mannequin is suitable as a decorative element (especially if the owner of the room likes to sew); it can be wrapped in a material whose color matches the curtains, upholstery or bedspread.

Soft toys would be very appropriate in a young lady’s bedroom. Surely your daughter has a favorite teddy bear or toy given by a friend for her birthday. Plush animals can be placed on a shelf.

Read about what it should be like: modern ideas and options, the basic principles of arranging a boy’s room.

How to decorate a nursery for a newborn boy? There are examples and photos.

The principles for choosing furniture for a girl’s bedroom are described in the article at:

Original parts

To make the interior of the room where a teenager lives original, feel free to use unusual ideas.

A creative solution is a swing in the room or, for example, a hanging chair. Children tend to believe that their parents cannot come up with anything original; this way you can surprise your child, and the teenager will definitely like the idea itself.

Sitting in such an unusual chair, the child will be able to read his favorite book or think about school matters. And riding on a swing in the room is generally every child’s dream.

Ordinary floor chairs make the room heavier, but hanging chairs do not have this drawback.

Such a piece of furniture will be complemented by other transparent elements, for example, a chair or table with a glass top.

You can install a mirrored chest of drawers in a teenager's bedroom. Such furniture serves both a practical purpose (used for storing things) and a decorative one.

Another original detail is the unusual window design. Attach a beautiful cornice to the ceiling and decorate the window opening with Roman blinds.

You can organize a relaxation area on the windowsill: place a comfortable seat and pillows with decorative trim. The child will be able to read while sitting on the windowsill, or simply look out the window, watching passers-by.

In a teenager's bedroom, you can turn one of the walls into a kind of brickwork. The child will be able to make graffiti on the wall. This option is suitable for both the bedroom of a teenage boy and a girl: it is important to choose the right color of curtains and furniture upholstery. The design of the wall will be decisive in this case.

Young fashionistas will certainly appreciate the glamorous bedroom decor. You need to understand in what style the girl wants to decorate her room and take into account many details.

The room can be decorated in white in combination with black, and add some bright notes by placing rich accents. For example, decorate the surface of the wall above the headboard in black, and make the remaining walls light; the headboard can be rich yellow, as are the pillows on the bed.

An original decorative element is paintings, the background of which is dark, and the inscriptions are white, in elegant light frames.

The headboard imitates notes from a newspaper looks impressive. A bed with such a headboard will be complemented by a small soft ottoman, pillows with blue or golden embroidery and small drawings on the walls.

Teenagers will also like the lighting of furniture pieces. Neon light will create a comfortable, yet modern atmosphere in the bedroom that will help your child relax.

You can make luminous inscriptions on the wall. This decor will appeal to both girls and boys. Lighting will add originality to the interior.

Even in a small teenager’s room you can create a cozy atmosphere. Properly selected decorative elements promote intellectual concentration.

The main principle that should be followed when decorating a teenager’s bedroom is taking into account the opinion of the owner of the room. Parents should listen to their child, find out his opinion, understand what he wants his room to look like.

Focus, first of all, on the wishes of your child, let your child show his imagination: let him take part in creating the decor.

If you don’t like some idea of ​​your daughter or son, don’t refuse right away: you can always find a compromise. After all, it is the child who will live in the room, and the environment should be comfortable, first of all, for him. An interior imposed by parents will not please a teenager.

Respect your child’s opinion, plan to realize the teenager’s dreams of the ideal room in his mind.


Photo gallery

We offer 44 more photos with ideas for interior design and design of a children's room for teenagers in a modern style:

First of all, you need to remove children's toys from a teenager's room; they have served their purpose. Although, your child will probably have a couple of favorite teddy bears that they won’t want to part with just yet. This especially applies to girls. By the same principle, children's wallpaper with drawings should be replaced. At this age, a teenager is already able to choose beautiful wallpaper to suit his taste. Just don’t blindly follow his lead.

For example, if a child wants to put up red, black or too colorful wallpaper, explain to him that living in such a room will be uncomfortable. Calm, neutral wallpaper in light colors is best suited for a teenager’s room. They expand the space well and serve as a good backdrop for furniture, accessories and posters of their favorite bands that teenagers love so much.

Teenage room - furnishings

  • The main part of the teenage room is the recreation area. Here he sleeps, reads, watches TV, talks on the phone, listens to music, etc. Which is better to choose a sofa or a bed? Doctors say that there is nothing better than a bed with an orthopedic mattress, because at this age the child’s spine is still developing. For older schoolchildren, you can buy a sofa bed - during the day it is ideal for communicating with friends, and at night it turns into a comfortable bed. It is important that the sofa is sufficiently rigid and elastic, but at the same time comfortable and convenient.
  • Also in a teenager's room it is very important to organize a good work area, including a desk, chair and shelves. Today, not a single student can do without a computer. Therefore, it is most convenient to buy a computer desk with a large working surface for writing.
  • Above the table you should hang shelves on which textbooks, notebooks, CDs and other things a teenager needs. At the same time, you should not try to separate the study area from the leisure and hobbies area. This division is only appropriate in a toddler’s room.
  • As a child grows up, his range of interests gradually expands. Therefore, the number of different things is increasing - books, encyclopedias, DVDs, magazines and other things related to hobbies. Therefore, in a teenager’s room it is worth putting a spacious shelving unit on which you can place all these things.
  • It is also very important to organize a dressing room in a teenager's room. It is best to buy a modern, beautiful wardrobe. It will take up little space and fit all your clothes and accessories. At the same time, the child will be glad that he now has not a small children’s closet, but a real “adult” closet. You can also put a dressing table or a chest of drawers with a mirror in the girl’s room. The young lady will be incredibly happy with such a gift, and the drawers will contain her cosmetics, combs, hairpins and other little things.

It's hard to imagine a teenager's room without technology. Usually this is a TV, stereo system, computer or laptop, powerful speakers, etc. Therefore, you need to think about where this equipment will stand and purchase special bedside tables or stands.

Teenage room - photo