Repair Design Furniture

How and how to cut the profiled sheet? Video lessons. How and what is the best way to cut corrugated sheets? How to properly cut a profiled sheet with a grinder

Profiled sheeting is a galvanized steel sheet with a profile and a polymer coating. In appearance, it resembles corrugated sheet metal, but due to the polymer coating, the cutting methods of the considered roofing material and sheet are not the same. In order to figure out how to cut corrugated board, which method to choose for this, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of tools designed for cutting material.

  • grinder (angle grinder);
  • electric hacksaw;
  • manual and electric jigsaw;
  • electric shears;
  • hand circular saw.

Grinder or angle grinder (angle grinder)

Manufacturers of the specified roofing material do not recommend using a grinder for cutting it due to the thermal effect on the polymer coating. Nevertheless, even some dealers of corrugated board use it as the most convenient cutting tool.

The durability of the corrugated board depends on the correct installation and the choice of cutting tools

When using a grinder, certain rules must be observed:

  1. To work with profiled sheets, you need to use a disc with carbide teeth instead of an abrasive wheel. Such discs are called so - discs for cutting corrugated board.
  2. The thickness of the disc should be between 1 mm and 1.6 mm.
  3. To avoid corrosion, the cutting area is covered with a high-quality paint of the appropriate color.

When using a special blade, the cut edges are very thin and neat.

Pay attention:
Some craftsmen, using a diamond-coated disc, cut a whole pack (10 sheets each).

When using a special disc designed for cutting corrugated board, the edges of the cut are smooth and neat

Using a grinder has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of using this tool is cutting speed and convenience. Its main drawback is thermal damage to the polymer and zinc coating, burning of the edges and burning of sheets by sparks flying from the grinder. In addition, hot metal particles adhering to the surface contribute to the formation of corrosion centers. Torn edges of sheets after cutting with a grinder take a long time to remove burrs. The tool makes a lot of noise during operation. The use of a special disk designed for cutting corrugated board eliminates many negative aspects of using a grinder.

Pros and cons of a hacksaw for metal

When using this tool, the coating of the profile sheet is subject to the least damage. The corrugated board does not have much resistance when cutting, therefore even manual work will not take much time and effort, and the absence of thermal effects contributes to the preservation of the material coating.

Advantages of cutting corrugated board with a hacksaw for metal:

  • speed;
  • accuracy;
  • no significant effort is required.

Cons of cutting sheets with a hacksaw for metal:

  • when working with a hacksaw, even cuts are easily made, but cutting out curved shapes is impossible;
  • when using a hacksaw for metal, a special cutting table is required.

A hacksaw for metal is used to obtain even cuts

Manual and electric jigsaw

A jigsaw is a tool that, unlike a hacksaw, allows you to perform curved cutting of corrugated board. There is no significant difference between a conventional and an electric tool, but with the help of a jigsaw, work is done faster.

Manual and electric jigsaw are used for cutting small-length sheets of corrugated board of famous brands, the height of the corrugation of which is not more than 25 mm. Sheets can be cut up and down, while the sheet must be pressed so that it does not vibrate. The cutting of corrugated board is carried out at high speeds using the finest metal saws.

It is important to know:
To increase the cutting speed, only the reciprocating mode is not enough, it is necessary that the inclination of the saw be, as it were, longitudinal.

When cutting with an electric jigsaw, the edges are burned, but not as strong as when using a grinder

Disadvantages of using a jigsaw:

  • the tool is not very convenient for cross-cutting sheets with a profile height of more than 25 mm;
  • not suitable for cutting thin strips;
  • the cutting speed is inferior to the grinder;
  • when working with an electric jigsaw, the edges are burnt, but not as strong as when using a grinder;
  • unpleasant noise.

Features of the use of scissors for metal

Advantages of cutting a profile sheet with metal shears:

  • It is an indispensable tool for cutting thin strips.
  • Provided they are well sharpened, they do an excellent job of cutting across the wave.

Disadvantages of using the tool:

  • Scissors for metal poorly cut corrugated board lengthwise, since in this direction the sheets have little flexibility.
  • The main disadvantage of cutting with such scissors is not very straight cut edges.

Excellent tool for cutting thin strips

Electric shears: efficient and convenient

Electric shears are quite convenient to use

Hand-held circular saw

Sheets of corrugated board are also cut well with a hand-held circular saw, on which a fine-toothed disk with victorious teeth is installed. For convenience and quick performance of work using circulars, you will need an assistant. The cutting feed should be minimal.

In order not to scratch the paint on the profiled sheets, a conductor is made from a strip of plywood about 1.5 m long and 300 mm wide. A groove is cut along its center along the entire strip, not reaching the ends, which will be a guide when cutting. Two points are marked on the sheet along the cut line, a jig is superimposed on them. The groove must line up with the marked points. After that, the sheet is well pressed and the cutting is performed.

A circular saw with victorious teeth is an excellent tool for cutting corrugated board

It is important to know:
Cutting profiled decking, which, unlike steel sheet, has a profile and an anti-corrosion coating, requires taking into account these features of the material. Because of the sensitivity of the coating to high temperatures, cold cutting methods are preferred. When choosing a tool, these conditions and restrictions must be taken into account. For example, the use of plasma cutting, welding, autogen and other similar tools does not meet the requirements for cutting corrugated board, as it is associated with exposure to high temperatures. It is also not recommended to use abrasive tools that tear off and carbonize the protective coating.

Profiled decking is an aesthetic and durable material that justifies its purpose, provided that it is installed correctly and the tool for cutting it is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

When performing roofing work, many non-professional craftsmen are faced with the fact that they do not know how and how to cut corrugated board. Lack of knowledge, experience or the necessary tools can lead to damage to the material. Improper cutting and edge finishing is the most common cause of corrosion on the surface of corrugated board. At the same time, such a roof covering can be very easy and convenient to install, if the work is performed in accordance with the technology. In this article, we will tell you how to properly cut corrugated board so that it will last for 25-50 years.

At first glance, it seems that the corrugated board is an ordinary sheet metal, which has been embossed with the help of stamping. However, this opinion is erroneous, since this material has a complex multi-layer coating. Serious steel with a thickness of 0.5-1.2 mm is really used as a basis for the production of corrugated board, which in the manufacturing process is covered with a layer of zinc and polymer (plastisol, pural, polyester). This structure of the profiled sheet protects the metal surface from contact with liquid, preventing the appearance of corrosion foci. There are the following types of profiled sheet, differing in height, width and shape of the profile:

  1. Wall. This type of corrugated board is used for wall cladding, the construction of fences and fences, and the organization of formwork. It has a low load-bearing capacity, therefore it is not used as a roof covering.
  2. Roofing. Roofing corrugated board has a large number of vertical stiffeners, which provide a large bearing capacity of this material. It is used to cover roofs.
  3. Universal. Universal corrugated board has average characteristics, it can be used for any construction task.

Note! The peculiarity of working with corrugated board is that its polymer coating is extremely susceptible to high temperatures. It burns out quickly, exposing metal that is not resistant to corrosion. Therefore, processing, cutting and installation of corrugated board are carried out only by the cold method.

Bulgarian is the popular name for an angle grinder, which during the Soviet era was imported mainly from friendly Bulgaria. This versatile tool has many uses, including cutting corrugated board. With the help of a grinder, you can quickly cut a large amount of material, professional craftsmen perform cutting in batches. However, this method has 3 significant disadvantages:

  • An angle grinder is an abrasive tool, therefore, when cutting corrugated board, small damage, chips and other defects will inevitably occur, which worsen the corrosion resistance of the material.
  • When performing sharp, even if you use a special disk, metal particles of high temperature fly out, which burn through the polymer coating of the corrugated board.
  • The diamond and special blade for metal when cutting leaves uneven, torn edges at the work site, which need to be processed additionally.

Note! To cut the corrugated board with a grinder, you need to buy a special disc for cutting the profiled flooring. It has a small thickness of up to 1.6 mm and teeth made from carbide materials.

To protect the edges of the cut from the appearance of corrosion after processing with a grinder, they are treated with a special primer or paint.

Most professional craftsmen use a special metal hacksaw for cutting corrugated board. It is in the arsenal of any builder, and cutting blades are quite inexpensive. In addition, when doing work with a hacksaw for metal, much less noise is generated. This method is popular because it has the following advantages:

  1. The cut edges are smooth, without chips and burrs, so they do not need additional processing and application of a protective coating.
  2. The cutting is carried out quickly, accurately without the use of great physical force. Using a hacksaw for metal, you can independently cut sheets to size for making a small fence or roof.
  3. This cutting method does not require a complex tool, it can be used even in the absence of electricity.

Important! Using a hacksaw for metal, it is convenient to cut in a straight line. It is almost impossible to make curved cuts with this simple tool; scissors are better suited for them.

To cut the corrugated board with a hacksaw for metal, you will have to put together a cutting table, to which the sheets will be fixed with special clamps. Otherwise, two people will have to work.

In the absence of a grinder and a hacksaw, you can use metal scissors to cut corrugated board. They are similar to conventional blades, but are larger and have sharp, straight carbide blades. Scissors are indispensable for metal, if you need to cut thin strips of corrugated board or perform curly cutting. Working with this tool is slow and difficult.

Professional roofers use metal shears as an additional tool when working with corrugated board. They cut this material well across the wave, but they are practically not used for cutting along the profile, since the flexibility of the profiled sheet in this direction is extremely low.

Shears for metal are inexpensive, usually they are in the arsenal of a roofing master. When working with them, you cannot get damaged or injured. Compared to other tools for cutting corrugated board, the scissors have the following advantages:

  • They do not damage the protective polymer coating of the profiled sheet, thereby not reducing the corrosion resistance and service life of the material.
  • They can cut corrugated board across the waves without fear of damaging the material.
  • With scissors, it is easy to make curved cuts that cannot be done with a hacksaw.


To obtain a figured cut on the corrugated board, which cannot be done with a hacksaw, use a jigsaw. Hand tools are used with a small amount of work, and cutting a large amount of material is performed using a power tool. Cutting with a jigsaw is faster than cutting with scissors or a hacksaw, but slower than cutting with a grinder. This tool has disadvantages:

  • It is not suitable for all brands of corrugated board. With a jigsaw, you can cut the material if the wave height is 25 mm or more.
  • The jigsaw is not suitable for longitudinal cuts of great length, the work is long and inconvenient.

Note! When using a jigsaw, cutting is performed at high speeds, due to which the polymer coating along the edges of the cut burns out, exposing the metal. To prevent the formation of corrosion in these places, the edges are treated with a special primer or paint.

Many inexperienced craftsmen are wondering how to cut corrugated board so as not to be afraid to damage the material. Roofing made of profiled sheet, as a rule, has a thin polymer coating, which can be damaged even by slight abrasion or high temperatures. To reduce the negative effect of cutting, you need to treat the edges with a primer, mastic or paint.

Video instruction

The corrugated board is a profile sheet made of galvanized steel with a top polymer coating, which plays the role of both protection and decoration. The material is supplied in standard dimensions, and during the installation of a roof, fence or balcony cladding, the question often arises - how to cut the corrugated board?

Features of coating cutting

In fact, such a material is a sheet of tin with a special profile. Features of the cutting process are due to the presence of a special coating that should not be damaged during cutting.

Protective polymer coating of corrugated board is not heat-resistant, that is, it does not withstand high-temperature exposure and therefore cold cutting methods are preferred.

It is also recommended to treat the cut points with moisture-resistant and anti-corrosion agents. In fact, even in properly cut profile sheets, you need to paint over the edges left after cutting. For this, the dye supplied with the material can be used, but you can also use ordinary paint that is suitable in texture and color. Thus, the cut points receive proper protection from negative natural factors and corrosion processes.

So, how to cut the profiled sheet? Some of the common tools that are suitable for the operation include:

  • grinder, angle grinder;
  • hacksaw for metal - hand or electric;
  • jigsaw - manual or electric;
  • metal scissors and electric scissors;
  • hand saw (circular).

Rules for using the grinder

When choosing how to cut corrugated board, you will most likely come across recommendations not to use a grinder, since a high temperature is created in the cutting zone with this tool, which negatively affects the polymer coating. At the same time, it is one of the most convenient cutting tools. So that the durability of the material does not suffer, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. To cut the profiled sheet, you need not an abrasive wheel, but wheel with carbide teeth.
  2. Special discs for cutting profiled sheets should have a thickness of 1-1.6 mm.
  3. You can cut sheets and immediately pack up to 10 pieces, but this will require certain skills.

The advantages of using a grinder are obvious - they are high cutting speed and ease of use of the tool. And the main disadvantage is the heating of the metal in the cutting zone, which causes the polymer and zinc layers to suffer. In addition, during the cut, hot metal particles can fly, forming corrosion centers on the sheet. Also, with an inept cut, burrs are formed that must be removed. However, this can be avoided by using special circles designed for cutting corrugated board. It is also worth noting that the angle grinder makes noise during operation, but all operations with it are performed very quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a hacksaw for metal

In deciding how to cut corrugated board, the choice of a hacksaw for metal is considered almost the best option, since this way the structure of the protective coating is practically not disturbed. It is important that the material does not resist cutting, so that even manual operations are carried out at high speed. In addition, there is no thermal effect in this case, so that the coating is completely preserved.

Among the advantages of using a hacksaw:

  • relatively high speed;
  • lack of significant effort;
  • accuracy of the cut.

Note: If straight cuts are easy to make, then curved cuts are not possible with this tool.

In addition, for the convenience of cutting, you will need a special table or support surface.

Electric or manual jigsaw for cutting

When deciding how to cut corrugated board correctly, one cannot but consider such a popular tool as a jigsaw. With its help, it is possible to provide both straight and curved cuts, which favorably distinguishes a jigsaw from a hacksaw. In the process of cutting, there is no tangible difference between an electric and a hand tool - the only thing is that the electric one will cut the profiled sheet faster.

The cut of the corrugated board is carried out with a metal file with the smallest teeth, while the tool is set to high speed. You should also provide a "longitudinal" tilt of the blade so that the cutting speed is higher. However, you should know that a jigsaw will not work for cutting thin strips. In addition, the process will be accompanied by an unpleasant noise.

Features of cutting with scissors for metal

If it is necessary to cut thin strips, metal scissors turn out to be an indispensable tool. If the cutting edges are perfectly sharpened, then they will be able to cope with the cut across the wave.

But along the scissors cut not very well - the structure of the material is such that in this direction it has the greatest flexibility. In addition, not too even edges are formed in the process.

Even electric scissors don't make the edge perfectly straight. Otherwise, this tool is considered very effective for cutting corrugated board.

Various materials are used for internal thermal insulation of balconies and loggias. are described in our separate article. At the moment it is one of the most popular materials for insulation.

An alternative to decking on the balcony is siding. is in this material.

Application of hand-held circular saw

A hand-held circular saw will cut the profiled sheet well if you install a disc with fine carbide teeth on it. Cutting is best done with two people. In addition, it is important to ensure that the cutting feed is kept to a minimum.

And in order to protect the top coating, in the case of using a circular saw, a special jig is made. For its manufacture, you will need plywood strips 1500 mm long and 300 mm wide. In the center of the jig, not including the ends, makes a groove, which will be used as a guide when cutting. Then two boundary points are marked on the sheet, and a conductor is placed between them so that the groove and the marks completely coincide. After that, the sheet is carefully fixed and the cut is made.

The main thing to consider when cutting corrugated board is the peculiarities of its structure. Because of the low temperature resistance of the protective coating, cold cutting is preferred. That is why autogenous, welding and plasma cutting are not used. Abrasive wheels are also not used, as they will lead to carbonization of the polymer coating. If you choose the right tool, and then completely process the edges, then the corrugated board will completely retain its remarkable performance qualities - durability and aesthetics. Do not forget that the tool must be selected depending on what shape the cut is needed. A universal cutting method can be called the use of a grinder, but with a special circle.

An example of how to cut corrugated board with a grinder is shown in the video.

With the help of a metal profiled sheet, it is possible to solve a variety of construction tasks - to decorate walls and roofs, to mount pre-fabricated buildings, fences and other structures. Due to its small thickness and weight, this material can be adjusted directly at the installation site, using hand tools for this purpose.

Features of cutting corrugated board - the choice of tool

Although the processing of a profiled sheet looks simple, however, certain features of the material must be taken into account. The fact is that this is not an ordinary homogeneous metal sheet: the corrugated board in its structure resembles a layer cake, which includes a metal base and several layers of a protective and decorative type. If this protection is violated during cutting, it will expose the inside of the sheet for corrosion.

As a result, the life of the material is significantly reduced. Therefore, before cutting the corrugated board, it is important to know the features of this procedure, in order to avoid causing serious damage to the material.

Working with a grinder

The biggest danger when working with corrugated board is the heating of its surface, which usually accompanies cutting. It is for this reason that when choosing the option of how to cut off the profiled sheet, it is better not to use gas cutters. The same applies to the grinder: like all other high-speed tools with abrasive wheels, it provokes metal combustion along the cut line. As for the protective coating, it is damaged on both sides of the cut line. The thickness of the damaged strip can reach 3-5 mm, which causes edge corrosion on the surface.

A certain danger is also posed by sparks arising in the process of cutting corrugated board with a grinder. The high temperature allows them to damage the protective coating of the profiled sheet even at some distance from the processing site. The grinder can be used only if the abrasive wheel is replaced with a special disc for cutting corrugated board, which has fine teeth. At the same time, it is important to understand that even this tool cannot guarantee the complete absence of damage. If you are not completely sure how to cut the corrugated board with a grinder, it is best to exclude this option.

How to cut a profiled sheet - safe options

An electric saw equipped with a special disc is especially popular with builders.

The undoubted advantages of this tool for cutting corrugated board are:

  • The rotation speed is almost half that of the grinder. This allows the circular saw not to melt the metal at the cutting site, but to turn it into fine sawdust.
  • The performance of the circular saw is very significant, which contributes to good productivity.
  • It is very easy to find replacement discs for working on profiled sheets: they are usually found in the sections for cutting discs of various modifications.

Great care must be taken when working with an electric tool that has a rotating circle. When cutting metal sheets, metal particles are formed, which, flying in different directions, can cause injuries. This kind of operation should be carried out by people who have the necessary skill, how to cut corrugated board.

In those situations when it comes to cutting a small amount of material, it is best to use the classic option - a hand hacksaw for metal. Although this tool is simple, it can be used to carry out a wide variety of operations even for a person with minimal values, how to cut a profiled sheet. As for the likelihood of injury in this case, one must try very hard for this. However, it is important to understand that cutting the profiled sheet with a hand hacksaw will take quite a long time. The implementation of such an operation will require a special table.

You can also use a hand or electric saw. This will increase the speed of work, but the cutting line will only be straight. As for the jigsaw, curly cutting is also made with its help: this is often used to adjust the roofing in the places where chimneys or ventilation ducts pass. Before carrying out such operations, it is important to carefully mark the area to be processed, in order to avoid mistakes during cutting. At the same time, it is important to understand that the jigsaw will be able to overpower a profiled sheet in which the profile height does not exceed 20 mm. If this parameter is higher, metal gusts and breakage of the cutting tool may occur.

If you need to adjust the corrugated board, which has an insignificant thickness, you can use the scissors for the corrugated sheet for this. For this, both ordinary hand tools for metal and special electrical devices for working with corrugated board are suitable. There are three types of such scissors: they can be nibbling, knife and slotted. If you need to achieve significant precision when cutting, it is better to use a slotted tool. It has a special head that guarantees excellent cutting quality of the metal sheet. Deformations and distortions usually do not occur in this case.

Professional builders generally prefer electric shears, since they are the most convenient way to cut the profiled sheet. Along with conventional and electric tools, there are nibbling tools. When cutting a profiled sheet with their help, two parallel straight lines are obtained. This avoids the bending procedure of the material.

Before starting work, the presence of a special handle makes it possible to set the matrix holder at right angles to the direction of the cut. This makes it possible to avoid burrs when cutting a rectangular profile. This tool is quite expensive and has a very narrow specialization. Usually, the purchase of a nibbler or electric shear is only justified in the case of a professional application.

Some craftsmen, when arranging the roof, prefer to use special drill attachments. If you have work experience, using such a nozzle is quite convenient to cut and adjust profiled sheets in areas with limited access. All of the above tools for cutting corrugated board have their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is clearly not possible to give a prescription for all occasions. Usually, the choice of the optimal tool directly depends on the specifics of the work - the complexity and shape of the cut, the convenience of the operation. Work experience and personal preference play a significant role.

The specifics of using a jigsaw - how to cut correctly

When choosing the right tool for cutting profiled sheets, it is recommended to pay attention to an electric jigsaw. He is especially good in cases of independent implementation of roofing work at his dacha. The same applies to the construction of a fence made of corrugated board. Preference should be given to an instrument with a laser guide. The jigsaw allows you to cut the profiled sheet, without any experience of such operations. Serious efforts are also not required. In addition, this device will be useful in carpentry work or for cutting branches in the garden.

Maintenance of an electric jigsaw is quite simple. The same applies to handling it - in this case, you will not need any special skills to cut the profiled sheet. The tool has a high working speed, with very minimal likelihood of injury. If the saw breaks down, the installation of a new accessory is very quick. Thanks to these qualities, the jigsaw is very popular when choosing the appropriate option for working with corrugated board.

How to work with an electric jigsaw:

  1. Before cutting the profiled sheet, you need to carefully mark the surface intended for cutting. It is convenient to outline the lines of future cuts with a regular marker.
  2. When fixing the sheet, it is important to raise it to a height of at least 100 mm from the working table, reaching its secure fixation. Any displacement during operation should be avoided. In this case, it is convenient to work on ordinary construction goats.
  3. After marking and fixing the material, you can start cutting it. It is better to replace visual control with a laser pointer: this will allow you to achieve cutting evenness, without deviation to the right or left from the intended direction.
  4. When working, it is advisable to press the jigsaw against the cut blade as tightly as possible. This will not work at every site, but where possible, it is advisable to do this. In this case, the load on the saw will be noticeably reduced, and it will not break down as often.
  5. This tool is one of the safest options for working with a profiled sheet - the risk of injury or damage in this case is reduced to almost zero. For this, on the jigsaw there are special safety and protective mechanisms, such as shields and limiters for the movement of the saw. However, despite this, additional discretion will not be superfluous. When cutting, it is not recommended to use your hand as a support on the sheet. Better to hold it by the edge or edge. The hand should not be at the cutting line at all - not a single safety mechanism will save from such stupidity. It does not matter at what distance the cutting tool is. As for protective clothing, thick gloves or gloves, a thick jacket and glasses that protect against flying shavings will not interfere with this.

How to protect the ends of a profiled sheet from corrosion

Even a special tool for cutting corrugated board does not give a full guarantee that the material will not receive some damage. The most resistant in this respect is a sheet of 1 class of thickness, with a protective zinc coating: its molecules along the cut line create reliable protection against oxidation.

In other cases, the edges of the profiled sheet must be treated with anti-corrosion mastic. It will also not hurt to paint over these areas to match the protective layer. These simple precautions will reliably protect the edge of the material along the fit line from premature loss of performance.

Profiled sheet is a material without which no construction can do. Just before adjusting it to size, you need to scrupulously figure out how and what to cut the corrugated board. Although the process itself is simple, and in the presence of certain tools, it is fast, but there are nuances in this operation that are not visible to the eye. And the error can manifest itself in a couple of months after the start of operation.

Steel rolled products coated with zinc, with a thickness of 0.3 to 1.5 mm, with trapezoidal or rounded stiffening ribs extruded in it, is called corrugated board.

The overall dimensions of the sheet and the color of the corrugated board do not matter for the disclosure of the topic.

Graduation of instruments

To cut the profiled sheet, the following tools can be used:

  1. Electric, including:
    • Stationary;
    • Manual.
  2. Mechanical.

Of course, when working in a domestic environment, it is not possible to use a stationary power tool. This means that the entire range of our review will only take a hand tool for cutting corrugated board.

Hand electric tool


The most common power tool with which you can cut a profiled sheet is an angle grinder, or a grinder.

There are a number of prejudices that inspire a person with the idea that if you cut off a profiled sheet with a grinder, it will rust very quickly. This is explained by the fact that a significant heating of the material occurs at the cut site, which in turn leads to the burnout of the protective zinc layer.

Let's figure it out thoroughly.

Zinc has a boiling point of ≈ 906˚C and a melting point of over 400 ˚C. In other words, even in order for the zinc to melt, it is required to heat the profiled sheet to an extremely high temperature, at which the cutting disc will crumble and the paint will char.

So this argument is false.

There is another argument - sparks seriously damage the paint layer. It is a fact! But this aspect can be prevented by using a protective sticker.

How to cut corrugated board with a grinder

For a safe and high-quality cut of the profiled sheet, follow the following rules:

  • Before cutting the corrugated board, stick masking tape on the cutting line, and apply markings on it;
  • The scotch tape must be watered with water, 3-5 cm before the point of contact with the cutting tool;
  • Set the minimum speed on the grinder;
  • Carry out the cut with short touches, in one contact, cutting off no more than 10-15 cm of material.

FIG. 1. BOSCH disk

IMPORTANT: observing the above rules, cutting the corrugated board without damaging the protective layers can be carried out with any cutting disc.

The cutting line after working with angle grinders is perfectly flat, without burrs and waves.


There are two standards for jigsaw - household and professional. In addition to the fact that a professional jigsaw is much more powerful, it is more difficult to find the right blade for an amateur tool.

But for cutting corrugated board in a small volume, any jigsaw will do, the main thing is to choose the right blade.

How to cut with a jigsaw

To work with a profiled sheet, it is necessary to use a sheet for metal, with a fine tooth and wavy wiring. In this case, the cut will take place with minimal heating of the blade and material.

FIG 2. Jigsaw blades

The length of the blade is an important parameter that affects not only the depth of cut, but also the width of the cut. The fact is that a long blade starts to play when working with thick metal. And the closer to the end of the canvas, the more noticeable the vibration.

This beating slightly widens the cut line, and this is especially noticeable on corrugated board with deep / high relief.

The cut edge is jagged and shallow. To level this flaw, you can walk along the edge with a file.

Electric shears

Although they are intended for the same purpose, they work according to different schemes, since there are three types of electric shears:

  • Leafy;
  • Slotted;
  • Cutting.

The most optimal result when cutting corrugated board is given by slotted shears. In fact, they are the least powerful of all varieties, and even expensive models cannot properly cut corrugated board thicker than 1.5 mm.

IMPORTANT: it is the slotted electric shears that do not bend or bend the profiled sheet at all when cutting.

But the cut can be started from any place, it is enough to make a hole in the metal sheet with the same tool. The edge is smooth, without burrs. But for protection from cuts, it is better to process sharp edges with a file.

Only electric scissors have a big drawback - the price. Since the instrument is extremely highly specialized, in everyday life it has very limited use. And the cost of the cheapest model, Makita BJS100Z, which allows cutting metal up to 1 mm thick, is more than 7 thousand rubles. And if this device is needed only 1-2 times, then it is better to look for another option.

Hand-held circular saw

The ontological principle of influencing the material is the same for a circular saw and a grinder. But studying the advice of experts on how to cut corrugated board, an amazing inconsistency looms. It turns out that the grinder leads to the destruction of the protective coating, but the circular does not! Absurd! But upon closer inspection, it turns out that such advice is largely driven by concerns about safety. The fact is that when cutting a profiled sheet, the disc can "bite".

And if for a hand circular such an episode cannot lead to a tragedy, because the architecture and design of the case hinders this, then for angle grinders, "biting" the disc can lead to sad consequences. Especially if a toothed disc was used.

IMPORTANT: when working with a cut-off power tool, carefully observe the safety rules! Do not exceed the maximum workpiece thickness and blade speed.

In fact, cutting the corrugated board with a hand-held circular saw is the fastest way. The only drawback is the unsafe edge remaining after using the circular.

But to fix this flaw, you can:

A. File the edge with a file;

B. Use a fine tooth disc.


In other words, this device is called "Multifunctional tool". The device is quite new, and is little known to the general mass of consumers. Nevertheless, it has a number of significant advantages that can be successfully used when cutting a profiled sheet.

FIG 3. Renovator

Using a cut-off blade for metal, you can easily cut sheets of corrugated board with a thickness of up to 1 mm. You can start a cut from anywhere.

The colossal advantage of the renovator is its safety.

And the monstrous drawback is the noise.

But the renovator copes with the task quickly, and the edge is of perfect quality.

Mechanical tool

To work with a mechanical tool, you will need to make some effort, but if you need to cut 1-2 sheets with something, then the task is quite feasible.

Hacksaw for metal

The option is not the best, since most of the models have an arched (arched) shape. It is this arc that interferes with making an even cut. A way out can be found if you use a hacksaw for metal with one-sided fastening of the blade.

If you use a blade with a fine tooth, then you can cut the profiled sheet at a faster pace, and the sawn edge will be ideal.

FIG 5. BOSCH hacksaw

Metal scissors

They can be designed to:

Straight cut;

  • Right cut;
  • Left cut.

FIG 4. Shears for metal

It's easy and simple to work with them. If you use only one type of scissors, then when moving from one cutting plane to another, the profiled sheet will bend.

To prevent this defect, all types of scissors are used, changing them when passing between the ribs of stiffness.

Construction knife

It can be used in a limited way, only if:

  1. The thickness of the corrugated board does not exceed 0.8 mm;
  2. The cut is carried out along the sheet.

The procedure is as follows.

The sheet is placed on a flat surface, and the cut line is marked with a marker. Then a ruler (or rule) is applied, and with pressure, a construction knife is drawn along the markings.

The challenge is to create a deep scratch on the metal.

Then the sheet is bent along the marked line, first in one, then at the other side. After 2 bends, the profiled sheet breaks in the right place.

Edge protection

Regardless of what you had to cut the corrugated board, edge processing is a significant event that significantly extends the life of the sheet material.

For this purpose, you can use any paintwork materials that are intended for metal processing. Once dry, they will create a protective film that will stay on the material for at least half a dozen years when used outdoors.

Application for the protection of lubricants, such as WD40, does not have strong arguments, since after 3-4 good autumn rains, non-drying materials will be washed off with water.


It is advisable to purchase expensive and highly specialized tools for cutting corrugated board only if a substantial amount of work is planned.

The most optimal choice would be slotted shears.

For small volumes, simple metal scissors can be handled remarkably well.