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How to manage more for the day and what is a "thief of time". How to manage more for the same time

Hi friends! The question of personal effectiveness and organization of its time is now very relevant for many. Everyone knows the situation when there is not enough time, and we do not know what to do with it. Let's figure out how to manage more per day and spend your time more efficiently.

Think, does it often happen that you lack time for yourself, on family or your hobbies and hobbies? Or maybe you do not have time to do even planned affairs?

I will share with you my ways that help me organize your time effectively and always have time to fulfill everything that has conceived.

How to do more per day - 5 working ways

  1. Charge yourself with energy from the morning

This morning gymnastics will help you, even better yoga, it perfectly fills the energy, as well as the contrasting souls - I already wrote about his benefit in the article "How to charge vigor for the whole day."

  1. Make a business plan for the coming day from the evening

Plan just a few tasks the next day that you accurately perform. Better less but make than grand plansthat will not be implemented. Be sure to write them down into the diary.

  1. Concentrate on goals

For the day, always remember the goal. If you have not set it yet, it's time to do it. Read more about this in the article "How to put the goal".

All your actions during the day should be devoted to your goal. Whatever you do, remember it. The goal should serve you the background. Always ask yourself: "What am I doing now - does this bring me to my goal or only gives it away from it?"

This does not mean that you cannot, for example, relax. Rest also brings you to goal, as it restores the strength and charges energy. But if you deprive yourself with the possibility of resting, you can drive your body, right up to the disease, and just this will give you away from your purpose.

  1. Do not waste time in vain

Nothing should distract you from the planned affairs, and, consequently, from your purpose. Do not let anyone and interfere with you to fulfill the conceived. Even, for example, entering the Internet, think about the purpose and actions that bring you to her. So, instead of considering clocking pictures in social networks, it is better to find useful and important information on the question of interest.

  1. Do more than planned

If suddenly several free minutes got out, it is better to spend them for another albeit albeit additional taskthat will help achieve your goal. That is so often I do. If everything that was intended for a day, I already did, I do not think that you can calm down. And in the released 15-20 minutes I try to have time to do something else.

Applying in practice all these five ways, you will definitely be able to do more for a day and learn more effectively to use your time.

You may have our own secrets that help you have a good time every day. Please share them in the comments.

Most strategies for increasing their own efficiency are too complex and confused. More precisely, they are not complicated, but tightened. It is done intentionally. After all, it will not be possible to sell a book in which only 5 pages. Therefore, the author begins to smear ordinary principles for dozens of chapters.

There is some paradox in it, because we do not want to spend time in an empty, we want to do more and at work, and at home, and we offer several hundred pages of useless ver.

Learn to manage to cope with large quantity Affairs can each. This article offers three simple CouncilHow to increase your productivity. These are universal principles that you can adapt to your needs and needs.

1. Planning

It is impossible to just come up with a plan in my head and then do everything. You must write specific actions and be sure to refer to the time you want to perform them. This is similar to the appointment of a meeting with an important client. Only this client you yourself. Do not be late.

The list of your cases should not be optional. That is, you should feel the duty to finish it. It should not be just your desires. These are the tasks you need to perform. Be yourself the strict chief.

2. Increase efficiency

Efficiency means that we carry out tasks for the maximum short term. In addition, we can work less, but more.

  • First, you need to understand how much time it is necessary for some kind of task.
  • Secondly, you need to think about how this time it is possible to cut. But not to the detriment of quality.

Do this too, you need not in my head. Write at least 5 ways, how to speed up the execution of some business. Then choose those options that will give the maximum effect.

Often you will seem to speed up anything impossible. Just start dischargeing ways. All that come to mind, even strange at first glance. Our brain is inherently lazy, it needs to be forced to work. At the end you will be surprised by your own creativity.

Many things are much more efficient to do it yourself, but it is better to charge someone else.

3. Save the concentration

The most cunning enemy of our productivity is different distractions, procrastination. Today we have a huge amount of information from all sides and is difficult to resist this. If it does not cope with this item, the previous two will be useless.

There are two excellent ways to keep focusing on important matters. You probably heard them, but still do not use.

  1. Get rid of all external stimuli. Turn off the notifications from social networks, games and other services that this moment You do not need time. Take yourself a rule not to enter social networks And do not read the news, until all things are made. Postpone all this until the evening, and even better until the end of the week.
  2. Use the timer. Choose the optimal interval for work and recreation that suggest you. For example, you can work 90 minutes, and then rest for 20 minutes. During these 90 minutes, it is impossible to be distracted anything other than work. And the time allocated to rest should not be exceeded. Numerous experiments have shown that such an approach allows you to fight concentration problems as efficiently as possible.

In order to increase its productivity and so much more than several times do not need to pass multi-day courses or read fat books. You need to stick (strictly) of just a few rules.

One of the most frequent questions To me - Anna, how do you have so much time?

In fact, I do not have much time, and even more so now, having now physically just a few hours a day to work, which includes all-all - and teaching with answers in the mail, in Skype, online consultant, and free help People and Writing useful materials, and much more, which distracts from my projects. But, after all, with the birth of the child had a lot to optimize in their activities, it turned out that it was to optimize where, and still there is where.

Especially this is facilitated by the fellow in which I am happy to freeze for more than a year. New tools are constantly being searched and run, other people's successful findings are seen and discussed. Something is good lucky, something often change.

The use of tools change is my recent awareness. This is also one of the ways to manage more - if some tool stops working, not to leave everything as it is, do not try to reanimate it for yourself, and take the next one from the analogs - the main thing is that the goal is achieved. The goal may be daily execution of any actions or following priorities, or the introduction of habits, or something else. So, at one time I had a very big check list on the wall, then he was conducted in Excele, then in the Habitica program, then in a simple file in the organizer, then broke back, then again converged in one common list, again hung on the wall, but Already 3 times shorter, and so on. Although, of course, there are a number of tools that I use for several years and see without them my successful day.

In general, I believe that the following things are influenced by the performance during the day:

- awareness, production and measurement of their goals, plan

- Chaos level in different areas Life

- Classes beloved or not loved. In general, the ability to hear yourself, your intuition, soul, separate it from others imposed programs and not adapt to someone else's opinion

- the habit of thinking positive images and stay on a high-frequency wave

- Energy tails and all that sucks this energy - communication with "vampires", indulging in a sense of own importance, habit to regret yourself or feel victim (it is egoism, inadequate self-esteem, weak borders, external locus - if they speak psychological terms), etc.

- Interrupts and procrastination

- Specific Tools and Technology Time Management and Work Organization

That is, the specific tools I would put at the very end.

Some of my successful experience I described. The author of this project is Armen Petrosyan, who invented and leads the project with one-way.

I still have a bunch problem seats. I still work, for example, to make it so that the "incoming" (GTD term) was regularly viewed after everything merges and turned out of ideas in a list of concrete actions. Or, I can not embed a certain period of time on every day or a week at least to view profile articles or watch courses. IN lately I read very little fresh on the topic and it is necessary to somehow embed even it. Or, it happens, instead of doing an important thing"I find yourself" in social networks. I want to learn creative methods for solving problems and simply science solving problems.

Therefore, in the fact that I cite below just some less successful conclusions for last yearsthat while working personally works. Only and everything. And so - everyone is very individual. I will write everything in a row)

In our brain is held approximately 7 elements, plus-minus another couple.
Therefore, it is extremely important to write a plan, 2) to unload the brain in terms of all ideas and cases - the list of "incoming" on GTD, 3) to engage in freeruting, write a diary - unload yourself emotionally, work out the situation, structuring your feelings, your condition, splas out internal Monologists, to keep the diary of their victories or in order to be proud of during the day, which is rejected - all this significantly reduces the level of chaos, saves energy and increases the depth, satisfaction from day and life.

In any difficult situation realize what specifically enters the zone of your opportunities to improve the situation, your responsibility, and with which you can not do anything (for example, you can not change the other person). And to redo the situation and their tasks about its occasion so that you can influence it, make a plan, perform. On this topic, Marina Commissioner writes a lot (evolution). Before it did not know this term at all, but acquaintance with him significantly increased efficiency. In general, Marina Commissioner is in my personal top for my brain cleaner - at one of the first places, and maybe on the first. .

Make a habit of anything do not regret without scolding yourself, Just draw conclusions, but do not slide emotionally into the affairs of the past day. If you slept, do not scold yourself in any case, the power of the will leave complaints, irritation and negative, take the starting point in which you are and thinking that you can now make the most efficiently, and then think what can be done to do not happen again .

From the same opera - "Do what I have to, and be it will", "said - did," "decided - just follow him".

As Karoshu said Don Juan: "The warrior doubts and reflects before it decides. But when it is accepted, it acts without being distracted by doubts, fears and reflections. Ahead - more millions of solutions, each of which is still waiting for its own hours. "

There is also the same in samurai for rapid decision-making. The samurai must make a decision for 7 breaths-exhale, and adopting - to act without a lesion. If it did not work out to make a decision - it means that for some reason it is not matured to it and it is postponed.

This approach essentially saves the amount of energy to meaningless indulgence, that is, indulging in doubt, pity for himself and so on. I love the teachings of Toltecs for the applied nature, for not just philosophize, but also help improve the quality of ordinary, material life. There are, for example, an excellent article Valery Chugreyev is the main absorber of our energy during the day.

Develop the habit of not sliding emotionally into some events, do not associate yourself with the status, achievements, quickly switch. I received something that I had long wanted - already think about how to get the following. I did something wrong - you already do something else.

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Positive, develop the skill to see in all good. Not so long ago, for example, I in the course of one of the stales invented the practice of "100 joys of the day." The goal is to try and write 100 joys every day). Therefore, it never happened, on average it is 40-50 per day. But the point is that, seeking to make them the number of such a big one, has every event that is going to reincarnate with us as a positive, benefit and on joy, look for something good even in it seems to be in unpleasant situations. The goal is to start this skill on the machine, to the level of reflexes. There are, for example, good book "Power" of Ronda Bern, in which the whole book to us from a logical point of view, using the achievements of modern physics and Nobel Laureaatov Show why it is more profitable and more efficient to remain "on the positive" - \u200b\u200bon high-frequency waves.

Trust yourself, listen to the soul. I learned this skill of 8 years ago by completing the "transformation of reality" Zelanda. And it is this knowledge that influenced that turn in my life and moving to Southwestern, which then happened. Now I have long been accustomed to trusting intuition, and while it seems that this method did not give off. If this is not mine, I will not take. Although, of course, there are different situations, sometimes you have to order a brain to "take rent" some kind of interesting, but a profitable project, for example. And the soul can compromise and agree for some time to suffer. But if it is categorically not mine - I will not force yourself to rape. And this scan is "mine - not mine" goes back to the background during the day always, while making any solutions or purchases.

Remove excess from your circle - unnecessary people weak people, unnecessary events that do not carry any benefit, news sites annoying or not necessary people From social networks - not to be distracted. All that is a trigger for you and leads from the main necessary activity - remove.

Track your energy cycles during the day.
Every day we have about the same way: Morning - most of all energy, dinner - a decline, after lunch - again a small rise, in the evening - a decline. The picture can be completely different for some individual reasons or based on the nature of the cases you do. But there is such an essence to be able to listen to yourself and make a decision, what a matter of yourself entrusts to this stage. Sometimes a volitional decision to force themselves to effectively spend the first half of the day, taken for the most difficult affairs. To engage in not demanding brain efforts with teaching, or again, sometimes forcibly, with rest, when nothing sensible cannot do. In general, deal with you, as with a complex organism that you instructed to manage.

Read more about what stimulates you and inspires
Determine what kind of books most of all caused the desire to act. For example, a series of Boris Akunin about Erast Fandorin was produced very big impression. This character follows many principles that I described above and taught me a lot during a very fascinating reading.

Now a little about organizational moments.

Plan. Plan. Plan.

I do not see an effective month, week, day without clear plans. Very detailed step-by-step plans for any cases - it's easier to see your priorities and eat any elephant, so the likelihood of procrastination decreases.

I really love Training like Andrei Parabelloum type "Self-discipline". He himself regularly not only leads, but also passes. Now he has different subspecies of this training - type, separate by stripping tails, separate by jerk forward, separate in finance. Here is one of the last at the beginning of this year, I took the practice for myself. drawing up a plan from above. I regularly alieve life plan for 10 years, then 5 years, then 3 years, 1 year. I write down 3 projects that will help me realize my plans in the near future. I imagine that I have an anlime time, I can do absolutely everything on them. I give myself 10 minutes, I write down a detailed plan for each project. I give another 5 minutes, I finish all sorts of details and new thoughts.

Also within the framework of the feet, I always bring the results of each month on the basis of daily diaries, which greatly helps to understand a variety of things about where I move, what happened where it is necessary to strengthen.

The main affairs of the day, priorities.
Now it is expressed in me that it hangs a big chalk board And I write 3 cases of the week, 3 days of the day and first of all focusing that they are fulfilled by these things, and the rest in the remaining time. I try to remember the principle of 80 at 20.

Large blocks, stream without interrupts
Once upon a time I have passed the training of anti-talenament of Peter Ponomarev. And there one of the main points was about large blocks. Most often I do all day mostly only one project, a maximum of 2-3. Large streams without interrupts are very important, so I do priority affairs either when the child has a nanny for 4 hours or often sit now at night. And I try not to swap the time of large blocks on the flow. But I plan to stop and go out in the near future and get out again and somehow it is better to optimize the rest of the time.

But at the same time, it is better every 2-4 hours to switch to various kinds of activity. Otherwise quickly get tired. Those. If you work for a long time within a single project, you can switch between different species work on it.

Buffer days
This, too, took from Andrei Parabelloum from the last training on self-discipline. Just as there are "focal days", when I dedicate myself most often, one project is also the buffer days when all the hangats are commemorated. And there are weekends (while it's just trying to enter). A bunch of small tailings is very highly produced by the total energy, the feeling of chaos appears and that "everything is missing" - that too much you need to do. Therefore, if you regularly enter such days, it becomes gradually everything is easier and easier to work on basic affairs. So far, it is true, I introduce such days not often - once every 1-2 weeks or on demand, and most of the teaching is unloading immediately, in the "buffer clock". In general, I am traveling a sign of the day, where more or less I spread out what day I do what project when I have buffer or weekends - it helps it better to look around the coming days and better focus on priority affairs.

Fighting perfectionism
Yes, here I had to fight with me. The complex of the feature and a terrible inner perfectionist often sabotized many cases on the principle "better in no way than the best way" I had to get rid of it through it, sometimes invent any practices like "The worse, the better" to rake yourself in reverse side And add lightness in relation to everything.

Delegation "through force"
Also for a long time There was a struggle, because, like everyone, it seemed that no one would fulfill me. Sometimes for years I hung with the unloved mechanical workwhich could be easily delegated. And only over time, this skill began to slowly produce. Yes, partially it is that it is that I didn't cope with it better, but someone was performed and better than me.

Speeding - one of the main skills with me, which I allowed to achieve what happened, and which allows you to communicate every day with a lot of people, give free consultations without much strain. I own them since 19 and if you still do not know how to quickly print the blind method - I highly recommend investing in this skill your time in the very near future. A lot of time saves and in general configures on fast work. Quickly print, you quickly think, you do it quickly.

For September I have already been written to the training on the aircraft, I hope not to salt it) At the same time, I practicing now and informed reading, where the book can read for a long time, with abstracts, with attempts to find answers in it concrete questions. But many books can be just scanned. I think here you need to learn to combine these two skills.

I still own a little GTD, but some principles have been well introduced into my life. For example, to do immediately, which take 5 minutes, have some place where you can drag all incoming ideas, all the cases you need to do, clear lists of affairs.

Some moments of the organization of space for the computer.

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Best I work, anchoring and focusing. For me, these are headphones (close the audial channel from external sounds) and some simple and not requiring strong mental intervention serial or film during technical work (Although at the time of writing articles, there is also such a habit).

So I consciously "kill two hares" - I disconnect from the outside world and deceiving the brain that I do not sit and clean the base for 8 hours in a row all night until 6 in the morning, or I sit and monotonically engage in the promotion of sites, and watch the serial and having fun. Only the film should be like that in which they are not particularly involved, otherwise it begins on the contrary, only distract. This method works well with me, although I practically do not remember who else has come in the same way. Many are used of different kind Music - someone accelerated, someone piano or jazz, someone some "white noise" for similar to my goals.

There may still be some kind of drink. If you need to work tightly actively - it happened that it is best to anchor on the smell and taste of coffee.

Sometimes I put the blocker on the social network And pr., but little coming up, then we remove again. As a result, officially allowed to have "having fun", but only in a limited volume. I do not watch Facebook Ribbon. In VKontakte, I watch friends news only with photos (this is a very short ribbon), instagram is greatly cleaned only with interesting people and inspiring me - also a short ribbon. And there is another couple of sites, where sometimes let me look at yourself. So I switched a little, I have some kind of social life, having fun, but at the same time I do not slide for a long time. In VKontakte, especially in format only a photo, few people are reposting articles, unlike Facebook. There I caught myself that much more often I learn something and therefore I just removed him.

Sometimes I put a tomato "Tomato". I have it a pretty and easy Tomighty program. Here. there is interesting book "Time management on the tomato. How to concentrate in one thing at least 25 minutes. " How to extract the maximum of this seems to be simple equipment.

What else..

Physical activity, charging.
Now I have it as often as I would like - all the time you have to arrange priorities - or a child, or work, or interesting projects For the future, or projects for the soul, or cleaning, or charging. All at the same time and daily, of course, it does not work. But I know well that when the body is sulfur, it works much more pleasant. For many years I love all sorts of type anti-aging gymnastics, ate stretching, joints, vessels, plus a little strength. From the most beloved who do every time the Eye of Renaissance, Niche, something from yoga, the Taoist massage of active points of the head, neck and shoulders, and still love Hadu - "Charging for astronauts." My own complex usually places approximately an hour. When you do this charging regularly, you do not feel the body, there is no feeling of the victim, which appears when a few days in a row are sitting at a computer without physical activity and begins to hurt the neck, back, the whole body ceases to obey.
Well, it is proved that physical activity is well affected on the brain. When a child is growing, I hope to walk with him in a gym, a swimming pool that I will start running, maybe somewhere else. In the meantime, I just try to throw everything more often and talking to myself "Now for 5 minutes I will share charging." Which is usually poured all the same in half an hour, because stretching is pleasure.

Healthy nutrition.
When the body is easy to work much easier. For example, thermally processed food weights, "nails" - pulls to lie down, stop all the case, laziness appears. Therefore, in my diet more fruits, vegetables, "green cocktails", etc., stimulants are better not to abuse, but when it is necessary to work at night, they cannot do without them. For example, I really love natural cocoa very much. It is also very important a variety of food. In general, after me there was some coup and disappeared from the head forbidden products and in terms of food I began to rely more on my soul and body, and not on some universal programs.

Find ways to emotionally charge - For me, this is including altruism, free consultations and writing useful materials, as well as regular communication with best friends. Of course, my most big source of such nutrition is a child. This is what gives me a daily emotional positive return.

While all. The article will complement as new thoughts appear)

Now I'm still learning to relax) for example, make a rest day. And stronger to be involved in the current process, be "here and now." When resting or with a child is to relax or fully enjoy what we are doing with a child, and not to praise that something urgent did not have time, and when I work.

And in general, it comes to understand that there will always be new and new tasks, new interesting projects, will want to have time more, more, and it is also necessary to live, too, and do more and in loved ones.

Still have, by the way, is a good topic conscious shake.

For example, to hold a Hell's week on the book "At the limit. Week without pity for yourself. " I set up a couple of months ago. Bodrit as a contrast shower. There are many ideas, plans, activity. With the help of such a hello week, I switched myself from the hibernation mode, in which my body entered after long exploits to the new feature mode) at first I thought it was some stress for the body, it turned out that expanding horizons, a very good week.

Or is one of the frequent rules of Parabelloum - "Do not have time? Take on yourself several times more projects. "

Also works, checked)

I also want to work more actively on the introduction of the systematization and elimination of chaos. There is an excellent bookas the author from full chaos, despair and lack of money came out in a measured and clear life. I once read this book, she had a strong impression on me. But I plan to re-read again and introduce what is described there - everything that we do daily can be disassembled to the protocols and improve, improve.

I have a few more books in the system. In general, speed, systematic, organization of finance and solving problems are my nearest areas of interest for studying.

Share your best lifehams that you have a good time helps! And I am very interested, and readers will be very helpful!

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Yesterday I crossed two borders, completed three current projects with customers, concluded a deal with great prospects, and in the evening dinner at home with my second half.

I work 25 hours a week, I sleep for eight hours a day, we do not make a schedule and still manage to do much more things than when I was glued to the office table of 60 cloudy hours a week.

I'm far from superfluous. The thing described above is just a visual example.

You see, being independent of the place and working on yourself for more than a year, I received several valuable efficiency lessons and manage your own time.

Below is a list of lifhacks that may seem very simple. However, as soon as you really try them out, you will notice that your affairs take less and less time.

1. Use the advantages of the Zeigarnik effect

The brain has an annoying built-in function constantly reminding about the affairs that you left unfinished, thus pushing you to finish the task. This is, and he will help you complete the cases that you have already started.

No matter, you like the task you need to decide, or not, make at least one tiny step towards it.

Faced with a creative crisis and can not write? Open a blank file and start printing anything - what you like. Need to start planning the wedding? Start by search wedding bouquet. Need to develop the company's marketing strategy for tomorrow? Write down a couple of ideas on the video to start.

In 99% of cases you will work on a task before the victorious end.

2. Use project management tools (not only for working cases)

Our brain does not like complex tasks. When he faces any abstract task, let's say "come up with a monthly marketing campaign", he immediately falls into the despondency and prefers to engage in lightly familiar affairs.

That is why it is necessary to divide every big deal into several simple, tiny, achievable steps.

Here, project management tools are important. You do not want to miss any important steps, right?

There is an inconspicuous number and free, and paid applications for managing personal projects. I most like a visual approach to management in Casual.

Especially perfect in this application, what you can structure information as it comes to your head - in the form of interconnections, not linear. It means instead of drawing linear step-by-step plan You can create a detailed picture of a project with multiple streams of actions that occur simultaneously or one after another. (More about Mindmapping and tools for him).

In other words, you draw a visual map that allows you to get the entire project with one glance Plus helps to make small steps leading to your goal.

Here is an example of such a project:

Why such a visual approach works great for me (and may come true for work):

  1. You always know what step should be next, so do not even leave a chance for procrastination.
  2. You have a big clear picture of your goals, understandable from one glance.
  3. Planning a whole project is as simple as to draw it on paper (which I did before), and the work plan is much more convenient.
  4. If you work in a team, it will always be clear what has already been done, but what is being done now. This means that there will be fewer errors and missed deadlines.

Other popular tools that I liked to use: Basecamp, Podio, and Microsoft Project.

3. Change your habits

Today it is easy to find information about how to manage to do all your affairs, but many of you use these tips in practice? I was also in this boat.

We all have habits, and change them very much. Nevertheless, one smart solution to this problem can be found in the book of Charles Duhigg ". The author calls it a cycle habit. If briefly, the habit consists of three components: a stimulus ("trigger", which precedes familiar behavior), the usual behavior (actual repetition of action) and the award (external and internal award that you get for the fulfillment of the usual action).

Now bad news - You can't affect stimuli. Good news - you can change the usual behavior.

The solution is to schedule what you need to do in networks and media, per night before. Install for yourself exact timeWhen do it, and do it every day.

Such an approach is applicable for any stimuli, which lead to negative behavior.

Every time you do your new familiar action, make sure you have rewarded yourself for it. Come up with a ritual for yourself, which will help you anticipate your negative behavior, such as thoughtless web surfing, spending money or eating sweets, and every time you manage to avoid, award yourself with something nice.

Repeat 21 days until the new habit sticks.

About 50 years ago, Nathaniel Kleitman Neurophysiologist (Nathaniel Kleitman) discovered that our body moves from the peak of activity to the decline every 90 minutes throughout the day. This phenomenon is also known as the ultra-rhythm. Simply put, we can only be productive for 90 minutes.

What happens after 90 minutes? We begin to look for additional fuel in the form of caffeine, sweet bars or own stress hormones: adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. At this point, we lose concentration, cease to think clearly and see a holistic picture.

My yesterday passed this: I got to the airport and worked in a coffee shop 90 minutes before landing (there was no Wi-Fi), during the flight I looked at the film and returned to work on the train from Switzerland to France. When I was at home, I quickly checked the incoming, dinner and worked for another 90 minutes.

As a result, only 4.5 hours I made most of the work on which I would have spent an 8-hour working day before.

5. Set priorities to the last

One leader from Pentagon brilliantly formulated the essence of this Council:

At first I make a list of priorities: the first, second, third and so on. And then I drag everything that below the third.

it golden Rule For any daily task list. All tasks after the third tolerate the next day.

Can't determine what tasks are more important?

  1. Think if there is a relationship between the tasks. Is it possible to take a step a without making a step b? If not, then the task b is more important. Choose those tasks that affect your further success.
  2. Use the solutions matrix.

Everything that is in the upper right corner is worth noting the label "Make it now." Tasks with great returns, which are difficult to do, you need to mix with other, less complex. Tasks with a small return that is easy to do is to delegate.

For me, a superproductive place of work - airports and airplanes. In fact, I often choose flights with a transfer than direct (they, to all of them, cheaper at least $ 100), and try to finish as much as possible on the days when I'm on the way, and not when I work from home.

And now let me explain.

You have a strictly limited time (before departure or before landing) and limited free Wi-Fi. This means that you can work with sprints for 90 minutes to stay at the peak of productivity.

You do not have something to be distracted when you sit in the plane: your phone is turned off, and only clean remains effective workwhich needs to be performed for limited time. I often try to recreate a similar atmosphere at home: I turn off the Internet and I do my work 90 minutes without being distracted by anything else.

Let's summarize. Here is a plan, how to manage more, and work less:

    1. Take the first step in your business and allow the See Effect of Zeigarnik to help you complete it.
    2. Use project management tools to clearly represent what to do and always be focused.
    3. Track your stimuli and convert them to positive habits.
    4. Set priorities and work on the most important tasks.
    5. Eliminate everything that distracts you. For example, arrange a "airport day".

Pay only 10 minutes of time on self-development and find out how everyone's time and be on top!

It has a stunning property to stop in place when we are engaged in something boring and unloved, and, literally, the next day to fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second, if we have fun or need to cope with many cases ... Unfortunately ...

Few a person would not like to acquire such a valuable ally and learn.

So imagine that there are people who have conceived hours and they no longer need to take care of how to keep up.

Well, how to learn everything to do?!

I once had a former colleague on work - Nastya.

Nothing, active, executive - good, in general, girl.

But she has one huge disadvantage that prevents it from both her, and its entire team: nonpunctuality in doing business.

The reserves are actually its second name, and the neurosis from the headless tasks - unchanged satellites.

At the same time, it is impossible to say that she just is lazy and wants to do anything, it would explain the situation of Nastya.

She is constantly busy and seem to try to fulfill everything, but there is no longer enough of something to have everything!

I believe that the main problems of my colleague due to the fact that she:

  1. I do not know how to plan your time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. It is not able to concentrate attention on something one.
  4. Does not know how to conduct a personal success diary.
  5. Takes more than he can stir up.

How to do everything: the beginning!

Learning to fulfill all tasks in time just as simply as programmed your life to success.

People do not even guess that most of the problems and obstacles in their lives they create themselves.

It is worth showing only a little effort and everything will be better better than you expected.

Of course, the sloths who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to keep upAnd so will be flounded among unfulfilled cases without hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: "You can win in any battle, only choosing the right weapon!"

So this is the tediment time you need to start with the purchase of a beautiful notebook, handles and hours.

Consumption is small, but the benefits of this acquisition will be huge.

"To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of measurement of time. This is a product that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. It is enough just to determine what you need. "

But the most important thing is that you should understand that a person who fits himself with tired and unhealthy, in principle will not work productively.

Therefore, take the rule:

    Get out:

    the cherished rule about 7-8 hours of the necessary sleep is not invented by fools.

    Eat right:

    not only what is delicious, but also by what is useful.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits must be permanent guests on your desk.

    Do sport:

    physical activity not only increases immunity, but also gives a charge of cheerfulness.

    Lists of cases - your all!

    I hope you have already bought a beautiful notebook and handle to lead your success diary?

    So: take a habit in the evening or in the morning to write lists of cases that you plan to finish during the day.

    Moreover, do not write them from the bald, and draw the time necessary for its execution near each item.

    Did you do?

    Draw it out of the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or year.

    Until finished work, reflect the desire to climb into Facebook or to the UNIAN site, reset the phone call from your girlfriend, refuse a coffee mug.

    All this can be done in the break.

    Do not hesitate duties more than you can drag!

    Every person has the limit of his capabilities: someone has a very small, someone is very impressive.

    Your task is to determine your!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in the day, and you are only 3, no matter how do you try?

    Then one should not be able to ask the Chief of 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, do not have time, nervous and get the next day "Nagonaya".

    Better perform three of your tasks on time and high quality!

    Maintain order in the workplace!

    Even if yours workplaceown apartmentNo need to turn it into a landfill.

    First, unnecessary items distract, secondly, you spend time to find something in these ruins something is needed, thirdly, the mess discourages and does not make tune in to the working way.

    Optimize the workflow.

    Every business, including homemade, you can simplify and reduce the time for its execution, if you show a little smelting.

    For example, the files that I need for work are daily copied to a separate folder, although all the electronic documents I keep in subject chronological folders.

    Use modern gadgets.

    Having preparing lunch, you probably are happy to resort to help kitchen Combine, multicookers, electrical stations, etc., and do not do everything by hand, squanding for strength and time.

    The same principle needs to stick in any case!

    Reward yourself for success.

    Made quickly and qualitatively. One thing - drink tea with delicious cake, Other - look at the news feed in Facebook, Third - go for a walk, etc.

    Do not hover in one place.

    People can bring themselves to hysterics in search of only those understandable perfection.

    Remember that the best is a good enemy.

    Do not dwell on some stupid ideals, if it slows down your advance.

    Do not accumulate unfulfilled affairs.

    Forget about the phrase: "I will do tomorrow!".

    Today is today, and all the planned you must have time to finish until the onset of midnight.

    If you postpone something daily, then sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

    Do not be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes due to pride (or nonsense?) We are afraid of contacting even the closest people for help.

    If you do not have time, ask my mother to cook dinner, her husband - pick up a child from the garden, a girlfriend-colleague - answer the call from the client, etc.

from the famous video unit Pavel Bagryantseva:

"How to do everything and conduct many projects at the same time?"

You can try it all and choose the most optimal for yourself, you can - combine these tips, and you can - come up with something.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just a daily moan: " How to keep up?!».

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