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How to choose a food processor? Overview of kitchen combines: buy or not? What can food combine

A good multifunctional food processor will be simply an indispensable helper, reduce cooking time. In addition, you can try many new recipes.

Before you go for the purchase, you need to know how to choose a multifunctional food processor so that it fully corresponds to all criteria and requests. Like any household appliance, it has certain advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account in the process of choice.

Purpose of acquisition

Multifunctional food processor - a device that facilitates the cooking process. Standardly in its package includes:

  • bowl;
  • chopper;
  • vegetable cutter.

Before buying a device, you need to decide for which purpose it is required. If you just need to cut fruit and vegetables, you can quite buy an inexpensive model. Such devices do not occupy a lot of space, convenient in use, easily disassemble and clean.

It is also necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, since if it is small, it is not necessary to purchase a too dimensional device. The more functions of it, the more the place on the table is required for its placement. After reviewing the rating of kitchen combines, you can pick up the best device that will fully comply with all parameters. The cost will largely depend on the power, brand, the number of nozzles.

Functional content

Multifunctional food processor has a set of nozzles, namely:

  • disc-grater;
  • metal knife;
  • disk emulsifier;
  • stirring for dough.

Mostly such a configuration is quite enough, and the compact simple models are limited. They can please the presence of additional functions. Be sure to take into account the size of the bowl, since than it is container, the more products can be downloaded at a time.

The disk knife helps chopping products or cut them with slices. Often the kit includes 2 knives, so it was possible to adjust their position so that several modes could be obtained. It is desirable that there are several grads in the kit, as this will allow you to rub big and finely. With the help of special inserts, you can cut into cubes or strokes.

The emulsifier will help professionally prepare sauces, beat cream. In more expensive models, there are additionally metallic whipping whites. The bowl of the blender is required for the preparation of liquid dough or cocktail. Some models are equipped with a juicer, meat grinder or toughness.

How to choose a combine

How to choose a food processor for home, not many know. Initially, you need to decide on the volume and type of work that will need to be performed on this kitchen appliance, and then carefully examine all device parameters. When buying, you need to consider such parameters as:

  • power;
  • speed;
  • equipment;
  • quality of manufacture;
  • material of the main bowl.

Not too powerful devices will not be able to grind rigid products and will not cope with a kneading test. Simple and inexpensive combines work mainly only at one speed, and more expensive have several high-speed modes.

Manufacturers equip their household appliances with various nozzles. What they are more included in the package, the higher the cost of the combine. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the quality of its manufacture. All items must look good, not to have damage. There should be no extraneous noise in the sound of the engine.

Combines shredders

Multifunctional food processor with chopper belongs to the easiest models, but it helps solve many tasks when cooking. The model Kenwood CH 180A is very popular. It has a compact size, so Ideally fits even into small cuisine. In addition to small sizes, this device has a high level of functionality.

The combine copes well with the grinding of completely any products in a few seconds. This is the best device in price-quality ratio. The model is equipped with a hermetic bowl, which eliminates the possibility of getting products in the engine compartment.

The Philips HR1388 harvester copes very well with cutting products. He does not have a bowl, however there are several knives for cutting products. The device is distinguished by compact sizes, and thanks to the vertical form, does not take up much space.

The Bosch MMR 08A1 kitchen processor helps grind various products, make minced meat. It is also equipped with a disk nozzle for whipping. Thanks to the large amount of bowls, many products can be recycled at a time. It is easy to disassemble and washed, and you can also conveniently store on the shelf.

Combines with meat grinder

Multifunctional meat grinder kitchen processor helps to perform several tasks at once, as you can cut vegetables, grind meat or grind other products. The Kenwood KVC5030T model is very popular, despite the fact that it has a high cost. However, attracts the high functionality of this kitchen combine. It helps grind foods, applied as a meat grinder, blender and juicer. With such a device there will be no completely no problem when preparing dishes. In addition, it has an attractive form, functionality and reliable assembly.

Another good kitchen processor is CLATRONIC KM 3350, as it is distinguished by wide functionality. In one device collected:

  • blender;
  • meat grinder;
  • mixer;
  • nozzle for macaronium cooking.

The sharp blades cope very well with any products and do not tear them. Included there are many nozzles to implement completely any tasks.

Multifunctional food processor Bosch Mum 52131 Styline has many different advantages. It has an acceptable cost, several speeds, as well as it can be used to perform perfectly any tasks. This combine is completed with a set of additional tools.

This technique allows you to cut meat on slices or quickly prepare mince. In addition to the knives for grinding meat, such a technique can be equipped with nozzles for cooking sausages. The prices of multifunctional kitchen combines with a meat grinder are different and range from 13 to 50 thousand rubles.

Combines with doughness

Many prefer to make baking on their own, and not buy it in stores. The Bosch Mum 56S40 combine is perfect for the kneading test. It has many different modes of operation, as well as several nozzles complete. In addition, you can additionally use the device as a juicer and blender.

An interesting model is Clatronic KM 3647, since this combine is designed not only for the kneading test, but also for later rolling it into thin plates, which is quite difficult to do it manually. The device is very easy to operate, and all the details are reliable and wear-resistant.

The Moulinex QA50AD harbine is considered a universal device, as there is a meat grinder, a chopper for greens and coffee, several separate devices, a blender. Thanks to a powerful engine, it is possible to prepare even viscous dough. The device works very quiet, and also has an attractive design, thanks to which it fits perfectly completely into any kitchen.

Combines with cutting cubes

The combine with cubes with cubes helps much faster to prepare your favorite dishes. Among such products you need to highlight the Bosch MCM 68885 model, as it has large functionality and affordable cost. The device is completed with several nozzles, has many modes of operation, as well as the cutting option with cubes, strips, straw.

Professional combines

Industrial combines perfectly cope with work at public catering. Among them, you need to highlight the Bosch MCM 62020 model, which has a large and spacious bowl, which allows you to immediately process many products, and there is a set of special nozzles, which is not in household models.

According to the reviews of workers of cafes and restaurants, this product is impressive with its functionality and perfectly copes with the tasks.

Combines with juicer

To get juice, a very high spin speed is required, so this factor must be taken into account when choosing. Among the models with the juicer is to highlight Kenwood KVC5050T. It is very important to choose the right thing to properly, as the juices can absorb toxic substances, especially if low-quality Chinese plastic applies.

It is best to choose a glass container, especially if you need to recycle large volumes. This is the optimal option in terms of cost and functionality.

Frame with potato cleaning

A food processor KENWOOD AT444 is considered a fairly functional and reliable device, which additionally has a potato nozzle. It allows you to significantly save time and strength when cleaning potatoes.

It is worth noting that such a nozzle is suitable for devices of other devices of Kenwood, but not suitable for other brands due to fastening features.

Rating manufacturers

Many users are interested in how to choose a food processor to differ reliability and functionality. Bosch combines are highly appreciated, since manufacturers often implement special dual-drive technology, which makes it possible to work immediately with two bowls. It is possible to configure certain modes under the weight of the products and the degree of grinding.

The optimal option in the ratio of price-quality is the BROWN food processor, as there are many different nozzles that allow you to facilitate the cooking process. Included, often there is a juicer for citrus.

Moulinex combines are distinguished by the fact that they are multifunction and have a low cost. Work perfectly as a blender and meat grinder. This is the perfect option for the preparation of various dishes for a large family.

The most desired universal assistant in any kitchen is a food processor - a household appliance specializing in food processing. Grind, mix, chop and even squeeze juice - this device is capable of much. But to understand exactly which apparatus from the numerous assortment presented in the market is suitable for your kitchen, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a kitchen processor, and what functions it has.

Definitely, the technique of French roots: many suggest that the monks from this country have become inventors, who used such shredders for winemaking. According to another version, the "father" of the unit was Karl Sontheimer, again the Frenchman. And another representative of this nation Pierre Verden, the founder of Robot Coupe, is "suspected" in the introduction of equipment in everyday kitchen life.

Be that as it may, the invention turned out to be really useful. Especially if you consider that it combines the functions of a large number of kitchen appliances:

  • graters;
  • blender;
  • meat grinders;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • juicers;
  • testomes.

Almost all such devices (even being from different manufacturers) in design are similar to each other. Some of them have a couple of bowls, others - a large number of nozzles. Differences of kitchen combines are concluded in the following points.

  1. Bowl size. This parameter forms not only the number of consumers for which the food is prepared in the technique - even more products will be placed here.
  2. Device power Directly depends on its capabilities - most often it ranges from 550 to 1000 W. For example, when working with the test, it cannot be small.
  3. For each product it is recommended to use your own speed - Some models of their range reaches 14. This affects both the number of dishes that can be prepared using the technique.
  4. Advanced functionalwhich causes the possibility of working the kitchen combine. As a rule, there are additional equipment of nozzles in such models.
  5. Convenience and safety of work.

Classification of similar aggregates

The following types of kitchen combines distinguish:

  • multifunctional options;
  • set "Meat grinder + blender";
  • mini model;
  • manual devices;
  • non-specialized: for a certain cutting.

All in one

This option wins before all other types of its capabilities - there are all possible options here - from the mill to the blender. Measures the presence of a speed switch, a large bowl and power, which exceeds 700 watts.

Most of the available models of the market assortment has such basic kit: Disc-grater, stainless steel knife, dough stirrer, disk emulsifier. The following additions may be present: a knife having a double blade, a blender cup, a citrus press and a juicer (in the form of a centrifuge).

One of the main advantages of the universal and multifunctional apparatus is a large bowl that can be made of plastic, glass or stainless steel. Often such utensils are removable, and therefore it is convenient for care and storage.

The main bonus is recycling a considerable amount of products. In addition, you can additionally be purchased replaceable nozzles. Usually manufacturers are trying to further protect the devices from overheating and breakage. By the way, despite the bulky, all components are easy to remove and rinse if necessary.

There are certain disadvantages. To the obvious referred to the non-cleaning of the device and its large dimensionsthat stops from buying such devices of owners of small kitchens. Separately we are talking about the cost - many of the proposals are not at all of the budget.

Meat grinder + blender

The appointment of such a device is assistance in the preparation of various meat dishes and puree. This will save on the purchase of two different devices. Reception Even in the combine itself there may be different types of components.

  1. Meat grinders here can be auger and shock. In the first case, the meat will send a spiral shaft (hereinafter referred to as the knife and grille). In the shock version, the peeing of the product will be held using special knives that are expelled out of meat excess liquid.
  2. Used in such an aggregate blender can be immersion or stationary. In the first case, it is completely lowered in the bowl, and he acts as much as possible on all the products present. Stationary will only mix and beat the ingredients on the surface.

What is a good device? It is its presence that makes the minced density of the required density, despite the density of meat, which are hipged in it with streaks. However, with a bone structure, it is more complicated - when you get even small parts, the technique will stop.

The current advice - in such models it is necessary to focus on the power of 600 W. Often, options are also equipped with nozzles for squeezing juice. And such a combine will cost cheaper than electric.

There are disadvantages - the design acquires extra weight. And at the meat grinder, the power will be at times less than usual. Separately, it is worth saying about adaptations for such equipment.

  1. Perforationthey have a diameter of holes from 3 to 8 mm. The smallest size is suitable for pate, and is already more designed for chicken or beef minor. Pork, dried fruits, solid cheeses and so on are grilled on lattices with holes more than 8 mm.
  2. There are devices for making sausages. With their help, the shell filled and the relevant products are prepared.
  3. Need to get hollow options.

Keba nozzle for hollow products

Miniature models

Such options are suitable for small kitchens. Immediately need to be ready for the fact that they will be very limited functionality. The volume of the bowl will not exceed 2.5 liters, and the power will not rise above 650 W. The cost is also quite accessible, and the device itself fully copes with the tasks set before him.

Usually, the basic kit of such a device includes a chopper of fruits and vegetables. There are also options with options for measuring the dough, squeezing juice and meat grinder.

Hand combines

Such a device is not automated, and for its launch it is necessary to make certain efforts. There are also positive moments:

  • independence from the mains;
  • mobility (you can take with you to the country);
  • full control at all stages of the process.

Non-specialized devices

Most often, such a kitchen processor has narrowly limited functions - this is, to a greater extent, cutting products in the form of straws, squares and cubes. But besides this, in some models there are nozzles for figure cutting. Often, such aggregates are supplemented with a juicer, meat grinder and blender.

Such shredders are a device with one cup and electric drive. In the bowl there are knives, you can also insert other options for nozzles. The principle of work is as follows: products are put inward and closed with a lid. The more powerful the device works, the more effective it is recycling. It is worth listening to such recommendations:

  • for solid products use a separate nozzle;
  • the lid must be tightly closed, otherwise the device will not function.

From bonuses - such a device conveniently stored, it saves space significantly. Also, the combine is also inexpensive and easy to work and manage. It is mobile and safe to use, they can be used at least daily, processing minor products.

However, such a device will not be able to cope with cutting meat and cheese so that they are smooth with the same plates. It is difficult for it processing and large pieces of products. For grinding all sorts of nuts, coffee grains and cereals, the device is also not included. It is not recommended to knead the dough. And many users are not satisfied with small number of speeds Device operation.

What devices can enter such a device? Among them:

  • disk version of a knife having cuts on the digonal (cabbage and salads linked);
  • disk for cutting potatoes fries;
  • cubons (disc) for cheese and vegetables;
  • disk with fine holes (cuts with straw);
  • a polyfunctional double-sided disk (one of the sides will damn slices with slices, the second is needed for the lamp);
  • double-sided disk for cutting;
  • disc-grater (prepares vegetable puree);
  • another disc-grater, but already for solid varieties of cheese and chocolate.

Dough mixers

The use of these devices is relevant for those who like to do baking. It can work with both fresh and yeast dough, sand, bay and hard - in a word, any kind and invoice. In addition to knead itself, other useful options are also present - from the blender to figured nozzles (What is useful when working with cookies).

It is very convenient when the nozzle is represented by the hook, and not a shovel - in this case, flour and the dough practically do not remain on the walls of the bowl of electrical appliances.

Juicer and other functions

It is impossible not to tell another talent - the possibilities of equipment squeeze juice. In this case, the smart machine will be presented in such embodiments: replaceable parts in the form of a citrus press and a centrifugal juicer or something one of them. Press - This is a ribbed rotating cup. It is worth pressing the citrus to it, like juice flows into a special compartment. In case of centrifugal option The juice is tempered due to the rapid rotation of the sieve in the cylinder. The liquid after that will go into one container, waste to another.

You should know that:

  • the press in the combine is not intended for pressing Fresh from solid varieties of fruits;
  • in the center-based juicer there is a filter that will help separate seeds from juice and peel particles;
  • the volume of the press variant is 1 liter, which distinguishes it from a centrifuge configuration.

It does not work out without minuses - compared with a specialized device, at the outlet of the combine, it turns out two times less juice.

In addition to the juicer and other advantages, the device knows the following:

  • make ice cream from previously frozen per day ingredients;
  • polish grain coffee;
  • with the help of a mini mill to grind spices, garlic, onions, nuts (when the minimum amount of products is required);
  • finally, there is a special snap-in, which will help to prepare tomato juice, sauce, pasta (separating seeds from the bulk).

So, the food processor can become an indispensable assistant in any kitchen. For home use it is better to choose brands models Kenwood, Bosh, Philips, Moulinex or Zelmer. More professional models (for example, to work in a cafe) include Ariete, Berlinger and again Bosch with Kenwood. In any case, before purchasing it is worth examining all the functions to choose exactly for you by configuration and abilities option.

By the way, many nozzles to expensive techniques are quite realistic to buy separately.

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


In the kitchen settled and numerous electrical "helpers" settled. Users rated the convenience of a universal machine that combined several instruments at once and helps save forces, time, money.

What is a kitchen machine

Among the multifunctional kitchen appliances are well known household food processor. With reference to the kitchen, the name machine and the combine are often identified. The car has a greater power, bowl and dimensions. According to functions, they practically do not differ from each other. The kitchen processor is the universal name of these devices. With it, it is possible to grind, shine, polish, beat, knead, squeeze. In this case, the device has a compact size.

Universal kitchen machine

The functions of the meat grinder, mixer, shredders, mixer, blender and other devices combine universal kitchen machines. Their appointment is the optimization of time and space. There are two categories of these devices: machines for nutrition and household machinery. Capacity of the bowl of home machine from 1.5 l to 6.7 liters. Constructive devices of both categories are equipped with a single drive and replaceable nozzles.

Kitchen Machines for Home

Homemade combine or home cooking machine - the dream of many owners. The cost of the instrument directly depends on the number of functions. After studying the components, you can buy an inexpensive combine from the prospect of expanding the functionality by purchasing additional nozzles. Future users first of all need to determine the need to use the combine into everyday life.

Functionality is associated with the power of the device. If it is purchased only for bubbling of vegetables, cooking juice, then 0.5 kW - optimal power. If necessary, the function of the meat grinder, the power must be at least 1 kW. An important factor is the number of speeds: there may be from 4 to 14. Culinary addiction and cooking technology will prompt the choice of the desired number of speeds.

With nozzles

The most delicious pasta is prepared manually. It makes no sense to buy a separate device for their preparation. The kitchen combine with a pump nozzle is an excellent alternative to expensive stationary devices, it is more compact and performs the same functions. The nozzle helps to prepare about 14 types of pasta, help cut the products from the dough to decorate the sweet baking.

This and other kitchen processor nozzles allow you to significantly expand its functionality. Depending on the model, they can be included in the kit, they can be purchased additionally as needed. For example, a test nozzle may not be needed immediately, its acquisition can be provided on the perspective to produce a test of the test quickly and efficiently.

Healthy diet involves the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits. Vegetable cutter, Multi cuts will help quickly grind foods. These devices are used for cutting straws, slices. The kits include a disc for cutting cubes. Knives and graters are made of stainless steel, so in the process of cutting in vegetables and fruits are preserved vitamins.

Mixer machines

The use of a mixer is not limited to mixing products. Magnificent biscuit, pancake dough, aircraft for cakes, berry and creamy souffle, home marshmallow, ice cream - all these delicacies are preparing, mixing and whipping products. For these purposes, a blender is not always suitable, a mixer for the kitchen is much more effectively cope with this task.

The multifunctional food processor is equipped with a bowl, a beating nozzle, an emulsion nozzle. When choosing a processor, pay attention to the height of the bowl. This is an important characteristic, when hacking, the volume of any mixture increases, with stirring of liquid products, the mixture should not splash. Family of 4-6 people will need a bowl with a volume of 3-3.5 liters. A bowl can be made of plastic, glass, stainless steel.

With meat grinder

The best kitchen combine should help cook your favorite dishes, match the culinary preferences of the owners. In the kitchen processors, the functions of cooking juice and minced are rarely combined. A meat grinder for the kitchen machine is much more frequently in demand. Minced meat is used to prepare a variety of dishes, it is in demand in the preparation of dietary and baby food. All your favorite homemade cutlets, cabbageans, meters, dumplings are prepared using minced meat.

Defining parameters for selecting a device with a meat grinder:

  • power (at least 1 kW);
  • universal knife;
  • the bowl of their stainless steel;
  • rubberized legs;
  • quiet work.

He heated bowls

A bright innovation became a cooler kitchen combine. The machine not only mixes, whips the products, the induction heating element creates the desired temperature for their preparation. The heated combines of the bowl have already won the leading position in the topics of sales. Induction surface saves space, time, dishes. It provides the desired preparation mode with an accuracy of 2 ° C, the mixing function is provided in the heating mode.

The number of nozzles determines the functionality of the device and its cost. You need to select them depending on the culinary preferences. The standard set of nozzles includes:

  • disc-grater;
  • mill for spices;
  • citrus Juicer;
  • potato FRI;
  • nozzle for cutting slices;
  • nozzle for kneading test;
  • press for berries.

What makes a kitchen machine

When ordering or buying a device, you need to find out what is included in the kitchen processor. Cutting vegetables, fresh juice, grilled coffee is just some of its functions. One device helps to quickly cook a homely feast, recycled vegetables for winter blanks, it is easy to follow the principles of healthy nutrition. Using a kitchen processor:

  • easy to beat cream cream, cream, proteins;
  • cook minced;
  • chopping vegetables for salad, stew, baking, extinguishing;
  • chop cheese, meat products;
  • make Fresh, fruit cocktails;
  • cook sauce;
  • knead the dough.

How to choose a kitchen machine for home

The home appliance market is represented by numerous kitchen processors, each of which is in demand by buyers. Therefore, the choice of kitchen machine is individual. Before making this important acquisition, it is necessary to carefully analyze the technical specifications of the models, their functionality, customer reviews, photos and other important information.


An information review shows that the top models of kitchen combines belong to world firms Bosch, Braun, Kenwood, Philips. The developers of these companies are constantly improving the technique for the kitchen, expand the functionality of the machines. Japanese Supra, French Moulinex, Tefal, German Krups is not inferior in the quality of the goods for the kitchen. Customers are worthy of buyers Turkish manufacturer Sinbo, American Kitchenaid.

Very popular in the market for the kitchen of the Russian trademark Vitek. Multifunctional kitchen processors at affordable prices are offered domestic electron manufacturers, Energy of KP, Foxtrot Le Chef trademark. Domestic manufacturers take a worthy place in the market of kitchen appliances.

A type

Kitchen combines are more often associated with bulky devices, but many modern models are ergonomic, compact, comfortable. All models can be divided into three types: choppers, traditional and universal. In the top of sales among SUPRA CHS-1080 shredder models, Kenwood KN 180A. Top models of traditional combines are Braun FX 3030, Philips HR7605. Among the universal cars are leading Bosch Mum 4855, Philips HR 7768.

Corps material

Plastic of high quality and stainless steel - materials that are used for the manufacture of housing of kitchen processors. More in demand models with a plastic case. It is easier to wash, affordable by price. Models with stainless steel housing are more durable, more reliable, but have a significant weight and more expensive. Nozzles for cooking and puree it is better to choose plastic, grates and knives for bubbling of vegetables - from high-quality stainless steel to keep vitamins. Knives for meat should be metallic and well hide.

Bowl material

The combine bowl is made of glass, plastic, stainless steel. Important functional characteristics are impact resistance and thermal stability. It is worth a preference to the cups of glass and steel. They are easily clean, do not absorb smells, do not interact with the products. In the glass bowl, the mixing process, grinding products is visible, it can be placed on a hot plate, in the oven and prepare prepared products in it.

Number of speeds

Small models of kitchen processors suggest two speeds - for the processing of soft and solid products. More expensive, multifunctional models have 12 speed modes. Multi-speed models have a stepped speed adjustment switch, the combine may have smooth adjustment. For the processing of each type of product, the optimal speed is selected.

Capacity of Chashi.

Bowls differ in volume, in compact models it does not exceed 2.5 liters, multifunctional combines are equipped with bowls from 2.5 liters and more. There are models equipped with bowls from different materials. The plastic bowl is included in the configuration of combines relatively inexpensive. Choosing the volume of the bowl, it is necessary to consider the number of products that planned to process, the number of family members.


Motor power scatter from 200 to 1000 W, the most recent models have power from 1200 W. For the effective operation of the kitchen processor, there is not so much power as its ratio with the volume of the bowl. For the bowl of up to 1.5 l, the capacity of 250-300 W is sufficient, for a volume of 2 l - at least 350 W, for 3.5 l - 750 W and more. The correct ratio of the power of the engine and the volume of the bowl will provide durability of the kitchen appliance.

Maximum speed of rotation

The kitchen combine engine is able to provide a speed of 12-15 thousand revolutions per minute. Simple models operate at one speed, more perfect - have a special switch to adjust the speed depending on the type of products and technology of cooking dishes. Additional characteristics include work in the "Pulse" mode, "short-term acceleration of the engine".

Protection against overload

It is very important when choosing a kitchen combine model to pay attention to the preservation of the fuse to protect against engine overloads, its overheating. During the processing of a large amount of products, with long-term inclusion, when using high-speed regime, even the most powerful engine overheats, which can lead to its failure. Therefore, the presence of additional protection is required.

Rating kitchen machines

With a huge selection of models, determine which kitchen machine is better, not easy. Starting with viewing photos of models, reviews and your own preferences.

Title: Bosch MSM 62020

Quick Feature: Powerful Multifunctional Combine (1000 W), Volume 3.9 l, Blender In stock, Smooth speed adjustment.

Price: 7262 ruble.

Pros: Citrus press, 7 special nozzles, for a large amount of products, a network cord compartment, a place to store nozzles.

Cons: no.

For fans of fresh juices, cocktails, potatoes fr.

Title: Braun FX 3030

Quick Feature: Powerful combine (800 W), 2 l volume, total 8 nozzles: for batch products, to knead test, universal knife.

Price: 11030 rub.

Pros: universal juicer, plastic shredder, bowl depth.

Cons: plastic case, width of the device.

For lovers of products from the test it is worth buying this model.

Title: Kenwood KMC 57008

Quick Feature: Powerful combine (1000 W), 4.6 l, 7 speeds for kneading and beating, presence of a blender.

Price: 71890 rub.

Pros: Stainless steel bowl, Blender Blank Glass, overload protection.

Cons: High cost.

Followers of rational nutrition highly appreciate the functionality of this model.

Title: Bosch 4406

Quick Feature: Power 500 W, volume 3.9 l, 4 speeds, the presence of a meat grinder, 7 nozzles.

Price: 5668 RUB.

Pros: nozzle for dough, grater, shining straw.

Cons: plastic case, small power.

Compact model Popular shredder model.

Title: Philips HR2505 / 90

Brief characteristic: power 500 W, volume 1.1 l, 2 nozzles (graters).

Price: 2850 rub.

Pros: automatic speed selection, compact sizes.

Cons: plastic case.

The kitchen processor is a universal assistant for the hostess. With its help, cooking not only accelerates, but also will turn into a pleasant and unreasonable ceremony. Before choosing a device for processing products, you need to associate all the possibilities and needs. Having such a "friend" in the kitchen, you can easily cut vegetables, cook drinks, chop mince and perform other actions.


Combines belong to small household appliances, there are compact and multifunctional. By its design, these devices differ, but the main parts for all types are the same:

  1. Motor.
  2. Bowl for products.
  3. Set of nozzles.
  4. Control.

Details of devices are made from various materials, differ in mass, but the purpose and design remain identical. Due to the action of the motor, food ingredients are treated. The shaft was outwarded to which the nozzles are attached. Knives are placed on the bottom of the bowl or in the device lid. The combine performance is determined by the power and turnover of the engine.


Models of kitchen appliances differ from each other weighing, sizes, source material. Before the acquisition, you must pay attention to the following characteristics:


There are at least 5 different nozzles in the sets, on which the number of possible instrument functions depends. The main nozzles include:

  1. Shinakovka and twinks crushed foods.
  2. The press squeezes juice from citrus.
  3. Press for cooking mashed potatoes.
  4. Juicer.
  5. Meat grinder.
  6. Knife-impeller for cutting.
  7. Holy whip.
  8. Dough kneading hooks.

In each model, a different number of such objects. The more nozzles complete, the machine is more efficient and more expensive at the price.


Kitchen appliances work according to one principle, although due to different designs and speed, differences are possible. Energy is required to perform functions, so devices operate from the electrical current network are controlled by the buttons. In some more complex models there is a speed controller.

The panels are the buttons for selecting temperature, time and speed. Information about the operation modes appears on the screen.

The most convenient one is electronic control, developed by models with processors, where parameters are selected independently. After downloading the products into a special container, the engine is started with the button, after which they fall into the bowl. There, special knives processed products are given to the desired state.

Bowl material

Plastic, metal or glass - material for making bowls. In the more universal models, the bowls are performed from shockproof raw materials, in this case the container will withstand high microwave temperatures or dishwasher.

Plastic bowls are easy, easy to care, but less high-quality, compared with other products.

Capacity from heat-resistant glass is eco-friendly, but require caution. They are difficult to smash, but easy to put out or damage.

Metal for the bowl is most practical, but roads for the price. A bowl of steel does not react with food, and does not be afraid. Convenient when working with heated products, for chilled blanks. Such dishes are used by professional chefs.


Capacity capacity affects machine performance. Working dishes for kitchen devices are made of 1 liter to 7. When selecting a bowl size, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. Do not take a large container if you cook in small portions. In the event of a choice without the need for a large amount of volume, the combine will process products unevenly, spray content. There is an optimal ratio of the capacity of the capacity and capacity of the combine 200: 1. Useful volume of dishes is always less than indicated in the instructions.
  2. You need to choose dishes according to power. The more power, the more the greater the bowl should be.
  3. One container includes a different amount of bulk and liquid products.

It is convenient to have several bowls of different volume, then when preparing a certain number of dishes, you can use the appropriate container.


The most important parameter when choosing any equipment for the kitchen is power. This indicator depends on the possibilities of the device, most often its value ranges from 550 to 1000W. High power harvester exposes more products for a certain time. When purchasing a professional kitchen device, this is an important condition. Do not buy a combine with a small power, explaining this electricity saving. Expenses when working with it will be the same.

Models having a power of 300-400W are called low-power, they whipped liquids, mix a loose dough, crushed soft products. The load in this case is insignificant.

Medium-power devices (up to 800W) can handle solid root roots, knead cool dough, crush nuts, pricking ice. In such models in the engine, a protective function is installed, which automatically shuts off the device when overheating. It is these devices that will fit the hostesses, as they are multifunctional, durable.

The most powerful models belong to the technique of professionals. They are not afraid of long and intense loads. Their cost is high enough, but if they are used in restaurants, bakeries, it justifies it.

Rotational speed

The number of speeds depends on the specific features of the models - the more modes, the wider the range of capabilities for determining the setting to the processing of the corresponding products. This affects the number of dishes prepared by the device. The higher the speed of rotation, the easier it is to maintain the desired cooking mode. If there are high speeds, you can grind hard foods, low - for whipping liquids. The device has several speeds, some models reaches 15, but practice shows that they are usually used from 3 to 5 modes.


The kitchen machine 3 modes of operation designed to handle solid and soft ingredients.

  1. The pulse mode is provided by the rotation of the engine not constantly, but with interruptions. This increases the efficiency of the device, reduces the load on the motor. But it is possible to use it when working with solid ingredients, frozen fruits or vegetables.
  2. For a short time, the turbo increase the speed of rotation of the device disks. This is used in the processing of solid products. This is not an ordinary mode for the device, as the motor gets heavy loads, which can output the device.
  3. The planetary mixing mode ensures the movement of a working tool, a bunk or blades, around the center of the bowl and its axis, which makes it possible to uniform mixing, and speeds up the process itself. But this mode requires a large bowl, at least 5 liters with a capacity, which affects the dimensions and price of the model.


Before the acquisition of the combine, any hostess should think about what apparatus it needs, evaluate the free space in the kitchen. If it is planned to use it for several operations, cutting, cutting, whipping or stirring, then your choice must be stopped on a compact device. Power of such devices 400-700 W, and a bowl of 1.5-2.5 liters. In the kitchens of small areas it is recommended to limit the compact model that performs only those functions that are more in demand.

The compactness of the machine depends on the method of storing its additional nozzles. Models having a place for such storage, more overall. In compact models there are no such departments, and accessories are stored in separate containers or packages. The average weight of such devices is 4-6 kg. If the hostess often uses the device, then it is better to buy a lightweight device so that it is not difficult to clean it into the closet or on the shelf. But if in the kitchen there is a stationary place for the combine, the weight in this situation is not important.


When using the kitchen process, it is necessary to comply with all safety rules. Its work is possible only with the correct installation of the bowl, covers and nozzles. It protects hands from damage to knives, and walls from pollution by splashes. Most models are equipped with overheating protection system. Such a device is protected from breakage by a function blocking the engine if the knife is running onto a solid object.

For the stability of the combine on the kitchen surface, rubber lining or legs are attached to the base.

Additional features

In addition to the main characteristics, modern combine models have additional features:

  • the presence of a spray cover makes it possible to keep cleanliness when working with flour or liquid ingredients;
  • in some models there is a niche for storing nozzles, there are a special bag in others, which make up accessories;
  • mechanical and electronic overload protection. Mechanical is based on the installation between the motor and the coupling nozzle, which breaks out of overload, but saves the other parts of the mechanism. Electronic - lies in the use of the fuse. It is multiple, unlike the first;
  • in some models there are built-in scales that show the net weight of the product being processed;
  • self-cleaning function is used for washing the device.


If there are a wide variety of types of kitchen devices, it is not easy to stay on one particular model. To make the right choice, it is important to understand the differences between different types of appliances. After examining the list of the best household appliances for the kitchen, given the personal preferences, appreciating the possibilities of each of the varieties of devices, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.


Kitchen machines of this species have a removable bowl, a complete set of main nozzles, and in devices with advanced features - and additional. The more nozzles, the possibilities of the device more. Such combines combine many functions - cutting, kneading, whipping and others.

With meat grinder

In almost every combine you can grind meat. But it is allocated to a separate row devices with a screw meat grinder built into the housing. When using this model, meat retains its structure, grind cartilage, veins and fat. When choosing this type of technology, it is necessary to pay attention to the high engine power, speed of revolutions and the presence of three speed switching modes.

For dough

When prefers to kitchen combines with the main function of the test, it is necessary to choose the devices with a capacity of at least 800Ws, with a large bowl and two modes.

With cutting cubes

In the household appliance market, devices with original nozzles appeared, with the help of which the products are cut into any way - cubes, circles or chopsticks.

With blender

The blender is an indispensable thing in the kitchen, but if it is built into the combine, it is easy and quickly and quickly prepare cocktails, desserts. Products are crushed in such machines, mix the dough, whipping cream. Models are characterized by power, functions, materials, bowl volume.

With grater

Curvas combines are distinguished by high quality, reliability and modern design. The presence of a grater with different knives will make it possible to prepare sophisticated dishes.

With juicer

To obtain the juice, the device requires a high rotational speed, so when the model is selected, pay attention to this parameter. The optimal revolution rate is from 8,000 to 12000. The higher the turnover, the more expensive the device. Combins with the main function of the juicer, the bowl must be made of glass so that other materials do not react with acid. Engine power in this case can be 500-600 W.

With potato cleaning function

Rarely rarely, the nozzle includes a potato cleaning nozzle. It is universal, and is suitable for any types of combines. Perform your task partially, sometimes it is necessary to perepeck the root.

Mini Model

Such devices have a limited set of functions, but perfectly cope with the specified task. The basic kit of such a device includes a producer grinder, there are options with a function for measuring the test, cutting meat and juicer. In principle, in the configuration there is the most necessary set of action for cooking. The power of such devices is small, not higher than 600W, the volume of the bowl of up to 2.5 liters. In mini models there are positive moments - compactness and convenience of storage, but there are also negative - low power, a small amount of preparation.

Hand combines

Manual devices, despite the simplicity, are also considered combines. However, their functions are connected only with the number of nozzles attached to them. These are graves with knives of different forms, cutting products with cubes, straw, slices. That's just the knob to turn it yourself. On the one hand, the device is economical, it works not from the network, but on the other hand, it has to make efforts when processing solid vegetables.

Additional nozzles and discs

Each device is not equipped with all possible accessories, and in connection with this, the combine performs some of the functions. The presence of additional nozzles will help implement a more complete list of operations.

In all models there are disks of vegetable cutters, whites, nozzles for mixing and hooks for kneading test, blender. And the pastorescence or rolling of the dough is completed for more rare instances. Specific nozzles for kitchen machines can be purchased additionally.

  • for baking cookies apply a variety of curly patterns;
  • tyrka for chips, sprinkles and breading, except for the main purpose, crushes crumbs, nuts, chocolate;
  • with the help of rollers roll the dough, cook noodles;
  • templates are used to prepare pasta;
  • thick liquids misses an emulsifier nozzle to a homogeneous state;
  • mill Melit Flour;
  • with the use of ice cream can be prepared delicious delicacy;
  • the coffee grinder is used to grind the grain of coffee, cooking sugar, various spices and seasonings;
  • shaker is used to mix products and make cocktails;
  • slicer is used for cutting thin slices of different products;
  • disk for cutting potato fries are used to prepare long and thin slices with a roasted oil.

Choice rules

The choice of household appliances, first of all, depends on the preferences of the hostess. If it already has a separate electric center, juicer or bread maker, then it is enough to buy a variant of the device for cutting and mixing products. It is very convenient, small and easy to manage. If the hostess prepares a lot, and wishes more functionality, then you need to choose the car more accurately. But the highlights to which you need to pay attention to the choice of kitchen combine:

  1. Power depending on the volume of the bowl.
  2. Adjusting speeds, number of modes.
  3. The dimensions of the technical device, on which the availability of free space in the kitchen depends.
  4. Varieties of nozzles, basic and additional.
  5. Brand selection.

Popular models

Among the most sought-after household appliances models are the most loved people. The household market is in demand for the combines of claimed world brands.


The Netherlands company "Philips" was created at the end of the XIX century by the Philips Brothers as an electrollamp factory. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the brand won fame, and the company received a proud extension word in its title - "Royal". The combines of this firm are incredibly easy to use. With their help, you can prepare a lot of delicious and useful dishes.

  • Philips HR7778;
  • Philips HR7761 / 00;
  • Philips HR7605 / 10;
  • Philips HR7762 / 90;
  • Philips HR7774 BL.


The founders of this brand of the French Jean Martel and Le Monnier in 1922 opened the first shop on the manufacture of technology, but only after 10 years the first vegetable gun was made. Since 2001, this brand is owned by Groupe SEB. Distinctive features of the product of this manufacturer are easy to use. The process of using MOULINEX devices reminds a fun and exciting game.

  • MOULINEX QA217132;
  • Moulinex DJ9058;
  • MOULINEX FP321F32;
  • Moulinex FP 3181.


The Russian trademark, which belongs to Technopoisk LLC, and produces household appliances. The history of the brand began in 2006 with submission of the application for registration of the company. Kitchen combines of this manufacturer are reminded by a blender with numerous nozzles, allowing to perform a variety of operations.

  • Redmond RFP-3950 gray;
  • Redmond RFP-3909 black;
  • Redmond RFP-CB3910;
  • Redmond RFP-3902;
  • Redmond RFP-3907.


In 1921, the German Max Brown opened a store in Frankfurt am Main for the sale of radios. By 1990, Braun took the leading position in the production of household appliances. Kitchen combines of this brand have two types of juicers, as well as the manufacturer of the equipment supplemented a kit for cleaning and spatula. The machine is equipped with a program, it is enough just to lay products, the combine itself determines the desired parameters for a given process.

  • Braun FP 5150 White;
  • Braun FX 3030 Tribute;
  • Braun FP 5150 Black;
  • Braun FP 5160 Black;
  • Braun FP 5160 White.


This Russian brand was formed in 2000 by Golder Electronics, which is engaged in the production of household and other techniques. 95% of products are produced in China, the rest - in Turkey. Modern design, functionality and affordable price - the main principles of this brand. The durable use of the device affects high-quality material from which major parts are made.

  • VITEK VT-1618;
  • Vitek VT-1606;
  • Vitek VT-1603;
  • Vitek VT-1604;
  • Vitek VT-1616 SR Assistant Pro.


Sinbo belongs to the Turkish company Daim, and includes the top three manufacturers of household appliances in Turkey. Kitchen combines are distinguished by high quality and affordable price. The aggregates of this brand are multifunctional, so indispensable in the kitchen. In the household appliances market today there are branded models that have conquered the hearts of the owners by their advantages.

  • SINBO SHB 3081;
  • SINBO SHB 3111;
  • SINBO SHB 3070;
  • SINBO SMX 2738;
  • SINBO SHB 3081.


He founded this company in 1956 by the Frenchman Mark Gregory. In 1968, it acquired the international trademark Groupe SEB, producing household appliances and dishes. The first food processor of the TEFAL firm appeared in 1999. In the production of household kitchen appliances uses high technologies and innovative solutions.

  • TEFAL L MASTERCHEF Gourmet + QB612;
  • Tefal QB 207138;
  • Tefal QB612D38;
  • Tefal QB 505D38.


Bosch was established in the XIX century in Stuttgart by the German engineer Robert Bosha. This is a well-known brand under which household appliances for kitchen, and more.

Bosch technique is in great demand and confidence of consumers. The combination of the convenience and reliability of the kitchen equipment is the strategy of the company. These are universal hosteks assistants who perform many different operations.

  • Bosch MCM 4000;
  • Bosch MCM 4100;
  • Bosch MCM 5529;
  • Bosch MCM 5540;
  • Bosch Mum 4406.


This British household appliances brand includes in its numerous assortment kitchen combines. He founded him in 1947, the entrepreneur Kenneth Wood. Having survived several stages of their formation and development today Kenwood - this is a well-known manufacturer of household equipment in more than 80 countries and the largest manufacturer of household appliances in the UK, Italy and China

  • Kenwood KVC 3173 S Chef;
  • Kenwood KHH 323 WH MULTIONEE;
  • Kenwood KM 244 Prospero;
  • Kenwood KM 289 Prospero;
  • Kenwood KHH 321 WH MULTIONEE.

When buying a kitchen combine, the main thing is not to get lost among the abundance of interesting models, compare your needs with opportunities, consider individual wishes, and acquire an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.