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Thermostat Ballu VMT 1 Connection Instructions. Mechanical thermostat: types, principle of operation, installation. Thermostats for heating boilers. The principle of operation of the thermostat

With the onset of cold weather, many begin to think about the additional heating of their home. Since with the beginning of the heating season, as a rule, repair work begins at the places of the heating stoves. Or thoughts appear to switch to electric heating, as an additional alternative for the country house. In this article, we will talk about the temperature controlling device - the thermostat, namely, we will tell about how to install and connect the thermostat to the infrared heater.

Nuances Installation

We will not go into types and types of regulators, arrange a comparison and tournaments. All of them are good in their own way and will fulfill their appointment, serving faithfully. The first thing I want to pay attention is the installation location. It does not depend on what type of heaters are: infrared, panel, convection.

The installation of the thermostat with the air temperature sensor is prohibited in the following places:

  • in close proximity to the heaters;
  • in places where there is drafts;
  • in the zone of heating infrared emitters.

All these places are unsuitable for the placement of the thermostat, since when it is located near the heater, the air next to it is heated to the desired temperature earlier, which will lead to a false response, as a result of which the room will not be warm up to a comfortable temperature.

If you install the thermostat in the heating zone of the IR heater, its housing is heated earlier and distort the sensor readings. In places where there is a draft, the sensor will not show the desired temperature and heaters will overheat the room, spending excess electricity. The placement of the thermal sensor in height should be made in the comfort zone, at 1.5 meters from the floor.

Connection schemes

Always, before installing and connecting the thermostat, you mean with the instructions and passport data on the device. Since the manufacturer specifies the required cable cross section and gives a connection scheme to its products. In the case of retreat from requirements and savings on the wire and thermostats, there is a high probability of exit equipment or a threat of fire.

Connection diagram of thermostat to an infrared heater with a capacity of up to 3.5 kW:

If the heater heating is carried out by a group of heaters up to 3.5 kW, then the connection scheme will look like this:

In the event that you are the winner of a three-phase network and heating is carried out by a group of heaters with a total capacity of more than 3.5 kW, a magnetic starter is added to the control circuit, which controls the thermostat:

This is the installation of the temperature regulator for this principle. As you can see, there are some features in the installation and connection of the thermostat, so it is important to initially get acquainted with the instructions from the manufacturer, after which it starts to the main process.

The rise in prices for electricity supplies causes many to save various ways. This is especially necessary in the cold season, when various heaters of air are used as an additional heat source. To maintain comfortable conditions in the room, it is best to use a thermostat.

How to choose a suitable thermostat

Control household electrical heaters and maintain the necessary microclimate indoors allow the thermal sensors. These devices are divided into two main types.

Types of thermostators:

  • Mechanical;
  • Programmable.

Currently, the most simplest models, and most frequently used are mechanical devices. It is worth noting that when similar to the principle of action, and the device, these thermostats may differ in the quality of the materials used for their manufacture.

Mechanical thermostats are used to install on the wall. This may differ in the installation (mortise and overhead models). It follows from this that these thermostats, it is possible to connect to any type of electrical wiring.

The range of operating temperatures for mechanical thermostators varies from +5 to + 30 0 C. controls in these devices, are the mechanical regulator, by means of which the required level of air temperature and the button to turn the thermostat is turned on and off.

Note! The dimensions of the mechanical regulators do not exceed the size of the sockets or switches, which makes it perfectly fit into the interior.

The most advanced type of temperature regulators are programmable models. Advanced temperature adjustment range allows you to expand the use of this device.

Programmable models are able to monitor both the air temperature in the room and the temperature of the heating device, which is additionally fire protection.

Connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater

For high-quality and continuous operation of various electrical devices, it is necessary not only to correctly carry out their choice, but also make a correct connection.

Connection features:

  • Do not install the regulator close to the heater;
  • Invalid installation indoor with drafts

First of all, when carrying out electrical work, you must familiarize yourself with the instruction in which it is better to use what guides to connect and the circuit.

Note! In most cases, for connecting thermostat, the PVA cable is used, with 2.5 mm 2 veins.

It is worth noting that connecting the device for heating air in the room and the thermostat is best with the help of a separate cable that is powered directly in the camshaft.

Connection diagram is as follows. Phase and zero conductors of the feed cable are connected to the terminals with marking (L - phase, N - zero). The wire coming from the thermostat to the device connects to the terminals with marking (L - 1 and n - 1).

When the heater is connected, it is important to connect the grounding conductor correctly, which is connected directly to the heater. PUE rules are written that they will not be unacceptable to break the grounding chain. Therefore, grounding wires of the device and the feed cable are connected by a special terminal box.

Ballu BMT 1 thermostat: how to connect

The most common and known to many is the thermostat with the air temperature sensor Ballu BMT 1. It has proven itself in operation.

Sequence of work:

  • Installing and connecting the device.

First of all, you must select a place to install the heater. After that, you can start the wire laying. To ensure fire safety, you should select a wire with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm 2.

Note! This thermostat is suitable for connecting to open and hidden type wiring.

Having paved cables, install the thermostat. Next, make the device connection. For this, you need to deal with the scheme, since many are completely incomprehensible as a device is properly connected.

From the left right, the terminals of the regulator are marked (3, 4, 1, 5, 6). To the terminal at number (1), connect the feed phase wire. Connecting zero wires, we carry out the terminal at number (6). The working zero and zero device are connected to one terminal.

After that, from the terminal under the number (3), it is necessary to make a jumper to the terminal (5). The device is connected to the terminal. To terminal (4), a phase wire is connected to a heating device.

In order not to confuse when connecting, you need to know the color marking of the wires. Phase wire (white or brown), zero (blue), grounding (yellow - green). It is worth noting that this scheme is suitable to connect the F2000 thermostat.

Mechanical thermostat VTT 1: Operating Rules

This device is intended to control the operation of electrical heating equipment. The regulator is used for commercial and domestic use.

Terms of use:

  • Correct installation;
  • Exploitation;
  • Service.

The device is intended for mounting on the wall. The recommended installation height is at least 1.5 meters from the floor surface. To carry out the correct adjustment of the air temperature in the room, it is not recommended to install the device in close proximity to the door and windows.

Installation of the device must be made only by a qualified electrician. This will allow you to connect the controller correctly, which will not lead to the failure of expensive electrical equipment.

Note! Installation and connection of the regulator, produce, compliance with safety regulations.

Regulator maintenance must be carried out only in the absence of voltage in the power grid. It is worth noting that the quality of the connection of conductors with terminals is made at least once a year.

It is important to understand that before installing the device, it is necessary to inspect the thermostat on the subject of chips or cracks on the device case. Use the regulator is recommended only with good equipment.

The thermostat connection scheme (video)

Using this information, you can easily be able to choose the thermostat and connect your electric heating device to the power grid, but also ensure the correct use and maintenance of the device.

What is the thermostat and what is it needed for?
The thermostat is a device with which you can specify the required temperature in the room. The thermostat is built in the air temperature sensor. That is, when the set temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off the device, and when the temperature drops, it includes. This allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature automatically.

How is the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
Disassembly is very simple. From the end of the thermostat housing, unscrew the connecting screw and disassemble into two parts. Next, connect according to the scheme to the network and the heater thermostat.

Where and how is the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
The BLLU BMT-1 thermostat is installed on the wall, at an altitude of 1.2 - 1.5 meters from the floor level. The thermostat is overhead, so it is screwed to the wall with simple self-draws. Install the thermostat is needed in a place where there are no drafts and direct sunlight. It is necessary for the correct operation of the temperature sensor installed in the thermostat.

How to connect the heater to the thermostator?
To connect the thermostat, minimal knowledge is needed in the electrician. The Ballu thermostat is connected by a diagram that goes into the manual for the heater or to the thermostat.

How many heaters can be connected to the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
The thermostat Ballu BMT-1 has the maximum allowable current 16 A. This means that it can withstand the total power connected to the thermostator, 3500 W. For example, you have a 3 heater of 1000 W, it means that you will need 1 Ballu BMT-1 thermostat.

The temperature in my room does not match the temperature installed on the thermostat. Why?
This can occur for various reasons.
If the temperature in the room is significantly lower installed after a long time of the heaters, it may mean that you lack the power of installed heaters. It is required to change the heater to a more powerful one or add another heater.
Another reason for this discrepanation of the temperature may be that straight solar rays or fluxes of warm air fall on the thermostat. The temperature inside the thermostat turns out to be higher than the air temperature in the room, which leads to incorrect work.
If the room temperature turns out to be larger than the installed, then the reason may be drafts in the installation area of \u200b\u200bthe thermostat, or the cold, the wedge wall on which it is installed.
Also, you should not install the thermostat at an angle to the left or right. The ventilation holes should be strictly bottom and from above and should not be closed. Otherwise, the errors of the established temperature may occur both greater and smaller.

I want to put heaters on the balcony, and adjust the temperature on the balcony from the room. How to do it?
To solve this task, use a thermostat with a remote temperature sensor. BALLU BMT-1 The temperature sensor is built in and therefore this thermostat model is necessarily installed in the room where the temperature is required.

In the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat, there is no "ON / OFF" key, how to be if I want to completely turn off the heater?
In this case, there are several options. One of them make the plug at the end of the wire and turn on or off the heater from the outlet. You can also put a separate switch next to the thermostat or make a connection from a separate automaton so that you can turn off the heater regardless of the room temperature.

What thermoregulator is better, mechanical or electronic?
The electronic and mechanical thermostat has its advantages and cons.
Electronic has a built-in thermometer, which allows measuring the temperature in the room. There is no hydraulic thermostructure in the mechanical thermostat. It is only a regulator that includes and turns off the heater depending on the specified temperature. Therefore, if accurate temperature measurement is necessary, then use better electronic thermostat.
The mechanical thermostat is more resistant to voltage drops. Therefore, indoors where there are voltage jumps, it is better to use a mechanical thermostat.

I have heaters are in different rooms, can I connect them to one thermostat Ballu BMT-1?
Technically there is no obstacles to this connection, but since the temperature sensor is installed inside the thermostat, it will be correctly adjusted only in the room where the thermostat is set. In another room can be either too cold or too hot.

If I have a big room, and I want to connect heaters to one thermostat Ballu BMT-1, and the total heaters current is greater than 16a, what to do?
If the total heaters current is greater than 16a, then it is necessary to use a magnetic starter (contactor). A magnetic starter is selected based on the capacities of all the heaters you want to connect.

What is a magnetic starter and how is it connected?
The electromagnetic starter is called the relay (contactor), which is designed to control the large currents. Connection comes from the heater to the magnetic starter, and from the starter to the thermostat. Connect the following scheme that goes into the guide instructions.

Does the thermostat makes any sounds?
When the specified temperature is reached, the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat is characterized by a characteristic soft click, which indicates the turn on or turning off the thermostat.

The thermostat for the infrared heater calibrates the heat transfer of the heat generating device, reducing the consumption of notes electricity to the lowest possible level.

And such a regulator sets the level of room heating, providing the opportunity to get the most comfortable temperature. Therefore, no infrared heating system is required without such a detail.

Mechanical thermostat Ballu BMT-1 for infrared heater

How does the thermostat work?

Such a regulator consists of two main nodes:

  • Temperature sensor installed near the heat source and / or in a heated room.
  • Control unit processing the temperature sensor signals.

These structural elements interact with each other according to the following scheme:

  • The control unit receives the program of operation of the heater, in which the temperature regime is indicated in the room or the degree of heating element.
  • The temperature sensor reads "degrees" in the room and / or at the heating element, betraying this information to the control unit.
  • The control unit turns on the heating element in the event that the temperature transmitted by the sensor is less than the programmed value. And turns off the infrared panel if the temperature in the room or the heating plate will exceed the programmed parameter.

As a result, the ceiling and wall infrared heaters with the thermostat consume only the desired "volume" of electricity, warming the room only to the desired temperature. In this case, the calibration of heat transfer and temperature is carried out in increments of 0.1-1.0 ° C

Model varieties of thermostators

Modern manufacturers produce two types of thermostators:

Mechanical instruments. In such regulators, a special plate or a diaphragm of the material sensitive to the temperature deformations is used as a temperature sensor. Therefore, the control unit at thermomechanical regulators is essentially no. The plate is closed or blurring the contacts of the electrical circuit that feeds the infrared heater, under the "influence" of the actual temperature in the house. And all regulation is to fix the set temperature using a mechanical lever, with which the elements of the plate sensor are positioned.

  • The main advantage of such a regulator - Ability to work without supplying electricity to the instrument.
  • Chief flaw - Low calibration accuracy - from 0.5 to 1 ° C.

Connection diagram of the infrared heater to the thermostat

Electronic devices. The temperature sensor of such a device fixes thermal radiation, reading electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. This monitors the temperature "overboard", and degrees in the house. The control unit of such a controller receives signals from the sensor and processes them by the mortgaged algorithm (program). Electronic devices only digital controls. The signal processing algorithm from the sensor is set using factory programs or buttons on the housing. Information about temperature and modes of operation is displayed.

  • The main advantage of such a device - High accuracy - calibration is carried out in increments of 0.1 ° C. In addition, there is some autonomy of control. For example, infrared heaters with thermostat for cottages can be programmed for a week operation on air temperature outside the house and not even leave the congestion to control and adjust the operation of the heating system. Mechanical regulators can not - the user will have to "twist the wheel" settings almost daily.
  • Main flaw - Work only if there is a voltage in the network.

When installing the thermostat, you need to focus on the following generally accepted rules:

  • A separate regulator is mounted in each heated room.
  • Between the temperature sensor and the support surface, you need to install a heat transfer screen.
  • Infrared ceiling heaters with thermostat cannot be more powerful 3 kW.
  • The recommended placement height is 1.5 meters from the floor level.

The installation itself is performed as follows:

  • From the central shield to the "pull" regulator, a separate line that ends in the incoming terminals "zero" and "phases".
  • From the regulator to the heater pulls the supplying power to the line starting from the outgoing terminals "zero" and "phases".
  • The external temperature sensors connected to the regulator using individual lines or wireless communication protocols are connected to the appropriate thermoregulator connectors.

Accurate installation schemes are provided in passports to specific models of regulatory instruments.

Popular Temperature Regulator Models

Temperature regulators Eberle Instata 2

Universal thermostators Eberle Instata 2 - these devices can be used in conjunction with infrared, air or water heating systems.

  • The control unit reads data from one air sensor.
  • Control - digital, button.
  • The data visualization meets the display. It is possible to program work modes a week ahead.
  • Cost - about 3000 rubles.

Temperature regulators Ballu RTR-E 6202

Ballu RTR-E 6202 thermostators - these devices were designed specifically for infrared heating systems.

  • Type of regulator - mechanical.
  • Controls - wheel adjustment wheel (from 5 to 30 ° C) and single contact switch.
  • Air temperature sensor - built-in.
  • Cost - about $ 50.


Timberktms Rugulators - These devices are controlled by the work of the heating ceiling systems. Therefore, the set of delivery must necessarily present a remote control.

Temperature regulators for infrared heaters are needed to control and automatically maintain the specified temperature regime in the room. Without this device, it is difficult to imagine the effective operation of modern heating equipment.

The thermostat controls and maintains the specified indoor temperature.

The principle of operation of the thermostat

The thermostat works cyclically using the opening and closing of the power grid: turns on and disconnected depending on the signals that the temperature sensor or the biomechanical plate sends it.

With increasing temperature, the resistance of the sensor decreases. As soon as the resistance reaches the desired level (equal to a certain temperature), the thermostat is turned on and the chain opens. Next, the sensor gradually cools, its resistance increases, which again leads to the triggering of the thermostat and the circuit of the chain, i.e. Connecting an IR heater. Such a principle of activity applies to all varieties of thermostats, regardless of their filling.

Types of thermostat

Thermostators are divided by installation method: open or hidden. Another criterion for classifying devices is a working fluid device: solid-state, liquid or air.

Also, regulators differ in the temperature regime of activity. There are such varieties of thermostats:

  • high temperature - 300-1200 ºC;
  • medium temperature - 60-500 ºC;
  • low-temperature - less than 60 ºC.

In structural relations there are two types:

  1. Simple - mechanical and electromechanical models that differ in low cost and limited capabilities of accurate control over the temperature regime. Switching in electromechanical models is carried out using a button, and adjustment - lever. There is also a scale with the necessary parameters.

Adjustment in electromechanical models are carried out using a wheels

  • Complex - electronic devices that may be with the ability to program or without it. Switching modes in such devices is carried out with buttons or by means of touch screens.
  • Below more in more detail on the polar opposite types of regulators: mechanical and electronic.

    Mechanical thermostats

    Such devices are significantly less often electronic. They will not connect to the power grid, and the temperature control is carried out by heating or cooling the special membrane.

    Externally, the mechanical regulator is a small plastic box with a lever for adjusting the temperature. The device is equipped with a scale with fission divisions.

    Inside the device is a responsive to a change in temperature element. On average, such an element allows an error of not more than half a degree. The temperature limits are usually within 5-30 ºC. The principle of operation of the device - mechanics, so the power supply is not necessary.

    Electronic thermostats

    One of the distinguishing external features of electronic regulators - the display, which displays the processes occurring in the heating system. Such devices are much more accurately mechanical. The most expensive are the programmable models that have the ability to set the time parameters of the heating operation, and the instrument can be programmed up to a minute a week ahead. Thermostats can be integrated into smart home systems.

    Electronic thermostat significantly more accurately mechanical

    There are regulators with infrared sensors. The principle of their work is based on the perception of electromagnetic waves emanating from heated objects. The information received by the device is analyzed and the device "accepts the solution" on this basis is to turn off the heating or turn on again.

    Intelligent systems are capable of self-control. For example, when a sensor breakdown, the heating system automatically moves to a third of its power. This, on the one hand, does not allow to over-cool air indoors, and on the other, it avoids air overheating.

    Most thermostat are distinguished by versatility. For example, instead of an IR heater, you can connect a system of warm floors, which will only be needed to reconfigure the temperature sensors.

    Note! Thermostats cannot be placed under the right rays of the sun, on drafts or on the outer wall of the building.

    Features of the thermostat connection to the IR heater

    The power of the ceiling IR heater for the urban apartment should not exceed 3 kilowatts. The purchased knob must correspond to the power of the heater.

    • height up to 1.5 meters;
    • location - wall;
    • the thermostat is stacked by the insulation (this is necessary to avoid false triggers of the sensor to the cold wall);
    • for one room, only one regulator is involved;
    • to ensure safety, the device cannot be covered with interior objects (for example, curtains).

    Connection diagram of thermostat to an IR heater

    Mounting schemes

    The infrared heater is connected by the same standards as other electrical appliances - with a socket or dedicated line from a separate machine on an electric shield. Thus, neutral and phase wire are used.

    The regulator is installed between the machine and heating equipment. The thermostat is mounted on the network between the machine and the heating device.

    Simple scheme

    The thermostat has 4 terminals: two at the entrance (neutral and phase) and two at the exit (plus and minus).

    If one heater is installed:

    • two veins are distinguished from the electric boiler to the terminals of the thermostat;
    • two wires are connected to the output terminals in accordance with the polarity - they are connected to infrared heating equipment (serial connection).

    If a pair of heaters is installed:

    • 4 wires are distinguished from the thermostat (two on neutral and phase) and are sent to IR heaters (parallel connection);
    • from the regulator to one, and then 2 wires (serial connection) are discharged to the second heater.

    Sometimes it may be necessary to connect the phase from the machine to the heating device (directly), and the neutral is connected via the machine. The minus of this option is the possibility of improper functioning of the thermostat.

    Complete scheme

    A slightly more complex scheme for several heating devices provides the following:

    • the thermostat is connected to the automatic switchboard;
    • the output terminals are connected with a magnetic starter;
    • controls of the output starter attach to heaters.

    The described connection option is ideal for powerful industrial systems or several infrared heaters. The magnetic starter works here in the automaton mode.

    It is especially necessary to note the need to pay attention to security issues. In particular, we are talking about grounding. The heating equipment circuit of heating equipment must have conductors of the necessary thickness and with low resistance. The security system should guarantee electricity aid, since this directly depends on the life and health of residents at home.

    Connecting the thermostat cannot be called easy business. Special knowledge, skills and tools are needed. Even if the thermostat is installed with your own hands, it is recommended to call a professional that can be qualified to check the work done.

    Features of connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater

    If your home has an infrared heater, then the thermostat is simply necessary for it. The thermostat for the infrared heater is capable of monitoring and maintaining the specified temperature values \u200b\u200bfor a long time. In addition, it will allow you to warm the rooms in advance, it will reduce the risk of fire and make the atmosphere in your home as comfortable as possible. To understand the intricacies of connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater, we will first consider the principle of its action, the work mechanism and select the main types of thermostats.

    How it works

    As a rule, the thermostat is functioning cyclical. In this case, there is opening and closure of the power grid. At this time, the temperature sensor sends the signals and thereby regulates the temperature.

    If the temperature rises, the resistance of the internal sensor is reduced. If the resistance increases again, the desired temperature is achieved, the thermostat is started, and the electrical cap ops. When the temperature decreases and the sensor cools, the return process takes place: the resistance increases, the thermostat is turned on again, but this time the chain is closed. Next, the thermostat is connected directly to the infrared heater and the room temperature is set. automatically .

    The thermostat controls the climate in the room and the main source of heat. It turns on and off itself when necessary.

    As you know, infrared micatermic heaters warm not the surrounding space, but the items in it. The thermostat also makes this process more convenient and thoughtful.

    Types of thermostats

    According to the cyclical principle described above, almost all thermostats are functioning. At the same time, there are many differences between them, which affects the connection algorithm, control mode and configuration:

    Mechanical thermostat

    They are not so often used, but they are distinguished by reliability and ease of work. In fact, the mechanical thermostat is a small plastic box. Having lever to control the temperature regime. For ease of use, this thermostat has a special scale with divisions (a standard step is 1 degree).

    The mechanical thermostat is not quite suitable for the modern IR heater, but its connection is completely simple.

    The fact is that connecting in this case does not require electrical stroke. The process is fully mechanized. The climatic regime management occurs through the heating or cooling of the membrane inside the thermostat design. As a rule, besides the arrow - the temperature switch on the thermostat housing there is a button and a light indicator light indicator.

    Why is the mechanic popular? In the diagram of connecting the thermostat with the mechanical principle, it is easy to understand even a novice, and a non-suty design ensures durability of the service. In addition, such a device is much cheaper than electronic fellow.

    Electronic thermostators

    One of the main features of these devices is availability of display. where all the necessary information about the settings and processes occurring in the heater and the surrounding space is indicated. They require a mandatory connection to the power grid. Similar models are more expensive than mechanical. The control panel can be both keypone and sensory. In some programmable models, you can set parameters such as heating for a day or a week.

    You can control such devices and remotely, for example, using mobile applications.

    In addition, you can connect not only an infrared heater, but also a system of heated floors to such a thermostat. To do this, you only need to slightly change the temperature settings.

    Micatermic heater, equipped with an electronic thermostat, should not be installed under the UV-rays of the Sun or in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts, then it will last much longer and avoid breakdowns.

    Options for connecting thermostat

    Now it is necessary to find out how to connect the thermostat to the infrared heater, if you do not have any experience in such a work:

    1. Micatermic heater for home should not be a capacity of more than 3 kW.
    2. The thermostat is not recommended directly next to the device.
    3. Avoid sunlight on the thermostat housing.
    4. It is undesirable to connect an infrared heater to the thermostator in rooms with high humidity.

    The thermostat connection scheme to the IR heater

    Consider the standard diagram of connecting a household infrared heater through the thermostat:

    1. As a rule, the tarmemic heater connects to a standard outlet or using a selected line from the machine on the electrical panel. The thermostat is embedded in the network between the heater and the machine.
    2. Pay attention to the thermostat design. He has four terminals: two at the entrance and, accordingly, the same at the output.
    3. If one heater connects, two veins are deployed from the electrical panel to terminals. Two wires are connected to the terminals that are located at the exit (positive and minus). It is important to take into account polarity. Terminals are connected directly to the target heater.
    4. If the installation of two heaters occurs, the pair of wires are again supplied from the machine to the regulator: neutral and phase, and a pair of heaters are already made from the regulator. Connection type is parallel.

    Sometimes infrared thermostat heaters require a more complex connection. To correctly execute each step, it is better to follow the recommendations of the video, where everything is clearly shown and complemented by comments. It all depends on the design of the thermostat and the IR heater itself:

    1. The thermostat is connected to the machine on an electric shield.
    2. Terminals at the exit (+ and -) are connected to the magnetic starter.
    3. The speeds of the starter are connected directly to the infrared heating device.

    Connecting two heaters to the thermostat

    It is worth noting that this algorithm is also suitable for the regulator of industrial heating devices.

    Infrared heaters with thermostat involve compliance with safety rules. When working with a thermostat, you must remember about grounding. The circuit of the grounding of your climate instrument is obliged to have conductors of a certain thickness and with low resistance.

    It is best to have thermostats on the wall. For one room, one regulator is enough. The device is undesirable to cover with anything: cloth, curtains, interior items.


    What are so good infrared heaters with thermostat? They greatly facilitate the process of climate control in the room, save electricity and warm the room in advance even if you are far from home. The advantages are a huge set, the difficulty consists only in order to properly connect the thermostat to heating equipment. Therefore, it is important step by step to follow the manual instructions and comply with the safety technique.

    Forum electricians, installers, power engineers, designers.

    Registered: Oct 27 2015, 07:50
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    NVT, I realized that you had difficulty inserting this thermostat into the gap of the heater power circuit, in one word - in the cable break. I think what is needed like:
    1. The first cable lived on the socket side - on terminal 6, from it, one of the heater terminals;
    2. The second cable lived on the outlet side - on terminal 1;
    3. The second cable lived on the heater side - on terminal 3;
    4. Terminals 3 and 5 Close to each other
    5. All.))

    I bought an infrared heater for a country house. After some time, this thermostat Ballu BMT-1 was purchased. With its function copes, it is not expensive.

    For the pros, I think the installation of such a thing is a minute case, but I did not immediately understand. And the familiar bought such, also did not understand how to install it. Put and threw the scheme "on the fingers." And, of course, it is better to use the 4th residential cable at once.

    17 pros 5 minuses

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    on whit, the hell threw another wire naked in the presence of a three-core normal cable NUM? In the houses should be in a double shell.

    How to connect the thermostat to the infrared heater?

    With the onset of cold weather, many begin to think about the additional heating of their home. Since with the beginning of the heating season, as a rule, repair work begins at the places of the heating stoves. Or thoughts appear to switch to electric heating, as an additional alternative for the country house. In this article, we will talk about the temperature controlling device - the thermostat, namely, we will tell about how to install and connect the thermostat to the infrared heater.

    Nuances Installation

    We will not go into types and types of regulators, arrange a comparison and tournaments. All of them are good in their own way and will fulfill their appointment, serving faithfully. The first thing I want to pay attention is the installation location. It does not depend on what type of infrared heaters, panel, warm floor. convection.

    The installation of the thermostat with the air temperature sensor is prohibited in the following places:

    • in close proximity to the heaters;
    • in places where there is drafts;
    • in the zone of heating infrared emitters.

    All these places are unsuitable for the placement of the thermostat, since when it is located near the heater, the air next to it is heated to the desired temperature earlier, which will lead to a false response, as a result of which the room will not be warm up to a comfortable temperature.

    If you install the thermostat in the heating zone of the IR heater, its housing is heated earlier and distort the sensor readings. In places where there is a draft, the sensor will not show the desired temperature and heaters will overheat the room, spending excess electricity. The placement of the thermal sensor in height should be made in the comfort zone, at 1.5 meters from the floor.

    Connection schemes

    Always, before installing and connecting the thermostat, you mean with the instructions and passport data on the device. Since the manufacturer specifies the required cable cross section and gives a connection scheme to its products. In the case of retreat from requirements and savings on the wire and thermostats, there is a high probability of exit equipment or a threat of fire.

    Connection diagram of thermostat to an infrared heater with a capacity of up to 3.5 kW:

    If the heater heating is carried out by a group of heaters up to 3.5 kW, then the connection scheme will look like this:

    In the event that you are the winner of a three-phase network and heating is carried out by a group of heaters with a total capacity of more than 3.5 kW, a magnetic starter is added to the control circuit, which controls the thermostat:

    This is the installation of the temperature regulator for this principle. As you can see, there are some features in the installation and connection of the thermostat, so it is important to initially get acquainted with the instructions from the manufacturer, after which it starts to the main process.

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    Unlike radiators, infrared heaters help equip heating at a larger area with a much low temperature. This allows economically to heat up modern houses. To provide thermal comfort for users and the controlled operation of floor equipment, you should use controls. Below is information on how to connect the Ballu BMT 1 and BMT 2 thermostat, features and advantages of these devices.

    Control via thermostat VMT

    Thermal comfort is a subjective feeling of every person. This condition in which people perform ordinary homework without excessive overheating or supercooling. To regulate the temperature, thermostats are needed, they help to function correctly to infrared heaters. NMT is a modern feedback electronic device that supports the exact specified temperature.

    The system of its management is very simple and at the same time effective - you should set the value you need to achieve in the selected room. Sensors determine the temperature, and then include the device to achieve the desired value. After that, the heating devices automatically turn off. The following inclusion occurs when the temperature begins to fall. Such a management system saves electricity - heaters work only about 4-6 hours a day.

    Before answering the question, the thermostat of NTC 1: how to connect, you should know that the temperature in the apartment largely depends on the location of the heater. It is recommended to install it in an affordable place, away from drafts (windows, doors).

    Main advantages

    The main pluses of thermostators NTT include:

    • ease of use (just use the dial to set the desired temperature in the room);
    • low purchase costs and subsequent maintenance.

    Thus, temperature control inside the house allows you to maintain sufficient thermal comfort and reduce heating costs.

    Before mounting

    It should be known that the answer to the question: Thermostat NTC 2 - how to connect directly related to installing Ballu BMT 1. To safely install them, it is recommended to comply with the precautions:

    • before starting work, turn off the heater from the network;
    • use wires with standard colors and a suitable cross section.

    Value of wire colors:

    • brown phase - control cable;
    • blue phase - neutral wire n ("zero");
    • red or black - phase conductor.

    Installation of thermostat

    A few words about how to connect the thermostat Balle NMT 1. The installation of the device must pass consistently:

    1. Move the thermostat cover and remove the screws and plugs.
    2. In the outlet using the indicator screwdriver, define the phase.
    3. Brown wire (phase) attach to the sensor.
    4. By the third wire, according to the scheme, connect one end of the heater.
    5. To the remaining end, connect the blue wire.
    6. Between the third and fifth wire, put the jumper.
    7. After an intermediate test, in which the device is nicknamed to check if the thermostat works, the plastic box is put on.

    Figure below indicates how to attach the Ballu BMT 1 thermostat according to the connection scheme. To the location of the device lay the wiring, which is connected to zero or phase.

    The thermostat of Ballu BMT 2 connection diagram is similar to the above, only the number of terminals are different. After installation, the instrument is connected to the infrared heater of a separate line.

    If you have any questions, call us! Our consultants will advise you.

    3000 V.

    220 B.

    10-30 degrees

    Sensor type
    & nbsp.

    ~ 1.5 M.

    The size
    83x83x38 cm

    The BMT BMT Industrial Concern is a BALLU thermostators, specializing in the production of climate and engineering equipment.

    Ballu BMT-1 thermostators CAN control both heating and cooling. These thermostat are used to connect any electrical heaters or for cooling devices, such as air conditioners, fans. Especially often used when connected to ceiling infrared heaters.

    A distinctive feature of this thermostat is the presence of a light indicator. That is, the light bulb lights up until the temperature in the room reaches the set value on the thermostat. After that, the thermostat turns off the device automatically and includes when the temperature changes by 1 degree.

    Since this thermostat is mechanical, it is excellent for power grids with large voltage drops, especially in dachas. Plus mechanics are still Ballu BMT-1 You can use at large negative temperatures up to -20 degrees.

    Also, a plus is that the BLLU BMT-1 thermostat is made in the case of an overhead type, which is convenient when mounting in a wooden house.

    This thermostat is produced in China. Warranty 1 year.

    . Automatically maintains the set temperature
    . Has a built-in air temperature sensor
    . Wall posting
    . Inclusion indicator

    . Temoregulator
    . Instruction
    . Self-tapping screws

    . Low cost.
    . The presence of the light indicator (light bulbs).
    . No shutdown button.
    . Low accuracy.

    Ballu BMT-1 Temperature Regulator Photos

    Connection Schemes Ballu BMT-1 Term Control (Download)

    Instructions, certificates and documents on the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat (download)

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    What is the thermostat and what is it needed for?
    The thermostat is a device with which you can specify the required temperature in the room. The thermostat is built in the air temperature sensor. That is, when the set temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off the device, and when the temperature drops, it includes. This allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature automatically.

    How is the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
    Disassembly is very simple. From the end of the thermostat housing, unscrew the connecting screw and disassemble into two parts. Next, connect according to the scheme to the network and the heater thermostat.

    Where and how is the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
    The BLLU BMT-1 thermostat is installed on the wall, at an altitude of 1.2 - 1.5 meters from the floor level. The thermostat is overhead, so it is screwed to the wall with simple self-draws. Install the thermostat is needed in a place where there are no drafts and direct sunlight. It is necessary for the correct operation of the temperature sensor installed in the thermostat.

    How to connect the heater to the thermostator?
    To connect the thermostat, minimal knowledge is needed in the electrician. The Ballu thermostat is connected by a diagram that goes into the manual for the heater or to the thermostat.

    How many heaters can be connected to the BALLU BMT-1 thermostat?
    The thermostat Ballu BMT-1 has the maximum allowable current 16 A. This means that it can withstand the total power connected to the thermostator, 3500 W. For example, you have a 3 heater of 1000 W, it means that you will need 1 Ballu BMT-1 thermostat.

    The temperature in my room does not match the temperature installed on the thermostat. Why?
    This can occur for various reasons.
    If the temperature in the room is significantly lower installed after a long time of the heaters, it may mean that you lack the power of installed heaters. It is required to change the heater to a more powerful one or add another heater.
    Another reason for this discrepanation of the temperature may be that straight solar rays or fluxes of warm air fall on the thermostat. The temperature inside the thermostat turns out to be higher than the air temperature in the room, which leads to incorrect work.
    If the room temperature turns out to be larger than the installed, then the reason may be drafts in the installation area of \u200b\u200bthe thermostat, or the cold, the wedge wall on which it is installed.
    Also, you should not install the thermostat at an angle to the left or right. The ventilation holes should be strictly bottom and from above and should not be closed. Otherwise, the errors of the established temperature may occur both greater and smaller.

    I want to put heaters on the balcony, and adjust the temperature on the balcony from the room. How to do it?
    To solve this task, use a thermostat with a remote temperature sensor. BALLU BMT-1 The temperature sensor is built in and therefore this thermostat model is necessarily installed in the room where the temperature is required.

    In the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat, there is no "ON / OFF" key, how to be if I want to completely turn off the heater?
    In this case, there are several options. One of them make the plug at the end of the wire and turn on or off the heater from the outlet. You can also put a separate switch next to the thermostat or make a connection from a separate automaton so that you can turn off the heater regardless of the room temperature.

    What thermoregulator is better, mechanical or electronic?
    The electronic and mechanical thermostat has its advantages and cons.
    Electronic has a built-in thermometer, which allows measuring the temperature in the room. There is no hydraulic thermostructure in the mechanical thermostat. It is only a regulator that includes and turns off the heater depending on the specified temperature. Therefore, if accurate temperature measurement is necessary, then use better electronic thermostat.
    The mechanical thermostat is more resistant to voltage drops. Therefore, indoors where there are voltage jumps, it is better to use a mechanical thermostat.

    I have heaters are in different rooms, can I connect them to one thermostat Ballu BMT-1?
    Technically there is no obstacles to this connection, but since the temperature sensor is installed inside the thermostat, it will be correctly adjusted only in the room where the thermostat is set. In another room can be either too cold or too hot.

    If I have a big room, and I want to connect heaters to one thermostat Ballu BMT-1, and the total heaters current is greater than 16a, what to do?
    If the total heaters current is greater than 16a, then it is necessary to use a magnetic starter (contactor). A magnetic starter is selected based on the capacities of all the heaters you want to connect.