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The passage of the game Wolfenstein New Order. Wolfenstein: The New Order Passage

If you have problems with nEW ORDER gameYou can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. NEW ORDER. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Passage New Order Read on our site.

Chapter 1: Skull Fortress

Look at a small video, stand up and look around. Go deep into the aircraft, take the ribbon. Continue the way inland, because of the explosion everywhere fire, turn off the gas supply. Run in the cargo compartment. Take the knife to the right, cut the rope to throw out the extra cargo. Go to the partner, go down the pipe and start driving a huge gun. You woke up on the plane again. Click on the lever. Communicate with a partner, wait until the aircraft go down and jump. Serve a combat comrade. Run in the compartments. Talk to the pilot. See the video.

You need to get to guns to kill Robobobam. Open the door, run and slip quickly in the podka so that you are not soiled. Swatch under water forward, do not pop up too often, and then get a bullet in the forehead. Take the gun control, kill dogs. Next, come to your fighters, talk to them. Run through the ditch, destroy the fascists. Destroy the gun. Jump down, lie and kill the soldier.

Run along the corridors, kill bad guys. Take up. Now you need to eliminate two soldiers per BTR. When you finish, sit down in the gun and blew up the plane to the left of you to clear the way. After a small roller, go upstairs and kill the Nazis in the windows. Roller again. You are inside the fortress, work out everything and go to the hall. Click on the sword, minute narrow corridors. With a run, jump and look at the scene, where everything will end in failure.

Action is transferred to the crematorium, your partner turned on the fire. Take the key from the first box on the left (closer to all to the corpses) and open the door. Save the partner from the center of the room. In the new premises you will have to kill Titan (shoot on the tubes that are on the shoulders). As you finish, watch the doctor. He grab you and ask you to kill one of two people, choose who will be a victim of psychic. After a while, take a stick in your hand, kill the soldier and free from the shackles. Uncheck gas pipesOpen the window connecting a little earlier wires and run out of the room.

Chapter 2: Medical

You will be in captivity of your mind for a very long time, see how the world changes. The years go, the Nazis kill the doctor, take the knife and start the slaughterhouse. Villains kidnapped Any, you need to save it. Kill everyone on the floor, go down and keep stripping. Go to the main room, restore the power supply, open the gate. Go out into the street, blow up flying robots, several soldiers. Inspect the girl, sit down in the car and go where your eyes look. In the nearest scenes you will learn the whole truth about the present.

Chapter 3: New World

Get stuck in the basement. Listen to the Germans. Take from the table glasses and suit from the closet. Now it remains to choose a chainsaw and start torturing the fascist. He will tell you where the fighters of resistance are. You will have to go to Berlin. A small roller, give the hand of the grandfather. Clean the eastern area. Go further, go to the house. You need to clean the whole territory and open the gate. Fascists will be very much, so save the cartridges. How finish, sit down in the car. Now you need to fully clean the Western territories - break. How finish, sit down in the car. Suddenly, two robots will appear, kill them from machine guns (shoot in the eyes). How do you finish see the video.

Your train rides Berlin. Pour coffee, sit at the table to the lady and guy. You need to go through the test for Aryan blood (choose blue eyes, then the photo where more white and at the end of the spider). Go to Anna to the end of the corridor. Get with her sex.

Chapter 4: Aisenwald Prison

Look at the street. Anna will go to distract the fascists. Go on the roofs, penetrate the building. Go to the mechanism, take the arrester and insert into the cutter on the table. Further upstairs, charge your tool. Cut the lattices, jump from running around to another building. Open one of the windows and surrenders inside. Kill everyone on the floor, get out through the window, go through the protrusions and jump on the car.

Go up, and then left to the roof. Kill the fascists, charge your device and cut the grille to go to another location. Go straight and left, wake through the pipe. Quickly run from the robot to the right, climb through the collapse and cut the grille. Go on the bottom, kill the fascists. Sit down to the elevator and upstairs. Take the keys from the barracks, open the door at the end of the corridor. Go straight, knock on the door. Kill the guard. Free prisoners.

Stand on the table, cut the chain. Go through the mines to the end, go down and kill the guard. Take the weapon, go back to the corridor and eliminate the fascists. Together with your partner, go to the control consoles, at the same time open the lattices. Get down the stairs to freedom. Below, turn off the electricity and run from Rodinosaurus. Next, you find yourself on the alley, where came from. Protect the partner while it opens the gate. Follow it through the building, kill everyone. Once out on the street, sit down in the car and go ahead as quickly as possible.

Chapter 5: New house

Talk to Ceroine. Then climb up, talk with a new friend. You need to find a folder. Go to the next room and inspect the wall. To get the folder, go upstairs and find scrap on one of the walls. Return back, remove the boards and get documents. Take them to Kerolain.

Chapter 6: London Nature

You got from Berlin to London. You need to get to the scientific center of Natika. After the explosion, go across the debris, avoid a big robot. Combined the building, kill a couple of fascists. Take the weapon, go to the hall, Egzosoldat will attack you there. Spicy the walls, shoot him in a red lantern on my head.

Go to the next room, there will have to kill the crowd of fascists and another robot. As you finish, discover the gate and go to the room with the planets. Close up, lower the satellite in the main room. Jump with it to the bottom pass, go to the elevator. From the run, jump on it, then up the rope and mines. Go to the right, break the elevator (shoot 4 corners) and upstairs. Look at the roller about weapons. Climb upstairs, burn chains. Turn on the mechanism, and then steal it.

Cut the walls, go through the elevator mines to the landing strip. Kill two robots, many fascists and one big robot. You can use machine guns. After the battle is completed, go to Kerone, take it on your hands. Go to the helicopter, put a lady to the cockpit. Fly with her.

Chapter 7: Mystery

You need to learn more about secret weapons. Talk to Anya. You need to get documents and cement. Inspect all doors. You will understand that you need the key. Go down, the passage is open. Right and straight, inspect the wall and talk to friends. Go left from the wall, inspect the grinder. You will fall down. Go through the catacombs to the stairs, we fear robots.

Rising upstairs, saw the wall with mold. Max will be offended and go away, his adoptive father will ask you to collect toys. You can not execute this task. Close up, go to the room of your old friend and get the key. Open it closed door, get documents and attribute Anne. It turned out that the German concrete is not ordinary and need to know the secret, for this you will have to get into the camp of the fascists.

Chapter 8: Belitz Camp

Go with a crowd. Then when you go to the left, stand up from the machine and bring yourself a tattoo. Go through the door and stand up at the machine. Mix the concrete (press the buttons in a specific order: right, left and center). At some point falls the item, throw it into the bucket. Talk to the guy who stands on the right, change with him clothes. See the video. Go to the sixth blog. Go straight to the barracks, then left and talk with a guy in the left corner. You need to disable the protection system, steal the mechanism for charging the console. Then you can save slaves and set growth will go with you. Go left, remove the door and jump into the pit with corpses.

Go straight and left, the Nazi will grab you. See the roller with torture. Then get out of the oven, inspect everything and eliminate the fascists. Close up, kill the doctor. Turn off the protection system. Go outside, talk to the growth, he will ask to find the charger. Go to the left in the room, from where they came from. Go through the alley in another case. Kill everyone, go into the basement and take the sensor. A small roller. See how growth controls a big robot. Sit on it after liberation and go to the garages, kill the fascists. Protect growth. After friends are saved, get into the car and go back to Berlin.

Chapter 9: New Tactic

Communicate with increasing. Go upstairs, look welding machine. Go down, now ask the thing you need from Fergus. He will say that you need to dive under the water. Return to the radio, talk to the Negro. He will open your aisle. Sk up water. Swim to the shore. Go to the hall, kill robots. Split ahead passage. From the top you need to get a ladder, go up on it. Take the welding machine to grow.

Chapter 10: Berlin Catacombs

Sit into the boat, dive under the water. Swim through the underwater corridor to the goal. Split them further into the hall and down. Leave your boat, swim through the caves, and then upstairs. You will find yourself in the area of \u200b\u200bpumps. Next, up the stairs, turn the valves. Sweep between them, and then left. Focus on the map. At the end you will be at the railway station. Go one of the three corridors. Kill the Germans. Go to the main train car and click on the lever. Mahina can not go on the road, because the arrows are not translated. Leave the train, go to the left and look at the right wall. Open small door, Kill the mutant-fascist and go through the room. Next to the top of the stairs, then left and you will find yourself around the main console. Change the direction of the arrows and go back to the train (there will be many fascists on the way back, you can bypass them). Return the train to friends, you will have to go on the submarine of the fascists, hiding in the torpedo.

Chapter 11: Submarine

Get out of the torpedo. You need to come to the radio and kill the captain. Most of the level will have to go one corridor and kill the fascists. Beware of major enemies, because they have shotguns with a mass damage. Use pomegranates or cutter against them (blue cartridge). Kill in the end of the captain, saw the bombs. Connect your sensors to the radio. See the dive on the water. Wait until the growth opens the gate. Go behind him. Move to the main hall. Small scene. With charges, build the staircase upstairs, lower the elevator and go upstairs. Listen carefully to the dialogues, find the hexagon, insert into the mechanism that next to your partner. From the roller, you will find out that you need to intercept the fascists, kill them and go to the moon.

Chapter 12: Gibraltar Bridge

C runs jump on bridge debris. You need to get to 6 wagon, which weighs over the abyss in the very epicenter of the accident. Go through the wagons, eliminate the fascists. Be careful, automatic machine guns are on the roofs of broken cars. Fear large Nazis, they have a powerful weapon. Bypassing collapsed command center, jump into the helicopter. Fly to another part of the bridge. Kill all your enemies, run in straight and get into 6 wagons. Go down, inspect the corpse. Now you have to go to the moon.

Chapter 13: Moonlight Station

Leave the shuttle. Go through the corridors in the landing room. Complete medical examination. Write in the opening on the right. Take the weapon. Split the wall, open the door. Go to the hall, kill the fascists. Go to the exit, the minutes of the room and the corridors, eliminate fritzs along the way. Put the costume, go through the moon to the new space station. Bring three flying robots. Going to a new space center, remove the costume and get a new weapon in your hands. It needs to be charged as a plasma cutter gun. Go to the server, scan codes for launching nuclear missiles. Go to the train, sit down. You will start attacking robots, you will later get through ventilation. As a result, you will find yourself in the hall. Kill two large mutant soldiers. Sit into the shuttle, go to the ground.

Chapter 14: Return to London Nature

Sit in the shuttle, wait until it explogs. Then get rid and jump from it to the rope. Move into the building window, clean the hall from the Nazis. Go down to the outlet through the rooms. In the middle of the way, destroy the helicopter (just shoot in the blade or fuel tank). Go to the alley. Nazis do not want to let you go and caused a large robot on the face, you could see it in the first chapter on the shore. Immediately run to the catacombs. You need to start shooting in the central eye, and then destroy 6 rocketties (3 on each side). Then you must shoot again in the eye, and then shoot under robots, for this run under it. After the victory, look at the dream and sit in the car, which rides Berlin.

Chapter 15: Out

Your team point is attacked by the fascists. Guard a friend's body. Then go through the database through the sewer. Go through all the rooms and floors, kill the Nazis. Try to find and save friends. At the end of the way, you will find yourself in the hangar. Fight a huge robot. Run through the openings between the beams, shoot on a monster from the plasma-gun. After the victory, sit down to the helicopter and go to the skull base to save friends and apply a crushing point to the Nazis.

Chapter 16: Return to Cherep Castle

Go through the catacombs in the castle. Before you there will be a large room with two floors. Destroy all the Nazis and Robots. Go on the first floor right, then right. Go through the corridors, click on the Laissance button of the prisoners. Next you are waiting for a laboratory. A familiar enemy will attack you, look at the scene of torture, and then put the throat of your enemy. Get to the elevator, go upstairs. Speak with Anna. At the last moment, the elevator will change direction and raise you into the room with a skull. He will take your friend's brain (the one you gave to kill in the first chapter) and insert him into the robot. You will have to fight with a live car. Throw into it an electric bomb, quickly run up and remove the brain. Do not finish this game, you need to defeat the skull in a nano-costume. Break on the right or left the barrier. In both ends of the card, there are cannons, with their help destroy the shutters. Next, shoot an energy-powder in the skull. After with a dozen hits, his shield disappears, and the boss itself will fall under the ground. Run behind him. Now everything will be more difficult. You need to get 5 times in a row right in the skull from any rifle in 15 goals. The problem is that there are no first-aid kits on the location and everywhere fire, in addition to this, the Nazi shoots from the machine gun. Try to constantly move in different ends of the card. When the robot falls, go to the skull, kill him. Finally, the villain will blow up a grenade, from her you will get serious wounds. Give a decree to destroy everything with the help of nuclear missiles. Final titers. The game is passed.

The game will begin in the plane. You will immediately be given a job overlaid. Make what is specified in the task and return to your cabin. Next you will need to go to the doors, which opened and cut absolutely all the mounts, in order to throw the cargo. Return to your cockpit again.

And now it's time to disseminate a couple of enemies, so move to the specified tool and start fire on flying enemies, which sharply fell on you. You have a crash, after which you need to take a first-aid kit. You will need to go further to a little embezzlement, namely jump from your aircraft to the next, there is nothing difficult. How to find yourself on the allied plane, then talk to the soldiers and go to the pilot compartment.

Browse the video and talk on the phone. After a telephone conversation, you will get a new task. Ruiser boxes and slip under the mechanical robot. Dive into the water and swim to another aircraft (keep in mind that if you decide to get fresh air and come out, then immediately grab the bullet in the head). How to swim, the plane is on the aircraft and sit down for a machine gun. You need to pick up all enemies, then talk with the rest of our compatriots.

After the conversation, it's more likely to go ahead and pick up a hole that is in the floor. Go forward, take the garnets and blew up with the help of their turret, which will meet. The turret is destroyed, so moving on. You need to remove one of the fascists, which is behind the doors. Just shoot through the slot on his feet. Go forward to traveling along the way, destroying enemies that are in strengthening.

Move on your map. You need to get to the first position of the fascists. Kill all opponents and take dynamite from them. And now you have two outputs: you can now disseminate the doors or return a little back and spread the hatch, which is located on the floor.

Go and soon you will need to climb upstairs and sit behind the weapon. Attack the tank, after which you do not delay and move on. Following the task, you need to dissemble the remains of the aircraft that blocked the path further. Immediately after the fragments, the dog will attack you, which you also need to shoot, then climb up.

On the rope, climb up and look around. Now you have to fight not only with ordinary soldiers, but also with machine guns. At the top jump into the window.

Now we recommend that you do not move too fast, as you meet a lot of enemies. There is a secret passage that can be discovered by having tightening on a statue with a sword. The statue stands near the same picture. Although you can make just meat and disseminate all Fritz.

Pour again into the window, after which you will meet the fascists with dogs and machine guns. Do not think and immediately hold them. After that, get behind the machine gun and make a bloody meat again. As the influx of enemies calms down, then reset the machine gun and break the specified goals scrap. Go to the liberated passage and go to the opposite bank, where follow your soldiers.

How to wake up - you will be asked to find the key. It will be in the drawer next door. Take the wounded fellow and drag before exit. Here you will need to defeat your first gaming boss - a metal enemy. Most effectively combat him with two guns at the same time. How to win, you have to choose which of two soldiers should die ...

Chapter 2.

See new video Roller and after, you need to attack the soldier. Next, go to the corridor and neutralize the guards. Going to the stairs to find a shotgun - take it. Go down further slightly lower and soon stumble into the control panel. Behind the button that opens the doors, there is a secret storage in which you can take an upgrade for your health.

You will have to come from the building to face the game of the new future meat. For your own comfort, you can find a shelter at more convenient and fire from there. Next, go to the girl and watch the next video.

Chapter 3.

Go down to the basement. The basement will stand a closet in which you can find a statuette with apron. In the box, that nearby - take glasses and it's time to spend the interrogation officer now. Another roller and again on the road.

In this task you can pass both in the "Stealth" mode, and destroy everyone on your way. In general, move along the territory to transport.

Now climb the tower and go to the next design. Go down from here down and on the signage climb the stairs. Here you need to neutralize one frka and click on the button. As a result, we clean the locality, twirl the lever and back to the car.

So, continue in the same spirit and cleaned another place, then get ready for battle with two robots. Robot You can destroy the shooting from the machine guns that are standing on the towers, but there is an option also with the buttons near the body machines - the glands came out.

Chapter 4.

Pour coffee and pass by the tables behind which officers are sitting. They will not miss you past themselves and ask to sit down to pass a small test. In the test, you just choose the pictures you like and go to your room. See on video. In your room, select the window and go on the eaves for a long time. Soon you will reach the pipe at which descend to the hatch.

In the next room you can find a cutter for a hatch along with the battery. Go a little higher and cut the grilles. At one of the lattices will be hidden a cache. Next, jump from one house to another and kill the soldiers. On the wall you can find a map of the territory. Go further and neutralize another couple of enemies. After them, climb the window and jump more on the roof of transport.

Close to the top and go along the roof. Somewhere on the edge will need to cut the chain with its special tools and kill the soldiers. It is advisable to remove each soldier one by one. Throw a knife in them. You also need to ensure that you should not get into the attention of turons and not approaching too close to the red rays. Complete the obstacle and find the pipe in one corner - it is in her who you need to go down.

How to be at the bottom, you will need to immediately run on the right side of a huge robot. Soon you will need to cut off the chain and descend rather down. After, cutting the blocking grille and go down even lower.

Tear along the long ventilation miner and already at the exit you will find a soldier who decided to make his business in the toilet. Kill it as quiet as much as possible. Soon you will meet another couple of fighters together with the dog. As you will be indoors where the bedroom is located, then the key will lie on the wall near the window, which can open the doors to you at the end.

Go through the bridge and cut the chains with doors. At the very bottom, in a huge pile of coal, you can find treasures. Next, you will need to hack another castle, after which you will again meet a large robotic dog. Rather, run away from it and cut along the chains. Soon you can climb up and release all prisoners.

Close to the table and cut the chain, then kill enemies. Go a little ahead and shoot along the way all Friki. In some places you will help prisoners. Cut the power supply and pass further behind your allies. When your new friends start opening the doors, then drive it off. How to find out on the street, then be extremely careful. On the left side there will be a car in which you will need to jump, then leave. Soon your transport will turn over and it will be necessary to choose from it soon, since the tank rushing on you.

Chapter 5.

Rather jump into the water and move to asylum. There are talking to the former fascist. In the room where a woman is located, you can find important documents. For the picture you can find more and treasure. Next you need to crawl up to take a montage there. Now go back to the Max room and destroy the wooden beam. It will be important documents for it. After we take them, you can go back to Carel.

Chapter 6.

So, on the transport, go to the specified point. After, you are shown a video, after which it is necessary to move to the specified target. Move to the passage in which the light burns brightly. It is there that you have to perform a podcast. On your way, the lattice will again arise, cutting the dog's robot again for you again. From this mechanical monster you need to run forward and eventually execute again. After that, the mechanized creature will be stopped and friki and a big robot will be raised on your way - they need to be destroyed.

How to find yourself in the building, then crowds of opponents will immediately attack you, so before running on the most thick of events, sneeze on the stairs on the left side and begin to slowly destroy them from the shelter. Here you can find a safe in which your health will be. If you go up and get into the hatch above, then you will find another treasure, and then, another treasure can be found in the next room on the shelf.

Now lift the doors and kill Friesk. Select upstairs and get to the main place where the button will be - click on it. Jump on the beam and kill the guards here, then cut the chains that are on the hatch. Climb on the roof of one of the elevators and become on the platform. At this place you need to shoot brakes.

After shelling, go to the room where the test of new weapons is carried out. We climb up and cut the chains that hold a huge plate in the test room. After, launch the test process and take new weapons. Now you need to dump - cut the hole in the wall. If you leave to the top and shift another hole, then you will find the treasure. And here you can reset another elevator.

In the next area you will meet a huge number of enemies, so it is extremely gently kill each opponent. Also, you will be able to find a huge number of boxes that are full of health, armor and cartridges, so that equipment will always be. Helicopters have machine guns, so the task can be facilitated. After you figure it out with all the Germans, a huge robot will immediately appear. On this robot, you can try to experience your weapon, which can also be recharged from the stations. The most convenient tactics is to drive the enemy in a circle. How to overpower it "iron", then move to the room from where it came - here we climb up. After descend and prompt to the helicopter.

Chapter 7.

(Secret level)

How to find yourself on your database, you will have a secret level. You can find this level if you can climb up the bed on which the "nightmare" is written. You can take this level every time, but after you return from the next task.

Talk to Anya and she will give you a new task. You need to find concrete, which was covered with mold, but first it is necessary to take the key from one of the comrades. Along the way, capture important documents that lie near the strange lady. Going to the basement, you can find the cherished concrete. On the left side of the stove - you will be forced to take it, after which you will fall and you will have to find the passage. Downstairs in the sewage you can find a couple of quite useful items. How else will you choose from here, then go back to the moldy concrete and cut the piece to be attributed to Anna.

Chapter 8.

So you will fall into the camp. Go along with the crowd along the corridor. Having passed the corridor, you need to go to the room where you will be swamped - put the number and stripe. Go to the next room and here you will be forced to interfere with concrete. In a conversation with an African partisan, you can find out where to find a person you need, but first break the concrete mixer. For this, press the following keys: right, left, back. This action must be repeated until you break this technique. After one of the details falls out, then throw it into this concrete mixer and in the end you will break it. How the accident occurs, then talk to the same as you are prisoners. It is located on the right side. After the conversation, go to the barracks. You need to go there through a red output.

In the house you will find an old man from whom you know what you need to do further. Go to the building, which is located at the very end of this area. But before entering - talk to a girl, dark skin shade. From her you will receive a new additional task.

As you just get stuck down, you will immediately catch you. But how to get around, you can go comfortably in the "Stealth" mode. In one of the rooms on the wall you can find a map. In order to fulfill an additional quest and kill the knife, you will have to go a little back. Next, find the button and turn off the security system. Now you can go back to fresh air And tell the girl that the knife is killed. Catch further with my grandfather and go to the next wing.

Go through the factory and will soon need to climb on the building forests upstairs. Next, also try to pass in the "Stealth" mode. If you go down to the left and kill extremely neatly dog \u200b\u200band security guard, you can find a knife. Go now down and find a power unit there.

Now the video will follow, after which you will manage a huge robot. Kill all the Nazis from your handmade machine gun, and as for the like-robots like themselves, they are best destroyed by their missiles. Go through to the end and land the grandfather. He immediately takes the liberation of prisoners, and you will have to cover his back. As you can overcome all, go down and go down to the garage. Immediately, in the garage, in the left room you can find another treasure. Now sit in transport and linake from here.

Chapter 9.

To begin with, go and sleep well to get a new increase to your health. Well, if you have a desire to play once again in Wolfenstein 3D, then go to the top. But after sleep, you will need to go to helicopters and talk to your comrades, in order to find out the location of the welding machine. After that, go back to the main hall and talk along with black. As a result, dive for the fallen burner.

After, swimming and climb on the edge. Charge a weapon and make your way to the opposite direction. Shot a fastener that keeps the staircase on top. Climb up to the top and just get into the room where the hanging boxes are located. Shot fasteners absolutely have all the boxes. Next will have to destroy robots that suddenly appeared. How to overpole cans, Move to doors, after which we climb into the ventilation shaft. Inside, you will need to cut a chain that does not give to open the doors.

How to do everything and come back to the central hall, then talk with a girl who cries. She lost the ring and you will need to find it. Ring is B. toilet room, on the very last floor. In the end, give the specified burner of the grandfather and move to your new task.

Chapter 10.

Close to the submarine and swim before the passage. So, the first pass will be closed with a grid, so, in order to go on, you will need to first cut the chain. In order to open the second pass, you will need to twist and cut the chains on the other side. Next you will enter the room with huge screws.

In this room you will need to climb the stairs up and here - turn towards the lever. But note that it should work out that the hole on the first screw and the second turned out to be below. And here I am swimming the second screw you can find a couple of treasures. The first treasure, you will find literally immediately, but the second, only at the very end of the tunnel on the left side.

Now choose to rice to the pipe. Find the control room and jump the lever again, in order for the water level to rise. You can now sail further. In the next room you need to cut the chains on the mines, in order for the way to be further clean. Next, find the passage and after - elevator. As a result, you will have to cut a hole in the fence.

After penetration, you need to clean this territory and note that there will be a huge number of diverse enemies. As a result, after a big dumping, you will need to pull the lever, after which you will comply with a huge robot. Next, open the doors again and find the control room. As soon as you sick on the button, it will come out a huge number of enemies, there will be even a couple of robots among these enemies. After another disassembly, go to the train and go further.

Chapter 11.

Get out of the torpedoes. Next you can either be secretly or noise to kill enemies. Close up and in one room will be a picture - remove it. Go further and pass through all the Nazis in the cabins. In one cabin you can detect treasure. After passing further, you have a battle with two well-armored fighters. They are best killed with shotguns, but they are not the last. In the next room, you still have a pack of enemies. Keep in mind that you will be hidden, so it will be necessary to be extremely careful. In the steering, do all the indicated actions.

So, you will be under water. Go to the main hall and after, meet the old man, who issue a weapon as he will ask you about it. Move to the center of the room and on the left side on the stones you can take the treasure. You need to shoot on the balls to make the staircase. As the design is activated, you can move in the next room and by the way, be careful and do not miss the treasure on the shelf.

Chapter 12.

So, push the ball and rather jump on the ledge. Further go through the car and stumble upon a grenade launcher. Spread the turret and go to another car. As a result, move on to the opposite side of this bridge. Now expect you to wait for just huge crowds of enemies and note that one of this entire crowd of the Nazis will be in armor. How to figure with everyone, then go upstairs. Using the beam, make it possible to quickly on the next car and you can collect all the valuable items in it. After collecting, take a sniper rifle and start straightening with enemies.

Further you have to go most carefully, since the machine gun will be located on the right side. Go to the stairs and pass through all the enemies, after them you will need to go down through the hatch. Going away, you will need to kill local guards and go out. Climb into the helicopter and take the map on your seat.

When the turntable arrives, it is best not to sit for a helicopter for a long time, since the dog attacks you. Jump down and take the position on the right side in the shelter. By the way, by the way, you can find a safe, which will be added to your lives. Get the remaining Freaks and move to the car.

Chapter 13.

How will come up to the desired point, then move immediately to the control point. Next, through the buggage department, go to the next room. Lay the armament and open the neighboring room. Kill the soldiers and go further. Not far from the red generator, you can find an improvement for your weapon. Further in the corridor, clean all the specified compartments. You can walk through ventilation. Go further, destroy all opponents and again into the ventilation mine. Next, find the red pipe and crawl through it. How to find a skatewill, then dress it. After, you go out on the lunar surface. Go a little ahead and you have to destroy two robots, then jump onto the platform.

How to find yourself in the building, you can remove your skaander. At the end of the right side, take the lying scalpel and move on. Next you have to either kill everyone again, or go quietly and imperceptibly on the ventilation mine. As a result, you have to climb the elevator upstairs. You will meet the Nazis again who will need to kill. After the destruction of the group of enemies - move to the passage. Exit the hall and click on the button. On the left side you can find a safe in which the upgrade will lie for your health. Raby in the hatch and go further, pass through the way, destroying all the guards. Next, you need to spin on the ventilation mine to the elevator. After, choose from the elevator to the platform. Next, move to the escalator. In one room you can find treasure.

Chapter 14.

Shot the enemy and after, go out. At the very end of the huge room, take into a hole on the left side where you can cut the chains and go down. Here you need to destroy the soldiers and omit the specified rack. Next, move on and go down again. It should not be afraid, destroy all the enemies neatly.

Now you have to knock off the wandering turntable. To make it easier, go to the right side and shoot with a window that is closed with a blue screen. After, you need to go down below and destroy the approaching opponents. Take on the designs for mounting and go down just below straight to the pipes.

In shelters, it is better for you for a long time not to sit down, but to run and hide in sewage. Charge a weapon. You have to provoke a robot in such a way that one in turn will dissemble the specified shelters. Next, shoot on its guns when they are becoming red. First separate the six devices and at the end the main design. When the robot is aimed, shoot him straight in the eye. In the end, you will need to make a jerk and run under the robot to strike him into the opened hatch. The actions described above you have to repeat more than once, so gain patience.

Chapter 15.

You will have to shoot the upcoming enemies to the extent until Starina Max be able to drag her friend's body to the hatch. Get ready for total "meat", enemies will simply have a huge amount. Complete up and shoot a chain from the fan, then jump more. Next, you have to be very heavy and quite a difficult battle with very serious enemies - armored soldiers. It is best to kill them as always with shotguns. After them, move along the ventilation mine.

Suddenly, a dog attacks you, so be careful. To kill it, it is best to use the cutter. Well, in order to recharge your weapons, then move through the pipes from this creature. How the case will end with the victory, then you will rather go to your comrades, and then to the helicopter.

Chapter 16.

Swatch constantly forward and do not forget to pick up the lying treasure at the bottom. Go further and soon you will be given to a huge number of cartridges and weapons. Extremely carefully break further, since the enemies will simply have a huge amount. In the same room you can find a map of this location. After that, you have to disseminate the robot.

Further, not far from the doors with guards, you will have to cut hole on the right. After, you need to be extremely quiet and gently break up to the machine gun, with which you can disseminate all the Nazis. And you have to get the choice, you can move the same way, that is, destroying everything on your way or go through a bypass road. In the end, you will find another machine-gun installation with which you will need to disseminate enemies. As a result, you have to destroy the blonde, and after his murder, watch a video and move to the final battle.

General Skull

First you need to neutralize White. How you will be thrown out into the street, you will need to immediately collect grenades. Pomegranates must be thrown under the feet of the enemy, and when a strange cell will open on the chest, it is more likely to run and attack.

After that battle, General Skull himself will appear. Therefore, it is more likely to charge your weapons. You will need to make a hole in the fence, but first distract the general of the skull, so throw for a distracting garnet maneur. You have to move to the top and knock out a huge airship from the specified tool. In order to win the time on the jog, attack the enemy while he starts recharging his energy shield.

After sending a couple of airship to the bounces, then go to attack the general of the skull itself. To demolish its shield, it is best to use a cutter or a shotgun. Next, it is unexpectedly crane lightning and you will have time to patch yourself a little and replenish your guests. How to do it, you can come down again and fight the skull. The most important thing at this stage is not to get into the fire, since it can not be noticed if you retreat with your back, so watch it. There is a convenient position, for example, a platform - with it you can fire with a bait grenade launcher. After you overpower a robotic shell, you will also have to finish only the general of the skull.

On this finals, friends. Good luck everyone.

general information

Platforms: PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4.


The events of the game begin in 1946 alternative history.

The cowardly Americans are sitting on their continent and do not enter into the second world war. Fascist Germany at this time increases its battle power, destroying European states.

We play for the American officer of Polish origin named William Joseph Bi Ja Blaskowitz. As part of the assault group, we fly over the Baltic Sea, trying to get through to the German fortress of General Wilhelm Straße on nicknamed skull. General is a brilliant scientist and designer thanks to which fascist Germany Began to win in an alternative World War II.

System requirements
Wolfenstein: The New Order. PRESS TO PC

Characteristic Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
CPU Intel Core i7.
Intel Core i7.
AMD with Driver Catalyst 14.4
Video card 1 GB Video Ram, DirectX 11
(NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460)
(AMD Radeon HD 6850)
1 GB Video Ram, DirectX 11
(NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460)
(AMD Radeon HD 6850)
50 GB 50 GB
Operating system Windows 7 (SP1),
Windows 8 (64 Bit)
Windows 7 (SP1),
Windows 8 (64 Bit)

Chapter 1. Skull Fortress

In the sky
Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

Wake up in the cockpit of the aircraft. Our plane has just been shot down. The second pilot Fergus Reed sends us to eliminate a malfunction.

Task: eliminate an accident

We leave the cockpit of the pilot. Left open the locker and take instruments. Prolazimm in the hatch, tools ignite the left fuel line.

Task: Reset Cargo

We enter the cargo compartment, cut the knife six sling.

Secret. After completing the task, you can crawl into the hatch under the stairs, there will find the body armor (armor +50).

Task: Stand up to Tour in Cabin

We return to the cockpit of the pilot. Prolazis in the hatch between the seats, we fall into the cabin with a stationary machine gun. We begin to shoot many enemy fighters.

Enemies are out of order by our machine gun. Come into consciousness in the cockpit of the pilot, Fargus returns us to life. Over the right seat there is a lever. While Fargus says, we look at this lever without breaking down. Over our plane will fly another aircraft, we must see it. (IMPORTANT !!! Having shot down the lever, we check the first sketch in the diary. If there was no error of the game and there is no sketch, then you will not collect the full collection of items, start the game from the very beginning. Replaying a separate chapter will not help).

Task: Open Cab Door

In the next aircraft killed pilots. Our plane is already empty, without technology, and in the neighboring plane flies a whole platoon of soldiers, so you need to jump on it and get up behind the steering wheel there. Open the door to the right. First jumps over Fergus Reed.

Task: jump from running on "Condor-9"

We need to jump next. First we run out (SHIFT key), and then jump (the "Space" key). Need to immediately dare open doorOtherwise, flayed with the wing and fall.

Task: Return to Fergus

We climb into the next aircraft. Here we speak with the nearest soldier. We go forward, look around, we collect several aid kits. In the pilot cabin, we give a feeling of a lying soldier.

We look like Fergus is a plane on the coast.

Landing on Baker Beach
Wolfenstein: The New Order. Passage

The hero floats out of the water. On the surface attacks a large robot in the form of a dog - Pankener. As a result of the attack of the robot, we turn out inside the broken aircraft.

Task: answer the challenge

In the cockpit, we communicate with Fergus, we get the task to get to the machine gun in a nearby aircraft.

Task: To get to the turret in the plane

IN doorway Destroy the box with a knife blow. Ahead we see a robot punching through the plane trim. We make a subfolder (SHIFT + Ctrl, which is not very convenient) to slip into the hatch below.

We dive into the water. Under water sail along the cable at the bottom. If you go to the surface, the Germans will begin to shoot us. We swim to the next broken aircraft.

Task: Keep mechanical creatures

Sit down for the machine gun and shoot two small robots. Next we see a big walking robot, but it passes by.

Task: get to your

We run up to the allies that came out of the aircraft. Talk to Fergus.

Task: get into enemy trenches

We get a firearm gun-machine gun (for selection - key "4"). While the allies covers us, we need to run on the rally in the center of the beach. We run into the corps of a broken aircraft.

Under the ground we get into the trench. Here through the grille, we kill the bottom of the first two enemies. We go on the door to the left, we get into the bunker. We take grenades (for selection - the "2" key) and throw in an automatic machine gun.

From the explosion on the floor of the bunker is formed by a break, we jump there. Below we collect ammunition, first aid kits, armor. The door is closed ahead to pass, put in the floor (the "ALT" + "S" keys). Through the gap in the door we see the legs of the enemy, shoot on them. After that, the enemy will open the doors, finishing it.

We go forward along the trench, we kill all enemies on the way. You can shoot, peeping out of the shelter (clamp "alt" and click on the side where you need to look).

In the trenches we go to the north. Here we are attacked by two German shepherds, frightened armor.

We reach the third bunker. Through the window we see a German officer. We choose the knife (key "1"), sit down (key "Ctrl"), you are imperceptible to the officer and silently hit it from behind (press the mouse wheel). For this we get perk "Scout I". For the silent killing of an officer on the map the location of secret objects opens (but so far they are not visible, they are on the next location). A neighboring soldier also kill silently.

We are moving forward along the trench. Ahead group of three soldiers and one more officer. They do not see us, so everyone can be silent to kill with a knife. For 5 silent killings we get perk "Throwing knives". On the right, we look at the bunker, we see in it large fugasic shells.

About the next bunker another group of enemies. The officer can kill a metal knife, but the ordinary soldiers will not be unnoticed to kill, because they look at each other.

We reach deadlock, we enter the door, we take explosive And other ammunition. Explosives Install on large gate. Ahead. After the explosion, we can enter the huge bunker.

Bunker BE.332.
Wolfenstein: New order. Walkthrough

Task: suppress anti-aircraft

After entering the bunker, it is impossible to go back already.

If we entered the bunker through the main gate, we will have to fight with the enemies, one of which costs the machine-gun installation. To kill a machine gunner, shoot him on my feet, he covered the armor of the machine gun from above.

If we entered the bunker through an underground stroke, then we can approach enemies from behind, silently kill the officer and finish the rest of the soldiers.

The stairs rise to the fourth floor. Upstairs kill enemies, we go to the balcony and silently kill the Zenitchik. We can sit down for an anti-aircraft gun and destroy the gigantic robot Toptun (for this we shoot it to attract attention, then we shoot his luminous part when it starts to accumulate charge).

From the site we go to the left door, we go through a wide range, shoot enemies.

We approach the second anti-aircraft installation, also eliminate its gunner.

Task: get to the walls of the castle

Sit down to Zenitka, shoot left to remove the rest of the aircraft from the way. After that, we shoot in the convinced soldiers.

We go on the way to the castle. Here the Pankener attacks us and bites her leg, but the allies explode in time.

On the street we grab the arm of the ally and we climb upstairs.

Castle skull
Wolfenstein (2014). Walkthrough

Task: get to the control post

Together with the team of surviving soldiers, we start storming the castle. We climb upstairs on the sheer wall using a rope, shoot enemies from the windows. Upstairs click lever armTo open the castle gate.

Task: meet the rest

The left and right of the lever fell counterweight. Jump in any passage. We go narrow corridor. Here in front will see enemies. It is better to kill everyone from a pistol with a silencer. On the second turn we turn right. Ahead is silently killed combat Psa.And then the officer.

We descend on the transition "C" (oriented on the map), at the bottom we find the second officer. Next to it there is a plan of the inside of the castle.

We enter the large hall with a screw staircase in the center.

We go through the top floor of the building. In the hall we kill another officer. We go to the balcony, go outside along the path along the castle walls. We will start shooting from the bottom floor.

Task: Get out into the yard

Fergus comes into touch, and calls us to the courtyard, where help is needed. We go to another part of the castle. We pass around the room with drawers.

We go to the balcony, we see a round courtyard with many floors. Our allies are standing and waiting for the middle floor. Sit down for the far machine gun, start shooting enemies on the upper and lower floor.

Task: meet at the crash site

We go to the right, pass through the plane, stuck in the walls of the castle. Here we meet allies. We pick up a broken scrap, move the beam, we climb up. Following the soldiers, jump into the abyss, but as a result, everyone falls down.

Task: escape from the crematorium

Find out in the crematorium. Enemies include oven to burn us. You need to find the key from the door. Quickly search all lockers near the doors. The key is in the left cabinet from the left wall.

Open the door, select a chrome soldier and run out of the crematorium.

In the next room, a supersoldate is pulled in the floor, completely dressed in armor. To kill the supersoldat, shoot the hoses on the left and right from his head, and then shoot my head.

After the victory we see through the window in the door of the skull itself. The general launches the mechanism, and the walls begin to move in our room. There is almost no free space, but it is not crushed to the end.

Come into consciousness already in captivity at the skull inside the crematorium. All soldiers are captured and pressed to the floor. The skull suggests us to make a choice - who are used for experiments, and whom to leave alive: the blue-eyed soldier of Wyat or Fergus pilot. From this choice will change the entire further game.

Vyat remained alive: 1) We get the ability to open locks with hides, 2) Special secrets increase maximum armor, 3) Member of the resistance of the future - Gitarist Jay.

Fergus remained alive: 1) We get the ability to open electrical locks, 2) Special secrets increase the maximum health, 3) a member of the resistance of the future - TECLL mathematician.

Choose any option. After that, the skull kills the chosen soldier, leaves the room, leaves one super hid with us, and includes the krematorium ovens.

The surviving ally throws us a piece of pipes, we use it to silently kill the supersoldt from behind. After that, jump onto the tables, the pipe blows damage all the fiery nozzles. The fire is stopped, but the gas continues to enter the room. We remove your handcuffs, we wake the lock on the window, take the wounded and jump out.

During the jump there is an explosion. One of the fragments seriously damages the head of the main character. The hero falls into the water, but, despite the wound, survives.

Chapter 2. MEDUCHNAY

In the water of the castle walls, some of the fishermen found a wounded hero. The hero was sent first to the hospital, where they revealed a cranial injury, and then they handed over to a psychiatric hospital somewhere in Poland. In the hospital, Blasowitz spent many years.

During the next visit, the German officer Shturmbanfürer Keller reports the closure of a mental hospital. Soldiers begin to kill all patients, as well as family of doctors, for their resistance. Only their daughter Anya survives, her soldiers will lead to them.

The main character at this time comes into consciousness.

2nd floor
Passage Wolfenstein: The NEW ORDER

Task: Find Any

Attack of a soldier with a hidden knife.

We leave the room, silently kill the soldier in the corridor. On the left on the wall we find map of hospital. We are in the upper left corner of the second floor, and we need to go down to the street.

We pass along the corridor to the end, turn to the right, eliminating the officer so that it does not cause reinforcement. Further on the corridor is inserted under the cabinet, turn to the left (southeast corner room on the map), inspect the shower room.

Another officer is located in the central hall corridor. After the complete stripping floor we go to the stairs in the southern floor. Near the stairs to the first floor lies a new weapon - shotgun.

1st floor
Secrets Wolfenstein: The New ORDER

On the lower floor there is no officers, but a lot of soldiers. You can kill them throwing knivesTo get the next Perk for silent.

Task: open the front entrance

Parade doors of the hospital are closed. To open them, go to the glazed room opposite the doors. In the room press the button. Immediately after that, German soldiers are broken into the building. They will appear immediately in many points of the building, so expect attacks from all sides.

Yard of hospital
Detailed passage of Wolfenstein

We go out on the street, shoot the remaining soldiers. To the left of the entrance on the table lies a pair of electric grenades.

Armored vehicles enter the courtyard, several more soldiers are unloaded out of her, and three drones with automatons will also fly out.

After the victory, pick an Anya, ship in the car, and leaving from here.

Chapter 3. New World

During the trip behind the steering wheel, Anya sits down. She brings the main character to the house to his relatives. We learn that now it is already 1960, the fascists won in World War II, they captured the whole world, all resistance is suppressed.

In the trunk of the car we find one-eyed German officer Keller. In the basement of the house we start interrogation of an officer.

Basement at home
Wolfenstine: The NEW ORDER. Passage

Go down on the stairs. In the table on the right, open the right box, take protective glasses. In the right corner we open a wooden door, take apron.

Take chainsaw. At this time, the officer attacks the rear with the scuffer. We hit it with fists. After that, we start interrogation.

We learn that the remaining member of resistance is contained in Berlin prison. Go there. Grandfather hides Blaskowitsa and Any in the trunk, and takes us to Berlin.

On one of the checkpoints, the Germans check the trunk. We will have to go out and destroy all the fascist guards on the way.

PPC "Oderbruck". Eastern sector
Wolfenstein. 100% passage

Task: Clean the Eastern Sector

We take the body armor at the wall on the left, go down to the pit. By pipe we go into the sewer. On the left there is a door leading to the southern barracks.

We go on a narrow tunnel, we find pistol with silencer.

We go to the surface, silently kill the German soldier. The stairs rise to the second floor, we go west, killing an officer around the corner of the building.

(Vaita line). On the second floor there is a door opened by the launder, we wake it up. Inside find a lot of ammunition. Rising the stairs on the tower, we find sniper rifle. From here you can easily shoot all enemies from sniper, but we still need to destroy the second officer silently so that there is no reinforcement. We find the rope on the tower, we will go to the roof of the northern barracks.

We collect weapons on the roof. Through a small window we kill an officer.

We clean the territory from the soldiers left without bosses.

Task: Back to the car

Sit down. By car, we approach the central structure of the CAT under the bridge through the Oder.

PPC "Oderbruck". Central structure
Wolfenstein passage: new order

Task: raise the PPC platform

We see that the platform is lowered ahead, and without it, do not drive further. At this point, fascists run out of the left tower. Give them, and then enter inside.

In the tower, turn to the right, we are hacking the launder.

Go down. There are also soldiers here, but they are not yet raised by anxiety, they can be killed silently. We go through the ventilation to the right, from there we shoot from a pistol with a silencer. We go through the tunnel with pipes in the basement of the right tower. We clean another room.

Ahead of the garage in which the officer is located. We can climb into ventilation at the right wall, sprinkle to the end, without raising noise. So we will be right behind the officer's back. Surely remove it, and then ordinary soldiers. A pair of soldier is on the top floor. On the table in front of the scheme of the truck you can read the message about Paris.

The northern wall of the garage is sitting in the elevator or climb the stairs. We go through the suspension path, click lever arm, this will turn on the lift.

Task: leave the tower

From the lever we go to the left along the track, so we will go outside through the right tower. You can walk along the top floors of the tower, but there is nothing interesting there. Come to the car.

PPC "Oderbruck". Western sector
Wolfenstein: The New Order game

Task: Clean the western sector

There are still several military buildings ahead. In the distant left building, an officer sits, you need to destroy it in the first place. We go along the right cliffs, go to the security post, silently kill one soldier. We go further, we pass for the barrier, make your ways along the northern wall of the barracks. Around the corner we kill another soldier. The stairs climb the roof of the barracks, we jump into the hatch there, and immediately shoot an officer.

At the exit from the barracks, silently kill the dog. After that, we finish two more soldiers, and the territory is cleaned.

it a good placeto get it perk "Fast Regeneration". Quickly run for two security posts, we collect all the first-aid kits on the boxes and inside the boxes to gain 200 health.

Task: Back to the car

Sit down on the car. At this point, a combat robot comes out of the truck. Another robot appears ahead.

Task: destroy robots

Quickly run to one of the stationary machine guns, and shoot robots. Master to mind.

Task: Close to the trunk

Night Train
Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

Task: Back to Ana

Further path by overcoming by train. Blaskowitz comes to the car-restaurant, here he meets Obersbankanführer Irene Engel with a companion Bubi. A woman does not allow us to quietly leave, but invites you to the table, and offers to pass the test on True Aryans.

Choose any images. After that, we take a tray with tea and come out of the car.

We reach your coupe where Anya is already waiting for us.

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Chapter 1

The game begins in the plane - immediately we task to block the pipe. I overlap and return to the cockpit, then go to the open door and cut all the mounts to reset the cargo. Return to the cabin.

Sit down for the gun and shoot the opponents flying to us. After a small crash, use the first aid kit. Now you need to jump from one aircraft to another. We speak with the soldiers and go to the cockpit of the pilot.

We watch the video and talk on the phone, we get a task. We break the boxes and slip under the robot. We dive under the water and float to another plane, if you go out, then get a bullet. We climb the plane and sit down for the machine gun. Shoot all opponents, and then talk to the soldiers.

Now quickly run forward and climb into the hole in the floor. We move forward, we select grenades and blast the turret. We go further and shoot on the feet of the Fascist, which stands behind the door. Go further, killing opponents. In the strengthening we find a map.

Now we go on the map to the first position. We kill opponents and select dynamite. Then two ways: you can blow up the door or go back a little back and blow up the hatch in the floor.

We climb on the rope. Top examining the open windows right and sides. In addition to ordinary soldiers, the machine gun will also be. At the very top joining the window.

Next, we climb the window. On the way, we will meet soldiers with a machine gun and a dog, it is better to kill them immediately. Get up behind the machine gun and kill opponents. Throw a machine gun and go on, break the beam scrap and jump over the other coast after the soldiers.

As you can find - you will be asked to find the key. It is in one of the boxes. We grab the wounded soldier and taking the way out. Now we have to defeat a large metal opponent. It's very good to do two weapons in your hands. Then we have to choose who of the two soldiers will die.

Chapter 2.

We watch the video and attack the soldier. Then in the corridor we cope with the protection. We go to the stairs and select a shotgun. Go down and find the control panel. Behind the button opens the door, there is a cache in which you can take an improvement in health.

We leave the building and kill opponents. You can hide for one of the cars for convenience. Go to the girl and watch the movie.

Chapter 3.

We go down to the basement and in the closet we find apron and a statuette. In the box we take glasses and begin tortusting officer. We look at the video and go on the road. Next, you can pass either a stealth or killing everyone in a row. Clean the territory and go to the car.

Next we climb on the tower and go to the next design. Go down, go on the sign and climb the stairs. We kill opponents and press the buttons. We clean the location on, pull the lever and again to the car.

We clean the following part and prepare for battle with two robots. You can shoot them from machine guns installed on towers. And you can press the buttons in the bodies of the machines, from where robots came out.

Chapter 4.

We pour coffee and go past the table with officers. Next we will not miss and ask to sit down and pass the test. Choose your favorite pictures and go to your room. We watch the video. We choose the window and go for a long time on the either. We go down the pipe and in the hatch.

The room you need to find a cutter and a battery for it. We go higher and cut the lattice, for one of which will be a cache. Now you jump over from one building to another and kill the soldiers. On the wall you can find a location map. We go further, we paint with the enemies, we choose the window and jump on the roof of the bus.

We climb up and go on the roof. On the edge cut the chain with a special tool and kill soldiers. It's better to carefully remove them one by one, throwing a knife in them. You still need to fear the turvers and not fit close to the red rays. We go further and find the pipe in the corner, in which we need to go down.

Go down and immediately run to the right from a big robot. Quickly cut the chain and go down. Then cut the grille and go down even lower.

We climb on ventilation and at the output, we find a soldier who makes the need for a toilet. Silently kill him. Further there will be a few more soldiers and a dog. In the room with beds on the wall at the window we take the key and open the door to them at the end.

We go on the bridge and cut off the chain from the door. Below, in one of a bunch of coal, you can find a treasure. We go on and, hacking the castle, we again meet with a huge dog-robot. We run away from it and cut a chain. Now climb the elevator up and release prisoners.

We climb on the table, cut the chain and kill opponents. We go ahead, shooting from enemies, which will help the prisoners. Turn off the electricity and go further behind the partner. When he will open the doors - cover it. At the exit to the street, be careful. We jump into the car to the left and go ahead. When the car turns, you will need to get out of it, so as not to get under the tank.

Chapter 5.

We jump into the water and go to the shelter. We speak with the former Nazi. In the room with a woman we find documents in the table. For the picture of the girl you can find a treasure. You still need to sink to the top and take the mount. We go down to the Max room and break the wood, behind which documents are hidden. Now go back to Karel.

We are going on the car to the right place. We look at the video and start moving towards the goal. We go to the passage in which the light burns. There will need to make a podcast. Now you need to cut through the lattice and run away from the robot dog. We run straight and make a podcast. Now that the robot dog stopped finally will need to kill several soldiers and a large robot.

In the building you will immediately begin to attack crowds of enemies, so it is better to hide on the right on the stairs or on the left in the room to shoot all of the shelter. There you can also find a safe with an increase in health. Passing up and climbing in the hatch you can get a treasure, and in one of the halls on the shelf one more.

Raise the door and kill the soldier. We climb up and press the button in the main room. Now jump on the beam, we kill the guard there and cut off the chain on the hatch. We climb on the roof of the elevator and get up on the platform, now shoot brakes.

We go into the room where weapons are testing. We climb upstairs and cut chains that keep the stove in the test chamber. Run the test. We take a new weapon and cut the hole in the wall. If you get up and cut through the hole, you can find a treasure. Now reset another elevator.

In the next location there will be many opponents, so carefully kill them. There are many boxes in which you can find armor, first-aid kits and cartridges, if something from it is over. At the helicopters installed machine guns, which can facilitate the battle. After you kill all the soldiers and officers will appear a big robot. You can experience a new weapon on it, in the center of the room there are two charging stations for weapons. The most convenient will drive a robot in a circle. After the victory over the robot, we go to the rooms from where it came out and climb upstairs. Let's go down and carry a message to the helicopter.

Chapter 7.

Secret level

After you arrive at the database there will open a secret level. You can find it climbing at the top and having slept on the bed with the nightmare inscription. You can pass this level every time being based on the task.

We speak Any and get a task from it. We need to find a concrete covered with mold, but first you need to take the key from our comrade. Along the way, take the documents in the room next to a strange girl. Go down to the basement and find an infected concrete. On the left you need to take the saw, but you fall into the sewer. Now you have to look for a way out. In sewerage, you can find several useful things. Returning to the top screaming a piece of concrete and go to Anna.

Chapter 8.

Now we fall into the camp. We go with the crowd along the corridor, then we are sent to the room, here you need to put your hand into the device to put the number and make the stripe. We go further into the room where we have to work - to interfere with concrete. From the conversation with the African partisan I will find out where we find necessary man. To do this, break the concrete mixer. Click: right, left and back. We repeat until you break the button. Now we select a falling part and throw it into the concrete mixer. After the accident in production, we speak with the concluded on the right. Now we go to the barracks through the red way out.

In the house we find the old man and find out what to do next. We go to the building at the end of the territory. Before you go inside, we speak with a dark-skinned girl to get an additional task.

As soon as you descend down - you will be captured. When you get started to kill guards, it is very good here in stealth mode. In one of the rooms on the wall you can find a map. To perform an additional task and kill the knife you need to go a little back. Now we find a button and turn off the security system. We go out on the street and inform the girl about the killed knife. We speak with my grandfather and go to another wing.

We pass around the plant and we climb on the construction forests upstairs. Here, too, pass in stealth mode, if you go left and carefully kill the dog and the protection you can find a knife. We go down and find the power unit.

We look at the roller and sit down for the "steering wheel" of the robot. We kill all the soldiers from the machine gun, in robots it is better to shoot rockets. We reach the end and landing the grandfather. While he frees the prisoners, we will need to shoot from enemies. By defeating everyone, go down and go to the garage, in the room on the left you can find a treasure. Sit into the car and leave there.

At first, you can go to sleep to get an increase in health. You can also go to sleep at the top, if there is a desire to play Wolfenstein 3D. Now we go to helicopters and talk with a friend to find out where the welding machine. Now we go back to the main hall and talk to the Negro. Next dive for the fallen burner.

We swim and climb on the edge. We charge weapons and move on the other side. Shot the staircase fasteners upstairs. Climb upstairs and get into the room with hanging boxes. Shot fastening all drawers. Now you need to kill the emerging robots. By defeating the opponents, we go to the door and climb into the ventilation. There you will need to cut off the chain covering the door.

When you return to the main hall, talk with a crying girl. To help her need to find lost Ringwhich is located in the toilet on the top floor. We give the burner grandfather and go to a new task.

Chapter 10.

We climb into the submarine and float into the passage. The first passage will be closed with a grid to open it to open the chain. To open the second pass, you will need to swim and cut the chain on the other side. Then there will be a room with large screws. Here you need to climb up the stairs and turn the lever so that the hole on the first and second screw is at the bottom. Blowing through the second screw you can find a pair of treasure. The first will be immediately, and the second at the end of the tunnel on the left.

We are chosen on the land in the pipe. We find the control room and pull the lever to increase the water level. Now swim further. In the next room, cut the chain from Min to clear the way further. Then we find the passage and looking for an elevator. Then you have to cut the hole in the fence.

Now I finish the terrain first, there will be a lot of opponents. After that, pull the lever and kill the robot appeared. Then again open the door and find the control room. As soon as you click the button, a bunch of opponents will appear, among which there will be a couple of robots. Now go to the train and go further.

Chapter 11.

We leave the torpedo. Hidden or with shooting destroy all opponents. We climb upstairs and in one of the rooms remove the map from the wall. We are following and kill soldiers in the cabins, in one of which can also be found treasure. Next we are waiting for a battle with two armored soldiers, it is best to kill them from shotguns. In the next room, many opponents are waiting for us again. There are no place to hide here, so you need to be careful. In the steering, we carry out the necessary actions.

Now you are under water. Go to the main hall and then give an old man a weapon when he asks. We go to the center of the room, on the left on the stones you can take the treasure. Shoot the balls and make the stairs. After turning on the design, go to another room, do not miss the treasure there on the shelf.

Pushing the ball and jump on the ledge. Next, we go to the car and find a grenade launcher there. We destroy the turret and go to another car. Thus, move on the other side of the bridge. Next we are waiting for a bunch of enemies, one of which will be in armor. We kill them and climb upstairs. On the beam, we move to another car and collect all the values \u200b\u200binside it. Now you can use a sniper rifle and kill all enemies.

When the helicopter arrives, it is better not to sit behind the machine gun, as the dog will attack you. We jump and occupy a position in the shelter on the right. Immediately you can find a safe in which there will be an increase in lives. We finish the soldiers and go to the car.

Chapter 13.

We arrive to the point and go to the checkpoint. Then through the luggage compartment we pass to the next room. We find weapons and open the neighboring room. Killing soldiers and go further. Near the red generator you can find an upgrade for weapons. Next in the corridor we clean all the compartments. You can go through ventilation. We go further, kill enemies and again into ventilation. Now we find a red tube and climb into it. We find a skate and dress it. We go to the surface of the moon. We go ahead and kill two robots, then jump onto the platform.

We go into the building and remove the jade. At the rack, we take a scalpel and go to battle. Here you can carefully go through ventilation or just to shoot. Now rising on the elevator up. Killing soldiers and go to the passage. We go to the hall and press the button. On the left you can find a safe with improved health. We climb into the hatch go further, killing security. Now the can be pulled to the elevator. We are selected from the elevator to the platform. Now we go to the escalator. In one of the rooms you can find a treasure.

Chapter 14.

Shot from enemies. Then go out at the end big room We climb into the hole on the left, where cut the chains and go down. Now we need to kill the soldiers and lower the rack. I make your way further and go down. Gently kill the guards, it's not worth breaking ahead.

Now we need to knock down the helicopter, to do this, it is better to climb on the right side and shoot out of the window with a blue shirma. Go down and shoot from enemies. We climb on the mounting structures, go down to the pipe.

In shelter, it is better not to hang around, run away and hurt in sewage. We charge weapons. Now it is necessary to provoke the robot so that it is broken by the shelter. Now we shoot on his tools when they become red. First, we break six installations, and then the design itself. You need to shoot a robot to the eye when it is aiming. After that, quickly run under the robot and shoot in the opening hatch. We repeat the above-described victory over the robot.

Shot from the soldiers, while Max does not carry a friend's body and does not open the hatch. We go there and preparing to kill a lot of opponents. We go upstairs, here they shoot the chain from the fan and jump down. Now we are waiting for a fight with serious opponents - armored soldiers. It is best to kill such two shotguns. Further moving on ventilation.

The dog will attack you, be careful. It is best to kill it using a cutter. To recharge the weapon run through the pipes from the dog. After the victory, we go to the comrades, and then to the helicopter.

Chapter 16.

Let's float forward, passing the treasure from the bottom. We leave and flatter weapons and cartridges. Gently break forward, there will be many opponents. In one of the rooms you can find a location map. Then we will have to blow up the robot.

Next, near the door with the protection of the hole on the right side. Gently and quietly make their way to the machine gun and kill all the soldiers. Now you can either go ahead with the battle, or carefully go through bypass tracks. Ahead you can find another machine gun and kill all enemies from it. Next, we will need to defeat the blond, watch the video and go to the final battle.

General Skull

First you need to neutralize White. After we are thrown into the street collect grenades. Pomegranates throw the enemy under the feet and when the cell on the chest opens, run and attack.

Next appears General Skull. Quickly charge weapons. Now we need to cut hole hole in the fence, for this you distract the general grenade. We need to get up to the top and knock off the airships from the gun. To have time on jogging beat along the enemy until it starts to recharge your shield.

After we defeat the airship airship, we begin to attack the general of the skull. We demote him a shield using shotguns or cutter. Then it will hit the zipper and we will have time to replenish the ammunition and to become it. We descend and immediately aggressively attack the boss. The main thing is not to step into the fire, it may turn out by chance if you retreat without looking, so be careful. You can sit on the platform to the right and shoot from the bait grenade launcher. After you defeat the robot, it will only have to finish the general of the skull.

Fortress turtle

Begin passage games wolfenstein: THE NEW ORDER From watching a short introductory video after which we will be in the plane cockpit as a captain of blades or blakkovich, somewhere above the Baltic Sea near the coast of Germany. After the next aircraft is shot down, and our damaged, go to the technical compartment to overlap the pipeline of the sixth engine. Coming out of the cabin moving in the specified direction, on the way we will get the instructions to take pliers and wire in the locker. The locker will be left to exit the cabin to open it and pick up the necessary items Press the E. button to get to the burning pipeline and breakage it in the cargo compartment to discharge the cargo, for this we return to the locker from which the tools took the tools and go to the back of the aircraft (on the box on the left you can detect the document).

Reaching the place to cut the slings holding the load (marked with red rhombuses), in order to hit the knife to press the LKM. After the goods are rebelled back to the pilot cabin, where they sit down for the turret (pressing E) shooting from the attacks of enemy fighters. As a result, one of the opponents will dive into our plane and our character will lose consciousness. Waking up pick up a first-aid kit to restore health, after which I pull the lever in front of it from above. Next, you will need to open the door of the cabin on the right and jump over the wing of the adjacent aircraft (for the running on the run, press the left shift + space). Once on board the aircraft with the call sign "Condor 9" we go to the cockpit of the pilot, after which our plane will safely collapse next to the skull fortress.

When viewing video Passage Wolfenstein: The New Order To switch between the rollers, use the "Playlist" tab and if the video helped you or liked it. Do not forget to put likes) ...

As a result, being on the shore in the cockpit of the broken bomber, we grab the yellow tube for the response by the radio. After negotiations, we go to the turret on the other broken aircraft. We leave from the cockpit of the pilot by breaking a knife standing at the exit box, then we run forward on the corridor by clicking on the run of the Shift + left Ctrl to make a podkat under the wreckage and iron monster. Then go down the water in the cargo compartment swallow between the boxes to the hole in the aircraft housing. Selecting the outside floating along the cable with flashing lights, coming at the end of the journey to another broken aircraft. I climb from the water climbing the stairs to the turret from which you shoot the mechanical creatures of "Pantar County" running along the shore.

Having noted from the turret in the specified direction to the allies, talking with whom we go to destroy the enemy dot, and more precisely the automatic turret installed inside. Everything is very similar to disembarking on Omaha Beach from the games series Call of Duty.But only the beach will be called Baker Beach. We run forward on the trench before the fuselage of a smashed aircraft in the bottom of which will be a hole through which we will get into enemy trenches. Churring into the bunker select grenades, with which you can destroy the turret shooting on the beach. After the explosion, the turons jump into the hole under it and pressing the left alt and s shooting the Nazis standing behind the door. After the door opens the opponent, and take his weapon.

Next, turning left to break through with the battle before the next bunker in which you can find a map lying on the drawers for the turret. Coming out of the bunker, we go to the left on the trench destroying all the enemies on the way. As a result, coming to the next bunker by eliminating the Nazis standing in it by the Nazis of the knife, following him from the back and pressing SCM. Coming out of the bunker, we continue to move in the specified direction, eliminating the enemies on the road, first of all enemy officers who can raise the alarm. Once from a healthy locked door, we take in a small room on the left of the explosive and install it at the specified point.

After the explosion, penetrating inside, look into the room on the right, there you will find the "ENIGMA Code Fragment". Next, moving along the rails will be on a small platform with an enemy turret on the bridge, in the room on the left you can find the plan of the bunker. Destroying all enemies, look at the bridge with a turret, there in the wall. Detect a small passage to the locked room where you can find the "gold medal". Selecting from the room we pass along the steps to several floors up and destroy the enemies detected there after which we get up up the stairs thus getting up to the first of two guns that you need to neutralize (for this it is enough to eliminate the soldier sitting behind him.

After reading the territory around the first gun, you can go for himself and lose the "Toptun" crawling along the shore. Next, passing to the left of the position of the first gun and climbing the stairs, look into the room to the right, you can find the hidden door there, you can open it with three levers, activating the left, right and medium. IN secret room You will find another fragment of the Enigma code and the silencer for a gun (you can wear it when you press the C button). Next, be selected from the room we pass along the corridor to the left of it continuing to destroy enemy soldiers. On the way, it is worth viewing the barrage, in one of them, in addition to the supplies, you can find the "Letter of Oscar".

Reaching the second tool and reading the territory around him, we use the gun to clear the passage to the left of the plane wreckage, as well as from enemy soldiers. To get to the wall of the castle you need to bypass the second gun position on the corridor on the left, there can be a gold cup under tarpace. Reaching the next locked door and opening it to the attack of the Iron Monster of which will destroy the ordinary Wayate, then go to the bunker from which the monster jumped out, there you will find another "Enigma Code Fragment". Returning to the ordinary, raise with it upstairs.

Looking at the short roller climbing up the rope, shooting the Nazis hanging out of the windows (just like when the passage of Dead Space 3, there was an alien monsters instead of the fascists there)). Rising to the very top and climbing the window goes left by the corridor to the ladder leading down. After moving by activating the mechanism lever, the opening gate, after which we jump down into one of the two holes in the floor through which the chains pass. Having read the floor from enemies and taking in the room the dining room "Golden Bowl", you can go down to the floor down to find in one of the premises "Plan of the Inner Castle". As a result, returning back on the corridor with the staircase leading up, get to the room with a screw staircase.

Climbing along the screw staircase and shining the territory at the top will be in another dining room (judging by the furniture), from there we climb into the window on a small balcony in which I will get to the next room. Next, rising along the steps we pass along the corridor to the right to the courtyard with turbors. Starting for one of the turons rasterate enemies both from above and below, the turret, by the way, you can remove keeping e as in passage duke nukem forever. Clearing the territory we pass to the broken aircraft and we climb inside meeting there with the allies. Further, to remove the broken path of the beam, pick up a piece of iron, clearing the way climbing the shifted beam upwards, where you need to jump from the runway through the abyss followed by the allies in the end all the same dropping down.

Once in the crematorium, you need to open the specified door, for this we are looking for the key to the boxes, and finding it open the door, in one of the boxes there will also be a "enigma code". Next, taking the wounded go to the next room, where you will have to fight with an enemy super soldier who jumped out of the hole in the floor (the partners will recommend shooting the respirator). As a result, won the victory will be captured by the skull captured. Next, in the short Cat scene, you need to choose Wyat or Fergus, if the choice does not make everyone die. After choosing Wyat and watching the video, we grab the pipe abandoned Fergus with which they attack the super housing by pressing SCM, after which we run up to the injectors of the furnaces and break them through the tubes. Then come to Fergus which will take us handcuffs after that we use the panel next to the window to open it. To do this, you need to move the contacts with the mouse, do it quickly three times so that all three light bulbs caught fire, then jump into the window.


According to the first chapter, I drove to the Polish madhouse (the hospital) and prosidic there are 14 years old, one day our character comes to itself. In the unfolded cat-scene, the first thing you need to pick up a kitchen knife from the table by clicking E. Next after the Nazis shoot everyone in the ward and one of them will suit you, hit by a knife by pressing SCM. Featuring a gun of the murdered Nazis, we go into the corridor, here our task is to clean the whole floor from enemy soldiers. By interrupting all enemies on the floor, go down the stairs, follow the stairs on the way from the body of one of the honey sisters a double shotgun. On the first floor, I also stumbled upon a small detachment of the fascists, we will do the territory to the departure from the hospital locked with an electric lock to open it go to a small room opposite the output, there will be a button opening the door on the table. In addition, in the same room there will be a safe, open which can be closed wires. Inside you will find cartridges for a shotgun and improved health in the form of a figurine of a soldier. Coming out of the hospital entering the Nazis on the street (on the table near the entrance you can replenish the health and choose the electrograntics), having interrupted all, as well as reinforcements in the face of flying robots (drone), take away an Anya lying around one of the cars and see the next video .

New world

Once in the basement, you need to interrogate the prisoner Nazis by the Surname Keller, will make this captain Blakkovich himself, and our task is to find apron, protective glasses and pick up from one of the tables of chainsaw. The apron can be found in the closet to the left of the table with chainsaw, glasses in one of the boxes of the same table. After you take a glass of the German attack on you, press LKM to fight back after which we can see the next video, as well as the golden clock (on the table to the right of the prisoner German) and improved health (in the closet with apron).

Reaching the gearboxes of the Nazis are chosen from the car by clicking on, our task is to clean the Eastern sector interrupting all the fascists there. Here you can go through the game in several ways, go on a break or try silent passage. If you select the second go down to the hole on the left of the road and make your way to the territory of the CAT sewage pipe. Reaching the corridor on the left side, in front of which one of the "Enigma Code fragments" will pass along the ladder leading to the street (pickup a 1960 pistol with a silencer on the road). By eliminating the fascist standing at the exit rising to the second floor of the building, where they neutralize one of the two German officers (it will patrol around the building). Next, descending down, we go to a small shed on the left side, on one of the walls you can detect the "ENIGMA Code", on the other hand, the shed in the gap between the boards can be found "Golden Egg". Turning to the next building by eliminating the sentries on the first and second floors, besides this neutralizing the officer standing in the room on the second floor, there can also be a map of the guard of the camp and the "Enigma Code Fragment". It remains to go to the central entrance and eliminate the last watch there, after which we return to the car.

Having drove a little feather. We get the task to raise the elevator overlapping the road, penetrating the building on the left destroying inside all the fascists and taking into one of the first floors of the enigma codes in one of the rooms on top of the stairs or with the help of the lift. Next, by going to the next building with a fight, we descend the first floor, where through the hatch in the floor go down to the basement. Clearing from the enemies basement And taking out the disassembled passenger car "ENIGME" snippet climbing on the lifting on the second tier, there, with the help of a lever on the control panel, raise the lift bar. Next, going through the door on the left climb up the stairs and finishing the remains of the Nazis are chosen to the street and we go to clean the western sector.

Having understood the territory on the way to the building to the left of the road, having interrupted the fascists outside (including sleeping at the entrance to the building "Campfuhund") we go inside, where the only in the sector of the officer is neutralizing. Also in this building you can find another "enigma code". By interrupting all Fritz, we return to the car and passing a little more at the fall of two robots. To combat robots-guards, they will suit both ordinary small arms and machine guns with turrets, but it is worth using grenades. By destroying robots again we climb the car trunk.

Once at the train riding to Berlin with a tray in the hands, we are trying to leave the car, but we will be stopped by a pair of Nazis, which put over in the middle of the night to drink coffee). After putting a tray on the table and crossed next to the Nazis, Blaskovich will be offered to pass the test for blood purity. During the test, you will need to choose one of the two proposed pictures several times, choose photos with an eye, a butterfly and spider, and then I'll go through the test (although something I am not sure that its passage depends on the choice, the main thing is to believe Frau wrasturbanfuer conductive test, Not enough for weapons). After all this circus with the test, we take a tray and return to Ana.

Aisenwald prison

Once at the Glyaichmouth Hotel, we speak Anja, after which we get the task to climb into prison transport. We get from the balcony to the eaves on the left and pass through it until the entrance to the next hotel number, inside you can find a letter to Ermanne. Continuing the path on the eaves will get to drainage pipe Through which go down to the next roof, and from there through the hatch go down to the building. In one of the room on the table, you can find a laser cutter, but before taking it to pick a battery in the corner opposite. Next, rising the stairs to charge the cutter from the device on the wall after which we cut one of the grids of the fence. The following room will have several compartment fence closed, one of them you can find the "Golden Frame". Having finished with a laser cutting, we open the window and jump into the roof of the neighboring building, where we climb through the window. Having threw the room from the protection taken from one of the walls the headquarters of the apartment, and from the boxes to the right folder with documents, you can also answer the call phone call. Putting up documents in a box from another wall you can open the door to the hidden room in which you will find another "ENIGMA Code Fragment". Next, we go through the corridors to the room with an officer, the dehydration of which and taking one more "fragment of the Enigma Code" with the table, we choose the window. Once again on the cornily, we go through it to the prison transport, and climbing the roof go to the local stalk.

Arriving in Jail Aisenwald climb up the stairs after which it turns out to be left to another staircase. As a result, coming to the roof and neutralizing the prison guard standing there, we cut a laser chain with a locked door. Next, descending down, we pass through the prison yard, removing the guards and growing not to fall the scope of the automatic turret. Penetrating the prison building is immediately starting to run away from Panteurund. Slipping under the pipes, then cutting a chain from the lattice on the floor to fall into the floor below, where we go to the end along the corridor we climb up the stairs leading to the ventilation through which the toilet with the guard from which will get rid of special addiction (a little bit like the scene from passage game Deadpool.). Coming out of the toilet and cooked the dog's meal, we pass along the corridor to another officer, looking on the road to the barracks with a pair of sleeping guards, where you need to pick up the key from the locker on the wall, as well as you can find a plan of patrols. Reaching the room with an officer and depends on the next "enigma code fragment" from the table, after which they go into the corridor and open the door found in the barracks thus on the coal warehouse.

Having reading the placement of a warehouse from protection inspecting, in a bunch of coal at the lower level, you can find the "Golden Nugget", and at the second level to find an improvement for laser cutter allowing shooting from it. As a result, coming up to the door at the top level of the warehouse by a locked chain, we cut it into the corridor with running at the bottom of Pankener. Quickly running along the top cut off the chain with a broken damper path and pass to the next corridor. Going down and passing forward in the B2 block. The achievement of two guards climb the elevator upstairs, where passing the bridge to the chamber with the prisoners. By eliminating the guard, cut off the chain laser with prisoners, after which we help one of them to remove the mask, this prisoner will be Fergus. After the emergence of armed guards, we climb on the table with which the door barricaded, and I will get into the ventilation through which you can go to the Nazis rear. By eliminating the officer and armed with an automatic shotgun, we bring the Fergus blocked in the chamber at the camera where the officer stood to open all the doors in the block, it would be necessary to press two buttons simultaneously with Fergus, after which we descend the stairs down destroying the protection and turret. Turning to the bottom level, turn off with the help of the chop on the staircase broken Pankenerous electricity.

Next, running along the corridors to the courtyard, where we destroy all the escaped guard covering Fergus. Penetrating the next room and interrupting all enemies there, we take from the table in the center another "enigma code". After passing along the corridor, I will get to the stairs on which we climb the next floor, where having interrupted all enemies along the corridor from which they ran out. In the course of the movement in the room on the right, you can find the "golden helmet", and reaching another cabinet, on one of the tables to pick up another "ENIGMA FRAMMENT". In the end, I searched to the street in the car and we are going to knocking everything on the way until I will not turn over. Having finished off the laser with a chain from the hatch on the road and go down, passing to a dead end, waiting for Anya will not open the hatch, after which I click to get out.

New house

Jumping from the bridge into the water swims over Anne and Fergus to a locked hatch to open it with a laser chain at the top of the hatch. Opening the hatch swim forward and choose the stairs from the water after which followed by their satellites on the corridor to the door to the refuge stopped in front of which we approach Ana and click e then watch the next video. After watching the roller, we climb the second floor and talking there with Claus, after the conversation end, we go to look for a folder with files on the project "Sheep". In fact, to find a folder just look into the Max room (adjacent to the Claus room), the folder will be in the wall closed with a board to break the board to find or around. Coming out of the Max room and passing the right to discover the empty room, you can sleep in it, after which the figurine of a soldier will appear on the drawer next to the bed. In the same room, the golden vase will stand in the same room, but you can get to it through the room of the Caroline room on the first floor, there will be a secret passage for the poster with a bomb to the bomb, so you can get both to the vase and to Project files "Shepot". You can get to the folder and in the second way: Searching on the second floor of a fombus and with it with a breaking board in the Max room. Also on the second floor in one of the rooms you can find a record. One way or another, having received documents worth looking at the third floor, there you will find another bed and if you fall back Captain Blassovich will see a dream that looks like a first game from the Wolfenstein series, our task in it get out of the castle after which our character will wake up, just Will it wake up if it is shot). As a result, descending to the first floor we are talking to Caroline, and at the end of the conversation we go to the new rear.

London Natika

After reaching the place and coming out of the car, we look at the explosion, and after Blassovich slightly disassembled by the monument, we pass to the research center through the debris labyrinth. Having attempted to go on the left until they snap into the Pankerage, passing to the left to the left under the debris and cut a slice slice. We check through the hole and again we see Pankerage, this time it will be collapsed by fragments. We return to the place where I have met the iron monster for the first time and calmly go further. Ahead of the right there will be a car with burning headlights, climbing through it and again we see the Pankerage running on the left. Slipping under the rubble on the right run away from the monster (the guide will be a blue road sign with direction arrow), as a result iron PSA Finally wake up fragments. Moving further discover the wounded German officer, from which you need to get rid of, just on the way to the main entrance you will have to eliminate another Nazis and a combat robot. Also on the road in ruins, you can detect the "Fragment of the Enigma Code".

Reaching the main entrance and passing inside that I will go on the resistance of the Germans, turning into small premises On the left can be found inside another "ENIGMA FRAGMENT", as well as a safe of which will find cartridges for sniper rifle and improved health. Next, having interrupted all the infantry to the second floor and we clean everything there, just from the second floor it is convenient to attack the right robot below, for this you can use the machine gun removed from the turret. One way or another, destroying all enemies to go to the canteen room, and through it to the placement of the storeroom, where in the ceiling there will be a hatch through which you can get into the ventilation and find a "golden knife" there. On the first floor near the wall with photos you can find the "Golden Defense". After reaching the next gate, raise them to the top, after which we pass forward until they closed and did not give out you).

Having spoiled in the lunar dome, we clean the territory from the Nazis climbing up the stairs. After hitting the room at the very top, we take another "fragment of the Enigma Code" and activate the lever omitting satellite model. Cutting a circuit with a laser on which the satellite weighs are passing to the exit from the room. Next, after passing along the corridor and destroying the enemies, we will have a leader in the launch in the mine (on the wall on the left). I cut off the chain from the hatch and spinning in the elevator mine jumping on the elevators to the cable along which we climb to the site from above by shooting on the way from the drones and the Nazis. Rising and passing along the corridor to the right open the next hatch. I put on the site marked with yellow, which is a counterweight elevator, shoot the brakes marked with red, due to the fall of the elevator will rise up (if you shoot on the brakes standing on the elevator to arrange yourself a high-speed descent to hell).

Having risen to the top and passing to the next hatch go down through it going down to the laboratory Daat Ihud. After reviewing the next roller we collect from the tables all the valuable junk tagged with the tag "Daat Ihud" after which I get out of the capsule LaserCrafour. In order to get the lasercraft highway, you need to rise to the second tier and cut off the laser chain holding the shield inside the capsule, and then go down and press the yellow button thus cutting the entrance to the capsule. Having touched the LaserCraphraphrack with the help of it a hole in the wall marked with a yellow rhombus. Reaching another layout of the elevator climb on the stairs on a couple of floors up, there again shoot from the brake elevator and pass through the pipes until another obstacle that cut out with the help of LaserCrafour. Passing forward and rising up the stairs get to the hall of the hangar.

Jumping down the first thing depends on the lively enemy's live strength, trying to eliminate officers until they raised the alarm. Also, on the right side of the hangar there will be a room in which you can find an improvement in the lasercraft highway allows you to shoot the queues and the "Enigma Code" fragment. In addition to the Nazis, there will be two robots in the hangar, and when you will challenge with them more enemy soldiers will come up and a healthy robot will appear. After checking the hangar, go to the room from which a huge robot came out and climb up the stairs to coming up to ventilation on which you will get into the control room, and from there with the remote control open the hangar. After the allies bloom in the hangar on Deltaplans descend down and help Caroline to get to the helicopter on which the building safely rests.


Speaking with Anja we are going to look for a piece of concrete with mold to take the sample and go to the archive for documents. It will not be possible to get into the room with the archive immediately because it is locked, and we need to take the key from it from Fergus. Before you go around the key, look at the first floor, there you can find a "letter of Bobby" lying on one of the beds. Rising to the second floor we talk with Fergus from which we eventually get the key, just on the second floor you can sleep again (on the same bed as in the chapter "New House"), after which you get health improvement. The stairs on the third floor you can find a note about the concrete, and on the third floor there is a spray point to fight mold. Returning to the first floor we pass from there in Angar Kraimau, there we will find concrete with mold, and to get a sample we will need to find a circular saw that will lie in the nearest corner of the room with other tools.

Taking the Circular Bluskovich will fall into the system of sewage system from which we already have to be selected. After passing along the corridor, we turn left and move to the door protected by automatic turret. By destroying the weapon approach the lattice from the right edge of which there will be some rods, there and proliferate. Next, bypassing the next corridor, we will be indoors with several shelves, on one of which you can detect the "House of the Rising SUN" plate. After leaving this room through a break in the wall, we will be in the corridor with another security tormanel, shooting her first to go through the tunnel in the opposite direction, there in a dead end you will find an improvement reflector for Lasercrafour. Returning to the place where the turret hung and cut off the chain with a locked door.

Once in the next tunnel, we select two-barrel and cartridges to it, after which we pass forward and shoot the arrivals of the drone. Being near a hefty well where water flows, approach the prolve in the barrier and jump on the protrusion on the opposite wall. Further on the pipe we will get into the room where we can detect a "gold ashtray" (lying on one of the barrels). To get out of this room climb the stairs and cut off the chain from the door returning to the sewage tunnel. Well, there I will turn to the left to the hangar. In the hangar, we cut the mold by scared Max, after which we return to the first floor, picking up a toy robot on the road (having received another task "Return Max toys". From the remaining toys you will need to find a phone, cubes with letters and a car. Ful to find the phone in the Caroline room , cubes in a cache behind the wall of the Caroline room, and the car in the archive room, from where we also take and required documents. Return toys in the room Max, and everything else is given to Anna Olive.

Camp Belitsa

Arriving in the concentration camp will find yourself in the room where you need to sit down the car feeding the room on your hand. Next, after having passed on the corridor to your workplace and pressing e begin to work. Our task is to cause a breakdown of concrete mixers, for this we use the buttons D, A and S. In the end, you will need to press the left Ctrl sit down and take the part from Paul Blassovich to the concrete mixer. Speaking with cute and changing the foeful with him we go to the Block B4 to find the company's set there. Arriving in place we find the set in the room on the left, and after the conversation we go to the barrack of protection to disable the security system.

In the barrack of security, you can penetrate the basement, a black woman will stand from the right of the entrance, which will ask you to kill the guard on the nickname "knife." Going to the basement and examined the first room, we take the "Fragment of the Enigma Code" from one of the boxes, after which we go to the next room. After the captivity and torture, we will be in the cart with the corpses, taking the knife and getting out the outwardly by eliminating the dog and the guard standing near the stoves. Next, moving along the rails, on the wall on the left you will find the "Eugene Plan", after which it is worth clearing the entire basement from the protection.

Having risen to the first floor, it is worth looking into the Cabinet with the inscription Medizin, there you will find another "Enigma Code Fragment". Next, moving along the corridor safely reach the "knife" of which we send to the next one, in the same room on one of the shelves you can find another folder with the "Enigma code fragment". Now it remains to get to the console, which is located on the corridor and disable the protection system (in the box to the right of the remote, the folder with the "Enigma Code" will be located. Disconnecting the security system, we leave the building through the central entrance and we speak with a woman who asked to kill the "knife", For the completion of the task, we get from her "Golden Dagger".

When watching video wolfenstein Passage: The New OrderFor switching between rollers, use the "playlist" button, and if the video helped you do not forget to put like) ...

Returning to the set and again talking to him go to the B6 Block, search for a detron battery. Having passed through the factory on which they recently worked before entering the sixth block, the door opens on the remote to the left. Reaching the Comferential Building to penetrate inside, it is possible to do this by the construction forests on the left side or through the door to the right of the central entrance to open this door, you will have to hack the lock, hitting it in the storage room climbing the stairs to the balcony of the second floor. By climbing inside and reading the second floor of the protection, we inspect the room, here you can find another "fragment of the Enigma Code" (in one of the cabinets).

Our main goal is in the basement, but it is worth viewing other floors before descending to the basement. On the first floor you can find another "enigma code" and "Golden Bust", and on the third who is worth pre-clearing the Nazis, you can find the "Enigma Code Fragment" and some documents, in the office of Frau Engel (in the table drawer). In the basement, you can also detect the "EGIM" code fragment "and the desired detron battery, which takes captivity again. Freeding to the robot and go back to him in the Belitz camp, destroying all the enemies on his way (this is certainly not Titanfall, but also good). Reaching the garage landing the set on the roof, after which we occupy the defense and destroy the guard camps covering the runaway prisoners. By destroying all the Nazis, we get out of the robot, pass to the garage, taking the "Golden Mask" from the table after which we sit in the car.

New tactic

Returning to the shelter and watching the next video we get the task to find a welding machine, but before that it is worthwhile to inspect all the shelter floors. On the first floor in the archive room, a woman who lost his ring will be sitting, she will ask you to find it, just on the first floor in the main room between the beds you can find a "Charlotte Letter". On the second floor you can sleep everything in the same bed, and gaining health improvement, as well as during sleep, our character will talk with Tekla, which is like a manner of communication similar to Salaarians Monda Solus from the game Mass Effect. . On the third floor you can detect the lost ring of Anna, it will lie on the floor of the toilet, returning the ring to get gold. And now come back to the main task, searching for a welding machine, having passed into hangars with helicopters talking there with Fergus Reed that will tell us where the welder is located.

Now our task is to get to the underwater secret move, for this we return to the shelter and talking to the bombing pass through the yellow door. Next, passing along the corridor, we will find yourself in the room with water filled, here cutting out the laser hole in the wall we climb inside and jump into the hatch, pickup on the bottom of the welding machine. Now you need to find the way back, for this we sail along the tunnel to the room in which we climb the stairs to the platform. From there, shooting a laser into a chain holding at the top one more staircase (folding). Spacking the staircase in jumping on the site next to her, the jump should be done with a run. Raising the stairs on the site from above, you will find an improvement in the "stroboscope" for the LaserCrafour.

Next, passing along the corridor until the next room we jump down through the hole in the wall on the left. Once in the dawn with suspended on chains boxes, we approach the console to the console in one of the corners and activate the lever, after which two serious soldiers will appear in the room. By destroying enemies, we pass to the opened gate pass along the corridor until the next room, where you can find the "Tapfrer Kleiner Lieeling" plate on the floor. The door to the next room will be locked, so the ventilation to the right of the door, having previously cut the hole in the shield closing it. In ventilation, turning left, through the grid, cut off the laser chain on the locked door, now returned to open the door and go further. Further, in the end, we will find yourself in the asylum where we give the welding machine network.

Berlin Catacombs

And so after the set replaces the tunnel glader, go on it to the flooded Berlin catacombs. Swimming to the locked grille with the glader and cut the laser with the retaining grille. The following room will have to leave the glader to swim further through the narrow slit in the wall. Swimming up to a healthy room with columns dive into the next tunnel for which you get to the pumping wheels that you need to orient so that you can swim through them. To do this, climb the stairs to a small platform with a lever with which it turns the wheels so that through them you can swim.

Slowing through the first wheel we turn into the tunnel on the right side, passing on it to be in a room with a platform in its far side to which we need to get. To do this, go up the stairs to the left and pass to the room with the mechanism of the filling tank with water, as well as in it you can find a sewage plan. After the room is flooded, it will be possible to swim to the platform at its far end, as well as look into the room to the right of the entrance, there you will find a "enigma code fragment". In addition, it is worth returning to the second oriented wheel and swim through it, in the next room you can find the "golden bucket" next to returning the tunnel into the hall with the columns look into the tunnel of the tunnel, there you will find a "golden snake".

As a result, returned to the room that was flooded to get to the platform at his far end and jumping down down under the water mine. To go on, you need to cut off the laser chain holding a mine that will break the barrier interferes interfering to sailing forward. Once in the next tunnel, we are selected from the water on the stairs to the left and pass forward in the path of the next "ENIGMY FRAGMENT". Returning to the water swim into the round room, where diving under the water swim on the left corridor as a result of coming to the elevator on which we will rise to Arsenal. Coming out of the elevator, it is possible to detect the improvement of the "Tesla" for the lasercraft highway.

Next, coming across the ways, to enter which you can cut out the grid, to the abandoned station and having interrupted there all the Nazis it is worth seeing. Under the platform, you can find another "Enigma code fragment", another code fragment can be found under the room with a remote control on the second tier, where we ultimately need to get. To get to the second tier, open the door from the lever because of which it hills hard armored Nazi. A shot of the enemy is passing through the door and go up to the premises with a remote control, where you can find another "enigma code fragment", as well as press the button on the remote control, after which we descend on the platform and go into battle with the next group of enemies. After checking the station again, we climb the train and activating the lever in its cabin, catering the composition.


Selecting from the Torpeda, we go to seek the radio and the first thing to eliminate all the Nazis in the torpedo compartment. Next, rising to the second tier. Opening the door, we get into the corridor in which you can find a plan of a submarine. Passing to the intersection we turn left and open the locked door. In the cabin outside the door you can find the "Enigma Code" and "Golden Knife for Letters", as well as cut the laser in the wall passage in the gun, where, among other things, you will find an improvement in the "sight" for the lasercraft tour. Returning to the corridor we pass along it to the screw staircase, having interrupted all the enemies on the way and inspected the cabins to the left and right, there you can find the next "ENIGMY Code" and "Golden Tray". Going along the screw staircase, we pass along the corridor, destroying all enemies on the way, to the stairs for which we climb up. Further, in the pipes, I will get to the hatch leading to the bridge (cutting out the passage by the laser), jumping down the down destroy all the enemies both at the first and on the second tiers. "Enigma Code Fragments" can be found both on the second tier and indoors to the left of the radio logging. And so hitting the radio, raise four buoy, cutting off the laser holding their chains, after which approaching the console we go to the connection and see the next video.

Once upon a seabed, we pass at the set in the room that appears, and when the button is pumped on the remote control. Continuing to follow the network Drop the transition cameras leading to the main hall, going inside one of the cylinders in the same main hall, where to climb the platform from above, it will be necessary to shoot a laser over the balls that will turn into the steps (after showing your LaserCrafour network Rota) . Having risen to the top click on the button to lower the platform, and after the set and Fergus stand on the platform again press the button to climb up. Once in the refuge "Daat Ihud", and more precisely in the round room inspecting with the shelves of the Golden Night Pot, "Golden Toy Robot" and "Golden Crown". In addition, in the columns around the perimeter of the room there will be items that need to be pressed in a certain sequence, which one can understand the patterns on the platform or in screenshots, having urged the improvement of the "reactor" for the LaserCrafour. To perform the main task, select a round piece and insert it into the device specified by the set.

Gibraltar Most.

Arriving to the bridge we click to reset the sphere, then watch the video crash video. Further, our task is to get to the car number 6 of the born on the bridge. After jumping from the helicopter to one of the supports of the bridge, we pass to the first available car by climbing into which we destroy the surviving Nazis and inspect both floors of the car, on the first floor you can find an improvement in the "rocket" for the machine. Going to the next car destroy the Nazis with a rocket meter, after which we also view the entire car from one of the windows to hang the dead Nazi, in the case fastened chain to his hand you can detect the "ENIGMY Code" (cutting off the laser chain). Shot by the turret on the next car go to it and climb inside. Reaching the next car lying on the side, we climb inside, there on the second floor you can find another "ENIGMA Code Fragment". Having passed into the next car from it to the bridge over the entrance from the right side, there will be another paca with the "Enigma Code fragment". Returning to the car we climb on metal beam Those who pierced the left wall, we can move to another car, where on the second floor you can find a sniper rifle.

Before going further, shoot another turret and the Nazis dusted in the following cars, after which it will be necessary to get into the wagon with the turret, for this you need to go into the feather and climb the next car, and already from its roof over the steel beam we will get to the car with a turret . To go further cut the grille inside the car with a laser. Going to another carriage, I descend down it down to cut out another laser, and choosing the outside in stepping into battle with the swords of the fascists. Having reading the territory, it is worth considering the car lying on the left, inside you can find the "Golden Rabbit". Next, passing forward goes into the premises of the checkpoint, where destroying enemies climb the stairs to the top. Changing the top platform from the enemies to cut the hatch with the laser in the floor, next to the turret. Next, descending down, destroy all the enemies of the seeded indoors, after which it is worth inspecting all the boxes, in one of them you can find another "ENIGMY Code".

Continuing to descend down the stairs to fall into another room, where we also destroy all the enemies. Sended to the street and jumping over the break across the Nazi Supersoldat will cope with which Fergus Reed will help us. Next, jumping on the helicopter and making a "wiring circle", we get up for the turret and shoot all enemies on the site wherever we will need to jump. Before you go to the car number 6 it is worth looking into the room from which the Nazis ran, there is a start-up of a safe there. Health can be found., And on the safe itself another "Enigma Code Fragment". As a result, coming up to the sixth car and descending down, we take the documents by completing the passage of this chapter thus.

Moon station

Arriving on the moon leave the spacecraft and go to look for your belongings that will be located with the rest of the luggage, you can get there by tape-conveyor at which you usually receive luggage at the airports (on this tape you can find a "gold cane". Taking your equipment We go on to look for a jade, but before this cut the hole in the wall next to our suitcase, hitting the room with the opening door button. Next, checking the arrival zone by passing along the corridor to the next room, where we first destroy all the Nazis, including two officers. Before going Then it is worth picking up the "Lunitary Station Plan" to the right of the turret.

After passing further on the next corridor and descending down the stairs, where we will come together with the next group of enemies including a pair of officers and the supersoldat. By destroying all enemies in the corridor, inspect the room with the left and right side, in one of them, on the toilet, you can find the "ENIGME Code" fragment, you can also hidely move between rooms through the ventilation of the inputs that the laser is cut. As a result, having passed until the end of the corridor and turning left to get to the service tunnel on which we will get into the laboratory.

Having understood the laboratory from the Nazis to inspect the premises, in one of them you can find another "ENIGMY FRAGMENT". After passing further to another laboratory, this time the two-story, destroying all enemies on the first floor you can find the "golden face mask", and on the second letter of the diet. Next, from the second floor we will get into another service tunnel, moving along which I will get to the next room, where you can find another folder with the "Enigma Code", and from it, in a long service tunnel, get to the room with a safe fore.

Nadiva Skafander and coming out the outward down the slope, destroying the drone on the road, you can find the "golden fragment of meteorite" on the playground. Reaching the abyss jumping over it, good gravity allows you to high under jump. As a result, coming up to the air gateway we go inside the command module and removing the player we go to search for the launch codes of nuclear missiles. Passing into the next room approach the table and take the scalpel lying on it and then watch a short video.

Penetrating into the next room we destroy all the enemies, not forgetting to pick up the "ENIGMA FRAMMENT" of the room with yellow lighting. By destroying all enemies climb the second floor where we find the elevator whom we need to use. Finding into a healthy round room and destroying all enemies there climb the top level, where you can find another "enigma code fragment". Moving further as a result, we will get into the server, where you can find a safe with health improvement, "Enigma Code Fragment" (on round table In the center of the room) and get codes for launching nuclear missiles. Now it remains to get to the spacecraft and return to Earth.

After receiving codes, we choose from the room through the hatch in the floor hitting the next service tunnel on which we will get into the room with a pair of guards. By eliminating the Nazis cut the hole in the marked wall with the laser. Having understood the following room down the stairs and drove through the ventilation to escalators for which we descend to the car on the monorail. Before sitting in the car, inspect the room, there you can find the "gold bottle". After the wagon stops chosen from him through the hatch in the floor, having done the rest of the path on foot. As a result, breaking up to space ship, We destroy on the starting platform a pair of supersoldat, we climb inside and pass to the compartment with the pilot.

Return to London Nature

After landing after landing, we shoot the enemies surrounding the ship, until it starts falling. Jumping out of the ship and threaded as a result in one of the windows again enter into battle with the Nazis. Destroying all enemies across the hole in the floor are chosen on scaffoldingTo go down down, cut off the laser one of the chains. As a result, going down down cut off another chain to get to the building again. Once inside and checking the corridor from the Nazis inspect the room to the left and right, in one of them on the table you can find the "Enigma Code" on the table, then in the office on the contrary, near the window, you will need to hack the electrical panel dropping the lift to the window. Having selected through the window to the street, we continue to move along the outside of the building.

As a result, coming to the entrance to the inward, we again come into battle with the Nazis, destroying all enemies go down the stairs into several floors. Reaching the next dilapidated room and destroying all enemies including a helicopter hanging outside, inspect the room on one of the racks you can find the "Evacuation Plan of Natiki". Next, moving through the hole in the floor on the floor down and destroying all enemies there. Featuring from Paul Another "ENIGMA Code Fragment" continue to descend down through the hole in the floor. Reaching the next floor and reading it from the open box another "Enigma Code" from the open box, after which we are again chosen from the building and go down on the construction forests.

Reaching the lift go down on it into the courtyard of the building where we will have to join the battle with the London monitor. In battle with this huge robot, we first shoot him from the laser in his main tool (eye), it is necessary to shoot before the robot shoot himself. Then you will need to shoot in missile settings that the monitor will open to start missiles. We repeat the sequence of actions until you destroy all missile installations, hiding between the case in the sewage (you can also charge the laser). After all rocket installations are destroyed, continue to shoot at the main robot gun, after which it will be necessary to shoot his engine located at the bottom of the robot quickly running under it. And so several times while the London Monitor will not be destroyed.


Arriving in place shooting the ones on top of the Nazis while Max will not open the hatch. Inside climb up the stairs after which we pass along the corridor thus on the first floor of refuge. By destroying all enemies climbing the second floor, you can find a letter in Max's room, as well as in one of the rooms of the second floor you can find a gold subject. Having finished the examination of the second floor climbing the third, destroying all the Nazis, cut off the chain from the grille of the ventilation and go down on it. In the ventilation, by pressing e, we communicate with Tekla, after which I looked at the next roller climb to the exit from the ventilation. Having selected from the ventilation, we destroy the Nazis located in the room after which we climb the stairs on the wall on the left and climb into the next ventilation shaft. As a result, having fallen into the hangar, we beat the attack of the Nazis after which they jump into the helicopter.

Return to the Skull Fortress

Coming out of the submarine, sitting behind the gun, from which we shoot in the Fortress of the skull after the float. Flowing in the water to the fortress, and penetrating inside inspect the first room, except for ammunition and weapons, in one of the chambers you can find the "golden armor". Next, through the break in the wall, we pass along the corridor to the hall in which we destroy all the Nazis, after which we inspect the rooms next to the hall. In the room on the right, you can detect a map of the fortress and the "ENIGMA FRAMMENT". Next, destroying the robot pass in the room of which he came out and go down the stairs there.

As a result, climbing in the ventilation make it swaying to the corridor of the leading to the elevator, going to the elevator, we click on the remote control. Coming out of the elevator, we pass along the corridor to the right, where we meet Any and other prisoners after which we go into the elevator again. After watching the next video, you will need to fight with a robot inside which the brain of Wyat (if you chose it in the first chapter). First of all, you need to open the doors of the room after which the robot himself will push us out. Since we have only knives and curse words, Collect grenades scattered around the site. Riding a robot grenades quickly run up to him and click e while he is stunned by an explosion.

Taking the brain from the robot and the last time I taught the Vaitat to the final battle, this time you need to destroy the robot in which Skull himself sits. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the power field of the protecting robot, for this you need to knock down two airship hung over the site. The airships are knocked down with two zenith guns located at the corners of the site, to get to them you need to cut the laser hole in the fence and climb the installation places of the guns. After you somehow both airships with a laser robot speaker. Next, descend to the site where there was a robot and collect all the weapons that you will find (in addition, in one of the iron boxes, you can find a golden item), and then descend through the hole in the center of the site that appeared after the explosion. In the room under the ground attacking a robot with a skull of any weapon, trying not to fall under his shots and under the jets of flame beating from the pipes. As a result, we run up to the fallen robot and click e after which during the cat scene I press SCM, then we look at the final form. On this passage of the game Wolfenstein: The New Order will be completed.

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