Repair Design Furniture

Beautiful paintings on the wall. Designer paintings on canvas. Embroidered or fabric

Decorating a house with paintings is a great art. Modern interiors require appropriate stylish solutions... In our article you will find many photos of modern painting. At the same time, some paintings are ideal for decorating a living room and are completely inappropriate for a bedroom, others can only be imagined in the interior of a kitchen.

Pop art paintings

The shocking, bright style of pop art that conquered America in the 50s is back in fashion. Not everyone perceives it, it suits young, energetic, people enjoying life. Pictures in this style are original. They are very bright, catchy, made in neon or acid colors. It can be photo printing, printing on canvas, oil drawing. Themes range from the simplest to the most complex, from a portrait of a cat to a stylized image of a rock musician.

One of the walls of the room can serve as a huge canvas for the picture. Various inscriptions are depicted on a white background: the name of your favorite tea, sweets, the brand of a dream car, your favorite trademark, as well as a plot from a comic strip. Everything graphic images united by one idea - the transformation of the most ordinary things into a work of art, the brightness of colors, unexpected combinations.

This democratic style does not limit the flight of the artist's imagination in any way, it doesn't matter what is depicted here, the main thing is that it looks stylish. This is what main idea pop art.

Paintings in the kanzashi technique in the interior

Paintings in the oriental technique of kanzashi are an original drawing made with ribbons. These are real masterpieces created by the hands of craftswomen. The main thing is that any woman can make them with her own hands, she just wants to. These are mainly flowers from satin ribbons and compositions from them.

To create a unique panel or painting depicting at least sunflowers, you need a little:

  • Satin ribbons - orange, yellow, burgundy, dark and light green. 3 m each.
  • Dark beads.
  • Tweezers.
  • Glue gun or just glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Thin wire.

Painting in kanzashi technique

  • Dark fabric.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Frame.

Then 5x5 cm squares are cut from ribbons, burlap is pulled over the frame and the flowers are created. Master classes captured on video will help you to comprehend and master the intricacies of the technique of folding individual petals. Flowers are collected from individual petals and fixed on the canvas. The core of a sunflower is shaped using a thin wire with beads strung on it, fixed on a circle cut out of felt. The workpieces are connected to each other using a special gun or glue. On the kitchen wall, such a picture will look very organic.

Attention! To create a big picture, you need imaginative thinking, a lot of patience and perseverance.

Interior paintings in baroque style, nude genre

The palace style of Barocco embodies the spatial scope, pretentiousness and splendor. Pictures play a significant role here. To match the general mood of the canvases of eminent artists, hand embroidery in a massive gilded frame, symbolizing pomp and luxury.

Most often, people with high incomes who are able to acquire canvases of the Renaissance decorate their living rooms and bedrooms in this style. The role of paintings, like any other detail in this interior, is to emphasize aristocracy.

There are many allegories and metaphors in this interior. The pictures contain allegories, ambiguity. These are types of landscapes, and the sea, and portraits. Copies of Caravaggio and Rubens are appropriate here.

In the baroque, nude paintings depicting nudity are appropriate. They are distinguished by their aesthetics, create an atmosphere of intimacy. This original gift both a collector and any man.

This direction of erotic painting is always in demand, because fashion passes, but the beauty of the body always enchants and captivates. Despite open nudity, the woman on the canvases of real artists remains pure and worries about her insecurity.

Painting in the spirit of surrealism in the interior

Paintings made in this genre have a creative composition, therefore they always attract attention. The main concepts of this direction:

  • unusual;
  • Liberty;
  • wonderful;
  • dream;
  • unconscious;
  • love bordering on madness;
  • revolution.

The paintings of surrealist artists J. Miro, A. Masson are filled with forms that resemble pure abstraction, and the surreal images of S. Dali, P. Delvaux, R. Magritte reproduce figures and faces drawn by the subconscious. What they have in common is an unsolved riddle, the intrigue of deception, changeability, paradoxes in combinations.

No less interesting are the paintings of contemporary surrealist artists who continue the traditions of the old masters. These paintings with a complex composition - unusual, amazing and bright, will bring originality to the interior, will constantly attract attention.

Impressionist paintings

Monet, Renoir, Degas wrote in this style, their style and technique are also used by modern impressionists. When creating interiors, designers often take pictures made in this style filled with lightness and fleetingness as a basis for creating decor. Urban landscapes, pictures of nature, still lifes fit perfectly into many fashionable interiors.

Impressionism is most suitable for classic interiors. The canvas can be placed both on a wall covered with wallpaper with a pattern, and on a completely white one.

For a living room, a large, bright, saturated picture depicting a cityscape is suitable. Here, painting on the walls, frescoes based on paintings by impressionist artists are appropriate.

A peaceful plot will look better in the bedroom. The image of lovers will create a romantic mood, and the pictures of nature will create an atmosphere for relaxation and recreation. They fill the interior with coziness, special meaning.

Graphic objects, ships, horses - teenage themes are appropriate in the nursery. Still life - perfect solution for kitchen. Kitchen paraphernalia, food, flowers in the paintings help to increase the appetite.

Quilling paintings for your interior

Quilling is a method of making pictures by paper rolling. Flowers are often depicted in such bright, cheerful paintings, but other solutions are also possible: butterflies, birds, animals, fish, even people and nature.

Professionals create three-dimensional figures from curled strips of paper and make unique pictures from them. Such handmade is highly valued, but with patience, you can make a picture using the quilling technique yourself.

For creativity you need tools and materials:

  • toothpicks or a large needle where the sharp part and eyelet have been removed;
  • stencils purchased from an office supply store;
  • PVA glue;
  • tweezers;
  • strips of quilling paper sold at craft stores;
  • stationery knife;
  • cardboard.

Advice. Quilling strips can be made independently by fastening the sheets together and marking them out, cutting out the blanks using a clerical knife and a ruler.

  1. We put a sheet of polystyrene on the table. The details will not slide on it.
  2. We roll up a tight roll by winding a strip of paper onto a toothpick.
  3. We remove the finished roll so that it blooms a little.
  4. We fix the tip with glue, let it dry and form the desired shape. For flowers use the shapes "eye", "drop".
  5. We compose the composition and glue all the details on the cardboard.

Advice. To make a sheet of two shades, glue two different strips together, and start rolling with the color that you want to place in the center.

In whatever style the interior is decorated, there are general recommendations on the selection and placement of paintings:

Only correct selection, paintings for the home, you create an atmosphere of comfort, harmony in it.

Paintings in the interior: video

Modern paintings in interior design: photo

Was and remains a popular element decor any room. Genuine works of famous artists or their less expensive copies, glossy posters or family photos, digital images printed on paper or canvas are able to embellish faceless walls, make a boring interior original, and turn an inconspicuous room into a stylish apartment. However, buying a painting you like and hanging it in an empty place is not quite good decision... First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for the selection and placement of paintings, depending on style premises, its size, purpose, design features.

Geometry of space

With the help of correctly positioned pictures, you can change the visual perception of the room. Low ceilings will seem higher if you hang a vertically oriented picture or several images one below the other. You can expand the room by placing paintings horizontally in a row. If the room layout resembles corridor, it is better to hang a bright big picture on the front side - the room will become more comfortable and proportional.

Advice: if you hang pictures in a row different sizes, you need to align them to the bottom edge.

Location height

An image will be best perceived by the human eye if its center is at a height of 150-152 cm from sex... According to this principle, exhibits are hung at exhibitions and in museums. But in kitchens it is better to place pictures at eye level of a seated person - after all, it is in this position that you are most likely to contemplate a work of art. If the picture is small, and there are small details on it, it is allowed to hang it lower (but not lower than 60 cm from the floor). Larger images, on the other hand, are recommended to be hung higher - up to 160 cm from the floor.

In our time, decorating an empty wall is not difficult at all. Pictures in the interior of the living room were used in the Middle Ages, and now they are also relevant. Several decades later, expensive paintings were purchased for this, which not many could afford. Now in stores you can find paintings no worse than expensive ones, but their cost is much lower. At modern technologies and possibilities, you can print any reproduction with high definition, not only on canvas, but also on glass or fabric. The pictures look very colorful and realistic. But not every such image will decorate the interior of the living room. Let's study the rules for placing pictures.

Large modular painting in the interior of a modern living room

Classic or modern: which painting to choose for the living room interior

In order for the picture to look beautiful and appropriate in the interior of the living room, it must be matched to the general style of the room. In addition, it must match the overall color scheme, so the choice must be carefully considered. Please be patient, this can take a long time.

Photo printed paintings in the interior of the living room

For living room owners created in classic style, it is worth taking a closer look at reproductions of famous artists. To make it easier to choose a painting, ask the museum for help. They have a special catalog that contains all the famous works of artists. Here you can also decide which genre is closer to you.

Modular painting depicting flowers in the living room

For the owners modern interiors living rooms, which at the same time do not understand anything in painting, it will be more difficult to choose a picture. In this case, you can choose images based on your feelings. After choosing a picture, wait a minute and look closely at it. Explore how it makes you feel. In this case, only your heart will tell you the right choice.

Painting in black wooden frame hanging over small sofa in the interior of the living room

You can buy a painting by a famous contemporary artist at special exhibitions or an art salon. And if you are really lucky and you are not constrained in finances, you can buy a painting immediately after the author's personal exhibition.

Painting in a gold baguette over a fireplace in a classic living room

The storyline of the paintings in the living room interior

It doesn't matter which picture you choose, the main thing is its plot. The wall picture is the main element of the interior, which attracts attention and will set the mood on a daily basis.

A small painting of a rooster in the living room

Psychologists say that the image of a painting strongly influences the following things:

  • a person's well-being;
  • family well-being;
  • on the home atmosphere in general.

As you can see, you need to choose a picture carefully, otherwise it will only cause negative feelings.

Modular picture of four blocks in the interior of the living room

If you are fond of Feng Shui, then you probably know that with the help of the correct image you can attract good luck, happiness and love to your home.

Bright accents in the form of wall paintings in the living room

Which plot is ideal for a living room interior? This question is being asked by many. Depending on the location of the image in different parts rooms, it will carry a different meaning.

Two large paintings in the interior of the living room with the image of flowers

You can hang a picture of mountains in the working area of ​​the living room. This will say that the owner is a very decisive, firm and reliable person.

Abstract painting in the interior of the living room

If the living room is combined with the dining area, then it is better to hang a picture of fruits or flowers here. She will give you a lot of positive emotions, and will also attract abundance, health and good luck to your home.

Painting in neutral colors against the backdrop of a bright sofa and accessories

If the living room was created simply for relaxing and receiving guests, then decorate it with paintings with the following images:

  • blooming meadow;
  • flower field;
  • images of any body of water, such as a lake, river or waterfall.

If you want to make a custom-made portrait, then it is recommended to hang it over the fireplace. Remember, a portrait of a stranger will carry the energy of the person depicted, so fire best defender from negative energy.

Two bright paintings in the interior of the living room against the background of a neutral wall and furniture

And of course, if you are a superstitious person, then in no case hang a portrait in front of the entrance to the living room. It will only attract sickness and sorrow to your family.

The color scheme of the picture in the interior of the living room

The picture should correspond not only to the style of the living room, but also to match the overall color scheme. The main connecting element between accessories and furniture in the room should be the frame. It should match their color.

A bright picture in the living room with additional lighting

If the living room pleases the eye with an abundance of colors, then the image is better to choose neutral shades. A small color element is allowed to match the room.

Several small paintings hang in the living room in black frames

If brown, beige and white colors prevail in the living room, then the picture should become a bright spot in the interior. In addition to the picture, you can install several contrasting accessories in the room. It can be decorative pillows for a sofa or vase.

Modular painting in the living room of three blocks

If the living room small size, then with the help of the correct picture it can be visually enlarged. To do this, take a closer look at panoramic images with a "3D" effect. Such pictures look very realistic. For example, hang a picture of an open window, behind which is a large green lawn with flowers.

The ideal size of the picture in the interior of the living room

If you have decided on the plot and color scheme, then now you have to choose right size... It should be optimally combined with the dimensions of the living room and furniture.

A dull picture in a bronze baguette in the interior of the living room

If the living room has high ceilings of three or more meters, then vertical paintings or portraits are ideal. In an ordinary city apartment, it is better to hang a medium-sized horizontal painting.

Painting depicting a lake in the interior of the living room
  • the picture above the sofa should be half the width of the back;
  • modular images located above the sofa should occupy 2/3 of the free area.

Don't forget to pay attention to the shape of the painting. If the image is rectangular, then the entire wall will appear elongated, and the ceiling will be low.

Painting for the living room in a classic style with additional lighting

Square-shaped paintings do not visually change the room. Exceptions are too large pictures. In this case, the living room will seem smaller, there may be a feeling of discomfort.

Painting with mountains, forests and rivers is ideal for working area in the living room

Modular paintings in the interior of the living room

Compositions assembled from several images are now very popular. These are the so-called modular paintings.

Abstract bright painting in the interior of the living room

It is best to hang modular images in one or more rows so that the spacing between them resembles a regular grid.

Modular picture of several blocks depicting poppies in the interior of the living room

If the images are small, then they are allowed to hang asymmetrically around one larger picture.

Bright paintings to decorate the living room

It is very fashionable to hang modular paintings in the living room, which are one image that is divided into several parts. The most suitable number of parts is from two to four pieces.

Abstract painting bright red in the living room

Pictures in the interior of living rooms of different styles

For those who have not yet been able to decide on the image in the picture, we suggest starting from style direction your living room. In a classic-style room, it will look appropriate:

  • portraits of the 17-19 centuries;
  • still lifes;
  • landscapes.

Painting with the image of peonies for the living room combined with the dining room

Characteristic for images of animals:

  • dogs;
  • horses;
  • hunting and fishing scenes.

Large abstract canvas in the interior of a modern living room

Needs contemporary art. The following pictures are relevant here:

  • the avant-garde of the 20th century;
  • cubism;
  • clear geometry;
  • abstraction.

Classic interior living room with paintings in expensive gilded baguettes

(French village) will be decorated with the following paintings:

  • images of fields where lavender grows;
  • sea ​​coast;
  • the image of the villages.

Bright painting with motives of autumn on the background of a bright green sofa

Modern modular paintings are commonly seen in fusion living rooms. If the room does not have a specific style or several directions are collected in it, then the choice of paintings expands significantly.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to decorate their home, make it cozy and harmonious. For example, the ancient Greeks decorated the walls with drawings and bright rugs, the Romans painted the walls of houses and decorated them with mosaics.

Icons, paintings, carpets in the interior

Icon, written with wax paints, was an indispensable element of a residential building. It was framed with silver or gold frames, decorated with enamels and precious stones... Thus, the icon became a real decoration of the home, and not just an object of worship.

In Russia, the corner where the icon hung was considered the most revered. The wealth of the family at that time was judged by the number and richness of the icon setting.

Only from the 17th century, in addition to icons, first in the decoration of the houses of noble persons, and then, gradually, among other estates, paintings and prints began to appear on the walls. On the prints, however, they also depicted mainly sacred objects, which were strictly distinguished from images and which had no sacred meaning.

In the XII-XIII centuries, first in France, and later in Italy, the walls were decorated with lint-free carpets-paintings, which were called tapestries. Tapestries appeared and became incredibly popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Tapestries, paintings, tapestries were an indispensable part of the decoration of country residences and palaces of emperors. By order of Catherine the Great, in the Great Peterhof Palace, there is a room in which 368 paintings by the artist Pietro Rotari were placed, thus using the technique of a continuous tapestry, when almost the entire wall is covered with paintings.

Framed painting - interior design

The spread of constructivism and functionalism led to the emergence of simple and comfortable interiors. But a picture in a frame has always remained an indispensable element in the interior.

Paintings, reproductions, prints, photographs, etchings, prints and in modern times they help to make the house cozy and unique. Moreover, any subject carries information. One can bring joy, good luck, a desire to create to the house, and the other unhappiness, despondency, depression, it all depends on the location, theme, and colors paintings. Therefore, you need to be able to choose and hang pictures correctly - this is a great art. Before buying picture for the interior, you need to carefully consider how it will be combined with pieces of furniture and accessories. Do not forget that asceticism leads to some incompleteness of a single style, and excessive enthusiasm for details creates the impression of an overloaded interior.

How to choose a painting for the interior of different rooms

Try to choose paintings with positive energy.... You should not hang pictures depicting catastrophes, war, destruction, etc. in your house. Do not forget that for everyone a separate room apartments, their thematic paintings will be appropriate.

  • For example, for living room landscapes and bright paintings in the style of impressionism are suitable.
  • For the bedroom, choose soothing, restrained colors. An excellent option would be a picture with a picture of a couple.
  • For the kitchen, paintings are suitable, depicting flowers, or a colorful still life that will bring harmony to this room and create a warm relationship. Suitable in the kitchen and ceramic vases as well as decorative plates.
  • For the office choose landscapes depicting hunting or mountains - such pictures behind your back symbolize reliability and stability. There should be a picture of water in front of the work table, which will bring wealth and good luck.
  • In the children's room, the drawing of the child himself will be appropriate or any other children's theme. You can hang the image of the globe, horses.

For boys, a good decision is a sailboat, symbolizing the upward movement, fast learning... For a girl - the image of peonies, a symbol of a successful marriage. For premises such as a corridor, a hallway, choose bright abstractions that depict some kind of action.

Often several paintings are hung in the room, on the wall where there is little light from sun rays... With the help of pictures, you can balance the proportions of furniture. To do this, place pictures over a large bulky sofa, and it will visually become smaller. If you have many paintings in the same style, you can create an art gallery at home by hanging paintings next to each other.

The best background for a painting is a plain, dim wall. On a wall whose color is saturated, not every picture looks good, since the color of the wall itself attracts a lot of attention. The best option will become a light dim wall. So that the picture, if it is made in the same tone as the wall, does not merge with it, arrange the picture in a contrasting frame.

Today presented huge selection baguettes, various shapes, colors and styles. The most common material from which a baguette is made is wood; plastic is used much less often. The frame must be chosen so that it matches the style of the furniture in the house.

By choosing the right paintings or any others works of art, you will create an atmosphere of harmony, comfort and beauty in your home!

Decorating the interior of your own home with paintings is a common trend for our time. Previously, such home decoration could be afforded mainly by the wealthy strata of society, and original copies of eminent artists were used. The development of technology has provided contemporaries with a chance to widely use various paintings in the interior of an apartment, without being the owner of an impressive fortune.

General principles of home decoration with paintings

The diverse range of products offered makes it possible to create harmonious interior in the apartment, emphasizing the dignity of housing and skillfully disguising the flaws. The choice of consumers is represented by products of photography, printing of images on glass or canvas. Classical works, painted in oil, also do not lose their relevance. The key task remains the choice of paintings that match general rules interior decoration of the apartment.

In case of a difficult decision on the design of a room made in a classical style, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the works of artists in galleries, museums and at exhibitions, to study painting albums. New impressions will help you decide on the technique you like, direction and genre that suits the interior of the apartment. In the future, if you wish, you can buy reproductions of paintings by classics or order a copy.

When choosing paintings for the interior of an apartment, it is important to adhere to the principles of design art:

Advice ! It is preferable to place the paintings on a wall protected from direct sunlight.

Living room interior

The central place in any apartment is the living room. A room designed for meeting friends, family communication and receiving guests requires a special design approach. Pictures in the living room will allow you to create original interior filled with comfort and grace. The tasks assigned to the paintings differ in their focus, but ultimately are designed to create a harmonious environment and cause positive emotions from staying in the living room. In an effort to create a dynamic image, blue and blue shades will help, which are responsible for the activation of vital streams. In addition to color, the plot and arrangement of the painting are important in the interior of the living room.

When placing the canvas over the sofa, it is important to choose the right size. The optimal ratio in the interior of the width of the frame and the back of the furniture is 1: 2. If there are two or three paintings, the free space is 1/3 the size of the sofa.

In the living room, images of animals and birds, urban and rural landscapes are appropriate. For high-tech or minimalist interiors, abstractions are suitable. The classics welcomes traditional oil painting on canvas. Cherry and brown tones in the interior are combined with paintings from the Renaissance or Renaissance. Seascapes are appropriate on light-colored walls.

What other techniques will allow you to create a dynamic or restrained atmosphere in an apartment? Let's take a closer look at all the tricks of design art:

  • Symmetrically located canvases will create the effect of sustainability and fidelity to tradition. Black and white photographs or monochrome paintings... The same size will create a business environment more suitable for a study.
  • Paintings, hung asymmetrically, add a sense of dynamism to the interior of the apartment.
  • If there is free space, several large images are placed at a sufficient distance from each other in an asymmetric position. This will allow each piece of art to be perceived separately.
  • Regardless of the number and size of images, the same frames contribute to the creation of a complete image.
  • Pictures do an excellent job with the function of structuring the room. The central location will emphasize the symmetry of the design in the interior of the apartment, and, if necessary, will indicate the zoning of the space.

The hostess's creative inclinations will allow the embroidered paintings to be displayed in the interior of the apartment. There are many options for ideas - it can be cross-stitch or satin stitch work, Lately pictures made with beads are especially popular. Individuality and originality in this case is guaranteed one hundred percent.

Design solutions in the bedroom

For a corner in an apartment intended for a night's rest, it is preferable to choose paintings that can enhance the atmosphere of comfort, coziness and tranquility. Trust your inner feelings, let them materialize in painting. Love flowers - give preference to landscape images in the interior of the apartment, admire the majesty of water flows - such a theme will fill the bedroom with positive energy. However, the presence of paintings in the interior that focus on water requires special care when choosing:

  • Images of calm rivers and streams are encouraged to attract financial flows. It is better to refuse from seething waterfalls and powerful whirlpools in the bedroom.
  • A majestic sailing ship against the backdrop of a clear sky and white clouds, swaying on the endless water surface, will cause peace and tranquility. The contemplation of paintings brings pleasant dreams of travel and at the same time contributes to an increase in the interior space of the apartment visually.
  • The plot line in the picture with raging waves, overhanging dark clouds and a ship fighting the elements provokes a pressure negative emotions, feelings of anxiety and does not give the opportunity to relax after a busy day in your own apartment.

A few more nuances that should be considered when choosing paintings for the interior of a bedroom in an apartment:

  • canvases with pastoral motives or the image of a forest will help to form a peaceful atmosphere;
  • comfort and coziness in the apartment is provided by soft pastel colors;
  • a transparent sky with exotic birds in the picture will add a romantic touch to the bedroom interior;
  • Paintings depicting couples in love, portraits, made mainly in black and white, will help to complement the art deco style.
  • The finished composition will be given to the interior of the apartment by paintings in which color prevails, combined with the rest of the decor elements - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

If you are not a supporter of the classic approach to interior design, paintings made in different genres contribute to the realization fresh ideas in design. The desire to emphasize the individuality of the interior in the house will help paintings in the style of kanzashi. The essence of creative direction lies in doing flower arrangements using ribbons and decorating them with beads. Hand-made decor always remains at the peak of popularity, allowing the hostess to show off her talents and amaze guests of the apartment with an exquisite taste.

Options for decorating the kitchen and hallway

Paintings selected for the interior of the kitchen should not have historical value and are considered overly expensive items. Still, in the living room of an apartment, decoration elements become unusable faster, so it is better to replace them with a fresh sample in a timely manner than to admire the spoiled product. Oil paintings on canvas are best placed under glass. Depending on the interior of the kitchen, paintings are selected taking into account the following rules:

  • the predominance of cold and metallic shades is combined with a black and white image;
  • having a Provence style kitchen in your apartment, give preference to paintings in yellow;
  • minimalism in the interior welcomes bright painting that can become the leading accent in the room;
  • the combination of the color content of the image with the elements of the apartment furnishings (chairs, shades, curtains) will form a complete image.

Advice ! If the kitchen flows smoothly into the hallway, the paintings for the interior in this part of the apartment are selected in one theme.

Kitchen in the apartment - perfect place to unleash the creative potential of the hostess. There are many directions for decorating paintings for the interior. with my own hands... Panels are distinguished by their originality, for the manufacture of which coffee beans, various cereals, cinnamon, beans and pumpkin seeds... To create a masterpiece in an apartment, you will need to cut cardboard to the required frame size, cover it with fabric or wallpaper and form a picture. Having achieved a harmonious arrangement of the elements, you can begin to fix them with glue.

An installation for an apartment made of cutlery will allow you to show ingenuity. Cold metal will organically fit into a strict high-tech style interior. In the manufacturing process, care should be taken to securely fix the components of the picture. To do this, you need to purchase a gun with silicone glue in the apartment. It also comes in handy for mosaic paintings. The main elements suitable for the interior of the kitchen are glass and broken tiles, eggshell and rhinestones. By coloring individual details, you can create a kind of decoration for the interior of the apartment, filling it with warmth and comfort. Ideas may not come right away, accumulate impressions, collect the details you like bit by bit. Over time, this is transformed into a harmonious image for the apartment.