Repairs Design Furniture

Mosaic on the wall of tile residues. How to make a mosaic from the tile bat - step-by-step instruction. Mosaic of ceramographic

To create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house, you need to bother in advance about the original interior decorations. Mosaic on the walls or semi from pieces of a bit of tile is one of them. This article will tell about the peculiarities of the application of this material, and will also reveal the secrets of specialists to apply drawings from small pieces of ceramics to the work surface.

Features of using a mosaic from bat tile

- One of the popular decorative decorations. It is used during:

  • arrangement of walls and gender in an apartment or private house;
  • decoration of facades of various buildings and structures;
  • folding garden tracks and pools.

Tile bit composition

Unusual and original patterns are made from various materials, the easiest and affordable one is a broken tile. It is very often used during decorating bathrooms or kitchens, harmoniously fits into the interior, complements it.

Each homeowner is able to lay out a beautiful mosaic at home. In order for the work to be performed competently and efficiently, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of this process. In this article, you can find the secrets of experienced masters with which they enjoy in everyday life, as well as the technology of proper laying of mosaics with their own hands.

Important! The creation of a mosaic is a very complex and painstaking work, it is necessary to take it responsibly and seriously.

Advantages and disadvantages of decorative interior decorations

Tile mosaic has many advantages over other decorative decorations. Thanks to them, the original ceramic patterns are popular for a long period. The main advantages of mosaic from bat tile:

  • long service life;
  • practicality;

Design table tops in the bathroom mosaic

  • efficiency;
  • the ability to create a variety of original paintings and ornaments (it all depends on the fiction and talent of the wizard);
  • harmonious combination with interior.

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages. Among them are distinguished:

  • the need to comply with the technological process (otherwise the mosaic may lose its presentable form);
  • large time costs, as the work is very painstaking.

Preparation for the creation of a mosaic with their hands

Creating a mosaic - interesting, but responsible work. It requires special attention, the presence of talent, as well as perpetuity and excerpts from the Master. To make it with your own hands, you need to perform several consecutive steps.

Fragments of tiles prepared for creating ornament

  • Search and purchase materials for mosaic

The technological process of creating a mosaic consists of several consecutive stages, the search and preparation of the tile is the very first of them. The required material can be purchased in the store (bitty or spoiled tile, which will be useful in work, often sell at poker prices or give completely free) or take friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Council. For work, both very small pieces of tiles and entire products will be suitable (in the future they will still be crushed).

  • Creating a sketch, examples of ideas of drawings for a kitchen and a bathroom

Before proceeding to creating a mosaic, it is necessary to make it sketch. It will greatly facilitate the work of the master, will help to avoid unnecessary spending time, which is important in the process of performing such work.

Specialists advise to create drawings or ornaments only to those people who have experience performing such work, but abstract compositions are novice.

Preparation of the working surface for applying decorative tile pattern

Preparation of walls It is necessary to pay as much attention as possible, since the strength and durability of the mosaic will depend on the correctness of this work.

Surface preparation is very important

The master is necessary:

  1. From the selected area on which the mosaic will be located, remove the wallpaper or old tile (the wall should be clean).
  2. With the help of a putty to close all holes, cracks and cracks.
  3. Apply a drawing of the future decorative decoration on the existing sketch.

Council. So that the drawing is applied to the prepared sketch, you can use a large-scale grid or projector.

Glue solution, applying it on the wall

If not only broken tile is used in the process of creating a mosaic, but also pieces of glass, experts recommend fixing all the elements of the drawing on transparent glue.

For fastening the mosaic is suitable special, it is used in the process of work with ceramic tiles. The most popular of them is white, it helps to keep the clarity of the drawing, emphasizes its beauty and uniqueness.

Adhesive solution is applied by a special spatula

To prepare a solution, you must use the instructions from the manufacturer. Its observance will make it possible to make good glue, which will securely fix all elements of mosaic on the work surface. In the process of applying the mixture, it will be necessary to use the spatula, this tool will help to make a smooth and smooth layer of the mixture.

Council. In order for the solution did not fall, and the pieces of the tile bit tile were tight and securely sticking to the wall, the application of the mosaic must be performed in small areas.

In order for the drawing to be neat, beautiful and clear, it is necessary to spread it properly. Specialists have several secrets with which they enjoy during the work:

The grout process of the seams

Grouting seams of the finished decorative mosaic from the tile bat is the final stage of work. It is performed simultaneously on the entire perimeter of the mosaic, but on small sites. When the grout is over, the master should wait 20-30 minutes (until it darkens), and then remove the excess material with a damp cloth or a suitable sponge.

Video instructions: how to make the original mosaic from the bat tile do it yourself

Video instructions are modern helpers. They can be found on thematic construction sites or personal blogs of designers. They will significantly facilitate the work of the master, even a newcomer, as they have detailed descriptions of the entire technological process.

  1. Mosaic can not be cleaned with substances containing phosphorus, wax and oils.
  2. Abrasive mixes are also not recommended to be used while rubbing tiled patterns.
  3. Special tile cleaning agents are the most suitable option. They do not spoil the material, easily remove all sorts of pollution.

Do not wash the mosaic from the bat tile by aggressive means

Mosaic from bat tile - original decorative decoration for home. Make it with your own hands, and you can independently appreciate all its advantages on your personal experience.

Mosaic from bat tile: video

Mosaic from the bat tile do it yourself: photo

Bitted ceramic tile for someone - just unnecessary waste, but for people creative it can become a means of incarnation of the original design solution or cute craft. Mosaic from a tile, divided into fragments, is able to create an extraordinary, exquisite decoration in any part of the interior and exterior.

It is not worth dedicated - mosaic from the tile presented in this photo is produced in the industrial version, here you observe the full fill of the edges of the enamel and other subtleties of ceramic production tiles. The cost of such a mosaic is most often very high, but you can make perfect things and at the same time spend the minimum of money. Next, we will reveal the secrets of mosaic from pottery of own manufacture

Examples of what can be made from a bit of ceramic tile, a lot of enough, for example:

  • finishing of interior items like flower pots, vases, clock dials, frames for paintings or photos;
  • garden paths from broken tiles;
  • decoration of furniture (baths, countertops, etc.);
  • facing pools, fireplaces and furnaces;
  • laying a broken tile on the floor and walls;
  • creating a panel as a separate decor element or as part of a total surface finish composition.

And this is not all options where you can use broken tiles, ideas are presented for this on numerous photos on the network.

In handicrafts from broken tiles, you can enable the auxiliary elements: shells, stones, large beads and others


The process of finishing a mosaic from the tile opens a large scope for creativity and assumes countless ideas for decorating. You can create interesting drawings from a bit of ceramic tiles according to the scheme. No less effectively, there will be a chaotic laid out of pieces of different sizes and colors. In the first case, you can take advantage of both ready-made schemes and make up the ornament from the broken tile independently. In the second, you can forget about a clear leading graphic plan and tune in to improvisation, the result of which is capable of becoming a pleasant surprise.

The use of a ceramic tile bats usually provides for the presence of elements not only of different shapes, but also colors and textures. From such a mosaic, the brightest and expressive ornaments are obtained. When creating a decor according to the scheme, it is necessary to take care of the presence of fragments of certain shades and their relationship.

It is worth knowing!

The battered tile mosaic pasted on the special sheets is more convenient in the installation plan, but it will not be possible to lay out such intricate ornaments, both from fragments that are easily selected for any curved lines and smooth transitions.

The spectacular design of surfaces can be embodied with the help of one-photon battle. For example, lay out tracks in the country, from a bit of ceramic tiles and a whole tile of one color to make an interesting pattern or finishing any other desired area.


The principle for which the mosaic from the tile is stacked with their own hands (schemes, pictures for this can be invented independently or refer to specialists) is similar to the finishing of the conventional ceramic tiles, only the process is more painting and requires a fantasy connection.

The finish of the battle cafeter assumes the sequential execution of the following items:

  1. Drawing sketch.
  2. Preparation of material.
  3. Processing surface under lining.
  4. Preparation of a fixing solution.
  5. Laying fragments.
  6. Grout.
  7. Polishing.

During the first stage, the desired pattern is the scheme on which the mosaic from the tile trimming will be laid out. This moment is especially important to perform a complex pattern. The resulting sketch can be applied directly to the facing area, and you can leave on a sheet of paper or in the electronic version.

Elite smalled or gold-plated mosaic of a bit of ceramic tile is possible, but also the price is significantly higher. And the fight of the tile can be obtained free or at the minimum cost. It is enough to contact the nearest construction stores or ask your acquaintances.

Sometimes even before performing an improvised pattern, it is advisable to think in advance to a successful combination of shades.

When it is impossible to find a ready-made material, a mosaic of broken tiles is created with your own hands.

For this there are several ways:

  1. Cutting the necessary fragments using stoveturis? Elements are smooth and neat, but requires a special tool.
  2. Department of details of nipples? suggests some limitations of the mosaic form.
  3. Breaking off slab in the tile fabric hammer? Provides a faster result, and a mosaic from a bit of ceramic tiles is obtained in different shapes. It is advisable not to rearrange with the force of impact so as not to turn the material into a small crumb.

The mosaic of the remains of the tile is laid out onto the surface, purified from wallpaper, contaminants and covered with putty. The paths from the bit of ceramic tiles require more complex preparation of the base, which concludes digging a shallow trench and filling it with sand.

Before you put the furnace with a mosaic from the broken tile, it is worth polling the surface of the bricks and clear the seams between them to a depth of 3 mm.

The glue or mineral mixtures of white is best suitable as a locking solution. If the composition requires cooking or breeding in water, then it is better to do it in small portions, as it is also applied to the surface in parts.

The decoration of the ceramic tiles is made on the surface covered with adhesive mortar. Elements, as a rule, are not fitted close, but with the presence of small gaps, which are subsequently processed by grouting.

The last stage of polishing gives a spectacular appearance of the mosaic pattern. But the floors from the broken tile in order to avoid the threat of increasing sliding are not recommended to expose this procedure.

Each of us tries to create the necessary comfort and comfort in their housing. Many people use special materials to decorate the room, and for decorating individual elements in the form of paintings, crafts or drawings.

The original pattern of facing tiles can be created with their own hands. The resulting ceramic mosaic is applied in the kitchen, shower or other rooms. Its feature is that it is enough to create a panel just need only to collect fir-handed materials.

Distinctive features

Make a mosaic cloth with their own hands is a very exciting process that will require to spend a certain proportion of creativity. An independent manufacture of a ceramic pattern is fundamentally different from factory production. Naturally, the broken tile has differences from the billets produced by an industrial method. However, when it is used, you can achieve impressive results.

In addition, this method makes it possible to create a mosaic, an original appearance. It saves money from its production. After all, its manufacture can occur from absolutely different materials. Various remnants of expensive tiles or other raw materials are used. It should be noted that when using identical material, unlike items are obtained, which are noticeably transformed by the common canvas.

Make a thematic or abstract drawing of a bat tile with your own hands - it's easy! In addition, each composition assembled, thus, is a unique canvas. It consists of original fragments differing in form, color and other parameters. Collecting and preparing independently a mosaic, there is a chance to create something excellent and disliked on other paintings. It can be created with the help of:

  • fragments of any form;
  • identical parts of one form;
  • combination of elements of various shapes and sizes.


The initial question arising from the search for raw materials - where to take it? To create a mosaic, any ceramic products are suitable from broken dishes to the old tile. The most economical way is unnecessary residues after repair or defective elements. A broken tile makes it possible to make a drawing with your own hands. In fact, from ordinary construction debris, which turns into original raw materials. Depending on the final result, it is possible to apply the samples completely unlike the panels. Materials:


Smooth elements can be made with their own hands due to the use of specialized tools for cutting ceramic tiles. To do this, you need to take the prepared parts from the tile, place them, after which, with the help of glass cutter or stoveturosis, carry out an incision. A qualitative spill is provided by conventional laying or arms of the middle force.

Balance of element tile

An arbitrary shape of the tile bit allows you to lay out unique drawings with your own hands. To make fragments of fragments less noticeable need to soften the blow. For this, an ordinary cloth is taken, wound around the dishes or other material, and then the hammer is made or another heavy item. All shards will remain in a rag, they will only be able to pick up and use for their intended purpose.

Breaking tile hammer

Applying the last method of mining a mosaic, it is necessary to try to create details of various shapes and sizes. This will make it possible to look like a drawing very original, and broken shards will look at the panels interesting. In some cases, the tile is laid out with their own hands in this way to indicate the necessary accents.

Before entering the installation of ceramic blanks, prepare an action plan. To begin with, it is required to have a clear presentation of the final result. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the structure of the drawing, its texture and location to the smallest details. Placing decorative elements in chaotic or correct order. The best way is considered to transfer the sketch on paper, where all its advantages and disadvantages will be visible.

Choose a schema

To date, collect the battered tile in a single panel with your own hands is not a lot of work. Initially, as mentioned earlier, it is required to choose the laying scheme. To do this, you need to evaluate the existing ceramic parts, and, more precisely, their size, shape, texture and color. It is from the shade that depends on how the final decision is to accept. The most common character is the possibility of calculation according to the standard scheme.

Figure from mosaic

However, in this case, Mosaic is often distinguished by its monotony, so it is best to diversify it a little. For this, a broken tile of different sizes is well suited. In addition, using ceramic shards, they should be broken down by tone than you can achieve a small difference in color. Also, it is not necessary to eliminate the option with staining the tiled elements or with their special film.

Before laying a mosaic, you can make several experiments. For example, decompose the paw tile in the form of various options, but not to glue it. With the help of motion parts, create accents or allocate the entire picture by bright color. In principle, there are no restrictions in this regard! Landing the same mosaic is best for a clearly specified trajectory. In addition, it is worth transferring the drawing on paper in advance where all its advantages and disadvantages will be visible.

The foundation

Budget version in the form of a mosaic from a bat tile made with your own hands is suitable for most people regardless of income level. Such a drawing will be well combined with an expensive interior or more modest. In addition, you can always refer to elite options, for example, details from the smalt. However, today, still wide preference is given to the economical way. Finishing mosaic applied on:

  • Any surfaces intended for washing.
  • Outdoor coatings in the shower, lobby, kitchen and even pool.
  • Countertops or tiled vases.
  • Landscape details.
  • Side areas of shops or benches.
  • Bathroom day.

Mosaic at Stalchnitsa

Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of creating paintings on any surfaces. There is no obstacles for ceramic mosaic. It is not afraid of high humidity, temperature drops, steam, condensate, fungi, as well as other negative factors. This allows the use of tiled shards in rooms of any complexity, such as in the kitchen, shower, bath, or pool.

In addition, the functionality of the products is so high that they are used in the form:

  1. Decorative material in the kitchen.
  2. Protective surface bathroom.
  3. At the ends of the buildings.
  4. Finishing raw materials in pools.
  5. Facing housing.
  6. Pictures in the lobby.
  7. Registration of various institutions.

This type of finishing of the premises can be applied in the country, their own housing, public places, for example, in the entrance. A broken tile as a mosaic looks good on various benches or chairs in the yard. Landscape design from it only wins, because ceramics does not change his appearance for years. It is well tolerate the effects of frosts, droughts, scorching sunlight, keeping their initial properties.

Laying mosaic

An additional advantage of the tile bats becomes easily accessible. Material for tiled elements can be selected in the apartment, friends, relatives or acquaintances, using ordinary building surplus, spoiled or outdated ceramics, and all this is absolutely free.

After the repair is completed, fragments from tiles may remain. In this article, we consider how you can make a mosaic from the bat tile with your own hands.

Secret mosaic

The mosaic itself is very fascinating, and from the bat tile, posted itself, will also be with a unique pattern. If you can not independently draw, you can use ready-made sketches.

Printing the photo of the sketch, you can start work.

Tile can be used any. Professionals who work exclusively with bats, choose natural stones.

The main secret of the mosaic panel is that, working with fragments, each person can try himself as a great artist. When working with bats, you can lay out any image that allows you your fantasy. It is only worth choosing a combination of colors and start creating.

Tools for work

Before starting work, you need to get acquainted with the list of instruments.

An important element is fragments. It can be:

  • shard glass fragments
  • pieces of bits of dishes
  • boyed porcelain
  • shelli
  • colored stones
  • gems
  • remains from ceramic tile
  • egg shell and much more that your fantasy wants.
  1. Sketch by which the image will be made.
  2. Lubes. With their help, you can give the desired form the material from which the mosaic will be built.
  3. Special tile glue
  4. Suture

You can set up a mosaic anything. It will be very beautiful to look at the apron for the kitchen, and the mosaic on the wall in the bathroom will help to give a conventional bathroom a certain feature.

It is not necessary to use a sketch if you want to lay out fragments in a chaotic order, and for the artistic work of art can not do without a sketch, as it will be hard on the go to come up with a drawing and the right combinations.

Technology laying

  1. In order to cut pieces from the whole tile, use tiles. But you can do without such tools, with the help of a hammer you can get no worse pieces of various shapes.
  2. From the obtained pieces on the floor collect a preliminary drawing according to the sketch or pounce in chaotic order.
  3. It is necessary to browse the surface, sharpen and primed, then apply tile glue with a toothed spatula.
  4. After that, you can transfer the tile to the place intended for it. For this it is worth starting from the center of the ornament so that it does not work out the displacement of the picture.
  5. When using various basic materials, it is worth considering their thickness. For example, tiles intended for the floor or porcelain stoneware will be thicker than wall, or glass fragments and other materials. Therefore, it is important to take into account the thickness so that it turned out the perfectly smooth and smooth surface.
  6. Grout is used to fill the seams. After her froze, the mosaic is wiping with a damp cloth to clear from the grout, published beyond the edges of the seams.

Where you can apply mosaic

Mosaic from a special tile, such as smalt - expensive pleasure, and it is also used to decorate the premises. The most budget option will be a mosaic from the tile bat, made by their own hands. This finish is widely used:

  • on the floor - in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or pool;
  • in any surfaces intended for washing;
  • on table top and ceramic vases;
  • for garden structures;
  • on the sidewalls of a bench or shops made by their own hands;
  • inside the old bathroom, decorated as a pool with "sea bottom"

How to care for mosaic

In terms of care of the mosaic from the bat tile is unpretentious. But do not forget about the following rules for the care:

  • do not use abrasive cleaning compositions, acid substances and oily substances. They can spoil the grout, which will lead to the slits between pieces;
  • contaminated areas on the panel placed in the kitchen, you can slightly clean up a soft brush with a soap solution;
  • after any cleansing agent, panels are wiped with a damp sponge, then dry;
  • garden decor can be watered from the hose, but it is important that the pressure is not too strong, as this can damage the integrity of the image.

Laying a mosaic with a battle tile will not be difficult even having experience in this matter. But you can get great pleasure from the process and the result obtained. The mosaic panel will decorate any interior and give it a highlight. Therefore, it is worth trying to start, even if you do not have experience in this matter. And this selection of video will help to figure out all the subtleties of laying mosaics from tile fragments.

Video on the topic:

The most interesting articles:

Mosaic decor is a spectacular finish element that can be entered into any interior.

How to make a mosaic from the bat tile do it yourself

Ornaments of various types, speaking as a decorative frame, isolated the main drawing, emphasize its color gamut and scale.

Ways to use ornament

Ancient cathedrals and temples are painted with ornamental patterns, they are decorated with the walls of the most expensive hotels in the world.

Such a decor can be used to decorate a bathroom or pool in a private house or apartment, since the ornamental technique is harmoniously combined with any building materials:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • marble;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • finish finish.

Speecically looks at the variations with the ornament on the facades of houses and decorative curbs, perfectly complement the panels, which are decorated with pools, bathrooms, hamamas.

When choosing a plot for the ornament, the artist is not limited.

Vegetable and floral motifs, paintings of life, landscapes and geometric patterns, Greek and Roman traditional patterns in combination with mosaic technique "come to life", bring luxury and bohemility to the main panorama.

Ornamental decor for the floor 200x200 cm. Using the Golden Mosaic

Ornamental pattern on the facade of the house

Floral ornament

"Fish" ornament for the pool

ornament on the facade of a private house

plant ornament number 1.

plant ornament number 2.

individual ornament on the facade of a residential building

an example of a decorative ornamental panel number 1

an example of a decorative ornamental panel number 2

an example of a vegetable ornament of stone mosaic

Mausoleum of Galla Placia, Ravenna, Italy (fragment)

an example of a mosaic pattern on the temple dome

plant ornament in the temple

an example of an ornamental decor on the floor

mosaics of ancient Greece

Mosaic choirs from the Church of San Vitaly, Ravenna

ornament for the pool

Matrix ornament Meander №1

meander №2.

meander number 3.

greek ornament number 1

kosichka ornament

After repairing in the bathroom or other room, the tiles used for laying are left everywhere. Many of them simply throw out, but this is an incorrect approach leading to irrational material consumption. Usually go alternative way by posting a mosaic of broken tiles an excellent method to decorate any room with the properties of an ordinary tile, and is aesthetically superior to it due to the variety of options available for laid out.

Figure or abstraction?

Usually, from a bike mosaic tile is made up two different options.

It can be a drawing depicting something specific, or simply an abstract, rather vivid combination of debris forming some kind of arbitrary pattern. The first option is a classic mosaic, her monumental artists decorate various premises for many centuries - from temples to palaces and other cultural and historical places.

This method is more difficult and requires preparation, to particular, creating a sketch. Currently resort to large templates cards showing how the finished product will look like. For example, in the bathroom you can print a drawing of fish for mosaic from a bat tile and gradually laying pieces on top of this pattern.

The abstract version will be much easier to manufacture and accurately easier in terms of finding and preparing the material necessary for the implementation of work.

It is not necessary to be an artist, but still it is recommended at least to feel quite well, the form, to understand what will look, and what is not. In addition, the colors should be well combined to create a flavor, pleasant indoors. Sizes pieces vary well. The result will be excellent.

Where to take a tile

It was mentioned above that the tile can be taken in the form remaining after the repair.

But if you have conceived a whole work, then this is clearly not enough. We must understand where to take a bit tile. Often it is sold for relatively small money in the same place where they sell a whole. In some places it is not considered for the goods at all, because they are ready to give free.

If not sorry, you can buy an inexpensive whole, after which turn it into a bit personally. It is preferable to find a fight in building stores and purchase / take it there.

What to add tiles

If you decide to understand how to make a mosaic from the bat tile, you need to remember that for the composition you can apply not only tiles, it can be combined with differentty materials.

This does not apply to the floor, the strength is important there, because it is not worth considering other options.

On the walls you can apply:

  • fragments of a bit of dishes;
  • stained glass;
  • shells;
  • stones;
  • beads and similar things.

Better you will show imagination, better will be the final result.

Unusual combinations can give unusual and interesting results. Remember that lying nearby elements should be different in size so that a pleasant contrast arose. It is also worth varying colors - it is also critical to achieve a reasonable contrast that attracts attention.

Surface preparation

Before laying such a pattern, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the surface so that the laying process is to pass the most trouble-free.

Both preparation and laying of mosaic from broken tiles are carried out with their own hands. Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Initially, the wall / floor is purified from paint, wallpaper residues, cement dust and other small particles interfering.
  2. The surface is wiping with a wet sponge.

    Moisture is allowed to dry well - the surface will be as dry as possible.

  3. The surface is filled with starting splock, a small layer is applied to the entire surface. It should not be particularly dense.
  4. The putty is closed by the reinforcing grid - it is best to apply pieces.

It is important to remember about the current room temperature.

Tile will be quite good at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees Celsius, support it.


Cut the tile / ceramics usually with the help of stovetur or glass cutter, if the material thickness does not exceed about five millimeters. Sometimes they do a simpler and extremely economical method - wrapping the tile in the rag and split it with a conventional hammer. It is not worth talking about the accuracy, but this is a simple method carried out in seconds.

It makes no sense to be particularly strongly customized shapes, if you just do not collect drawings for mosaic from the tile bat, requiring fairly accurate forms.

In the situation described, the accuracy will be more justified.

Technology laying

Preparation passed extremely successful? The material was divided into the necessary fragments, and the drawing (if necessary) is applied?

Glue is applied to the surface. Quite ordinary, tile.

Mosaic from bat tile do it yourself

A toothed spatula is used, it should have a small tooth, preferably not more than 4 millimeters, then the glue distribution will be as uniform as possible.

Pieces lay out from the center to the edges. Certain differences when laying outdoor tiles - it is thicker. The walls need to add a layer of glue - align the thickness - they are thinner. As a result, the surface will be as smooth as possible.

Lowned panel in the form of the patterns you select the mosaic from the bat tile leave for a day - glue hardened well.

Finished? Go to the grout of the seams.

Two options. You can pick up a grout in the color of the drawing if it has a predominant color, and you can choose the most neutral color, it does not particularly stand out.

Application of drawing

Decided to apply the drawing? After surface preparation, the pattern of drawing contours is begins.

Many this is a fundamentally simpler cardboard pattern or stencil for mosaic from bat tile. After that, pieces are taken and leisurely selected in shape and color. Here the application of glue is carried out not to the surface - for each individual piece to achieve maximum accuracy.

Mosaic with your own hands: Ideal material for creating paintings, countertops and frames + useful tips on execution

Mosaic is a kind of decoration, it makes it possible to make any room original. Even in the ancient Greece, the master used this kind of design. The material for creating a mosaic was paper, stone, granite and wood. The most popular paintings of this technique: "Poltava battle", "Pompey", "Battle of Isse".

Often, for one painting used not one thousand pieces. Mosaic with your own hands is the perfect alternative to the purchase, the main difference is the price.

Today, anyone can make a mosaic independently.

True, the materials are no longer the ones that were before. In construction stores, a large selection of finished patterns for every taste, they are squares of special paper on which individual mosaic elements are glued. But let's deal with how to make a mosaic with your own hands.

Getting Started to create a mosaic, pick up the sketch plot, drawing or pattern in advance. Recreate it in full size and lay out the composition.

Surface the base rinse and dry. Apply the composition designed to masonry ceramic tiles based on the basis. Now you can start to carry the drawing, only the elements do not need to be dragging in the solution, make it when the last piece will be laid to in the case of which, you could make amendments. The excess solution is removed with a knife, and after a few hours you can polish the surface with a cloth.

All is ready.

Pictures from mosaic

Such pictures serve as a decorative element, created from multicolored glass fragments. They look very beautiful and unusual, are perfectly suitable for both living room, bedrooms and a bathroom.

Creating a mosaic panel is a rather complicated process that requires skill and skills. In order to create a picture, it is necessary:

  • Make a sketch of a picture;
  • Prepare the basis for work, degrease, remove contamination;
  • Post panel;
  • Lay mosaic parts and form a drawing;
  • Fill the seams between the details of multi-colored grout;

At the moment there are several techniques for laying a mosaic.

Classic - highlighting the line of the lines, due to the edges of the elements. Matrix - elements are glued on ready, shopping panel.

Punk from mosaic with highlighting will give the room of sophistication and intricateness. For highlighting, separate lamps are used or buy a frame with already built-in light. Mainly for the manufacture of such panels use glass and smalt mosaic.

Such panels have a considerable weight, so wall-mounted options are mounted using a special fastener, and hanging hangs on strong cables, under the ceiling.

The advantages of a mosaic panel is a catchy view, resistance to moisture, temperature and the sun, the ability to maintain a constant view for a long time.

Unfortunately, there are also minuses, more than one, but very weighty is fragility. It is not necessary to wash a panel with a metal brush, it may appear scratches.

Countertop do it yourself

Create a unique beautiful base of the table can be independently.

This will require a lot of free time, because the process is time consuming and takes a lot of time and effort.

Necessary materials:

countertop, new or demanding restoration;

ready drawing;

sheet of paper with countertops;

paper knife;

colour pencils;

glass of different colors;

glass cutter;

pVA glue; Glue moment PVA D3;

smalt; Bormshina.

Detailed master class you can view here:

Glass mosaic do it yourself

Glass is a very common material to create decor elements in a mosaic style.

It is easy to glue, it cuts, and in the case of lights, it plays beautifully under his rays. Before you begin making a glass mosaic with your own hands, you need to select a scheme. And you will need:

  • Glass base;
  • Multicolored glass;
  • Glass cutter and nippers;
  • Disposable syringe;
  • Marker;
  • Tiled grout;
  • Silicone, better transparent.

When everything you need is ready, proceed to work.

With the help of the marker, carry the drawing to the base, as well as the individual patterns of the pattern on multi-colored glass.

Cutting a sketch, neatly, glass cutter cut the elements. Laying glass in contours based on. If necessary, apply Silicone on the details. Blind fragments are needed at a small distance from each other, because in the future this space is filled with grout.

How to make a mosaic from a bat tile - step-by-step instruction

Fill out background, pieces of glass, desired color. The main thing is to wait for a complete drying of the glue, after which you can safely begin the grout. Do it better in gloves. After drying, remove the surplus wet sponge - and everything is ready.

It remains only to set the resulting panel to the desired place. Mosaic made of glass with your own hands will help to give your home unusual and elegance.

From eggshell

Mosaic from the egg shell is accessible to everyone due to the simplicity of the material and the ease of its preparation.

With egg shell, it is easy to work, even if there are no skills and tools. Such compositions can decorate various items, such a mosaic will easily fall on any surface. Manufacturing technology is very simple. Take the shell from raw eggs, my, dry.

The dried shell paints with liquid acrylic paints, let dry. While the shell dries, prepare the basis, it must be sanded, then coat a layer of primer and paint the color you need. Take a finished drawing and translate it to the base. The more shades you prepare, the more and the panel will turn out. Shell is better glued to PVA glue.

Lubricate with glue a small portion of the base and, lazy from the colored shell on a piece, gently glue them. And the final barcode: cover the finished work with varnish. This technique is used for any drawing.


For the table, an option with a mosaic will fit perfectly because it is durable.

You can use glass, ceramic tiles to work, but the table is large and spread it in pieces for a very long time. Now in building materials stores you can find ready-made small mosaic tiles and, accordingly, use them. Also need a waterproof chipboard for table top and wooden bars for the table legs.

Choose a drawing, apply vertical and diagonal lines on the worktop, spread the drawing along the lines. The edge of the table can also be posted a mosaic, like legs. They glued everything, they gave dry, rub the gaps, wipe everything with a sponge, removing the surplus.

The table with a mosaic will look original and will cost inexpensively.

Mirror Mosaic

This is a new-fashioned technology in which the drawing is laid out of pieces of mirror.

Made such pieces from the alloy of flutter sand with powdered gold or adventurine. Mirror mosaic is used in interior items, facing apartments, bars and clubs.

From tile

Often, after repair, the old tile remains, it can be used to create a mosaic, thereby giving her the second life.

To do this, take the cardboard, draw a sketch in it in a full amount, lay down the pre-broken pieces. We carry everything on the wall, it is possible to mount with a special adhesive for ceramics. Tear between pieces, try to do the same. After grazeing the glue, wear the seams with a special powder for grouting, the surplus is cleaned with a damp cloth.

You can dry and mosaic from tile ready.

Mosaic in the bathroom

In order for your bathroom to look original and unique, you can use a mosaic.

What material for this choose to solve you. In any case, you first need to decide on the color, it will be a drawing on the wall or all the walls will be covered with mosaic, and maybe only a certain area. Mosaic in the bathroom will give you a good mood since the morning.

To finish the bathroom now use:

  • Smalt is a very rare and expensive material, slightly similar to the glass.
  • Stone tile - produced from semi-precious stones, is pretty expensive at a price.
  • Ceramic tile - the price is acceptable and looks beautiful, has a wide variety of colors.
  • Glass - inexpensive, easy to find the desired color, thanks to a large number of colors and shades.

    It is the leader among the selected materials.

No matter how much material you choose, it is still worth hired a knowledgeable person for such work. This guarantees you quality and save your strength.

Video on the topic

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Tips on choosing a mosaic for in at home

During its origin, the word "mosaic" meant the creative process of laid out of small pieces of some kind of material of various drawings and ornaments in order to decorate the surface.

To date, this term is also a finishing material, which has not been popular and popular for finishing surfaces. Modern types of mosaic Available in different sizes - from 1x1 to 10x10 cm. On sale there are mosaic chips attached to a matrix of paper or grid (sheets of 30 × 30 cm).

Elements of mosaic inside one sheet can have a different shape and color, a different ornament can be applied to them.

Using a mosaic, you can create both a durable, resistant to the effects of temperatures and moisture surface and the original pattern.

Mosaic does not require labor-intensive care and cleaning.

It should be simply periodically to wash with special means or by any detergent compositions that do not contain abrasive particles. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the cleaning agent with ordinary water, give the surface to dry and mosaic again takes how new.

Like any other finishing material, the mosaic has some drawbacks.

Its surface cannot be seized or renovated, so if it appears chips, the damaged area will have to be replaced.

The price of common mosaic species is quite affordable, especially if we consider the long service life of its service, which easily prolongs the careful attitude and care. Therefore, every day this material is becoming increasingly popular and popular.

There are many types of mosaic, the most common of which are:




  • mosaic of porcelain stoneware;



  • oTHERE, REGE is enough for materials.

Glass mosaic

The layout of the mosaic is different from the stacking of the materials.

To date, the widespread material for the production of glass beams is the Venetian glass, which is different, differs, in the whole, desious, and mourzing, and udrocurious, colorful, etc.

The glass mosaic will become an excellent solution for rooms with a high level of humidity (the water absorption characteristics of this material tend to zero - 0.1%).

Glass mosaic is successfully used for cladding of shower pallets and bathrooms, surfaces of furniture and fireplaces, pools and facades of buildings.

The color palette of glass beams is very multifaceted, because in the glass, in the production process, various additives are added (from boron, cadmium and selenium to a semi-precious mineral Aventurine and pearl).

Also, paints and pigments are widely used.

It is difficult not to note the aesthetics and attractiveness of this material. Glass mosaic, undoubtedly, will decorate any room. Designers successfully complement the mosaic of the game of light to obtain spectacular and exclusive interior solutions.

It is worth emphasizing that it is necessary to carefully prepare to work with glass beams.

It is very important to choose the glue. It should be white, without any gray lumps or flaws (otherwise, transparency, and, therefore, the effect of the mosaic can suffer significantly). If we are talking about finishing the surfaces in contact with water, it is necessary to use a special grout under the mosaic. These funds are presented in the market in a huge amount, you only need to provide for nuances and keep the technology.

Smalt Mosaic

Smalta is a kind of glass mosaic.

From the glass, the sideline mosaic is characterized in that it includes potassium salts and other natural compounds, which gives the material.

How to lay out a mosaic with your own hands: Practical advice

In the process of developing the mosaic, the intelligence is steady in the area and re-"ZAPE" with any cakes. Such a mosaic has high impact resistance and frost resistance. This type of finishing material is resistant to abrasive wear, which makes it possible to use it for finishing surfaces in places with an increased load, both inside the building (kitchen or corridor) and outside (surface near the pool or porch).

The real smalt mosaic looks very worthy.

Its distinctive feature is a rich color (even light tones have no white splashes). For example, the lines are endowed with a cooler and a tint (existing technologies allow you to receive up to 10 thousand shades of the material). The surface of such a material may be matte or glossy, it is smooth and pleasant to the touch (besides well wash).

Another interesting point is that, smalt is opaque, but it will be shone from the inside. However, if you put a large surface of the surface, it might look sufficiently enough.

Ceramic Mosaic

This type of mosaic differs from ceramic standard tiles only with dimensions.

Ceramic mosaic can be of different shapes (recently, a round and polygonal mosaic of ceramics are represented on the market). Along with standard factory collections, such a mosaic is in addition with hand-held work, including painting, embossing, applying gilding, etc.

The surface of such a material can be glazed, embossed or with additional "special effects", for example, imitate an uneven surface, have crackerels (fine cracks on the surface), divorce or insertion of another color.

The properties of ceramic mosaic make it possible to use it for lining a variety of surfaces, such as walls and floors of bathrooms and kitchens, facades of buildings and pools.

Such a mosaic can originally decorate the outer surface of the fireplace or oven (the temperature regime in which the ceramic mosaic falls when burning, adapts it to substantial temperature differences). The surface lined with it will be more embossed than the glass mosaic laid.

Also, the ceramic mosaic is more durable than glass. In addition, it is resistant to abrasive wear.

Ceramics mosaic is often used for decor. It can be successfully combined with tiles or lay out panels.

Stone Mosaic.

The mosaic is made from the values \u200b\u200bof the quantity.

It may be granite, travertine, marble, onyx, jasper, etc. and droveless, can't make it possible, but you can do it.

Falls modules can be different, and a variety of colors and shades provides wide spaces for creativity designers. From such a material, you can lay out from simple patterns to unique outdoor decors, exclusive panels or even whole carpets.

Stone mosaic after laying, in most cases, it is recommended to cover with special wax that protects the stone from external influence (it usually concerns places with increased operation intensity).

Mosaic of ceramographic

In search of durable and durable finishing materials, it is worth paying attention to porcelain stoneware - material created as an alternative to expensive natural stone.

Unlike whole plates, in the form of which this material is usually sold, a mosaic porcelain stoneware consists of small modules bonded among themselves into separate sheets. Elements of mosaic inside one sheet can be different, shape and colors, with different ornaments. Such a mosaic happens with a matte or glossy surface, it can be used for both internal and exterior decorations.

Recently increased popularity of this material is due to the number of advantages from a practical point of view.

Among them, it is necessary to emphasize the strength of the material, environmental friendliness and safety, low level of water absorption, resistance to aggressive media and temperature drops, relatively low cost.

In addition, the advantage of mosaic from porcelain stoneware is the ability to create a unique picture.

Despite the fairly fresh color palette of the material, the compact dimensions of the mosaic will help embody a variety of design ideas that include stylish images, all sorts of panels or geometric compositions.

Mosaic from porcelain stoneware is significantly cheaper than from natural stone, which makes it much more affordable, but not inferior in its properties with finishing materials.

Metal Mosaic

Metal mosaic can be rightfully called the embodiment of the style.

Such an unusual novelty appeared on the market not so long ago, but quickly acquired deserved popularity.

So, the mosaic mosaic is a pcMeaMalous of the Matellixes of the supervision of 4 mm from the pallmillimetertership of the lard of the ladies, which are cared for a clear one, which provides a product with a need for a man.

The surface of the stalem can be included, which are important, with naxes of the rosex, and even with a thin layer of bronets or latch.

Metal modules of different shapes and colors, with different textures, with a shade allow you to embody the original ideas when laying the kitchen "Apron", when designing individual elements in the house, for example, updating furniture, edging mirrors, creation of frames, etc.

Also, it is perfectly combined with a glass or mirror mosaic. It is not recommended to use a metal mosaic for the outer decoration of buildings (it is better to give preference to a stone mosaic).

Metal mosaic is not only a beautiful, but also reliable finishing material, however, it is important not to overdo it with household chemicals, so as not to ruin the well-kept view of its interior.

It is quite logical that such a finishing material is not cheap, but from NEGO makes a stunning deck.

Mirror Mosaic

Mirror mosaic is a very beautiful, durable and spectacular finishing material.

This finishing material allows not only to solve problems on the facing of walls, floors, ceilings, but also to visually increase the space by creating a feeling of space in small and tight premises.

Mirror mosaic is smooth plates that can be of different shapes and even colors. This material is successfully combined with almost any interior and trim. The mirror surface emphasizes bright details and accents.

Mirror mosaic eco-friendly and hypoallergenic, durable and durable.

Under the condition of proper care (can be processed by any detergent), the life of the material is calculated by decades.

It is worth noting that the mirror mosaic is better not to lay in rooms with high humidity, if they are badly ventilated. Under conditions of constant dampness, mirror plates can be poisoned and losing the view.

Also, giving preference to a mirror mosaic, it is necessary to understand that such a surface requires daily care (as opposed to matte surfaces, any contamination will be visible on brilliant).

Golden Mosaic

Golden Mosaic - the undisputed sign of luxury. Some factories that produce mosaic produce collections with yellow, white gold or even platinum.

There are a series in which the mosaic is made manually, laying a real gold foil of the 99th samples between two layers of the glass.

Often, the gold mosaic is used by the piece, making inserts. Such products are offered both for walls and for floors, especially beautifully such splashes look at the bottom of the pool.

It is logical that the price of such a finishing material is high, but it looks awesome!

Before making a final solution in favor of this or that type of mosaic, we recommend that you consult with a specialist who can help expand all points in places and recommend to acquire the necessary "related" means - glue, grouting, etc.

Do not forget that laying a mosaic should be trusted exclusively to those skilled in the art.

Professionals of their business, ready to realize your ideas in life, you can find contacting us.

I suggest a simple idea of \u200b\u200ba business, and I compose it for the production of glass tiles.

Such a tile is cold, which allows you to get it straight from the house.
In European countries, garbage is divided into several types, according to which, by processing, they produce various materials necessary for the daily life of people. Thus, devices for waste disposal helps less pollute the environment, allowing them to receive a decent income.

Acquaintance with the technology of manufacturing Italian tile is very difficult, but it's still an interesting way that I will share with you today.

Glass fragments are divided into several fractions, and then mixed with the dye and binding. After that, the mixture is poured into a special form of proper size.

The cost of finished products is very low: 30-50 rubles per square meter. m, it all depends on the dyes used and the thickness of the tiles. Fragmented glass can be found absolutely free or a small point of reception, whose regular customers will be the lower layers of our company.

As a rule, you will not have problems with broken glass. There is another option to divide production, various companies that make windows give a free line and pay self-defense. As a binder, you can use a polyester resin, it fully corresponds to its properties, because it is used in the production of porcelain ceramics.

Polyester resin is a cheap material worth 70 rubles. Resin as a binder should be added 50 g per kilogram of glass chips.
Such a tile is highly resistant to damage, it is ideal for installing kitchens, bathrooms and even with outdoor coating at home.

Tiles made of glass beads are perfectly combined with light, such as crystals, it is not for nothing that the Italians appreciate.
Breaking the glass is quite simple. At the beginning of work, a mechanical crusher can be made. In the future, if your production of tiles reaches an industrial scale, you can buy (or plan) an electric crusher.

The most important thing in production is the production of technology, namely the choice of the right colors and binders.

During production, this may be a problem if it is mixed when air mixed and, thus, impairs the appearance of your products.

Quickly remove the air, as the coupling quickly freezes. The easiest and simple way is to remove air using a device that creates a vacuum.

Mosaic broken tiles with hands - step-by-step instructions

Now we have to talk about productivity.
Many manufacturers of such tiles sell it in 270 rubles stores, although the cost of tiles is 50 rubles. For the end user from the store, goods go for 330 rubles. Custom tiles will be an excellent combination with wholesale.

Independent Italian tile

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Complete repairs in the house with an original mosaic from the bat tile, each can each, especially if you familiarize yourself with the azami work. Share the color pattern from the remains of the tile, adding fragments of other decorative materials - one of the simplest methods for creating the original panel in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in garden design. This painstaking work is not very popular, but the man-made panel in the interior will never come out of fashion.

What materials can be used for mosaic facing

The original mosaic from the tile with their own hands gives tremendous opportunities for the manifestation of fantasy, especially when there is a material and good ideas. As a child, many tried to master the drawing method on the cells when the grid in the portrait reproduces the sketch, increasing the layout several times. In the same way, you can reproduce any plot or portrait on the wall in one of the premises - Viktor Tsoi, Merlin Monroe, "Stranger Mask", birds, aquarium. Good examples - mosaic from a bat photo tile.

It is not so difficult to do work, as it seems, and if you hire a specialist, it will cost expensive. Step-by-step laid out drawing none of the guests can distinguish from the artist's work. It will take longer than the workflow of the master, but this is a pleasant creative experience, and it is pleasant to lay out work in social networks. If you manage to master the method of laying up a mosaic from a bit of ceramic tile, it can become a fascinating hobby, and an additional earnings.

Mosaic panel - execution of thematic or abstract compositions from different elements. Each drawing is unique because it is made up of fragments, the color and shape of which cannot be repeated. Mosaic may consist of:

  • equal slices of the same shape (circle, square, triangle, 6-year);
  • fragments of arbitrary shape;
  • combined pieces of different sizes and shapes.

Building supermarkets throw away the fight of the tile, ceramic tiles and other finishing materials or sell as a redemption, and you can buy at a reasonable price. Those who are interested - how to lay a mosaic from the bat tile, it is important to know that various materials will be suitable for these purposes. It:

  • broken colored glass;
  • pieces of mirrors and bottle glass;
  • fragments of porcelain dishes;
  • thin saws of wood;
  • grinded strokes of non-ferrous glass and pearl sash shells collected on the seashore;
  • original shells;
  • smooth colored pebbles;
  • pieces of gems;
  • large smooth buttons and others.

Tip: When laying out the color pattern, there are no pieces of the desired shape and size - they can be fledged with nipples from a large fragment or smoothly cut off with a stoveture. Performing this work, take care of the face from fragments and dust! Starting work, protect your eyes with protective glasses, and the nose and mouth are a domestic respirator. Work in rob and gloves, so as not to cut down the edge of the fragment. It is important that at the same process not attended and random spectators - sharp fragments of the tile of the tile are capable of painting them.

Where you can lay out a mosaic panel

Mosaic made of special tiles like smalts - expensive pleasure, and it is also used to finish the premises. However, the most budget option will be made independently laid out mosaic from the bat tile. This finish is widely used:

  • on the floor - in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or pool;
  • in any surfaces intended for washing;
  • on table top and ceramic vases;
  • for garden structures;
  • on the sidewalls of a bench or shops made by their own hands;
  • inside the old bathroom, decorated as a pool with a "sea bottom".

If you need ready-made work, which are inspired, look for the types of Barcelona. The Great Spanish Architect Gaudi left the descendants a lot of talented mosaic panel samples. But also gifted contemporaries left us a lot of artistic cloths:

  • on the ends of multi-storey houses;
  • in the decoration of the pools;
  • as decorating kitchen premises and bathrooms;
  • monumental paintings in the lobby and cladding of public buildings;
  • for registration of shops, offices, polyclinic and sanatoriums.

This universal method of decorative decoration today can be tried in a country house or at the cottage, in an urban apartment or at the entrance. A mosaic made of a bit of a bench tile in the courtyard is well tolerating frost and rain, it will not lose its original appearance for years, and the material can be collected in the apartments for free. You can familiarize yourself with the Aza mosaic from the bat tile - video, where all stages of work are described in detail.

Where to start the layout of the mosaic image

Mosaic cloth is not only an exciting creative process, but also the original way of savings. Against the background of a stable rise in price of building materials, it is possible to show resourcefulness, collecting elements for a picturesque panel of girlfriend. The fragments of the broken colored tile helped Gaudi not only to open new faces of the talent, but also create famous masterpieces in Guell Park!

There are several options for choosing the topic for the panel:

1. To try to see your topic and color decision in color fragments, then add a little missing material.

2. Select the finished mosaic pattern from the tile bat, based on personal preferences.

3. Better mosaic from the tile bit to create on your own sketch, but based on familiarization with highly artistic samples.

4. A picture that inspired, you can decide to recreate in a mosaic version using an increase in images.

5. Try to repeat the ready-made mosaic masterpiece with your color decision.

6. Revise proposals for the sale of ready-made mosaic tiles, and choose the material that is most impressed.

7. Using ready-made broken material, lay an abstract drawing on any smooth surface, which will tell fantasy.

It is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bartistic principles:

  • symmetric canvas spread more difficult, but they are better perceived;
  • in asymmetry, a larger fragment is located on the left, and the right-sided placement of large fragments takes the image;
  • when laying out recognizable outlines and portraits without a stencil, it is important to comply with the proportions;
  • if there is no artistic taste and creative experience, it is better not to experiment on the prepared surface, but use a good sketch.

Fragments of the tile bat lay and in the form of abstract canvases using color contrasts. But the abstraction is built on the principle:

  • beautiful combinations of shades;
  • smooth color transitions;
  • contrast options.

However, large natural elements are most effectively in mosaic shelves:

  • birds and animals or their fantasy images;
  • flowers - sunflowers, daffodils, poppies, irises;
  • fish - aquarium, marine or animated;
  • portrait elements - girl profile in a hat, a carnival mask, a languid look, recognizable images;
  • landscapes are schematic or high artistic.

Before starting to lay out the mosaic cloth at his permanent place, try to work out the calculation on a different surface, for example, on the floor or table. It is important to move the size of the finished work with the surface where the mosaic will be. Try to present the finished result with the grout between fragments, you may need to add a pigment to the desired shade for a solid pattern. The black filler between large slices of color bat tile will resemble stained glass, and white will give purity and freshness.

In the figure of future work, it is better to think better in advance all the options so as not to regret the hurry - to redo the mosaic is extremely difficult. If it causes a mosaic difficulty with a recognizable image, then it is better to start with a simple abstract composition.

Tip: When choosing pieces of tiles, it is important to make sorting - better fragments are suitable for central elements and semantic accents, the rest of the battle goes to the edges. Cut on the front side, compatible and defective pieces with cracks on enamel are suitable for the edges and chopping the missing fragments (filling emptiness). In tiles for mosaic, the sizes are adjusted by nippers. When the finished panel is dry, refresh it with a wiper and wipe the fluffy rag.

Preparation of surfaces for work

Mosaic lay out on the wall in different ways:

  • on the prepared wall, missing glue each fragment and fixing on the reinforcing construction grid;
  • main part of the mosaic lay out on the grid and finished drawing to secure on the plane;
  • it is important to prepare a rounded wall to prepare a mosaic to transfer a fragmentary with a preliminary calculation, otherwise the drawing is swinging, and some tile fragments will disappear.

1. Before applying the markup to a mosaic sketch of the wall to clean from the remnants of wallpaper, irradiated paint, cement dust, small particles.

2. Purified surface with a wet clean sponge and give it to dry.

3. All fill the starting putty, apply a small layer on the entire surface under the mosaic panel, close the reinforcing grid, and tile slices to it.

4. Fragments of mosaic are well attached to a flat plane, if the figure is initially laid out on the grid, it is applied to the perfectly plastered surface.

5. When transferring the tile, it is better to use 2 stencils - on one, the primary layout of the panel will be performed, and on the second weaving on the wall or another plane. More convenient - chalk or marker. Do not be afraid that the lines will be visible, they will later be filled with a special solution - grout.

Tip: laying trimming and tile fragments, protect your hands with gloves from small cuts with sharp edges. The tile is good only at an optimal temperature - within + 5 ° C - + 30 ° C.

Solution for tile

The solution for work with ceramic and tiles is in every construction store. Give preference to light shades - it is easier to evaluate the preliminary results.

For glass, a light or transparent solution is used, it will be shifted under fragments. In some cases, a slight foil is put under each piece of colored glass so that the mosaic sparkles like precious stones.

The finished solution is applied to the wall with a small spatula from the angular or central site, from where it is convenient to spread the panel. Each fragment is slightly pressed into the solution to attached well.

Tip: Best loop is best attached, and you need to give ready to dry before the subsequent stage. It is convenient to spread the pieces of one color, for example, the petal of sunflower. On a small panel, the solution will successfully replace "liquid nails".

Curved pattern

A mosaic pattern from a bit of ceramic tile is the perfect option where the wedge wedge should be a curve, which cannot be put on an ordinary cafeter. Small fragments are well fixed on the grid on the usual glue, and the lumen to fill out by grouting or finishing plaster.

This method is suitable for rounded and streamlined surfaces in the bathroom and the pool, in the hallway and the kitchen. Looks good:

  • mosaic washbasin laid out in oriental style;
  • the outer side of the bath and the inner basin;
  • rounded niches for small statues.

Beautifully look in the bathroom, sauna or pool flowing one to another surface - from the floor to the walls and the outside of the tanks, as in the photo. A greenhouse looks picturesque, a loggia under a winter garden with rounded multi-level terraces under plants, laid out by mosaic from a bat tile, shells and stones.

Mosaic Drawing Technology

To master the peculiarities of the layout of the mosaic, it is important to carefully examine the master class on the tile from broken pieces. To do this, you will need:

  • crowded residues of porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles, other facing and natural materials;
  • set of spatulas;
  • scissors for the pattern of the grid and the grid itself;
  • devices and dishes for the adhesive preparation;
  • grout for seams - in the color of the tile or contrasting;
  • nippers and tiles;
  • any tiled glue light color, better special transparent or super cement;
  • cement mortar is suitable for laying mosaic on the floor.

General rules:

1. It is convenient to lay the pattern from the central semantic fragment, gradually covering new sections.

2. First, we complete the laying of the main figures, then the background and the background of the composition. If a solution or glue has got out a lot, it is important to be carefully removed from the front side of each element, in the intervals you can leave.

3. At the final stage, the pattern is left to dry out per day. Then a wet sponge wipe the mosaic to remove excess composition.

4. The final stage is grouting the mosaic canvase or the filling of the gaps. A special grout for a tile can be purchased in a construction supermarket or make it from a dry finish putty. If you do on your own, cook for small sections, working as a fragment.

5. If necessary, a pigment is added to the mosaic tone.

6. Somewhere after 20 minutes, the grout grabbing and slightly darkens - you can remove its excess with pieces of tiles with a damp sponge.

7. When the mosaic is complete - process the wiper and wipe dry well.

Tip: When the mosaic cloth is laying out on pieces of grid on fragments, it is important to remove excess the edges so that there are no braziness. Separate fragments are better to immediately cut in templates, in the sketch, lay out individual sections.

Mosaic for external work can be laid on cement mortar with adhesion:

  • decoration of fences;
  • the basis of benches;
  • garden tracks;
  • barbecue walls;
  • fountains;
  • multi-level flower beds.

After the cement base is slightly grab, they begin to make a mosaic. Horizontal surfaces do not forget to level the construction level, vertical - plumb.

Mosaic care is simple:

  • do not use abrasive cleaning compositions, acids and oily substances that spill the grout;
  • contaminated areas of mosaic in the kitchen can be slightly soaked with a soft brush with a soap solution;
  • after any cleansing agent, panels are wiped with a damp sponge, then dry;
  • the outer surfaces and the garden decor can be treated with clean water from the hose, but the jet should not be strong in order not to destroy the integrity of the composition.