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Soul to solve love problems. Love spell on your favorite woman - a selection of effective conspiracy

It can not be forced to love another person, the sympathy arises itself. The girl can choose nothing noticeable young man And be with him near, rejecting another, more beautiful and smart. But, if you make a love spell on the love of the girl, she will pay attention to the customer. Is it worth doing a love spell? Not worth it, because he will have serious consequences. But if it does not stop you, and you definitely decided to do love spell, do it right, performing the whole ritual from start to finish.

Love spell will help restore relationships with a girl


Why don't all decide their love problems with magic? What could be easier? Conducted the rite and she is always there. No need to seek her love, she does not trade you to another. But each love spell has the consequences that the customer's life change and the victims. They can be different.

For inspection, energy needs. A person with a weak energy will not be able to shit a loved one, he is better to ask for help from the witch. If the spell will work, then the performer may have a slight ailment, when using black magic, health condition can deteriorate greatly. If you do a spell, the consequences will be serious.

Love spell provokes the development of severe diseases in the girl

  1. There will be serious diseases that are difficult to diagnose and treat.
  2. Problems with money. They do not end, no matter what a person would do.
  3. Psyche suffers. This is or harmless insomnia, and serious nervous disorders. If there is no insomnia, then the person exhaust the nightmares.
  4. Depression begins, he loses interest in life. He does not leave a feeling of anxiety, he is constantly waiting for something terrible. The life of the victim becomes unbearable, he is constantly sad.
  5. Character changes. Close friends and relatives turn away from him, problems begin at work.
  6. You lose the opportunity to meet the man that you are intended for fate.

The spell does not guarantee you happiness. Serious consequences will be in the case when a person interferes with other people's relations, a serious union ruins. Then the negative consequences will come in the form of problems and experiences, which will be in all spheres of human life. Love spell is a simple rite, but I have serious consequences. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate. If you definitely decided to read conspiracies, try to abide by all the conditions.

Love spell or dust?

Many believe that there is no difference between the spell and the abundance. But it is. Soul on the girl can be part of the love spell, and maybe a separate rite. If you have made an inherent on the girl, then she will have a melancholy, the desire to be with you. After that, she will constantly yearn for you, not finding yourself. She will disappear appetite or sleep, she won't want to do anything.

Soul (love spell) can break the girl life

Applying a girl's soup, you can break her life. Therefore, this rite is rarely carried out, in exceptional cases. He is also called a love affair, since a person does not always seek to bring the girl to himself, but he wants to take revenge on the offender. It is better to make a spell, and the girl's dull is an extreme measure.

Rule Rules

How to shock a girl at home? How is a love spell on the love of a girl read? We will tell you in detail about the rituals. But before reading a conspiracy on the girl you want to shock, remember about the rules of the rite.

  1. Do not play with magic. You or believe the rite and treat him with all seriousness, or refuse to conduct a ritual. It is impossible just for the sake of pambling, to make a love spell on the girl.
  2. Refuse black magic. These are serious spells that do not recommend reading at home. Error or inaccuracy will affect your life, and in the life of children.
  3. Do not destroy strong couple. You can make a spell if her heart is free. If she already loves the other, you can beat off it, but it is difficult.
  4. Do not tell anyone that you decided to make a spell. You do not have to share this information with anything to the ritual or after.
  5. If you use a photo, choose a fresh snapshot, where it is captured alone. Photo that more than a year, do not suit. It can not cut it. Eyes clearly should be visible on it.


Soul will make the girl wander to you. This rite is also called damage, so it is not worth using it if your feelings are serious and you think about her well-being. Those who exactly want to inherent in the girl, despite the consequences, can choose one of these rituals.

With a bouquet of roses

Girls tasked with flowers. But instead of a simple bouquet, give a conspiracy. To inherent the girl, buy a bouquet of roses. Before bedtime, choose any skelter and wrap it with your hair, repeating 3 times conspiracy:

A conspiracted bouquet of roses will return the girl

"As a dove there is no life without a pigeon, the squorter without a digital, and in the slaves of God (name) let not be a life without me, well-well (such something). I lock the mouth on the lock, throwing a key. "

It remains to bring her a bouquet to her house or simply put it under the door.

With photo

Buy 2 candles and Aluu Ribe in advance, prepare a photo of the girls you want to inherent. Night lit candles and sit at the table. Turn the photo and write your name on the back side, and the name of your beloved. Circle your name frames in the form of a heart. Take a photo with a ribbon, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

"Let our fate will vote like this related tape. Let Love Light and Clean Does Never leave us, but always in us. As a nodule, this meant that I will not confuse, too, also a favorite with me will always be. Amen".

Hide a photo with a ribbon where no one will find them.

With a thing

Bring home the thing that belongs to your girlfriend. You need a love spell for love to read about all 4 sides of the world.

Restore relationship with a girl will help any item

During the utility of cherished words, imagine your favorite. At the end, do not forget 3 times to say "Amen".

"As on the Basurman and Russian Plain, the lord of the flame drained all the water sources, so let the slave of God dry ... By slave God (name). Let her not live without me and is not health in all veins and joints. Now I turn to the black-prepande falcon. Fly, black bird, in a clean field, in the forest dense, between steep mountains, over the blue sea. Recommend the prince to give you help to find a maiden (name) and sit down on her chest and liver. Let her without me, the slave of God (such something) does not eat, does not drink and does not live. "


How to make a love spell on the girl? What spell read at home? Choose the plot you like and do all actions.

By photo

How to shock your favorite girl? This is a simple rite. To make a love spell, wait for the onset of midnight. Take a picture of the picture, look in the eyes of the chosen and say 7 times:

"How I love you, the slave of God (name) so you are not a mound without me the slave of God (name). May it be so. Words my law. Amen!".

Hide a snapshot where no one will find it. After a week you will feel that the rite has affected. If you do not communicate often, it will take longer.

With cake

Invite a girl home on tea and treat it a conspired cake or piece of cake. Conspiracy is read in advance. Buy peach, choose the most juicy and sweet.

For the rite you will need a juicy and sweet peach

You will need three church candles. House burn candles, put in the center of the peach. Tell me:

"It blooms in the edge of a distale tree paradise, on it ripe fruits. In each two halves. Together they are a golden fruit, they apart - the fruit is black. Amen".

Cut peach in half, so that it turned out 2 the same parts. Take both parts in your hands and drip at the same time on a cupcake or cake with juice of two peach halves. Do not throw off the bone from peach until the girl will eat a cake or a piece of cake.

If there is a sympathy

This spell will accurately work, if you already like a girl, then you will be easy to shock. This is a strong but safe ritual. Prepare 12 candles in advance. Arrange them in a circle with a diameter of 60 to 70 cm. In the center of the circle place the mirror. Sit opposite it, so that your face is drawn to the mirror. Before the mirror, put a piece of paper on which you first wrote the name of your favorite, and then, just below, your name. Read the plot:

"I ask for the forces of good, the gods of love, space energy, the light of all the universe to help me. I like true love This girl wants the names of our forever joined. We will create good together, help each other and others. I promise to love only (the girl's name), never offend her. I swear to be faithful, caring, responsible. I refuse to the sake of my defects of real love. I became better because of the love of (the name of the girl), I will get better next. Universe, Universe and Universal Cosmos, help me to be with your beloved forever! Connect the names (calling your name, girl's name) in the universe, space, the universe forever eternal! "

Close your eyes and imagine that you are with her together, as you met how mutual sympathy arose. Sit so, then pay off all the candles. Collect them and wrap them, on which your names are written, hide. After 4 months, throw this convolution or burn.

With candy

"Like sweets sweet and pleasant, so I will like you. Amen!".

As soon as she is eating her, she will have an interest in you, feelings will arise.

With handkerchief

How at home to shit a girl? Buy a handkerchief. Write directly on the fabric your confession in love, all the words you would like to tell the girl when she will be near. Roll into the shape of "sausages" and put it on a porcelain plate. Faith fabric and watch it burns, and repeat this plot:

"Crawling in the desert of a snake-spoken to the girl ( full name), horrid her in the heart with a scorching sting. Heart will overtake, burn fire. Only me good well done (Full name) I can fade away. Wola my strong and modeling. "

How to independently impose a love longing and love attraction on yourself with the help of a dust. Strong Snower will give a loved one for you to bring you a strong sense of love for you . It is quite simple and very effective method Love binding to yourself a girl or a woman who is successfully used by centuries. Incend to the love of the girl love for its rapid action and ease of fulfillment by anyone not prepared by a person. The text of the dusty is customary to read from the beloved early at the dawn. To call love feelings forgings in their own girl or woman You need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn three times read these conspiracy words - bonuses :

Zarya Marya, broke, rushing around the sky,
Take over the heart of the slaves of God (name),
So that she for me
Slave God (name), baked,
I missed, I looked for meetings everywhere,
As a martyr suffered.
Tosp her heart and to me
Slava of God (name), go,
In my word, I will conquer a century on the century.
Water Saint My words are not soaked
The signs of my words from it are not laundering.
Soft, my word,
And the whole sign of the word was falling off.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids.


We do not know how to delete the girl to yourself to yourself so that she really fell in love, read this slander with a whisper - a conspiracy at home, if you see the window or on the street. The love of the infrared will not be instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of the sneezing on the behavior of an awesome young girl or an adult woman.

© Copyright: Magina

  • Conspiracy will make her husband always rushing home, sat at home, did not drink and did not walk with friends, and after work home was in a hurry. Conspiracy to binding a husband to the house should make a wife. If the wife independently does this simple rite with reading a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and always pull it home and he will rush to his wife and children.

  • So that at the wedding did not smooth young: the bride and the bride and did not bring damage to the divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special plot of the charm for young bride and groom. Before the redemption, before the young man - the groom will go to the house of the bride to pick it up in the registry office or on a wedding, the mother of the groom should be at home to the inside of the jacket jacket

  • Conspiracy needs to be read to return her husband to his wife or wife to her husband even after the divorce if a wife or husband sworn each other. This is the most loyal and effective magic way to use not only husband for returning a wife or wife to return her husband, but also their relatives (mother, father, sister, brother, children) quarreled. Conspiracy on the reunification of her husband and wife after a quarrel, waving

  • You can contact a person with a plot of a plot from it at a distance. For drying dry, enough photo of a person and knowledge of the words of conspiracy - spells that will quickly bring strong dry car. Take B. left Photo of a man on whom you want to bring dry shock and cover it from above right hand Read the words of this

  • If the husband went to his mistress or just going to quit you will help this strong plot Against the mistress of her husband who will quickly do so that your husband will hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to embroil them and completely cool their feelings to each other and will make it so that the delibery has extended to your beloved. Reading words of conspiracy - spells need early in the morning

  • Estate a person after parting will help white Magic And a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and no matter who was the cause of parting a man - a husband or woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help withdraw the severity of parting and pour out once a native person and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you only need to change words in it.

  • Soul on love made by this method very strong and has a long effect. The following impression on love is equal to the action of light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magical spells of spells - there are no bonuses at a meeting with a person and do not require special training besides memorizing a short text of the love sprinkler. If you decide

  • The strongest cemetery love spell is done in the afternoon in the photo right on the cemetery and gravestone. This rite refers to black magic and is made once and for life. Remember, the spell cannot be removed by either independently with the help of sorcerers. To carry out an independent rite for love, take a photo of which you need to be awesome and found in the cemetery

    It's probably the strongest and fast conspiracy For love that you can read on your own at home. For reading love conspiracy It is necessary to have a photo of a beloved, which during the rite - the love spell will be in disrepair, so consider this when choosing a photo for a love conspiracy. Ritals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read

  • A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic for love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracy on, will open magic words for you how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the strongest spell on your own -

Soul - a powerful magic impact, characterized by greater accuracy compared to the spell. The effect occurs after a few days, and you can make an inherent in a photo or even without it. This ritual is often needed to force the person to think about the person who is directed by its action, but there are even options for the introduction only to the challenge of sexual desire - a sexy dust.

Soul - very strong impact

What is an inherent

First of all, it is necessary to understand that there is an infrared - the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can carry a train of turmoil. But it does not stop a woman who eager to take revenge on his abuser or a throwing lover, it leads to revenge, the desire to cause pain and deliver suffering.

The most popular rite is an impression of longing. The sense caused is very strong, the appetite disappears, it does not sleep, Apathy appears for life, so strong the rite. It can be compared with a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into a stale drill.

The soup can be divided into 2 species, depending on its effect:

  • Damage
  • Love damage

In classical damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual because of the resentment to the customer. The offender for a very short time simply dries out, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love deterioration, the object of the ritual is inherent to man. Conspiracted can neither physically, neither psychologically be without an acting sprinkle, and fades like an apple or any other thing - the conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the influence on the lover there are:

  • simple inherent
  • strong inherent

Difference of the dullness from the love conspiracy and love spell

Incense - this is, in a sense, also a spell, but with a softer effect. For example, a ritual can help if the relationship appeared in the relationship if the feelings of her beloved were cooled. Embrance will strengthen the feelings and can ignite the former fire, the passion will return to the relationship, an irresistible desire to be next to each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect may not be 100% and weakens over time.

It is possible to fascinate once and for all, to get rid of the actuature effect is almost impossible, there is no refund. Therefore, the spell is not easy, but it is almost impossible to make it at home. The spell leads the person entirely and completely, the victim does not just bored and longing for the one who ordered a love spell, longing he dries it as dry. All his feelings are becoming exacerbated, he is experiencing an incredible sexual attraction, loses the mind during the long separation.

And the rite of the dullness, and the spell - all these are products of black magic, as if reprogramming of a person and loading its brain with new files. Even reaching the desired effect, your beloved or beloved will never be such as before. The infrared changes the psyche of the victim, it becomes impulsive and nervous. The spell, except for changing the psyche, entails the suppression of the will of the victim, worsens general state Health, changes man in all spheres of life. Even Roong Magic rejects inherent, love spells, conspiracies and challenges, as especially dangerous and unacceptable types of exposure.

Varieties of sneakers

Powerful spuns, as previously said, are impossible without a certain conductor. It is on this criterion that they differ from each other. The rite is very important place and time, perfect option - Making an infrared in the cemetery, at night, at a decreasing moon. The ritual is better not to spend the day. Consider the strongest snaps in the distance.

Sonce on the apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of fruit. It should be said that the maximum effect of the rite will achieve if the customer will cut the fruit on his own.

To carry out the ritual of the inherent, you need to choose the most ripe, preferably a red apple, then cut it out pressure and put between two halves of the photo of the inherent object.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of the apple.

Next, we tie up as hard as possible an apple scarlet thread and pronounce a plot. The fruit must be put on the sunny side of your home and wait when the apple dries. Then carefully pick up a conspiracy subject near the house of an inherent and wait for the result. The force of exposure will depend on the degree of drying the apple.

Gypsy Sneucer on the bulb

Gypsy inland - one of the most efficient and fast options Sneakers who helps to lead from a family even a married man, and with his help to eliminate his wife as a rival. You need only a bulb, a pot of land, three candles and a pure white sheet. Conduct a ritual better in full moon or on a growing moon. Write the name of your beloved onions, and put on the sheet.

Problem and solution - Common alignment

Love spell on the candlelight will help you get love guy or girls, if you know how to spend it

love spell for wealth money

Around the bulbs, arrange the candles in the form of a triangle, pronounce as a prayer the following words: "Let it come, let him go to the threshold, let me want me, without me I extends." Then scream in the pot used sheet, and put the bulb to the ground. If the bow begins to germinate, know, the rite was successful.

Snower on the wind

This rite must be carried out during the wind, in the open space, moreover than stronger windThe longer there will be an implace. The wind in this case plays the role of the conductor between you and your victim. In the text, which is read in the course of the rite, ask for the victim to be bent the way you need, as well as the wind with ease of tenders, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and longing. The rite in which the forces of nature are involved is a fairly strong implace.

Snack on socks

Give your beloved socks, there are never a lot of them. Be sure to select a one-picture pair, without a picture and tell me during the purchase of the phrase "putting the legs, cute gossip." After removing the product with the invalion side and imperceptibly with a thread with a needle on each sock small cross. Then take socks in the hands and read the plot. Now looks at the usual piece of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day will force your victim to think about you.

France on cigarette

A rite is taken at dawn, in full silence, without witnesses. On the cigarette you need to write the name of the sweetheart, bribe from the flame church candles, then spin it to the end, knocking down the ashes in the left hand. It is also necessary to glue the cigarette butt on the left hand, while saying the phrase "how to collect the whole ash, then you will leave." Remove the ashes and wait for the result.

Snower on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. In rituals of black magic, this often uses this a precious metal By virtue of its high magic conductivity. Put the coin into a transparent glass with consecrated water And say the text of the inherent exactly nine times. Ask the chosen one to drink all the conspiracy water, and the coin hide under the carpet in the corner.

There are still a lot of channel options - on eggs, on milk, on the rope, on the hair, on the mirror and even thunder.

Examples of a successful dust

Magical impact unequivocally deserves respect. There is a mass of cases when the impulse helped and had no negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. Such a case is described on all Internet forum Maga Natalia Stepanova. Mother turned to her for help, as the son had a thrust for the same-sex relationship that for Muslim Men is unacceptable. The situation was helped to solve the bonus of the reaches, in which the famous Stone Alatyr is used. The guy has been married for three years, spouses raise a wonderful daughter.

The second example of the positive result of the bonuses is described on the same forum. The guy did not know how to conquer the attention of the girl who liked everyone, but did not meet anyone reciprocity. He called psychic, taking advantage of the video, where she immediately spent the ritual of an inherent on the rope. Their relationship is rapidly developing, for two months they live together. Payment in this case should be done only on the fact of the service provided.

Why the dull may not work

There are some reasons for which a dodger can be ineffective. Even if everything is done correctly, a strong impression was chosen, all the necessary magic subjects Found the practitioner must have some qualities:

  • Iron Will and Faith in result
  • Customer's Power and Will
  • Some ability to manage its energy

All this on one side is understandable and simply, however, for a person far from magic and spells, still requires an explanation. The fact is that the desire and the will performing a sprinkler is associated with the feelings of the victim of the rite. Required condition - Conspiracy is read only on a truly beloved person, it is love feelings that must lead a woman, and not a feeling of revenge. Otherwise, the action of the inherent will be rotated on the customer of the ritual.

The strength of the executing spoon is all the ability that can only be obtained as a result of many years of practice and experience inherited by generation to generation. The more powerful the power and energy of the magician, the more cool it can turn the fate in the direction you need.

You also need to be able to control the energy that is activated as a result of reading the spell. Even enriching the energy flow by emotions and feelings, you need to have considerable skill to move the charge of the rite. If you contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced sufficiently, I will not act, and the loving feelings do not appear.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer that performs the inherent must be able to protect itself from the consequences of the ritual and from its reverse action. Consider an example if the master fully fulfilled true, the victim turned out to be tied to the customer of the service, but then, the victim appealed to the specialist and decided to clean his biofield. In this case, the opposite result of the ritual will influence the customer, and its strength is at times more than the dullness itself. AND important moment - The stronger the sorcerer, who missed magic through himself, the stronger the retaliatory blow. But this can be avoided by making a lap immediately after the dust.

Possible negative consequences

It is important to understand that the magic of the inherent is not a toy and jokes are fraught with it. Therefore, for this reason, it is not worth performing an inherent. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to independently hold the rite. For example, these are young people who have experienced a sense of love for the first time. They are not able to cope with their emotions and their feelings take the top over the mind, so the dull seems to be a great way to solve all love troubles, but there are no young people to appeal to a specialist.

Also the younger generation by virtue of age and, without understanding the true difference between the abundance and the spell, they consider the first harmless, but as you already know, it is completely wrong. Relatively safe can be called magic riteswho do not suppress the will of a person and do not take power over its feelings and emotions.

The unprofessional is not fully aware of the fact that in his inept hands there is human life and it is he who, with the help of a ritual, an infrared can change it.

What disappointments can expect you and your sacrifice after incorrect, or as elsewhere called "crooked" of the rite of inherent

  • Genital diseases - as there is often an infrared in order to increase sexual attraction
  • Diseases of respiratory tract
  • Cardiology diseases
  • Symptoms of mental disorders, neurosis, or vice versa depressive states and others
  • I rarely comes instant death after the rite.

The worst thing that all these ailments will not succumb to traditional treatment or folk medicine. Only magic way It is possible to help a person who has become the goal of the crookedly conducted.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love must be mutual, and the feelings are mutual. Not a single magic and even the strongest impression on the longing can glue the broken pair, if the will of fate is not destined to be together. But if you firmly decided to intervene in the will of God, turn the wheel of fate in right direction And inherent to your loved one, use the services of a proven specialist, do not practice magic at home so as not to accuming your misfortune and remember that the action of the inflow is not removed.

One of the most common practices in love magic is a son. So what is the impression and what does it represent? Different dictionaries and directories interpret this concept for the most individual. There is a type of witchcraft in the infant (or an abnormal), as a result of which through the use of special magic Tools (potions, whispering, leadership, etc.) The desired object "is inherent" is involved in the one who produces this ritual.

Love magic is one of the most ancient and strong in the universe, as it receives a feedback from the most striking human feelings and experiences. The most important advantage of love magic is that even the most hopeless situation Or the most spoiled and bad relationships can be stabilized. With the help of love magic, even the most spoiled relationships can be derived to a decent level due to magical rituals, spells, rites and conspiracy.

Of course, love magic is not always safe and innocent. Often, the use of some leaders or love spells can turn unpleasant consequences As for the subject of such actions and the object. However, if you use it with the mind, clearly determining that the effect obtained from the magical actions you can really need you and will not harm the object of your frills, then it can benefit.

Among such magical rituals, a guy's love spell, an infrared of his wife, conspiracies for the love and return of her husband in a family, conspiracies for the reunification of lovers and the like rituals.

What is an impression and what kind of symptoms does it have?

One of the most common practices in love magic is a son. So what is the impression and what does it represent? Different dictionaries and directories interpret this concept for the most individual.

There is such a type of witchcraft (or an inherent), as a result of which through the use of special magic agents (potions, intrigues, leadership, etc.), the desired object "is invested", is involved in the one who produces this ritual.

In other words, the ritual does so that one person loves the other even against his will. It is in this addition "against your will" and lies main reason that this practice is not welcomed in the practice of white magic spells.

When violence over personality occurs, over her will and spirit (even if it is done for good) - this is a guarantee that someone will have to pay for it. If you decide to inhabit someone, then accept the idea that it will be your cross for life.

Snacks possess big powers And practically do not have antidotes. So it is best to treat such magical influences with caution and not allow them to your destiny. There are no karmic bonds that existed before that, instead of them, not bringing happiness to any of the parties.

This ritual and his symptoms are very similar to the spell, with whom they are often confused, but, oddly enough, the spell just draws the attention of the object of witchcraft to the subject, without causing critical dependencies from it, while properly made in the influence becomes a rigor Both. There is a dependence on the physical level, paralyzing the will and personality of an inhabitated person.

Varieties of implies

Depending on which items are used in a broach, allocate various types of these rites. So, one of the most common strangers today is france in the photo.

Its popularity is due to significant efficacy and effectiveness of this kind of leading. At the same time, they are as simple as possible (it is only necessary to get a photo of a loved one) and, according to experts, the most secure as possible for both parties to the acts.

France in the photo

France in the photo It is done as follows.
Need to find:

  • Photos of beloved or beloved
  • Red silk filaments
  • Pair of red candles
  • Fully blossomed rose bud (also exceptionally red)
  • His photo
  • Fat Book Tom
  • An ordinary needle pre-dipped with pink oil.

France in the photo It is carried out in one of the days of the growing moon, immediately after the sunshine. In the room where you are going to carry out a spell, you need to close all the curtains, turn off the light and set fire to both candles. Photos are put alone to one, they are shifted with a flower, symbolizing a love feeling, passion. The flower will be hard to put between the photo, but it is very necessary to try to do it.

After that, it is necessary to extremely carefully and gently sew the resulting composition with a needle with a needle, but it costs it so that it is chance that the people shown in the photo. The resulting card must be put in a thick book, so that all its elements are good, as it were, "are concressed" each other.

France on the apple

Another common view of items used in the instands is an inherent on food, more precisely on any food - gingerbread, candy, beer, sandwich, chips, and anything! With one-sole but - this food product will then eat an object of rehabilitation.

In other words, if your favorite or beloved does not eat sweet in food, it is useless to make chopping on candy or pastries. Choose such a meal that will certainly be interested in it.

In Russia, such types were most common, such varieties of dustwarts, such as, for example, an egg on an apple, bread, water, egg, potatoes. Particularly popular was an impression on salt.

In short, neutral products were chosen, which will certainly be taken into eating. However, there is a danger here - if the conspiracy is chipped into any dish, you need to carefully follow, so that he can only be the one who should, the one who is being done.

Otherwise, all guests that will come to your holiday are inappropriate to you with unearthly love, which can turn into a real catastrophe for all (and you don't even need to know how to develop clairvoyance to understand what horror it will be). So, the chipping, carried out on any food:

Upon completion of the statement, it is necessary to spit it immediately in confirmation of its truth. It is very strong and ancient spellTherefore, when writing it, you need to be careful and not to confuse words.

France on a broom

Popular in love magic are not only the love spells produced on food, but also whispering, conspiracies, conspiracles, carried out on those or other things. It can be like things of the property of the attitude, and things that are cooked to him as a gift, or outsiders who do not have any relationship to him.

In our example, there will be an order to the thing on an ordinary new broom. Best to do it on Friday. Previously, you should invite an object of bonuses.

Meanwhile, from a broom (never before that, not used!) You need to take out one twig and put it on the door threshold through which this person will go. After he crosses through the twig (try to make it so that neither he, nor any other man of a pen noticed!) It is necessary to carefully hide it. The care of the guest is placed on the Poloka in a well-melted bath and whisper the following words over it:

"How to dry this bar, let the slave of God (the name of the attitude object) will dry me.

Varieties of implies depending on the object of magical influences

Depending on whom the inherent is made, that is, who acts as an object of magical effects, these types of their varieties can be distinguished: an infrared to a woman or an impression on a man.

And although they do not differ in principle (most often the floor does not play roles in the implementation of such rituals and does not affect their effectiveness), nevertheless, if you search for witchcraft and magic, you can find some of the prison spells that are created specifically for impact On a certain gender of people.

How is the implave on the girl? She reads in a room where there is no one, out loud, preferably with candles. You can read before the photo of the beloved woman or with thoughts about it (the presence of the photo is optional). Text Next:

Elementary impression on the guy is also very simple. Need to find in the floor or in the wall of the bitch (in modern apartments It is hard enough to do, because everything was written for the His, but for this purpose you can go to relatives to the village), to circle it with a finger and say it:

"Like you, a bitch, dry, so dry, the slave of God (the name of the object of the attitude), for me, God's slave (the name of the actuature). Amen".

What if you need someone to inherent?

There are situations when there are no other options, how to inherent in someone. For example, when a person does not see the meaning in life, uses a large number of Alcohol, expresses signs of addictive behavior. Or the love of a man who decided on a love spell is so great that he begins to make him help him in question nervous system and mental stability.

In such cases, nothing else remains how to make a conspiracy. It is advisable to bore it on any food, water or other liquid that the reference object will be used in food without a residue. The text of such a statement is as follows:

This is a very strong implave for love, the use of which is recommended by specialists in the field of magical knowledge only in an exceptional case, when one of the participants in the invoil threatens a serious trouble or death. After all, the consequences of such a type of love spells are quite unpredictable.

Please note that these words you contact the ancient and powerful universal evil, which is constantly in finding a weak shower. However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that for the fulfillment of any desires (whoever did not carry them - good or evil forces) should always be paid. But sometimes the board, which will be taken to you for the inherent person, may be unbearable. Be sure to consider it!