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Housing and communal services incorrectly calculated the receipt. Introduced fines for management companies for incorrect calculations of housing and communal services, water shutoffs and more

Starting from this year, management companies will pay fines for incorrectly accrued public Utilities- up to 50 percent of the overcharged amount.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed two resolutions designed to improve the work of the housing and communal sector. "Firstly, from January 1 of this year, the cost of paying for utilities that are consumed when maintaining common property in an apartment building will be included in the fee for maintaining a dwelling," he said at a meeting with his deputies. Now general house expenses are transferred from utilities to purely housing, the amount of payment for which is determined by the homeowners themselves. This means that the inhabitants apartment buildings at general meetings they will be able to independently set the amount of payment for them, and it cannot exceed the standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs. “I hope this will increase the transparency of payment formation and make it more predictable for people,” the prime minister emphasized, informs RG.

With the release of the relevant resolution, management companies and homeowners associations, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak believes, will have an incentive to control the consumption of resources for general house needs and not distribute these costs to all residents. "At the same time, for management companies and homeowners' associations, the same resolution simplifies the procedure for fixing such facts of unregistered or a large number of residents living in an apartment," he added.

Incorrect calculation of utilities for management companies is now fraught with a fine. Up to 50 percent of the relevant amount. "Until now, there was no such responsibility, and many companies abused it, charged excess, in the expectation that someone would apply, someone would not apply. They essentially used this money long time"Kozak said.

In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister said that in order to guarantee the rights of the disabled and families with disabilities, increasing coefficients are being introduced for the purpose of providing compensation for housing and utility bills. "It is clear that the disabled, those who are more in the living quarters, consume more resources - primarily water and electricity - more," he said. "Coefficients are set for these standards - they are set by the executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation - in the corridor from .1 to 1.8".

The second resolution approved the rules of public housing control. "The goal is also to increase the transparency and efficiency of the work of state structures, because the housing sector worries everyone, and there really are enough violations and abuses there," Dmitry Medvedev briefly explained.

The government has established additional guarantees for the admission of public organizations to control activities together with housing inspections: the procedure for fixing the intentions of a public organization to participate in this control has been determined, first of all, the announcement of the intention to carry out an inspection or public hearings on projects, acts, actions communal organizations. According to Kozak, information about relevant public organizations will be posted on the Internet, and from July 1, 2017 - in the state information system of housing and communal services.

The right to participate in housing control of individual citizens is also determined by the signed resolution. " Public organizations according to the procedure established by the decree, they are obliged to consider such an appeal within five days and make an appropriate decision to involve ordinary citizens to participate in such control," the Deputy Prime Minister explained.

These are important decisions. Control how they are executed. If something needs to be added there, we will promptly do it,” Dmitry Medvedev concluded.

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Accepted on the territory Russian Federation regulates the rights and obligations of owners of residential premises in apartment buildings and owners of municipal real estate objects. In accordance with the points indicated there, citizens must ensure the maintenance of their homes in good condition, as well as pay rent payments in a timely manner.

Moreover, the amount of charges is determined on the basis of established by special regulatory legal acts. After performing the required calculations, Management Company sends by mail to the service user a receipt for the payment of the rent. The transfer of funds by the payer to the account of public utilities must be made within the legally established deadlines for this.

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However, according to some consumers, management companies overestimate the cost of rent by adding services not rendered. But not everyone knows where to turn if the rent is incorrectly calculated. Although such knowledge would be very useful in such situations.

Calculation of payments

The amount of payment for housing and communal services is determined taking into account many factors. So, its volume is affected not only by the amount of consumed services according to metering devices, but also by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of people living in it. In the receipt for payment, public utilities must enter information not only about the amount of payment, but also other information.

For example:

  • payment type;
  • list of rendered services;
  • the value of the tariff used in the calculations.

As you can see, utility bills contain a huge list of services rendered. Consumers may be intimidated by this diversity, because in fact they use only a few points: water supply, electricity and heating. However, this does not mean that the rest of the points are invented. Other lines involve accruals for the maintenance and repair of the house in general.

The list of services rendered most often contains the lines “maintenance at home”, “ Maintenance home", "maintenance of the elevator, intercom", "house management", "garbage disposal", "disinfection public spaces”, etc. The cost for each item is formed by the relevant authorities.

When calculating the gas and water consumed by citizens, public utilities take into account the number of people living in the apartment. If the apartment owners took care of the installation of metering devices in advance, then the charges will be made upon consumption, that is, based on the readings indicated on the meters. However, for this we must not forget and timely submit the values ​​​​from metering devices to their management companies.

When calculating the cost of the service for the supply of electricity, only meter readings are taken into account, and the number of people living in the apartment will not matter

As mentioned above, the calculation of the cost of some utilities is made according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. It is worth noting that in this case only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises is taken into account: the squares of the balcony and loggias will not be taken into account.

If it is assumed that no one will temporarily live in the apartment, then you can evade paying utility bills. But for this, you should first notify your management company that the living space will not be used for some time.

Where to contact if the rent is incorrectly charged

Sometimes apartment owners do not agree with the accruals made by public utilities: they believe that the announced amounts are much more than they should be. Then the question arises before them, where to complain about the wrong rent.

So, if the owner of the premises has found inaccuracies in the received receipt, he should act according to the following instructions:

  1. Write an application and hand it over to the utility service officer. You can find the address of the company location in the sent receipt for payment. To show your legal literacy in the request, you can refer to paragraph 49 of the "Rules for the provision of public services" and the article "Standards for information disclosure by management companies."
  2. In the absence of a proper response from the above organization, the next step is to send an application to the control and supervisory authorities. Employees of this structure must respond to the received application and check the activities of the management company.
  3. If there is no response to the application and from this body, you need to act "higher", by filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office. Moreover, certain deadlines are set for consideration of this application, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. If this did not help to solve the problem, then the last instance to resolve the situation is the court. The owner of the premises can apply there and file a claim. In this document, the owner of the apartment will have to fully state the essence of the problem, not forgetting to attach documentary evidence of the described to the application.

If during the trial the owner of the living space manages to convince the representatives of law enforcement agencies that they are right, then a positive decision will be made in the case. After that, the management company will be obliged to recalculate the previously made accruals. If this enterprise evades the instructions of the judge, bailiffs will be connected to the case.

Supervisory authorities

Often, management companies leave unanswered requests from service users, even though some of them are submitted in writing.

For this reason, it is advised to leave an application for consideration of the case on the incorrect calculation of rent not only with public utilities, but also send it to special control and supervisory authorities:

  • to the State Housing Inspection for the region of residence;
  • to the Tariff Regulation Authority;
  • in Rospotrebnadzor.

Managing organization

However, all the same, the first place they turn to if they do not calculate the rent correctly is still utilities. Moreover, you should apply here with a statement not in oral form, but by creating a competent written application. This paper should describe in detail the procedure for accruals for housing and communal services, provide information on the applied tariffs and standards.

After receipt of the relevant application, the management company must consider it within three days and give a full answer.


If neither the appeal to the management company nor the complaints to the supervisory authorities gave a positive answer, then this case should be transferred to the court. But initially it does not hurt to find a narrow-profile lawyer who, based on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the law on the “Rules for the provision of public services”, will help to draw up a competent statement of claim.

In this case, the applicant will need to attach documentary evidence base to the application. After that, he will need to send all the documents to the court located at the location of the apartment with the problematic rent.

Prosecutor's office

An appeal to the prosecutor's office is most often made when a proper response is not received from the control and supervisory authorities. To resolve their problem, the owner of the residential premises will need to draw up a statement in writing.

After that, the paper is handed over to the prosecutor, who, in turn, must register the document and submit it higher for consideration. Deadline for making a decision on the case 1 month.

Saving Methods

It also does not hurt to note that it is not always large sums on the rent - this is an exact error in the charges. No, the high cost of rent can be explained at all. Therefore, before filing a complaint with the utilities, you should consider whether in previous periods there was too much high costs water and electricity.

If so, then you should bring to your attention a few tips to reduce the amount of payment for housing and communal services:

  • When leaving a room, always turn off the lights. This rule is used by citizens extremely rarely, as a result, the chandelier in the room can burn in vain for hours, which entails additional costs.
  • Don't ignore dripping faucets. Sometimes it seems that a drop of water per minute cannot affect the final cost of the rent, but this is not so. Even from this minuscule, liters can be accumulated per month and, accordingly, money that has flowed in vain.
  • If in the near future it is intended to carry out repairs to the living quarters, then one should tend to the choice of materials with low level heat loss. This will allow even in extreme cold to keep warm in the apartment, which means that there will be no need to use heating devices. And, as you know, it is precisely such devices that consume very a large number of electricity.
  • Use energy-saving lamps, do not leave electronic devices in standby mode at the outlet.
  • Treat with care household appliances to replace them in a timely manner.
  • Arrange compensation. But not every owner can claim this. The basis for receiving subsidies may be the recognition of a family as poor, with many children; as well as the benefit is provided to pensioners, the disabled and some other categories of persons.

In addition to all this, the total amount of the rent is affected by the number of people registered in the dwelling. If one of them does not live on this moment in this apartment, then the management company should provide documentary evidence of this, then it will be made

According to Federal Law No. 176 FZ "On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated June 29, 2015, since December 28, 2015, fines have been introduced for management companies (MC) for incorrect calculations of utility payments. The Russians are guaranteed financial compensation in the event of a shutdown of gas, water, electricity and heating in apartment buildings for a period longer than allowed. Citizens will also receive compensation in case of counting errors of the Criminal Code, which caused an overstatement of utility bills. The amount of the fine will be set by the government of the Russian Federation, and the collection itself will be carried out in 2016. Compensation for moral and material damage is possible by applying to the court or the State Housing Inspectorate.

Federal Law No. 176 dated June 29, 2015, made appropriate adjustments to Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Amount of payment for utilities”. Now administrative liability is introduced for persons guilty of violating the procedure for determining the amount of payment for CG. Management companies will be fined for violation of the calculation of the fee for the CU, which led to an increase in the amount of charges for residents.

Management companies will pay fines to consumers. You can avoid a fine only if the identified violation is eliminated before contacting the regulatory authority or paying by the consumer.

Part 4, Article 157 of the LC RF is set out in a new edition, which comes into force on December 28, 2015 and states that “When providing utility services with interruptions exceeding the established duration, the amount of payment for utility services is changed in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the person guilty of violating the continuity of the provision and (or) quality of public services is obliged to pay the consumer a fine determined in the amount and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Also, this Federal Law supplemented the current article 157 of the Housing Code with parts 5 and 6:

Part 5"In the event that the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, is caused by the lack of technical feasibility supply of cold water, hot water, electrical energy, thermal energy, gas, domestic gas in cylinders, solid fuel in the presence of stove heating, lack of technical feasibility of discharge Wastewater of proper quality and (or) without interruptions exceeding the established duration, which is confirmed by the decision of the state housing supervision body, the payment of the fine specified in paragraph 4 of this article is not carried out during the period established by the decision of the state housing supervision body and corresponding to the deadline for the implementation of measures, plans to bring the quality of cold water, hot water, electric energy, thermal energy, gas, domestic gas in cylinders, solid fuel in the presence of stove heating, as well as wastewater disposal and (or) reduction of interruptions in their supply in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The lack of technical feasibility of providing utility services of adequate quality and (or) without interruptions exceeding the established duration is determined by the decision of the state housing supervision body on the basis of an appeal from a resource supplying organization or a person responsible for maintaining common property in an apartment building, in accordance with the criteria and in the manner which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of heat supply, water supply (water disposal), gas supply, electric power industry.

Part 6 (as amended by Federal Law No. 485 of December 31, 2017)."A person providing utility services, in case of violation of the procedure for calculating utility bills, which caused an unreasonable increase in the amount of such a fee, is obliged to pay the owner of the premises in an apartment building or the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or a contract for the rental of residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock a fine of in the amount of fifty percent of the excess of the accrued payment for utilities over the amount of the payment that should have been accrued, except in cases where such a violation occurred due to the fault of the owner of the premises in an apartment building or the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or a tenancy agreement for a state or municipal housing fund or was eliminated before circulation and (or) before payment by the specified persons.

Upon receipt of an application from the owner of premises in an apartment building or a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or an agreement on the rental of residential premises of state or municipal housing stock with a written application for payment of a fine, the person providing utility services, no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the application, is obliged to conduct verification of the correctness of the calculation of the amount of payment for utility services presented for payment and make one of the following decisions:

  • on the detection of violations and the payment of a fine;
  • on the absence of a violation and refusal to pay a fine.

Quality parameters and the procedure for determining the calculation for KU

If any of the utilities is provided with interruptions exceeding the standards established by law, the tenants have every right to write a complaint to the GZhI, and the guilty organization (in this case, the Criminal Code - the management company) will be punished in the form of an administrative fine.

  • Water. Hot water temperature must be at least 60C. UK can turn off hot and cold water continuously for only 4 hours, and also for no more than 8 hours per month. The duration of a planned water shutdown cannot exceed 2 weeks. If an accident occurs on the highway, they have the right to turn off the water for a maximum of a day. For each extra hour of disconnection, the bill must be reduced by 0.15%. If the hot water temperature is below normal, the bill must be reduced by 0.1% for every 3 degrees. When coming from a rusty faucet, muddy water, or water with bad smell, a citizen has the right not to pay for the service until the problem is resolved.
  • Heating. The air temperature in the apartment during the heating season should not fall below 18C. Interruptions in heating cannot exceed a total of 24 hours per month, or 8 hours - with a one-time shutdown, if outside the window the thermometer shows 12 degrees and below. If it is colder than 10C outside, then one-time interruptions cannot exceed 4 hours. In case of interruptions, the account must be reduced for each hour and for each degree by 0.15%.
  • Electricity. Two redundant power supplies and 2 hours is the acceptable power outage limit. If there is one backup source, a break of 24 hours is allowed. For each hour of exceeding the norm, the payment should be reduced by 0.15% in the absence of a meter. With power surges, for every hour of power surge, your electricity bill should drop by 0.1%.
  • Gas. The management company does not have the right to interrupt the gas supply for more than 4 hours per month, for each hour in excess of the norm they are required to reduce the payment by 0.15%. It is also necessary to monitor the gas pressure, if it is below the norm by 25%, then the amount payable should be reduced for each hour by 0.1%. If the pressure is below the norm by 75%, then the citizen has the right not to pay all day.

Home maintenance services

If the tenants can prove that the cleaning of the entrances or the removal of garbage (in a word, those services that relate to the maintenance of the house) were performed poorly or not in full, then when recalculating them, they should be excluded from the accounts.

A responsibility

The procedure for the provision of public services is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354. To get a recalculation, you need to fix the violation and contact the management company, making sure that your appeal is recorded in the journal. In accordance with the data received, the company is obliged to recalculate.

If there is no response to your application within the time period established by law, you have the right to file a complaint with the GZhI. Also, if the Criminal Code refuses to voluntarily recalculate or compensate for damage, you can go to court. In addition, residents have the right to receive compensation for damage to property damaged by poor quality services (for example, a computer burned out due to power surges).

From now on, management companies will have to become more responsible. Perhaps the measures taken by law will help residents of apartment buildings protect themselves from the arbitrariness of public utilities and feel more confident in dealing with them.

Every Russian can encounter the problem of an unreasonable increase in utility bills, especially since it is not so easy to figure out the numerous numbers printed on the receipt. There can be several reasons for the incorrect application of utility tariffs - from ordinary negligence to conscious guilty actions of utility workers.

What to do if their order was violated, to whom to apply for the restoration of their rights in case of disagreement, is it possible to punish the perpetrators and receive compensation for overpaid amounts?

How should utility bills be calculated?

Housing and communal services include payment for:

  • Maintenance the house and the equipment in it;
  • garbage removal;
  • overhaul;
  • space heating;
  • gas use;
  • electricity;
  • water supply and sanitation;
Each group of services has its own tariff, which is then periodically adjusted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the norms of housing legislation, tenants and owners of residential premises must fully and timely pay utility bills no later than the 10th next month. If a decision was made by the general meeting of the housing cooperative or HOA or an agreement was concluded with the management company (MC), then the payment terms may change.

Base tariffs are set by the Government of the Russian Federation and are adjusted depending on the region. Depending on the time of day, differentiated and one-part fixed tariffs may be applied. Final amounts due for payment are calculated using computer systems.

Errors in the calculation of payments for the use of housing and communal services may occur in the following cases:

  • deliberate miscalculation for the purpose of inflating tariffs or including non-existent services in the receipt;
  • misapplication tariff rates or errors when entering data into the calculation system.
If you suddenly find an incorrectly calculated rent, you can prepare an appropriate application in which you should indicate the requirement for recalculation.

Where to contact if the rent is incorrectly calculated?

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations establish the obligation of every citizen, regardless of whether he is the owner or tenant of a dwelling, to fully pay for all utilities.

Employees of the management company or housing and communal services, in turn, are required not only to correctly calculate communal payments but also to provide services of appropriate quality.

Application to the management company

If the management company serves several houses, then the functions of calculating payments are transferred to the settlement center. The management of the Management Company has full information about the services provided and the current tariffs.


Before preparing a claim, you need to familiarize yourself with the tariffs in force in your region at the time of calculation and carefully analyze the readings of water, gas, electricity and heat meters on the date of calculation of payments.

Within the time limits established by law (from 10 to 30 days), the chairman of the Criminal Code must respond to your appeal.

If the management of the Criminal Code explains the calculations made and is not going to recalculate, then an official letter to the regulatory authorities should be prepared.

In almost all regions, local authorities still open hotlines where you can call and try to figure out the applicable tariffs and the correctness of the charges made.

In the course of the proceedings, it may turn out that the mistake was made through the fault of the owner or tenant of the premises, who incorrectly indicated the meter data. In this case, a new receipt may be issued or recalculated, and the overcharged amount will be offset against future payments.

Complaint to the supervisory authorities

If the Criminal Code incorrectly applied the tariffs or did not take into account the benefits provided by law, then a complaint about such actions should be filed with the territorial branch of the State Housing Inspectorate.

In case of refusal to provide utilities or in case of incorrect calculation caused by poor-quality provision of services, a complaint must be filed with Rospotrebnadzor.

Complaint to the prosecutor

Employees of the prosecutor's office exercise general supervision over the observance of the norms of the law. If you were denied consideration of a complaint by the management company, Rospotrebnadzor or the State Housing Inspection, then you have the right to apply for resolution of the issue to the territorial department of the prosecutor's office. This is especially true in case of a clear violation of the law on the part of utilities or incorrect calculation of utilities that led to the cancellation of benefits.


If during the audit it is established that your arguments are justified, then the prosecutor's office will send an order to the Criminal Code or other organizations to eliminate violations of the law. The requirements of the prosecutor's office should be in without fail fulfilled.

You can file a complaint with one of these bodies not only during a personal visit and transfer to an official, but also by sending it by mail by registered mail with notification of receipt.

New version of Article 157 of the RF Housing Code

In 2015, Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation was amended regarding the new rules for the responsibility of housing and communal services for inadequate quality of services and incorrectly made calculations. Since January 2017, the rules related to determining the amount and procedure for calculating utility bills have also been introduced into it.

Quality parameters and the procedure for determining the calculation for utilities

Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation grants the right to the consumer of utilities:

  • count on recalculation if the provision of services was carried out with interruptions exceeding the standard duration. In this case, the utility company additionally pays a fine to the consumer;
  • expect to be recalculated and receive compensation in case of poor-quality services;
  • monthly pay for services based on meter readings. In case of their absence, payment is made on the basis of standard indicators, taking into account the application of increasing coefficients.

Calculation rules

Each of the types of public services provided provides for special rules for calculating payments and determining their quality.

Water supply services

The payment for water is calculated based on the readings of metering devices according to the tariffs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. To prove incorrectly accrued payments, you should contact Rospotrebsoyuz or the State Housing Inspectorate.

Services for the use of gas

Payments for gas are calculated based on meter readings. If they are absent, then the standard indicators for each person living in the room are taken as the basis. If there are long interruptions in gas supplies, then the consumer has the right to apply for a reduction in the amount of the fee, as well as to demand the payment of a fine.

Services for the use of heating

Tariffs for space heating are calculated by analogy with payment for the use of water. The size of the heated living area is taken as the basis. If the company servicing the house incorrectly applied the tariffs, incorrectly used the size of the living space, allowed a break in the water supply, or reduced the temperature of the coolant below acceptable standards, then this will be the basis for a refund or a reduction in payments for heating or heating water.

Services for the use of electricity

Payments for electricity are calculated based on the readings of an intra-apartment or common house meter. In case of overstating tariffs, especially for the readings of common house meters, the consumer has the right to appeal against the actions of the energy supplier directly to the supervisory authorities or in court.

Home maintenance services

Common property in apartment building serviced by the UK or appointed by the HOA employees. The law establishes a mandatory list of such services. The management company, in agreement with the owners of the property, can form a list of additional services. If at least one of these services is performed improperly, then the consumer has the right to demand or early termination agreement, or recalculation of payments.

In some cases, you can protect your rights by contacting the supervisory authorities, which will oblige the management company to fulfill its obligations, recalculate and return illegally withheld money.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a service company that has violated its obligations to the consumer of services or made a mistake is obliged:

  • recalculate and return illegally withheld money;
  • pay the consumer a fine. Its size is 50% of the excess amount.


Penalty amounts are not transferred to the account of the consumer of services, but will be used to pay off the debt. These amounts are indicated separately on the receipt.

In order to apply these liability measures, tenants or owners of residential premises submit an application to the utility provider.

Litigation with utilities

If the requirements of the consumer of services were not satisfied by the Criminal Code, then the consumer may, after filing complaints with the housing inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor, apply for resolution of the disputed issue to a court of general jurisdiction.

You can file a lawsuit in court immediately, without contacting the supervisory authorities.

In court, you can appeal against any actions of housing and communal services companies, but the proof in this case falls on the plaintiff. Homeowners or tenants will need to refer to the norms of the law that have been violated and provide a reasonable calculation of the amount of utility bills that have been withheld.

The statement of claim must be sent to the location of the defendant. In your claim, you must:

  • indicate the data of the parties (the plaintiff and the defendant);
  • description of the essence of the violation with reference to the norms of the law;
  • state the requirements for recalculation, payment of a fine and compensation for moral damage.
If the management company does not allow you to familiarize yourself with the calculations for a particular service, then you can apply in court for their forced provision.

The claim must be accompanied by:

  • documents that confirm the right of possession or ownership of the residential premises;
  • receipts for accrual and payment of utility services;
  • a copy of the application to the Criminal Code or supervisory authorities;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

All documents must be submitted in two sets, the second of which will then be sent to the utility provider. The plaintiff and the defendant are notified by the court about the beginning of the consideration of the claim, after which the case is considered within several months.


If the management company or other utility provider does not fulfill its obligations or does it carelessly, then it is better to respond to this immediately. Especially if you see that utility bills were calculated and calculated incorrectly. You should draw up your claim, send it to the appropriate authority and wait for a response. If the problem could not be resolved peacefully, it is necessary to draw up a claim and file it in a court of general jurisdiction. By contacting experienced lawyers of our company for help, you will receive qualified advice and be able to return incorrectly accrued utility bills.

Issues that concern millions of Russians - everything related to the procedure for calculating rents - were discussed today in the government. And for those who live in apartment buildings, there is important news. Starting this month, management companies will be fined for excess receipts. And most importantly, public utilities will no longer be able to uncontrollably bill tenants for electricity, water and heating used to maintain common property.

Save light and water in the apartment, and almost go broke on paying for cleaning at the entrance. It just seems that the example is on the verge of absurdity. In fact, situations where the costs of general house needs exceed at times their own spending on utilities are not uncommon. The new rules, which came into force at the beginning of this year, should solve the problem.

“We are transferring general house expenses from utilities to purely housing, the amount of payment for which is determined by the owners of the housing. I hope this will increase the transparency of fee formation and make it more predictable for people,” Dmitry Medvedev said.

In other words, the formula according to which the amount for common house expenses, whatever it is, is simply divided among neighbors, is no longer valid. You can no longer write off either cubic meters of water from a pipe that has not been patched in time, or kilowatts of energy that have run up as a result of illegal connections. The article “Common house needs” is leaving the receipts altogether. There are housing payments at the strictest tariffs.

“This means that residents of apartment buildings at general meetings independently set the amount of this fee. It cannot exceed the norms for the consumption of utility services for general house needs, and excludes abuses in this area,” Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak said.

And abuses - meaning by management companies - were enough. Channel One has already told this story on our airs. A pensioner from the Volgograd region, Nadezhda Antonova, despite the fact that she paid strictly according to the tariffs for her apartment, was among the worst debtors.

“Because she didn’t pay recalculations, because she didn’t pay huge ODN, and she ended up in the dock in the 75th year,” says Nadezhda Antonova.

Then the court ruled: the pensioner must pay everything in full. And, a few months later, another court decided: for several years, the heat supply organization illegally charged both Nadezhda Antonova and her neighbors with an additional payment for heating.

Another story is about "golden" water. How else to explain the debt receipt from the management company in the amount of as much as 160 thousand rubles! For a pensioner from Yekaterinburg - unbearable. Lyudmila Gureeva assures that her family saves water.

“We washed in the morning, in the evening, we wash twice a month and that’s it, we don’t have a sink or pools,” says Lyudmila Gureeva.

The pensioner is now preparing a lawsuit. Lawyers, to whom she turned, believe that the amount for utilities was accrued with gross violations. And if this can be proved, then according to the new rules, the management company will be fined.

“From January 1, 2017, financial responsibility of management companies for incorrectly charged utilities is introduced. Now, for overcharged fees, a fine of up to 50% of the overcharged amount is levied,” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said.

Also, public control will become an additional guarantee of the conscientious work of management companies. Activists will not just participate in inspections along with housing inspections - they will regularly publish the results on the Internet so that all tenants can familiarize themselves with them and, if they wish, join the next inspection.